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Turkey’s “Syrian National Army” Confirms Deployment Of Its Members In Azerbaijan

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Turkey's "Syrian National Army" Confirms Deployment Of Its Members In Azerbaijan

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“General” Ziyad Haji Ubeyd, one of the leaders of the pro-Turkish coalition of militant groups known as the Syrian National Army (SNA) confirmed that the group had sent its fighters to Azerbaijan.

“Fighters have to go to conflict in Azerbaijan to provide for their families due to bad economic conditions. “The economic situation in Afrin, Sere Kaniye and other regions is very bad and they cannot support their families,” Ubeyd told in an interview with Rudaw TV.

“We are ready to fight anywhere in Turkey’s national interests and security. We’re defending our interests to realize our goals.”

The SNA commander claimed that there are 70,000 SNA members that are ready to participate in Turkish operations anywhere around the world. Ubeyd emphasized that they are ready to go to support the Turkish Army in Azerbaijan or wherever it is, if requested.

Earlier, Armenia claimed that at least 4,000 members of Turkish-backed Syrian militant groups were deployed in Azerbaijan.


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So much for a so called “Syrian moderate opposition” :)) Its officially a Turkish mercenary group as it was since the beginning …


And if Saddam got the rope and Gadafi got the bullet, what should happen to Erdogan for all his crimes the past 15 years ! ! !

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

get back playing your balalaika for your alcoholic masters, Nikulai LMAO


Maybe you get back to eating your bigmac like the fat muric*nt you are?

Πουτανας γιε ? Ε ?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

Nikulai Ignatievich it’s time you return in Mnt Caucasus to join your laz chechen trashy kin ( lazotsetsenos gyftoproxenos )


Αnd you Johny Redneck its time you go back to your ranch in Okla-homo and be a good Mutton-Puncher!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

synexise na grafeis tetoia giati se blepw na kataligeis sti sibiria xD


Tον ρουφηξες και σε αρεσε? Αυτο θες να πεις ?

Ετσι πιπα – κολο μωρη λουλου!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

I reckon you fit very well in here Nikulai, with this setup of conspiratard SF frequenters, good choice of venue :))


You mean the blog that you are typing right now? This blog ?

Well thought comment Einstein !

Poso malakas !!!

Icarus Tanović

Okla homo hahahahaha.

Lone Ranger

He should get a Nobel Peace prize like isis leader Obongo…


Holy Moly, 70000 fighters in Karabakh? thats even more than Chechens that put Russia on its knees


And you must pay 70000 of them. With lira going down and down by the day. Erdogan will get bankrupt at the end of October. This is why he wants the gas in the East Med. But Greece disagrees!


I would assume Azerbaijan is paying for it. 70000*2000=140,000,000 per month. 1billion and 6month army is ready. pretty good deal

Lone Ranger

Russia won… Chechnia is Russia…


true that. but im talking about the 1st war. a country of few million forced Russia to retreat. That was some 300 Spartan thing going on back then

Lone Ranger

That was under cia agent Yeltsin, in the middle of an economic crisis. Aside from that Chechens are in the top 3 fighting force on the planet. How many wars did the U.S. won in recent times? Zero?


yeah but still, i expected a better performance from the 2nd strongest army. have seen some gruesome and humiliating videos. Even now how caucasian soldiers humiliate slavic ones in military bases despite quantitative disadvantage. Pretty phenominal, i would say.

Lone Ranger

Losses werent that staggering. Compare it to Vietnam… Russia did pretty well. And at round two saudiciamossadtrolls were toast. Phenomenal is how the U.S. managed to lose 2200 jets and 5500helos vs 150 lost Migs and a few destroyed SAM sites… Thats what I call phenomenal. I dont understand the second part of your comment, try to lower the cocaine dosage…


Yeah but vietnam is a massive country with huge population, with chechnya like 1/5th of Moscow. Seems like even now ordinary russians are, lets put it nicely “are not quiet comfortable next to any caucasian”. No wonder why they are the biggest recipients of the Federal Budget

Lone Ranger

Vietnam isnt massive, by U.S. standards its a small country. Chechens are battlehardened, teenagers could wipe their rear end with Navy SEALs any day of the week. I havent noticed it. Rebuilding Chechnia with the help of Russia was key to stabilize the region. So in my book thats money well spent.


