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Turkey Prevented Four Russian Military Planes From Crossing To Syria – Report

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Turkey closed its airspace in the face of Russian military planes following the recent tension in Syria’s Greater Idlib, Russia’s Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported on February 21.

According to the newspaper, four planes, including a Tu-154 and two Su-24M of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS), were banned from entering Turkey’s airspace.

The four Russian planes were forced to travel through Iran, then Iraq. The unusual trip, which took place on February 20, was noticed by aviation observers.

In the first years of its operations in Syria, Russia used Iran and Iraq skies to ship equipment and send troops to the war-torn country. Later, Russian military planes began taking a shorter route through Turkey’s airspace. This was the result of the improvement in relations between Moscow and Ankara.

The Turkish decision to close its airspace will not likely affect Russian operations in Syria. However, it may damage Russian-Turkish relations.

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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Turkey will be probably evaluating the T-14 before long.


Turkey has no chance against Russia. I think Turkey will not take this risk.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia and Turkey are simply negotiating an exit, a route to disengagement.

That’s my take.


Sounds about right even though I’d like to see Putz Putin and Islamist Erdogan go at each other.


Ask yourself, what would a win look like to either Turkey or Russia? IMO, there isn’t any winnable scenario from either side.

Assad must stay

russian win: compete annihilation of shithadists, turkey having no foothold in syria anymore


Playground melodrama…


Yeah, good luck to Turkey with negotiations. They proved that they can’t be friends to Russia. The only thing they understand is leverage.


Leverage with a Turkish matchstick :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Map shows how easy it would be for Iraq/Iran to supply Europe with product via Caspian Sea, Russia and Turkey.

Black Waters

The U.S gestapo it’s heavily involved in this situation don’t forget about that, Turkey it’s a proxy (a bigger proxy)

Do not forget the puppeteers, they are the ones to keep on target.

John Wallace

This is it. We don’t see who are pulling what string but whatever there is a dangerous game being played in Syria at the moment.

Al Balog

Soros, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are most likely behind it all.


Sure, but even they get orders from ‘higher up’.


Yes yes and yes finally someone knows what’s going on erdergon is taking orders from his master’s


Russia profit a lot with turkey and in the same time she show a total disrespectful toward it, now it’s no longer possible .killing innocents by flying over the turkish space is unacceptable


Erdagon is unacceptable full stop its turkey that is the cause of needless suffering in Idlib because if turkey hadn’t been for years propping up these jihadists in Idlib the war would be over by know and no one would be dying


The cause of all this is the illegitimate power represented by assad’s regime and supported by Russia’s terrorism and barbarism among others. If Russia didnt enter it had be a relative peace and a political transition . What a shame on you to justify killing people and abominable suffering and destruction as well by presence of jihad fighters !?what is undeniable is turkey have elected rulers and the bigger frontier with syria doing part of the region. Neither Assad or russia have this legitimacy.


Your twisted mate


I know you have no argument. No comment


What’s the point your a retard


Look I don’t even consider filthy evil scum like you human not after what you have done to the people of Syria you have no honour you are willing to kill your own children for the cause of fake jihad crawl back to what ever dark place you were spawned from.


The positive developments in Turkish-Russian relations override the negative ones .. Akkuyu Nuclear Plant, TurkStream, and S-400 deal are examples of the strategic relations between Turkey and Russia .. There is also extensive economic co-operation between the two countries and 7 million Russian tourists visited Turkey last year .. So, it’s not possible to say that the ties between Turkey and Russia have been damaged because of Idlib.

The situation is complicated in Idlib .. Various reports that circulate in the news outlets and social media are often just speculations .. The region became the play ground of regional and global powers, which makes it vulnerable for provocations .. That’s why, the only way to resolve the Idlib ‘crisis’ is direct communication between Ankara and Damascus.

There is no future or solution for Turkey in the US policies .. Direct confrontation between Turkey and Syria will only benefit the US and Israel .. Washington’s statements of support for Turkey are only empty promises and is just an effort to use it to pressure Russia .. The top priority of Washington is to sabotage the ties between Ankara and Moscow, and prevent Turkey’s co-operation with the neighboring countries.


Seems to be working just fine.

Ricky Miller

Time will tell. This is a major dustup between Russia and Turkey, no doubt. But, Washington’s behavior is long term atrocious. It’s a matter of time before they irritate the Turks, again and again.


