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Turkey’s S-400 System En Route From Russia: Reports

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Turkey's S-400 System En Route From Russia: Reports

S-400, descriptive image. Click to see full-size.

Cargo planes carrying the first of the Russian S-400 missile defence systems Ankara has purchased from Moscow departed a Russian airbase and are set to arrive in Turkey on Monday or Tuesday (July 15th or 16th), Turkish newspaper Habertürk reported.

Separately, Turkish aviation news website Kokpit reported the same.

The initial S-400 delivery has been sent on two cargo planes from a Russian military base, said Habertürk, and a Russian technical team is set to arrive in Turkey on Monday to oversee installation.

Kokpit added that the shipment had departed from the western Russian city of Tver.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on July 8th said the S-400 air defense missiles were being prepared to be flown to Turkey.

“The preparations for the journey, the loading [of the S-400] is continuing … The S-400 will arrive by planes,” Erdoğan told reporters prior to leaving for Bosnia.

Soner Çağaptay, a Beyer Fellow and Director of Turkish Program at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said he has heard the delivery is slated for July 17th.

The report arrives amid ongoing tensions between Washington and Ankara over Turkey’s planned purchase of the S-400 system. U.S. officials have warned that Turkey would face economic sanctions as well as being expelled from a programme to produce the F-35 fighter jets if it goes through with the purchase.

On July 10th, Turkish Foreign Minister spokesperson Hami Aksoy said that a statement made by the US State Department on July 9th about Turkey’s purchase of the air defense system was incompatible with a previous meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump during the G-20 Osaka summit that took place between June 28-29th.

“The statement made by the US State Department spokesperson on July 9th regarding our procurement of the S-400 air defense system does not conform with the content and spirit of the meeting between the two Presidents at the G20 Summit.

The conditions that led Turkey to procure S400 are well known. President Trump confirmed this at the G20 Summit and made it clear that our country was not fairly treated.

From the very beginning, Turkey has shown a transparent approach on this matter. We have proposed to establish a technical working group, that could include NATO, to address U.S. concerns regarding the potential effects of the S400 system on F35s. However, our proposal has been left unanswered so far.

We call upon the U.S. side to refrain from taking wrong steps, that would harm relations, by excluding diplomacy and dialogue,” Aksoy said.

US State Department spokesperson Megan Ortagus said the following at a press briefing, which Hami Aksoy referred to:

“Our position here at the State Department as it relates to Turkey and the S-400 has not changed. We – again, everybody knows – the Turkish authorities know – the legislation that has been passed in Congress as it relates to CAATSA, and all of that remains the same. We have said that Turkey, as you pointed out, will face real and negative consequences if they accept the S-400. Those consequences include participation in the F-35 program. I think that the Secretary and this department have been incredibly consistent about that over – at least since I’ve been here and over the past year since the Secretary has been here, so there is nothing that I’ve said or that the Secretary has said that has changed as it relates to that.”

Turkey's S-400 System En Route From Russia: Reports

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Jacob Wohl's Nose

don’t worry, it’s just an export version with modifications. If Turkey dares to use it against Russia or Syria, it can be bypassed and disabled :) Russian brains > turkish mongolistani donkey brains


Hahaha Russians are ‘mongolistani’ too :) Lenin, Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Putin – all look more mongolic than Erdogan or Ataturk.

Loung Kodak

No, “mongolistani” said “no one inch” of free Syria out of terror!sm, but… but… SAA-Russia and allies liberated 65% of motherland. You failed. Try again.

Concrete Mike

What did you excpect from coward occupy mccarthy anyways.

Its cute, the 2 little fascists are working together!

Loung Kodak

Your point is interesting (not polite to me but interesting…)

The situation in the west is worst than for us, in the E.U. we are in this paradoxical position to support an “opposition” to the U.S. policy — exercised by people that are not necessarily judged as democrats (but hey please give me a list of democrat countries what are not a plutocracy? Not so much countries are democratic really) — “opposition” as a counterbalance of pro-z!on!st and U.S. hegemony…

What else?


