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Turkey Refuses To Give Up On Its Syrian Interests

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Turkey and its proxies are rushing to defend Ankara’s interests in northeastern Syria.

After weeks of being on the back food, with its oil traffickers being targeted, and Turkish proxy positions around Aleppo being struck repeatedly, the time to fight back has come.

Before the incidents began, in order to coordinate its operations, Turkey established a “mega-base” next to the al-Bab al-Hawa crossing with the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

As of March 17th, the base hosts 20 senior officers and 400 soldiers of the Turkish Armed Forces, 700 armored vehicles and personnel carriers, 100 battle tanks.

It is an impressive location, and it will be used as a hub for all convoys that will enter Syrian territory.

Three checkpoints are expected, and it will be continuously expanded.

With the support of the base, Turkish proxies have once again resumed active actions against both the Syrian Arab Army and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

On March 18th, clashes broke out between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army in the northern Aleppo countryside. Heavy machine guns were used in the clashes. The SAA and Turkish forces also exchanged artillery fire.

No casualties were reported. This could be a harbinger of what is to come, numerous pro-government and pro-opposition outlets have repeatedly said that the SAA is preparing a large-scale operation to oust Turkey from the parts of Aleppo it has been occupying since 2017.

Not too far away, in the Raqqah countryside, SDF reported that its fighters had repelled two attacks by Turkish proxies. The first was on the village of Saida west of Ain Issa. The second attack targeted the town of Mu’alk to the east.

No specific casualty numbers were released.

The area around Ain Issa has been volatile for a while now, with Turkey and its proxies frequently attacking the town’s outskirts. An Ankara plan to push and capture the town has been expected for months.

Likely in response to this, two rockets were launched from Syria towards the southern Turkish city of Kilis. According to Syrian sources, the two rockets were launched from the vicinity of the town of Tell Rifaat in the northern Aleppo countryside. The positions belong to the People’s Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara considers terrorist. The YPG is also the core of the SDF.

The Turkish army shelled a dozen of towns and villages in response to the attack. Heavy clashes were also reported between Kurdish fighters and militants of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army west of the Turkish-occupied town of al-Bab.

Turkish movements were expected, as there is no way it would forfeit cheap and easy-to-attain oil from Syria, and beyond. The Damascus government, and its Russian support, are of a different opinion.

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Who gives flying f*uck?! Turk game is more then transparent now. They “refuse to give up” many things, but than they renounce them, if (and when) forced to do it. They have agreement with Russia on Syria. So Russia should find solution to that problem. Force Turkey to behave one way or another… —- This zombie is president: https://youtu.be/ST9cmttj1kY

The Objective

A really funny video. I wonder if this man is sick.


This man calls Putin “killer”?!? He is obviously not fit for any kind of service…Let alone to be a president, of the global world power, with deep economic crisis and several wars on his hands… He is just disabled old man…. a puppet. Shoving how ridiculous and pathetic country US have become.

The Objective

Well, let’s see what his rule will be like. Soon, things will be more clear.


he is just puppet, an illusion of democracy…there are other people who are true decision makers hidden behind him… while Camala Harris and him are just for preserving the resemblance of “democracy”

Sylvain Jeuland

KKR maybe

Jens Holm

So far he and they are doing pretty well. Nice with liks for better economies, which can inspire the whole world:)

cechas vodobenikov

pretty well for jens living in colony of decayed perverted impoverished covid dictatorship empire

klove and light

so little jew joey……..raped and murdered any kids lately???

klove and light

what HIS rule will be like ????????????????????????????

are you braindead or just a happy heroin/LSD and Co taker????

Biden is not even able to take a shit alone……and that is not sarcasm but the honest truth….. Harris was put in her VP place for ONE reason only……. her skin colour!!!


Or we could all be dead by the end of it.

klove and light

He is obviously not fit for any kind of service…Let alone to be a president, of the global world power, with deep economic crisis and several wars on his hands… He is just disabled old man…. a puppet.

spot on!!!!!

but exactly here lies the danger for all of us……….

it is british zionism that calls the shots….very very dangerous.

The Objective

Time is long overdue for a Turkish-U.S cooperation to impose democracy on Assad. This SDF feud to relinquish to the back burner for now.