In this big bad world irritating the US tends to be way more consequential than the other way around.


For the moment.

Ricky Miller

Only until the money and/or social cohesion runs out in North America. In a century Mexico is likely to be the last remaining power in North America. And California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas are all likely to again be a part of Mexico. A permanent irritant but the demographics are decisive. We’re talking Mexican majorities reaching beyond two thirds of the population, making martial law apartheid the only way to hold on to those states, with all the economic and social costs involved.

David Grace

What planet do you live on? Turkey just tried to shoot down a Russian jet fighter, Peter the Great was right when he stated “Never trust a Turk”

Zionism = EVIL

That is the whole JEW agenda and the idiot Erdogan is following it to the letter.


A reasonable post. My guess is the US/UK would love to see Erdogan foolishly expend Turkish money, men and military resources fighting Syria and Russia, to the point they are so weak their “Kurdishstan” dream can become ‘born’.


The Russians would have been moving supplies for years through Iran and I daresay isreal has been trying strike them


IDF will never strike a Russian military asset. They are arrogant and stupid but not that stupid


I think the IDF may have already lost a soldier or two they have recently lost another f35 they are claiming it was birdstrike but it looks like the SAA shot it down and also the Russians have used Iran to launch attacks on the jihadists in Syria on occasion in the past maybe not a regular thing I grant you but I’d say there would be closer cooperation than you think between Iran and Russia as it seems to me that a lot of their military tech was passed to them by russia

AM Hants

Anybody surprised? Wonder if Russia will close their 11 time zone airspace to Turkish civilian flights?


That’s not the direction to Syria if you missed it.

Xoli Xoli

Jake stop it you no nothing about mathematics. We are not in the time of one el two el.Or measuring with rope of feet or shadows.This youngster got GPS systems and digital compas. Their know what their are talking about.In old days me and you were smoking pipe and share.This youngsters smoke hubbly bubbly simultaneously as a group.

Ricky Miller

Certainly Russian and Syrian forces should decline to allow Turkish convoys through to resupply the Turkish “observation” posts (firebases.) If Russian military aircraft cannot transit over Anatolian airspace than why should Turkish military vehicles be permitted to drive past SAA and Russian MP roadblocks and use Syrian roads inside SAR territory?

Assad must stay

they should be stopped and searched!


On bright side, Irak is on side!

Zionism = EVIL

Biggest asset and potentially strong military ally is Iran and Russia should be arming it to the hilt as the illegal UN arms embargo is coming to an end. Hopefully, Iran was wise enough to have pre-ordered aircraft, tanks, S-400 and other systems beforehand to get immediate delivery after October 2020.


They have similar system to the s300 and their missile capabilities seem good plus they have ew systems that seem to work all indications that Russia has already been supplying them with military tech

AM Hants

It is nice how the’Axis of resistance’ is coming together.


To the North Pole


Well, maybe next Turkey will close the Bosporus to Russian military and military related shipping. Now that would put a real crimp in Putz Putin’s Greater Russia Follies. On and kind of cut the value of Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea.

Ricky Miller

Wow, that’s just stupid. Crimea has value because Russians make up a majority of the population and they didn’t want to be part of Ukraine, especially post-coup. But Crimea is strategic in importance as a defensive bastion. Russia has another large port on the Black Sea that adds about one and a half hour sail time to the Bosphorus, so naval expeditions are in no way hampered by having Crimea or not. The Montreux convention clearly specifies when military traffic can be suspended and to do so Turkey has to declare open hostilities with Russia, so far a step they are reluctant to take, for obvious reasons-like gas transit money, atomic power plant, the remaining equipment of the S-400 deal, tourism and agriculture trade with Russia. Even now a large shipment of Turkish tomatoes are rotting while waiting for permission to enter Russia, despite previous supply agreements. Turkish producers are on the hook for millions of dollars in losses. Not at all surprising is that the entry papers were denied to shippers right about the time Turkey started talking smack at Russia and prevented a Russian military engineering patrol from reaching a water treatment plant in the Kurdish area by firing shots above the heads of Russian service personnel. Actions, it seems, have consequences.


And that is a two way street. Oh, ALL the ports of the Russian Black Sea would be greatly devalued. And effectively cripple the Russian warm water fleet.


How long can the Turkish economy survive the closing of the Straits?

