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Turkey Publishes Footage Of Russian-made Air Defense Systems In Syria Mocking Them As Ineffective

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 The Turkish propaganda is on offensive in an attempt to compensate military setbacks in the Syrian region of Greater Idlib with entertaining videos and victorious statements.

On March 9, one of the Turkish outlets participating in this campaign released an interesting video showing Turkish drone footage filmed in northwestern Syria. The video shows Pantsir, Tor and S-125 Pechora systems operated by the Syrian Air Defense Forces.

The video provides overestimated unit costs for the filmed systems and claims that they do not work. For example, the Pantsir unit cost provided by the video is $50 million, while in reality the export cost of a single Pantsir is approximately $14 million. As to the Soviet-era S-125 Pechora, the video states that it costs $35 million. In reality, the Pechora unit cost (with possible modernization) is about $10 million. Impressive $75 million per a system for the Tor is also far from the reality. The real price is about $25 million.

It also remains unclear when the shown footage was filmed. Excluding the recent Idlib escalation in which Turkey took a knock and failed to achieve any of military goals declared by its own top political and military leadership, Turkish drones are allowed to freely operate in the area of the ‘de-escalation zone’ to monitor the ceasefire.

Therefore, the provided footage could easily been filmed before or after the active phase of Ankara’s Operation Spring Shield. If the video was filmed during the escalation, it remains unclear why Turkish forces did not bomb the systems that played an important role in the Syrian Army’s ability to repel the attack by the Turkish Army and al-Qaeda terrorists.

Taking into account that Turkish media already published the destruction of the Pantsir-S1 system operated by the Libyan National Army in Libya (where Turkey also failed to achieve the formally declared goal – to defeat the Libyan National Army) claiming that this happened in Syria, the lack of details in the recent video on the same topic leads to reasonable questions.

While no defense or attack system is a ‘silver bullet’ by itself, it’s quite funny how Turkish state media and affilated organziations are now trying to mock the Russian air defense technology that the Turkish leadership recently bought at a high price (the S-400 deal). Probably, various branches of the Turkish propaganda machine should contribute a bit more attention to the coordination of their efforts.


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Putin has made a few serious errors in judgment by selling Turkey the S-400 and most importantly not responding to a plethora of Turkish aggressive provocations dating back to 2016 and the downing and killing of Russian pilots. Erdogan is a chest thumping demagogue who took Russian passivity as an invitation to commit more aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic with impunity. The Turkish downing of three Syrian airforce fighters and repeated Zionist aggression should have elicited a Russian air defence response. If the more than adequate Russian air defence systems in Syria are not used to defend Syrian air space then all deterrent value is lost.

Lone Ranger

Maybe you missed the part when SAA won. Turkey has the second biggest army in Europe after Russia. Nobody wants a major war except CIA trolls and hasbarats..

Jens Holm

Your “second” is in the primitive meatgrinder version. for self defence if You want to take all Turkey.

I dont think CIA trolls as wel as Hasbarats want and wich for anything like that. But of vourse they might prefare You kill each other in stead of them.

If I was like them, I would prefare that too.


CIA wants war, where are you living dude?

Jens Holm

You are in Pentagon as employed or toiletcleaner :) You must be emloyed. Irs a You dont know what clean toilets are.


You are a waste of my time

Zionism = EVIL

Dude, the guy is a Danish fruitloop and you are trying to debate him :)


Jens lives in Denmark the land of the quisling vikings, Wizzy.

Denmark is irrelevant really.


You have obviously never read Albert Pike’s information on all three world wars. That is before one of them even started…

Jens Holm

Too much against normal knowledge about the agreements there. You just write like bad stomach.


SAA won the war, Erdogan ran to Moscow, Turkish Military made no gains. See, some flashy drone videos are designed for gullible audiences, not South Front readers. Again, that was the last time Turkey will find success with their drones


All oil fields and irrigation lands are under US / Kurdish control , half of the country is living as refugees abroad , and North Syria is under TR control. But SAA won.