Ataturk was a dunmeh, the Union and Progress party of youg turks was funded by the Jews, russian revolution has liberated the largest Jewish community in the world. Three million Jews were present in the Soviet Union. Lev Kamenev, Trotsky and Zinoviev were Jews. Yakov Sverdlov, president of the central executive committee of all Russia was also a Jew. “Most of the leaders of the Revolution were Jewish,” wrote Churchill and therefore argued that the driving force of that Revolution were the Jewish leaders who had eclipsed all others. And he mentioned Maxim Litvinoff, Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Radek or Leonid Krassin. He defined this as “unbelievable” and accused the Jews of “playing a prominent, if not the principal, role in the terrorism system” known as “red terror”, which aimed to eliminate all those who, in the Soviet Union, deviated from the line imposed by communism. How to explain their disproportionate presence in the direction of the revolution? It would be for example as if the Druze minority in Israel constituted half of Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, the phenomenon is repeated today in the United States where 2% of Jews have a preponderance in political and economic power and they do no less harm than in the USSR.

Loung Kodak

Finally, with your bright focus, the M.E. crisis can be show in perspective with what happened during WWll. If we take !S!S as a Nazi party and admit Israel as responsible for the rise of extremists in the Middle East (through the harsh apartheid against Palestinians and the hegemony that aims to deprive them of their land, just like the Golan with Syria…)


The Nazi racism of the Aryans is exactly the Zionism of the Jews. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba66a5487755d460d9773eea8b8d16e9ae17ccf052e22a1ba4dbff6dc76aba73.jpg

Loung Kodak

As I said, if z!on!sts responsible for the rise of extremism, they are not so far, indeed. This (not so bad) rabbi think C!A is behind Daesh:

He said: — “Who created “islamism”, it’s not Ishmael, but it’s Isaac” (the Jews) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac#Jewish_traditions

It’s hurt.


There are rabbis, true men of faith, who speak the truth, but the fact is that as Jews they are in favor of it.

Loung Kodak

“Real” Jews are against z!on!sm, because by nature “real” Jews are unable to own land, so some courageous are against Israel State as it seems to be. youtube.com/watch?v=FKplabTRuak

They claim: — “Z!on!sm and Judaism are diametrically opposed”


“real” Jews are unable to own land where from did you get this ?

Loung Kodak

Maybe I’m wrong but it was Jews of “oral Torah” as it seems to be.

Disciple of Isaac and of oral Torah (Torah shebalpe) have philosophy of fitting desert nomads rather than land owners (z!on!sts). Desert wanderers were all necessarily poor, and it was about their faith, they wanted to distanciate from rich (voluntarily or not) it was their choice either their life as it seems to be. But I don’t want to be categorical okay…


I’m interested in any source(link) that would explain it.

Loung Kodak

Well, first of all I thought you knew more than I did. ?

Unable to have land because they were nomads… And they claim they cultivate: virtue and their purpose and salvation is occupation in Divine Service. As soon as they buy land they move away from these aspirations, because its too much “materialistic” (but some are still doing this transgression…)

So it’s not exactly explained like I did, it was “my” short way to explain it. For exemple “real” orthodox Jews are against Israel as a state (land) since they claim: — “The so-called “State of Israel” is diametrically opposed and completely contradictory to the true essence and foundation of the People of Israel,”

This is because they claim about z!on!sm: — “Z!on!sm redefines the true essential nature of the People of Israel, and substitutes for it a completely contradictory and opposite character – a materialistic worldly nation.” source: nkusa.org/aboutus/zionism/opposition.cfm

Z!on!sts think their misfortune is not to have “land” (state) materialistic => TO HAVE when Orthodox think their misfortune is to have “land” (instead) faith => TO BE


Thanks for the reply. I was already aware of the ideological conflict between the ultra-orthodox Jews vs. the Zionists and those who commemorate the Shoa(Holocaust).

So by “owning land” you was referring only to the country of Israel, not as individual property, right? I was misled by the affirmation that they fit better as desert nomads… when in fact they were semi-nomads like most of the tribes by that time including Germans, Gauls and some times even Greeks.

