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MARCH 2025

Turkey Supports Ukraine Over Crimea, Threatens To Abort S-400 Deal With Russia

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Turkey Supports Ukraine Over Crimea, Threatens To Abort S-400 Deal With Russia

Ankara continues to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the press-conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kiev on October 9.

According to Erdogan, Ankara won’t recognize Crimea’s annexation. He said that Turkey supported the Crimean Tatars loyal to Ukraine, and declared that they intended to cooperate with Ukraine regarding the matter, despite him dozing off during the talks.

Poroshenko said that Turkey and Ukraine were focused on bilateral relations and economic cooperation.

The same day Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Ankara could back out of the deal with Russia to purchase S-400 air defense systems, unless Moscow shares the production technology. According to him Russian President Vladimir Putin said that joint production is a possibility.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in response “I can say that the contacts and negotiations are continuing at the expert level in the context of this deal.” The advance for the S-400 systems was apparently paid.

Turkey and Russia agreed on the terms of the deal in July, but it was finalized and signed in September. Vladimir Kozhin, Russian presidential aide for military-technical cooperation, said at the time that transfer of production technology had not been discussed.

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samo war

2 pedofiles ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjzoQfsFHtg

Tudor Miron

Erdogan was giving so much support that he got a bit tired :)


It must be exhausting being Erdogan. Turk Defense Minister took up the slack saying Turks will stay in Idlib forever.


That is what they think. They are handy, cleaning up the area, till Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbullah have sorted out the rest.

RTA (Bob or Al)

The Crimea and the S-400 problems and BS are not linked together; rather misleading headline.


They didn’t rly say that they were linked.

RTA (Bob or Al)

They inferred it in the headline in my simple mind, but maybe I read too much into things these days.


Don’t know if both Turk & Russia share your point of view. Pretty sure Putin is not happy with Turk today.

RTA (Bob or Al)

Oh no, certainly by the why the idiot gobbed off about the Crimea.

But it has nothing to do with the selling (stupidly in my mind) of the S-400; the problems there are contractual and they are still in discussions.


Wtf? Choose a side Erdogan ffs! Or would you rather prefer to be “erDOGan of NATO”? If you don’t support Russia then be ready to give away some part of your country to Kurdistan.


Don’t be so surprised. It was completely predictable that Turks would betray their Astana partners.


I don’t believe it’s another of his U-turns. I think he just wants something from Ukrainian Government, and that’s about all he gives them: Talk.

Re. anti air defence system, transfer of technology is said to be asked by the Saudis. Erdogan wants to not be left behind. If Saudis get it, he wants it too, despite none of them have the industrial base to actually produce them.

I say don’t worry. He is not going to let Russia go. At least not until the situation of Syria’s parts under PKK rule is clear.


Erdogan invariably over plays his hand within international relations. He attempts to employ the same bombastic domestic political tactics – wedge and dominate – that he uses within Turkey on the international stage. It rarely ever works out though – as he repeatedly fails to grasp or learn that in an international context he has neither the same leverage nor dominance as he enjoys within domestic Turkey – other states can simply walk away anytime.


Probably why he has to eat alone at G20 meetings.



Alejandro Calero

This is the summary of Erdogan’s speech: “Bla, bla, bla, bla. Bla.”


And Then, Zzz-zzzzzzzzz

Pawel Nieznalski

Russia should not be selling the system to any country, it will compromise their security, if they go ahead with the deal and share the production technology that will be a stupid move.


Technology only has a limited life until competition catches up.

RF already has the S-500 System. So S-400 is technically obsolete.

Keep it Real

Sorry thats BS! The S – 400 is different from the S 500! The S 500 its primary target are ICBM Space Warefare! the S 400 will be deployed to fight inside earth atmosphere. Like in Syria!


It’s not BS, the S-500 is an upgrade of the S-400 with better equipment and betterms capabilities. The US can already easily circumvent the S-400.

Keep it Real

The S 500 is for space warefare! ICBMS as i said! Google it up! And Uncle Sam can do shit about the S 400!


