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Turkey To Establish Permanent Military Bases In Libya, Reorganize GNA Forces, Begin Drilling For Oil

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Turkey To Establish Permanent Military Bases In Libya, Reorganize GNA Forces, Begin Drilling For Oil

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The Turkish Armed Forces are preparing to establish two permanent military bases in Libya, Turkish outlet Yeni Safak reported.

Government of National Accord (GNA) President Fayez al-Sarraj visited Ankara and met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In the meeting they discussed that Turkey would actually reorganize the GNA’s forces into a proper military. This is like a situation similar to what Turkey attempted to do in Libya with the Syrian National Army, when it simply rebranded a set of militant groups under a formal army’s command. This doesn’t specifically mean they will actually become an army, or even the regular Libyan Army.

Yeni Safak is reporting that Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar had essentially been defeated, and this opens the way for Turkey to first reorganize the military, begin drilling activities in oil fields, and even provide contracting services for the reconstruction of cities that saw clashes.

According to unnamed Libyan sources, the military cooperation between the GNA and Turkey will be deepened.

Turkey To Establish Permanent Military Bases In Libya, Reorganize GNA Forces, Begin Drilling For Oil

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Currently, efforts are on-going to clean the al-Watiya airbase from mines and traps, and then it would be provided to Turkey for it to also operate out of it.

Turkish UAVs, missile defense systems and other equipment is planned to be deployed there.

Aircraft would be deployed to both Misrata, as well as al-Watiya to fortify the bases further.

Furthermore, because Turkey was able to use its navy, in addition to its air force and ground forces in Libya, the results are better than in Northeastern Syria, where it can’t utilize it’s navy effectively.

Within the scope of the naval-air-land joint operations concept implemented by the Turkish Armed Forces, the Turkish Armed held a maritime task force off the coast of Libya.

Combat ships, reconnaissance ships, auxiliary ships prevented threats from the sea, the logistics line was operated uninterruptedly, and land elements were contributed with radar systems and support weapons.

Also, this is effectively used against Greece, which according to the Turkish side carries out provocations in the Mediterranean by refusing to accept the maritime agreement between the GNA and Turkey.

Accordingly, it is considered that the Port of Misrata will be turned into a sea base for permanent deployment.

Turkey will also extract the most oil from the region nearby Misrata. The presence of Turkish warships is considered essential for the security of drilling activities in the region.


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Bobby Twoshoes

Gotta admit Erdogan has balls, tiny little cockroach balls, but that’s all you need to start an infestation. Egypt better get their arses into gear if they want to be the ones exploiting Libyans.

Porc Halal

Yes, it will be difficult if not impossible to get them out after they set their military bases on the ground…the world’s states are so ignorant about the danger the turkisk pest is posing not only to Lybia or Syria but also to Europe itself!!!

Porc Halal

PS…the goal of the turkish islamist regime is not to join the EU but to take it over!…some will remember what I said right now


EU is in the process of making a collective harakiri on all fronts.

Porc Halal

The ugly truth that suck…EU think that if they close the eyes then the problem disappear…what a morons!..not so proud of though!..

Jamal Utr.

How is to kneel for your black masters in United States of Apes?

Jamal Utr.

‘joining EU’ . You really think that that is going to happen? Turkey has many other options than to join EU.

Porc Halal

Personally, I hope that islamist turkey will never be a member of the EU and honestly, I don’t think that will ever happen. The EU knows this will be a total disaster, given that the turkey is now an islamist shithole. What I do know is that turkey has expressed a desire to join the EU, but I think it has been in turkey’s pre-ottoman era. Now that erdogoatfucker and his bearded howling monkeys from the AKP have ruined this plan, they have changed it and they now think it is more interesting for them that instead of destroying and conquering Europe from within, by joining it, it will be more beautiful if the Islamist turkey will wage war against it when the time comes. …

Zionism = EVIL

The real issue is neo-colonialism in a totally lawless world, the Americunt morons are going downhill and there is a power vacuum, the stupid Arabs are easy prey as they are divided and have been cursed with OIL, which the global Jew cunts want. Turkeys are stealing OIL and GAS with full NATO and Zionist backing. Sadly, Putin is in Jew pockets too and withdrew the Wagner Group, the only force capable of stopping the Turkeys. The goat fucker Erdogan is doing this on the cheap by using headchoppers as cannon fodder and drones. If the Egyptian cowardly cunts had the balls to even deploy mid-altitude SAMS and Shikla 23mm quads the third rate drones would have been history.


