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Turkish Air Force Continues Leading Azerbaijani Operations Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia

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Turkish Air Force Continues Leading Azerbaijani Operations Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia

Turkish President Erdogan attents to roll out of a new fleet of high tech drones, file image.

The Turkish Air Force is still leading the aerial operations of Azerbaijan in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, a representative of the Armenian Defense Ministry, revealed on October 11.

Hovhannisyan claimed that a Turkish airborne command center is operating Turkish-made drones of the Azerbaijani Air Force over the region.

“Turkish aerial command centers, flying within the Turkish airspace, are commanding the Turkish UAV’s operating in the Azerbaijani air force. UAV’s, accompanied by six F-16 units, are directly attacking the peaceful population and civilian infrastructures of Artsakh,” Hovhannisyan wrote on Twitter.

In June, Azerbaijan’s Defence Minister, Zakir Hasanov, announced the purchase of a number of Bayraktar TB2 combat drones made by Turkey’s Baykar. The drones have been very active over Nagorno-Karabakh.

New satellite images revealed that Turkey deployed at least two F-16 fighter jets in Azerbaijan prior to the outbreak of the battle with Armenia. Ankara denied in the past any such deployment.

Hovhannisyan’s claims are yet to be verified. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that Turkey is playing an important role in the Azerbaijani attack on Nagorno-Karabakh.


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Anvar Akbarov

On October 11, 2020 at 2:00 am Armenia intensified its attacks on the civilian population of Ganja by launching a ballistic missile into the downtown of the city which completely destroyed a residential building. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13c2d0bcc531916c04c973be7f4f3c97c6fc9f2eb56e955a0ae6449d968b8d46.jpg


Hello again dear Ganjavi friend. Could you take the pics which we talked about yesterday?

Just in case you need refreshing your memory, I’m talking about this.

Steve Standley

He’s not fooling anyone. Especially on SF.


You’re right. There’s a sudden increase of new and loud account created early October on both sides. Both try to manipulate our feelings to generate sympathy towards their side. What is funny, I just noticed I got 2 down-votes from both sides!

Антон С

They are very active in russian segment of internet too, especially armenians. I’m tired from their stupidity. Hohols (ukros) are on AZ side, because (as they think) AZ is against Russia, because Turkey is on their side. Craziness at its best. This is what happens, when you hire a stupid infantiles for making propaganda in social networks and commentaries.

Anvar Akbarov

Слушай Антошка, прошу тебя не сравнивать нас с армянами, в отличие от армян мы не подлизываемся к России, которые с самого начала конфликта умоляют Путина о помощи. Если Россия вмешается мы с тобой оба хорошо понимаем что может начаться третья мировая. Мы – азербайджанцы, лишь хотим вернуть то что по МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМУ ПРАВУ принадлежит нам, и то что по МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМУ ПРАВУ признано оккупированным арменией с 1994-го года. Армения разбомбила мой город, ТЫ БЫ МОЛЧАЛ? Я НЕ МОГУ МОЛЧАТЬ? Мне не нужны для этого деньги, я и так прилично зарабатываю. Распространять правду, о происходящих в моём родном городе событиях – это мой долг как гражданина и как человека любящего свою страну.

Антон С

Сonstipation of thoughts and diarrhea of words? Go to hell even without reading.)

Anvar Akbarov

This is what people respond with when they have nothing sensible to answer with. Low intelligence…

Anvar Akbarov

I have created this account precisely because I saw that the coverage is one-sided. I have been on ZeroHedge for a many years.


That’s exactly my point and you are not alone. We have the same phenomenon from the Armenian side. Both of you lie and exaggerate. But as Anton said, this method won’t work here in SF. We had to deal with Hasbara and Jihadi/Turkish propaganda for years, so it’s easy now to sniff a liar.

Anvar Akbarov

Get acquainted with the above first before putting forward your empty blaims.

