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Turkey Promised Local Pro-Militant Figures In Idlib To Prevent Syrian Army Advance – Report

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Turkey Promised Local Pro-Militant Figures In Idlib To Prevent Syrian Army Advance – Report

Pro-Turkish militants in the area of al-Bab

During a recent meeting Turkish officials told representatives of several towns in southern Idlib and northern Hama that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies will not launch a military operation in the region, the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi reported on August 15.

Turkish officials allegedly claimed that the deployment of large units of the SAA around the northern governorate of Idlib is northing more than “psychological warfare” and promised that Turkish observation posts will not be withdrawn.

According to the pro-opposition news outlet, the meeting was held at the Turkish observation post in the town of Murak in the northern Hama countryside. Public figures from the towns of Umm Elkhalayel, Khuwayn, Sukayk, al-Tamanah and Atshan attended the meeting.

Few hours later, Syrian opposition sources said that Turkish trucks carrying pre-built cabins entered the northern governorate of Idlib and headed towards the Murak observation post. During the last two months, Turkey reinforced all of its observation posts in northern Syria.

Turkey Promised Local Pro-Militant Figures In Idlib To Prevent Syrian Army Advance – Report

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Turkey is likely planning to keep its observation posts in Lattakia, Hama, Idlib and Aleppo by promoting itself as the savior of northern Syria. However, local observer doubt that Turkey will be able to keep its promises, if the SAA launches a military operation backed by Russia and Iran there.

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Smart thinking, Erdogan, Trump is already doing everything he can to tank the Turkish economy so he can have your head, or your balls. Now you want to piss off your only remaining friends to save some headchoppers as well?

Must be some pretty impressive imaginary armies you’re mustering on your maps in your fuhrer bunker in Ankara.


cheap thinking by erdugan. what an asset there for turkey. FSA cockroaches.

Feudalism Victory

Talk is cheap as they say. Id bet those posts will observe syrian troops driving by and not much else.

leon mc pilibin

Wishful thinking on the part of the turks.


like i wrote a dozen times……..erdogan is the danger for the world…..on this friday…nato/us forces TOGETHER with turkish forces will take over manjib from YPG/SDF forces….I also wrote about the turkish scheme of changing the demographics in north syria.And i also wrote a dozen times about the turkish bastards beiing the main accomplice on the attack on syria, 99% of takfiri islamists came through turkey…..in short….erdogan built up his kingdom through the islamization of turkey, meaning his base is 100% islamist.And here lies the danger for the world.Erdogan cannot turn his back on the islamists buddies of his in syyria, that would be an instant suicide mission for him in turkey. So we now have the folowing picture in syria.Idlib an islamist paradise, 100% backed up by turkey.And by this friday, manjib, an occupied city/area by turkey and its nato ally USA. As soon as the ground attack begins, be it in idlib or manjib area by SAA,hezbollah and russian s.f. and airforce, WW3 is on its way. And believe me or not…..that was the jewish plan from day 1. And exactly those circumstances we have now….I mentioned them 2 years ago here on SF.and everybody sweared and laughed.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Not your country. Not your decision.

Matew Ivanson

fcking Erdo sitting on two chairs, Idlib is a key test for him, maybe he want Basij-Assadist-Hezbollah army at his frontier or have same other deal with Russia and Iran or USA

Mustafa Mehmet

potsucker bastardo where was Syrian borders Guards to stop this jihad is coming from Turkey if that is true .you r one clueless moron

Carol Davidek-Waller

If Turkey has any hopes of carving off a little re of Syria for itself, they vanished when it stood up qgainst US domination. They are more than ever dependent on Russian goodwill. Russia/Syria will not tolerate any threat to territorial integrity.

Matew Ivanson

fcking Basij-Hezbollah-Palestinian invasion must to be stopped in Idlib, after Idlib Ayatolah-Palestinian army could be come to our home tomorow, we are not Muslims but we have to support Tahrir al Sham, Liva al Haqq, Turkistan Islamic Party, Nour el din Zenki, Ahrar al Sham, Ansar al Tawhid, Sham Legion, Jaysh al Islam in a fight against Iran aggression


Iran aggression are you out of your mind! Iran is helping the SAA to take back their own country from militant scum & their Turkish protectors

Mustafa Mehmet

silly ? person Iran worst then any force in Syria . Every single forces should live Syria alone now


That would be especially true of uninvited forces, Turkish and American.