Calculate the population ratio of Vietnam/US, Chechnya/Russia, then you will understand the difference. Chechnya is not the only country that drains the federal budget, other north caucasians as well. Its like 500years ago how russian lords were paying to Khazars “do not attack money”

Lone Ranger

Sorry, Im not into Ukropnazi history books…


you are welcome to pick and choose whatever fits your narrative:))). Maybe Ostrich putting under the ground makes the truth disappear:))

Lone Ranger

It didn’t work out too well for Kievistan…


i couldn’t care less. as far as i know they were paying someone as well. Look what i found: Russian soldiers toyed by North Caucasians https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ed6abb2418051669f3bed15a86d4e1d0be8b0762e4bd56413ddc55564c8a2a0.jpg

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazi propaganda.


this photo is taken before 2014:)))))

Lone Ranger

According to an ukropnazi troll…


So you are saying tatarystan is in Ukraine now:)))) https://www.kazan.kp.ru/daily/26061/2970713/ Search the image in the images.google.com, its not rocket science.

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis even fake wikipedia pages, web sites, phone numbers, its well known. Better luck next time…


ill leave these here for other to judge. I remember once you called Russian Presidential Website as Ukrainian fake. Let ridiculousness of your comments entertain others:)))))

Lone Ranger

Its the sad reality of how desperate CIA and SBU are…


true that

Lone Ranger

Its ukropnazis whom are working together with Isis, not Russia.


still don’t care

Lone Ranger

Sure you do…



FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

vladimir vladimirovic keeping thugs like kadyrov as pets, what a joke

Lone Ranger

Kadyrov is no pet. Anybody who knows Chechens know thst they are either allies or enemies but not pets and vassals. He rebuilt Chechnia and killed CIA thugs. The man is a Hero

Servet Köseoğlu

good luck for you bro with Mykonos island…you are daisy if you keep calm:))

Lone Ranger


FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

you have not been entirely honest with us Serviette Komsuoglu

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

people like kadyrov have no place in modern ( and future ) societies, if he was born in US or europe he would be living off the grid like a thug or bumb

Lone Ranger

You sound like nancy pelosi…

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

nevertheless it’s true, he is a sad remnant of authoritarianism and fundamentalism :( vladimir vladimirovic should have known better

Lone Ranger

So what. Liberaoism is a mental disease.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

but constructive adaptivity isn’t

Lone Ranger

Thats a nice way to say bend over to the CIA and Uncle Sam. I think I will pass on that…

Servet Köseoğlu

log out bro before its too late..they are the sons of Ancient Greece(Democracy) living under Eu charity,selling non-european actors 2nd hand supreme society

Lone Ranger


Servet Köseoğlu

badly curbstomped nation by us which explains their obsession..sad…

Lone Ranger

We arent agree on everything but I start to like you ?

Servet Köseoğlu

we dont have to agree on everything but we have to respect each other bro..

Lone Ranger



Probably you are obsessed with us … because you talk about us all the time …. you make us a great advertisement …. blah blah the Greeks this ….. blah blah the Greeks the other … blah blah Ancient Greece he did this … he did the other … go to bed, because kids like you had to sleep for hours.

Servet Köseoğlu

sugah..this topic about Turkish mercenaries…why dont you waste your precious time with model-maketing instead of sneaking on every comments seeking allies,shitting Turkey all the way down every day?


I am in every comment … where there is the word …. Greek … Greece. Everything that has to do with us concerns me …. other countries do not concern me. I’m having fun.

Servet Köseoğlu

ok then dont take everything serious..ı will not open you salvo fire since ı like you..ı have lots of haters…


I wonder all day here in the comments … aren’t you tired ???

Servet Köseoğlu

ı am having really fun but unfortunately Friday ı will start work again..Finally you will get rid of me:)


Finally the voodoo I did send you to work ha ha ha


Servet Köseoğlu

yes one more corner to go then you can start celebrations..


First I will make a party … and then I will do voodoo to the others ha ha ha


Do you live in Antalya ??

Servet Köseoğlu



Do not forget to go flowers on your wedding anniversary …. ha ha ha

Icarus Tanović

No he doesn’t. He’s not even a Turk.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

super hero anatolian gypsy from supah powah Twerkiye with Stronk © ℗®™ Economy can still read my comments although blocked me like a gorilion times :))


Why you talking like thAT about your turkish father re malaka turkogypsy?

E malaka turkogyfte ?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

no susprises here, Nikolai the balalaika laz – chechen musician from caucasus mountains in full agreement with the pawns of his laz tamtakos Air Dog Anus brethern

busted once again Nikulai LMAO


You typed exactly the same BS just a few mins ago. Are you really that dumb?

