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MARCH 2025

Turkey’s Proxies Opened Fire At Russian Patrol On M4 Highway In Syria (Video)

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You can read this article in German. LINK

On December 20, Turkish-backed militants opened fire at a patrol of the Russian Military Police, which was moving to reopen the M4 highway in northeastern Syria.

The patrol, which set off from the town of Ain Issa in northern Raqqa, was tasked with escorting a convoy of civilian vehicles along the M4 highway.

The M4 links Raqqa with al-Hasakah and Aleppo. Six months ago, the highway was reopened by the Russian Military Police. However, the highway was later closed again as a result of intense Turkish shelling on Ain Issa.

“Factions loyal to Ankara deliberately opened machine gun fire at the Russian patrol eastern of Ain Issa,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a report. “The patrol responded to the sources of fire and traffic [on the highway] stopped as a result.”

The Ministry of Defense of Russia has not commented on the incident so far. Turkish-backed militants are directly commanded by the Turkish military and intelligence.

The incident came two days after a Turkish-led attack on Ain Issa. The attack, which violated two separate ceasefire agreement Ankara signed with the U.S. and Russia, was a failure. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) held onto their positions around the town.

The Russian Military Police and several Syrian Arab Army units are situated in a series of positions inside and around Ain Issa to monitor the ceasefire.

Russia is reportedly pressuring the SDF into handing over Ain Issa and its surroundings to the Damascus government. The move will supposedly prevent a Turkish invasion of the region. Recent reports said the Kurdish-led group is about to accept the Russian proposal.


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Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Favourite news source of Southfront these days

Jens Holm

At least they are relative sober. The main problem is, SF and we dont get much from anybody else.

I sometimes read Syria live ua but what they bring those days are only fragments, where very much is not to rely on with too many oneliners.


I think that site is based only on tweets






bitchute com/channel/doom_guard/


Guy Metdrapedes

Heil Twitler








Russia has lost much more territory than Germany so what !?! Do you hear Russians ever complaining? Sean you are neo-NAZI and white supremacist. Do NOT POST any more of you CRAP to me ever again!!! I hate Soros, but I hate fascist rats like you that are fighting Russia (one of rare countries to oppose Jew- liberal internationalist globalism )


Again, you have no argument and no evidence whatsoever. Your comment had very little to do with anything I stated and you have no authority over me, so don’t say foolish things you don’t have the spine to say to people in person. In fact your unprovoked anger is not unlike jewish people who don’t take their psychotropic drugs, their dark feminine nature does result in erratic behaviour.

Then you resort to childish accusations of being a “CIA shill” when you ironically resort to Nazbol talking points that can only result in the elimination of human diversity, first by dissolving white people in Europe and elsewhere with 3rd world immigrants so they cease to exist. Judging from your appearance, you’re a brown person pretending to be an east European.

You have a confirmation bias and do not have the cognitive ability to change your mind when presented with evidence that conflicts with your anti-white, Communist worldview.


I’ve done the reading and you have not, if you had any sense you wouldn’t be freaking out like some mentally ill bitch on her period.

Something you should keep in mind: https://archive.org/details/DaleCarnegieHowToWinFriendsAndInfluencePeopleFullAudioBookChunk1



You shouldn’t expect a polite response when you make vulgar replies, I admit my own responses haven’t been constructive either. This is a time of year when people are supposed to be happy, we both played a hand in souring the mood.


Your response is based on nothing more than believing in false information that is inconsistent with the facts, the contrived caricature of what you think you oppose has very little to do with the reality of the matter. Everyone is lied to about history which is certainly written by the victors to falsely present themselves as the righteous element in the conflict. The conclusion of that war facilitated the possibility of overwhelming nations in Europe and some other continents with ethnic erasure by population replacement through immigration, this is corroborated by admissions made by individuals like Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and many others like him who have either explicitly admitted or implied this was their intention.


You forget that Russia was multiracial as it is today, they have much more land than Germany ever had. Your point is illogical and idiotic, all you do is resort to childish tantrums and ignore verifiable facts that contradict your judeo-marxist worldview. Putin was raised by jews, is pro-jewish and it’s illegal to oppose them in Russia.

You do not have the moral high ground, I have the evidence and can prove my point, unlike shills such as yourself who only resort to name calling and reiterating the lies shoved down your throat since childhood.



Tell me how your claims have any basis in reality beyond the nonsense you say over and over without any evidence to support it, your country’s people may eventually cease to exist and they will become genetically assimilated with Africans and Asians from several 3rd world countries.


But of course you cannot debate me because you are a spineless coward who lied about being native to Europe and have no proof other than senseless ramblings and temper tantrums about how wrong you think I am, even though I presented the facts and you have nothing to prove me wrong other than childishly insisting that I am wrong.