“The US can already easily circumvent the S-400.” LOL! It sounds like you have an endless ability to talk nonsense, huh? Why do you think the Turks and Saudis are interested in buying the S400 and in its technology transfer? Because if they get that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow USA will also get it. Don’t be ridiculous.


Defence shield and they all work with each other, offering another layer of protection.

The US in their dreams believes they can. In fact they are so confident, that is why they freaked when they found out it was up and running in Syria, providing a No Fly Zone.


You have no idea how engineering works, do you? Do you think things are created out of nothing? That there is no relationship between an older and a newer system? And besides, S500 is NOT a direct replacement for the S400. But you do not know that either. “Obsolete” … stop talking nonsense

Daniel Martin

Erdogan the opportunist! No problem buy it from Poroshenko then, problem solved.



UA does have a large Weapons Industry. So it’s not so far fetched.


They do not have the s-400 system…so it is far-fetched. Ukraine has older soviet style munitions. No S-400/S-500 or anything close. If they did, NK would already have them.


Don’t they keep blowing up their factories, so they are never audited and it is then made public that there are a lot less in the weapons depots, than there should be there?


”According to Erdogan, Ankara won’t recognize Crimea’s annexation.” That’s rich coming from the President of a country which annexed Northern Cyprus in 1974 and has been there ever since.


Turks say they are only staying in Cyprus until there is no threat.


Threat from what ? Sunburn ?


That’s what they have said for 42 years……


It has been sunny there for a long time.


That was all a set up. Kissinger and his friends wanted Cyprus divided, no matter what. Turkey delivered.

Cyriak Papasissis

The real reason behind Turkey’s invasion and occupation of 38% of Cyprus is the defensive-strategic needs of Israel. Israel wanted always to have behind it some strategic depth, Cyprus provides an unsinkable aircraft carrier of last resort. Britain engineered the temptation of the Turks to invade, by funneling the flames of Greek-Turkish civil unrest to full war , the British secret service being in control through double agents of the extremists on both sides of the Cypriot civil strife. They created themselves the civil strife in the mid-fifties , through what is called today false flag provocations. Lots of innocent blood on both sides was shed , in order to increase their enmity to levels acceptable to the British. They liked always to move their puppets and straw-men from behind and smile to themselves with the eruption of violence. True truculence to the hilt. The Kemalist military in control of Turkish politics had always close ties to Israel. Their ”intelligence” branches collaborated closely. Turkey helped Israel on many occasions , e.g. in 1968 , when Israel stole 200 kg uranium from Euratom , enough for 30 atomic bombs 15kt TNT each, committing piracy in open sea. http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Israeli_nuclear_piracy


I am just reading ‘Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe – The Pentagon-Mafia-Nazi Terror Axis Author bio: Richard Cottrell. It is initially hard to get into, as it keeps goes from one era to another, then yu get into the flow. At the moment, just reading the part on Cyprus and how it was all set up to be divided.

Kissinger, was involved at the time, and the same Kissinger who stated that ‘he who controls Malta, Crete and Cyprus’ rules the world. Guess the Rothschilds moved away from gold to oil.

What you say, so fits in with where it all is today, including the Israel/Europe Energy agreement and the Levantine Basin and the Greater Israel Project.

Leventine Basin


Med and Leventine Basin (hasn’t Soros funded Catalonia, in order to get control of the Med?)

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/384140210d99098094b199c6e8a30bf45f880195e2f53c894e082952bff0a721.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/868cdc307d31de327284d5672b18a22a0394d1c3218e4a342718d31bd14dad54.jpg

Turkey Gas Pipelines

Gavin Allen

“Turks say” is meaningless though. You can’t trust those retards across the room.


This BS about Crimea is just posturing in relation to the Kurdish referendum. It means squat. Their BS about abandoning the S-400 system, is just that too…and NFW would I give Ero manufacturing ability(tech) for the S-400. He’d just sell it to the first scum bag he could. Who would trust this backstabbing little worm?


