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MARCH 2025

Turkey Threatens To Shoot Down UAE Jets, US Ends Arms Embargo On Cyprus

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Turkey Threatens To Shoot Down UAE Jets, US Ends Arms Embargo On Cyprus


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has again extended operations by a seismic research vessel in disputed waters in the eastern Mediterranean, days after threatening to shoot down UAE fighter aircraft if they approach Turkish vessels or territory. As Turkey insists on pursuing provocative actions and rhetoric, which the Greeks are determined to match, the US has announced that it is ending a 33-year arms embargo against Cyprus.

Turkey has had a seismic research vessel escorted by several warships exploring for gas in areas claimed by Greece in the Mediterranean Sea since early August. The Turkish navy issued a new advisory for the surveying mission on Monday, saying the ship would be working until September 12 instead of September 1.

The Greek Foreign Ministry reacted by saying that the new advisory was illegal. “Turkey continues to ignore calls for dialogue and to escalate its provocations. Greece won’t be blackmailed,” the ministry said in a statement.

Greece has dispatched its own naval ships to shadow the Turkish vessels. The European Union (EU) again called for dialogue between Ankara and Athens earlier on Monday.

Also on Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Greece’s reported deployment of troops to an island just off Turkish shorelines, saying Turkey would not tolerate such acts of ‘piracy’ in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. According to media reports, Greek military personnel and supplies have been deployed to the island of Kastellorizo, a legally demilitarized island that lies less than three miles off Turkey’s coastline in the eastern Mediterranean.

“No one can confine Turkey, which has the longest coastline in the Mediterranean, to the shores of Antalya. We are determined to defend the maritime rights of our citizens and the people of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC),” Erdogan said following a tour of the Black Sea province of Giresun.

The EU has taken sides with member state Greece, calling on Turkey to stop the seismic research activities in the Mediterranean.

France is building up its military presence in the eastern Mediterranean and conducting joint drills with Greece. Turkey has been holding its own military exercises in the area.

Greece and Turkey almost went to war in 1974 over Cyprus, which has since been divided, with the northern third run by a Turkish Cypriot administration recognized only by Turkey and the southern two-thirds governed by the Greek Cypriot government. LINK

Late last week,  Al-Quds Al-Araby reported that Turkey will not hesitate to shoot down any United Arab Emirates (UAE) aircraft if Turkish sovereignty is violated in the eastern Mediterranean.

“We will not hesitate to shoot down any UAE aircraft if it approached the Turkish waters or the work area of Oruç Reis near Crete Island in the eastern Mediterranean,” a source told Al-Quds Al-Araby.

According to the source: “The UAE is trying to play a role which is bigger than its size. It is playing with fire. If it violates the redlines or it approaches the Turkish waters, it will receive a harsh lesson.”

These warnings follow reports that the UAE has sent several F-16 fighter jets and other aircraft to Crete, in support for its ally Greece against Turkey.

The Greek chief of staff confirmed that the UAE aircraft would take part in joint military drills between the Greek and UAE air force, in order to increase readiness and improve combat abilities.

“These drills came as a result of the relations between the two countries,” the Greek chief of staff disclosed, noting the “strong” communication between the armed forces of Greece and the UAE. LINK

Meanwhile, the German newspaper Die Welt has claimed that sources from the Turkish military informed it that Erdogan asked his generals to provoke a political incident by sinking a Greek ship or shooting down a Greek fighter jet. The German newspaper article cites Turkish military sources in Constantinople. The post states:

“A few days ago, President Erdogan ordered his generals to sink a Greek ship but try not to cause loss of human lives. The generals refused to do so and the next idea was to shoot down a Greek fighter jet. There, again, the idea was for the pilot to get off the plane and save his life.”

In other words, the goal was to cause a hot episode but without human losses. According to Welt, these plans were rejected by the Turkish generals. LINK

In another related development, the US has finally taken a stance on the raging dispute between the NATO members and supposed allies. On Tuesday US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that it will lift a 33-year arms embargo on Cyprus and deepen its security cooperation with Nicosia, prompting an angry response from Turkey.

Washington placed restrictions on the transfer of arms to Cyprus in 1987 to encourage reunification efforts and avoid an arms race on the island.

“Cyprus is a key partner in the Eastern Mediterranean,” he said on Twitter. “We will waive restrictions on the sale of non-lethal defence articles and services to the Republic of Cyprus for the coming fiscal year.”

