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MARCH 2025

Turkey Shot Down Third Syrian Warplane Over Idlib (Updated)

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Turkey Shot Down Third Syrian Warplane Over Idlib (Updated)

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On March 3, Turkey shot down a L-39 warplane of the Syrian Air Force over the Syrian province of Idlib, the Turkish Defense Ministry reported.

The statement followed a series of reports by pro-Turkish sources that a Sytrian fighter jet bombing al-Qaeda members moderate rebels in the region was targeted by Turkish forces. The warplane reportedly crashed somewhere near Maarat al-Numan (the government-controlled area).

The crew of the L-39 is 2 people. One of the pilots is reportedly dead. The fate of the second one is unknown. (UPDATE: The second pilot survived the incident and was rescued by Syrian troops)

The downed L-39 became the third Syrian warplane targeted by Turkish forces over Idlib in the recent days. On March 1, the Turkish Armed Forces shot down 2 Su-24 jets of the Syrian Air Force.

The Turkish leadership is apparently very sad that its army and al-Qaeda proxies failed to keep control over the strategic town of Saraqib on the M5 highway and is now trying to turn the tide of the ongoing conflict into own favour.


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Lone Ranger

Hasbarats will have multiple orgasms over this… Non the less SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)


Lol what a *facktard you are. Turkey has killed over 2000 assad terrorist, downed 3 jets fighters, over 100’s of tanks and several installations.

Lone Ranger

It was 200trillion with 50,000tanks… ;) Turkisis are the terrorists tho..;)


That is why the population is welcoming the Turks with open hearts right. All of these are official and confirmed sources. Soon the terrorist Esad will be no more but first he will pay for the deaths of hundredthousands of innocent lives.

Turkey has been housing millions of refugees due to the mess that the Americunts and the Russian have made in the middle east. So who is the real terrorist .

Lone Ranger

Actually they are welcoming the SAA. You should skip watching Hasbarat news and Clown News Network ;)

Turkey along with the U.S., UK, France, Israel, Saudis caused this, arming and funding wahabimossad isis terrorists. SAA and Russia put an end to it thankfully. Yeah I keep hearing that since 2011, keep dreaming Shlomo… You better find another Mossad asset to replace Erdofuck he will be hanging soon from a lampost in Ankara…upside down ;)


Russia here is the biggest fuck up of all times. Killing civilians in Krim, Downing a civilian Dutch airplane over Ukraine, killing 100’s of innocent civilians. Russia has never been a hero, like the Americans with their fuckups in Vietnam, in Irak, İn Iran , İn Afhanistan do these cunts even have 1 success anywhere ?

However since the Americunts and their fuckboy Trump are fucking cowards they let Putin do the fuck he wants. Just bend over and take it hahahah

Lone Ranger

You spelled the U.S. and Israel wrong Shlomo ;) No civs were killed in Crimea. Ukropnazis shot down MH17… Without Russia and Iran whole north Africa and the middle east would be a giant caliphate mossadisis genociding every arab they can. Than Israel and the U.S. would nukes its toyboys and declare flawless victory… that was the plan… But SAA, Russia and Iran put an end to it. Better luck next time Shlomo…


Man, forget about the Turkish. This people has been openly supporting ISIS and HTS, sending terrorists and migrant to Europe, and STILL BARKING. Totally garbage people. I guess because of many Crypto JEWS in that shit country.

Brother Ma

You are nothing but a headchopper Turk and /or a naive fool that believes whatever they are told , spouting wishful thinking even in the face of the truth.

You are lucky that SF allows even imbeciles or headchoppers to speak here. I’d have better use for you.


Upside down with his wife :)


Both of you don’t realize who is the real cause of this Syrian war. And that is testament to Iran’s ability to conceal its fingerprints

The mess is Syria is a result of Iran shipping weapons to its proxies through Syria. Although Syria and Israel fought a war in the past, Israel had little interest in toppling the Syrian regime. This has been the case until Iran started shipping weapons to Hezbollah. Israel must have warned Damascus that it must stop acting as a transit route for weapons to Hezbollah. Obviously, the Assads refused. then Israel put pressure on the U.S to sever this Hezbollah weapons route. and now the death and destruction in Syria, while Iran watches from hundreds of kilometers away. I wish this war were on Iranian soil.


:))) You are so naive and uninformed mate…


Then follow other of my comments. I will start providing evidence to back up each claim. If you are ready to start this discussion, say so and I will start providing you with proofs the Iranian regime (not people) is evil. Proofs that you won’t deny. Proofs that even an Iranian regime loyalist won’t deny.


you babble bullshit. Illogical bullshit. Your evidence is opinion based on irrelevant circumstances. . Nothing more.

You are either a sock puppet, or a halfwit.


It’s understandable Syria has been supporting Hezbollah. Don’t forget about Golan Heights. More objectively it’s a human and moral duty to oppose to Israël terrorist “State”. Founded thanks to the murder of millions of people. Israël is thanking Hitler everyday for having killed so many jews, and Mr Rotschild money too of course! they are so grateful…

Brother Ma

You know nothing and get it backasswards. It is true that Israel had no great reason to get rid of Assad in the time immediately preceding 2011. That is on record. Yet,scheming Israel and Netanyahu loved having an opportunity that was caused by American’ts itching to have a war there to “look good” . Well the Yanks as usual f’ed it all up as they have done since WWII . However ,Israel is now also caught out and too invested. They were caught with Yankee and Sunni knobs swinging close to Netanyahu’s backside- because of surprise Russia -helping ,so now can’t quit! Iran has been transporting weapons for ages and legally can . So start learning and a little less talking from you.


I am going to ask you a direct question: What is preventing Iran launching a direct attack against its main enemy, Israel? Is Israel out of range of Iranian missiles and drones? Are the U.S bases out of range? Is Saudi Arabia out of range? How will Iran drive the U.S from the middle east as it has promised, without a direct attack? I will give you my answer to these questions.


Yet they proudly call themselves a nation of Martyrdom.

I am not advocating for a national suicide by Iran. In fact, Israel won’t attempt to destroy the Iranian population because it knows there are enough missiles in Iran to destroy every single Israeli village.

My question is, why keep dragging other weaker nations (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen) in your proxy wars instead of taking the fight directly to your enemy who is well within your reach? The only reason is cowardice.

Remember the U.S just killed the most powerful general in Iran, and second most popular figure. If Iran is as brave as it keeps boasting, I want Iran to assassinate a top U.S general and publicly take responsibility for the assassination. Then we will know that they are what they claim to be.

But what did they do after the assassination of Soleimani? Issue threats, warnings, bluster, and a symbolic strike not intended to kill anyone.