WW Conkright

Ssme kind of communist corrupt gov? Biden like gov? No thanks. Rsther i say many years and God speed to Pres Assad. Time to launch missles into that base and destroy all enemies Take no prisoners


I love how you think you your little Ottoman idol somehow personally controls the situation and decides what happens on foreign soil his men do not belong to. Rest assured, the US/Turkish “influence” will remain for some time curtailed in specific areas that will get more and more untenable to sustain locally, increasingly surrounded from all sides by hostile forces that will make travelling from and to a more and more expensive endeavor, and even more so obviously since the recent and welcome, massive devastation that its principal ressource, stolen oil, has sustained overnight and seems now stopped dead in its tracks from long overdue joint Russian-Syrian strikes, and to which the Turks have responded by doing exactly nothing, while their proxies were annihilated and burned to a crisp literally by their helpless, angry eyes.

Most important consequence of these perfectly timed and managed bombings : The Kurds had to start ignoring US requests to enforce a wheat and oil embargo on gov’t areas and long queues of fuel trucks have been piling up at checkpoints lately to resume trade on that direly needed lifeline for Syrians to have a chance at rebuilding their country through the hurdles of illegal sanctions plaguing their state’s every ability to emerge from the crisis, away from the shadow of Turkish-supported invasive Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated brigades and authority.

Besides, “impose democracy” xD my my, what a worn-out fallacious concept we got here, 2003 vintage. At first I genuinely thought this was some kind of joke, until I saw the author, then I understood how genuinely one could believe such pile of nonsense, coming from an authoritarian ruler quelling opposition parties at home and imprisoning delegates he does not like in the name of national security, while unleashing hordes of jihadist paramilitaries against Kurdish populations and delving into ethnic cleansing , forced displacement and demographic change in border areas, going for straight up annexation and suppression of the Syrian past wherever he can, starting by replacing currency, local language taught at schools and institutions, one by one.

All of this done of course, when the man was not busy dealing in illegal oil trade with the likes of ISIS and gain revenue for himself and his personal entourage.


I love how you think you your little Ottoman idol somehow personally controls the situation and decides what happens on foreign soil his men do not belong to. Rest assured, the US/Turkish “influence” will remain for some time curtailed in specific areas that will get more and more untenable to sustain locally, increasingly surrounded from all sides by hostile forces that will make travelling from and to a more and more expensive endeavor, and even more so obviously since the recent and welcome, massive devastation that its principal ressource, stolen oil, has sustained overnight and seems now stopped dead in its tracks from long overdue joint Russian-Syrian strikes, and to which the Turks have responded by doing exactly nothing, while their proxies were annihilated and burned to a crisp literally by their helpless, angry eyes.

Most important consequence of these perfectly timed and managed bombings : The Kurds had to start ignoring US requests to enforce a wheat and oil embargo on gov’t areas and long queues of fuel trucks have been piling up at checkpoints lately to resume trade on that direly needed lifeline for Syrians to have a chance at rebuilding their country through the hurdles of illegal sanctions plaguing their state’s every ability to emerge from the crisis, away from the shadow of Turkish-supported invasive Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated brigades and authority.

Besides, “impose democracy” with help from Al-Qaeda corporation, Lockheed, Raytheon and Boeing huh xD my my, what a worn-out fallacious concept we got here, 2003 vintage. At first I genuinely thought this was some kind of joke, until I saw the author, then I understood how genuinely one could believe such pile of nonsense, coming from an authoritarian ruler quelling opposition parties at home and imprisoning delegates he does not like in the name of national security, while unleashing hordes of jihadist paramilitaries against Kurdish populations and delving into ethnic cleansing , forced displacement and demographic change in border areas, going for straight up annexation and suppression of the Syrian past wherever he can, starting by replacing currency, local language taught at schools and institutions, one by one. And also, encroaching on every single country bordering its seas, like Greece and already partially occupying Cyprus.

All in all, nothing more than a big-mouthed, expansionist neo-Ottoman wannabe with delusions of grandeur that are beyond him. Already packing up in Libya without securing anything close to decisive victory and quite the contrary, grinding to a standstill in border areas still coveted around northern Syria, and reluctantly looking at the prospect yet another Russian-Syrian push deeper into his nice little pseudo-Caliphate remnants.

All of this done of course, when the man was not busy dealing in illegal oil trade with the likes of ISIS and gain revenue for himself and his personal entourage.