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said on Twitter after a phone call with Pompeo that he welcomed the move.

Turkey’s foreign ministry said the decision “disregards the equality and balance” on the island and that Ankara expects its NATO ally to “review” it.

“Otherwise, Turkey, as a guarantor country, will take the necessary reciprocal steps in line with its legal and historical responsibility to guarantee the security of the Turkish Cypriot people,” it said in a statement. LINK


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Not a NATO plane, not even close to UAE territory, and extremely limited short term retaliation options. I am pretty sure Turks will go for it.

Angry Birds

Actually the opposite shall happen. Behold, UAE operates the most advanced variant of F16 ( block 60 ), Turkish junk are no match for the Emirati airforce :))


To make things worse UAE are about to purchase F35 state of the art fighters which will give them an edge in MENA. Rumor has it the first Emirati F35 will be those not delivered to Turkey :)))


“UAE operates the most advanced variant of F16 ( block 60 ),”

Wuuut?! Isn’t that block 70…the ‘most advanced’?

Angry Birds

yet in full service

Jens Holm

This is not Turkey agains UAE at all and also about versions for the greeks ans well as experience.

Youand others also might add Charles de Gaulle. I read 40 aircraaft and in that an included helicopter.


It will be fun to kill those UAE flies or namely slaves of Israel.

Angry Birds

Fun like Emirati Mirage 2000 aircrafts bombing Turks in Al – Watiya airbase, Libya :>


Fun like hunting Greek losers lol. Easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnN8OfP62zs&t=960s

Angry Birds

When will you be disclosing who humped your obsolete hawk air defences in Libya ? Have you found the perpetrator yet :D


No need to hurry dude. We’re still there and everything is repaired. Let’s concentrate on coming French provocation with an aircraft carrier. Your zionist masters seem to be too eager to push Greece into fire. And your politicians seem to enjoy this situation. Sad.

Laurent Parodi

I wonder what macron wants to achieve by sending the charles de gaule. To further escalate the situation is not wise.


He is working for the agenda of the US and Israel. Since the US is busy due to the elections, Macron is taking more responsibility in the Med. That’s how i see these.


If all of you would know basics on French foreign policy you would know that in EU France is one of the countries (like Italy) pushing for “Mediterranean policy” of EU (interests turned above all towards that region)

They even wanted to squeeze in all Maghreb countries,(ex colonies -French speaking countries) Tunisia,Algeria,Marco , Libya into the EU. Germany has refused that “great” idea that had only French mercantile interest as objective. France is a “strong man” of the EU and they see themselves as very important country in Mediterranean region. They are also mainly creators of EU foreign policy wile Germany is economy. They will not let Turkey or any other country (apart from US )to challenge them in the region…They are not as strong as they used to be but their pride is still very big. They had hard time to swallow losing Syria to Russia, trying to return in Lebanon etc. etc..

Jens Holm

You have ti include Italy and Spain. Nothing strange in that, they are neigbords. I allow me to remind You, that Libya was an Italien Colony taken from the Osmans.

Its not about squese. Its about normal trade, productions as wel as those countries educates a lot of people for free or almost free in France. Unfortunatly there also is a brain drain.

I dont see Makron as creator of foreig policy for EU. Its more that we for good and bad reasons has none. Yout version of Our relation to Turkey is far out and very much far out.

Its mainly that if Turks will be their own instead of more affilation, they should not be agressive and use normal relation and trade.

Others are laughing at them. The liberated from the Bolsjevik ones are laughing at them. Ypu are not Turks, they say. You are and behave as Europeans. There is no Turkish Common Market there with Turks as the Great Leaders.

Those sountries try to find themself and take in from almost anywhere. Soem here and there even see the Russians wasnt as bad compared to others.

Jens Holm

Actually Nato in Europe is asked for by USA. Its very visible for Libya as well.

It make sense. We can easy efford it and should pay Our part.

But I dont like the hatefull and agressive context, which is very visible here right now too.

Jens Holm

Turks has escalated, so to me its a kind of outbalancing. From there the have total acces to all areas there.

Ishyrion Av

So, the Greek allies are France, UAE, US, Egypt, and probably Germany. The Turkey enemies are Russia, Irak, Iran, Syria. The Turkey allies are…. nobody?!