“The third rate drones” Yet mighty russia still fails to make one. Even the one they are trying to make is a TB2 copy. You say USA, Russia and Turkey is in Israel’s pocket ? Dunno the situation about others but we are in nobodies pocket, we are chasing our own national security and interests, thats why we face so much opposition. And if, a big “if”, Israel is able to get both Russia and USA into his pocket, maybe they deserve to rule around there. That would be some skill right ? Your reading and understanding capacity of the situation is insufficient, as it was always. Only 2 productive country on Balkans, ME and Levant region is Turkey and Israel. Rest of the nations are on their current situation just because they were lucky with their natural resources or they are good leechs against greater powers. EU is getting older, hence unproductive too. Same goes for USA, immense amount of national debt, raising wages concludes of losing industry. Not on EU’s level but west era is ending. China will be the major power of the next decades. And ME, Levant and Balkan countries apart from Turkey and Israel will be in the exact same position as they are. Dont expect too much from Iran, Russia and Saudis, all of those nations are living on natural resources.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Today, the Russian army possesses around 4,000 units, placing it among the world’s three largest UAV operators.

Jamal Utr.

You sound like a Putain-dixucker. Why you like to suck russian dicks so much?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Here was I thinking that you sound like a boy-Thursday type of pedo Jamal.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_Russian_military_aircraft Show me one, one type of fuckin MALE drone that Russia goes in mass production, only cheap reconnainssance crap. The only one Russia is close for being operational is KORSAR, and if you have brains, you can see it is a direct copy of TB2. East block countries are always exaggerate their capacities.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia hasn’t really seen the need for such a proliferation of systems as the wars they have fought are entirely different to the wars the U.S. has fought and are losing. Why would Russia need to mass produce MALE drones when it has such a large manned strategic-bomber, strike-bomber and reconnaissance fleet?


Yea yea change the subject when you understand russia is a shit power from 90’s tech. You motherfucking idiots always claim something “bahahaha third grade drones”, then you realize your shit economy oil dependant undproductive country is on decline and cant even build those “third grade drones”, hence you immediately change the subject for irrelevant topics.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not noticed the U.S. win any wars with it’s drones, only seen Iran shoot them down or capture them so far. Maybe you shall get lucky and win the next U.S. Civil War with them? With regards 90’s tech, most of the U.S. military is breaking down 90’s tech as the U.S. economy is now a bankrupt one. The Russians haven’t needed a drone fleet like what the American’s have as the Russians haven’t been bankrupting themselves in full-scale occupational wars such as in Iraq and Afghanistan where all that has been won is contracts for the military industrial sector to de-wealth the United States with.


20 years later, even A2A battles gonna be fought with drones. Thats why muricans call F-35 as the last human piloted aircraft. U may think that you dont need MALE drones today but Russian military does not and they are trying hard to make one operational MALE drone. No success so far.

Yes murican economy is on the decline but slavic saudi barbaria is no good too. %70 of your exports are gas and oil. Same as Iran and Saudi barbaria. Thats why Russia is in Libya, they want to stay as the sole supplier to EU.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yeah yeah yeah sure buddy the Russians don’t have something called the S-70, don’t have the Orion and don’t have the Su-57 that will be robotized.

The Russian military only ever mass produces stuff it needs, when it needs and not before.

The Russian economy is self-sufficient and can provide all the specialist alloys and metals that America doesn’t need now that it’s aircraft building industry is all but screwed.

Ashok Varma

Mostly rubbish. Turkey is bankrupt and that is why it invaded Libya for its oil.


Says the fuckin indian, which posess hundreds of millions people still drinking shitty water and crying in poverty.

Brother Ma

Noone is doing anything because it is obvious that Erdogan has bought out natoziousa. He has sold them on him being the US ‘s deputy but they are stupid. This Turk menace will come back to bite them but why would the USA care when they are so far away from Europe. Why would Uncle Sam care that he has foisted Turco alphabet headchoppers onto those slavish Europeans anyway…

Porc Halal

The europeans are not only slavish…but this doesn’t make any difference…your point about the europeans is correct…

Jamal Utr.

