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Turkey Vows To Deploy HISAR-A Air-Defense System Along Broder With Syria

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Turkey Vows To Deploy HISAR-A Air-Defense System Along Broder With Syria

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The Turkish military will deploy a locally-made air-defense system along the border with Syria, Turkey’s President Receipt Tayyip Erdogan announced on February 5.

Erdogan made the announcement during the opening ceremony for a new ammunition facility in central Turkey’s Kırıkkale province.

According to several sources, Erdogan said that the HISAR-A system will be deployed along the border to address what he called a “gap.” The Turkish president didn’t provide any further details on the matter.

The HISAR-A low-altitude air-defense system was developed for the Turkish military by defense contractors ASELSAN and ROKETSAN. The system, which has a range of 15 km only, is based on an FNSS ACV-30 tracked vehicle chassis armed with four vertical launched.

The Hisar-A has its own mast-mounted KALKAN Air Defence Radar and an electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) system, allowing it to operate as an independent standalone system without the need to operate as a battery.

The air-defense system will likely be deployed near the Syrian province of Idlib, where several Turkish military posts are located. Earlier, Erdogan threatened the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with a military action if it doesn’t withdraw from specific parts of Idlib.

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klove and light

fuckém those Zionist controleld turkish child and sheep fuckers


Turkey has been an Israeli puppet since 1948, even recognized them without hesitation.

The Man

Hey erDOGan… Go back to to your sty, you dirty Turd Turk! And take Mehment Mustafa with you!


A foreign occupier asking the national armed forces of the land they occupy to withdraw. Now of that ain’t rich, I don’t what is.

Concrete Mike

The hypocrisy is astounding!!!

I wonder what regular ahmed in the streets ankara thinks of all this.

Funny we havent heard a peep from them.


Will be dangerous against slow moving SyAAF helicopters, but experienced SAA fighter pilots flying fast jets might not have a problem if they have countermeasures against Infrared


Saraqib city besieged from 3 sides, SAA moving to besiege it from the North. 4 TSK observation posts inside the pocket. That means 10 TSK posts total will be besiege by SAA if saraqib liberated. OMG TORKIYE STRONK ?

Smith Ricky

Syria should invade Istanbul or ankara after Idlib, starting with Hatay, its only fair.

Assad must stay

yea can u imagine erdogan would be shitting his pants having a heart attack hahahaha

Smith Ricky

That would be gold ?

The Man

He’s running around like someone who’s just poked a pile of stale shit and the ants are running about everywhere… priceless… he must truly be shitting tiny sausages all over the place and no sooner does he change his undies, he has to change them again… ha ha!!!

Assad must stay


Xoli Xoli

That is the initial Idea.Let him get heart attack or shit his pants the bloody fool pig.

Black Waters

It’s Erdogan the one to blame to suck so hard the cock from the western gestapo, every action has a reaction, they started it by invading Syria, they may lose everything for it, they went all in.

Mustafa Mehmet

? ?


Those al queda air defence systems are good as props for the next battle star galactica movie..

James Kira

Ahaha, almost every article on southfront is about Turkey.

Turkey basically represents The People in Syria and around the world against the zionist and capitalist regimes and their stooge armies.

Stooge Armies: 1. afghan cia govt 2. sisi regime 3. asshead crescent (iran asshead fatrullah sistani) 4. saudi traitors 5. kikerael 6. axis drunkards (putin xi bolsonaro) 7. americunt bases 8. cucked european brit/am nations

The Resistance/Revolutionaries/Rebels/Jedis 1. Afghan Taliban 2. AlQaeda Global 3. HayatTahrirSham

Islamic Neutrals/Lukewarms 1.Turkey 2. Pakistan 3. Malaysia 4. Indonesia 5. Qatar

Smith Ricky

They represent Zionist isreal, turkey number one nato ally dont you forgot that.

James Kira

ok jewboy who lives in jewmerica.

sure your trump says he supports Turkey, but he just wants iraq to war with iran.

Turkey just wanted an inhouse air defense and ripped them from both nato cucks and axis cunts (whats the diff?).

James Kira

I forgot to add the useless crowdsourced zoomers that dont even have milkmoney for southfront and their selfhating aliases, and western (jewish) ip addresses.




Qatar is neutral xD

Black Waters

Fool!! They are following Israel’s big plans of expansion, you don’t understand right? Turkey its a PAWN! Fodder cannon!, once they sacrifice all turks they will have fresh units to fight, but for them Turkey it’s only a fodder cannon.

James Kira

Ive been to Turkey and Iran so I know what Im talking about you jewboy from americunt.

Black Waters

You don’t know shit, i don’t even know if you’re a troll or a bot, probably a dumbass. To speak like that to someone that you don’t even know you have to be really ignorant.

The choice of words that you use are childish, i don’t see any kind of point talking with an infant. You shouldn’t come here if you are a kid, isn’t the place to teach manners to a kid.

