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MARCH 2025

Turkey To Consider Buying Russian Su-57 Jets If Delivery of F-35 Jets Suspended – Reports

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Turkey To Consider Buying Russian Su-57 Jets If Delivery of F-35 Jets Suspended - Reports

Illustrative image: SERGEI BOBYLEV/ALAMY

Turkey will consider buying and will likely buy Russian fifth generation Su-57 stealth fighter jets if the US suspends F-35 stealth fighters deliveries in response to the Russian-Turkish S-400 anti-missile systems deal, the Yeni Safak newspaper reported on May 27 citing sources.

The newspaper said that the Russian-Turkish military technology cooperation, including a possible delivery of Su-57 jets, was discussed during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Turkey on April 3.

Russia and Turkey signed the S-400 anti-missile systems deal in December 2017. Since then, US-Turkish tensions over the issue have grown significantly.

On May 24, US Senate Armed Services Committee released draft of annual defense policy bill. The document implies that the delivery of US F-35 jets to Turkey should be suspended in response to the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-missile systems by Ankara.

On May 25, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that a Su-57 fighter jet had carried out strikes on militant targets in Syria in February 2018. According to Shoigu, the Su-57 fighter jet used advanced air-launched cruise missiles to target militants.

Turkey To Consider Buying Russian Su-57 Jets If Delivery of F-35 Jets Suspended - Reports

A screenshot from Shoigu’s video presentation

In February 2018, at least two Su-57 fighter jets were deployed in Syria where they passed combat tests.

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You can call me Al

Well Turkey, kill a few more Kurds even Yanks and then get out of Syria, then it should be considered.


Most people will think, Oh turkey purchased the SU-57, yhe just another weapon sale…but in reality, if they did that, the Israeli’s would just flat out Panic.. How did fresh technology find its way into somebody elses hands before we even had a chance to steal it… the buthurt would would be off the Charts.

John Whitehot

technology being stolen is an hollywood construct.

in the real world, it works differently. If Turkey buys Su-57, it’s unlikely that they would also buy the technology to manufacture them. The “protected” information is in the ways of production, not in the product itself.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Unless they replace India as partner for export version of SU-57. The project is known as “FGFA” that is lately missing confirmation from India…. Turkey has their 5th generation airplane project also. An ambition to build 5th generation airplane … Weather Turkey would be good partner that is another story.

John Whitehot

“The project is known as “FGFA” that is lately missing confirmation from India….”

the indian project involved sukhoi several years ago. India wanted technology transfer and got out as Russia won’t sell it. Since then the Indian project is on its own.

On this news, it does not even make sense to discuss it, turkey probably did a provocation.

as a sidenote: it’s of these days the news that indian SU-30s successfully detected chinese stealth fighters beyond the border with their radars. It’s bad news for stealth planes in general, but particularly for those that rely exclusively on them to win wars.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

“India wanted technology transfer and got out as Russia won’t sell it.” Well it was not exactly like that… That was completely new project (from the scratch) and Russians didn’t have intention to show them SU-57 tech that was only base for their mutual project… That must be from Western press that explanation of yours …Or from India.They have agreed on many things and even about the money but India was not pleased with quantity of job to be executed by their side and they were hoping that Russians will naively show them all the SU-57 know-how from the start which is ABSURD since they did not pay ANY MONEY for SU-57.

“indian project involved sukhoi several years ago.” ??! It was only last year that they have refused ….why “several years ago.”?! It was Russo-Indian project not “indian project”only That plane Russia wanted for EXPORT ONLY.

I think that Indian refusal has US LOBBY as main reason…. But they will regret their decision…sooner or later.

John Whitehot

back to semantics.

have a nice day.

Robert McMaster

And you think the U.S. hands over the keys to its technology?

John Whitehot

of course not, especially with f-35s.

yet israel is the only country authorized to put custom software (read: software that does not spy on the plane and sends data to lockheed martin and the cia) in the aircraft.


Most likely because the “phone home” software had redundancy.

