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MARCH 2025

Turkey Releases Footage of Strikes on Syrian Troops In Idlib

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Turkey Releases Footage of Strikes on Syrian Troops In Idlib

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On February 28th, Turkey released footage of attacks by its armed forces on Syrian Arab Army positions overnight, following the strikes that killed at least 33 Turkish soldiers on the previous day.

It is unclear if the footage shows specifically the attacks carried out by Turkey in response to its soldiers being killed.

According to Anadolu Agency, which cited Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar 309 targets were “neutralized.”

This marks the first time Ankara provides any sort of evidence that it is carrying out any military activity and may have caused actual casualties to the Syrian Arab Army.

The previous claims of killing a total of 531 Syrian soldiers, as a cumulative number of claims from Twitter and Defense Ministry statements, have been accompanied by wide-spread repeating of a statement, accompanied by no form of proof, whatsoever.

Purportedly the videos show shelling around Saraqib.

The videos, allegedly shows precision airstrikes, as well as shelling carried out on “regime” targets.

According to the report, alongside the next video, the numbers of Syrian Arab Army soldiers killed since February 10th, is much larger than the numbers initially released by the Turkish Defense Ministry.

As per the report, since February 10th, 1709 “regime” elements have been “neutralized.”

Turkey uses the term “neutralized” to say that an enemy has been killed or captured, and it is unknown if it has captured a single Syrian soldier.

In the operations, 55 tanks, 3 helicopters, 18 armored vehicles and 6 ammunition depots belonging to the Syrian government forces were also destroyed. Among those destroyed, there are 29 howitzer, 21 military vehicles and 4 machine gun nests.

According to Turkish Minister of Defense Hulusi Akar, in retaliation to the Syrian Arab Army killing militants, and the Turkish troops fighting embedded in them, the Turkish armed forces had struck nearly 200 Syrian government targets and have “neutralized” 309 soldiers on February 28th.

Akar, who directed the operation carried out by land and air support vehicles for the regime targets in Idlib until the first light of the morning, said:

“Our troops in Idlib were subjected to a low air attack in order to provide a ceasefire, prevent migration and end the humanitarian drama in the region, 33 of our hero soldiers were martyred, 32 of our hero soldiers were injured,” he said.

Akar said:

“Although the locations of our troops were previously coordinated with the officials of the Russian Federation on the field, this attack was carried out, unfortunately, despite the warning, once again, after the first shot, the attack continued.

During these airstrikes even ambulances were struck. After the treacherous attack, more than 200 regime targets were immediately heavily fired with our aircraft, SİHA and land fire support vehicles. As a result of these shots, 5 helicopters, 23 tanks, 10 armored vehicles, 23 guns of various sizes and diameters, howitzers, 5 ammunition trucks, an SA-17, an SA-22 air defense system, 3 ammunition depots, 2 material depots, and a headquarters building have been neutralized. Our shots and activities continue as planned.”


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Erdogan: 200,000 bakeries providing bread to SAA have been neutralised.

Louis IX

It’s a call for more direct strikes on Turkish army. I hope Russia will give them some.


Yep wipe Idlib clean – Turks only respect strength


time to bring up the pantsir into idlib front …can’t allow this sh*t to happen again, this explains why the hts gangsters took over saraqib



Alex Cabrera

now that it has proof that turkey is durectly attacking SA troops |

now its time to attack turkish troops directly

kill all those in observation site

Zionism = EVIL

Photoshopped image from a Kurdish mud hut village. Wow, I am impressed.




mdr!! sacre trool!!


Bullshit, there’s nowhere near that many casualties. Turkey’s just telling it’s usual propaganda. Although at least they finally have something on video for once. Plenty more Turkish casualties incoming today I bet.


Gatherings of SAA tanks and troops were also attacked. https://twitter.com/Abdurahmanhrk/status/1233314926078328832

Turkish drone/artillery strikes against regime infantry and weapons https://twitter.com/Abdurahmanhrk/status/1233326954620821504


Or the SAA is now without weapons and soldiers, certainly without tanks or this is a flagrant lie. Anyway even if this is a lie it is proof that SAA and Russia are not capable of defending off Turkey army not to mention that their air defence apparently is a joke.


The atack on turkish troops was obviously a very good idea.Who was the genius behind it?

Zionism = EVIL

Very effective https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dec2ce58f4dc6ecf415af55f9f23d8edc2613c1d428c1cd7a28a71a4ab6e2d4c.png and daring though. Kudos to the Syrian Arab Airforce.