Indeed they are a coward nation and do not have the spirit of Islam. If you want to have an idea of how a true Islamic army fights, the closest to it is the Taliban, not the coward Hezbollah, Iran, or other Shiite forces. this is evidence that they have no confidence in God’s help. they place their hopes only on the missiles they have, and if it seems the weapons can’t match that of its adversaries, they will back off. This is not how Muslim armies have fought their enemies. It is important to prepare to the best of your abilities militarily, but you must not match your opponent in war machines or number of men before initiating hostilities. The battle of Badr is a good example. Salahuddeen is another example.

Brother Ma

I want an American general killed too -for justice-but you can’t fight a bully symmetrically.

Please don’t glorify Sunni armies to me as I struggle to find a religious Sunni army that has fought honourably anywhere if at all.

Isis , al Nusra ,Taliban,norther nAlliance ,Turkey ,Albanians and Bosnian Moslems in Yugoslavia ,gulf Arab nations all cruel ignorant pigs .

Iraq,Syria and Libya , yes ,but they were secular Sunni nations.


Please don’t speak wrongly about muslims fighters they are legends , they fight in the path of God not for money or something worldly like secularists do.they fight armies thousand times better equipped ,aircrafts ,boats etc… their feats of arms are no longer to be proven. We call them al mujahedeens .Glory to Allah

Brother Ma

You are either foolish , scheming or insane.

Fight for God? Hahaha. oldest excuse in the book. All I see is sweaty ,fat ,sex-starved cut-throats fighting for money and sex -slaves. Keep your ” God “and Religion of Pieces. We are onto you.

Every religion on Earth hates Islam and particularly Sunni Islam but they don’t really hate one another. Why is that , do you think?

Is it because they are ” jealous of your freedoms and way of life ” like stupid mericans say about themselves? Lol


It seems that you know nothing just cliches , Islam is the religion agreed by The only one God and the religion of all prophets. Hate or love it’s like that . Generally people dislike the true or something they ignore that’s a fact. You are drowned by disinformation . You said all religions hate islam while Islam don’t hate anyone of them , islam only teach the true. So who are the haters???

Brother Ma

I don’t care about you theoretical crap. I am talking about real life Islam as seen by the world everyday . Are you blind? You know nothing of Salafism,Isis,Al-Nusra,Erdogan Turkey ,gulf Arabs ,what you Sunni Moslems did to fellow Moslems and. Christians?

I said everyone hates Islam because Islam has no tolerance for anyone else. It is all about blood and death.


Have you some believes , a religion, spirituality ? Or you believe in nothing ? Me i don’t care who hate us as we are on the right path and not injust.


“What is preventing Iran launching a direct attack against its main enemy, Israel? ”

Because they are not twisted in the head globalist fascists like the USA, and Israel are.And because they know it gives an excuse for the fascists to invade.Like they did already in the middle east when presented with the excuse. Your ignorance is not knowledge dimwit. Yet you babble here like the things of which you know nothing, support your opinions which are worth nothing.

Asshat, wake the fluck up.

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Zbigniew Brzezinski

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .======================================================

“You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They [the Bush administration] lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq]; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.” ……….. “We spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives. “” Trump================================================================================

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.


Ah a zionist troll.


You think everyone opposed to the Assad regime is a Zionist? I am a Sunni who fully understands the danger posed by the Shiite Aqeeda. If you hadn’t been trying to spread your poisonous beliefs in our community, we wouldn’t have a problem with you. You guys are sad about the peace treaty with the Taliban. Trump wants to get out of Afghanistan so he will focus squarely on Iran. Let the Iranian devilish regime not start talking of Muslim unity. If you had any respect for the Sunnis, you wouldn’t have helped the U.S murder hundreds of thousands of Sunnis in Afghanistan and Iraq. Your Shiite hero Soleimani met his deserved end when the same Americans he fought together with against the Taliban droned him to pieces in Iraq.

I notice Iranian officials making some angry comments about how bad the peace deal with the Taliban is, and how the peace wouldn’t hold. Their fear is that a much more powerful Afghanistan under Taliban rule will emerge and a pure Islamic Shariah will come back to Afghanistan. Iran has trained thousands of Liwa Fatemiyoun militias to oppose the Taliban. but guess what, The Taliban will easily destroy them. The Taliban fought America and NATO to a draw, talk less of Iran and its Fatemiyoun. You are about to meet some real Islamic heroes. we have always defeated you in history, we will defeat you again. If you know what is good for you, keep your paws off Afghanistan.

If you want to know which branch of Muslims have Allah’s support in today’s world, study what happened to both the camps fighting America. The Taliban have no airforce, Navy or Missile force, yet they fought the world’s most powerful military to a draw. Can that be said of any Shiite force? Look how the Taliban conduct daring raids against U.S and allied forces in Afghanistan. Look how they initiate hostilities, and look how they expand and contest territory. Can that be said of Hezbollah? All the Hezbollahs do is issue threats like their master Iran, while doing all they could to avoid any confrontation with the Zionists. See how the U.S easily crushed the Shiite insurgency in Iraq.

Had Saddam been ruling Iraq based on pure Islamic Shariah like the Taliban, the U.S will still be fighting that war or probably surrendered just like it did in Afghanistan.


“You think everyone opposed to the Assad regime i”

Assad government you mean. The regime is in Washington.

The only people opposed are mentally deficient, or morally deficient.


Halfwit, the mess in Syria is the result of countries invading and committing acts of war on a sovereign nations. For globalist agendas.

Shut your mouth fool. You belong at Disney. Do you really think people will eat any more disinformational bullshit ? When we know the FACTS ?

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .======================================================

Thats why, and your ignorance and bullshit is not required.

“It is only because of their stupidity that they are able to be so sure of themselves.” ― Franz Kafka


“Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid.” — Ricky Gervais, 1961


people are fleeing by hundreds of thousands because of barbaric assad’s regime and its allies

Lone Ranger

Nah, they are fleeing from Turkisis backed rapist cannibal headchoppers.


“The most telling barometer of Assad’s support base was the Presidential elections in June 2014, which saw 74 percent (11.6 million) of 15.8 million registered Syrian voters vote, with President al-Assad winning 88 percent of the votes. The lengths Syrians outside of Syria went to in order to vote included flooding the Syrian embassy in Beirut for two full days (and walking several kilometres to get there) and flying from countries with closed Syrian embassies to Damascus airport simply to cast their votes. Within Syria, Syrians braved terrorist mortars and rockets designed to keep them from voting; 151 shells were fired on Damascus alone, killing 5 and maiming 33 Syrians. ”

“Candidate Party Votes % Bashar al-Assad Ba’ath Party 10,319,723 – 88.7% Hassan al-Nouri NIACS 500,279 -4.3% Maher Hajjar Independent 372,301- 3.2% Invalid/blank votes 442,108 -3.8% Total 11,634,412 100 Registered votes/turnout 15,845,575 73.42 Source: SANA, SANA ————

While the Americans, and the twisted in the head Muslims from other countries try to change that fact.