John Whitehot



No I don’t think that Russia will give the License to the Turks to manufacture the Su-57 locally. If they will be sold will be in baches. But still the Su-57 is in its final testing stage.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Have you ever heard about reverse engineering? Also Russia agrees to share technology like they did with S-400.

John Whitehot

“Have you ever heard about reverse engineering? ”

Yes, I did, and it never works like the original, to the point that it’s less costly to develop technology rather than “reverse engineer” it.

This factor is exacerbated by the concept I already described and that you don’t seem to like – that the protected technology is in the production means and not in the product.

“Also Russia agrees to share technology like they did with S-400”

Not on the Su-57, and so far it hasn’t shared any technology of the S400.

Even if at some point they would, they are anyway smarter than you are, and won’t compromise the security of the country like you zionists would like Russians to believe.

Baron Von MuleBanger

LOL Keep convincing yourself.

John Whitehot

Lmao, I’m doing a better job than you are no doubt.

Baron Von MuleBanger

You were saying “Do you think Russia would share the technology with you?” and then I said they already agreed to and deal was signed then you then you began saying “Oh do you really think they would share every bit of technology with you?” That’s just pure butthurt. lol

John Whitehot

all bullshit read again.

Baron Von MuleBanger

No need,I witnessed enough of your pathological butthurt.


You obviously don’t work in tech. It’s a den of spies. When information is this valuable, people steal it. Constantly. China has both the f-22 and f-35 production documents.

The Chinese stole all the documents related to its production over a decade ago. Was admitted to by Lockheed. We just locked up the guy on the American side. He got 5 years, for unloading billions of tech to our rivals. I know kids who did more time for drugs. Should of hung him. Guy was an actual traitor.


John Whitehot

wtf, the “hollywood construct” was about movies like Firefox or Red October.

also you are confirming my theory speaking about production documents stolen, while most people (actually, most americans, thanks to the above movies) believe that possessing one piece of hardware automatically makes possible to make it obsolete.

Michał Hunicz

Turkey should choose anyone during elections, just to get rid of Erdogan and his mad neo-Ottoman dreams.

Feudalism Victory

The elections are obviously a sham. Erdogan only leaves power if hes killed.(or dies of old age in power)

Baron Von MuleBanger

This time there is a good chance he might lose,because this time opposition developed an mobile phone app which will be used to prevent any scam in the election. Vote counts will be followed in real time and the signatures of the voters will be saved by all parties to compare the results to see if there is any cheating like the last time. No more dead people voting or generating votes for AKP. And this time opposition is mainly united and decides the diary. This time Erdo shits his pants for sure.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Two main opposition leaders are pro-Europe though,Russian fan boys might not like them at all in terms of ideology one of them social democrat other is nationalist. One of the opposition leaders expected to win the upcoming president elections. But still both of them better than islamist reactionary erdo.

Rhapsody (Weltschmerz)

Doğu Perinçek darbe yapsa da Rus uşağı olsak amk :):)) NATO köpeklerinden çok daha iyidir.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Zaten Rus uşağı oldu Erdoş. Dışladılar batılı kankaları. :) Putin’in sözcüsü Erdoğan’la karımı gördüğüm kadar görüşüyorum demiş. xD Götünü sağlama almaya çalışıyor Erdoş. Ortada kalınca ne olduğunu görmüştür herhalde Qaddafi’ye.

Rhapsody (Weltschmerz)

Doğu baba hakkında ne düşünüyorsun moruk? :)

Baron Von MuleBanger

Sima olarak apoya benziyor

Rhapsody (Weltschmerz)

Öyle, lakin partisinde olan, balyoz ve ergenekon mağduru emekli askerler filan bana çok sıra dışı geliyor. Politikasını sever misin?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Hayır,politikalarını beğenmiyorum. Maoculuk nedir aq. :)

Rhapsody (Weltschmerz)

Rusçu bir hükumet mi tercih ederdin yoksa Amerikancı mı? İkisi de gerçi aynı bokun sarısı ama :)