Angry Birds

Pakistan + Iran :(


Iran since when? Based on what? Pakistan only if money talks (Turkey doesn’t have that much money) because Sunni brotherhood doesn’t work as strong option

Angry Birds

the shadow just confirmed it, this only proves how desperate they have grown


Who does? Turks? Selling their ass for Iranian help?

Jens Holm

If they sell the vomens hair, there also would be no need for cotton there. Sunglases might do Im telling I am not CIA and Mossad.

Kenny Jones ™

I don’t like Greek allies but if they let them do the dirty work for them it’s okay


Any country against that block will be our natural ally. For instance Iran and Pakistan. Russia will enjoy selling all kinds of weapons and so on. Enough for us:)

Angry Birds

+1 for being honest

Servet Köseoğlu

İran and Pakistan can’t offer us anything..you should calculate that…


Iranians have first class cotton for DIPERS so you should reconsider before hastily refusing offer…

The Objective

They are Shiites who’ll be happy to see a Sunni Turkey destroyed so they can come in and offer to help people but with the condition that people should accept Shi’ism


You are so full of prejudice and hatred against people you don’t know! I think that Iran is hoping that Turkey will finally turn towards ASIA ! That they will make alliance with them-Iran, Russia ,China, Pakistan (well India I don’t know I am not sure about them) in building Zionist FREE ASIA opposed on any Western dominance! Iran doesn’t have any interest to be surrounded by only the countries in war!!!

The Objective

You’re wrong. Obviously, you don’t understand your leaders do you? I’ll tell you something about the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Then you’ll know Iran is an avowed enemy of Turkey. Not that Turkey holds anything against Iran. But Iran by nature hates any Sunni government, particularly those with Islamic leanings like Turkey, Taliban, Qatar, Pakistan, etc. But Iran does all it can to conceal this enmity from the ordinary Muslim. Okay, back to Armenia Vs Azerbaijan. Pull up a map of the world. Study the disputed area between Azerbaijan and Armenia. See how that disputed area cuts Turkey off the Caspian sea. There is a Sunni crescent Turkey has managed to create connecting Turkey to Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Also note that the war in Afghanistan has managed to nearly sever this land corridor with Afghan government trying to cut off the Taliban from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. This is directed at destroying this Sunni crescent Turkey has managed to form, though not very strong yet. Here’s where Iran comes in. Iran is helping Armenia cut off Turkey from the rest of the countries I listed above. Armenia is Christian and Azerbaijan is not only Muslim, but also Shiite. Naturally, Iran should help Azerbaijan. But guess what, Iran sides with Armenia and even provided them military support in past clashes with Azerbaijan. Do you know why? Because Iran doesn’t want any strong Sunni block emerging anywhere in the world. That’s why I call Iran a cancer in the Muslim world worse than what Israel is to the middle East.


I’m not Shia and I don’t see why would Iran want that France and Greece dominate Turkey a Muslim country (even though Sunni) That is bit over the top to see everything as hatred (of Shia towards Sunni ) But maybe I do not know since I am not Muslim.


With this obsessive insisting on hatred between Shia and Sunni, the Islam will be a loser in global game all the time. You all unwillingly work for Zionist interests with your way of thinking. Instead of hating Jews more and being forgiving and tolerant to each other you serve exactly Zionist interest.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

hint : iran hosts a 10 million large azeri ( ” turkic ” ) minority, it was always in the interests of iran thatthey do not inhabit a continous area in the borders with azerbaijan – that area was nagorno karabah

it wasn’t about religious sects, once again that cockroach is imagining things in the same way he is making up his imaginary friend and maker


Good point. 15million is quite big minority(even for the country-the size of Iran) and since Iran already has some problem with the Kurds the last thing they need now; is to start confrontation with another Sunni country. Specially not with Turkey because of Azeri’s . With wars in Afghanistan, Iraq all they need now is to have another war and against the quite powerful Turkey. That would be a gift from haven for US & IsraHell. So such IDIOTIC ideas can be born in the head of by hate blinded Sunni.

The Objective

The Iranian regime is actively fighting Sunnis. It is attempting to cut off Turkey from the Caspian sea to prevent the formation of a Sunni power crescent connecting Turkey to Pakistan.

Iran is working towards establishing a sectarian government in Iraq to suppress the Sunnis. It did succeed before, but now it’s struggling. That’s why Sunnis don’t want the U.S. out of Iraq.

Iran is repopulating Sunni areas in Syria with Shiite families from Lebanon that had been abandoned by refugees fleeing for their lives.