We ALL see you twats for what you are.

“I doubt you can understand the magnitude of the stupidity in your statement” ― Robert Jordan,


the only score of 88% prove the falsehood of this election and its nullity.


No stupid, that is cooberated fact. While you babble your ignorance as if it is knowledge.

Some advice?

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. — Mark Twain


Keep believing foolishly and dishonestly what you want.

the one who will silence me is not yet born


I have no intention of silencing the ignorance and stupidity of prejudice and beLIEf.. It contaminates the planet. You are just one of billions.

I offered some good advice for self improvement…..You rejected it. Gee, what a surprise..

Concrete Mike

Right blame russia and america.

Close but you are responsible for the refugees, thats what you get for sponsoring Al Nusrah from day 1.

The turkish government has supported terrorists for years and has weaponized refugees, all this to keep idiots like you in line to do Israel’s diorty work.

Go fuck yourself, fake ass muslim, cockblocking for Israel peices of shit.


Yo Americunt with its fucked up ‘secret’ agencies.

Did you guys not train terrorist all over the world to ‘fight’ against Russia during the Afghan war you initiated. Fuck off the whole world sees America as 1 big fucked up country. stay in your own borders and you guys are the ‘heroes’ hahhaha

Brother Ma

Turkey was America and Israel’s pal for over seventy years! Do you not know your own history or are you so transparently a paid -propagandist for headchoppers and Turkey? Is this what all the little people have been told in your fhole Muslim nation? No wonder no nation of Sunnis has achieved anything!


Well said ,Mike.

Brother Ma

You nailed the fcuckwit and /or Grey wolf troll. I love these types. So easy to show up!

Porc Halal

The ‘population’ you are talking are islamic terorists and their sex slave wifes (goats included)…

Porc Halal

and their ugly offspring…

Brother Ma

You are a foolish Coban ,a deluded Nationalist Turk or a scheming propagandist. Everyone with a brain and good faith knows that ErdoTurkey ,America and Headchoppers caused this Syrian war and the “refugees” you pretend to house. You broke it ,you pay for it!

Begone , Saitan!



Lone Ranger

More mossad CGI :)


Lots of fried khomeini farts ;)

Lone Ranger

Condolences to your fallen wahabbimossad isis operator buddies ;)




yeahh crying keyboardwarriors here on SF. fuckfaceeee!!!!!!! :D D:D

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax Shlomo… Next stop Idlib city… I would pull the mossad advisors before they get caught…;)


more more more more !!!


Hi liar. That 2000 was BS from the Muslim Brotherhood poster boy. Are you a poster boy too? Or just transitioning?


Mental dyslexic the liar is a poof,what do we expect honour and valour +glory?

Halit Ikbal

Real story epic … yesterday a Syrian SAM battery (SA22) shoot it down one UAV (carried pods) at North Syria ; that’s why TAF (Turkish Airforce) send 2xF16 over the area. Those F16’s was armed with HARM (anti-radiation) AGM’s … and when they reach the target area one of the F16 starting fly low and fast (no AB) for activated the SAM battery. Their plan so straith, push Syrians until they open radars… when they show themselfs hit their radiation sources with Harm missiles. Because Harm’s Made for it, kill the radars. Instead of radars 3 Syrian SU24 shows up for Turkish F16’s … when they start take formation for hunt Turkish F16’s something happen. Two more F16 (with AAM’s load) involve that dogfight. They were escorts of Harm loaded first group. (Classic Suprise M.F) When Su24’s and F16’s start dogfight Syrian SAM batteries, not one … but 3 of them open their radars and try to lock to Turkish F16’s whom scarembling with SU24’s on the mid air. But first group of F16’s already close the contact with SU24’s when escorts arrive. They spotted SA22’s instantly when they show up at the radar. They send 2 Harm missile to SAM units and share the coordinates about the third one. When Air to Air combat capable escorts hunt SAA’s SU24’s one by one and two Panthir’s burn on the ground ; third SA22 missiled by a Male UAV very same day…. Score : one Turkish UAV, three SA22 battery and two SU24 plane (third plane reach their based… wounded but live) … damn, what a action.

Wahid Algiers

And the action will go on: backasswards of the filthy turkish trash.

Rhodium 10

SU 24 is not a fighter jet..just a bomber!…Turkish air force didnt shot down nothing because they can shot down by mistake Russian jet!….SAF claimed that they shot down 3 turkish aircraft over Idlib…and later images show only one…so friendly fire and Turkish agree!….L-39 have been shot down by manpads or ZSU 23mm as that plane was attacking with rockets and 30mm a terrorist convoy in south Idlib flying low and risking be shot down as we have seen many times along the Syrian war!..Turkish backed terrorist are losing…and coming soon will be defeated like in Libya!


Su24 is a fighterbomber.It can fight.It usually carries air-air for defence besides bombs.


fk off p00f!save it for the gaybar lieing stinker!

Porc Halal

What gaybar?!…you mean zoobar, with a lot of sexy goats inside…

Porc Halal

And erdofuck is their pimp!…

Porc Halal

Does anyone knows how many goat sex slave wifes erdofuck has in his harem??…

Concrete Mike

Whatever on the ground syria is winning against al nusrah headchoppers.

Ill beleive SAA anybday before i beleive Turks!


Is 2423473 the number tattooed on your arm ? It is the badge or a retard.


Wahid Algiers

Listen you hobby prostitute from dumbass stronghold Turkey: the only terrorist in the middle east are terrorturks and terrorisraelis.

Porc Halal

You are a fucktard turkoid terrorist bitch!!..YOU are the terorists here you motherfucker scumbag…syrians will fuck you and the other goat fuckers up!!!…really hard!!



Mohamed Assi

down what you want, they havent gained any ground. the turkish army is been pushed with no russian air support 1 on 1 like edrogan asked.


lol all of your toys provided by bitch putin have been neutralized. 2x su23 and even this morning an L39. The coward asad regime is burning tires in the cities so they cant get ass fucked by the Turkish drones hahah. İdlib has already been cleared lolololololol

Rhodium 10

yeah sure but 3 jets and many Tanks is nothing if you retake an important part of Idlib and all greater Aleppo!…one example USA lost 2 jets and 5 Helicopters to Retake only Faluyya city!…Turkey has lost 54 soldiers to lose ground!…


Man, in Southfront we don’t like Turkish very much… Supporters of ISIS, HTS, congrat! You terrorists. Shame on Turkey. You and your Erdoggy Crypto Jew should take your garbage back home


2 or 2000 dead SAA soldiers, not important here. The important questions are why is Turkey supporting terrorists, invading Syria and why are you supporting such actions?