Firstly, nobody could ever accuse Erdogan of being consistent.

Secondly, there is a genuine worry in Turkey over the fate and position of Crimean Tartars on Crimea.

Thirdly, Erdogan needs the Ukraine for his armament plans as there is cooperation on Ukrainian engines for a new Turkish tank project, shipbuilding etc.

Fourthly, there is historic bad blood between Russia and Turkey. It will not prevent cooperation, but it is there.

So there are reasons. Whether they are good, that is not for me to say.


Riddle me this, why did Stalin get rid of the Tatars from Crimea and what would have happened to them, say if Adolf led the Soviet Union and they teamed up with the other team?

Riddle me this, what did Krushchev give the Tatars, when he helped himself to Crimea, taking it from Russia?

Riddle me this, what did Ukraine do for the Tatars, when the Soviet Union fell in 1991?

2014 – Crimea votes to go home to Russia and the first things Russia does for the Tatars is to rehabilitate them. Plus, Tatar is one of three official languages in Crimea Now why have Hungary and Romania got the hump with Ukraine, when it comes down to just which languages can be used in Ukraine?

Turkey and Russia – things are so bad, which is why you have Turkstream, working together with regards Turkish/Russian nuclear power. Not forgetting negotiations in Syria.

Yep, I see what you mean. Ukraine engines for Turksih Tanks – ROFL. Meanwhile Russia is rolling out the Armata. Ukraine shipbuilding???? Really and again ROFL. Next you will be expecting Turkey to hand Ukraine $3 billion for grain, that will never be delivered.


Yeah I don’t think a lot of turkish capital making it’s way to failed state Ukraine


The most unreliable partner Turkey could have or has is Ukraine, and no motor is worth that unreliability and the loss of diplomatic position with Russia, specially since Russia can make 10 motors with a reliable partnership.


bla, bla, bla! There is NO such thing as “allies”! Only common interests!

Number one interest on Turkey’s agenda: NO KURDISH STATE!

There’s ur answer!

Ukraine (and its kiev coup) goes down in ashes after the Syrian war! Turkey receives Russian gas supplies to Southern Europe! Ukraine’s Russian pipes become obsolete!

Therefore no need for the US to be in Ukraine! Russia keeps its energy market to Europe (and expands it) Russia has bases in Syria and Egypt (invited to do so in Iraq)

There’s a new Sheriff in town and his name is VLADIMIR MOTHER FUCKIN PUTIN! BIAAATCH!


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You forgot to mention that Turkey annexed Hayat province from Syria , this is rich from an arrogant Turdball such as him..


Russia has to kill the deal this instant. They can’t act like this and still get what they want.


Russia needs the money. Turkey has the money. The Deal Abides.


Russia has the deposit , on a deal without tech transfer . We will see if a deal is done , and the time line .

Naija Lolade

Turkey is two faced.. Never trust a Turkey..


That’s a little unfair. Turk is more accurately described as “flighty” than “deceitful.”

It is documented that Turks believe in more conspiracy theories than anyone else on the planet. That should tell you something.


” Turk is more accurately described as “flighty” than “deceitful.”

Are you saying saying that Turkey is more like a prostitute than a pimp Kenneth ?


Not at all. Turk is surrounded by enemies and it’s likely that would affect anyone’s state of mind.

Russia has been killing Turks for 1,000 years. Iran & Turkey have been enemies for 500 years. Turk ruled over the Arabs for 900 years. ***It’s not really paranoia when they are trying to kill you.


Russia has not been in existence for thousands of years.

Russian became a state in the year 862 when various kingdoms merged with the epicentre situated in Kiev.

Russia essentially became a “country” in the 14th century under Ivan The Terrible and thereafter under the reigns of Peter and Catherine the Great


All the nations in Europe have been doing the same thing. Alliances ebb and flow. That is the nature of diplomacy. Britain killed lots of Turks and they killed lots of British but both nations take vacations in each others countries now. The Russian tourist trade in Turkey was the largest until the Russian bomber was shot down. Turkey has many commercial interests in Russia, even now.