Assad also won , he is till scratching his balls in his palace at Damascus while he watches a foreign nation , ie Ruskies, bombing his own nation.

But hey , soutfront readers just like you are not gullible..


The SAA won this war and as your army waged a brave retreat your Muppet in charge went crying to Putin to beg him for another ceasefire. There are 4 million Syrians living abroad, out of a pre-war population of 20 million, which means only 20% live abroad. And Turkey is using them as pawns to extract cash and prizes from the EU. But what else can you expect from that piece of rectal smegma Erdogan (no insults to rectal smegma intended)? He’s made Turkey the laughing stock of the world at best and a country that gets hated at worst.

Zionism = EVIL

The problem is that the Turkeys are still occupying and reinforcing their positions in Syria and have used these illogical ceasefires to rearm the terrorists. The USSR made the mistake with Pakis and did not bomb them and that gave the CIA more leverage. Turkeys are following the Paki-Afghan template to the T.


Sure SAA won this war , that must be the reason why Assad and Putin accepted the ceasefire… ? Isnt Idlib Syrian land , why they are giving concessions ?

How TR is making money from Syrians after spending about 25 Billion USD for them and failing to get even a fraction of this expenditure from EU ? Did you see the difference between the refugee camps in TR and in EU ?

The number of refugees ( I am not talking about immigrants ) is 5 million as per 2019 UNHCR figures. 13,5 mio lives in Syria – This makes 18,5 mio people and abt 22/22,5 mio in total together with abt 4 mio immigrants you have stated. Please dont play with numbers.

And dont give me that naive ‘hated at worst’ BS to me. Noone cares whom you love or hate , this changes nothing in my life.

Zionism = EVIL

You have a point there cupcake from Pakistan. Everyone has killed Russians in Syria, the Jew fucks, Americunts and Turkeys at will, but what has little Putin done fuckall. Under every canon of international law a nation is entitled and obligated to defend its territory and airspace and some of the dumbass morons here think that if Russia or Syria shot down your Wahhabi scum madrassa flown F-16 junk, somehow it would lead to “WW3”. I have the Brooklyn bridge to sell. Ta..ta dimwits.


Which international law allows a dictator to present hisown his citizens to another country as sacrifical lamb , can you tell ? Assad lost his change when he failed to handle a 500 people uprising in Hama 9 years ago, old man.

Ps : How much for that bridge ?

Zionism = EVIL

You have some valid points and generally make insightful comments. I kid you kids, but have a lot experience which you could learn from. Look Hafez al Assad ran Syria with an iron fist, Bashar was trying to liberalize the place, but then the Americunts and Jews along with ErDOG saw an opportunity to destabilize it. There is no doubt that the Mukhbarat (secret police) mishandled the initial small protests. But Turkeys role in sponsoring terrorism in a freindly Arab state is simply atrocious. Why did ErDOG not focus on liberating Palestine if he is so much in liberating the oppressed? The Jews killed 9 Turks on the Mavi Marmara and what did Turkey do fuckall.


Erdogan was forced by Gladio to interfere , and he did not think twice. He jumped on that offer . Anyhow I would not call Assad an angel after consdiering what he had done with PKK since decades.

Zionism = EVIL

I would agree with that assessment. The Kurds are worst of the lot and Assad has no choice at this stage, but remember that he did hand over the pimp Abdullah Ocalan and did get along very well with Turkey in the beginning. My advise is to stay out of Arab affairs and they ruined the Ottoman Empire. Turkey was progressing quite well until this arsehole Erdogan and his delusions took over. Only Kemalist secularism is the way forward for Turkey or any nation in the region. Bringing is religion is the road to ruin.


Agree 100% Nothing good comes from ME or ideas derived from a caravan raider. It will take a few decades the clean this chit and those wet dreams of religious imperalism.