Gary Sellars

Stupid Turk trench-whore…


Hey Russia loving Americunt, hows your orange potato president doing haha laughtstock of europe hahah :D

Liberal guy


Wayne Nicholson

Yet they gained back only a small percentage of the ground lost and achieved only one major objective in Saraqib before their counter offensive ran out of steam and now they’ve even lost that again.

You mention lots about what the SAA lost but no mention of what the rebels lost in their counter attack or how badly this operation cost them.

Your numbers would be impressive if warfare was a sport and the side with the highest body count wins but warfare is about achieving objectives and taking ground. Despite their losses the SAA are rolling back the Turk / rebel gains and that’s what really counts.

jhon malakiat

fuck fuck fuck..

many turkish rats monkeys trolls everywhere..

fuck turkish coward.

turkish is king of beggars.

for many years begging join EU but EU always reject turkish request.

now turkish begging USA to help them. also getting reject from USA.

turkish is totally disgraces..


hey americunt,

why dont you pay back your trillion dollar loan to China ? oh wait you cant because then your broke ass coutnry would go broke with the orange fatso in lead haha. hows your medicare hahahahha doctors dentist going broke and becoming homeless due to hospitals bills . losing to nam war and therefore bombarding innocent people with live napalm. gtfo your not the hero you think. the whole world thinks americunts are fat people with their fake patriotism hahahah


LOL @ “hundreds of tanks” destroyed. It might as well be “tens of thousands”.

“Millions of Assad tanks destroyed”. There, use that line. It’s about as truthfool as your original poast.


wow, what a fluckng fool this tool is..

“Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupid is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade against Stupid. That might actually make a difference.” ― Jim Butcher, Vignette


Nahhhhhhhh…I guess I’m not a hasbarat, whatever that is, since I sure didn’t have one even if I kind of liked it. Remember, I want Erdogan and Assad to do each other in.

Lone Ranger

Time to hit Turkroaches and Turkisis from all sides :)

klove and light

lolol with Friends suchs as treacherous Zionist pig putin, who Needs enemies……it was a F-16 that brought that plane down……..

again when IDF strikes ..russias air Defence Systems stand down when TAF strikes…. russian air Defence Systems stand down

and please do remember, also the fucking american airforce flew into Idlib on several occasions……

again for the outragroius dumnmies who still believe in good Russia bad Russia good USA bad USA good uk bad uk,…… it is all a theatre Play for the 99% they ALL serve the satanic Zionist Agenda of a One world Government with Jerusalem as it´s capital under satanic jewish Leadership.All nations that RECOGNIZE the illegal Evil criminal satanic Entity named Israel are part of the Agenda, this includes Russia,usa,uk,china Turkey ,eu,etc…

so Keep on Posting your pathtic comments About a Village here and there, and Agreements here and there..this is all a Charade for the 99% SHEEP


No factual,nor proven nor anything officially released,all talk masonic homosexual phaedo lies,

Fekn heres the real deal ok,fekn fullofsht deep state,bla,bla,bla,blowhob!

Israel leader re elected,you have no hope now mr nazi/masonic/templar pro genocide regime!

Ain’t getting your fekn nor nuclear war asswipes,you are too dumb to lie let alone ever win!

You ought to better serve your pathedic sentence to teresa may of london as the ziozog,mr white nazi wannabe supremast,sick vermin jealouse facist bot,with no truth on your side,to date,bot!

Truth be known!


Brother Ma

I certainly agree with your second and third paragraphs. Strange that the vaunted s400 still haven’t shot down shit!!


First that “shit” must fly over the Russian military bases or Idlib non fly zone. S-400 long range missiles are very expensive and are usually used on important targets like airplanes or choppers and big drones. Medium and small size drones are not valid targets for S-400 (an they can see differentiate the size by signature on the radar screen) The short range missiles and automatic canons are used against medium to smaller drones normally. I’ll return you question; Why till now not single NATO or Turk or any other airplane has not challenged S-400 (including would be “invisible” F-22 & F-35) if S-400 are not dangerous for them?

Brother Ma

You misunderstand me. I also like Syria , Russia and the S400.

What use is the s400 if it does not shoot down a Turk plane when the latter can shoot down a Syrian plane from even behind Turk borders? Fcuck the non-fly zones and crap then . If the Turks are telling the truth then no flyzones and S400 is worth a hill of beans and the war is lost.


There is NO NON-FLY ZONE for Turk side ! Those F-16 stay in Turkey and use long range air to air missiles!

They do it from the other side of the border ! Russia will not shoot down Turk airplane over the Turk territory and Erdogan knows that. But Syria would gladly do that. I am not sure that Russia and Iran want that war in Syria become full intensity war against Turkey They keep the war low key to keep NATO outside of the conflict and liberate Syria

Most important is that pilots are alive and airplanes can be replaced by Russia Syrian jets should keep their distance from border or change tactics. Russians should do the bombings closer to the border from now on.

Brother Ma

That is what I said to you. Turk plane was in Turkey ,so even if a no-fly zone exists ,it is useless if Turkish plane can shoot planes and Syrian soldiers in idlib, unless someone shoots them dead back in Turkey and yes Russia had Iran are still too friendly with Turkey.

How can Syria win a war if it has one hand tied behind its back? It can never take back Idlib if it is true Turkey can kill anywhere in Idlib and Syro-Russians never shoot back!

In English ,when you have a very easy ,one -sided slaughter ,it is called a “Turkey -shoot”. It will be a Turkey-shoot of Syrian loyalists in Idlib.


Syria can win this war even like this!!!

Why don’t you read what I write?!?

Russia WILL NOT START THE WAR against Turkey becaus it is not wise decision. Non flying zone is in Idlib Syria not in Turkey so Russia can’t shoot those F-16 in Turkey ! If they can’t do otherwise it is better if only Russia does the bombings over the Idlib. Starting war against Turkey now is something that is good only for Israel, USA & NATO ! Than they would bring even more extremists in Syria and start to attack from all sides.

So it is better not to start the war and destroy terrorists and liberate Syria with low level conflict like this! The result is the same at the end !!! Only that counts is that Syria is free.

Brother Ma

I understood what you said but all you have said to me is that Russia and Syria can win even with low level conflict but you have STILL not told me HOW when Turkey can kill anyone in Idlib from behind the borders?


What do you mean “how”?!? It is “low key conflict”. And they keep killing them and gaining the ground don’t they?

What are they doing right now if not that?! And when it comes to SAA they should not fly over the Idlib any longer because it is too close to the border so they can get shot down again. It is better if Russia only does the bombings and Syrian jets stay away fro the Idlib for the moment til the war in the region is finished and Turks kicked out..