The Objective

If all it takes for your murderer dictator to win in Syria was stopping oil sales by the SDF, he would have won long ago. Syria turns out to be a much bigger problem than Putin thought. As long as your attacks do not endanger Turkish forces, you can kill a few rebels to show your pals that you’re doing something. But when you deliberately target Turkish forces, I think we both know what’ll happen. Turkey lost in Libya? And withdrew without the Russians leaving? That’s the biggest laugh of the day. You know nothing about what’s going on in Libya. That project is mission accomplished already – unless another fight breaks out, in which case we’ll be back within weeks. The Syrian heroes left, but the equipment are still in Libya, waiting to be manned as needed. It’s just a case of sending them back if Haftar tries to pull any shitty move. The new Libyan government is not your dictator Hafta. And it’s working towards democratic governance. The prime minister said Turkey-Libya maritime deal is in Libya’s interest and will continue to work. Turkey has trained enough Libyans now to fight and defend their government. Nothing is going to happen. Our mission was to restore democracy and end Haftar’s dictatorship dreams. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! The Syrian rebels are redeploying to Yemen where their services would be needed the most in the coming days.

What’s happening at home in Turkey is Erdogan breaking the hypocrites in Turkey one by one. He’s purifying Turkey and preparing it to take a more active role in the Sunni Muslim world.

So my dear gryzor84, slander Erdogan as much as you want, but he’s not giving you the easy victory you want. Turkey sits right across the border, so it can stay in Syria for another decade no problem. It costs very little to do that. But if you must really impose the kind of cost that forces Turkey out of Syria, then you are going to have to start attacking Turkish forces directly. If you defeat them, then you can have that part of land they occupy. But I think there’ll be no doubt about what’ll become of the Assad army in such a scenario. And I doubt Putin is crazy enough to start a multi-billion dollar war over Syria. The cost is prohibitive. You Shiites can wish and dream all you want over a Russia-Turkey war, but it aint happening, at least not over Syria.

What you described is more likely to happen to Russia than Turkey. The Biden team has now made its Syria policy partly clear. We can expect a resurgence of rebel forces even in the most unexpected places in Syria. Sanctions will remain, probably tightened and the SDF will continue to hold Syria’s oil hostage. Any sham elections will be rejected by the U.S (meaning the war will continue). The aim will be to steadily raise the cost for Russia not Turkey.

As long as Russian, Turkish, and U.S forces are not attacked in Syria, the only thing that’s likely to change is the expected increase in anti-regime opposition forces.

Dictatorship in Syria has come to an end.


“If all it takes for your murderer dictator to win in Syria was stopping oil sales by the SDF, he would have won long ago. Syria turns out to be a much bigger problem than Putin thought.”

Ok so you indeed seem to be living on another planet, a shame since you used to be more of a pragmatic in past times. Assad (thanks to Russia) has already won the war militarily and Erdogan is desperately clinging on to some piece of bordering land in Idlib that he covets as war trophies to sell his people in an extremely divided Turkey, wake up. We’re talking about isolated pockets of territory still held by murderous islamist zealots using religion as their manifesto for easy rape, kills, and property theft, don’t get ahead of yourself. 75% and pretty much all population centers and major cities are under full government control and so far the only recognized leadership no matter how contested, and as much as you want to hate it. I and I no love either for Allawite rule, but the decision to either remove or keep him doesn’t lie in the little Sultan’s hands, all I’m saying, either by power or legitimacy. He has neither, as he has only been a source for instability, chaos, opportunistic land-grabs and ressources theft (although the latter is now over, as we all saw).

“As long as your attacks do not endanger Turkish forces, you can kill a few rebels to show your pals that you’re doing something. But when you deliberately target Turkish forces, I think we both know what’ll happen.”

Dude it’s not “we”, I’m not in a camp here, I’m not pro-Iran, or Pro-Syria as regimes, I’m pro secular sovereignty and territorial integrity, anti-occupation and anti-invasion, especially when it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood in this region, filling in every crack they desperately can slip into through utter chaos and confusion, their specialty, and you know it full well. Though your hate for Persians and anything non-islamist is blurring your mind and vision alike and makes you confuse dissenting voies with the “Safavid Chiite enemy”, poor you.