Religion is not the issue here. If you think it is, leave the Middle East alone and see. Withdraw all your occupier forces and let them live their lives as independent countries. I believe countries have the right to choose how they wish to live and it’s none of your business to tell them how to. Don’t you have enough problems of your own in your countries? Like how you are teaching kids as young as 5 years about LGBTQ while you got no reliable healthcare?

Saif Imam

On point bro. They don’t need the Terrorist fuckers to ruin the western civilization. Snow flakes & SJWs are more than enough.

Saif Imam

WOW !!! almost sensible talk from you. Can’t believe my eyes !!!


That uprising had and still has CIA all over it. They failed.

Zionism = EVIL

Largely true. But Americunt are vicious and sore losers and will keep on sponsoring terrorism via the Turkeys for another few years unfortunately.


They have no choice, they will not rest until Syria and Iran are no more. You see, Israel must rule the Middle East unchallenged and they will do everything to achieve that. Problem is they will fail, hence start a world war

Zionism = EVIL

Read up YINON PLAN, and you are 100% right.


Of course we are not gullible. The grand scheme was to take out Syria, then Iran. But now they can’t do that can they? You can sense the desperation in their failed chemical weapons provocations. See the bigger picture dude

cechas vodobenikov

little stencil projects her stupidity…the stolen Syrian oilfields yield nothing for the US or turkey—Russian sukois destroyed a convoy of 20 oil tankers attempting to sneak into turkey yesterday


”Russian sukois destroyed a convoy of 20 oil tankers attempting to sneak into turkey yesterday” LOL , sure..Then you woke up.

What is your source , yr left buttock ? Miserable drunkard..


watch and cry,türd



Pollack , did you watch the video you have posted ? It shows some medicine not oil. It has also nothing to Turkey.


Lol,sure for a türd it is medicine,but we all know hoy you sleep in the same bed with hts,you horny türd.


It is in the video you have posted , it is not my claim. You post randomly from you tube without even watching/listening to it., clown.


We all know you türds love to have sëx with jihadis,that’s why you protect them,lol.


We all know that you love to have sex with russians and germans. They killed you through out the history , but you still love lying underneath them. Just like your polish mom does to your drunkard russian father, isnt it ?


And how it feel to drink european,russian and american sperm you cüm bücket türd? You joined NATO to save your sorry äss from the soviet union,you joined your former enemies and rïm their äss to save yours,you horny spermdrinker,LOL. And keep dying from Corona,maybe drinking alcohol will save you,LOL


LOl , dear that was randon collection of words just to save yourselfe. Try to put down a few sensible sentecnes , comments . You are losing it.


Losing?LOL That’s your excuse to hide the fact that you’re the whörë of both NATO and Russia? :)


Yes boy , losing. Thats the reason you repeat the same useless shit over and over without replying a single comment of mine. Polland is a joke ,after all what you can expect from people who love russians more than his own people.


Say the spermdrinker that comes from a country that drink sperm from other countries and still cringes when they remember a rotten empire which their great achivement was rule muslim lands and it took one british man to make them revolt and räpë your beloved empire. LOL

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches are crying and raging. They lost the war. Niw Erdofuck is to busy dodging a second CIA/Gulen funded coup. They have to come up with something to prop up their image. Some Mossad CGI here, some fake props destroyed there, some footage from Lybia. Its a logical fallacy all by itself since they are paying $billions for the S-400. If it wasnt effective they wouldnt want it that much, more than the Flop-35 ;(

Jens Holm

In anoter comment just a few seconds ago the CIA and Hasbaras are crying too.

Someine shoud blame You for more hot water in the oceand then yesterday:)


Ruskies are never wrong. There is always some CIA , some Jews , some great plan , some illuminati , some alliens from Alpha centauiri involved , but Ruskies are never wrong, they never fail.