Uncle Sam better be sucking some afro american dicks instead of puting your ugly faces in muslim countries’ issues.

Jamal Utr.

Butthurt, porkface?

Porc Halal

What’s the idea, cunt-face?…

Mustafa Mehmet

How do you know his got little Cockroaches balls?

Bobby Twoshoes

I’m pretty confident he’s male. Then again Turk women do look like men so I could be wrong…

Mustafa Mehmet

You bend.. that’s way you know

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol, you guys spend way too much time fantasising about gay sex, must be because Turk men look as much like women as their women look like men. I’m afraid my cock would damage you though, your arse must still be very tight having only ever had microscopic Turkish dicks inside you.

Mustafa Mehmet


Bobby Twoshoes

I know you want me to bend you over the table but I’m just not into it sorry.

Tommy Jensen


Ashok Varma

That is a good depiction of the NWO.

Zionism = EVIL

Precocious children, read my original post 3 months and this LIbya OIL PLUNDER by Turkeys and Jew cunts and Italian pimps is going as planned. The Turkeys will put a quisling GNA puppet regime and loot as much OIL and GAS from the region as possible, the same the Americunts, froggies and limey gits have done with Saudi whores and Persian Gulf Wahhabi city-state pimpdoms. Perhaps, the Arabs need to be enslaved as they are worthless and can’t even defend themselves against third world mongol retard peasants from Anatolian slums. The biggest cunt is the Jew Sisi who thinks that by kissing Turkey and Zionist arse, he will be saved, believe me the dumbass Egyptian cowards have a thing coming. This is back to the 19th century Ottoman era where the Arabs will kiss Turkeys boots while they steal their resources. It is a shame that a quirky but a good man like Kaddafi was killed by NATO cunts and no one stood up.

Free man

“The goat fucker Erdogan is using Arabs to kill Arabs” – Isn’t that what the Mullahs regime does all over the Middle East? LOL.


Will Libya now become a Turkish colony?

Jamal Utr.

Thats the best solution. Turkey must colonize all the Middle East


id love to see Sissi attacking the Turds….eeeer Turks but i am afraid he is a chicken…and even if they fight no matter how much top gear they have they will fight as bad as Turks do so it will be a disaster for him…he still cant control Sinai in his country with all this army.

Mustafa Mehmet

Re kalamara why don’t you do it yourself? always expecting somebody else to do the job for you


yeah why should i bother? i have brains i use the animals to do the work …now go die for me plz ok?

Lazy Gamer

Another Northern Cyprus. Seems like Turkey is unstoppable in the middle east. For all the crazy flip flops of Erdogan between the US and Russia, there seems to be a pay off to the madness. Israel must be getting uncomfortable with such an expansionist neighbor but it is likely to focus on Iran first. Woe if Iran and Turkey finds common ground.

Harry Smith

Israel is in business with Turkey. This situation is very convenient for Russia. Turkey now humiliates such European countries like France and Italy and they can do nothing because of USA. 40-50 years later this situation could be explained as struggle against USSR, but now EU leaders clearly see that USA pushes its agenda and is weakening the EU industry. Harder USA will push – stronger the response will be. At the moment USA falls it will be better for Israel and Turkey inhabitants to immigrate further to the East, because nobody will protect them.


Israel is more important to Turkey than Iran, even if our leaderships hate each other, we still have good relations between the people. So no, Israel and Turkey won’t be enemies, and Iran is a failed state already they had to replace their currency.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well is it not Turkey funding Hamas these days? Is it not Turkey that has an Islamist regime?

Jamal Utr.

‘islamist regime’ . Why, because their leader is a muslim now suddenly they are ‘islamist’? What about Trump who everyday talks about christianity and is pleasing his followers by doing things like annexation of Palestinian territories for religious reasons? So why are you not crying about US christian extremists who are waging limitless wars against Middle Eastern people? But if a muslim takes the lead in a muslim country you start crying? You can name muslims whatever you want, from isis tot alqaeda tot islamists. I dont give a shit about your crocodile tears.