Instead of calmly and rationally debating me, you freak out like a maniac and proceed to erratically spew hate-filled garbage that is a projection of your own inner ugliness.

There is nothing concrete behind anything you’ve said, you made inaccurate assumptions about me and you confuse caricatures with reality. A lot of what 3rd world shit holes falsely say about Whites is already applicable to the majority of those living in 3rd world countries, sticking to communist nonsense that lies about history.

If they were in the “west’s” own situation, they would be no less mercy whatsoever. They don’t care about fairness, they hold onto a worldview of “survival of the fittest” that is consistent with the natural order. When have you seen a Muslim or any other people condemn what their ancestors did to others, except for the Japanese? Never has this happened, only Whites and Japanese are subjected to this marxist psychological abuse of self-hatred. And all the under-men of the world are falling into the jew’s laps in return for meaningless material trinkets that can never bring everlasting happiness, their low moral character is self-evident by their pernicious words and immoral behaviour.


You’re essentially buying into Nazbol Duginism.


Alexander Dugin 4th Political Theory Exposed https://archive.org/details/alexanderdugin4thpoliticaltheoryexposedfullswayguevara_201911


The only way someone can be a “white supremacist” is to rule over someone who isn’t white. I will further add you don’t know anything about Fascism or National Socialism, the former wasn’t racial at all and the latter was German nationalism rather than white nationalism.

Conflating White nationalism with White “supremacy” is what the jews do to ensure that no group of Whites are racially homogeneous, only White people are forbidden to have in-group racial preference while everyone else is encouraged to have a racial in-group preference for their own people.

Showing verifiable historical facts that the neo-Marxist world order likes to hide is falsely considered as “White supremacy”, the same applies to verifiable racial differences in physiology, intelligence and human behaviour.


Everything you said about me on here is applicable to yourself, due to your sub-conscious projection. Russia was an imperial project, Germany wasn’t. “Reich” translates to “realm”, not “empire”.

You think it’s okay for Russia to take other people’s land, but not okay for Germany to take back their own historical homelands. It’s as if you think Russia does no wrong, even though it is self-evidently globalist and under the thumb of the jewiish globalist doctrine.

The double-standards you Eurasianists hold only go to show you only care when you are on the receiving end. At the end of the day, Might does make Right.


“Militaristic” Germany? As this recent Canadian newspaper chart shows, the notion that Germany has been a particularly warlike country is a myth. Of the 278 wars fought by Europeans between 1480 and 1940, Germany was involved in only eight percent. The most “warlike” countries were England, France and Spain. (This information is also given in A Study of War by Prof. Quincy Wright, cited in R. F. Keeling, Gruesome Harvest [1992], pp. 131-132.)

If anything, Germans have suffered disproportionately as victims of war. During the devastating Thirty Years War, 1618-1648, at least one·third and as much as three-fifths of the German people lost their lives. Some historians estimate that this protracted conflict reduced Germany’s population from 17 million to eight million. Many cities and whole regions were laid waste.

During the First and Second World Wars, Allied propaganda portrayed Germans as pathologically aggressive and “war loving.” Today, American television helps to keep alive this hateful stereotype.”



Eurasianism is nothing more than judeo-marxist lies intended to justify Russian imperialism and complete erasure of Russia’s European population to render it weak and submissive towards jewish internationalist supremacy:



White “Supremacy”:

March of the Titans, Chapter 5: https://archive.is/NCYSj#selection-379.1-379.31

Rig Veda: https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rigveda/rvi01.htm


Aryan Migration Theory upheld by two new genetic studies: https://archive.is/https://scroll.in/article/936872/two-new-genetic-studies-upheld-aryan-migration-theory-so-why-did-indian-media-report-the-opposite

Aryan: https://www.youtube.com/c/Survivethejive/search?query=aryan





White “supremacy” because everyone expects higher moral standards from white people than anyone else, somewhere in the back of their minds they think of whites as “superior” no matter what whites do or say. Everyone but the jews are brainwashed to think the exact opposite, yet that never seems to work.




German nationalism isn’t pan-White nationalism.


The only racial kind of Fascism was British, except for some changes in Italy after Hitler convinced Mussolini in 1938:






A platform that’s overwhelmingly in favour of Cultural Marxism, whilst condeming National Socialism and White People overall is by no means “Hitler”.