James Kira

ok “black” (paranoia)

btw Im 44.

Im teaching you:

1. About Turkey 2. That bots and trolls are assheadists (bots dont really exist on southfront and everyone trolls their take) 3. Ive been accused by assheadists of being jew to kid to kikesis, but my point is that assheadists are the jews in behavior and manners 4. GenX know a lot more than zoomers because we are inbetween two generations 5. Im open to learning and being taught but kids these days try to teach what they dont know (theyve been brainwashed to think that what zoomers say is fact) 6. Refer back to 2 and loop it until you are ready to understand Turkey and anything about the ME. 7. Sheik Osama(rh) is AlYamani

Black Waters

Hahaha, Wtf did i just read?

Jesus… well, at least you made me laugh.

James Kira

Did you know that Imam Ali(as) says that when you laugh, you are stupid.

^Real Hadith


So you spent a weekend in each country? Gotta hand it to ya, takes me a lot longer to figure stuff out.

James Kira

Yes, I made Hijra by this, unlike those who settle in australia.

And I supported Syria in a time when Basij were instructed to remove Syrian flags in Iran.

And I supported Russia years before Iranians thought to.


How exactly did you support them? Financially? Waving a flag? Clapping your hands?

James Kira

You dont remember me on ShiaChat do you? In about 2008 when noone was supporting Russia. It was me who started it by power of Allah(swt).

Then you assheadists jumped on the bandwagon and rode my wake.

Just like that geezer khamenei rode Imam Khomeini(rh)s wake and booted Dr. Ahmadinejad. We will never forgive you apostate iranians.

You f7ckers are clapping your hands on my wake, and looking at me as if Im the hand clapper.

“AlQuran says that anyone who looks down upon another wrongly, Allah(swt) will make the accuser become the accused.”

The Objective

You are dead right, but I think it was wrong for Erdogan to join forces and share the same goal as the U.S.A in Syria. Any Muslim country allied with the U.S in any war regardless of its justification will provoke a global Muslim anger against it. Erdogan made that mistake.

A careful observation of Turkey’s actions show that they are against U.S middle east agendas in the long run. Erdogan has no problem with Iran supplying hezbollah through Syria. Turkey and Israel are bitter enemies due to the palestinian issue. But Turkey wants a Sunni government in Syria because Sunnis are an overwhelming majority and they want a change of leadership. Iran and Assad, being shiites, do not like this. Shiites are fundamentally against Sunnis. If you doubt this, observe carefully Iran’s actions regarding its support for Muslims fighting the US and Israel around the world. You will notice that they provide military and financial support only or primarily to the shiite factions even if the Sunni armed factions are an overwhelming majority, like in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Palestine.

Iran’s Muslim cause is not a just cause and is doomed to fail. It is good that the U.S took out one of their generals so they will know who the real enemy is. Qaseem Soleimani was leading the war against the Taliban from Iran. He was fighting alongside the U.S during the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. It is justice by Allah that he was killed by them. And make no mistake, the U.S will soon destroy Iran. Shiism being a major deviation from Pure Islam will not prevail in their quest to corrupt the pure deen. They have been trying for about 40 years now to spread their revolution, but that has not happened – not even in Iraq their next door shiite neighbor despite the overthrow of Saddam. It is enough evidence to anyone that they do not have the support of Allah. If they had Allah’s support, the muslim world would be led by them today in the great struggle against the godless west.

Turkey is the only Muslim country who is being sincere in their effort to revive the glory of the Islamic world. Shiites will not bring about this. They have never done this in their history and they are not about to do so now. It has been “ALWAYS” pious “SUNNI” Muslim leaders that have emerged to liberate the Islamic World from oppression throughout history. It won’t be any different this time. Iran is just wasting its time. they will soon get crushed by the U.S.A – which will be a good thing as payback for their relentless war against Sunni Muslims.

Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, and Oman have become traitors and cowards at a time when Muslims need liberation from oppression. The common Muslim population is not afraid to fight, but the leaders are. Thankfully, these traitors are bitter enemies with Iran (another enemy of pure Islam). Shiites, led by Iran, will fight alone against the U.S.A, Israel, NATO (excluding Turkey), and the treacherous rulers of the Sunni Muslim world (except for Egypt, and maybe Oman). Since Iran is well armed and nuclear capable, these will destroy each other. The regimes in these Muslim countries will fall following such a war as they are not even popular with the general Muslim ummah. America’s position in the Middle East will be very weakened, and so will Israels (that is if anything remains of it). With these evil forces and regimes removed, Islam can grow again in its pure form.

I SEE ALLAH HAS LINED UP THESE ENEMIES OF ISLAM FOR SELF DESTRUCTION. My only problem is the number of innocents that will die before such a major change can occur.

James Kira

Ameen to Islam in its pure form, barah on murderers like putin and sectarians like khamenei, InShahAllah(swt) Turkey will become more pure, and JazakAllah(swt)Khair for your words.