Yes…yes you are…mr Johny Redneck – god bless the USA !

Servet Köseoğlu

unblocked you asshole…


big facts


That’s the supposed number of them in Idlib I think


yes correct. I mean potentially 70000 ready to be deployed.

Servet Köseoğlu

Game Of Drones.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1cb3554eccc34163e543e1a78b2766db46eef6a331f0d3fc48d9ea1e4c8eedc5.jpg

Steve Standley

Erdogan confuses the fuck out of me. The US, Israel, and the UK (and others) have sort of an undeclared covert war on the part of the world they haven’t turned into puppet regimes. Israel controls US foreign and domestic policy, and It’s clear that they are stirring the pot in this conflict. We all know Russia, Syria, Iran, and China are the main opponents of this “Globalist” ambition. But where the hell does Turkey fit in? It’s certainly not committed to either side of the main conflict. I presume Erdogan is trying to build another ottoman empire. He seems like just a loose cannon. Has anyone got him by the balls? Is he doing anyone’s dirty work? Or is he just a third-party Machiavellian?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

Air Dog Anus will soon make a nice scapegoat


he is trying to maneuver in between, and feed turkish interests from whichever party, without any loyalty commitment.

Steve Standley

That makes sense. He is very slippery and has worked both sides of the divide, but it’s clear he is ambitious. He may just end up lighting the whole middle east on fire.


only if burning the middle east serves own interests


erdogan is just playing on the edge but will never ever decieve his nato masters …for example after all the bs he did in lybia he eventually came back to negotiate and even denouced his ally saraj …don’t also forget the good relations between erdogan and trump, turkey is basically the second spoiled child of the us in the middleeast after israel…the us is letting erdogan play but under some rules, they’re keeping him even when he makes little troubles because they know he can a be a real pain in the ass for russia/syria and co ….the problem here is the russians i think after all the sh*t turkey did with 0 retaliation from russia shows that putin needs erdogan more than erdogan needs him …allowing him to strike saa in idlib with drones and allowing him to basicaly occupy the whole northen syrian borders and also keeping idlib under terrorist control shows how much russia doesn’t want badblood with turks …even iran has good relations with him and do not want to ruin that, so at this point syria is justing becoming a sh*t show …he’s just seeking his “interests” by stealing oil and grabbing land from whoever is weak in the region …but will never dare to cross red lines made by the us and co …his usefull for them now but not for the long run i think his time will come and it will end badly for him

Steve Standley

Nice explanation. Yes it’s clear Erdogan has no real moral compass. Russia definitely does, but really goes about exhausting all options before it seems willing to fight. With three conflicts raging on it’s borders and the globalist cabal tightening the noose, I don’t think Putin has many options left. I’ve heard people claim Putin is a zionist. Bullshit. Watch him stand up as they try to corner him. His “warm” relations with Israel will turn into hell fire.

Icarus Tanović

He is just another Saddam, who was payed to destroy Iran, but it didn’t worked out well. And he will eventually end up like a war criminal.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

Turkey along with Iran are the biggest terrorist exporters worldwide

Lone Ranger

They are nothing compared to the Terror state U.S.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

terror state US looks quite liberal compared to china or russia for that matter

Lone Ranger

BS. U.S. killed more people in wars since the end of WWII than the rest of the planet combined. They fund 90% of all terrorists World wide. They run the global drug and human trafficking. Aside from that they have the biggest prison population amongst any developed country. On avg U.S. police forces are killing 1200people a year, thats more than the EU, Russia and China combined… albeit U.S. has a population of 330million vs 530million in the EU, 160million in Russia and 1300million in China, let that sink in for a second…

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

that’s some serious allegations, any proof for those ?

at least in US they do not resort to cannibalism :))

He means killing others. Russia and China are famous in killing their own

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

tbh their police kills a lot of black people for no real reason, meaning they take them down when they could just arrest them by other means – this is unthinkable in european terms


ISIL weapons traced to US and Saudi Arabia


America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group


Ενταξει αμερικανομπασταρδι ?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

nikulai is always in agreement with iraniroaches and his laz – chechen kin like Air Dog Anus al Lazanli :)))


At least I m not a gyfto-turkosperma like you.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

but you are accustomed to drinking battery fluids, alcoholic body care lotions and other alcoholic substitutes when you do not post enough comments to afford your vodka :))


Thats was so stupid what you just said, everybody that read it has lost 10 points of their IQ just by reading it. What you doing here anyway, you need to lay off the big mac and coke and wasting time in blogs and get down and herd them sheep Okla-homo boy.