Anvar Akbarov

Well-well-well. Do you think I live in front of my computer? I had to take the effort and travel in the city to take footage. It is easy for you to speak, you are just sitting here and waiting for my response. A cheap way to celebrate “victory”. Listen here carefully: I am not here to convince ANYONE, I don’t care whether you believe in what I say or not. What I DO CARE is that the world KNOWS what is going on in my city and the devastation Armenia has brought upon its civilian people, while simultaneously lying about attacking some mythical “military air base”. Yesterday I was busy, an couldn’t as you might know or maybe not Armenia has once again demonstrated its disgraceful ways of attacking civilians. It turned out that in that attack my classmates whole family died, and several people from my workplace.I went to the sight to make my own footage, but the area was closed, but the military and police closed the area, so I couldn’t take my own footage, but fortunately there is enough footage taken by local news channels AND A BBC’S REPORTER, who ACTUALLY VISITED THE ATTACK SITE. Read her tweets carefully and see how much of what I have been saying for days corresponds with what the BBC reporter has tweeted. I have included her twits You can doubt and choose to continue to stay in ignorance, but still I took the effort to make a voice over video from the footage that was taken by local reporters and security cameras. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/06ad03e4a0041b9d6a9e1ecbf2e5e8040192a968fac9d5fcd8242444168f2eb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d57fa48de7a065de853fb7c7eddcdb44e07eb4cc5de806b46d42211b3eaea146.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7e2f581d0be2d5f411a538348956d56a40803e1aef6f7553afc9e42e8d28854.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAJaE8Qi2Kc


Why so defensive? I politely asked you if you could do it, no need to panic!

I told you, do not post me MSM propaganda crap. I don’t need you to send me them because thanks to Turkish and Aliyev propaganda, the internet is full of them. I thought you are able to provide something authentic. Apparently you can’t despite living in the same town.

Don’t you think it’s contradictory that you don’t care what anybody thinks and at the same time, want them to be aware of what is going on? Or you just don’t care about the ones who want to make sure you the are real thing?

Anvar Akbarov

As I said, I am not here to convince you, I wanted to show the fact of Armenian lies which are now evident, even to you. But if you choose to believe lies, this is not something that I am concerned with. I have laid evidence clear evidence, from local and foreign sources Any comment on the BBC reporters’ tweets? LOL


I hear lies from BBC every second they are on air, so I do not trust anything they say. I thought you are really on the ground and a reliable source of information.’ My mistake, carry on and do what you are here to do.

Anvar Akbarov

But of course you don’t believe. It doesn’t go well with your conformation bias, does it. And you just full of it.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer



A pair F16s denying Su30 any action? I don’t agree with a such claim and i think, thats a little insulting to Russians. Maybe he wants Moscow’s involvement, by blaming NATO country for losses. But im pretty sure early warning systems in Russia also watch the situation there, as well as USAF awacs that frequently fly over Georgia.

Lone Ranger

I told you. Armenia is lead by traitors. Its more evident every day.

Jens Holm

Why and how is not there, so where is the comment???

Lone Ranger

Lsd again…?

Al Balog

After studying, it looks like Armenia under USA influence is trying to drag Russia into this conflict. I also lost sympathy for Armenia after seeing more proof of war crimes (of which Azerbaijan is also guilty), even from reliable sources. Looking at the meeting in Moscow, it doesn’t look like Putin wants to take part. And a massive war between Russia/Armenia vs. Turkey/Azerbaijan won’t be good for anybody, except Erdogan and the West. Almost as if the war is a “trap” for Russia.

Lone Ranger

I agree. Putin is too smart to take the bait.

Антон С

There was no attack on Armenia. Karabah (Artsah) wasn’t recognized even by Yerevan. If AZ, Turkey or aliens would start a war against core Armenia, they will get decisive and tough answer like it was done in 8.08.2008. Terrorists in Idlib can confirm this. “Calibers” of the Caspian flotilla are ready. It’s the best anti-air system, if to hit airfield with planes.

Arman Melkonyan

It appears Putin has forbidden the Armenians to use their newly-acquired Russian jets. That is, if they are operational at all.

Putin and the Russians are forcing the Armenians to die helplessly while they enable the Turks, the Azeris and the Israeli Jews to bomb them from the air with terror drones accompanied and assisted by American-made F-16s.

The Russians are a disgrace to the Christian world.

The Russians betrayed their Serbian brothers, their Russian brothers in Ukraine, their allies in Syria, and now the Armenians, the first Christian nation of history.

What a disgrace.

But then again Putin himself is a Jew. They rule both Russia and America:


viktor ziv

There is no technical problem for Armenia to destroy F-16 fleet, from political point of view there are huge obstacles, dragging Russia into war with Turkey. for what? N-K???!!! Armenia had a chance to anex N-K and they failed. As for Serbia goes, Slobodan Milosevic was an american guy with sole purpose to disolve Yugoslavia, once disolved purpose was lost, and Milosevic was betrayed by his masters, not Russia. As a matter of fact, russian spetsnaz saved Serbia from NATO boots in Pristina. Syria was saved by russian VKS and SOF on the ground, and Sy army revitalized by Russian engineers. You don’t help by giving bread everyday, but you do by learning one how to do it by himself. Ukrainians are Russian brothers, and killing between is exactly what USA wants!!! Russians are not obliged to kill for others, like for first Chistian nation. This was has nothing to do with religions, but it does have everything to do with private interests of dumbfucks sitting far away from the frontlines.