“Turkey lost in Libya? And withdrew without the Russians leaving? That’s the biggest laugh of the day. You know nothing about what’s going on in Libya. That project is mission accomplished already – unless another fight breaks out, in which case we’ll be back within weeks. ”

Ok so you’ll even more deluded as I thought. “Mission accomplished” he says in yelled capital letters, stop sweating over your wet dreams, you know nothing such ever happened. What happened is that Haftar’s forces reinforced its position in a way that discouraged Erdogan’s mercenary fascists to go on with the planned massive campaign they prepared for a long time to invade their part of Lybian territory and precisely stayed on in standby for that to happen, but Russia came back big time into the mix and made clear the lines aren’t to budge, and Haftar’s forces even made daring forays on contested lines to show their determination, destroyed very expensive air-defense equipment and communication apparatus in several Turskih bases at the frontline, and Erdogan STILL didn’t move. The Russians leaving ? they’ve been massively entrenching there with new equipment every month, a full squadron of Mig-29s is the latest addition to an already solid force there, and they keep on training Haftar’s battalions, where have you been holed up lately to miss such news ? THe Moon, or Mars maybe ?

At BEST , Libya is a both a military and a political stalemate while Erdogan depleted blood and treasure to take over the entirety of the country for himself and his henchmen, and he ended up a universe away from that, and considered his investment too costly and his Syrian posture so badly endangered he needed to get his savage hordes back into what’s left of their little dying Idlibistan caliphate. If you can call that a terrific victory, well I wish you loads of them back into Syria !

“The new Libyan government is not your dictator Hafta. And it’s working towards democratic governance. ”

Again, he’s not “my” dictator, he’s just a very efficient roadblock on Erdogan’s plans to regional domination and I appreciate him as such, just as Assad is in Syria. No more, no less. The safeguard secular sector out of reach for your Ottoman guru, and I’m fine with that. I don’t devout a cult to him like you do your sultan while sharing his dreams of a neo-Sunni caliphate over the world, we are not the same, I’m a man of the present, you still fantasize on a Great thousand-year old Muslim golden age dream. Again, wake up.

“What’s happening at home in Turkey is Erdogan breaking the hypocrites in Turkey one by one. He’s purifying Turkey and preparing it to take a more active role in the Sunni Muslim world.”

OK so you’re actually on drugs, I revise my previous assertion. Spoken like a true tyran-loving fanatic right there. And you still dare preach “democracy” to others. You don’t even have the right to speak that virtuous name you’re unworthy of and don’t even believe in , as we all know about your true goals and hope for the region and possibly the world around.

“So my dear gryzor84, slander Erdogan as much as you want”

I don’t need to slander, he IS a slander by being the inept mini-dictator he is in every way. And the Republican constitution of his own country will soon get the brave liberty-loving people of Turkey rid of his filthy hold onto power that had lasted only too long.

” Turkey sits right across the border, so it can stay in Syria for another decade no problem. It costs very little to do that.”

that one shows straight up ignorance on your part. He can barely pay up his savages now, and the lucrative sources of stolen oil he used as income just went up in flames and we all know you still cry in anger for that. He couldn’t move a finger while saying goodbye to BILLIONS in free salary for his goons. The party’s over, both for the SDF and your little champion mate, get over it. The cost of the Syrian occupation is already triggering tremors at home on the political front, the Lira is free-falling and unemployment is on the high rise, you seem not to follow anything at all of what’s actually happening outside of your bubble. Only a question when , not if, for the end of his illegal , criminal presence tainting Syrian soil.

” But if you must really impose the kind of cost that forces Turkey out of Syria, then you are going to have to start attacking Turkish forces directly. If you defeat them, then you can have that part of land they occupy. But I think there’ll be no doubt about what’ll become of the Assad army in such a scenario.”

No need to do that. That occupation will end by itself, as explained above. Time is on Syria’s side, not Erdogan’s Turkey.

“And I doubt Putin is crazy enough to start a multi-billion dollar war over Syria. The cost is prohibitive.”

He doesn’t have to do that either. Blowing up 200 oil trucks and every piece of makeshift refineries under Turkey’s control is all he needed to do to both send a message to the Sultan dog AND to wreak his little business there. And it was well received. The Turkish wrath is still nowhere to be found. Last time the dog barked too loud, 50 of his soldiers were toasted in ONE sweep from a Russian Su-24, if need be the dog can be kicked again, don’t you worry.

“You Shiites can wish and dream all you want over a Russia-Turkey war, but it aint happening, at least not over Syria.”

First I’m a proud atheist glad to see theocratic regimes on the back-foot everywhere, then again it’s not “we”, as I don’t consider myself part of that war, philosophically. I simply observe and provide opinion on what I think of issues. In the end, my life won’t change one iota irrespective of who gains what and where. But I do love the current trends, that I will say.