Turkey can NOT “kill everyone” simply because. They can’t touch Russians (they can try but if they do they are DEAD !) So Russians only should do all the bombing jobs from now on.

klove and light

and here is some EYE Opening Breaking News from IRAQ

almasdar news

Home Iraq Iraqi Hezbollah accuses candidate for PM of helping assassinate Qassem Soleimani Iraq Iraqi Hezbollah accuses candidate for PM of helping assassinate Qassem Soleimani By News Desk – 2020-03-03

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – Kata’ib Hezbollah in Iraq threatened to ignite the country and declare war if the head of the intelligence services, Mustafa Al-Kazimi, was nominated for the post of prime minister. In a statement on his Twitter account, Iraqi security official in Kata’ib Hezbollah, Abu Ali Al-Askari, accused al- Kazimi of assisting the U.S. in carrying out the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force, Major-General Qassem Soleimani, and the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Units (Hashd Al-Sha’abi), Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Al-Askari said: “It is better for Iraq to stick with Abdul-Mahdi and return it to its natural place to overcome what was not overlooked,” believing that “the only point in front of Abdul-Mahdi is the opinion of the reference, and if this barrier is lifted, he will continue to perform his mandate and complete his duties.” He continued: “Some of them have discussed the candidacy of the head of the intelligence service, Mustafa al-Kazimi, for the position of prime minister, and he is accused of helping the American enemy to carry out the assassination of the leaders of Suleimani and Al-Mohandis.” The United States of America announced the killing of Soleimani and Al-Mohandis on January 3 in a drone attack, while Iran described the attack as “state terrorism” and vowed revenge, and on January 8, they launched a missile attack on two military bases in Iraq, including the Ain al-Assad base, which includes about 1,500 American soldiers. Last Sunday, the Iraqi Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, apologized for forming the Iraqi government, sending a message to the Iraqi people to continue to press through peaceful demonstrations so that their sacrifices are not lost, while Iraqi President Barham Saleh said that consultations will be held to choose an alternative to Allawi during 15 days according to legal and constitutional frameworks.

Brother Ma

It is generally known that someone betrayed Suleimani. Why did they walk him through airports with even cleaners around? This way the intelligence chief will just say ,”It wasn’t me ,it was a traitor common man in the airport who saw him and betrayed him to the Americans!”


off topic… nevertheless… what about the rumours that the Russians again sent some Kalibr missiles?

opet ja

Hmm if it was with F-16 SyAF should cover bombers with fighters, MiG-29SM they have. But L-39 is poorly equipped training aircraft, has to go low for bombing and becomes easy pray for MANPADs. Syria needs UCAVs for such operations.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia probably wants Syria-Damscus to take a brokered deal. Flying L-39’s in CAS is an inherently risky business.


Yep, probably the Battle lines will be frozen when Erdogan and Putin meet. So SAA keeps control of M5, still a win for them. And Turkey secures the rest so that refugees stay there. This would be enough for Turkey.

Brother Ma

Well as long as a Turk jet can shoot down a Syrian jet over Idlib then the war is lost. The only reason Syria is winning is because of ground battles supported by air operations. If no air operations ,then Syrians grind to a stop and Idlib will remain a headchopper Turk enclave for ever!

Can someone tell me how Syria can retake any land if those Turk jets and artillery in Turkey are NOT taken out asap?


Su24 je lovac-bombarder.Nosi Vympel 73 za samoodbranu.Moze se on nositi sa F-16 u pravim rukama.

S Melanson

Correction: SF needs to use the proper name of operating militias – it is not Moderate Rebels, it is ‘moderate headchoppers’.

That said, what were the SAA thinking?

Training aircraft used in combat missions in hostile environments where enemies have demonstrated capability to shoot down far more capable aircraft – seems to be inviting disaster in my opinion.

Still, Turkish military leadership have not been up to the task which not to surprising after massive purging of the officer ranks following the failed coup. If this problem can be fixed, it will get much tougher for the SAA.


SF is being ironic by striking through their true description….

S Melanson

Yes, I am doing a parody of SF parody lol.



Brother Ma

Turks have never been up to the task . Only won through sheer force of numbers on exhausted enemies.


Confirmed: Russia fires 14 Kaliber cruise missiles at EAQ (Erdogan Al Qaeda) Strongholds inside Syria https://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ScreenHunter-211.png https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/03/02/confirmed-russia-fires-14-kaliber-cruise-missiles-at-eaq-erdogan-al-qaeda-strongholds-inside-syria/

Lone Ranger

Wehehe. Good good. Lot of al-cia-da/mossadisis went puff ;)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not being a military man myself, but how easy is it to reload the cruise missiles into the frigates and corvettes of the Russian navy, anybody know? … Can it be done from the Russian naval facilities in Tartus, Syria, can it be done at sea from a sea tender or does it need to be done at a major home port?


Of course it can. There is such thing that is called supply ships (not sure if that is exact name because my English is modest) They can supply essentials (apart from important repairs) on the sea. Ports do the same and much more.

What do you think the military facilities, ports are for if not for resupplying ships with fuel, food, water and all kinds of ammunition. They have everything including spare parts, well maybe not everything…for prostitutes sailors must look elsewhere.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

My understanding is that VLS has to be reloaded and replenished back in a friendly port at present times, no underway replenishment capabilities… Obviously no problem when you have a friendly port facility handy, such as Tartus for the Russian navy.


Tartus is not “friendly” but officially Russian military port facility (built by Russia). A Russian military port. There is no need for Russia to do replenishment’s on the sea in East Mediterranean as long as they have Tartus. Every Russian ship that is in Eastern Mediterranean passes by for replenishment to Tartus before going back to Crimea.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’d agree with your comments… From what I understand from the 2018 act of terrorism against Damascus by the USN, they (DDG’s) fired their weapons (TLAM) and had to replenish their (VLS) munitions back in Spain… Other end of the Med.


Funny thing is that you who claim not to be with military background are using only military terms. I can’t talk details (like the one you ask me). I am not insider in Russian navy and have no clue about stocks of missiles and other weaponry in Tartus. That is suppose to be a secret I suppose. One thing is sure. Kalibr’s are modern missiles while many of older Russian destroyers are of Soviet origin and they still use some soviet origin weapons. Soon they will be replaced by modern ships and all of them will use the same 3-4 types of missiles like Yakhont, Kalibr, Zircon. The same goes for other weapons systems. It is transition period from Soviet to Russian weapons so it gets complicated sometime to resupply them all. But soon Russia will use only modern Russian weapons.


Source: Tarot-Fatima.You know how much a Kalibr missle costs? Those missiles are intended for high value targets not some Jihadi third grade militias.


Sources are there and maybe just maybe Russia doesn’t have reason to humiliate Erdogan before his visit to Moscow. So they do it quietly (destroy your favorite terrorists) without much publicity.

I suppose you will tell me “how much they cost” huh? Like that is some kind of proof for anything. Russians have used even Kh-101 and they are much more expensive than Kalibrs And they will use even Iskanders if target is valid high value target if need be.