Not true. CIA impersonates NAZI’s and CIA is integral part of deep state and direct supporter of (NAZI’s since 1945) neo-NAZI’s in Ukraine (and so many other fascist regimes in the past mostly in Latin America). Cultural Marxism-multiculturalism is used as weapon. They are fighting against white people in US because they attack family, patriotism,Nation, Christianity and all other traditional values embodied mostly in whites (in US) Creation of “European Union” was Hitler’s, NAZI internationalist idea and project Fascist and communists are INTERNATIONALIST ideologies and that is why Jews use those ideologies (together with multiculturalism) against patriots-conservatives in the Western world with objective to destroy nation-states in the Western world. Fascist movement in Europe was directly supported by CIA since the 1945 (Gladio) Communism and fascism are same internationalist crap working together now with liberal globalists against sovereignty and integrity of the nation-states.


Are you listening to yourself? You assumed I’m a “troll” for disagreeing with you with no evidence whatsoever, you made an unreasonable assumption and cannot fathom the fact that there are people who happen to know things that you don’t. You are clearly not a happy person, you should try dealing with your problems constructively instead of lashing out at others.


Russia and the west go as far as blaming some of their own war crimes on Germany and criticizing the denial of a genocide, while Russia denies the Holodomor and other genocides carried out by the GPU and its successor the NKVD. They also ban holocaust denial, whilst continuing to either deny or downplay large-scale genocides of their own making.

Putin’s father served in an NKVD destruction battalion and bans all speech and material that conflicts with Soviet wartime propaganda which is full of more holes than the Anglo-American post-war narrative.

Neither have moral superiority over the defeated in WWII, nor are there are any German plans to exterminate any group of people, unlike the Soviets, British and Americans. See ‘Germany Must Perish!’ by (✡️) tribe member Theodore N. Kaufman (a plan to sterilize all Germans to prevent them from ever procreating again that was excluded from the Morgenthau plan at the last minute) and Soviet propagandist (✡️) Ilya Erinberg who literally wrote to Red Army soldiers in leaflets to rob, rape and murder German civilians. See ‘Stalin’s War of Extermination’ by Joachim Hoffman.

The Red Army had almost no sense of honour and were the splitting image of what they thought of Germany, which ironically showed more generosity to POWs and civilians in occupied territories than American and Soviets forces, with some exceptions on the American side and sometimes on the British side in the case of British and American defence lawyers who remarked on the complete absence of impartial justice in the Nuremberg show trials that were just as corrupt as the Soviet show trials in the Great Purge.


Fascism is different from National Socialism, the Corporatist system elects technical experts from different economic sectors that function as state-controlled unions whose non-governmental members have a say in national economical and social policies in their respective field. They also took part in labour disputes with government oversight in the form of a judge.


And I admit I didn’t read your entire comment before commenting, I didn’t want to get pissed off. And sorry for going full retard and sperging you with spam.

Either way, Russia and China also signed onto UN Agenda 2030.

As for Fascists and Nazis, I think that mainly applies to the Duginist Nazbol angle. Only Mosley’s Fascism had any racial aspect, until Italy introduced laws against race mixing in 1938.

I think Hitler only intended to wage war against the Soviet Union for lebansrum and to destroy Communism, before relocating the Jews to the east instead of killing them or other people, which is why he tried to arrange things with Poland before invading after German civilians in Poland starting getting shot. I still think it was a bad idea to consider invading Russia, although it’s very possible the USSR could have ended up invading at a later time.


RT also uses the .com proprietor, as does Russian Insider that is littered with commie trolls.


Too much slave “morality”:

[They] dared to invert the aristocratic value equations good = noble = powerful = beautiful = happy = favored-of-the-gods, and maintain, with the furious hatred of the underprivileged and impotent, that “only the poor, the powerless, are good; only the suffering, sick, and ugly, truly blessed. But you noble and mighty ones of the earth will be, to all eternity, the evil, the cruel, the avaricious, the godless, and thus the cursed and damned! ON THE GENEALOGY OF MORALITY, NIETZSCHE (1887)



And sorry for my previous rudeness, fighting fire with fire toward your own rudeness is ineffective. Gladio occurred in the 1960-70s, White Nationalists like George Lincoln Rockwell lacked knowledge of the original movement due to mass censorship during and after the war.

Kyle and Sinead do have sour personalities (I like to call Renegade Tribune RT Florida), but do repost informative content:

(Videos) Dublin, Ireland is Being Overrun by Violent African Savages: http://www.renegadetribune.com/videos-dublin-is-being-overrun-by-african-savages/

Hitler Was NOT Controlled Opposition (6 Parts): http://www.renegadetribune.com/?s=Hitler+Was+NOT+Controlled+Opposition

The Lies of Christopher Bjerknes, 4 Parts – Hitler Was NOT a Zionist Dupe: http://www.renegadetribune.com/?s=The+Lies+of+Christopher+Bjerknes



It is ✡️️, which is the exact opposite of “Nazism”.