Ricky Miller

Russia’s fleet in the Black Sea is defensive. If they can’t go through the Bosphorus that doesn’t diminish their ability, along with defenses in Crimea, from controlling the Black Sea. Russia’s Northern and Pacific Fleets have unhindered and year round ice free access to the World’s oceans, they’d have to take up the responsibility of Syria’s maritime security. A burden, no doubt but within Russia’s capability. The real possible consequence would be if Turkey closes merchant shipping from Russia through the Bosphorus, but that would mean war, openly. Making all Turkish shipping and naval installations along Turkey’s North shore fair game to Russian weapons, including her submarines.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Unfortunately you’re right, that would totally devastate Russia, the seaport in Syria won’t be of much use if that happens, but then again neither would any of the ones in the Black Sea either, or the fleets stationed there. Isn’t it lucky for Russia that they have an international agreement in place that forbids Turkey from ever closing those straights to Russian naval vessels, but I’m sure we all know what will really happen if the poo hits the fan.

Traiano Welcome

The Montreux Convention. This is an old concern and Russia has been planning for it for centuries.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Planning for it and also rightly fearing it. So we have 3 NATO countries bordering the Black sea, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania, and we also have 2 of Russia’s old enemies, Georgia and the Ukraine, mmm, the Montreux Convention might be hard to enforce, especially if the Russians are the only ones trying to enforce it.


bulgaria will never attack russia. also the fascistic bulgaria did not in the ww2

romania = gipsyland. zero.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And who said anything about Bulgaria attacking Russia? I said this,

“the Montreux Convention might be hard to enforce, especially if the Russians are the only ones trying to enforce it.”

Instead of furiously hitting the dislike button every time you read something you don’t like, how about you reread the comment and really try to understand it.


In a conflict or potential conflict, Turkey has the right to close the Straits to military shipping. Who knows how far Putin would want to push it with a NATO Member? Or how much of Russia’s warm water fleet it can afford to risk running a blockage, in effect, the middle of another country it is at war with. It would have to invade and occupy Istanbul and the heart of Turkey. Pass the popcorn.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Instead of saying pass the popcorn I’d be saying run for cover.


has no right. and one nuclear attack on turkey will immediately open the strait. and turkys new borders will follow the sevres treaty:


and will be never important country for anybody.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Nuke Turkey so the Russians can keep using the straights, are you mad? the Russians won’t be able to use the straights after they nuke Turkey, and no one else will either, you’re truly a genius buddy.


nuke ankara, mersin, adana, not constantinopolis

Traiano Welcome

This would be a cassus beli and result in War.

Turkey would be smashed in a war with Russia.


The folk here keep talking of conflict. I just noted what could well happen if there is such a conflict. Don’t be so sure of the out come of such a conflict. No one would totally smash the other. They just both would use up vast resources going at each other. And both would be greatly weaken by it. And both would have populations who just might decide it was time to get rid of the guys at the top bring all this grief on them. I’m an optimist.


Impossible,more likely russia blocks all nato and turkish in the black sea ussr regions,by the way crimea has never looked better,tell me what you hato kweers achieve this century,combined?


Getting in and out of the Black Sea is what matters to Russia, not what happens in it. Try to focus.


ships today don’t fire cannons at each other from close proximity. Those corvettes can reach anywhere they want with a cruise missile. As we have already seen in the Syrian conflict.


you are chronic and pathologic liar :DDD

Assad must stay

they would be bombing russian airplanes, a big no no and would be the end of the apartheid regime


Since Russia won’t do that Israel will not bomb them. So no problem for Israel whatever you call their regime. But do note, Putz thinks of Israel as a kindred state because of its large Russian population. And he really deep down doesn’t like or trust Muslims of any stripe much…Russians generally and in general never have.

Ricky Miller

Right about the kindred state thing. But wrong about President Putin or Russians deep down not trusting or liking Muslims. Russia has a large internal population of Muslims, some 12% or so. The Kazan Tatars are deeply intertwined with Russia, even today some of Russia’s military aviation factories are in Kazan and even a shipyard that mass produces a class of Russian missile corvettes. The ships are built there and travel all the way to the ocean by way of the Volga River. And President Putin just celebrated the opening of a major new mosque in Moscow. So, I think the relationship is more complicated than not trusting or not liking.

