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Turkey Proxies Cut Off Water To 400,000 Civilians In Northeast Syria Amid Fear Of COVID-19 Widespread

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Turkey’s proxies occupying northeast Syria cut off water to the city of al-Hasakah and its vicinity, threatening the lives of 400,000 civilians living there.

The incident took place on March 25 as the entire region was witnessing a complete lock down due to fear of COVID-19 widespread. Civilians in al-Hasakah struggled to secure enough drinking water, putting their lives at risk.

Syrian government forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) control the pumping station supplying al-Hasakah. However, the water source, Allowk wells, are under the control of the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA). The group is Turkey’s main proxy in Syria.

Turkey Proxies Cut Off Water To 400,000 Civilians In Northeast Syria Amid Fear Of COVID-19 Widespread

Allowk pumping station.

Damascus held Turkey responsible for this act, accusing Ankara’s proxies of using water as a weapon against civilians in the northeastern region.

SNA militants returned water supplies on March 27 morning. Government engineers are now working to pump water to al-Hasakah and its vicinity.

According to credible reports, Turkey cut water off al-Hasakah in order to force the SDF to supply the occupied areas of Ras al-Ayn and Tell Abyad with electricity. The same scenario happened last year.

The SNA couldn’t have taken the decision to cut water off al-Hasakah without the knowledge or even the approval of its Turkish-backers. This inhuman act placed the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians on the line.


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Damien C

Depriving civilians of fresh water deliberately is a warcrime in the ICC but I doubt we will hear any NATO government complain ….. If it was Assad or Maduro there would be a deluge of crocodile tears

Jens Holm

Nato is not involved in Syria.

Peter Jennings


Jens Holm

Thank You for knowing Your first name. Facts are Nato are not in Syria and never has been.

Peter Jennings

It’s almost as though the White Helmets never existed? Isn’t the US a member of nato? Isn’t Turkey a member of nato? Need i go on?

Jens Holm

You and many here make Us with USA as a united soup. We also are very different countries and act very different as such.

Its not visible because You dont look and has learned not to look.

Nato by Jens Stoltenberg are RE-called into Iraq to help Iraq against ISIS and to make them a military force and We have done that.

Here its true USA is the Leadon one, but we dont has its agenda and also dont make their version of conflict with Iran.

So why should we be bombarded with ballistics. We even pay to be there as well as we with several other Nato members has given Iraq important and expensive equipment.

We also dont support USA in Syris. True its nearbye. Danes did that for a short while but only against ISIS and not against Assads.

EU is same thing. You cant even see that most members would love to have that line no matter what US says. Its needed and vital for us. And very important we as a contrast to USA has a systematic try to replace oil and gas with windturbines, solarpower, reusing things which can give heat for lectricity and hot water.

USA use tracking oil or make a pipeline in Alaska to take in more oil and gas with NO change in methods for prióduicing energy.

Denmark has no active relation to Iran as well as Syria. We do care. We do condem Your horrible stupidities, where a lot is totally far out. But we dont come with guns even You think as little dirty men treat and raise women as just above animals and sometimes much worse by the old man made Sharia assisted by Your God.

Its very strange to see Your women are that much stupid then men and therefore should be kept in the dark and not even at least being upgraded.

Here You systematicly pusnish them too instead of raise little dirty boys into they are above vomen. We see here every day, they are equal to us. You can see we accept that as normal, which it is – and it works very well.

You are the hostile in that and not us. Too often You are not even given women and girls the lowered right given by the Choran in writings you cant write and added some 100 yaers dirty old man made paper, which according to voemn not even are kept.

And the men has to be punished less then the women too as well as vomen has to have many witnesses in modst trial and vomen are not to trust.

I see here every day, that men represneted here certainly are not to trust. That includes You very much

None has ever said white helmet never has existed. Its well descreibed why, when and what they are given by whome by ayt the Internet right here.

And it in the same way half of their job are ignored. They do replace the primitive social system of Assad. That dont exist in Your dirty agenda. You even think You have the right to dastroy all help to several million of civilians. How should any there support Assads, when You systematicly destroy any help to them as if they all are jihadists.

Well true, mopst of them ceratainly is against Assads and for very good and well descrieber reasons.

Assads not even try to include them and win there votes. Thats what we do in Denmark making jobs and include all in schools, medical care and like that. That confirm the systematic mismanegement You suport and even say is a country.

