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MARCH 2025

Turkey To Likely Purchase Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets To Counter Greece In Mediterranean

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Turkey To Likely Purchase Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets To Counter Greece In Mediterranean

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In recent weeks, Turkey appears to have been showing interest in the purchase of Russian Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets.

These were further reinforced at the Army-2020 forum in Moscow.

In 2019, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey may buy Russian-made Su-35 and Su-57 fighter jets instead of US-made F-35 fighters.

The Turkish president at the time said that the decision was made after he learned the final US word on Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program during a phone conversation with US President Donald Trump. Ankara was booted out of the F-35 program due to its purchase of a Russian S-400 missile defense system. Turkey has since signed a contract for the delivery of a second system.

The US said the “F-35 cannot coexist with a Russian intelligence-collection platform that will be used to learn about its advanced capabilities”. The US maintains that the S-400 is not compatible with NATO systems and threatens the stealth capabilities of the new fighter jets.

“Turkey has hinted, on various occasions, that it would look to Russia,” for new fighter jets, said Aaron Stein, the Director of Research at the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Middle East Program. “The Russians have said that there have been preliminary talks for the Su-35, but those talks do not appear to have ever been advanced, nor do they appear to be active at this moment.”

This is mostly needed since Turkey reportedly is concerned with the escalating situation in the East Mediterranean, with Greece, France, Cyprus and Egypt strongly opposing its drilling ambitions in the area.

Reportedly, After Athens began negotiations with Paris on the acquisition of Rafale fighters for the Greek Air Force, Ankara decided to urgently acquire Russian multipurpose Su-35 of the 4 ++ generation, writes the Greek edition of Pentapostagma.

According to the adviser to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, professor at Bahcesehir University, expert Abdullah Agar Turkey may simply move forward and purchase Russian fighter jets.

He believes that after the purchase of the S-400 by Turkey, there is a high probability that Ankara will take the next step and purchase from Moscow Su-35, even from those available from the Russian Air Force. The Turks are no longer interested in the fifth generation F-35. This is because Turkey simply will not be able to use them because of the US restrictions imposed on them. Washington is unlikely to allow Ankara to use the F-35 against NATO allies.

Agar stressed that Turkish President Recep Erdogan had virtually no choice left. But, despite the differences, Ankara is not going to leave NATO. And if the Turks buy not only the Su-35, but even the Su-57, this will not have a dramatic effect on relations with the United States. And the Americans already know that the Turks are going to buy 40 Su-35s.

At the same time, Russian expert Alexander Sitnikov has no doubts that Ankara needs the Su-35 for a “gas war” with Greece and Egypt. Additionally, presence of such a number of Su-35s will not make them dominant in the Turkish Air Force, which are armed with 240 F-16s.

He is confident that an economic catastrophe is impending in Turkey, so the authorities want to avoid this at the expense of other countries, taking their deposits with raw materials. In addition, Erdogan is being pushed by Turkish nationalists who dream of a “great empire.” As a result, Erdogan’s aggressive rhetoric is already causing outright irritation, and sometimes anger, in half of the planet.


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Lone Ranger

Far better deal than the Flop-35. Albeit I would put safeguards in place as to not use these against Russia or Syria.

Lux et Veritas

With Saudis and UAE training the Kurdish terrorists with Greek and Israeli assistance, I think Turkey will become more dependent on Russia and Iran and will normalize relations with Syria.


nah they are so stupid they are getting ready to fight Assad in idlib lol

Icarus Tanović

And to protect those moderate Wahhabi headchoppers in Idlib.

Icarus Tanović

As soon as they get out of Syria.

Porc Halal

Saudits less likely to train their offspring’s enemy…

saudi offspring = ISIS ISIS enemy = Kurds

Lux et Veritas

It will be the final nail in NATO coffin.




In our balls for NATO. NATO has always been on Turkey’s side. So better to dissolve. If necessary we will make them all whores PUTANA , to make NATO die faster.

cechas vodobenikov

Italians/French, Brits, Chinese, India, Russia, USA all manufacture competent fighter jets–except the f35 scandal. I doubt that this will be decisive

Lux et Veritas

India LOL, what plane would that be?


they have a jet but its characteristics is more of a multi role trainer


We have our own fighter jet but don’t I don’t think it’s that competitive


It can fly…. which is already achievement for country like India.