The kindred state thing is more complicated too. Yes, more than a million Russians have emigrated to Israel in the past third of a century, many of them Red Army veterans so that complicates any Russian issue with Israel. But it’s more than that. A Russian explained to me a few years ago that many Russians, especially in state service and the military culture, deeply admire what Israel has accomplished. From underdog to absolute regional power in three generations. There is a great deal of sympathy for the Palestinians but that sympathy doesn’t translate into being a die hard critic of the Israeli state. However, Russia has long and deep contacts with Syria too. Thousands of Russian service personnel have served in Syria over the decades and many marriages between citizens of the two cultures have taken place, with family ties. There is a significant Orthodox community in Syria too, and a sizable number of Armenians. The long military and economic relationship between Damascus and the Kremlin is hardwired in the Russian psyche and Israel should, and for the most part has, treaded carefully around Syria during this dangerous period of vulnerability in Syria. Russia, it’s clear, is not going to abandon the Syrian state to be preyed upon without restrictions.

Zionism = EVIL

You are arguing with a teenage Trolls who have posted over 50,000 posts for hasbara under several names.


I actually agree with much of that. The Muslim relationship is complicated by Chechnya and other Islamists. Most of the Muslim countries around Russia like Turkey and Iran have been historic rivals and mortal enemies. The Syria relationship goes back to the Soviet days and is not between equals. You can dislike someone and still work with them if they are subservient and know their place.


A very substantiated comment, i would like to say! I had some missing links concerning the Russian stance of the Middle East, you cleared that up in a single comment. Thank you.

High regards

Assad must stay

probably lol i wouldnt be surprised

Assad must stay

i blocked alot of those accounts already, i dont think theres any use in arguing with them


Over dozen hasbara accounts detected for Jake123……………………………………

Assad must stay

Someone should make an account joke123 hahahaha


Multi-Troll Jake 321


Israel would request that Russia not do that and Russia would not do that. Russia does not want a confrontation with Israel. And would itself want to get Islamist Iran and friends out of Syria.

Zionism = EVIL



all hail the unwise and unjust bibi..


I don’t like Bibi either. So what?


Well, go get your meal, Adolf.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The relationship is going downhill really fast, how low will it really go. Some of us questioned Putin’s willingness to try and forge a relationship with Erdogan, I wonder if Putin’s now doing the same thing.

Traiano Welcome

I think the relationship was always bad. There was a temporary marriage of convenience. Now things are reverting to what they truly are beneath the facade.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Spot on.


I suppose the Sultan was preferable to a US puppet, hence tipping off the Sultan about the coup attempt. Perhaps Putin might withdraw his protection?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Perhaps Putin might withdraw his protection?”

It’s a pity he didn’t do it 19 months ago.


That would have let the US put their man in.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No it wouldn’t have, it would’ve meant the Turkish political system would’ve been left in disarray with no one left at the helm for a while, that’s all, the AK party would have found a replacement. When the AKP are voted out the US will then get their puppet, all the opposition parties are very much pro US and NATO, but luckily for Syria, they’re also all pro Assad and anti war.


They only failed last time because the Russians tipped the Sultan off. Next time he might not be so lucky.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There probably won’t be a next time, Erdogan’s sacked anyone and everyone he suspects of disloyalty, so there’s very few people left in power in Turkey that could instigate something like that now. Erdogan owes Putin his life already and look how he’s reciprocated that debt, not an ounce of gratitude from Erdogan, just problems. And I’m pretty sure he’s going to start a war against Syria soon, he no longer has a choice if he doesn’t get his way with Putin. So unless he manages to persuade Putin to back down and let him reoccupy areas the SAA just liberated, or at the very least enforce the present status quo, we will see a new offensive from the Turks, and I’m not sure if the Russian’s will be able to stop them, both militarily and politically. I personally think Erdogan’s brinkmanship is the very thing that upsets everyone the most, the US , NATO, the Arab League, the EU, Israel, Russia, and China, he seems to be very good at upsetting everyone equally.


Lots of politicians do that, some of them succeed, some don’t. ;O)


So what’s wrong with that? As FDR wisely said, He maybe an SOB. But he’s OUR SOB!


wrong? I don’t support the US empire.


Fine. You have your SOB and we have our SOB. And may the more powerful win.


And at the same time Turkey is violating almost everyday the Greek airspace ?? . Of course NATO doesn’t do anything about this. Everyone is working for Turkey.

Mustafa Mehmet

Because they know what’s good for them.greek accusation nothing but lie lie lie there Very good at it.