” Sanctions will remain, probably tightened and the SDF will continue to hold Syria’s oil hostage”

Mmh I see. So you seem to have missed endless queues of wheat and oil trucks waiting to cross from SDF-controlled areas to gov’t held ones a couple days back. It was posted on this very site. You seem to have developed eyesight issues on top of your altered intellect. Too much anger, sorrow and rage clouding your judgment maybe ? or simply active denial of a reality that hurts too much ? there, some big news you missed :


“As long as Russian, Turkish, and U.S forces are not attacked in Syria, the only thing that’s likely to change is the expected increase in anti-regime opposition forces.”

All I see is an increase in anti-Turkish protest that get suppressed in blood by your murdering heroes of Syria. And that’s also a good trend, as more and more proud nationalists join Arab tribes to prepare for a protracted war of liberation in the Northeast. Your suffering has just begun, the pulverization of your oil business was only the start. You will cry harder.

“Dictatorship in Syria has come to an end.”

Ergodan and the Muslim Brotherhood will be gone from Turkey decades sooner that the Syrian Allawite, rest assured, and you’ll live to see it.

cechas vodobenikov

try a different rehab u r an idiot—turkish economy destroyed in debt Russian economy vast reserves and growing objective pervert propaganda= paki humor


Lol, if you think Assad is a “muderer dictator” then what does that make Erdogan? The guy’s a damn dictator in all but name and has sponsored murderous jihadists for years.

The Objective

At least he does allow elections.


so does the Islamic Republic of Iran. And just as the Iranian Mullah dictators, Ergodan filters out real opponents by cracking down on them, harassing, suppressing, and imprisoning their representatives under various dubious pretexts. And none of the Gulf Monarchies allow elections either.


Buuuuuuut he fights for Allah you see ? and his mercenary killers are the muslim version of the crusaders in that godly campaign. Together they contribute to the Great Sunni Muslim Renaissance, and just every single means justify that noble end. Never forget who you’re addressing, no real rationality, let alone anything remotely close to “Objective thinking”.


man you joking again as a pakistani hendu-pak?…..lol

Icarus Tanović

He’s one. Pakistani hendu pak.


yeah, its notable how these wahabbi pakistani support these moghal Al-Qaeda (mongols). I’m surprised because they got sweet f’all in common. One is hendu the other mongol, and we see them supporting each other…..lol. Maybe because both are cornered and bankrupt.

Icarus Tanović

Maybe they’re overbrainwashed or druged and thinking that they’re kinda…Turks od some sort…

cechas vodobenikov

the perverted doubled her dose of LSD

Samuel Vanguard

turks and americans are cut from the same cloth

Raptar Driver

I don’t know anyone here who likes Turks. We should not be Allied with them We have nothing in common whatsoever. My government is just using them for their strategic importance mostly based on where they are located.

Diana Cornwell

Who invited the Turks into Syria, and the Jihadis into Idlib?

It was Putin.

Why do you expect the Russians to fight the Turks? They are allies.

Putin is NATO’s secret agent.

Your immunity to the Red Pill has been realized.

cechas vodobenikov

dimwit anglo—dementia afflicted should not consume LSD


“Putin is NATO’s secret agent” planning to INVADE RUSSIA !!! :))


Stop taking drugs you muppet.

El Mashi

Let the thieve steal the oil, and once comfortable, and oil theft increased bomb the thieves caravan.

El Mashi

Turkish soldiers more interested in watching porn than fighting. No martyrdom for thieves just the death of imbeciles.

Icarus Tanović

Turkish interests in Syria? There is no Turkish business or blackmailing in Syria.

johnny rotten

If you are not illiterate you should know that Turkey stole a piece of Syria when Putin was not yet born, Hatay is still not recognized by Syria as turkey territory, which settled there in 1939, but the western brigands kept this theft a advantage of the turkey that became an ally, or rather vassal, of NATO, the same story of Cyprus, another prize to pay for the turkey from the western part against the USSR, you buy turkey with little, just give it a bite of someone else’s land every many years and he will happily scratch it.


You can’t teach an Old Mule(Turkey) new tricks!

cechas vodobenikov

Slow learners


What gets me is Erdogan didn’t need to go down the road of attacking Syria ten years ago,he could have had good relations with Syria like Turkey had in the past,so he is to blame for anything thats coming his way.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He did have good relations with Assad, Assad and his wife stayed at Erdogan’s home as guests while they were on their Turkish holiday, you can’t get much friendlier than that. But sadly Saudi oil and Qatari gas were too much of a temptation for Erdogan, he liked the idea of Turkey becoming a fuel transit hub to the EU, so profit and power put paid to the old friendship, especially when Assad said no to the plan.

