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MARCH 2025

Updated: Turkey Says 33 Of Its Soldiers Were Killed In Syrian Airstrike On Greater Idlib (Videos)

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Update: The official death toll of the Syrian airstrike on a Turkish convoy in Greater Idlib has risen to 33 soldiers.


22 Turkish service members were killed in a Syrian airstrike on the Greater Idlib region, Valisi Dogan, governor of the southern Turkish province of Hatay, announced late on February 27.

Dogan said that many other service members were injured in the Syrian airstrikes, claiming that some are in a critical condition.

Syrian opposition sources said that the deadly airstrike targeted a convoy of Turkish forces near the towns of al-Bara and Baluon. Activists released videos allegedly showing Turkish soldiers taking shelters during the airstrike as well as the aftermath of the attack. These videos have not been verified yet.

Some Turkish and Syrian sources contradicted the official Turkish announcement, claiming that the death toll from the airstrike was 37, with some even putting the number of casualties over 50. These sources went on to claim that the deadly airstrike was carried out by the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS).

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan headed a national security meeting after the attack, while Defense Minister Hulusi Akar called his U.S. counterpart to discuss the matter.

With the death of 22 new soldiers, the number of Turkish casualties killed in Greater Idlib has grown to 41. Earlier today, three casualties were acknowledged by President Erdogan.

Syrian militants and several helicopters of the Turkish Air Force (TAF) are reportedly carrying out a search operation in the area of airstrike now. The total number of casualties will very likely rise in the upcoming few hours.

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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Simple fact is if there were no Turkish forces in Syria, then Turkey would have no casualties coming out of Syria.

Ivan Leo

pure and simple

good american

The cons of emulating America.


Turkey underestimated the boldness of the Syrian strike in broad daylight despite dozens of ineffective US manpads fired from the OP and the convoy. It is apparent that the Syrian SU-24 have the latest Russian ECM systems that easily deflected the US made missiles with skilled flying.



Great demonstration of the technology in application.


Russian Federation has provided Syria with 24 latest SU-24MK which Iran also operates. So it is much easier to use these upgraded aircraft with experienced pilots from Russian Federation, Armenia and Syria. Armenia has already lost a very brave pilot Captain Mayor Albert Davidyan on secondment to the Russian Aerospace Forces.



Is this the ECM system in use b the Su-24MK ?

Khibiny (L-175V) (Хибины) (Л-175В)



Yes, a more upgraded version with chaff and flares and the IFF was re-calibrated with both Russian and Iranian airforces. Russia has a very good understanding of the US manufactured air to air and ground to air missiles in Turkish inventory and most can be neutralized.

Azriel Herskowitz

UNCONFIRMED: Turkish parliament to vote on declaration of war against the Syrian Regime tomorrow!


Ah, the comedian is back

Lone Ranger

Hi Slomo, how is the matzo ball soup today at the kibutz…?

Zionism = EVIL

Any discussion about Americunt taxpayers funded nose job for ugly Jew motherfuckers :)


CONFIRMED: You’re a moronic troll!

Damien C

Due to Turkeys stupid and illegal action in Syria by helping the head-choppers from day 1.

By stealing Syrian factories in Aleppo as the head-choppers raped the female population of that city at will.

By buying cheap ISIS oil stolen from Syria and for arming and providing artillery strikes for the cavemen-scum from all round the world holding Ildib to ransom.

This day was always likely to happen, withdraw from Syria now you don’t belong there you are only useful idiots of Zionism

klove and light

This day was always likely to happen, withdraw from Syria now you don’t belong there you are only useful idiots of Zionism

this day happened because Zionist pig Putin opened the gates to syria for erdogan.No Memory dude???

AFRIN??=?????? IDLIB?????? NORTH EAST SYRIA????????

each and every Invasion and occupation by Turkey was joyfully accepted by Putin……in Idlib and North east syria even per signed Agreement!!!!!

AND are u seriously happy and joyfull that dozens of soldiers of a NATO member were killed?????

how fucking brain dead can you be????

and dont give me no shit on Russia going to war against NATO in syria… DUMMY!!!!!

use your fucking brain……..the current path in Idlib leads TO DIRECT NATO INVOLVEMENT……and what the fuck is happy and joyfull About that??????

fucking idiots here

Lone Ranger

Fuck off hasbarat.

Zionism = EVIL

He is right though, the Turkeys are asking to be clobbered and they are cowards who will hide behind NATO faggots, but it is too late for that. Syrians are fighting for their land and people and will not give up an inch of territory.

Lone Ranger

He aint right about Putin tho.

Zionism = EVIL

I am no fan of Putin, but I can tell you that Russian military has had enough and they read the Turkeys the riot act. If the Turkeys use their antiquated F-16, the Russians will shoot them down and the message is loud and clear. Putin now needs to get on the same page as the brave Russian forces on the ground. One Russian life lost will cost over 100 Turkeys.

Lone Ranger

Putin will handle this, he aint fuckin around with the enemy. He has a pretty solid trackrecord.