Simplekindof Man

You can go and live on greek island and see for yourself…. BTW I have nothing against any nation. Just stating facts.

Simplekindof Man

That is to their credit. Good diplomacy etc. Greece’s diplomacy is non existent. Once they get that chair, it’s over Their only worries are to keep that chair and the rest is BS for internal consumption.

Xoli Xoli

Turkey Erdogan wants to be friend of Putin with his own terms of terrorizing and sabotaging hidden agenda.Never ever trust Turkey. Just severe ties with Turkey.It will never benefited Russia but bring chaos for Russia.Ugly killer Erdogan wants to be babysitting by Putin.Scrap all deals and closed Russian border for Erdogan. Because it is actually dangerous time to trade with snake from seven head snake kingdom G7 countries.There is coronavirus which Trump Ordered to bump in China.Just google EYES OF DARKNESS-WUHAN 400.Then you will see all hidden agenda.

Xoli Xoli

NATO and Israel wants to kill Russian real friends and allies Syrians,Iranians,Hizbollah,Cuban’s,Mexican s,Venezuela’s and North Korean’s plus China.Their have succeeded to bring in chaos with their terrorists organization ISIS=SDF.If SDF opposed USANATO instructions USA allow Erdoganto come in and killed them. NATO succeeded to severed ties between Ukraine and Russia.France and Germany under Pompeo and Trump instructions severed ties between Belarus and Russia. Saddam,Gaddafi who were having agreements and good ties with Russia were killed by NATO. Milosevic and Hosni Mubarak who were also having good ties with Russia were removed and imprison under NATO instructions.Astana agreement under Putin brought Erdogan legally in Syria scrapping that son of a bitch agreement will force Turkey out of Syria.Just chase that warthog Ergogan away.Delete his phone number and block his phone number.Bring back Russian true aggression and firmness not that bitch NATO accusations to acquire their infiltration to in circle Russia.

Mustafa Mehmet

Out of Mexican and Venezuela.. rest is clown clubs. They are all terrorist countries… oliy oliy

Xoli Xoli

You really want attention.No wonder European girls are running in the street naked.like man like you are seeking fellow mens attention to be scratch in the stinky ass.Bloody fucken white supremacist gay ass seller.

Mustafa Mehmet

Oliy oliy Why don’t you go on jump front of the lorry ?

Xoli Xoli

Bring lorry and pay me to take care of your gay ass.

Xoli Xoli

Trump is a gay just like Boris and want all the countries to legalize mem to men and ass to ass marriage. No wonder you are also a clown gay.


Cubans are not anymore friends of russia. russians betrayed them in 1989… north korea never was friend of russia. mexico is friend of usa, iran is not friend of russia russia is not friend of syria hezbollah is nothing in the internatonal policy

Xoli Xoli

You sound like someone who really knows history.Feel free to tell us .Because what you share is most important then me and you criticizing each other for no benefit.My apologies if a hurt you in the pass.


I am not young, during my life happened lot of things. creation and end of friendships, aliances, there were wars, revolutions.

Cuba This country was very important for USSR. Therefore kremlin supported Castro. Che Gueavara was against soviet alliance, therefore left castro and Cuba. Because of ties to moscow cube was under total embargo. so, cuba paid a lot for thy alliance. Whan the Wpact was fallen, Ruskies left Cuba alone. No help anymore, left their base in cuba, no payments anymore. There was big famine in cuba in that time. Cubans paid again.

So, now cube opens to america and keeps distance to russia.

Viet The war story you know. Viet was veryimportant for the ussr against china. also the viet ports for soviet fleet. Viet was alaso under embargo beacuse of tight connenctions to moscow. Ussar and the socialist block helped vietnam. After 1990 ruskies cut all economical, political and military connections. and left viet alone. nearby enemy china. so, today vietnam cooperates with america, taiwan, indonesia and pisses on russian heads.

Mongolia same issue. today in mongolia ruskies have no word

North Korea. In war moscow did not help against americans. only few weapons were sent. china sent troops and stopped yanks. When came the ussur conflict between ussr and china, NK was not willing to sentence, to doom china. NK did not visit the meeteng of international communistic movement and was one of the reason, why ussr was not able to make front against china in the communistic world.

Xoli Xoli

I appreciate for the historical reality.Actually Boris Yeltsin thought that USA will be their partners after break up of Soviet union.He also failed to get Soviet trillions from USA. But my boss continues to stand up for the truth no matter what the criticism will be.I thank you very very much for detailed explanation.