Diana Cornwell

Who was Turkey’s only real ally in 1920-22? Russia.

Who gave the Turks the gold and the guns with which to commit the genocide of the indigenous Christian peoples of Asia Minor, the Greeks and the Armenians? Russia.

Who invited the Turks into Syria by opening the Syrian airspace to Turkish F-16s and Bayraktar drones? Russia.

Who saved Erdogan and has Erdogan’s back? Russia.

Who is building nuclear power plants in Turkey even though Turks recently killed the Russian ambassador, shot down Russian aircrafts, killed Russian pilots and Russian servicemen? Putin.

Thanks Putin.

Your work for NATO is highly appreciated. And your retirement palace in Israel is waiting for you.


Icarus Tanović

What christians? Do you by any means talking about Ortodox ones? Huh, how about that? Slave you.

Diana Cornwell

Greeks are orthodox Christian, uncouth idiot.

Armenians are Eastern Christians similar to orthodox Christians.


Yeah british are pro armenian and greek…no thanks your lies about russia don’t work except for the simple minded. Turkey wouldn’t even exist without the british and French.

Diana Cornwell

“Hye” you’re not. Turkey wouldn’t exist today were it not for the Bolsheviks’ help in 1919-22. Who just had 5000 Armenians (Hyes) killed and Karabakh — and soon Armenia — delivered to the Turks?

The Russians. Again.


You need to quit using meth. It’s very bad for you. Quit now!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan hasn’t given up on any of his interests anywhere, not in Syria, not in Iraq, not in Libya, not in Azerbaijan, and not in Cyprus either, he’s a one man army all by himself. But there does come a point where you can bite off more than you can chew, and in Erdogan’s case that has to be very close now. I don’t know how much more he can fit into his mouth but it can’t be much more than he already has, so one good punch in the guts should make him spew it all back up, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Azerbaijan, and Cyprus. The Arab league are getting ready for something big, perhaps they’re going to start opposing the Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution 2254, that would be a really big punch in the guts for Erdogan.

The Objective

Well, that will pitch the Arab league against Israel. Biden can choose between a democratic Syria, or an autocratic one controlled by Russia and Iran. The Arab league needs Turkey much more than the other way round. Saudi Arabia is taking missile and drone fire at its oil fields and air ports – thanks to the Iranians. If they are foolish enough to support an Iranian takeover of Syria, they can try. But even if they oppose resolution 2254, it’ll only prolong the war. What is preventing Assad’s total victory is not resolution 2254, but Turkey and U.S military presence. Saudi Arabia asked Turkey for drones to fight the Houthis. They also seem to want some help from the Turkish-trained Syrian rebels. This doesn’t sit well with your Arab League claim.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No it won’t pitch the League against Israel, it will bring them closer together, they have a common enemy in the Muslim Brotherhood, and neither Israel or the League nations want to see the Brotherhood take power in Syria. Most of the League Nations have now renewed ties to the Syrian Government despite US objections, and most of those Nations have also recently renewed or established new relations with Israel, and what’s the only thing that brings conflicted nations together, an even bigger threat that they both face, which is the Muslim brotherhood.

The Objective

So what’s stopping the U.S withdrawing from Syria and sanctioning Turkey to do the same?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The LGBTQI dominated Democratic Party, and the LGBTQI dominated and entrenched US bureaucracy, total hatred of Putin is stopping a US withdrawal, and now the anti LGBTQI Trump administration has lost power in the US, they can get on with their unholy war against Putin, and that war started way back in 2005/6, which is also the real date the Syrian war started, not the bullets and bombs Syrian war, the words and deeds Syrian war. All the sanctions Trump imposed in 2019 didn’t do too much to stop Erdogan, just stalled him for a while and drove him closer to Putin, so I don’t think the US will try that again in a hurry, and sanctions haven’t made Erdogan give up the S-400’s either, so not winning tactics for the US in any way.

The Objective

America has not left Syria due to two reasons: 1. It wants both the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran out first 2. It will have to choose between Iran and the Sunni Muslims if Russia fails to get Turkey out of Syria. I think Biden is waiting to see if Putin can get Turkey out of Syria. but if that seems unlikely, he’ll ultimately side with Turkey.

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