You can call me Al

Do you know, what you are even talking about ?.


I also don’r know what he is talking about, I blocked him.


Don’t worry He is a Jew and hates the allies of Palestine.

You can call me Al

I think you are correct there.


Not a Muslim, not even a Christian, you are simply a Jew, isn’t it?


Change your name to Nimrata Randhawa.


HAHAHA…what an idiot. Don’t you know that line of BS propaganda died years ago? Damn, fool, keep up with the times. Are you an Israeli or a Saudi?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Maybe both LOL


ahhh after so many laughing now you are scared to death #haatepuk


Syria-Russia-Hezbolah-Iran will destroy those “invader” Turkey posts very soon. Turkey must go back home as soon as possible, or it will face death and destruction.

Mustafa Mehmet


Prince Teutonic

Well since Erdogan already startled Trump (U.S.) I really doubt he is also willing to piss off Putin at the same time. But since he’s a madman who knows!?


Erdogan is not a madman, don‘t be silly, he made stupid decisions, and all his plans failed, but that does not make him a mad character.


Erdogan gambled on every throw of the dice showing a 6 .

Unfortunately for him ,the dice he was forced to lose were not his loaded ones :)


If Erdogan is not a mad man, the fact that he invaded north Syria, does it means that he is a good man ? the fact the he smuggled Syria oil from terrorists and sell it to Europa and Japan, does it make him a good man ? the fact the Erdogan smuggled Syria industrial parts through terrorists, does it make him a good man ? the fact that he ordered to shot down a Russia plan because of Russia destruction of his oil business, does he make a good man ? Not way my friend, Turkey must go back home or face death and destruction before Syria-Hezbolah-Iran and Russia(?) armies.


I don’t see where you should think he said anything about Erdo being a ‘good man’. He just said he wasn’t mad, as in nuts, insane, crackers. He did say that he made stupid decisions and that all his plans have failed. I see no argument there at all. Now, he might be a megalomaniac or have delusions of grandeur, but he’s probably not clinically nuts, just criminal.


Maybe some lies will prevent a sudden Movement of islamists groups towards the turkish border, because it is obvious that President Erdogan likes his criminal semi-religious criminal allies the most when they are not in his own country.


Israel rather liked to have her mercenary Jihadis on the borders of Syria as well :)

Ivan Freely

Turkish lip service?


Is that a form of cunnilingus Ivan :)

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

xaxxxaxxaxaxax… are they even sure that they will fight?? the turks pay them with liras…


Good point! Hehe


Good point.

Empire's Frontiers

Turkish soldiers dreaming of video games and dancing with girls back home.

Yeah, they’ll be defending the glorious jihad…

You can call me Al

People must remember that all this Turkey, wants to make up with Russia and has a falling out with the US – could be fake.

If it isn’t fake as I hope, dont piss off your remaining allies off Turkey, or you will be hammered.

If the first sentence was correct, you’ve pissed off your remaining allies off Turkey, you will be hammered.

Therefore I conclude Turkey; you are fucked.


Well Lira is snubbed off so perhaps it is real. Unless the erdogan circles never have any minds to stay in their sinking ship and readily relocate to their collaborators territory. Just like syrian and iraqi that make deal with the US to be accepted as their citizens to act as if they’re some revolutionaries that fight for their home.


like i´m writing for 2 years now……….never ever trust the jew slaves turkey…..they do as they are ordered from DAY 1.period.

Mustafa Mehmet

Your mouth full of shit?? you can Swallow it


This will be Turkey’s graveyard in Syria.


Erdogan doesn’t want the head-choppers to pour unhappily into Turkey so he’s hoping to keep them in Syria

when the Syrian army and its allies finally start the big operation in Sept, they’ll come into the provincee from 3 or 4 directions and they’ll just go around these observation posts, cutting them off, as they begin to secure the rest of the province

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Mustafa Mehmet

You can send them towards Israel or ypg areas .i don’t think Collective panda ? force wants to Fight with Mighty Turkish forces

Free man

“Mighty Turkish forces” LOL !

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Turkey needs to get with the program and stop funding jihadis

S Melanson

I suppose the air strikes and artillery barrages are also just psychological.


Turkey is one of the main terrorists supporter in Syria and must be kicked back home together with its terrorists.

John Whitehot

So they promised to not withdraw the observation posts, not to prevent the SAA to advance.

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