The Erdogan dominated ‘Justice and Development Party’ political party that rules over Turkey is ever increasingly a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate – and state sponsor of Muslim Brotherhood factions elsewhere.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Islamist regime as they are an Islamist regime. I’m no fan of the USA btw. (no matter who is leading it) The Muslim leader that is Erdogan is attempting to expand his sultanate into the wider MENA causing wars between many countries and their peoples due to an aggressive Islamist agenda by the Turkish leadership.


No, it’s Iran.


Israel and Turkey certainly bicker over regional issues and rhetoric, ie, the notorious Gaza Flotilla incident etc, yet Turkey still signed up for purchase of an inventory of Israeli spec, up-rated, M-60 tanks (which remain strictly second tier armor).

Ashok Varma

Turkey is a member of NATO and a US vassal and America is subservient to Zionism. It is a vicious cycle and the Arabs are easy targets. Wonder why Turkey does not invade Armenia, Iran, Greece and Russia, its other neighbors?

Mustafa Mehmet

Scumbag why should we invade. Russia.or Iran we got no prop with them.. Greece we can sort out our differences no prop.. Armenian did invade Azerbaijan brothers lands.. so they will pay heavy price when the day comes why don’t you just get out of Kashmir first then you advise to that other people

Ashok Varma

Actually, Iran is the only debt free self-sufficient economy in the region, but don’t let facts get in the way of hasbara lies.

Free man

“but don’t let facts get in the way of hasbara lies.” – You write this with a straight face, while impersonating an Indian who is always defending the mullahs regime. LOL.


Turkey has been the NATO and Gulf State forward operational base against Syria for basically a decade, the base camp for terrorists training camps and armaments trafficking into Syria. In contrast, Iran has mobilized its military expertise and militia corps to assist Syria – and it was Iranian military staff that went to Moscow and requested serious Russian assistance for besieged Syrians. Turkey and Iran are not going to be on same page anytime soon as an alliance – the only real thing they currently have in common is opposition to Kurdish independence.

Mehmet Aslanak

As I said 5 months ago, Mistrata city has a Turkic/Ottoman heritage people, Kuloglu means they are Turkic. Also Benghazi means “a thousand of veterans” in Turkish, so I guess they have some Turkic population over there, which would eventually uprise against the rascal general Haftar.

Porc Halal

the whole of Libya is the legacy of the Italians and the Egyptians before it is the legacy of the ottoman bastards…

Mustafa Mehmet

Another ottoman leftover.


This war is almost done. Too much at stake for Turkey to let go. They will take the whole country at whatever cost.

Jamal Utr.

Insh Allah

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Egypt and Greece could quite easily drive the Turks into another strategic defeat.

Erdogan is another dictator that likes fighting wars upon too many fronts.

Jamal Utr.

Explain dear general, lay out your mighty plans

Mustafa Mehmet

Who? sisi and mitcatokis. Dumb and Dumber gone fight turks? keep dreaming dick head

Hanny Benny

when your airforce is done, remind of me loser

Ashok Varma

Egypt lost a democratic government due to Sisi coup and now beset with internal problems and its military is very inept to do anything. Only Russia could have checked the occupation of Libya, but Putin is more interested in keeping Turkey on side as Arabs don’t matter.

Jamal Utr.

Nice to see our Turkish muslim brothers taking care of their Libyan brothers. Yeah, i know you’re dying from inside, so choke in your hate

Ashok Varma

Turks are the most corrupt people in the region and as far away from Muslims as Modi is from true Hinduism which teaches peace and respect for humanity and the planet.


Yes yes, “fuckinduism” is all about respect and humanity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Delhi_gang_rape_and_murder

Mustafa Mehmet

99P hindu you are the most corrupt nation in the world everyone knows that. so just zipit and f*** off

Hanny Benny

stf slavehoreson

Porc Halal

lol, your Egyptian brothers will take care of your asses and relieve the Libyan brothers of your ‘care’ …

cechas vodobenikov

the failed turk/amerikan imperialists are now intervening in Yemen—expected from culture less peoples w failed economies rife with racism, similar to Israel

Porc Halal

Time for all turds to go to pray to their pedofile lord…


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