Iran is holding Lebanon hostage via Shiite militia called Hezbollah, risking the lives of millions of Sunnis and Christians.

Iran has been fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Iran doesn’t want the U.S. to withdraw from Afghanistan. It wants a continuation of the war.

Iran doesn’t want a political settlement in Syria that leads to an election, knowing that Sunnis will emerge the winner.

Many other nefarious activities of Iran against Sunnis. And you want us to consider them brothers? No, that’ll never happen. Sunni Muslims have two enemies: Shiism and the the Western world.


War against Turkey by Iran was extremely stupid theory…now this! Can’t you at least see the map before saying something ?! How the fuck Iran “cuts” Turkey if Turkey doesn’t border with Caspian at all?! Or you want Turks to decide where to go through Iranian territory?!? Are you totally crazy!?!! The problem is that Turkey doesn’t have good relations neither with Armenia nor with Iran so they don’t want to do any even banal favors to Turks. Specially not in creating Sunni alliance that can harm their interests. It’s called “real-politics”. In what way Sunni “power crescent ” would be in Iranian or Russian interest (since those 2 countries decide everything in Caspian)?! As long as Russian military bases are in Armenia that country is protected from Turkey and anybodies else’s invasion. So NO Sunni crescent from that side for sure! I doubt VERY MUCH Iranians can have Shia government imposed on Sunni (while US is still there) But even if so they would only spread civil war and destroy Iraq as country. And antagonize Arab Sunni world against Shia even more. I don’t think Iranians are that short sited. That would be very stupid thing to do. Hezbollah didn’t fall from the sky they were always there. Sunny population in Syria is reduced through becoming refugees in Turkey and Europe. You just keep exaggerating over Shia everything you think you can I am not interested in that sectarian tainted Shia-Sunni dispute People like you are ZIONIST “USEFUL IDIOTS” working only for interests of Zionists. Zionist Western world profits from your blindness!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

the pakis will provide you with pilots which you lack as well as their illegal A Bombs and the irani their carrier sinking rubber patrol boats & anti Zio miserable trolls LOL

The Objective

No one should ever imagine Iran fighting for a Sunni country. They’ll instead wait to see it destroyed, then come to offer aid to desperate people while they spread Shi’ism unchecked

Ishyrion Av

If you think Russia and Iran are your allies, you are not realistic at all. Pakistan, maybe.

The Objective

Iran is not, but Russia will certainly ally with Turkey should Turkey be interested in such an alliance. Iran will NEVER ally with Turkey provided the Mullahs rule. Turkey will allow for a greater Russian role in the middle East and Muslim world. Turkey is in close coordination with Malaysia, Qatar, Indonesia, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, and many others. Those who support Sisi and Haftar are, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, Iran, America, NATO, EU. You tell me which group poses more of a threat to Russia.

Servet Köseoğlu

Russia will not ally with us….they are the p,nk-lovers of france…

Harry Smith

Wrong. In Russia almost nobody loves France. Only some of “intelligentsia” and some guys like me because I am grown in francophonic environment. But everyone in Russia remembers Hagia Sofia. That’s the real reason. As for relations between Russia and Turkey, I think Russia will sell you most of weapons you want until you are ruining the NATO from the inside. Your confrontation with France, Germany and Greece is kinda gift for the Kremlin.

Servet Köseoğlu

gift for sure…”nation” and ”government-state” are absolutely different…hagia -sophia even peskov says”its turkey’s issue,matter of sovereignty”..we were never belong to Nato..just on paper…building turkish stream,s-400,nuclear reactor,operations at east of syria already shoved that we divorced but for the sake of children and past we are continuing low-profile dialogue..as soon as we complete air military infrastructure we’ll say:its over..

Harry Smith

Yep, you got it right. At the moment Russia is very interested in independent Turkey. In fact, Russia helped Turkey to gain independence in the 20 th century. It was Russia who gave gold and guns for destroyed and demoralized Turkish army in times of Kemal Ataturk. Now we have kinda similar situation. As for Hagia Sofia, it’s just the tip of the iceberg and no one from Orthodox Christians will forget what have your govt done. To be sincere, Phanar deserves all these, but it was better if you kept Hagia Sofia as museum. My human opinion.

Servet Köseoğlu

to be honest:you are a very nice man unlike the others and ı wouldnt touch it too..principle 101:respect the others you will be respected.. but since greece and his masters are nice guys we dont need to be…ps:ı am sure erdogan informed russia the ”reason” behind hagia sophia issue before he made it mosque..