Baron Von MuleBanger

İkisinide istemem. Son zamanlarda Rusya’dan iyice uzaklaştım,görüyorsun Suriye’yi nasıl yalnız bırakıyorlar iş ciddiye binince,gelen vuruyor giden vuruyor tek yaptığı Rusya’nın kavgaya gerek yok sakin olun arkadaşlar demek. Yunan’dan ekmek Rus’tan destek beklemeyeceksin. :) Doğudaki akımlara karşı olmamın nedeni komunizmde ve otoriter sosyalizmde insanın değeri yok,hayatı ev ile iş arasında geçen robotlara dönderiyorlar adamı. Çin’de vatandaş puanlaması diye uygulama başlattılar aq. İnsanlara puan veriyorlar ona göre hizmetlerden yararlanıyorlar. Öyle sistemi icat edenin amına koyayım. Sosyal demokrasi dersen bak o iyi bir ideoloji ama maoculuk,komunizm felan bu ülkeye gelmez. Gelen ülkeleride görüyoruz zaten robot gibi millet.

İllaki bir tarafın yörüngesinde olacaksak batı derim ama son zamanlarda batının Türkiye’yi ortaktan çok hizmetkar gibi görmeye başlayınca Rusya tarafına sıcak bakmaya başladım belki batıdan farklı olur diye ama dediğim gibi son zamanlarda hayal kırıklığına uğratıyor Rusya çok kişiyi. Türkiye’nin emir verecek efendiye ihtiyacı yok,partnere ihtiyacı var. O yüzden adam yerine koyacak tarafla yakınlaşma taraftarıyım. Şuanki sözde müttefikler ne silah satıyor,ne teknoloji paylaşıyor doğru düzgün başka yerden alacak oluncada yaptırım uyguluyor. Böyle olacaksa “müttefik” hiç olmasın. Bakalım belki Erdoğan düşerse batı ile düzelir ilişkiler. Düşmezse izolasyona devam,bude iyice Rusya’nın kucağına iter onlarada ne kadar güvenebillirsin tartışılır.


Russia could make Turkey and Pakistan stronger to defend their lands from Israel, US, UK etc. I see that the future scientific research and development will take place in Asia.

Feudalism Victory

Russia just wants nato destroyed. Russia and china dont actually want second tier eurasian powers strong enough to compete with them

John Whitehot

everybody in his senses wants nato “destroyed”.

Feudalism Victory

Certainly. Fighting in european wars certainly wouldnt be in the interest of say Canadians. Fuck em.

John Whitehot

europe is sick of wars. nobody wants them anymore.

while a war in europe is the wet dream of us defence industries, their only dilemma is how to make it happen without themselves getting nuked.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

EU-Germany has Ukraine by the balls yet US has their ways to push them in conflict and war if need be…

John Whitehot

the only ones that compare the su57 to the f35 are lockheed martins commercials and pentagon representatives.

in the real world, the comparison should be made with the f22.

but, you know, someone has to maintain that the plane has no comparable types abroad.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Super-maneuverable air-dominance SU-57 multi role fighter jet has NO competition. Once they get SU-57 with 2nd stage engine in 2019-20 it will be like flying DEATH for everything that flies.


That’s nice.



Didn’t Turkey funding the project F-35 ?

Feudalism Victory

Hopefully not with turkish liras


project partner, yes, but you know how things go.

Baron Von MuleBanger

You know how faggot muricans are. lol Multiple companies from defense industry of Turkey actively participated in the development of F-35 and ranked among the top 5 contributors and they do not send F-35s to Turkey now. Sneaky fatmuricants.


F-35 for free for israel and no F-35 for countries who collaborate in the F-35 project !!! XD.

That’s why you must never make a deal with USA.

That’s why even israelis didn’t trust Americans and have hijacked USA.

Feudalism Victory

Americans have truly lost the martial spirit. It all about money and politics.


S-400 and SU-57 for Turkey.

Old 50s technology for Syria.

That’s why you must never trust Russia.

If you start making deals with Russia, they will let you down when they have the monopoly on you.

Feudalism Victory

Russia never made a deal for those things with syria.


Of course. Russia majke deals with you when you don’t care about Russia. When Russia knows she got you, Russia starts let down.

Feudalism Victory

Russia is certainly partially compromised. But truthfully no one wants to fight with israel. Even syria and iranians are quick to avoid it.