Lone Ranger

Salty tears detected…


The salty tear is actually Jens dribble wnen sucking his own dick.

AM Hants

Too much information. Not an image one needs, when noticing his name pop up, wet or dry. Haha.


Jens is double jointed, AM. :) He satisfies his own desires and is able to rape himself with impunity. Its a win win for those who are ‘woke’.

AM Hants

Still too much information. Thought the ‘woke’ brigade relied on those Chinese Sex Robots or just the dolls, depending on budgets?

Which reminds me of a friend, with strange TV habits. Whenever I pop over for a glass of wine and natter, her programme of the day leaves me traumatised and in doubt of her sanity. ‘Naked Attraction’, should have been a warning. But, the US show, featuring the sex dolls, well apart from needing more wine, who on earth comes up with the ideas?


Jews. They are kings of the porno industry.

I have had the misfortune twice, I think, to flick channels and land on Naked Attraction. I was actually rather shocked that such ugly and unattractive morons would embarrass themselves in such a grotesque way.

Bring back Mary Whitehouse.

AM Hants

Haha, apart from friend, had no idea others had watched the programme. She loves it and as we both have the same sense of humour, the comments in her lounge were hilarious, despite being traumatised, well I was, she wasn’t.

It was when she switched on the ‘sex doll’ documentary. That was beyond sick. Not forgetting ‘toothless grannies on the game’. Even my neighbours mentioned the howls of laughter, gushing through the walls. Miss our wine and TV sessions, owing to moving up North.

Tudor Miron

Turkish cartoon making department keeps rolling. Their victories are legendary.


First all of these images shows the systems were inactive expect one Pantsir in the beginning(which is in Libya not in Syria), as you saw this systems were on transit and not active yet, even the S-125 radar was inactive at the moment. And second, most likely the drone record this footage after the ceasefire deal and that’s why the defences didn’t even tried to intercept the drone. Otherwise if it was in real operation, why then the drone was just watching and didn’t fire at them.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Maybe all these not were UCA drones but UAV sentinel drones. Anyway Turkish drones were shot down with ECW sometime so this could be the explanation.

Zionism = EVIL

Like I have said before kiddies, don’t get upset and look at the FACTS, the Jew fucks and Turkey goat fuckers have been bombing Syria at will and little Putin and the decoration piece S-300/400 have only grown plants, so no wonder the Turkeys are making comics, but also begs the question that if Russian SAM systems are so ineffective then why the fuck are the Turkeys buying them?


Dude, if Russian SAMs were effective in Vietnam, what do you think an S300/400 is capable of doing?


“Little Putin” :))))))

George King

Better yet, why did Erdogan go hat in hand to Russia to save his fictitious Ottoman Empire’s mighty army before even one of their stated goals in pushing SAA and Allies back to previous demilitarized (in name only) zones? Does Putin really believe or trust Erdogan’s commitment to another cease fire and diplomatic solution? I think not, what proved to be a 24-48 hr stand down by Russia was presenting Erdogan with enough rope to hang himself to history for what is soon to come his way if he insist on his and Turkey’s own self destruction by their own hands.

johnny rotten

Even Duffy Duck agree with the turks.

Zionism = EVIL

and Ronald McDonald.


Putin offered erdogan a way out of his and turkey’s problems and he will take it – it’s not worth turkey’s future to lay a claim on idlib, which clearly ain’t his to claim, since the most important issue still awaits the middle east parties -how to terminate the jews occupying palestine – and that is something which will require an alliance of the middle eastern potentates and the jews will be out on their asses.

Jens Holm

Arrrh Jews do everything and You as usual do nothing Verner von Brownie. You at least could give a link for masks and tioiletpaper.

Unicef might give You a bidet.

Saif Imam

Doogie is not going to take it. He’s fuck-up awaits in Syria.


CIA/ Mossad have been checkmated 1. Coronavirus will lead to US economic collaspe and civil war 2. Goodbye Petrodollar , это ебать.