Sure, time heals old wounds.”

The difference is that Turkey has actually invaded and still occupies 3 of its neighbors TODAY; whereas WW2 was 77 years ago, WW1 was 100 years ago & Crimea War was 160 years ago.


In war and peace one needs to consider whether patience is the best option. In the West most people live in a ‘Do it/ Get it now ‘ environment that is largely driven by institutions and corporations that gain from this.

Conflict is not a video game . Strategy needs to be carefully thought out with the flexibility to adapt. Tactics need to be executed in a timely fashion. That may well be speed but it could also involve patience.

In Europe old disputes are continually causing irritation ,even now. Catelonia being the latest example.


Barcelona is an amazing place. I can see why they might want more freedom from Madrid.

Solomon Krupacek

Russia has been killing Turks for 1,000 yearsRussia has been killing Turks for 1,000 years

both, russia and turkey (osmans) are younger by several hundreds of years.


Try solving another way. Hint: Look at the history if the Turkic Peoples. In 662 AD along the southern border of the slavic people’s lands (later known as Russia – Land of the Rus) were located the Turcic Peoples of Avars, Old Bulgars at Crimea & the Khazars. These people’s and there descendants have fought each Turk vs Slav ever since. There are plenty of other Turks besides Seljuks & Ottomans. And Kieven Rus battled turks long before the Principality of Moscovy made their deal with the Golden Horde.

Solomon Krupacek

Boy, that turkic people gave nothing with turks :D absolutely differenet groups. only the name is similar. you mus differentiate turk and türk

Cyriak Papasissis

The ethnogenesis of the Russian nation-state happened after the 13th-14th centuries. Moscow did not exist up to 1147 as a town , when Yuriy Dolgorukiy founded it. Τhe State as an institution was not known to the Eastern Slavs up to the Kievan Viking State-principality. That institution was a western import. The Russians lived in dispersed rural farm communities , with weak ties among them, real communes. Religion came from Constantinople , and really had a profound effect on the Russian psyche. An ideal match-up. A very good film on the ethnogenesis of the Russian nation is :”Andrey Rubliov” by Director Andrey Tarkovskyi. A real masterpiece.

Harry Smith

Dear Cyriak, the Russian nation-state starts at 9th century from the tribal alliance of 5 tribes at the lake of Ylmen at the town cald Slovensk, which was decades latter rebuild as Veliky Novgorod. Please be careful, because Russian history is quite well documented.

Cyriak Papasissis

Thank you dear Harry , I will try to improve / update my knowledge. Although I think that Velikyi Novgorod was founded as Holmgard by the Vikings , and was ”Russianized” , along with the Viking settlers , slowly over time , around 1100 at the latest. After that date one cannot distinguish between Russians and Viking settlers.

Harry Smith

Well, in the Russian chronicles there is a division on Rus’ and Slavs until the baptism of Russians by duke Vladimir. After that: there is only one nation mentioned. As for the Novgorod, it is not Holmgrad. Novgorod means “new town”. It was build instead of the town of Slovensk. There was 2 town at Ylmen: Slovensk and Russa. Slovensk for Slavs and Russa for Rus’. Slovensk was rebuild at the new place, like I mentioned beforem but Russa still exists. It is Staraya Russa (Old Russa) town. A very well-known town for those who read Dostoevsky. Another very interesting thing: even Ukrainians and Belorussians speak Russian language with bad pronunciation, but there is only one nation on the Earth, which can speak Russian with the good pronunciation from the start. Those are Icelanders. As for the St. Olaf church, until the annexation by the Ivan the Terrible, Velikiy Novgorod was a republic and part of the Hanseatic League. This church was build by the Gotland traders in their village in the city. This church is not the part of the Russian faith.

Solomon Krupacek

There were 3 episodes. the kievian rus was destroyed, novgorod principality died, the third moscow ducgess survived long time. exactly this third one is the russia.