The main function of that jet is to be used for photo sessions of Indian government … It is much less good for anything else…


Well I mean we were never an air power.We have a strong artil lorry and ground force. We always won when the battle involved ground missions.Thats y the grits recruited Indian troops in their army.

Damien C

This has been on the cards for a while now, either as a threat by Erdogan incase Turkey was removed from the F35 program but also increasingly due to the dire performance of the F35s already deployed by U.S and friends. Quite a few of the F35 potential customers are now exploring other avenues or reining in their interest in F35 to put it on a back burner to see if the U.S can sort out its ever lengthening list of problems


So the news is based on the 2019 interest that never materialized as well as assumption of certain “experts” that Turkey needs them. That is not how purchases work. This particular article is not news just a rumor.


Even though l’m a Putin boy myself I think Turkey should just try to buy anything Britain has to offer, since like it or not, there can never be complete trust between Russia and Turkey because they are too close to each other. Usually geographically close large countries are meant to be rivals. I think some UK Eurofighters and trying to please to London is the only realistic option Erdogan currently has.


Ok! Great idea. What British fighter jets should they buy?

Servet Köseoğlu

eurofighter tranche 3a but ı would go for su-35 anytime…


Eurofighter is not only Brittish…. but Brittofighter is : )


it is mostly british. Anyway they can sell their own if the buyer is paying over the odds. Plus, Boris Johnson is like half turkish or something.


“Most of it” is very far from all…I doubt that “most of it ‘ goes over 40% and maybe even that is too exaggerated. Since Germany , Italy, Spain also participate….

So his Russian name Boris comes from his Turk grandfather? That explains why he walks and acts like big monkey…

Servet Köseoğlu

his grand father was Turk betrayed us fleed like chicken…his mother was russian-jewish Elias Avery Lowe..dreadful combination isnt it?


Just look at him he looks like blond gorilla ! dreadful combination indeed !

Servet Köseoğlu

yes funny guy and kind of scarlet..

Servet Köseoğlu

they offered us 2years ago..but too expensive


I know! It makes one cry and bleeding out of ears when one hears the price!


I wouldn’t consider any Eurofighter as a British plane. Am I wrong in this?

Servet Köseoğlu

partially right but bae had invested and played not minor role at development.


they may buy harriers for their carrier. Eurofighter is very expensive to maintenance ,thats why most users wanna get rid of them .

Servet Köseoğlu

we will not buy harrier for carrier…so you think only jets can fly?


helicopters are bad

alejandro casalegno

A little question……..how Erdogan will pay?????……….the economy is on the brink of collapse, Turkey is living on credit…………


Qatar will chip in for that.


He can always open Turkey for homo-tourism attracting all Western faggots with rich offer and very low prices. He can also take over Jewish controlled pedophilia market

Also he is now probably already offering Libya on sale for the best offer…including the Greek and Cyprus gas in the Mediterranean….. So plenty of options still left for Turds


Like your country will open up for prostitution to pay your nations debt ;)


You are confused….We are not India we do not treat our own people like shit..

alejandro casalegno

Greece is the paradise for cocksuckers tourist……..a endless fag history..


Turkey has gold and a helluva lot of gas transit dumbass,besides china gives loans at rates that put european homosexuaks out of buisness,so much for gake deutch bonds,imf hikes and sht! Smart moneys where its at dumbass gimp,not your hyperinflated up ye ass euro ponzi scams!


they can’t go wrong buying the russian jets and will have an advantage against anything the greeks can put up, or israel as well for that matter.


Unfortunately for Greece I am afraid they will go for upgrading latest upgrades for F-16 -which is logical) and most probably for Flop-35 the “flying brick” ( which is not reasonable ) to answer on SU-35 (and that will be very bad answer) because neither of those jets would be adequate answer for SU-35


Greece will get 18 Rafale soon. Greece will upgrade 84 F16 to Viper edition,mostly to face the core of turkish f16 fleet. If Greece will buy some F35 it will be about only a political relationship buy.


The smart thing there if f35s,only if greece gets parts manufacture going or fail HUGE!