Ha ha ha. israel is so weak. Russia can destroy israel with a nuclear warhead. People are always afraid of the void.

Feudalism Victory

Thats not actually true.they have tried hard to make a good military. Nuking things isnt a good strategy


It’s the only strategy. israel is weak. israel weapon comes from USA. Not israel who is strong but USA is strong.

Feudalism Victory

Yes the usa is much stronger. No nuking still invites yourself to get nuked. Thats why its bad strategy. Getting nuked is bad.


Russia can nuke israel. No problem.

Feudalism Victory

And thats why russia has to be careful. Its “allies” are happy to see it destroyed as well.


Russia will loose. No strategy whatsoever. No goals. Like to be bullied by a weak tiny country. Cant’ defend her allies. USA is making russians look bad since WW2. XD.

A better strategy is to think outside Russia.

John Whitehot

a better strategy is to read your comments for the lols alone, although it fails most of the times.


The zionist appeaser prefer Putin. It’s obvious.

Hide Behind

Israel’s nuclear submarines are each capable of destroying, devastation by nukes, dozens of Russia’s major metropolitan and military installations Israel has two “known” huge hardened below surface military installations complete with mass supplies from food to armor, aircraft, untold numbers of conventional nukes (est. 250 big uns) and possibly 400-500 smaller tactical neutron Arial, artillary, missel and man carried capable warheads. Then add in their millions of world 5th columnist that like fleas will drag their dog- mutt nations either into support or self destruction if they don’t. No,NO AMERICAN HI-TECH WEAPONRY WOULD BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT ISRAELI/JEWISH, ESPECIALLY IN SO AND CYBER CONTROL FRAMES. Their dual citizenship, and especially a form of Diplomatic Sovereignty towards Israel financial and security concerns,means they participate in all development phases of new weaponry, including use against GAZA and Palestinians or dumb as Rock Syrian and Iranian military.

John Whitehot

avoid writing when intoxicated. ah right, i forgot, there is no difference when you are and when you aren’t.


Again, the zionist appeaser comes to tell how to loose. XD.

John Whitehot

take a dump in your hands and then slap yourself.


Soon Syria will receive S-300, S-400, SU-35 and SU-57 but not in large quantity. The delivery of S-300, S-400, SU-35 will begin in 2019 while SU-57 will be delivered to Syria in 2020.


Are you helping Syria more than Russia? How many soldiers did you send to save Syria? How many of the died to save Syria? You have no right to say anything


Do you call what Putin did to save Syria ???? XD. 1 million dead and a country cut in three part. XD.

Russia should have done nothing. Assad would have been expelled and USA would have taken Syria.


At least you came true with your USA/ISIL support.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

his whole family is in Syria trenches ! his grandmother died in heroic charge on the Jihadi front lines…. in battle for Aleppo


Russia and Turkey signed the S-400 anti-missile systems deal in December 2017. Since then, US-Turkish tensions over the issue have grown significantly.

Feudalism Victory

No shit.


Good News !


Anyway Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq ,China can make treaty to defend west and America and little boy Israel. Then it will be balance of world power.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

That already exists in way because it is not like NATO… It is called Shangai Cooperation Organisation. Russia and China are in charge and recently India and Pakistan have entered SCO. Turkey is observer and Iran candidate…. Central Asian countries are the members also.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

To be continued…. Turkey is already half way out of NATO. If Turkey is out ….the NATO might die… We are living in very troubled and interesting times indeed. US as usual are major geo-strategic experts for shooting themselves in the foot… That explains why Putin is trying to do less possible not to disturb US in destroying their own system

John Whitehot

nato is already dead and its body is already stinking.

the us getting out of the iran deal mostly sealed its grave and unless the us troops in europe manage to start a war in poland and the baltics making appear that russia invaded them, it’s gonna stay that way.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

OK If you say so…I do not see it dead…not yet… Not single country is out of NATO yet ….so it is premature to say that they are dead in my modest opinion……

EU doesn’t have military alternative and it can not be crated over the night either…. But I agree with you that things are going in that direction…

John Whitehot

yes i may have been somehow harsh, but the point is that europe does not need nato, it needs its own military alliance.

the reason is the usual, and its economic. US and EU interests do no coincide, especially since the euro was born.

the US know it well, and have been doing all they could to destroy the european economy since even before the euro came out.

the europeans are maybe realizing it these days, although i’d rather think that euro leaders are mostly being paid by wall street and the like to keep europe under the shackles of the US.