Harry Smith

There is only one episode: the Russian history. First was Novgorod, then Rurick captured Kiev and made it metropolis for the others Russian cities because of it’s geographical position. In Kiev for about 200 years was the throne of the Great Duke. The succession to the throne was the same like it was in the Saudi Arabia. From the older brother to younger. It made a lot of civil wars. Then, when Constantinople failed, the Kiev lost it’s importance and the rank of a Grate Duke degraded. So in the 12th century the centre of the Russian state moved to the North in Suzdal and Vladimir. And after the tartars destroyed Kiev in 13th century, the Kievian principality was left by the Russian population, so the modern Kiev/Ukraine population has no direct relation with the medieval Russia. Even more. When Alexander of Neva got the rank of Great Duke from the Mongols, he even did not go to the Kiev, but send there one of his servants. After all this, the principality of Moscow started to get stronger, so Duke of the Moscow, slowly, annexed all other principalities. The last ones were Novgorod and Pskov, annexed by the Ivan the Terrible. And since that time Russia has Byzantine cost of arms. That how Moscow became the capital of Russia.

Solomon Krupacek

you are wrong. todaya russia has nothing common with kievian rus.

Harry Smith

Well Solomon, if you are right, then your for sure can show the historical documents before 18th century where Ukrainians are mentioned as a nation or Ukraine mentioned as a state. If not – all of your statements are nothing but your wet dreams.

Solomon Krupacek

i talked about A, you about B

Harry Smith

Solomon, I just accelerated our discussion straight to the main reason. How can you speak about history of Ukrainians if there were not any Ukrainians at this planet until the 19th century? No Ukrainians or Ukraine are mentioned in Russian or Romanian chronicles I have read. Nothing! So, if you want to discuss with me about the “history” of Ukrainians, prove me their existence first!

Solomon Krupacek

but i dont alk about ukrainian history, bully! only you.

Harry Smith

Oh really, Solomon? Let’s look: First I wrote this: “the modern Kiev/Ukraine population has no direct relation with the medieval Russia” Then you answered to me: “you are wrong. todaya russia has nothing common with kievian rus.” Well, logically, you are talking about the fake history of Ukraine, because, as I know, in now-days only Ukrainian “historians” have doubts about modern Russia’s tights with the medieval Kiev. Maybe I am wrong, and you can present a brand new tale about who is the real successor of the medieval Russian state. If your tale will be supported by some objective fact, then, I think, I’ll apologize for my misunderstanding.

Solomon Krupacek

ok, i misunderstood your first post. we told the same.

Harry Smith

Not quite. Kievian Rus’ is not a state apart, but just the name of period in Russia history, when Kiev was the main city. So Kievian Rus’ equals Russia. But you are right. Let’s finish this discussion. Please pardon me if I insulted you.

Solomon Krupacek

russina history, but not history of 3rd russian state. like germany is not countinued german-roman empire. moscowian russia is new chapter. independent on kievian rus. would be exist also if there were no kievskaya rus, also, if would be develope parallelly.

Harry Smith

Oh really? Moscow was established by Yuri Dolgorooki a Great Duke of Kiev, son of Monomah. It is very strong consistency in Russia center of power migration. While in case of German-Roman empire there was one nation conquered by another. As for the moving “capital” from Kiev to Vladimir and then to Moscow that is not story of German-Roman empire, but the story when capital of Germany was moved from Berlin to Bonn. Don’t think there is any normal human, that can say that modern Germany has no relation with the Hitler’s Germany only because it’s capital was not Berlin. While you are trying to say same thing about Russia. That’s funny!

Solomon Krupacek

and? kiev was established by vikings. your argues are childish, have nothing common with history as science. btw., moskva is ugrofinnic word, not russian. according to your logic. russia is finnic country :D

Harry Smith

Well, if my arguments are childish, then you can freely present the truthful documents which can prove that Kiev was established by Vikings! ROFL!