Israel is is everything they do apartheid-NAZI like regime. They oppress Arab Palestinians and deprive them of their basic rights.


I deleted my previous account and never said anything in favour of Israel, in fact my message had nothing to do with supporting Israel. As for my claiming my account is “false”, you have no basis to make that claim and made baseless assumptions about myself and the point I made based on nothing but something you imagined in your mind.

All I stated was that Jchewish supremacists are in charge and sent a link about the history that led to WW2. You seem mentally unstable, take some medication or something. At least see a therapist to learn how to control your completely unprovoked anger and inferiority complex.


The “Zionist movement” comes straight from the Old Testament.

“When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them… You shall save nothing alive that breathes… You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…”

— Book of Deuteronomy

In fact, Judaism already contains the idea that not just Palestine, but the entire planet ALREADY belongs to them alone. It’s actually thousands of times worse than “zionism.”


So go ahead and wallow in your misery, you are clearly a very unhappy and person who’s very ignorant of the outside world. Don’t expect any respect when you demonstrate an inability to behave in a civilized manner and unable to think introspectively about yourself and others, as if you somehow have all the answers when you have none. You generally cannot accept the fact that you don’t know everything and are unable to digest anything that is inconsistent with your worldview. The bigot is you and your ingrained apathy.


I deleted my previous account and never said anything in favour of Israel, in fact my message had nothing to do with supporting Israel. In fact both Russia and China are favour of Israel. As for my claiming my account is “false”, you have no basis to make that claim and made baseless assumptions about myself and the point I made based on nothing but a caricature you conjured up on your mind.

All I stated was that Jchewish supremacists are in charge and sent a link about the history that led to WW2. Your irrational response was completely unprovoked, you clearly do not fathom that anything could possibly be different than what you’ve been told. You have a confirmation bias and a blind trust in authority figures and prefer to ignore all evidence that conflicts with your opinion on the matter.


If you haven’t already blocked me, I won’t message you anymore if you don’t respond.


https: // www. bitchute. com/channel/doom_guard/


https: // www. bitchute. com/channel/sotog/



One more thing:

I don’t know why you assumed I agree with Israel’s behaviour; I only have a different opinion which is well-informed, that doesn’t inherently mean I’m intentionally lying. Sorry to bother you.

Revilo P. Oliver: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/510842.Revilo_P_Oliver https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a91b98e0743e521eed6586ee62cdb5e7be34ca0ae073c34d640d3d488de49225.png


Goebbels on the USA: https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb5.htm

“Background: Goebbels began a weekly newspaper called Das Reich in 1940. He generally wrote the lead article each week, in which he took special pride. This essay is dated 9 August 1942. It presents the standard Nazi view of the U.S. as a land with no culture.“

Jens Holm

Yes, a lot of tweets too. they bring much more then here, but often its also thinner with lower credibility.


Yeah the one guy the englishman who has it all about everything.



Jens Holm



One of the European type of “Turks” (thumbnail in your video). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71877e050eb5b228260715157fd5d4e853d6382e81b522638d39a7593fbe2e61.png

Lone Ranger

TOS-1 time again…

Lone Ranger

Wahabinazis will cry and rage ?

Jens Holm

You dont get the Wahabit thing and also say You are above them. I cannot see that. You are both bad but in diferent ways.

Lone Ranger

Ok Karen…

John Wallace





Sultan’s mad dogs expand the territory.


The only thing they “expand” at the moment is each others @sshole. They are senseless cannon fodder, sitting on their butts, not having anybody to decapitate any more. Waiting for their turn to be sent in Jewish Jihad “paradise” with 72 hairy ass orthodox Jew virgins.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, I wonder if it’s just a coincidence the Turks lost one of their drones soon afterwards, did it crash or was it brought down,

“Kobanî: A Turkish drone crashed near a road east of Kobani city, without causing any material or human damage”.

Or could this be the reason the drone had an accident,

“Moments after Turkish shells fell near the Russian base in the town of Ain Issa”.

There’s a picture of the aftermath if you check syrialiveuamaps. And it’s not just Ain Issa copping another Turkish bombardment today, Tall Tamir is also getting some Turkish attention,

“Clashes between the Turkish-backed rebels in the village of Rîhaniyê, Qasmiyê, and Reşîdiyê in the Tel Temir district, the cause of these clashes is the looting of the houses and properties of the citizens. The number of dead and wounded is unknown”.

The last time the Turks attacked Tall Tamir the US flew attack choppers to the town, but they haven’t this time, at least not yet anyway.

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