Countries like Poland or the baltics should had joined the US, not the EU. same goes for the UK.


I’m pretty sure that NATO existed long before Turkey became a member.

John Whitehot

turkey entered nato in 1952. it’s not “long before” at all since nato came out in 1946.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

he is ignorant… forgive him


When your enemy makes a mistake, don’t stop him. This is rule number one in any conflict…


With all this new pieces of machinery and new mechanics. Russia’s main allies get to use 3rd gen planes, whereas US puppets can use Lightning II and throw off their falcons to enemy AAs like meat. Even though, what’s more laughable is that Iranians operate Tomcats successfully after fourty (ish) years. And Fat Zealots in Saudi Owned Desert can’t run a single modern plane properly. And Hell-Aviv Local Goverment’s mercenaries are too afraid to use their modern equipment. One can admire some real guts there. As for Turkey. One of main reasons that Russians do business with them might be that they don’t reverse engineer every single thing to make their own model. Unlike Iran, which I love about Iranians. They do what they think they need. which caused Russians to halt selling S-300 (I’m not entirely sure but I suspect that’s the reason) The point being if Russia really wants friends they should pay the price as well one of which being giving them enough fire power to make their sayings count. Specially when it comes to bashar assad’s Syria, they can really use some. And maybe Lebanon but I doubt it, Iran has been keeping them in good shape ever since the resistance existed.

John Whitehot

“whereas US puppets can use Lightning II and throw off their falcons to enemy AAs like meat”

and when did that happen on planet earth?

Dr. Pro. Liv.


Dr. Pro. Liv.

listen Iranian BOT you sound like that asshole “Serious”


“They do what they think they need. which caused Russians to halt selling S-300 (I’m not entirely sure but I suspect that’s the reason)”


Russians did NOT halt selling S-300. They have delivered UPGRADED S-300PMU2 ‘Favorit’.

No Russians are NOT afraid of Iranian revers engineering at all.

If they sell S-400 to China that is by far strongest in the world in revers engineering they sure are not scared of backward Iran revers engineering capability….


Turkey does in NW Syria exactly what the Americans do in NE-Syria. …..And PUTIN keeps a low-profile on that. See Paul Craig Roberts: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49510.htm

” Everyone should understand that I am not a pro-Russian anti-American. I am anti-war, especially nuclear war. My concern is that the inability of the Russian government to put its foot down is due to its belief that Russian development, despite all the talk about the Eurasian partnership and the Silk Road, is dependent on being integrated with the West. This totally erroneous belief prevents the Russian government from any decisive break with the West. Consequently, Putin continues to accept provocations in order to avoid a decisive break that would cut Russia off from the West. In Washington and the UK this is interpreted as a lack of resolve on Putin’s part and encourages an escalation in provocations that will intensify until Russia’s only option is surrender or war. “


Russia is betting on a German/Russian axis developing, the #WhiteGenocide progressing in Europe will result in an increasing distance between the Atlantic powers/Israel and Europe/Russia.


Turkey cant be trusted yet, if they ever can be? When they are dependent on Turkstream energy and fully disconnected from NATO maybe but until then you dont want your frontline fighter being tested and back engineered by NATO and Israel.

Wise Gandalf

Turkey To Consider Buying Russian Su-57 Jets If Delivery of F-35 Jets Suspended

And knows Cremlin about this plan? :DD

Joe Dirt

Time for Turkey to end up like Syria…


You see, NATO-USA-Israel are trying to get the best Russia techolofy through Turkey. !! Forget about business, this is much deeper.