Harry Smith

Well, somebody erased my comment. Do you have any proves that Kiev was established by Vikings? Because if you had no proves it shows to everyone that you have no idea about history. My point of view is based on objective historical facts, while most of your statements are false. Prove me I am wrong! Show me please the document where is written that Kiev was established by Vikings.

Solomon Krupacek

in all history books. also in russians ;)

Harry Smith

In Russian history books said that Kiev was a Polyane village, when Rus’ Vikings conquered it. So please be so kind and name me the book where you read the info that Kiev was established by Vikings.


Great comment.

Keep it Real

Be fair Erdogan is sitting on the ” iron throne ” game of thrones” all pipelines need turkey so he is in hot waters! no matter what side he chooses he allways will have enemies!


a laugh to Putin…sell your big toys to saudi Turkey, Jordan,UAE, all of them

Keep it Real

He had no choise! After he pissed off NATO he needs any deal no matter what country and what position! He will explain it to Putin!


Explain it ?

Keep it Real

Turkey is in the middle of everything! All pipeline go through turkey! So he has to play ball with them all “game of thrones”


Why does Russia need a pipeline through Turkey?

Keep it Real

Turkish stream! South stream!!!!! do your homework! Its about the money in war! Allways!


Ok. You do know the planned South Stream Pipeline goes through Bulgaria and not Turkey? Right?

Keep it Real

Yes, thats why i also said turkish Stream! Uncle Sam tries to stop russia gas exports and tries to sell its own gas! They stopped south stream and russia made a deal with turkey instead!


US doesn’t sell natural gas to Turkey. Some limited LNG shipments from Texas have been made to Europe, but only recently over the past year.

The US doesn’t care in the slightest about any pipelines between Russia & Turkey.

RF Gazprom has its own independent contracts with EU countries that have nothing to do with the US.


LOL, you really should keep up.

Cyriak Papasissis

South Stream is dead and buried , now the Turkish Stream is being laid in the bottom of the Black Sea.

Hansi Hintern

Typical behaviour for a bully in a negotiation. The Turks want to get the whole know-how to produce the S-400 system on their own, at least in the long run. In a few years they wouldn’t need to buy e.g. additional S400 missiles etc from Russia anymore. We are talking about a long-term bussines of about 20 billion dollars over 10-20 years (to get whole Turkey covered by modern Russian air-defence-systems like S400, S300, Pantsir, etc). That is money, that the Russian economy really needs. So Erdogan is trying to fool the Russians, similar to the Chinese, who fooled Airbus, when they said, that they want to buy lots of planes, but only if they would be produced completely in China. The Russians would be utterly dumb, if they allowed a complete transfer of know-how. Unfortunately the European managers at Airbus are completely nuts, with the mindset of selling their grandma for a fistful of Euros.


Interesting. But it’s also arguable that Russia doesn’t give away working designs as the India government learned from buying licenses to produce Russia equipment. Although it’s also possible that RF stuff doesn’t work anyway except for a few proto types.

Solomon Krupacek

India was a co-fonancer of those projects. And russians jumped them.


India now has much joint programs now with Israel, including missile technology. Israel is now a very important arms supplier to India.

Solomon Krupacek

this is therefore, what made them russians. fiasco with mig-29s, and also gave money for development of sukhoy PAK. russians will not give them the technology, so violated the agreement. russians are thief. tokk indian money and did not give anything.

Keep it Real

No that model will be the export version! And co produce means russia is making money too! Maybe even more, depends on the salary level of the ing. and workers!

Cyriak Papasissis

Vladimir Kozhin , Putin’s military-defense adviser has said to TASS , that the Russian security professionals do not agree to the transfer of technology to Turkey. And they will hardly ever agree to it. The deal is just not going to be implemented. The Russians gave the S 300 to Iran , a strategic partner. Fully operational , although Iran has a much more advanced aerospace industrial base. To that duplicitous Turk they are not going to give the full technology. They withheld the most secretive parts even from the Chinese buyers of S 400.


That is refreshing to know and no doubt the same with Saudi.