Guys, where do you think Sptesnaz is, Saraqib? What if Turkey failed to make gains just cuz of a couple hundred commandos? You see 16 of these guys can handle their own against like 300 fighters

Saif Imam

I saw the once embedded with MP’s.

Shia man

My respect, Mr. President …It is the difference between the officer, the doctor, and the son of the people …And between the employee Erdogan, pic.twitter.com/bWJSHtfJLY— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 9, 2020

Saif Imam

Well at Doogies defense his rats almost Fucked him up when that coup took place. He would be scared with armed troops around. Who knows when he gets fucked up..? ?


In this video we also see one of the Pantsir-S without the edited explosions and this time the details are a bit higher. Another video from Clash Report the same outlet that has posted many edited and falsified videos as part of Turkish propaganda. My guess is that this was filmed with drones that was allowed by Syria and Russia according to the memorandums of understanding, no i only wait for the versions that have edited explosions in them. I also wonder where the pictures where taken and when because of deployments of the different systems to be able to get a timeline that adds up. The Turkish armed drones was only effective until Syria relocated air defenses to Idlib province then they dropped like flies and Turkey stopped using armed drones. I find it strange that Turkish propaganda is so bad but despite that it has a great reach but i would guess they got some help from NATO.


The one with dual tire per axel wheel per side and axel marks might be a decoy like this one used by Israel. https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-a-decoy-imitates-missile-launching-system-deployed-in-the-negev-desert-170279719.html Pantsir doesn’t leave that kind of trackmarks.


One Pantsir-S system has been geolocated to Alleppo. https://twitter.com/obretix/status/1237105688079486976 https://www.google.com/maps?ll=36.22285,37.091569&q=36.22285,37.091569&hl=en&t=h&z=18

The S-125 Pechora was also geolocated to Aleppo. https://twitter.com/obretix/status/1237109408989089792 https://www.google.com/maps?ll=36.222998,37.084529&q=36.222998,37.084529&hl=en&t=h&z=18


Phew , look at the Russophiles crying in this thread..

But Nato did it. But these footages are fake.. But afterwards Pantsirs took all drones down But pantsirs were in active. But jews did it..

There is no ”but” . The answer to this fiasco is plain and simple. Russians systems are BS. They can even be destroyed by sub sonic propeller driven drones. Simple as that.


That’s why Turkey won in Syria. You are even stupider than I thought


Hmm Ok. SAA and Assad won SCW. Right.

Zionism = EVIL

Well Paki boy, Dr.Assad has control over 95% of urban areas and still in power after 8 years of Wahhabi scum and Turkey terror. So in real terms he has won, but the Turkey goat fuckers need to be slaughtered.


Paki ? Dont think so , but wud not mind to be one after all. ‘Dr’ Assad can live in his 95 % urban areas without irrigation , oil income and water happly till eternity then.

Zionism = EVIL

I have news for you in the madrassa, Syrians are the best of the Arabs and will get their land back, no matter how long it takes, the regional demographics favor them, the Arabs hate the Turkeys more than the Jews. Believe me, there is no way the goat fucker Erdogan will achieve anything. The Turkeys military “performance” in Syria is pathetic and the SAA and its allies gave them a bloody nose and that is why ErDOG went to Moscow to kiss Putin’s arse and is now kissing NATO arse to broaden the war, but no European will die for the hated Turkeys.


Assad will ,remain usa must collapse,russia has the power too much for you lgbtq


Jimi , my boy , everytime I think I saw the most retarded and meaningless comment from you , you surprise me with an other one.

Now try to write above comment of yours in Lingua Franca.


Jimi , my boy , everytime I think I saw the most retarded and meaningless comment from you , you surprise me with another one.

Now try to write above comment of yours in Lingua Franca.