The Jews obtained right to own land in most of Europe, between the two great wars – one of the sources of booming antisemitism. But not having land property was not something cultural like for the gypsies, in Medieval Europe the Jews could receive the right to own land only if they converted to Christianity and many of them pretended to convert to Catholicism in order to receive full rights, eventually they been discovered by the Inquisition and other Catholic Institutions.

The started to get more rights in Protestant zones of the Europe, that’s why they had close relations with England and Germanic territories


The Rus were Vikings. The Mongols were the greatest practitioners of the operational art of mobile warfare in history. They fought combined arms campaigns in the 12th century 800 years before Blitzkrieg. You make it sound like a Mongol – Viking heritage is something to be ashamed of.

The greatest military strategist in history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subutai

Toronto Tonto

They were a mistake , and its a problem now .


Calm down dude! Russia is full of good people! The US and Russia will be allies after trump wins the 2020 elections and suddenly u will be changing your opinion of them! Is that what u want? u want to be a guy who says one thing one day and the complete opposite the other? What if u find out that both Trump and Putin are working against Israel! This is not a pipe dream if u truly know what is going on! But if u dont know what is going on, then have a laugh and stick ur head back in the sand and beat ur chest! thought Canadians were smart people!

Concrete Mike

Some are smarter than other, and some are more canadian than others.

Tonto is neither, doesnt even know what raptors are =not canadian and not in canada.

Toronto Tonto

They are not liked much around the globe , gotta be a reason EH .

Hasbara Hunter

Smart Folks & Stupid Sheeples are both Dangerous…Long before Pol Pot and the Bolsheviks, Webster states that revolutionaries, including the Weishaupt Illumanists, declared that in the least educated person of the community all wisdom and virtue reside. Education would only be of the most primitive kind. To level society they then closed down the schools and burned the libraries in 1793. By the end of 1794, public education in France didn’t exist….History repeats itself…


I can see the results in the comments ;)

Hasbara Hunter

As long as they are effective right…;) The Future for AngloZioNazis doesn’t look too bright…hehehe….


It’s a defensive weapon, only invaders like the Americans/Israelis fear defensive weapons.

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkish economy is up the creek and this smorgasbord of Russian systems and 99% NATO weaponry will be a logistical nightmare for the dumb Turkeys. Russia is making money the morons.

Xoli Xoli

Who cares if Erdogan receives or not.

Loung Kodak

Erdogan !


Iran has full right to retaliate to UK piracy in international water but needs Ahmadi Najad or any other brave leader not Rohani.

The JCPOA was a serious blunder and a trap by which Rohani commit treason with Iranian nation. How much any leader rub themselves to US leaders so much he will compromise national security and will face humiliation.

The next number is of Pakistan because the Pakistani leaders and politacians also dance on Trump invitation.


Well, let’s see if this delivery really turns to out be a game changer. Where is S-400 going to be installed? On the border with Idlib to engage SyAAF airplanes? Or is it just a toy , bought to antagonize Trump and to show he can buy what he wants, from who he wants. Or will the S-400 be immediately tested with the 4 Turkish F-35’s and will the data be shared with the NATO “partners”? It looks like Erdogan has placed a new pawn on the geopolitical chessboard of the region, judging by the harsh rhetoric of the USA.

cechas vodobenikov

you answer your own question; Russia is unconcerned, whereas the USA is—this merely exposes the incompetence of US THAADS. Deployment is intended to be defensive; to deploy within Syrian territory would be disastrous for Turkey


Yes, the apparent ease with which the Russians approved the sale of the S-400 to Turkey, might indicate NATO (=USA) already know a lot about the characteristics of the missile system. Didn’t the USA obtain an S-400 from Ukraine in the nineties?

Loung Kodak

They abolutely don’t know something, because never in history an S-300/S-400 family missiles has been launched to date. Reason is especially not to give electronic nor radar signature or any element. Nada, Nothing.

These missiles are dedicated to really strategic sites. They are a total mistery.