Do you remember when Russia sold the S300 to Greece? Now who were first in the queue for reverse engineering? US and Israel, so comes to mind. So how did that work out? Didn’t get far, trying to figure the genius of Russian Engineering. If Turkey believes they can find a decent engineer in Ukraine to lend a hand, they will need to go to Russia, where all the skilled Ukrainians fled.


All the major countries have their own weapons programs and they borrow from each other. There is very little gap these days between technologies between major powers.


There is a general large gap between eastern and western military technology that may scape people so ignorant like Kennethllindsy.

Seriously all your posts are very bad, it is like if you are a 14 year old that thinks to much of himself.


Sold to CYprus in fact Turkey said they will attack if such a weapon is operational in Cyprus ,then a del was made to transport the s-300 to GReece and get TOR missiles instead. a friendly gesture to an aggressive neighbour .


Thanks and it makes perfect sense. Especially when you see the amount of NATO intelligence on non-NATO Cyprus.


Turkey is an unstable country. Do not sell any kind of such weapons to Turkey. Turkey is too messed to be a friend of anyone. ONE DAY it will be USA, the next day will be Russia, the Next day will be ISIS, the day will Muslims brotherhood. THEY HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING SO FAR BECAUSE IT IS AN UNSTABLE COUNTRY. LEAVE IT TILL IT DROWN IN ITS OWN MESS. NO ONE CAN HELP TURKEY.


True, Russia has sponsored PKK for 30 years and YPG has an office in Moscow…. But, also True that Turk could make peace with PKK at any time.

Cyriak Papasissis

The office in Moscow was opened in 2015.


The YPG office. YPG is the modern Syrian Offshoot from the PKK which was the larger umbrella group focused on Turkey. Some cross over does exist in the hierarchy.

Solomon Krupacek

russia is younger than 30 years :P


By Russia we are including the Soviet Empire and the Russian Federation.

Solomon Krupacek

ussr never supported pkk

Real Anti-Racist Action

Haha turk trash. I told Putin right here on this website that Turks will always betray everyone. Russia, PUTIN! Sell the system to Lebanon, Syria or Iran. How dumb can you be, see the world for what it is and sell it to Lebanon and Iran at the least. Lebanon is desperate for the safety of the largest population of Christians in the ME. All Lebanese deserve to secure their sky’s for their future and the future of their children. Come on, do it for humanity.

Garry Compton

The photo is missing the other guy – the other wacked out so called leader — Trump !

Samuel Boas

I don’t see Putin being sad about turkey not wanting the S-400 rockets. Erdogan should immigrate to Kiev.

Cheryl Brandon

I bet Putin must be despairing over Erdogan’s double talk! This guy cannot stick to a plan, he always has to be deceitful and treacherous???? Does he not know that the Crimea was always part of Russia and, that, there was a referendum, which was won by the majority. Did that escape his brain? Russia have Ukraine Crimea;, when you give a gift, you can also take it back? Simple. Erdogan and Poroshenko need to move on!


He knows and understands him. Also, how to keep him under control, but, allows him to keep Porkie sweet, looking for bartering tricks.


Haha, he falls asleep when Porkie speaks and says a few words to keep Porkie happy. However, who does Erdogan need more, Russia or Ukraine? Russia or the US?

Ice Icegold

Turks should be thrown back to Mongolian steppes where they belong.

Ice Icegold



two criminals

Langaniso Mhlobo

Erdogan can’t be trust.For years NATO countries tried to get S300 know how and technology. It is know clear that Erdogan wants to get this advance tech through fake friendship with Putin.


no he just wants the technology for himself.he needs to start costructing his own AA system and doesnt know how.


oh well still got Saudi Arabia, least they paid up front


“The advance for the S-400 systems was apparently paid.” :’) Guess the Russians would be heartbroken to just get that money for free.


He is most likely blackmailing the RF for the system in turn for allowing the T. Stream completion.

With SA having secured the system in near future, Erdog will probably not purchase it. It’d be easier to reverse engineer it in SA, and learn/practice there on how to jam it. .

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