Of course Dr. Assad won (yeah he is an Ophthalmologist, we do not know what you are). The Kurds will come around, it’s a matter of time. Turkey will have to leave sooner rather than later. Did you see the Syrians on the bus to/from Aleppo on the M5? Boy that must make you sad


Mengele has also that title. No big deal. Kurds have no chance at the region .. BTW why travelling syrians would upset me , can u elaborate ?


You do not want to see ordinary Syrians lead a normal life. Your media and bs propaganda would like to have you believe that Syrians are living under oppression so must be “liberated”. No they are not. CIA and Turkey are causing the misery in Syria. CIA I understand but Turkey? You should be on the same side with Assad

cechas vodobenikov

you compliment an imbecile when u label her stupid


Aww , Ruskie is triggered .. Out of vodka , peasant ?


Maybe you that jumped into this site after RuAF fückëd 50 spermdrinkers türds and sent them in kirpis back to türdkey,lol. horny türd spermdrinker,you’re the whörë of both Russia and US.


That was rich coming from a pollack.


I still remember how a kirpi full of türds carcases was sent back to türdkey,lol.


I still remember whow russian wives were crying after a plane load of dead russians were brough to Russia from Deir Zor.

What did russians did in return ? Nothing .. LOL


I remember when you downed the SU-24,remember this? :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4XM26V-YUc

And those kïkës always crying for the six million of soap bars that were räpëd,lol


No but I saw this..


Germans killed millions of you , not only’ kikes’. They belived that you pollacks were an inferior race. But you still lick their azz. Pollack pride, LOL.


Say the türd that drink german sperm for help their economy and rïm american bütthölë for patriots after RuAF räpëd +30 cüm buckets,LOL. And how it’s feel to make deals with the countries that ruined your empire and let million of turkic and muslim be räpëd in the Balkans?

Lazy Gamer

To be able to observe multiple pantsirs is indicative of an inability to detect drones. Syria better start putting inflated rubber on wheels. lol

Zionism = EVIL

Only a layered SAM defence in large number works as we saw in Vietnam. It has to be both AAA and SAMS and with drones lasers would work better but local CAP with slower planes works too. But the problem is that Syria is weak in the air and can not control its airspace and little Putin has no strategy but kiss Jew and Turkey arse. Sad facts me boy!


Or more likely it was filmed with allowed drones according to the memorandums of understanding.

cechas vodobenikov

the pitiful Israeli iron dome is superior to amerikan trash—there r good reasons that Russian systems r now purchased by India, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Turkey, etc obviously if the turks were confident about their fake news they would not have surrendered to Russia as Erdogan clearly did this past week

Zionism = EVIL

Soviet systems won the Vietnam war and did pretty well in the 1973 Ramadan war, but the problem is the much advertised S-300/400 have never seen combat and that has people doubt their effectiveness. old dictum USE IT OR LOSE, same applies to the dick too.

cechas vodobenikov

I am not a weapons expert; however, I recall that soviet era s-200 were employed by Syria to shoot down 2 israeli war planes a few months ago

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, one F-16I was downed and a F-35 damaged with upgraded SA-2 with boosters. The Serbs downed a F-117 “stealth” with the same system. Russian SAMS without doubt are the best in the world for what they cost. But the problem with any weapons system is that unless it passes the Baptism under fire, it has no credibility.


AM Hants

How does that work, when nations are too frightened to check out if they work? Not wishing to be on the receiving end, of a S-400 in action.

Most nations know the Patriot is a duff, owing to how it has performed, time and time again. Saudi oilfields, so come to mind.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia should formally hand over the S-300 and 400 to Syria and Iran and then let them shoot down any unauthorized aircraft in Syrian airspace. Syria is under Turkeys, Zionist and NATO attacks and has every right and moral obligation to defend its land and airspace. A downed F-16 will get the message across about the lethality and effectiveness of the modern Russian AD systems and will be the best advertising.