So, say hell to your “Fatima”


6,5 million a piece (Export version)


Those missiles are not for decoration of the Russian ships only. They have their purpose why they were produced and precise function. And when they are used. In very clearly defined situations. Russian contingent in Syria costs Russia little bit more than lousy “6,5 million” per day. They are not for picnic there.

So Russian high command knows exactly when and where Kalibr’s are used and instructs their subordinates accordingly.

Say hello to Fatima


6,5 million a piece ( Export version)


So you keep repeating. Those missiles are used for high value targets only. 26 of Kalibr missiles were launched from Caspian sea. So amuse yourself and calculate how much money that was “lost” by Russia at “6,5 million export version”


Its funny that almost every night one report of Kalibr missiles fired goes around twitter…sometimes its 6,sometimes 8,14…etc.I highly doubt there is anything of such value in whole Idlib worth a Kalibr missile.Some where fired earlier for testing purposes,thats all.


That’s only your opinion. Since you are not insider on Syria or member of Russian high command, or Assad’s cousin, why would I bother …?!

I can’t speak about Twiter. I am not Twiter type.

I have copy pasted all that and everything is there. If we want to be scrupulous about news WHY than guy who lives in London apartment alone is main source for all Western news about what is happening in Syria?!? He is not journalist and he doesn’t live in Syria, yet everybody trust him with bullshit he publish?!

Why would I bother now to double check that news?

When major Western news outlets would accept much less valid “source” than that ?!?


This conflict will go on. Neither Turkey nor Russia will give up this opportunity to test their new weapons. So they both make lots of noise trying to convince the necessity of their presence.


SyAF should stop sending aircrafts, as it clearly can’t keep them safe on rebel territory


SAA have lost L-39 “fighter” that is actually trainer 2 seater low flying sub-sonic aircraft that can often be shot by manpads because it must fly lower to bomb the targets with “dumb” (non-precision) bombs.


Rhodium 10

SAF use to fly low because lack of modern jets and guide weapons!..its a risk because Turkish troops and terrorist have many Manpads!…last time another L-39 was manage to evade 3 Manpads missile with flares…but T&T ( Turkish&Terroris) using many missile is too dificult to avoid be hit!


does the saa have some interceptors ? from now on they need to use interceptors to escort the bombers to idlib

Brother Ma

All true but this plane was shot down by Erdo plane behind Turk border!How will Syria ever win if they never shoot down a Turk plane or knock out the artillery ,even if the Turks are behind their own border?

Only by luck or extraordinary skill can you win a fight when your enemy fights dirty and you fight fair! I would never risk my country by fighting fair when my pig enemy fights slyly!

Rhodium 10

Could be shot down by manpads…but Turkish propagande prefer say that Turkish jets have attacked SAF planes!..anyway like in 2015 when Putin deployed S-400 and no Turkish jets flew near Syrian borders…Putin know that SAA are advancing and RUAF can smash terrorist!..so they dont want a conflict with Turkey because Russia use Turkish airspace and Bosforous!…they also know that terrorist are losing ground and Erdogan want to save his face!

Brother Ma

Good point . Turkey could in fact be lying..

Rhodium 10

I dont think that Turkish plane have shot down that jets..among other reason Syrian airspace are controlled by Russians and they also watch Turkish jets when are taking off and can warn Syrian jets…surely it was a result of friendly fire as SAD claimed that it was shot down 3 aircraft before claimed that 2 Su 24 were shot down by turks while they shot down a drone!….L-39 fly low..and last time one of them was manage to evade 3 manpads!….during Syrian war many of them have been shot down.. by Manpads and ZSU-23 mm! Putin dont have problem to save the Erdogan face while SAA are advancing and Turkish stream gas pipeline is fully operational!

Wahid Algiers

A really good joke for the turkish squad skull mongols here: “On Monday, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced “Operation Spring Shield”, which is supposed to push the Syrian Armed Forces back to the 2018 Sochi Agreement lines.” – What a joke, everybody fells apart of laughing. ErDOGan listen: You and your israel bitches of the ministries are right good for a hollywood series names “Turkey cock or Turkey mongol dick sucker – who lives longer?”


army pounding neirab and saramin right know and they’ve downed another uav in maarat alnuman let the fucking turk rats talk and rage it’s the only thing they’re good at …saa is crushing the skulls of their brothers on the ground the only thing that matters

Saquib raza

I bet there will be no meeting on 5th


i hope so man that would be great …fuck that erdogan cunt…sochi agreement doesn’t exist anymore there is no reason for putin to meet him

Saquib raza

Saa will surprise . Night attack on saramin tonight

Saquib raza

If Russia is bombing saramin and idlib city. Main aim is to take idlib city first. Automatically southern front will collapse. What is your thoughts?


i think russia is pounding saramin and qaminas just because they are the backbone of terrorists attacks on naiyrab and saraqib …russia is just eliminating the rats reinforcements in thoses areas i don’t think that a push to idlib right now is a smart idea…they need to firslty secure the m4 they can’t advance on idlib while m4 still belongs to the rats cuz they will be putting troops in the middle of killing zone from 3 sides …the saa now should put all efforts on alghabb and jabl zawia and shashabo in order to shorten the frontline to the m4

Saquib raza

Yes you are right . But Russian military police is there for nothing… I bet surprise awaits tonights . If they took saramin all parallel to m4 area will be cleared

Saquib raza

Look at the map and u will see if saramin is taken . You draw a line straight and see how much m4 will be cleared


Agree. Idlib is too big and it takes preparations and multi vector attacks from 3 sides to do it properly.

Saquib raza

Neyrab will be taken in few hours


all theses noob erdogan dick riders don’t know that the government has control over damascus-daraa-homs-hama-deirezor-lattakia-tartus-asuwaidae-aleppo-alhassaka (majority sunni)…all the big cities are under govt control exept for idlib and raqa….the majority of syrian people live in peace under gvt control i’ve talked to multiple syrians through the years and they seem very supportive of assad… people in syria don’t want jihadi gangsters ruling over syria telling them that singing is forbidden and smoking is haram and you shouldn’t wear this or that ….theses erdogan terrorist cunts think that a bunch of idlib scum put into afrin,jarablus and albaba represent the entire syrian population they don’t even represent themselves they’ve been put in thoses terretories that belong to the kurds in the first place ….stop playing the humanitarian card half of this sh*t going on in syria is because of the turks supporting terrorists and using the refugees as a blackmailing card to get money form europe not even let in them back to govt ctrl areas and forcing them to fight …

Brother Ma

Which is why Erdo needs to be “heartattacked” already but it won’t happen as long as a Putin wants him.Even the US allowed the bully to lord it over the American common people when he was over there! He even gatecrashed Muhammad Ali the boxer’ funeral until the boxer’s children kicked him out on his arse! Rude,pompous ,ignorant,cruel! Another Abdul Hamid of the 1890s.