I sincere doubt there will be any SAA left in a week or two judging by the video evidence that the Turks are releasing all day long.

Zionism = EVIL

haha I like jokes, keep em coming.


I like those videos.I am sure they will keep coming. :)

Zionism = EVIL



Why the negatives? I wrote it was a good idea!

Zionism = EVIL

What negatives? I kid with you guys sometimes. I thought you were a Turkey. Mostly they come here and post BS about their great peasant military.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

then you obviously know very little


You can duplicate yourself? Respawn?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

make sense

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you speak as if Turkey has a chance of holding idlib for terrorists. lol


Erdogan got where he was begging for, and now the traitor and bully s begging for the European and Nato support. Who wants this traitor and thief in his rangs? Pussy Trump but I mean what reasonable honourable men or women, not that prostitute Trump etc?


It’s obvious Turkey killed all syrian soldiers, and even more than all. So…Syria now has -233 soldiers exactly!!


The attack on turkish troops was made by a mad man or it was a false flag made by turks themself to justify destroying the SAA.So much men and equipment destroyed. :(

Lone Ranger

Play silly games win silly prizes…







Lone Ranger

CIA CGI is getting better by the day !)


Is this for real?


Real as it can get.


Where the fuck are Pantsirs?

Basic Guy


Zionism = EVIL

Dude you are shooting blanks like your goat loving military.

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches are crying and raging ;)


Poor Syrian army. Sitting like a lame duck in their own country and the Turks are shooting clay pigeons with them. The Tiger Forces are only bed rugs who don’t dare to throw the Turkish occupiers ….- hm …. observations-posts … out of the country. So they will lose the war and all dead Syrian soldiers were in vain. You betray your own country …

Lone Ranger

Lay down the crack, it’s bad for you…


nice answer, but nothing but insults behind it. kicked dogs just bark

Zionism = EVIL

Fucked goats just bleat, ask Erdogan :)


I hope so, I‘m not on his site. But I‘cant understands the syrian „tactics“ any more

Zionism = EVIL

Look, the Turkeys invaded Syria, a once friendly Arab neighbor and now want to annex the best agricultural lands and have supported headchopper terrorism, what is Syria supposed to to do? It has no choice but to fight for its lands and expel the aggressor.


I am of your opinion. Then why do they allow the Syrian army to be rocketed by the posts? An official warning to Erdogan that if there is fire again, all posts on Syrian soil will be wiped out. I don’t think the Turks would dare fire another shot. Instead, the Syrians behave like pussis who are afraid of the Turks.

Zionism = EVIL

I am a FACTS kind of a guy, let’s be realistic, Syria has been under NATO, Americunt, Turkeys and Zionist attack for over 9 years. The SAA has not folded, largely thanks to Russia and Iran. Turkey is ten times the size of Syria and supported by the whole west, so the SAA really can not fight an offensive war while fighting terrorism at the same time and deal with daily Zionist attacks. It is now up to Russia and Iran to put Turkey in a box as the lunatic goat fucker Erdogan is out of control. Russia needs to put some serious SAM systems in Idlib and take out a few F-16s.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

If NATO are getting directly involved without white helmets fake chemical attacks narrative then it shows desperation

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

SAA have been fighting for years. and you think they are cowards or scared?

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax…

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

next you will ay ISIS is just a book club.

Concrete Mike

Syrians did not get to where they are today by being cowards.

Stop acting like a petulant child. Go to be now neville chamberlain!


The syrian government must neutralise those observation lost and take them as prisoner of wars and any Turkish convoy moving in must be taking out.

Josiah Isaboke

Turks and Americans have one thing in common…THEY LIE!!!This are videos they took while attacking “ISIS” or Kurds and MIXED THEM UP,REMOVED THE DATES JUST TO PLAY PR FOR THE AUDIENCE WHO WERE EXTREMELY FURIOUS YESTERDAY DEMANDING ANSWERS…No way Syrians or Russians would be so careless to let a Turkish plane there free bombing or someone is sleeping behind the air defences; I would choose the former on this one

Wahid Algiers

They try to calm their own population with “hollywood movies” and the cancellation of social media platforms.