AM Hants

President Putin publicly told Turkey, weeks or even months ago, if the Turks do not carry out their requirements, as guarantors and insist on supporting AlQaeda/Daesh/ISIS/White Helmets, or whatever they are called today, then Russia would not hesitate in taking the Turks out.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, I understand that the Russian delegation also read the stupid Turkeys the riot act yesterday in Ankara.

Xoli Xoli

Thank you for steadfast and obvious truth.You unshakable by any bias critics.


Two pees in a pot. With IQ’s trickling down the left side of the Bell Curve.

Xoli Xoli

Stop being jealous Israel wants everything. Their have completely take devil over.Accepting Trump as their savior and protector.Killing Jesus the Messiah and God and fully rejected him.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So the Syrians should withdraw and leave Turkey to hold Idlib, in case NATO come!

Article 5 says you get help only if you are attacked, not attacked while pillaging a foreign land.

Syria has every right to use deadly force against armed terrorists invading Syrian territory.

AM Hants

Article 5 does not state if you invade and attack a NON-NATO sovereign nation that NATO members have to help. Now does it. If Syria were attacking Turkey on Turkish territory, different scenario.

Besides, would be interesting to see if NATO could get access to Syria, as they are not used to attacking nations, with working air defence systems, who can defend themselves? No doubt they can rely on the Forces of Luxembourg, to sort out that problem.

Plus, what NATO tax payer wishes to finance a war with Russia?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That is what I said AM, yes.

AM Hants

I. Ntefpreted what you said that NATO would support Turkey. Being attacked, owing to invading a sovereign nation.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m a bit tetchy here, what with being accused of making up an rt.com report by a ducking lunatic called tim and lone ranger. I was beginning to think I had entered the twilight zone when you misinterpreted me.

I’m taking a smoke break, just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean they are not out for me. lol

AM Hants

Sorry, typo error on interpreted.

Ivan Leo

that is stupidity from goat fuckers …. no EU country is going to move his finger on the erdogan, they can’t wait to get rid of him …. US organized a coup against the erdogan the Russians then saved him ….. US can help erdogan just by putting him on the other end of the rope and making gulen president


Guys, stop calling people goat fuckers. Need to treat your enemy with respect and dignity.

By the way, how do we call Pompeo again?

Josiah Isaboke

Pig fucker??? :)

Xoli Xoli

Respected ass fucker loyal to gaot and camels fucker. Only in USA is he a motherfucker.


Pompous Pompeo.


The EU though, will do what it can to ‘stir the shit’ in Idlib between Erdo and Assad.

Its a win win for the EU and NATO.


Article 5 means nothing realy then the attacer is nuclear power capable of destroinfg whole world.Even if Russia nuked Turkey noone would do anything.

AM Hants

Turkey would not have a problem if they had not invaded a sovereign nation and decided they were the hosts and the sovereign nation the guests. Whilst understanding a nuclear triad nation/super power, was helping the sovereign nation as requested.


Ah now it makes sense why US send in a dozen cargo air craft.. They are removing the nukes from turkey and moving most back to germany with some to poland and the baltic states.. Over 50 US nukes were stationed in turkey..


I would not go that far. There is huge difference in Turks starting war in Syria (as invaders) against Syria and Russia. Compared with straight forward Russian attack on Turk territory that could be labeled as “aggression”. The consequences between those 2 different situations are very much different.

Alex Cabrera

do you think NATO will fight against russia??






NATO already did fight Russia in Ukraine and Syria through special forces of many different countries.

And NATO will get involved again if USA decides to do so, as long as it is local proxy war.

Now Turkey has overestimated their position because they have no friends in NATO and anybody willing to help them.

Specially after attacking the Kurd’s and problems they created with gas exploitation tensions in Mediterranean. EU today is scared to get new invasion of refugees and they would be happy to stop that war not to start it.

Tudor Miron

There’s no difference. 1st – western civilization (nato) doesn’t give a hoot about their obligations unless they are forced to. There goes article 5. 2nd – Historically Turkey was fighting Russia on behalf of the west (UK mostly) and west didn’t bother to get involved much more than providing arms/money and advise.


This is more me not well expressing myself. We agree basically.

Actually USA “doesn’t give a hoot” because they are the true NATO master and only they decide if and when NATO goes to war. Since NATO is not any longer organization that only “defends” the “West” (ever since Yugoslavia, Libya) article 5 is meaningless.

They don’t need special reason or excuse to attack a country or pretend “defending” somebody or something.

USA are always interpreting international laws only the way it suits them.

What I wanted to say in my previous comment actually was that: in the eyes of the world it is huge difference if Russia is an “aggressor”(attacking Turks in Turkey) or supporting the Syria against the Turk invasion. And those 2 different situations would have 2 totally different effects on how the rest of the world see Russia.

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid Turkeys illegally invaded Syria and are sponsoring terrorism against a peaceful and good neighbor and this is not a NATO faggots issue. Nobody likes the Turkeys and that is why no EU nation even showed any support. It is time the Turkish military or whatever is left of the rabble should stage a real coup and save their deadbeat failed state.