Angry Birds

This only means HAF enjoys air superiority over Aegian sea and Turks have grown desperate knowing they can’t have the upper hand there xD

If Putin forces them once more to buy high end goodies from Russia then US will immediately dispatch latest version of F15 to Greece. In fact I doubt Su35 will ever operate in west Turkey or the Aegian sea :))

PS aviation week has released an LM chart showing future F35 deliveries for customers. Greece gets 12 till the end of the decade, Turkey none :)))


F-15EX would be the best option since Eurofighter is far too expensive Flop-35 is not match in any sense of the word

Angry Birds

HAF will rely on F16 V ( block 70 ) . Most of the current fleet of F16s are being upgraded to that latest variant while the remaining block 50 aircrafts will be upgraded to block 52 + as well

The F35s will undertake specific missions bombing undetected valuable assets and strategic targets deep in Turkish territory. Together with the French Rafale sporting BVR meteor missiles which will be delivered soon will simple dominate the battlefield. Now if Turkey responds with buying Su35 I expect US to station F15s in Greece so that western platforms are in control.


I would watch out for those S-400 if I were you


the position of S400 will be delivered to Greece ,live ,by satellite of Israel or France.


I could agree with that, even if you put US in the mix; I would not call it impossible.


You got nothing on the truth eu-epp p00sti,no wonder greece has no drachma!


I wouldn’t worry so much for S-400, without protection from SHORAD systems like Tor/Pantsir are vulnerable, but the most important thing is that the turkish S-400 are not networked with all the other western systems and radars, which make their operation limited and in many areas they will be blind, and they will have trouble distinguish friendly from foe. Greece has SCALP-EG that can be fired either from Mirage or the newly acquired Rafales and they can kill the system safely from long range, and buying also the French FDI frigates(Belh@rra) armed with the MdCN as the Hellenic navy requested and France approved will make it even easier.


Get you hand off it goy boy! Heterosexual russian systems out shine you p00fs! Sorry p00sties,but you see in reality greece had a no poof not allowed policy, nowdays though it seems too many perry lame fascist snowfkakes vy for incests! Vere p00sties shames on you zio gutless wonders,wasting taxes on bullfknsht!


Lol what? Who are you Mr turkishlover?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

apparently yet another miserable & hopeless iraniroach larping as a western ” jimi james ” LMAO


The way I see it, I agree with you that:

“not networked”with the rest of defense systems is the biggest problem for the Turk S-400



FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

iranirat seriously butthurt with US and israeli F35 bombing non stop their proxies & their infrastructure at home LOL


I think Greece is set to be fully armed from ears to toes by France only from now on. And for a good reason since the frenchies are the only ones putting their money where their big mouth is. While others play dumb.

Removil Pedro Mata

I wouldn´t bet on that since weapon´s cost a lot and France is in nead of the money, Raffale ain´t match fro none. The only place France put´s he´s mputh if in África by looting anf arrassing government´s that doesn´t agree with their looting.


For a start, 10 billion will be given for new equipment.


Greece will get 18 Rafale . I arent think Turks will buy Su35. They know that without America they are nothing . It is another blackmail by them to US in order to put them back in the F35 program.

But still Erdogan said they will build their TFX soon. Then they will conquer space too .

big lebowski

Not just over the Aegean. This is a game changer, 18 Rafale can disintegrate the entire Turkish navy over the Eastern Med or Cyprus: https://www.mapdevelopers.com/draw-circle-tool.php?circles=%5B%5B1850741%2C35.193731%2C25.3296661%2C%22%23AAAAAA%22%2C%22%23000000%22%2C0.4%5D%5D

big lebowski

Heck HAF could even fly some bombing sorties in Syria just to piss them off.


Boeings work,f35 = homosexual fallacy based on lies and deceptions,iran tracked them too!


Pity Israel week after week bombs iran in Syria and Iraq without any lose. Must be Iran is extremely dumb, incompetent or the F 35 are untouchable.

James Adams

wait why is Russia selling Turkey stuff when there pretty much at war in Syria? Or what happened about orthodox brotherhood? I guess Russia is just like the USA when it comes to that


Since when did you ever give a rats arse about christ or russia or greece you homosexual rant? Brotherhood is eminent,you neo-liberal demonic possesed sick fks are infact of the living dead!