I heard a rumour that there is an s400. System in Cuba so could relations be improving


I believe that Russia under is Putin is taking a very daring step and way overstepping it’s boundaries with trying to take all of Idlib. Didn’t Putins dumbass think that the recent aggression will put him in a direct confrontation with the Turks? Did He really underestimate the Turks? All it takes is for the Turks to supply the rebels with mandpads and anti aircraft missiles and to closet the Bosporus Strait. He just gave the Turks a reason to counter Him and undo everything His dumbass accomplished. The smartest thing Putin was doing was creating a rift in NATO by getting close to Turkey. Now He will undo all of this. It’s like a out of a control gambler. They just want more and more. Putin is drunk.


Turkey can not close the bosphorus strait.


Sure it easily can, both legally under International Law and Treaty as well as practically. And what can Russia do about it? Invade and occupy Istanbul and the heart of Turkey, a NATO Member?


Yeah of cource it can, who is going to stop Russia? The USA ? hahahahaa come on , Trump can’t even beat Iran or even Yemen. Russia is got morte nucs and better delivery means than the USA and even stronger allies. NATO is the past, NATO’s days are numbered.


You’re yet another Russian and Islamist Shi’a aggrandizing armchair general pining for the end of the world. But even if such a mass invasion of Turkey brought no one in to help, such a ground war there would rapidly help bring the end of the RF as Afghanistan helped end the Russian Soviet Empire.


You couldn’t be more wrong jewboy. I am Greek, Christian Orthodox. I m not a general, but I v had my 18 months of Greek special forces training, no armchair either just a desk chair… …And you believe that Afgasnistan ‘helped’ bring the end of the Soviet Union (Not empire dumbass!)…Right…you didn’t tell these things to your phyciatrists before they let you out from your loony bin I bet… crafty little jew you are…


Erdogan is furious the S-400 sold to them can only see non-russian flying objects. They want an all-seeing S-400 haha

Xoli Xoli

Hi you fuck you.Dont release too much information.

Tiresia Branding

Tic tac tic tac… Erdogan’s days are numbered…

Mustafa Mehmet

Tic taç tic booom will see


Some very serious quid-pro-quo behind the scenes. A “someone” is demanding Turkey to close its airspace. My bet is that this is not a hissy fit by Erdo, but a demand from a third party, possibly for secrecy, possibly to slow the Russians down. I think the Russians need to get a good satellite look at what is happening in Turkey. American SFs? Stingers? Something bigger? If this is the case we’ll see it soon in Idlib.

Mustafa Mehmet

Fake news is just propaganda.

Xoli Xoli

Just like your stinky whore terrorists wife mom of yours.


I wonder if the next thing to happen will be a lull then another great leap forward by the Allies?


Still going fine, with that decision Erdogan ackhnowledge Russia is now ennemy. This guy is so dumb. If he would act subersively like do the US, he might be at least in short term a litle more successful. Stop using your monkey brains Erdog or it will screw you up as a kebab

The Objective

It seems to me that Bashar Al-Assad is not willing to share power with Sunni Arabs, neither will he allow a free and fair election. Sunni Majority Syrians will vote him out – no doubt. He wants to reconquer Syria into a dictatorship, and then oversee any transition of power to a civilian government – meaning he will make sure that his people are strongest in the government.

The problem with many of you hypocrites commenting on SouthFront is that you claim to wish the Syrian people good. But you are unwilling to acknowledge that the Majority Sunni population are being oppressed. Sunnis make up a great majority of Syrians, and they prefer a Sunni-led government (Not ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or other terror organizations). There is legitimate opposition to the Syrian government, only that SouthFront won’t talk about it because it is here to help Assad.

I am not saying Assad should allow Syria to fall into the hands of terrorists. I am only saying he should fast-track negotiations with the Sunnis of his country – including the rebels. He should agree to a power-sharing structure that protects the rights of every Syrian.

That is what Turkey wants. Turkey wants Assad to be willing to share power or agree to a power-sharing structure that includes the Sunni Majority. But clearly, Assad doesn’t want that.




Turkey-Russia relations were used for Russia to have a byes with respect the Turkish behavior in Syria (invasion, smuggling oil, industrial parts, helping terrorists on Syria land, and smuggling cultural Syria stuff). So, better to have an enemy rather than a friend like that.

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