Lone Ranger

Like Ukrops…?

Its on record, no allegation but hard facts.

Is that why FDA approved Human adrenochrome and Human baby kidney cells as food additives and flavour enhancers…? True story…

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

I see .. adrenochrome , that explains all

harvesting to expand lifespan while reducing pop :)))) conspiratard ? perhaps flatearther as well ? ROLF

please tell me it was a bad joke :((

Lone Ranger

No flattard here… Its the sad reality. Hope you can handle it…

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

oh dear, I ve got an ugly feeling you are no trolling here

Lone Ranger

I hunt trolls… They are yummy…?


liberal in the sense that Soros is God and idiots like you are manure?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

kane misi strofi na se psekasoun kai apo tin alli :D


Why dont you go put your head in the microwave and press cook so we can see if there s any sparks still or were you always that dumb!

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

pws ti glitwses esy kai de se TSIBARAN akomi ???

min ameliseis na kaneis to embolio, min to riskareis stin ilikia pou eisai LMAO as einai kai to rwsiko :)))


Nai nai blabla tsimpa ena arkhidi akoma!

Icarus Tanović

He’s just piece of anatolian dump dumping here, so don’t smell that feces, it’s Erdogan’s smell.


And here goes Erdogan the mad sultan https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/massive-blast-rocks-azerbaijani-positions-after-armenian-forces-strike-vehicles-carrying-ammunition-video/

So? Weren’t armenis poor peones, incapable of defending their land?

Icarus Tanović

Seems so.

Svincius Savickas

Turkey = AQ = DAESH = CIA = NATO.

Svincius Savickas

Russia is attacked from every possible direction. Russia is in a defensive position, and this is why the West is so aggressive. What Russia must do is to smash Turkey in Syria, to smash the nazi ukrainian failed state, to crush any western extremists in Belarus. Poland and Lithuania are the bitches of the US. Russia shall be aggressive – Russia shall support any destabilization in the US so that US can collapse. Once US collapses, the terrorist organization of freak nations NATO will collapse. Then, everything is ok.

Mustafa Mehmet

take it easy now. go back to your cave now mama waiting. be gd girl

Icarus Tanović

Every single one of these bandits organisations are Wahhabi in its core, and must be eradicated.


That filth if they are Syrian owe no allegiance to their own country,they owe it to a foreign state,if they are not killed on sight they should be stripped of their Syrian nationality.


This is why you can’t believe a word from the Turkish government, just the other day they (and their Azeri pets) were adamant no Syrian terrorists…errr… ‘rebels’ were in this conflict. And now the head-choppers are openly admitting it.


AzerCIAjan war.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

According to the Russian/Turkish Astana agreement all these faction are all considered legal moderate opposition forces, but most of us know a signed piece of paper means nothing, they’re all still bloodthirsty murderers who chop people heads off, the Astana agreements didn’t change that. All these listed factions are all allegiant to Turkey, the Syrian Interim Government and the Muslim Brotherhood, Erdogan pays all their wages and they follow his orders [most of the time], so it’s no surprise when they admit this,

“We are ready to fight anywhere in Turkey’s national interests and security.”

No wonder they do when Turkey pays them more than anyone else will, people who sell their mercenary services usually sell to the highest bidder, that’s no surprise. And Erdogan the boss of the mercs boss says we’re not sending mercs to Azerbaijan and the boss of the mercs says we are going to Azerbaijan, so it seems someone didn’t read the last memo they got.

“The SNA commander claimed that there are 70,000 SNA members that are ready to participate in Turkish operations anywhere around the world.”

I doubt this claim is correct, even if you added all the SNA, SLF, NFL, FSA forces, and the other smaller independent factions, as well as all the designated terrorist factions that fight for the Turkish backed Syrian Interim Government, I doubt they’d still have enough fighters to make that claim.

HTS which fights for the Salvation Government in Idlib has 15 to 20,000 fighters and as many as 20,000 allies on their side [and half of them are more allegiant to Turkey than they are HTS, Chechens and Uighurs for example], and yet HTS has managed to wrest control of more than 75% of Idlib from the Turkish backed Syrian Interim Government, mmm, and HTS arrests and kills members of the Turkish backed Syrian Interim Government with complete impunity and no reprisals from Turkey, and yet HTS only has 40,000 fighters at best compared to the SNA boast of 70,000, so something doesn’t add up, LOL.

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