Arman Melkonyan

“or what? N-K???!!! ”

N-K = Armenian lives


You make me sick.

But you surely please your Jewish masters.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

I agree re Armenia not annexing Nk earlier but maybe Russia and them thought it would be better,same way Russia won’t annex Lugunsk etc formally . Why would milosevic want to break up Yugoslavia?

Also why do you think NK hasn’t shot down the Turk F16s then? They better if they want to win. If they let Turks bomb them to please Russia then NK is lost!

viktor ziv

There is good documentary “Jedinica”, translated – Unit, its about red berets under State Security Service of ex Yu. The Unit was disbanded after assasination of Zoran Djindjic PM of Serbia. Documentary depics pretty well game of thrones in Yu. In short, with divide et impera based on nationalism, below the table, political elite prepared ground for massive robbery of the state assets, war became huge bussiness, oil and ammo smugling, huge part of industry went into private pockets, many people lost their jobs and forced to emigration, mashines sold out for nothing, etc. And this documentary shows Serbian side, each new born country after Yu, has similar story. And after that, cheap money “flooded” into those countries via finantial assasins building depths. Actually money never came, it was rerouted to foreign companies that started the job, never finished, but depth remained, killing domestic sectors.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Thank you. Does it have English subtitles? The very same thing happened in Russia with “Western investors” coming in and raping the country with mostly Russian Jewish Oligarchs. Another shameful episode in history. So Gorbachev and Yeltsin were either too sruoid and naive or were betrayed by the West. I believe Putin helped out a stop to that phase of rape of Russia.


A coup took place in Armenia and a pro-American government came to power. Why are you now waiting for help from the Russians? Why not help your American brothers?

Arman Melkonyan

Jew, Russian,

You stabbed in the back the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

There may be consequences.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

I agree but Russia also stabbed the Asia Minor Christians in the back in 1917 as well . So did America and the ‘West’ once Woodrow Wilson was out.

Asia Minor Christians need to be constantly preparing for war without outside BIg Friends . They need secrets kept from the Big Friends ,whether those friend are Russia or Nato. Yet ,it is hard to gave secrets when all your armed forces are sold out to one or the other camp. Where are the patriotic smart army officers who can ally with BigFriends and yet keep secrets and build their own country up for the big battle?

However ,I still think that Putin and Russia are still the best option against Turkey and Headchoppers.

Arman Melkonyan

I cannot disagree with you, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

I agree ,Parshinyan should be swinging from his neck soon . He just learned that no Turk nor USA/Natoist vassals can be trusted. The Pashinyans’s successor’s motto will now be “Friends like Nato allies we can do without ” LOL

Arman Melkonyan

Because Armenia changed the heads of its government doesn’t mean Russians are right in betraying the Armenian people by enabling the Turks to achieve another genocide in Artsakh.


Yeah, blame it all on Russia you stupid Greeko. What is the average Greeko IQ here? more than 60?

Free man

They show the same syndrome that supporters of the mullahs regime have. They expect Russia to fight their wars. When Russia doesn’t do that, they are angry with Russia and accuse Putin of being a Zionist. For this fool “Zionists” is not enough, he accuses them of being Jews, just like few days ago he accused the Turks of being Jews. I woun’t be surprised if it is actually an Iranian troll.


Everyone who you disagree with is just a troll right? Grow up.

Free man

Only those who promote racist and offensive narratives against whole groups of people.

cechas vodobenikov

armenians r the most antisemitic of all peoples, followed by the poles, and then south Africans

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

You forgot Cyprus in 1974. Cyprus was NonAligned and not in the Nato sphere and was an opportunity for Russia to bring Cyprus into a better relationship with benefits to itself as well. It dropped the ball .

Arman Melkonyan


Russians have no brains nor honor. Jewish Bolsheviks tortured and killed millions of them yet the Russians acquiesce to be ruled by them today.

I believe Putin himself said, Scratch a Russian and you’ll find a Turk underneath?

Антон С

If all armenians would be such stupid like you, you would lost all armenian lands long time ago. To bark at Russia is the easiest way to achieve this. Though, may be you are not armenain at all, but cheap anti-armenian propagandist. Azeri, turk, zionist or Soros’ slave.