All are already geolocated…

Josiah Isaboke

So with your logic…Syrian army has a right to defend itself…Do you know of war strategy? Never get on the ground unless you have neutralized your enemy with ballistic missiles or air force…Turkish soldiers are on the front lines as HUMAN SHIELDS for the terrorists. Yesterday was just a taste and your numbers are media reduced so as not to look bird…According to Turkish independent media,They counted 78 dead and many more critically injured. And this drone footage could be the one that was shot down 3 days ago if true. I still stick with my observation. Yes SAA are killed in battle but many Turkish soldiers are dying and for what…HEADCHOPPERS? Just watch some more as more bodies come home because you sent soldiers to war WITHOUT A STRATEGY THAT MAKES SENSE. Wars are never fought with emotions like the Turks are doing


I dont give 2 fucks about anyone there.I love watching you exterminate eachother.The more the better from my point of view.Those videos are real and explain lots of things how much you dont want them to be real.In the end we will mop up whats left from both of you.

Josiah Isaboke

I told you…Yes Syrian soldiers die…But Turkish soldiers are dying for stupidity WHERE THEY CAN’T EVEN GET HELICOPTERS TO SAVE THEIR INJURED SOLDIERS…..How stupid is that. You have outposts that are targets once you attack Russia or SAA! THEY CAN EASILY ATTACK YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE IN THE FRONTLINE WITHOUT PROTECTION….look at your injured soldiers driving themselves to hospital…THAT SHOULD TEACH YOU SOMETHING. This is not a movie my friend….Yes you killed 2000 SAA but you forget, they are still fighting and bombing you ..HERE: https://twitter.com/curdistani/status/1233197900076810240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1233197900076810240&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fembed%2Fcomments%2F%3Fbase%3Ddefault%26f%3Dsouthfront%26t_i%3D108262%2520https%253A%252F%252Fsouthfront.org%252F%253Fp%253D108262%26t_u%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fsouthfront.org%252Fturkey-says-22-of-its-soldiers-were-killed-in-syrian-airstrike-on-greater-idlib-video%252F%26t_e%3DUpdated%253A%2520Turkey%2520Says%252033%2520Of%2520Its%2520Soldiers%2520Were%2520Killed%2520In%2520Syrian%2520Airstrike%2520On%2520Greater%2520Idlib%2520(Videos)%26t_d%3DUpdated%253A%2520Turkey%2520Says%252033%2520Of%2520Its%2520Soldiers%2520Were%2520Killed%2520In%2520Syrian%2520Airstrike%2520On%2520Greater%2520Idlib%2520(Videos)%26t_t%3DUpdated%253A%2520Turkey%2520Says%252033%2520Of%2520Its%2520Soldiers%2520Were%2520Killed%2520In%2520Syrian%2520Airstrike%2520On%2520Greater%2520Idlib%2520(Videos)%26s_o%3Ddesc%26l%3D%23version%3D0ba02a5f282a11b5f8f45de79e029f97


I am not a Turk.Lets put this this way: Lets say you killed 200-300 turkish soldiers,you didnt,but lets say.In response to that you lost 2000 soldiers,200 armor/artillery/technicals and so on,and they just started. You think,from a military perspective,that this was a good decision?

Josiah Isaboke

Ok…You win.!SAA has lost the war…They have no more men and equipment to fight. Turkey had invaded all of Syria without resistance as we speak…HAIL HEROES OF ATATURK! Any minute now we expect ErdogaN to announce from a decorated war ship…”MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”… Syrians had no chance. Took one day to neutralize the whole army. Napoleons and Hitlers of this world could never measure up to what Erdogan has done IN ONE DAY, Congratulations Turkey! Americans need to learn from this .They have spent 19 YEARS FIGHTING GOAT HERDERS WITHOUT AN AIRFORCE OR AIR DEFENCES. Turkey fought mightily with all that and won in 2 hours. AMAZING


Its not about who won.Its about how a good idea it was.

Josiah Isaboke

Syria has lost it’s ability to fight since all their equipment was neutralized by the mighty Turks! I say the war is over…Go home! https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=186885

Josiah Isaboke

We thought your NATO was going to take the F35 and Patriots and help Turkey in war immediately….Why are they screaming de-escalation? https://twitter.com/jseldin/status/1233358362676428801

Zionism = EVIL

You are real enlightened humanitarian, aren’t you little boy.

Concrete Mike

The fascists will be out in droves today sir. Have fun!


Finally someone realizing that :)


The Jews are next ;}


There is a greater power coming for the likes of you…..

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Turkey are dying for their comrades. they have armed, funded trained and supplied bodies for ISIS/al qaeda. They were smuggling stolen syrian oil in vast amounts before Russia entered the war, and Turkey are actively involved in black market syrian oil with SDF/ISIS/USA

Concrete Mike

Thats what thay zionist pig wants. Obviously.

Concrete Mike

And magically videos.in sunlight at 1:00AM local time, green grass You can geolocate that to the trash son!