Tommy Jensen


cechas vodobenikov

false equivalence –they do not teach symbolic logic in your trailer park?


Even though the article implies buying Russian aircraft to take on the greeks I believe the real reason that the Turks want these aircraft is economic.

Turkey has an aerospace industry and makes advanced affordable drones. They built their F-16 fleet under licence and were a big supplier under the F-35 program. The F-16 program is done and they lost the F-35 contracts. They’ve been rejected by the EU and are in economic troubles. They badly need their aerospace industry and building SU-35’s and SU-57 under licence or in partnership with Russia benefits both cash starved nations.

big lebowski

Just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to president erdogun for his continued effort to destroy turkey :D


The best fighter to get the Turks, they can not reach us in skills and bravery. They should know that this is how our minds turn upside down … Ernogan’s SCALP is only 18 minutes away (timed) for a Greek Miraz. Let the Turks not forget that we have the best pilots, both in NATO and in the world. Consider why the Israelis are coming for co-education in Iniochos. Only the hawks of our PA have the ability and the cohorts to go down to the Negev desert and put up with the Israelis, that’s why the latter call us. Understand this, you idiots … the Hellenic Air Force can strike from Istanbul to Ankara and then the opponents will find out. If TuAF wants to try its luck with the “hawks” of HAF, let’s go to TLP, BLUE FLAG, TIGER MEET. For the time the mongols “playing” with Azeris and Pakistanis and editing shots. The Ataturk Dam in the east shows signs of congestion .. What would you say to the Tatar-Mongols for a big “blockage” ???


Servet Köseoğlu

easy boy…war is not going to happen…


Turkey does not want war., not the Hellenic people. Turkey has learned so far to get what it wants with threats. But now we want war. A war that lasts a long time … and not a few hours or days Let Ernogan and the others think BEFORE they start asking for the Greek islands. Generalized and BLOODY war will now take place !! And not only hot episodes. !!ANY CONFLICT WILL NOT END WITHIN HOURS AND WILL NOT BE LEFT ONLY IN THE AREA THAT WILL BE CHOOSED BY THE TURKS. GREECE CAN WIN THE WAR

Servet Köseoğlu

you want war?great..but unfortunately you are no longer in position to take decision..if your big brothers decide then yes you can start it…ps:improve your english,you are a good boy..enjoy life..there are lots of ways to get over this problem..


Who told you that I do not decide ?? Yesterday, Trump also warned that everything in the Mediterranean would become poutana.

Servet Köseoğlu

trump is farting again…dialogue,infinite eu funds,some little touch to visa policy can do miracles..believe me..


If you want dialogue okay … but we will start the dialogue from the islands of Imbros and Tenados, what do you say about that ??

Servet Köseoğlu

not me both sides and 3rd even the others want dialogue..war is not option..Imbros and Tenados?? well you can come visit me and drink my rakı, we can go to fishing..then you can go back to your home safely…


And you can go back to your home safely too (still). Right around there :


Icarus Tanović

Missed you, man, here.


Τhanks pal. This is where you ll find me usually. I think you can translate on chrome.



Russian and ozi pilots are better,though you can disregard the ozis because they lacketh truth? You serve peace or die in vain,as history shows in destrying their own (debts) they seeked for the better race (heterosexuals) SECRETS OF THE DEAD: Wisen up cia/stinkers!


I hope they don’t sell to Turkey aka Europe’s biggest enemy right now. It would be very short-sighted.

Raptar Driver

I’m with Peter. Never trust a?

Ivan Freely

A woman, a man that don’t drink and a Turk.

Raptar Driver

Correct. In this case I meant the Turk.


What is going to do with the air plains, he’s got no pilots? Playing in his multi billion home whil 25% of the Turks are hungry ? He sacked them, licked them up, killed them like he did with several 100 000 more. And he has no money to pay. Already lots of AKP members asked and got dispensation of armed service. The Sultan asked his generals to sink a Greek ship they intelligently refused the crazy one, then he asked to down a Greek plain they also refused. Luckily the Turkish generals are far more smarter then Erdodolf. But because of this Europe and the US changed their attitude, by now everybody knows this guy is no less as a danger like Stalin, Mao or Hitler. He is b He will start war but we will be ready.

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