Harry Smith

Thank you Servet. As for the current situation in Mediterranean, Erdogan think himself the chess master, while Turkey is only a figure on the chess board. The really important figure, but still the figure, in my human opinion. BTW, Greece is the figure too, I think. What we are witnessing now is transformation of the current World system: security, economic, social etc. and the confrontation in the east of Mediterranean Sea is just a reflection of the global processes.

Servet Köseoğlu

Erdogan playing brinkmanship at med…eu is still using diplomatic channels and offering many options but unfortunately its not enough..Greece of course is the figure, a fact that has to be considered but fairly…

Ishyrion Av

When Russia will wipe Turkey off the map, remember what I told you today. It will happen in your life time (statistically speaking).

The Objective

You can dream, but Russia has far more to gain by allying with Turkey than Iran. The only thing Iran has is oil. Turkey does too, plus those of its allies in Qatar and Libya. Russia and Turkey share a lot of interest in many places including Syria. When Russia finally loses Sisi to the West, it’ll realize what a sucker it had been for supporting him. Turkey is winning hearts and minds in the Islamic world, and that’s what’s making Iran and the GCC freak out. Russia will soon fall in line. Then this alliance will be complete.

Removil Pedro Mata

” Turkey will allow”? In the group you harnessed, it only take´s Russia´s will to see them turning their back´s to Turkey.


Turkey allies: Zionism=EVIL and his bunch of faggot friends

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

typical flock of self – hating religious fags those are


Now in fact … they were “saved” ha ha ha



Mustafa Mehmet




Servet Köseoğlu

musti ortodokslarla uğraşma oğlum…sığırın önde gideni bunlar..lol..

The Objective

You think Russia or anyone will fight the Americans to save Iran? Or anyone providing Iran with many nukes for deterrence? Turkey on the other hand has Pakistan.


Russia will arm Iran to the teeth with everything best they have, China also!

And Iran doesn’t need anything better. They would not even accept that some other country liberates Iran for them! They would consider that an INSULT ! Well armed Iran would become huge graveyard for Americunts , Britt’s and Jews !

Jens Holm

None of them will never be there. A war would be amputating Iran in all logistics. After that Iran hardly can handle itself in a wheelchair.


Turkey has nobody. Pakistan is close allay of China and I don’t think that China would be happy at all to see Pakistan getting involved in war against EU countries thay are important market for them China has invested lot of money in Greece and Turkey already, they have no interest in any kind of war!

The Objective

Turkey is not a puppet of any country. That’s why it earned the respect of Russia and America. both Russia and the US want Turkey over to their side. But Turkey acts according to its interest, allying with Russia or the US as it sees fit. Personally, I think they’ll finally ally with Russia. America already tried to murder Erdogan once. The problem with Russia is that it doesn’t understand the tectonic shift in the Muslim world. Muslims have had enough of dictators like Sisi. The coup, according to Morsi’s wife, was organized by the west. So Sisi is a Zionist stooge. Russia refused to understand this. Much of the Muslim world are against Sisi and Haftar. This tide cannot be reversed. Russia picks the wrong side. Both these guys have strong links to the West.

Servet Köseoğlu

bro you are right..but this forum isnt the exact place to express your sincere,honest feelings even facts…full of clowns..ps:russia is prostitute that you can rent overnight..thats all..


Sen kimsin lan ? Sen terörist misin ?


Ha ha ha Turk is taking you for another Turk! Can’t imagine that you are deluded Sunni African !

Removil Pedro Mata

except the U.S and you can number all the Greek allies to a war and you don´t do with in a war.

Angry Birds

Oh dear, the next attack will be carried out by F35


They have asked …..and Russia have answered : It wasn’t us. Case closed….till next time…of course.


Here it was fun to sink your destroyer yourself,

You bombed your own ships …. and not only that … you also spent 5 hours to sink it. !!! Hahaha This has never happened before in history.!!!


Kenny Jones ™

Yes do, go eat each other Turk and Emirati, it only helps us!


We’ll eat all of them. Any country in those Turkish waters. Enjoy.