Ricky Miller

It’s more likely that NATOLand, at least it’s European part, will push for an immediate cease fire. The regime change project was all fun when only Syrians were dying in large numbers and there was little risk of escalation, but now the whole thing could kick off into a dangerous and major confrontation. The phony war period might finally come to an end from all this though. I mean until now the basis for this war was based on lies about disaffected Syrians and Assad the butcher but beyond that the total current human dysfunction has been on display in the way the war has been waged, with Russia and Turkey pretending not to fight one another, the U.S. and the U.K. and France pretending that arming jihadi militants wasn’t both a UN Charter violation and a bad idea but wouldn’t result in a major war if pushed to an extreme. Turkey has pushed it to that extreme, pretending the Sochi and Astana agreements were only about a government cease fire with no obligation on their part to meet the terms agreed to for that cease fire to work for everyone. Even this strike is pretense, the weapons used were clearly precision and beyond the SyAF ability but Turkey wants to blame the SAA and declare open hostilities, based on the fiction that the Russians didn’t strike their convoy and positions, moving in a country the Turks think is theirs regardless of a previous recognized international border. The question of the day tomorrow will be, what is Russia prepared to do? And a second question, at least for me, is if open and dangerous hostilities isn’t way more preferable to the endless lies and pretenses about the whole conflict?

Ray Douglas

The Russian military by this strike have made a statement to NATO/US. We are here and here we are going to stay. Come if you dare we are ready. Very obviously, US were told in advance ‘Keep away’. Three cheers for the Russians.

Liberal guy

Was it wa the Russians or the Syrians which attacked the turk convey?

Ray Douglas

Looked at now it looks like the Syrians did it. I base my judgement on the fact that Russia allowed the Turks to destroy the SAA in the area and kill over one thousand Syrian troops and allies. It would seem Putin wants control over what the Syrians need. Perhaps I am wrong but that is the way it seems to me.

AM Hants

I wanted to listen to the voices of reason, at the UNSC, but, gave up when listening to the Unicef spokeswoman, and her 14 White Helmet Godmother’s, who were part of her narrative.

Reminded me of all the hospitals in Aleppo, that were taken out on a daily basis, before they freed Aleppo. White Helmet Crisis Actors and who funds the White Helmets. Do you remember all the cease fires. Used to re-arm and allow the White Helmets some respite and change of shifts, owing to holiday leave? Plus, bringing in new toys.

Why is the UN supporting the terrorists, that even the UN class as terrorists?


” Why is the UN supporting the terrorists, that even the UN class as terrorists? ”

The UN agencies have, with few exceptions, always played a sycophantic cheerleader of the US.

This is the power of money. The US threats to stop funding UN agencies that di not ‘ say the right things’ and the direct bribery or blackmail of UN agency officials.

The US is a classic mafia style protection racket that uses Fear to Invoke ‘favours’.

AM Hants

Must admit, seriously sick and tired of it all.


This video is very instructive as to what the UK governments are supporting, AM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Evdwg9-dw


Send the Danes. Make sure they draft Jens Holm

AM Hants

Haha, or will they be in charge of the investigation, in return for some more gold?


They’ll be sure to march their prisoners around in minefields, like they did with their nazi prisoners after the end of WWII

Zionism = EVIL

Jens is loony 80 year old pensioner in a mental asylum, even the Danish pastries are not that desperate hopefully :)


they can always call on belgium to send them the big cheese..

like how the portuguese called home to send in the big fish and they got a large shipment of well…. fish..


As I understand , Syria has the legal right to respond to overt and violent Turkish aggression within Syria, and has the legal right to launch proportionate counter attacks within Turkey.

The USA has been claiming this right for decades, even when the US is the cause of the violence :).


Article 5 is of no importance really. Since USA can find any excuse if they only want to start the war.

But Article 5 is great excuse if NATO members want to avoid to help the Turks

If Turks end up in serious trouble with Russia and SAA.

Hanny Benny

without getting turkey out of NATO you cannot shatter it ..it was sadly the only way to THIS situation

Ivan Leo

buy a rope and find a tree….useless creature……what NATO….braindead goat

Xoli Xoli

Ivan please dont hang Klove.


NATO does not have the balls to attack the Russians!


Hey mouth,did it occur hato has no future,but erdogan(if once rids his trash)along with Putin,now calling the shots not ye dementy love up de ass wormguttie tyrant secret ops? Desperate are we? Thats ok,God bless Russia + Syria And may protect heterosexuals!

Zionism = EVIL

As I had said yesterday, it is time these Turkey motherfucker scum are killed in large numbers and kudos to the SyAF SU-24 Fencers who took out a whole Turkey cowards convoy, the real casualties are over 50 Turkeys dead and more than 100 wounded. Get the fuck out of Syria Turkey delusional arseholes as you and your terrorist goat fuckers have lost. DO NOT TRY TO HIDE BEHIND NATO FAGGOTS!

Assad must stay

100% true and correct

Zionism = EVIL

My utmost respect to the SyAF for such a audacious strike despite a dozen fucking useless Stingers being fired and all missed even at low level. The Turkeys are in Syria illegally and the goat fucker Erdogan is getting them slaughtered for his pimping ego. The Turkeys military should stage a real coup and execute the bastard Erdogan and his cabinet as they will destroy the Turkeys.

Hanny Benny


Assad must stay

agree hondred procentage


Are you taking classes with Jens Holm Lol.