And again: Here Denmark by UN tell You should not treeat Your own population like that and make refoms, that makes people being able to pay that by themselves by more in tax and less in corruption.

But we dont come with guns just assads does against own population. We ignore what we can and wont carry the most dirty parts of the world on our shoulders.

We are our own even we are much more with USA then You.

Maybee You should read about WW1 and WW2 and see Nato members of today certainly didnt agree. That dont say we have intensions about being Your friends.


Turkey is a NOTO member my friend, never forget this.

Jens Holm

You not even try to understand things there at all. Its a strange mix for other being there too. There ara many players and many agendas.

Xoli Xoli

Should NATO be involved to make stupid Trump decisions.

Jens Holm

Well, USA was there before Trump was elected and Trump did not know where Syria was. He also dont care.

Nato and many others never has supported USA for, what has happens here and still does not.

Syria is about single memebers having their own agenda.

Nato is in Iraq because Bagdads and we should fight ISIS and help Bagdads to have military capasity in stead of the Bagdad collapse.

Here Jens Stoltenberg is the official Leader even USA is the biggest contribitor. But here USA also has its own agenda and dispute with Iran.

It is complicated.

Nato by agreements having Turkey as member are not against them bt dont support them as well. There are restrictions against Turkey. They mainly cant get spareparts and advanced stuff.


Get covid-19 and die you Danish shit.

Jens Holm

Corona wont kill Young and strong like me.


No but everyone else will drop dead in bewilderement at the shit you write

Zionism = EVIL

It is time to nuke the terrorist scum and inject corona into ErDOGan’s arse.

Jens Holm

The pigs has complaints about You in UN

Peter Jennings

Those who cut of water supplies and heads are just the kind of leaders one could wish for. :)

For over 8 years, these misfits have been rejected by the Syrian people. They are still there thanks to support from western security services who have all crossed the line into criminal behaviour.

Jens Holm

You forget some are getting electricity for that water. I remember Sarajevo was same thing.

Sebish loyal enclave got water and the muslims by that still got gas from Russia,

Counting inhabitants tells me that a majority of people in Syria certainly dont support Assads at all. They dont like Turks as well.

THe very bad build up is made by lack of needed shanges by Assads for decades.

And no USA and a few others dont represent “west” as Nato and EU.

Peter Jennings


Xoli Xoli

This become partnership in crime on promotion of Turkey infiltration of Syria

Jens Holm

Not at all. If do Asads would not have been there for many years. Turks has blocked for that solution as well as Russia ´with midgets from Iran and Hesbollah prefaring NO CHANGE.

USA wanted regime change in Syria for several reasons, but Assafs remained and Assads wasnt added with some milder Baathists and the small opposition named FSA.

So solution 3 was to use fire against fire and ISIS for a while was the chosen ones, but had their own aganda even making bad things around the globe.

Sop we see solution 3a which was to reduce the Assads to their correct seize by destructions. Thats what we see very well now. Here we – in a kind of funny strange version . see Assad, Russia, Hesbollah and Iran destroy Syria themselves.

USA from day one has supported a non divided Syria and certainly no Turkley there. They have seen SDF not could be mixted as a local independent part for local matters.

USA never has supported Kurds as number one there but a local unity in local matters to keep ISIS away and down and some Assad replacements forthe rest.

But the old FSA had no support in the Raqqa, DEZ, Al Qim to Palmyra and Al Tanf Region even supported mainly by USA but also GB in Jordan.

I see no partnership there at all. Turks has their own agenda having no solution for their Kemal attitudes from 1923. Only Turks can change that. They have 90% of the voted in their Parlament as well as Erdogan and AKP has 49%.

Turks has other internal problems accordig human rights for all living there. That why se has seen more and more restriction and – true or not – problems named as “coup” of “Gulen” , where even 7 million votes to moderate Kurds makes jail to their PM member accusing them to be extremists and name all as criminals against the state and treat them as PKKs. ¨

fayez chergui

are these moderate opponents supported by our brilliant democrashit??

Jens Holm

Well, if your start knitting, You will see how complicated things can be. I did as a child. I learned it, but I also stopped doing it:)



Turkey criminal behavior will not stop, even with those stu… Russia-Turkey cease fires agreements.

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