Kenny Jones ™

Yes and they will destroy the Turkish base in Somalia with Al-Shabaab VBIEDs

Servet Köseoğlu

ahah well someone will put 150 kg semtex in a bar at dubai and detonate it in the middle of the day..hint:spaghetti…

Kenny Jones ™

Oh so you take responsibility for this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_Arab_Emirates_explosions I thought it was Iran as revenge for Israel peace deal, whatever

Servet Köseoğlu

no..but in case of anything happens at somalia …why not?..ps:we fired them from somalia…

Kenny Jones ™

Then UAE will bomb Qatar and possibly invade it with Saudi Arabia, you’re already lost in Somalia

Servet Köseoğlu

Then UAE will bomb Qatar..they couldnt take down katar president Temim bin Hamed es-Sani,we didnt allow them too..hint:they bought French rafaels and Us f-15 from Usa now uae can only dream let alone bombing..Our position,military base at somalia forever..soldiers are not allowed to go outside only duty is to train somalian soldiers and keep tracking of our fleet

Kenny Jones ™

Because Iran didn’t allow them to, you have no power there, they share oil fields with Qatar, if they dropped them, the Gulf states would invade it in no time

Servet Köseoğlu

gotcha..you have to figure out anything..yes we have no power there..katar is not funding Turkey…


Do you know how to actually use commas? You just throw them wherever?


Turkey and water in the same sentence…. hahahahahahaha


If they get in “Turkish waters” all their ships will be stranded ! :) So no danger of that.

Laurent Parodi

Sinking a frigate without killing anybody is really a dumb order. Only a politician could order something like that.

Angry Birds

Indeed he has lost track of reality. Sad :(

Removil Pedro Mata

Yehp, to a point that he´s the one who stick´s he´s fingers in France. Greek and cypriot arses!!!! he´s the one laughing till.


If generals refused that could mean the beginning of his fall.

Angry Birds

They did not refuse anything since 2016 generals have been erdie’s dawgs, he asked them if it’s possible to sink a warship without loss of lives and they answered back they can’t guarantee that.

Assad must stay

Gahahahhayea shootem down

Kenny Jones ™

Let them do the same in Yemen


USA lifts this arms embargo only because they have no more monopoly relating to quality of arms and can potentially lose out sales to competitors, like Russia (or lesser extent China).

Jens Holm

Do You sell to them? They only has lifted the old embargo for very defensive weapons.

Next Your conclisions migt be, USA intend to make the suiciders:)

Servet Köseoğlu

LMaooo..tell me who is our enemy..ı cant catch up.. so much actions…let me get pharmaton..


Everyone. Erdogan vs the world. So far he is winning :D


True!! Contest ; “How to make ass out of yourself, only by yourself” is closed and the only winner unanimously is: Turdogan! He will be forced to “restart” this war another 10 times because economic situation in Turkey is becoming catastrophic. And since war itself is impossible, it is possible only endlessly announcing the war.


It dont really look like he is winning here…



“Turkish stream” gas pipeline in action. Turds are born!


Twerkiye Stronk® ?? ?? ???????? ERTUĞRUL ERDOĞAN ???????? ????

Servet Köseoğlu

jeez…ı want to cry..you are the same guy who up-down voted me at the same time..you are imagininig something about the sentences,thread basing on your instinct but you cant formulate the answer…grotesque situation…

johnny rotten

It has all the air of a trap for the Ottomans, you begin to glimpse a pattern here, unless the trap is intended for both turkeys and Europeans, it is known that the americunts cannot be trusted and they are very quick to download the their allies or vassals they may be.

Jens Holm

Hard to see any of this make any sense unless You know nothing about it:)


Lots of bark and no bite!! Turks will do NOTHING !




Running away like that after barking….reminds me of somebody… What is dogs name?


Me&Myself None

I have to give it to Erdogan; the guy is not a coward, and he is outsmarting the likes of Putin and Trump.


Another Erdogan’s ass licking cunt …all rats are coming out in open. Time for TOS 1 !

Servet Köseoğlu

midget is not a deal..but he is a useful bitch buying weapons at every opportunity..


Very strong on words but as usual when it comes to “walk the walk” you are nowhere.

What to do with such big mouth and no balls at all?

You are all like those Baltic countries or Ukraine full of threats towards Russia and by throwing insults you humiliate yourselves even more. Because you are forced to ask Russia to sell you the weapons. So shut up and stand in line for weapons ….Putin is your sugar daddy

Servet Köseoğlu

putin and his ugly armenian offspring can not force anything….they are the ones who invested and investing billions of usd to Turkey to pass through…so shut up and dont fart at elevator again..




I give lots of “moral” support since President needs new blanket !