Arman Melkonyan

The chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, is Putin’s mentor and great friend. Putin’s affiliation with the Zionist mafia of Chabad is well documented.

Even though Jewish Bolsheviks raped, tortured, killed, and oppressed Russians by the millions, Russians are still in love with the Christ killers. The so-called Russian oligarchs are Zionists and so is Putin. Putin’s Jewish Russian oligarch buddy Roman Abramovich is Israel’s richest man: https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-is-putin-s-pet-oligarch-abramovich-worthy-of-israeli-citizenship-1.6136441

Roman Abramovich stated in an interview in 2005 that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship upon his request because Putin is a Jew: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com.tr/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1


To put it in the mildest of terms, Putin is not a good man nor a great strategist who has Russia’s best interests at the top of his priorities.

Here’s a partial list of things explaining why Putin is part of the problem and not part of the solution:

1. Putin never stopped selling Russian oil for American dollars thus aiding and abetting Russia’s sworn enemy, the American Military Industrial Complex (MIC). 2. Putin never nationalized the City of London-controlled Russian central bank and never took control of the Ruble away from Anglo-Zionist bankers. 3. Putin never stopped BACKING thereby subsidizing the petrodollar with Russian oil. 4. Putin enabled NATO to kill Gaddafi. 5. Putin sells Russian gas and oil for Euros (which are just a different name for the American dollar issued by the same Zio bankers that own the Fed) to the European Union who commit acts of war by passing sanctions against Russia along with the Americans. 6. Putin never demanded that the Americans leave Syria. 7. Putin never declared Syria’s airspace closed to America. 8. Putin never helped the Russians in Eastern Ukraine establish secure borders and independence from the NATO-imposed criminal regime in Kiev. 9. Putin sold highest-level-military-technology S-400s to NATO via Turkey thereby directly impairing Russian national security. 10. Putin sold S-400s to Saudi Arabia who are wahhabi muslim terrorists bent on the extermination of Putin’s allies the Alawite/Christian Syrians and Shiite Persians. 11. Putin collaborates with the Turks who are proud to have ambushed and shot down Russian jets and killed Russian pilots. Turkish President Erdogan wowed to shoot down Russians again. 12. Putin opened Syrian airspace to the Turks so that they could bomb and exterminate the Kurds of Afrin in Northern Syria, just like the Turks did to the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians. 13. Putin again opened the airspace in Idlib to the Turks who used drones, guided missiles and shells, and standoff weapons fired from Turkish F-16s to massacre hundreds of Syrian soldiers and destroy dozens of Syrian tanks and armored carriers. 14. Putin ALWAYS allowed the Americans and the Israelis to bomb and kill Syrians and Russian military personnel with impunity. 15. Putin never punished the allegedly Mossad terrorists who placed a bomb on a Russian passenger jet in Egypt killing hundreds of Russians in the air. 16. Putin agreed to pass sanctions against North Korea thereby agreeing to starve the North Korean population. 17. Putin refused to deliver the self-defense-related S-300s to his supposed ally Iran in the past. 18. Putin has not provided up-to-date SAMs including S-400s to his Syrian allies and prevented the Syrians’ effective use of the older SAMs they have. 19. Putin is still “investigating” the crash of the Russian plane that killed dozens of Russian pilots which were among its passengers. 20. The Zionist oligarchs are still in power in Putin’s Russia. 21. Russians are still not really better off than they were under the Soviet Union. 22. And now Putin and the Russians are enabling the Turks and the Azeris to attempt to commit another genocide of the Armenians.

Thanks Putin.

Who needs enemies with friends and *allies* like the (fake Orthodox Christian) Russians.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Correct but many people are of Jewish ancestry in positions of power. What counts is how they feel and act. If Putin acts in NonSunni and non Jewish Interests ,then it is fine with me.

Arman Melkonyan

They aren’t.


Great list

Arman Melkonyan


Please where you can.



Антон С

Aliev approved deploying of F-16 in AZ. https://arabic.cnn.com/world/video/2020/10/08/v95938-azerbaijani-president-denies-turkey-helping-azerbaijani-forces

What local liars will say now? Their pity babble looks like attempts of terrorists in Syria to name any destroyed tank of syrian army as T-90.

Porc Halal

Turks take advantage of the stupidity and hypocrisy of Western neo-Marxist and neoliberal anti-Christian governments …

cechas vodobenikov

azeris will lose if the turks are guiding them; they are losing in Libya and Syria

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