Assad must stay

lol no


I think he was referring to your spelling)))


no offense intended Ams! Thanks for the chuckle.

Assad must stay

sure its no problem mister ruca, hope all is well :))))


You don’t mind giving a possible projection for the upcoming months on how things are likely to play out?

Zionism = EVIL

Hopefully, the dumbass goat fucker Turkeys have learnt a valuable lesson and will get the fuck out of Syria, instead of suicidal escalation. No European will come to their aid in a self-created quagmire, just like the Saudis. The Syrians clobbered them today and hopefully that is clearest warning to stop their terrorism. Everyone is tiring of the Turkeys and their lies. Erdogan should be executed for terrorism and goat fucking incompetence.


It is clear that Turkey will escalate and even start the dirct war against SAA. While trying to convince Russia to stay out of the conflict. And they are wrong in their planing because ( like many others) they do not understand Russians. Russia will support Assad against the Turks and terrorists all the way to total war if need be.

Turkey will have lot of casualties and they will be forced to seek the compromise at the end.

Russia will become big enemy of the Turks again. USA-NATO apart from lip service, will not help Turkey. Israel will use situation to their advantage to continue with their cowardly attacks.

Zionism = EVIL

I am not sure the Turkeys have the ticker for a major fight with SAA backed by Russia and Iran. Theirmilitary of village faggots is almost all ill-trained conscripts and ifyou watch the videos carefully you will notice that they are as scared and have no stomach for a fight as the lardass Americunt faggots when Iranian missiles hit. Let’s hope the goat fucker Erdogan is overthrown as the casualties mount. Today over 50 Turkeys are roasted and they have a total population of 80 million and half don’t even want to be part of moth eaten Turkey, the Kurds, Alevis and Christians want out.


This is not question of ” ticker for a major fight” They will be dragged into it by the circumstances and their nature.

On one side megalomaniac Erdogan is pressured by his hunger for power and on the other hand. More Turk casualties will force hand to the Turks to seek the face saving victorious way out of the situation. The problem is that Russia have no arrangement to sell. And that is what Erdogan can’t understand about Russians. They are not for sale and can’t be bribed or scared or tricked once things get very serious. Those who start the fight with Russians with bluffing are dead meat already.

I honestly feel pity for the poor families of those Turk soldiers who will pay the hubris of their Sultan with lives of their sons, brothers.


Also Erdogan largely overestimates the strength of Turk army. Specially now.

Turk army is seriously weakened with those arrests of hundreds of officers after the failed coup. It is “Stalin effect”. Stalin did the same before the start of WW2 and that was one of the reasons why USSR had huge loses at the beginning of the WW2

Xoli Xoli

Absolutely true. Attack all surrounded observation bases of Turkey.


@Zionism = EVIL. You homophobic arsehole.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes dearie queerie fairy and proud of it you dumbass faggot limey git. Men are not supposed to stick their dicks up others mens arse. You faggots are disgusting and orifice challenged.


@Zionism = EVIL You homophobic arsehole.

Zionism = EVIL

Thumps up cutie pie tourette syndrome faggy bottom :)


@Zionism = EVIL. You homophobic arsehole

Zionism = EVIL

What up darling fairy, boyfriend out on a Grinder butt bang? you feel lonely, try a cucumber salad.


@Zionism = EVIL, You homophobic arsehole


Fuck off spamming , Ian. Its what faggots do.


@FlorianGeyer You homophobic arsehole


ian, you sound gay


@occupybacon:disqus You homophobic arsehole

Liberal guy


Liberal guy

Turkeys are being rooted for protecting al qaida cowards

Pave Way IV

Looks like Smeagol just threw away any last chance of European NATO members stepping in. Europe: get ready to welcome 4.5 million ‘Syrians’ in the next few weeks. Sure, some look kind of Chinese. But don’t be racist! They’re Syrian asylum seekers, for God’s sake. Oh, and you can thank Turkey later for the diversity injection.

I can’t wait to see Swedish police woman wearing newly-mandated police burkas so they don’t get raped when arresting refugee rapists at the welfare counter. tillfällighetsträff!



Europe needs to get tough with the criminal Turkish regime which uses human trafficking as a blackmail tool. Turkish economy is on its knees and all its neighbors detest it. Without EU and NATO, sick Turkey will not last a week.


I don’t understand why Syrian refugees would want to flee to Turkey. Why wouldn’t they go to the part of Syria freed by the SAA. This does not make sense. Either the number of refugees “fleeing” to Turkey are grossly overestimated, or they are being ‘herded’ into Turkey, or …….


They been in turkey for 5+ years.. Driven off by ISIS and then by the kurds and now kurds wont let them back and turkey uses them as slave labor.. This is good when the economy is doing good but when economy is crashing, the locals wont be able to find any jobs.

Zionism = EVIL

Official unemployment rate is 20% plus and the economy is on its knees. The poor religious Anatolian peasants who supply the cannon fodder are restless. Erdogan besides being a corrupt goat fucker is dangerous for the Turkeys, the army should get rid of him.