Josiah Isaboke

Some videos recorded during the day…The Turks claim they attacked LAST NIGHT. WHEN THE VIDEO WAS RELEASED? A compilation of previous engagements. Why are you trying to convince us? Yes you won the war, TURKEY HAS CAPTURED DAMASCUS THE WAR IS OVER. You have soldiers surrounded in Syria. You do something stupid they die…Simple


Yes, these videos were provided tut o Turkish military intelligence by the Pentagon. They are F-16 strikes against ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

Its amazing how the Turks think intelligent people would think Syrian, Russian , Iranian and Hezbollah battle-hardened, very, very experienced military commanders would fall victim to fake video footage.

It was amateur hour ISIS was in full retreat in the videos


Regarding the photo of the shelling the information in the photo (GPS 20-4-N0 Position) is in English; one would assume that it would have been in Turkish.

Joe Doe

SAA have no other choice, than directly attack Turkey troop, any supply and Turkey post. SAA needs hit Turkey very hard. There is no other choice, if SAA wants overpower Turkey in Syria. Waiting and do nothing will not help SAA. This what many armies make such basic mistakes and losing the wars.

Wahid Algiers

To act hard now could bring Turks to the table and to leave Afrin and Idlib with their head up.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin made a very serious error and should have hit the Turkeys when they downed the SU-24 and killed the pilot on live TV. It is never too late, but Russia needs to send firm message like arming Iran and delivering more S-350 and S-400 to the SAA.

Florin Boar

bad day for SAA


They had worse.

Florin Boar

In that moment will be a bad day for all of us, sir. I would like to believe that common sense will win and everyone will respect the borders of other countries. But, it seems that for some, the lives of simple people do not matter.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

bad day for Turkey. This will be remembered as the day that forced Russia to step to NATO


r u retarded?


Remmember when usa said they hit isis,with actual footage all over the world,except from russian jets? Just saying.

klove and light

wow… stupidity is spreading here….ridiculous the comments..absolutely ridiculous….


At least there are less civilian casualties,now the deep state/cia/nwos control has been nullified.

Jose Martinez

In war there will be casualties on both sides. Heroes of great stature on both sides will give their lives for the cause they believe in. That’s to be expected.

When Turkey launched the opperation against the SDF/YPG in NE Syria the death count was 220 YPG to Turkey’s 190. That being the case Turkish claims like this: “As per the report, since February 10th, 1709 “regime” elements have been “neutralized.” are an obvious lie. It appears as if Turkey is spreading misinformation in an attempt to demoralize Assad’s troops. I believe the truth would be demoralizing to Turks to be honest..

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Turkey are actively supporting ISIS al qaeda and you call them heroes? they are like yank pigdogs


The pictures looks so superb quality that i find it hard to believe its true.. Compare that with Russian combat footage..


Western ElectronisOptics > Russian Turkey uses new generation PODs and FLIRs


Crush them Turkey, that is what’s coming to the SAA (and alot more) from the IDF, if they don’t force the Iranians out when we have a new government. You have been warned.

Josiah Isaboke

You mix with Jihadis you are bound to get hit…Israel already showed openly they supported ISIS so the world is aware….More to come!Brace yourself for more dead turkeys because it ain’t going to be pretty https://twitter.com/NoFlyZone4Roj/status/1233354537836187649


Well my problem is with the Iranian proxies in Syria, including Hezbollah. The IDF is well prepared for an upcoming war if needed, trust me. Our Gazan problem right now is a bigger threat because of Bibi the corrupted fuckhead, but Gantz will restore back order and teach them a good lesson they won’t forge for a very long time. I’ve been waiting a very long time for it.


you suck x 1000


Your Gazan terrorists thought so too, till we came for them. You can guess where they are now, their friends will join them once Gantz gives the IDF a greenlight. They don’t care to kill Israeli kids with rockets, we won’t show them or their families any mercy too. If I lay my hands on any captured Hamas member, he will regret the day he met me.


Your government set Hamas up dickhead it’s netanyahu who orders them to fire those rockets they seem to start flying every time he’s in trouble or wants to get reelected I hate to say this but you isrealis are some of the biggest victims of this satanic government you have as they have turned you into dumbed down hate filled psycopaths who are being led into the potter’s ground. Enjoy


Lol Israels already doomed – the Shia crescent is a permanent fixture now thanks to Israels medeling stupidity.

Only a matter of time now and the more you bomb and provoke the quicker your end will be, you are stuck in quicksand of your own creation :D


I don’t think so, only time will tell :)


Turks are now openly terrorist, id suggest treating them as such.

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