BUT,we have some few elements from sixties russians missiles updated (S-200 and so on) that can down israeli warplanes last year, and by the fact that US attack with their “smart missiles! was a mess according to Germans military experts.


Didn’t the USA obtain an S-400 from Ukraine in the nineties?

Yes those cunning Americans used a time machine, went forward in time, grabbed an S400 and took it back to the 90’s.

cechas vodobenikov

Perhaps u refer to a S-300? Those whom I know that claim to have far greater awareness, suggest to me that there r many aspects to weapons systems that cause some to be superior to others—adaptabiltiy to terrain, mobility, interoperatability of weaponry and aspects required to succeed (coordination of radar, sensors, etc w delivery systems), multiplicity of capabilities , i.e., missiles, vs war planes, vs drones, etc. While the S-400 may be quite effective, the S-500 is expected by to operational in less than 1 year. I confess that I am always suspicious about what we the peasants, believe; often policy makers seem even less informed

friendly anon

It looks like the US are trying hard to keep up the myth of the F-35 stealth.

cechas vodobenikov

in many ways this is over-exaggerated news generated by the MSM—if anything. the american fears, obsessions and increasing military and diplomatic incompetence r exposed


Twice is effective as the earlier version.

So, 2×80% = 160% :-O

Or the earlier version was weak?

Loung Kodak

export version


Now Trump bring their F-35 and F-22 and challenge S-400 and see who wins.

Loung Kodak

underestimating the adversary is a deadly threat isnt’it?

Toronto Tonto

Rob the knob , you still working is that fire out now , look out the troll factory window and look for smoke you know that trail your scrap carrier gives out .


Why do you place a space before your commas? What does “you still working is that fire out now” mean? What does “look for smoke you know that trail your scrap” mean? Missing commas maybe? How can you be taken seriously as a troll if your English is so bad that your posts are simply unintelligible? You are truly an embarrassment for the Canadian education system. You make every Russian who posts here look like a genius, which is obviously why the site administrators would not dream of banning your account.

Toronto Tonto

Do you read news , are you allowed too .


Of course I read the news – from multiple sources each day. I live in a country with zero internet censorship. But why did you ask that question? Did you maybe respond to the wrong post? How does it in any way connect to what I just posted? With that grammar, are you sure you are actually from an English speaking country? Maybe I can help you. You probably tried to write: “Do you read the news? Are you allowed to?” You do realize that responding in that way you just once again confirmed everything that I said: Every Russian and pro-Russian contributor on this comment section looks like a genius when their posts are compared to yours.

Rhodium 10

Now Turkey will have all Syrian fighter jets flying over Syria under range of his S-400…I dont know what is the purpose to sell this system to Turkey….to use it vs Israel? = NO…to use it vs US&Allies? = NO…to test it vs F-35= NO..because Russia also have S-400 in Syria….


There is a serious vacuum of talented leaderships in America, UK, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Palestine etc. As long as these idiots rule the countries for so long there will be war and tension.

Loung Kodak

Export version is a decoy isn’t it?

Loung Kodak

000000PS ! ?

Toronto Tonto

Try not to shoot down a civilian airliner during delivery EH


Yea Russia gets accused of shooting down an airlines while the USA not only shoots down airliners but gives medals for bravery for shooting down defenceless aircraft and slaughtering passengers https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/07/07/vincennes-capt-rogers-should-return-medal-for-shooting-down-iranian-flight-655/

Gabriel Sigouin

Block this fake canadian troll :D


Let him have his say. He thinks he’s doing his cause some good. I say give him all the rope he needs.

There is an entire culture of these poor souls brought up on TV sitcoms and reality TV that believe that wisdom is found in a folksy one line put down …. mainly because it works on them so they believe it works on everyone.

This is mainly an American phenomena and while they think it makes them look smart it’s really just confirming what we already know about US culture and education.

Toronto Tonto

Ya you know EH .


Post all you like buddy … every circus needs it’s clown.


Who is EH?

Turkey has has much right to buy weapons as Taiwan does.

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