A lot of them have been supporting the jihadists and fear reprisals but if you look at what’s happened in other liberated areas they have nothing to fear they should embrace the reconciliation agreements and forget about this fake jihad


They are Syrian chinese kinda like the ones you find in china towns across the US.. lol… watch out they are nto fresh since they might come with cool corona brew to share with everyone..


Turkey is an outlaw rogue state and a sponsor of terrorism which has coveted Syrian lands for over a century after its moth eaten Ottoman Empire was shattered. First, it for its abject humiliation it conducted the shameful holocaust of the Armenians which cost the lives of over 1.5 million women, children and old men. The Turks committed horrendous crimes against civilians including mass rape and forced conversion. They have not learnt any lesson from their defeats and are now embarked on a similar destructive venture into the Syrian Arab Republic, a model peaceful neighbor. The Syrian government has acted with a great deal of patience, restraint and maturity in trying to handle the criminal Erdogan regime, but now it looks like both Russian and Syrian patience has worn out. Turkey deserves to be hit even harder in the future unless it withdraws from Syria and stop the sponsorship of terrorism. Much respect for the Syrian Arab Republic and Dr. Bashar al Assad.


Any updates on what’s going on?


It appears that Turkish military is still smarting from such a huge loss and has cautioned Erdogan against expanding the conflict, which they can not win. Erdogan is using the refugee blackmail to get NATO and EU involved. That is unlikely. Russia and Iran have both backed the legitimate right of Syrian self-defence, and so has most of the Arab and Muslim world from Algeria, Egypt to Indonesia. All have asked for caution.


You think the 33 number is legit or is the number being under-reported?

Also If I was in the position of the Turkish forces, I’d also be severely taken aback by what the SyAF has done. Very risky move but from the perspective of the Syrian military I assume it was a necessary one to send a message to Turkey that this isn’t some joke.

If Turkey does truly intend to get involved even further (at their own detriment) then this conflict is gonna get a lot more intense and dare I say important. I just wanna know what in the hell is going on in the mind of Erdogan? Why is he so intent on getting involved voluntarily in this conflict?


Turkey is not known for its veracity and the ferocity and accuracy of the Syrian airstrike would indicate higher casualties, as a Turkish OP with both terrorists, Turk special forces and Armor was hit hard. Armenia which has a battalion sized unit supporting the SAA and Russian forces estimates far higher casualties for Turkey, including its proxy terrorists struggling to hang on to the town of Saraqib as the SAA has launched a major counter attack. Another interesting development is the total absence of any Turkish air activity due to the Russian SU-35 and SAM cover.


Would it be appropriate to say that Syria/Russia have the initiative here as well as superior firepower that is present and readily available at a moments notice? I’m working under the assumption that Syria can increase the level of destruction amongst Turkish forces significantly in a short amount of time.


Both Iran and Armenia have asked Russia for a more intensive bombing campaign and after repeated Turkish aka terrorist attacks closer to Russian bases, Putin seems to have decentralized the command for Russian forces in Syria. It is quite apparent that this Syrian airstrike was based on accurate intelligence and precise targeting with precision ordinance shows a high degree of professionalism and planning, which only Russian Federation and its Iranian allies have the technological and operational skills for.


Your input is much appreciated and you have my sincerest thanks for answering my inquires!!

If you don’t mind me asking one more question since we’re on a roll regarding this recent dramatic increase in military escalation. How do you view this playing out in the coming hours/days? Can you give a possible future projection on what’s to unfold?


I would hope that there are some mature people in the Turkish military and intelligence services who can control a madman like Erdogan who does not understand the regional demographic and power balance. Russia, Iran, Syria, Armenia, Hezbollah and various Shia, Orthodox and Palestinians have committed forces to defend Syria and will not back-down. Turkey needs to think rationally, so my hope is that Turkey will make a lot a noise but will not escalate as the cost will be much higher. Let’s hope for common sense. It is Turkey that is in the wrong.


Fair and rational assessment, I also concur with your position on this matter. Turkey does indeed seem to be demonstrably in the wrong here, as you’ve stated so succinctly, one can only hope more level-headed minds will prevail somewhere within Turkey’s governmental/military apparatus….

What an utter mess this entire Syria fiasco has become over the past 9-ish so years…..So many lives lost, so much unnecessary bloodshed. I pray and hope for better days for Syria and more so humanity…

Liberal guy

Ya so true


You certainly have a grasp of this situation and have great sources.

My hope is that another coup will be held in Turkey and this time Erdy will not come out of it so well. I doubt that Russia would save his a$$ like last time.


Erdogan will have to reap what he has sown (and he is currently)…. It just baffles me how hard headed one can be (Turks are rather famous for this admittedly). To actually lead your nation into a fight completely of your own volition knowing that the outcome will most likely be overall detrimental for your own nation but still going along with it is just repugnant and downright deplorable. Can’t imagine what the Turkish population is going through right now.

What an utter mess….

Zionism = EVIL

No country can sustain such daily losses, you feel sorry for the scared little Turkeys.


Telecoms companies in Turkey yesterday , shut down and social media accounts within Turkey.

This is evidence that the Turkish regime fears the Turkish citizens response to the Turkish invasion of Syria and the disaster that it has now become.