Why is he not killed already!

Raptar Driver

And Putin the meek does nothing again. Syria will lose big time one on one with the dirty Turks. Putin’s job is to look powerful but do nothing against his Zionist bosses. So far so good.


Where were Putin shills when Putin was bombing millions of Syrians ?? so many Putin shills nowadays. Be careful guys because these shills are being one sided and totally ignoring what Putin has been doing by driving the civilians towards Europe..Turkey has had 5 million Refugees the most in the WORLD ! and they heavily impacted their economy and Europe knew this all along. Erdogan has actually limited the refugee crisis for years.

You must understand who Putin really is, and what his agenda in Russia is. He is a neo-Bolshevik and former Tchekist (and in the heart, I am sure, he still is). He openly admires Lenin, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill, and hates, naturally, Hitler. He deeply regrets the disintegration of the Soviet Union and calls it “the greatest tragedy in human history”, while warmly praising Bolshevism and the Sovietism experience in Russian history.

Laws against anti-semitism in Putin’s Russia are among the harshest in all of Europe, just like under Lenin and Stalin. It’s illegal in Putinite Russia to denounce the actions of murderous Tcheka and Red Army, “the army of rapists.”

It is also against the law in Putin’s Russia to doubt and deny the Shoah; it is punishable by a lengthy prison term. However, it is okay in Putin’s Russia to deny the (German) Holocaust, and it is okay to deny the Holodomor and Gulags. The swastika is banned and outlawed, but magena (star of David) is completely legal. Nationalist-socialists are outlawed and harshly prosecuted in Putin’s Russia.

On the other hand, Judaist Israel is among the best friends for Putin’s neo-Bolshevik Russia.

And who rules Russia? Mainstream media, both private and public, are virtual Jew monopolies, just like in America. Economic control by ethnic and racial breakdown is not published in Russia. Late 1990s and early 2000s the ruling Jews, so called “Oligarchs”, openly boasted that they collectively controlled 70-80 percent of the Russian economy through banking and corporate holdings. The first thing the Jews did after 1991 (disintegration of the SU) was to set up a central bank and stock exchange in Russia, as their symbols of the conquered nation. The central bank of Russia was modeled to mimic the Federal Reserve in America, with the money supply based on debt and interest, and, as a consequence, debt slavery. All these arrangements of the Semitic capitalism Putin left intact.

Since then Russian Jewry uses more discretion and avoids making bold statements, but the state of affairs didn’t change much. It is true that when Putin came to power in Russia some 20 years ago he banished well-known odious Jews, but he brought with him his own Jews instead. He knows very well that to keep holding onto power he must be in good graces with Jews. Putin was brought in to stabilize the country, which was at the time in the state of economic freefall. Yeltsin was an alcoholic and started to develop Alzheimers before he died, and Jews were concerned that something negative for them might come out of this uncontrolled situation. It is true that Putin stabilized the situation, but this stabilization means a controlled genocide and planned extinction of White people in Russia. Putin repeatedly went on record to attack White Nationalism, and specifically White Russian Nationalism. In fact, presently all White Nationalist activities are outlawed in Russia; activists were given various prison terms.

It’s no surprise Putin aligned himself with the Christian Church in Russia, which is one of the most corrupt of all churches. This church has acquired an enormous wealth through export-import operations with alcohol and tobacco, which was made possible thanks to privileges and exemptions granted by the Putinite regime, not to mention that the top church leadership are Jews and other non-whites. Remember this when next time you see Putin strike a pose with the Russian Christian Church hierarchs as he often does.

Both Sweden’s rulers and Germany’s Merkel squirm and blush from envy as Putin’s regime floods Russia with non-white migration, both legal and illegal, mostly Muslim. Some 16 million non-white invaders moved in Russia since Putin came to power about 20 years ago, and millions were legalized and received Russian citizenship. It’s almost a million non-white invaders, both legal and illegal, coming to Russia each year. Moscow now is ironically called “Moskvabad”. With the birth rate of White Russians among the lowest in all of Europe, the population increase in Russia comes from brown and yellow races and non-white migration. It is projected that, with the trend continuing, White Russians will become a decisive minority in Russia by 2040-2050, just like White Americans are projected to become a minority in America.




Damn, you could get me to actually like Putz Putin the Poisoner, Adolf. Aren’t you smart enough to find your way home to the Daily Stormer now that it was forced into the welcoming cesspool of the Dark Wab?

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back…


Syrian Anti-Aircraft Missile Destroys Target Over Homs – Sputnik Correspondent A source in the army has confirmed to Sputnik correspondent that an unknown object was detected and identified as a threat before being destroyed. An explosion occurred in the skies above the Syrian town of Homs, caused by the destruction of a target by one of the country’s anti-aircraft missiles,


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Pity an explosion isn’t occurring over the skies of Turkoglu.


American jets humiliate russian jets

Lone Ranger

Only in Top Gun movies ;)


Hahahhh let movies from side and look the facts ,that’s reality

Lone Ranger

Indeed. U.S. lost thousand of jets vs a few hundred Migs. Fact ;)


Thousands vs few hundred hhhhh you are funny . Ok bring your proofs of that ,)))

Lone Ranger



He’s playing games. See my post above.


And how many of those were US jets lost to Migs did you say? That is what the question was. Don’t divert and play stupid. Anyway, this was about the F-16. It has about 75 air-to-air kills to only one air-to-air lose. As an aside, in Vietnam, US jets had about 150 air-to-air kills to about 50 air-to-air loses. And you likely know this.


Lone Ranger

According to Pentagon Propaganda… In reality Migs had about 3:1 succes ratio.


LOL…sure, Igor. Again, I gave an independent source with link. You give bull crap with NO source and link.

Lone Ranger

CIA propaganda link… My sources are Russian and NV sources which I wont link ;) But non the less its true. U.S. losses and NV losses show who is right and who isnt…. 2200jets and 5500helos lost vs 200Migs and a few SAM sites lost… Case closed Schlomo. It takes class to lose. Be classy. Have a nice day. See you later…


Stop lying, Igor. You can’t give a link. And you out right lied about Pakistan losing lots of F-16’s a dozen years BEFORE they even had any F-16’s. Quite the trick there that you claim. Well, you are a classy liar. I’ll give you that.

Lone Ranger

I didn’t lie. They lost F-16s against India. Sorry to break your imagination…

Lone Ranger

Pakistan lost plenty of F-16s against India :) Also in Iraq more than one were shot down, of course not according to Pentagon stats which would never lie :)


Sure, Igor. You have those Kremlin stats right there. I gave a non-government source. You give Russian bull crap.