The Objective

You are dead right, but I think it was wrong for Erdogan to join forces and share the same goal as the U.S.A in Syria. Any Muslim country allied with the U.S in any war regardless of its justification will provoke a global Muslim anger against it. Erdogan made that mistake.

A careful observation of Turkey’s actions show that they are against U.S middle east agendas in the long run. Erdogan has no problem with Iran supplying hezbollah through Syria. Turkey and Israel are bitter enemies due to the palestinian issue. But Turkey wants a Sunni government in Syria because Sunnis are an overwhelming majority and they want a change of leadership. Iran and Assad, being shiites, do not like this. Shiites are fundamentally against Sunnis. If you doubt this, observe carefully Iran’s actions regarding its support for Muslims fighting the US and Israel around the world. You will notice that they provide military and financial support only or primarily to the shiite factions even if the Sunni armed factions are an overwhelming majority, like in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Palestine.

Iran’s Muslim cause is not a just cause and is doomed to fail. It is good that the U.S took out one of their generals so they will know who the real enemy is. Qaseem Soleimani was leading the war against the Taliban from Iran. He was fighting alongside the U.S during the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. It is justice by Allah that he was killed by them. And make no mistake, the U.S will soon destroy Iran. Shiism being a major deviation from Pure Islam will not prevail in their quest to corrupt the pure deen. They have been trying for about 40 years now to spread their revolution, but that has not happened – not even in Iraq their next door shiite neighbor despite the overthrow of Saddam. It is enough evidence to anyone that they do not have the support of Allah. If they had Allah’s support, the muslim world would be led by them today in the great struggle against the godless west.

Turkey is the only Muslim country who is being sincere in their effort to revive the glory of the Islamic world. Shiites will not bring about this. They have never done this in their history and they are not about to do so now. It has been “ALWAYS” pious “SUNNI” Muslim leaders that have emerged to liberate the Islamic World from oppression throughout history. It won’t be any different this time. Iran is just wasting its time. they will soon get crushed by the U.S.A – which will be a good thing as payback for their relentless war against Sunni Muslims.

Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, and Oman have become traitors and cowards at a time when Muslims need liberation from oppression. The common Muslim population is not afraid to fight, but the leaders are. Thankfully, these traitors are bitter enemies with Iran (another enemy of pure Islam). Shiites, led by Iran, will fight alone against the U.S.A, Israel, NATO (excluding Turkey), and the treacherous rulers of the Sunni Muslim world (except for Egypt, and maybe Oman). Since Iran is well armed and nuclear capable, these will destroy each other. The regimes in these Muslim countries will fall following such a war as they are not even popular with the general Muslim ummah. America’s position in the Middle East will be very weakened, and so will Israels (that is if anything remains of it). With these evil forces and regimes removed, Islam can grow again in its pure form.

I SEE ALLAH HAS LINED UP THESE ENEMIES OF ISLAM FOR SELF DESTRUCTION. My only problem is the number of innocents that will die before such a major change can occur.

Iranians are cowards. I just read a news that their supreme leader is encouraging “the WEAK PALESTINIANS” to rise up and fight a jihad against trump’s deal of the century. What cowardice and hypocrisy! for God’s sake who is in a better position to declare and wage war against the US and Israel? Is it Iran or Palestine? Why is Iran hesitating to launch its missiles against the U.S forces and Israel if they really intended to fight? they didn’t directly kill a single american even after their most popular general was killed. That is why I call them cowards fighting a war they won’t win. If Iran truly believed in the support of Allah, and put their trust in him, they will start a war against Islam’s enemies immediately. But what they do today is just politics while secretly spreading Shiism in Sunni Nations. thankfully, they are not having any meaningful success for all these efforts.

High Marshal Helbrect

https://youtu.be/AIe8tl-ugao check this out


That vid is hardly edited, I would need a second source to believe that


The vehicles that Russian helicopters are flying over are Turkish and Russian from the joint patrol


Brilliant, Thank you.

Xoli Xoli

Clear evidence thank you.

Concrete Mike

Buzz buzzz buzzz


Erdogan is out of bellicose vows


Every time he opens his mouth it’s more and more absurd! He is turning into little Adolf!

Assad must stay

guided artillery can knock these out right? and surface to surface missiles?


until they do this on the turkish side, NO PROBLEMO!


So they are “vowing” to deploy an AD system in their own country – wow! Were they thinking that they need someone’s permission for that? Yeah, I can vow to deploy my lawnmower on my own lawn too!

Jay v.

The operational range and no fly zone goes 20km into Syrian territory..enough to cover Idlib city airspace. That’s why assdoggie and Putin rushed to consolidate their gains in aleppo.. it exceeds the range of 20km.. not that I am sure it has been deployed or notalready, but for now they are using stingers


I wonder how well it defends against being stonked by a katyuska

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