Liberal guy

Ya right u are so true


Priority for them are different.. They protect shia areas and this is mainly sunni areas.. Also maybe Iran is sitting this one out to not make turkey into an enemy.. Iran’s position is not very secure right now.


The entire column was hit and they used large bombs because of the use of man pads and to drop the bombs from 10km.. It looked like most of the convoy was ammo and fuel supplies because the smoke made it look like mini nukes had gone off.. So even if Syria did not want to cause much damage, those large bombs would kill within 100-200meter radius.. So I also think civilian casualties would have been very llow as it was hit on the highway and outskirts of the town.

Zionism = EVIL

100% true, it was a massive strike on a narrow mountain track and the Turkeys and their goats got trapped in an inferno.


Any videos showing the bombing itself from a good angle?


The jihadi cameraman is dead :)


Erdogan is a typical sociopath.


Its a wonder Syria did not hit any of the observation posts and only the resupply line.. Should have hit across the board everywhere. kind of like battle of the bulge.. Because that kind of effort would show the world and especially turks that Syria wont lay down and take what is happening the last decade to them.


Well said.


fake news!!!! no one died.. It was all a ruse..

The Defense Ministry said that the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria was in constant contact with Ankara, “regularly” requesting and receiving information on the whereabouts of Turkish troops. And, according to the data submitted by Turkey, there were no Turkish soldiers near Behun when the Syrian Army was fighting terrorists there.




Excellent comment.

The BBC has never reported these undeniable facts about the Turkish invasion of Syria.

klove and light

to the dot i saw this coming… and i told u all here…… Putin is a treachroeus Zionist pig……..i told you what the consequences will be, letting the number 1 Sponsor of sunni terrorism in syria invade the syrian arab republic…….step by step i told u donks….,…with the last step beiing the direct Involvement of NATO into the syrian conflict, something that syria Always tried to avoid because this would be the worst case Szenario.

well Zionist pig Putin made it happen..he opened the Gateway for all that has happened and is going to happen in regards to Turkey in syria. mindboggling to me how brainwashed Folks are by them zionists.totally vbrain washed….

” Putin… he will save syria, save the world….a good guy.. a good man” unbelievablöe naiv and plain and simple supid” Putin is a Zionist sooge, just as trump, Johnson or Merkel or co!!!!

They are all on orders, to help the satanic Zionist Agenda.

A one world Government, with Jerusalem as it´s capital under satanic jewish Leadership. All nations that recognize the illegal, criminal, satanic Entity named Israel are part of the Agenda. This includes USA, uk , Russia, eu, China etc…

Again…. only a madman who has lost all his senses or a treacherous Zionist pig, could have the idea and come to the conclusion, that a turkish Invasion of syria would Benefit the legitimate Government of assad.

Putin u fucking treacherous Zionist pig, sucking bibi´s cock whenever ordered

Free man

what’s wrong with you? Thanks to Putin, Turkey currently has no F-35s and no advanced air defense system to use against Russian and Syrian aircraft.


I think he is retard


Finally, YES, execute all the Turkish terrorists and invaders! Freedom and Peace to Syria!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Be interesting to see if the SAA sets up “observation” posts in Hatay Province.


Actually Hatay (containing the important ancient Christian Syrian city of Antioch) is Syrian, it was “given” by France (which was supposed to protect Syria…) to Turkey to buy their neutrality during WW2. All the inhabitant had to hastily flee, the Turks murdering them all.


It wasnt for france to give it away, the Syrians should be demanding it back in light of this current geopolitical situation.


At this point, no demanding it back , but physically taking it back. Then on to the Golan Heights. Both the militaries of Turkey and Isreal have awesome hardware, but no balls , low sissy moral and would be absolutely no match against the SAA, NDF, Hezbollah and Russian Special Forces units that by now are super battle hardened and distilled down to the most lethal, effective combined fighting force , including air force in the world by far.

Alex Cabrera





Why are shouting ? Ok, do remember 2006 , when for 33 days , 4500 Hezbollah fighters effectively stopped and routed 76,000 IDF troops including Elite units like the Golani Brigade ( who almost got surrounded and destroyed ). Also attacking was a tank battalion with some 400 Merkava ( Chariot of God ) MBT’s , of which 44 were totally destroyed.

And awesome part of the Divine victory for Hezbollah , that will go down in history books as one of histories most humiliating defeats , is that Isreal enjoyed total air superiority.

England, France and the U.S. were not there to save Isreal.


The Turks also are responsible for the genocide of the Armenian people. Armenia is very close to Iran and Russia.

klove and light

you think that is funny???????? you think it is funny for the poor Folks in syria who have suffered so much, on a possible NATO Involvement?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

do you seriously believe that Folks in syria are now dancing in the street Hearing the latest News???

do you seriously believe that syrian Leadership is Looking Forward to fight against NATo?????

Zionist brainwashed Hollywood movie donks and sheeps

Ivan Leo

i bet ppl in idlib love ISIS and al qaeda…….stop with this BBC,NBC BS narrative ….. war is 9 years, and ppl in syria want to be liberated from ISIS, al qaeda and all the headchopers and their turkish, US and zionist masters who created this evil…..fcking deadbrain, go buy some rope, as i told u


That’s really funny. Thank’s.