Lone Ranger

There is no such thing as non government source… Also its worth to mention that NV not only had kill superiority…at any given time the NV had only 70Migs, while st any given time the U.S. had 600fighter jets in Nam. So Migs erre outnumbered 10:1, they still had very favorable kill ratios.

Lone Ranger

CIA propaganda sites arent Independent. I guess the Indian air force is lying than… Or maybe you and pakies do…;) Case closed. See you later.


the only thing that american jets are better than russians is numbers….america has quantity…russia has quality…syria has neither cause the russian planes they use are very old generations of fighter jets


Not true, generally American weapons are better and more efficient because of sharp of their technology you must recognize, that’s known from longtime . No matter for debate on it


Syrian jets are 40-50 years old that would not be hard to do


Turk F-16 can’t survive Russian SU-35 even if it is inside the best Turk pilot.


The proof is in the pudding. And no pudding has been made yet. And then there would be the results if those F-16’s had pilots from a bit down south of Syria. Wouldn’t matter what planes the Syrian pilots were flying.


That has most always been the case from the beginning of military aviation. And in this region, it has been the overwhelming case for over 50 years. But a lot in this neck of the woods has to do with the pilots.


Exactly the superiority goes back a long time . pilots and old age of planes as well

shooting an L-39 training fighter bomber with an F-16 is a cheap shot. it was never a contest. it’s just shooting fish in a pond. same applies to killing old Su-24 from just the edge of your airspace is just a cheap one way street since they don’t have air-to-air capability. ambushing bombers from your airspace is a cowardly thing to do since those jets weren’t even expecting an attack from outside the theater. those planes don’t have modern sensors to even determine if they are being targeted. if we are rooting for an air-to-air confrontation, we should see advanced MiGs and Sukhois squaring off with those F-16s. i don’t know if the Syrians have such in their inventory, it would be a good idea for fighter escorts to accompany their bombers on raids to destroy the anglo-zionist F-16s when they are attacking.


100% facts …

Brother Ma

Excellent points but Russia too upset the Mad Mahdi of Old Constantinople!


Fighting a non-state actors for almost 10 years and almost got defeated by them than Russia step in to fight for them but they still believe they are doing the winning that is cowardice.

They say every story has two sides. This was suppose to be a civil war and alot of people tend to label it as such but that is entirely not correct. Perhaps from the SAA-Hezbullah-Iranian militias point of view it was a civil war but not from the Rebels Point of view they initially sign up for a civil war but found themselves in a massive international warfare that they didn’t imagine would arrive to their doorsteps nor had any desires whatsoever to fight Russia but only wanted to settle local issues. So from their POV it was not a civil war but an International war. And the SAA still labelling this a civil war now that is cowardice


Your correct, it is an International war, the “civil war” label is branded by the US media, not Syrians. The US labels it a civil war in order to receive funding from Congress via John McCain’s “moderate rebels”, Al Qaeda. It goes with the American propaganda, “Assad killing his own people” etc. My guess is your Turkish, are you also MB.


No. I am not turkish but North European

Basic Guy

Bombing civilians, what russia and assad are doing constantly, isnt either

Lone Ranger

Except its not happeing…

Basic Guy

than you ignorant.

Just today they struck a market, go watch it if you can

Lone Ranger

Sure Shlomo…

Basic Guy

the one who wants to find the truth will find it

Lone Ranger


Shia man

Ain al-Asad base US Soldiers are not answering their phones! Today a large group of American Military Families gathered in front of Pentagon building, “Why are our children’s mobile phones off in Iraq?” this was the main question of these US military family members,

In the same incident, this morning, a group gathered in front of Senator Chuck Schumer’s home for the Senate Democratic minority in New York to ask about their children status in Iraq, https://sachtimes.com/en/?p=36846 Does anyone have extra information on this report or confirm it’s authenticity


maybe they just have brain damage who knows …

Shia man

? but seriously Though you know American news will never report such an incident I was just thinking it’s about time they announce more brain dead soldiers then I see this report


Well, no doubt about that Islamist Iranian top general and a half dozen of his top military buddies being very dead, brain and all.

Shia man

How are those cia officials in that plane that was shot I mean “crash” in Afghanistan And I was also wondering why more and more US troops appearing dead every week.

Shia man

SANA reporter: Syrian army units down a drone for Turkish regime’s forces in the surroundings of Saraqeb

Lazy Gamer

Really suspicious how Turkey suddenly develops high efficiency in killing SAA troops on some days.


What you mean? The capacities were always there in Turkish Armed Forces… The political decision to use it, is the difference. Russia and Turkey want to hinder direct conflict between them, so Russia lets strike Turkey the troops of SAA in a dozed manner. This is not the full Force and capabilities of Turkey yet.

In a week Turkeys new Air Defence Systems HISAR A and O shall be located to Idlib: https://twitter.com/DuvarEnglish/status/1234781479512793088

Lazy Gamer

Nah, theyve been mobilizing since mid February. I dont think they would hold back on the SAA. There has been a huge jump in combat performance only in the last few days.


Beside the build up in Idlib, Turkish Infantry and Tank units have not engaged yet on front line like Seraqib. Turkey gave only Artillery and UAV support. This would only happen, if Putin and Erdogan cant reach agreement and things escalate.

Lazy Gamer

There are claims that the headchoppers were jumping in the vehicles. But i think, not all vehicles. Meaning, there are turkish units embedded with the headchoppers.


NICE FAT TARGET ! Bring as many as you can PLEASE ! Those are Kalibr practicing targets !

Thank you in advance Turds !


It’s the only thing the Turkish pigshit terrorists and their ISIS/al-Qaeda allies along with the US/ISISraeli filth will be celebrating as the liberation of Idlib proceeds. Looks like Russia’s been sending more equipment for the SAA recently, by Syria has to make them understand even more AA weapons are needed to ensure the terrorist forces defeat. Syria should open the relatively nearby Aleppo airport to Iran’s shipments of AA weapons too.

Xoli Xoli

As Turkey target Syrian forces directly.SAA should also all attack Turkey bases and Turkey military equipment and brainwashed stupid oppress Turkey soldiers by Erdogan.


So many shoulds. So few wills.

Rhodium 10

Turkish air force and drones..have destroyed 10.000 tanks, 20.000 apc, 15.000 Hotzwizer and 300.000 soldiers, 1000 AD system…beside 1000 coronavirus!..Endorpinocchio claim victory while SAA are advancing!…


We will see whether the fat lady sings in Turkish or Arabic. If at any point it looks like it might be Farsi, it will definitely be Hebrew with a chorus in English with the Russian chorus a no-show.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…


That’s Yiddish, not Hebrew. I thought you were a linguist.


Russia is too busy worrying about guaranteeing the safety of Turkish planes. https://southfront.org/russia-could-no-longer-guarantee-safety-of-turkish-aircraft-flying-over-syria/

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