Merkel built that !


There is something missing…maybe his private airport with personal choppers and airplanes and 50 meters high statue of Sulatan Erdogan to create right atmosphere and visual message.


Russia can

“pass through” Bosporus or Russia also can “pass all over the Turkey” it is up to you to choose.

Servet Köseoğlu

no you can not…you have to give your ”share” to pass through peacefully…your diplomats were the ones who licked our well-shaved cocks to sell gas,to run business at Turkey…


I have impression that you are getting upset You should be careful because being impotent and being upset doesn’t go well together. Nobody cares for your impotent “cocks” apart from

few bots on this forum. Judging by your actions you are only danger to yourselves. Your impotent “cocks” you should hide where they belong and

stop embarrassing yourselves.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı am not upset..someone really cared and is still caring..

cechas vodobenikov

insecure bird that can’t fly–Erdogon came on his knees to Moscow after 40 turkeys were killed by Sukois—if Turkey tries to close the Bosphorus to Russain vessels turkey feathers will be collected by the tatars in Crimea after turkey weak military is defeated and another Kling-on leader is installed by Russia…your economy will reduce to 4th world status…u depend on 10 billion USD in tourism from Russia/Germany and 54% of the gas consumed derived from Russia

Servet Köseoğlu



We must laugh until tomorrow with the crap of the Turks. What a mistake to remember from the Turks.And since the issue is related to Cyprus to say that in 1974 the stupid Turks sank their own Turkish destroyer KOCATEPE. Yes, you read that right, the Turkish planes sank their own destroyer ( torpedo boat). Here is the book-testimony from a Turkish Officer who served in the KOCATEPE KOCATEPE (D354) on 21 July 1974 while being bombed for 5 hours by aircraft of the Turkish Air Force before sinking off Paphos (67 dead, of which 54 crew members and 13 marines). It took them 5 hours to sink the ship enjoying air superiority..!!! XA XA XA XA XA It is to laugh for 3 days…This is the second “best” NATO army hahahahaha



I would love to see Greek pilots in UAE F16s pressing that button …what will Erdogay do then ?

Attack UAE ? hahahaha


Erdogan in a photo from the future, after his generals took over …




No F-35 kebab?!! But it was in menu !?! What SU-35 kebab, where…you sell it on credit with payment in advance?!! To come tomorrow if I pay now?!!?

I want the refund + free vacation in Turkey !


Turkish restaurant – ”diarrhoea only” sign !




‘diarrhoea only” sign

I think he’ll discover it quickly why is written “diarrhea only” once he eats “specialty of the restaurant” : )


National Turkish Orchestra .!!!



Turkish pilots making viper pilots look bad !



Μacron :

“We have to create Pax Mediterranea, because we see an imperial regional power coming back with some kind of fantasies of its own history, and Iam referring to Turkey”.

“I do not believe that in recent years Turkey’s strategy has been that of a NATO ally when you have a country attacking the Exclusive Economic Zones or the national sovereignty of two European Union member states,” he said. “What would be our credibility in handling the issue of Belarus if we did not respond to attacks on the national sovereignty of our member states?”

Macron added. “Germany and other partners are beginning to agree with us that Turkey’s agenda is problematic now. While six months ago some people said that only France blames Turkey for various things, now everyone sees that there is a problem.”




Erdogan is doing a great job at making enemies for his neo-Ottoman agenda. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, LNA, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Armenia, Russia, UAE, France, Italy… he’s made enemies of them all.


List of the countries shows that they are enemies to each other as well – so this shows transition period more than anything else.

Russia is more like frienenemy, than enemy or friend. Depends how things turn out. And which direction will Turkey take as country.

Since Turkey is on some kind of crossroads now. So Russia is just trying to facilitate that transition from Atlantic alliance to Asian alliance. The same goes for Iran.

It is just less visible than for Russia. Lots of depends also on compromise about Syria as well. It is Turkey that must decide her side and her future.

cechas vodobenikov

the turkey insecurity, stupidity has transformed turkey from a secular nation to a muslim bro nation, where they have no brothers—antagonistic to their neighbors—Greece, Egypt, France, Cyprus, UAE, syria, LNA, Bulgaria, syria—Turky may have 2 friends–Qatar, azerbijian…Iran, Russia, USA r not allies, nor enemies….their imperialism in Libya Syria shows that they are as ludicrous and desperate as the decayed amerikans

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