Free man

It’s a humiliation that Erdogan can’t ignore. I wrote today that Turkey will attack next week. It’s probably going to be sooner.

Lone Ranger

22 less terrorists…


29 Turks for the moment….confirmed

Luke Hemmming

And counting…23…24…25…26…27…28…

Damien C

Hey Turkey this wasn’t the Syrian airforce it was the PKK the Syrians got out of the planes and the PKK kinda just jumped in!

Free man

LOL. Turkey is currently bombing Kurdish villages.

Concrete Mike



Nice. Beautiful comment.


Gosh, the PKK are really devious :)



Who doesnt want to speak with Lavrov, will have to speak with Sojgu..


The first holds the carrot and the second a big stick.


I seen another source that claimed TAF helicopters was denied to enter Syria even to evacuate wounded solders. Are there any TAF helicopters evacuating from Syria or not?

Tim Williams

no .. they attempted to enter .. radar lit them up and they were told that they were going to be shot down

Lone Ranger

Good, fuck them, terrorist scum.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

RT just reported Turkish airstrike on SAA.


Was that the drone attacks that all Turkish live media has shown over and over this evening? I didn’t see anything on rt.com

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Are you watching yesterdays news, or what.

RT UK news have reported it, twice in the 11pm GMT newscast, that is still on the ducking TV.

Try watching the news, rather than read comments ffs.

Tim Williams

lol .. nothing there … more TURK bluster

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure thing, I made up the report on rt.com, and only you could post a copy of rt.com to prove it.

Duck off you p rick, the news is the news, and its all there on rt.com.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s 23:58 GMT.

Switch on RT or Al Jazeera you ducking muppet.

Tim Williams


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Watch the ducking news you retarded p rick.

Do they have TVs in your country!

Tim Williams

post it chump

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s on the front page of rt.com, above the headline aof 29 Turks killed. It led the 11pm broadcast news as a breaking story.

Watch it on the next broadcast, as you were to busy posting shyte without facts while the news was on, or read it on rt.com.

Know what you are talking about in future, you ducking child.


rightiswrong has a rather Frankist ring to it

rightiswrong rightiswrong

By stating a certifiable fact about a breaking RT news report?

Get real little boy.

Tim Williams

Play stupid games … win stupid prizes Erdo

The stupid is strong with you …


If the stupid, islamist and evil sultan declares war against Syria, then the Syrian army can destroy all the Turkish so called “Observation”Posts, which were supposed to disarm and neutralize the Al;-Qaeda terrroists, but instead armed and trained the terrorists Easy targets. And manpads and AGTMs will flow to the PKK… East Turkey will become Kurdistan, and the retard Sultan will destroy his country, stupidly accomplishing Israel’s plan…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

2 days to go, for Erdogons threats to get serious with the Syrians.

I guess the Syrians got bored with waiting.

Lone Ranger

Erdogollum can choke on a camel dick.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’s well used to that.

It’s the Jihadists dick that will choke him. Just before they behead him.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’m sure Assad would have sold some of the oil to Erdogan, if he had only asked nicely.

Assad must stay

excellent keep pounding pounding pounding pounding the torki lorkis, they cannot be in syria at all anywhere, cannot

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Social media restrictions now in force within Turkey. Seems like the ‘regime’ is afraid of the people.


At the moment, the Turkish people are very angry and people are flocking to the borders.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

European borders by the sounds of it, trying to get out of Turkey.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Another Armenian Genocide then!

Zionism = EVIL

Hope not, they should march on the pimp Erdogan and hang him for getting the Turkeys in this quagmire with a third rate military. The Syrians are not Greeks.

Xoli Xoli

Preparation are underway to make Gulen a President .Once civilians replaced Erdogan forcefully. Soon big protest will erupt in Turkey NATO wants Turkey but not Erdogan.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope this goat fucker Erdogan is overthrown or the Turkeys are cooked.


nuke them!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

RT just reported a Turkish air strike on SAA, with further up dates when available.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Nothing stopping the SyAAF doing it’s own retaliatory airstrikes against Turkish positions, on the border. Or just simply removing all Turkish observation posts inside of Syria… Post by post.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No there’s not Dick, but that’s what rt.com have led their 11pm broadcast with, and it’s also on the site page. The Turks called it a retaliatory strike, entirely possible given that the Turks just lost at least 29 to a Syrian air strike.

Check it out, before calling me out. It doesn’t take long to check a story on the internet.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Turks would have no losses if they had partnered with the Russians.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turks should never have allowed a proxy army to pass through their territory a decade ago, or helped train them neither.

Some people on here tell me that RT did not report this retaliatory attack, and then tell me that the report is not there. These same guys must have access to RT.MARS as it led as a breaking story. Alex Salmond is on as we speak, waiting for the next hourly broadcast for an update.


Proxy terror armies are the chosen NATO method of fighting wars at the sharp end. NATO advises, trains and arms their terror proxies who do the ‘dying ‘ part.

Xoli Xoli

You can take terrorists away from Erdogan. But you cant take Erdogan out of terrorists. Cavosoglu is just is also well train terrorists.

Tim Williams

lol … the stupid is strong with you too … result from inbreeding

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Inbreeding with who Tim?