AM Hants

Russia is there to help. Syria has upgraded S-300s and Iran has no need for S-400, owing to their own systems, being equivalent or possibly superior.

AM Hants

Remember the S-200, posing as a bird, which took out Israel’s newbie F35?

AM Hants

Darling, the perfect deterrent. Nations are too frightened to take the gamble, which would activate them. Perfect reference for a deterrent.

Zionism = EVIL

I hope you are woman calling me darling as I am not partial to fags :). This site attracts quite a few Jew faggots BTW.

AM Hants

Haha, biological female and still happy with my gender. If that helps.


Return the S 400 if they are ineffective .

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t believe they are operational anyway, the Turkeys are very dumb and slow learners.


The turkish thugish regime is quite pathetic…

Zionism = EVIL

and you are being kind.


Saif Imam

Poor birdy.. A turkey would be nice ? ? ?



Rhodium 10

Nothing special could be filmed with small cuadracopters…for other side Turkish drones were flying at the same time in the same airspace where Russian and Syrian jets&Drones were flying…but once Russians &Syrians aircraft were away….Turkish drones were shot down like Sitting Ducks!…


“We cannot guarantee the safety of your aircraft”. That was such a strong message. A couple days later, Erdogan is in Moscow


Are you telling that Russian air defences can not differ friend from foe ?


The way it works is very simple : if it detects a broken asshole it means turk ( =gay ) otherwise it’ s a friend .


If you get that meaning out of above comment , you have a strange percepiton mate. Go get your bottom drilled and you will feel all ok.

Rhodium 10

SAA found fake Pantsir to film https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c488ad1d626479f1283cab1cc9c96927c2d0835df341a27a32789ac8b7fb2de.jpg a fake attacks

Zionism = EVIL

My son, when he was 10 used to make better replicas. But Syria should make a lot of decoys and put them all over Idlib, that will freak the Turkeys out.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s the S400 system that Russia sold to the Turds.

Shhhhhhhh. Keep it quiet ffs, Erdo thinks it’s the bees knees.


Unfortunately for the Turks, they have completely lost their credibility, and not unjustly.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Fortunate for the rest of us though.

Constantinople can once again be the centre of Christian Orthodoxy. lol


Why not ? But first lets stick 4 minarets of Hagia Sophia up into your old immigrant ass. Having read a few comment of yours , I am sure that you will love every second of it.

Zionism = EVIL

As if they ever had any credibility to begin with.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

They don’t get back the billions of dollars the Turds already paid out for though!

Maybe the Turds could buy some proper combat drones from Russia.

Surely, the Turds could manage that.


They wish to buy the S400-system from the Russians, but they declare that it won’t work? These are signs of mental dysfunction on the level of propagandists and rulers. Good signs that let us imagine that the Turkey warmongers are on a road to hell. I always like it when the selfdeclared “almighties from Anatolia” come along with “Turkey pride” and powerful declarations and mocking about other peoples…

Samuel Vanguard


AM Hants

How many soldiers did NATOs 2nd largest Army lose, to the Forces of the small, sovereign nation, known as Syria?

If Russian defence systems, Turkey found in Libya??????? Were so ineffective, then why were so insistent that they needed the S-400?

AM Hants

What is the history of the US Patriot system? Besides the home goal, of taking out the US Forces, wasn’t that during the times of the Kosovo War? How does the Patriot work, with regards intercepting all that comes it’s way? Why do Saudi oilfields, so come to mind?

Surely Turkey should be looking at the US systems, before mocking Russia?

Mahmoud Larfi

Time to effectively shut down your f.ing airspace Syria & shoot anything that’s not authorized to fly within your borders.


I think they Mock these systems because we have never heard the Use of S300 or S400 in syria. probably they think the systems are domand.They even doubt the systems (S400 they have currently).why do we assume for example a whole US military Base in Iraq didn’t have an air defense system during the Iran attack and are planning to supply them.Isnt it a ploy………..?

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