Its nice that the Turks started buying weapons from Russia, they should have done that very sooner, that just wait from the traitors from Washington whom they were giving tons and tons of weapons to Jihadists and Kurds for free ofc and so long. But why would the Su-35 will be suspended who said that, anyway if Turkey want’s Su-57 they will get it, and the S-400 air defense. DAmn I am enjoying this to see the Turks buying all Russian weapons while the United Snakes are crying blah blah blah blah. Even the US blackmail the Turks, saying if you get S-400 air defense from Russia WE will NOT SELL YOU F-35. Please US keep you shit of garbage in your hangars those soooo expensive and so bad jets are finished, I know what the US want to do they want to sell more of those F-35s so they can get some of the money back they wasted on those Jets. What a black mail I mean, who cares keep your F-35 we are not buying them that what Turkey said, and they proceed with the S-400 air defense buying. In which they should receive the first bach in 2020 if I am correct. Or maybe sooner, who knows. But the Su-35 SM Flanker is so good jet. I mean they should buy from both, take some Su-35s and take a few Su-57, but the Su-57 its still in finalization tests, but maybe they are done with it, because they still didn’t start the mass production though. So if Turkey want’s Su-57 they will wait long time, first the Russian Aerospace should receive them, after that a sell can be applied I guess. I think there are 12 Su-57 prototypes now still in testing but maybe they past the testing phase and all that stuff. Well look at that this way, soon as you hear Putin orders mass production of Su-57 then you will know that they passed all testing. We all know that Putin gave the order of mass production for the S-500 Prometey. The new air-defense system in which speculations are that the range of the S-500 will be 600km. That’s fantastic.

Baron Von MuleBanger

First US didn’t wanted to share nor sell air defense systems to it’s NATO “ally”,when Turkey decided to purchase and produce S-400 they decided not to fulfil the deliveries of F-35 to Turkey. Now Turkey blackmails more with buying both Su-35 and Su-57. Well US and NATO is the loser here,they alienate one of the Top10 armies in the world which located in a stragetic position. Eventhough I hate current government of Turkey they are doing good job with responding to US government’s black mailing and unlawful embargos. US does not share technology with Turkey while calling Turkey an important ally,on the other hand Russia both sells and shares technology like it has been in S-400. Defense experts from both Turkey and Russia reports increasing interest for Russian products in Turkey,from air defense systems to jets and tanks and it’s parts/subsystems. If this alienation and isolation continues it will be the NATO bloc losing in the end. Because more Turkey cooperating with east more opportunities born for Russia,Iran and China which Europe,US and NATO in general doesn’t like to see. Iran could build a pipeline over Turkey if this alienation continue,just like Russian-Turkish gas line from Russia over Turkey to Europe which benefits both sides. Like I said more they push Turkey to east more they will lose,Turkey doesn’t have anything to lose in that stiuation other than couple hundred million dollars as investment.


It would be good though, but Turkey will neither buy SU-57s nor those S-400’s for which the agreement was signed. US/Israhell holds Turkey by the balls. Gov’t rhetoric is one thing, reality is another.


I hate to break it to you but Turkey already uses Russian weapons systems. The Kornet-E anti-tank missile, Mi-8/17 Helicopters etc


np. su57 and s400 are ”major” and decisions are in politicians hands. my bet is still on.


Read the Kremlin Press Releases

A ktulu

Look all this geo poli-tic-tocks doesn’t change the purposes to why General Douglas MacArthur (exceptionally stars bangled Field Marshall) was an advocate in gaining the Turks membership accession into NATO.A Key manoeuvre to the Alliance thwarting Soviet Sea access (dominance) into the Mediterranean sea. The Pentagon needs to understand by digressing from Gen. MacArthurs world vision after the onset of ww2.The U.S success of Global security dominance after the “cold war” is due to the genius and foresight of such great tacticians ,even tho those policies long outlive their lives…. it is those Legacies that the western alliance has experienced peace and stability well into millennia.The think tanks of the pentagon have become military-technocrats their global policies implemented thus far,can be compared to that of Chinese checkers rather than that of Chess. General Douglas MacArthurs Northern Treaty Vision was a Check mate to the eastern block, frankly that’s the only thing being reverse engineered here…. probably resulting in a stale mate…

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