RT news gave the story as we speak!

Tim Williams

post it

Josiah Isaboke


Tim Williams

your link proves no retaliatory strike

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It is on live TV you ducking prize p rick, as you post otherwise.

Are you a pauper that you cannot afford a TV?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

This guy is severely retarded, he cannot read the report on rt.com, nor does he see or hear the ducking reporter on the TV tell him the actual, ducking reported, news.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Read it, watch it yourself you lazy p rick.

Instead of CNN for a change.

Tim Williams

nothing there you delusional chump

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go duck yourself you p rick, you obviously did not go to rt.com, have you a problem with a Russian news site, or just reading English!


I saw that RT report and it appeared to have been taken a from a statement by a Turkish minister of some sort , who said that Turkish aircraft were in action over Idlib last night.

Was it typical Turkish bluster of fact ? I suspect bluster.

AM Hants

Air defence syste Ms, so come to mind.

Good luck Syria.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

RT UK reported it, yet these guys on here prefer to read comments than to check an actual TV.

No report of what was hit, just mentioned a TAF attack against SAA in N E Syria, after confirming 29 Turks killed by Syrian strikes.


RT UK has to tread on eggshells because the UK government is itching to ban RT from the TV airwaves in Britain. There is a great emphasis by RT of reporting from all sides of a debate, whilst the UK media does NOT.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

AJ were also running it at that time, but it was just a poster saying it was a lie that I pointed out the show it was on. I don’t think the advertisers will allow the Brits to ban RT, there wouldn’t be a viewer left in Britain to sell products to only for RT UK. lol


RT is my news of choice and has been for a few years. Its real news. I rarely look at UK or US news because its so biased in all respects.

You may like to look at this excellent RT documentary. It shows the ‘ moderate head choppers’ in their true light.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Same here, I put on the Beeb, C4 and ITV, for the weather, after the real news.

Then I go outside and check, you know they lie all the time, and will say anything to raise a new tax. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m waiting to see the documentary about British State murder gangs in Ireland, which RT has being advertising to appear soon. What they practise in Ireland, is what they will do at home also.

Zionism = EVIL

As I said, the body bags are piling up and there are rumblings in the army for a coup against the pimp Erdogan.

AM Hants

Trouble is, will they get a NED/Open Society goon to replace him?


Better the devil you know!


Truth is terrorism in Turkey.


Only 22,….. hope it will rise to 22,000

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Probably be 22, with 66 brain injured.

AM Hants

Rumours 100+.

Johnson Malarkey

Turkish military was never invited into Syria, nor allowed to have any presence there, neither by the Syrian Government nor by the U.N. Security Council. By International Law, Turkish armed forces are nothing more than a hostile invasion force. The Syrian Government and its allies shall deal with The Turkish hostile occupation force accordingly, by any means necessary.

Xoli Xoli

Astana agreement allowed Erdogan to form de escalation zones in Syria and separate Erdogan from Terrorists.


Erdogan MUST go

Tim Williams

must die

Xoli Xoli

Gulen for President. Erdogan and oil thieft son must rot in prison.


Gulen is finished,dead meat,cia is dead meat!


turks are launching missiles they fired at hmeimem air base, hama airport, and saraqib region…if turkey declares war it’s going to be a very very bad for both sides and only good for hts scum…the best thing they can do is to launch a couple of missiles tomorrow and claim they killed 1900901 syrian soldiers and calm down after that


They are not that dumb to hit Hmeimim Airbase – they will be done. This is just media bs


Fuck,Israel just declared mobilisation.Airforce and army.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

When was that, before they sank the USS Liberty!

good american

Tried to sink it. Had they sunk it, everyone today would think that Egypt did it. Only the tin-foil hat wearing anti-semite jew hating conspiracy theorists would be correct in their suspicians.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Slip of the tongue, my apologies.

Typical Israelis, had all day to sink it, and couldn’t. They tried hard enough though, firing at an unarmed ship and its crew repeatedly.


McConnell the captain got a Congressional Medal of Honor for his saving of the Liberty… in secret of course.

Zionism = EVIL

BS, the Jews are laughing at how stupid you Turkeys are. Moving tanks on mountain roads against a country with a battle tested army and airforce.


Israel learned in ’06 about tanks in the open. Hezbollah took out 50 Merkavas without any air support.

Lazy Gamer

Israel’s also going to do its war now?! lol

AM Hants

Bibi trying to hang on. Even the domestics are suing the wife.


Hatay governorate Our number of martyrs has increased to 29. 36 heroic Turkish soldiers were wounded.

Zionism = EVIL

57 dead Turkeys and over 120 wounded and more to come. Get the fuck out of Syria.

Tim Williams

should have never been there let alone firing on fighter bombers .. you get what you deserve … you ordered it up … now eat it


Good good …we want more now Assad….we want more…!


CHP spokesman Faik Oztrak said they had called a closed session meeting of the Turkish Grand National Assembly tomorrow to discuss the bitter incident.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sucking lemons can do that.

Tim Williams

ERDO to be the pivot boy in the circle jerk

Zionism = EVIL

They had a closed session to fuck goats, I am sure :)

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