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Turkish Army Attemps To Enter Syria’s Afrin – YPG

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Turkey-led forces have attacked the areas of Ziwan, Baliya and Jalamah in the area of Afrin as it appears that Ankara has launched the first stage of its widely announced operation against Kurdish militias [YPG/YPJ/PKK] in northwestern Syria.

The YPG media wing even claimed that the Turkish Army attempted to cross the Syrian-Turkish border and to enter Afrin. However, Kurdish forces repelled the attack.

Meanwhile, pro-Turkish sources reported that the Turkish Air Force’s warplanes eneterd Syria airspace. However, these reports still have to be confirmed. No Turkish airstrikes were confirmed in Afrin area.

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Doesn’t sound like an attack…

… sounds like more chest-thumping if you ask me.


We, the whole world has to support Kurds to repel Turkish brutal attacks. We should not forget what Kurds did for us, fighting and dying in their battles against the terrorists.


The Kurds are no better than Daesh, in fact they’ve even recruited 100s of Daesh into their ranks.

Brad Isherwood

Kurds still have Syrian Tabqa Dam since May 2017 LOL. …Stole a Dam.

Assad and Putin dont give a Damn

Syrian war is…. FUBAR : )

Karol Maksymowicz

Better than turkey sunni shit


I didn’t say the Turkey were any better!


Why would someone support nationalistic(Nazi) movements who commit genocide against every other minority they come across?

Solomon Krupacek

take your xanax

Tudor Miron

All that Kurds have to do is to be loyal to their homestate – Syria and its legitimate, freely elected leadership. Than Turkey would not be free to engage them. Let’s see if Kurds realise what is best for them. If they think that they or SDF can realize an independend Kurdistan with Syrian borders than Erdo is about to teach them loyalty to Syria.


In order to be loyal to a state, that state has to forfill its first priority : provide security.

Assad did not provide security to Syrian kurds before the civil war, nor after the start of the civil war. To get loyalty, a state does have to show loyalty. Syria did not.

End of argument.


You know full well it is not a civil war , but rather another “regime change” by the Americans . If not for Hezbollah , Iran and Russia’s help all of Syria would be the ISIS Celph-State . All of Syria has fought back against the barbarians , not just the Kurds . To turn against Syria and creating ” Kurdistan” is treason .

Tudor Miron

Very well said.

Tudor Miron

“End of argument”? Say it to Erdogan now. So if Assad when all mighty west came on him and sent their irregular armed forces to overthrow him could not help them it means that they can occupy Syrian lands and creat independent Kurdistan? OK, than Erdogan is their best friend. If they have some spare cells under their hats than they should drop stupid ambitions and display loyalty. Dutchy, you just don’t get it – faith of Iraqi Kurds attempt to grab some land showed the current faith of all other Kurds in ME. Be loyal to your homestate or be used like a condom by US/Israel. We know what happens when session is over – they are thrown in the trash.


Erdogan, is that you? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f3ae03dc9e255b89cac3acd0f291c8e639a72a124c89d1db6abfdf3f6c027da.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

your avatar is closer to hitler than erdogan :))


I chose that avatar because I knew it would irritate people like you. No shekels for that post, try harder !

Solomon Krupacek

you get eros for that avatar

i dont collect such primitive currency like shekel

Jason Sixx

Fek off zio piglet


Solomon, like many of your hateful tribe, you are a humourless prat.


that made my day LMAO!

The Latin Mass

Love that Erdogan is doing what is best for Turkey and Assad doing what is best for Syria and Putin doing what is best for Russia. All battling the jew goblins in their own way. The jew wants a new Rothschild Hitler to have the free world rally around and the Rothschild Hitler fall on the sword in a “victory” for the zionists, and the Mideast is carved up. Erdogan serves Turkish interests. Assad serves Syrian interests. Iranians serve Iranian interests. Don’t fall for some Rothschild Hitler.


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Lol jew goblins ahahhahhah

Jens Holm

Families of Yours ???


No oo of urs!

Jens Holm

Seemes like Yoú have a Rothild cigar or bottle of wine and by that way see and hear nothing.

Morten Filipsen

Many Turks love Hit-ler and wished he would had killed more jews, you know the ones that are behind everything, even the stone in your shoes, is a jew that put it there.

Jens Holm

Yes, and You paid for it in the first time as well.

Hallo Cupid.

Ryan Glantz



Kurds are cowards and traitors. Hide behind either Syria or US, and stabbing in the back everyone they can.


Seems to me they are hero’s. Daring to defy Turkish army without any support from anyone.

Please inform me who they have backstabbed?

Hanny Benny

the pathetic turks get stabbet form greeks, armenians, kurds.. so they have killed them all .. let them burn in afrin-hell – in the end they will draw their jihashiters back to turkey. think about which is the next failed islamostate the next years in middle east ;)


This is just posturing.

So, please tell whom and how kurds YPG have backstabbed anybody?

Cem Duru

who stole one third of syria s land all off hydroelectric dams and most lucrative oil fields by bribing and reconciling with isis?! yeah its not ypg u think? :) not to mention confiscating the property of arab people where ypg invaded

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many don’t know about the confiscations of the land by the Kurds of Arab Saracen people and what went on in Ayn al Arab which the traitorous Kurds call Kobani.


Ever heard of the arab belt project by the Assads?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well most information I find on it are based on Turko-Kurds opinions , most Kurds fled the incursion by the Turko Kurds to Damascus as they are non-Sunni. What was your point about anyways. My suggestion is you stop believing those fictions the Afrin Kurds don’t behave as badly as the North east Kurds do. Well anyways in Manbij 3 US forces commanders died from the SDF wing. If they are Arab then it was the SDF if Kurd TSK special forces can be a probability or local Arabs is a possibility.

Jens Holm

You go further back, but You have to remember most moving people around inclusive buildin the dam and making the railroads for it was not decided by kurds.

Correct they did not agee at all as thosee, which could not live on the bottom of Assad lake as well as others.

But the 2 million refugees in the area from Kobane to Jizire are made BEFORE kurds were anythingin any military matters.

So please blame people, which did that and those which could not prevent that as well.

Kurds were deported as well being not allowed to have land along the turkish border. Most of the were moved to Afrin with none compensation.

Its a pety You only bring Your own version and ignore the hard turkey as well as arabification by nationalisme of the worst kind.

That includes, that insisting in having a kurdish name said no school allowed and also all kurdish names in the landscape as well as the Ottoman ones had been evaporated.

Very much – but not all – by SDF-kurds by that is TAKING BACK and fx SHARING OIL.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Keep dreaming your nonsense about vanished invisible Kurd names as they are like the Turks largely foreign to the land. History and evidence has their version and Kurds have their own. Well in order to destroy tribalism and sectarian behavior one needs to destroy the tribal names. Syria was moving away from tribalism to scary Nationalism and inclusion. How does a refugee own land in a country they are not from when the law forbids it.

The US has sold the Kurds down the river and the Arabs will gain the US favor.

Jens Holm

We dont destroy names like that. We do consensus making integration.

You make try to elephants to zebras becase they live at the same savannah.

The solurions are to make tribes unneeded. In Your context, you could give all old people pension. Those are the drivers of the tribes.

By that those old people and their tradition loose power and the the children and grandchildren will be less dependent and fell less guilty not to be as waiters for the old ones.

Its one of many solutions.

Others like we do in Denmark is taxing people with a very high income more then the poor one, so the level for the low ones is raised. By that You get less kinds of agressions by kinds of peacefull and agressive uprises.

You think people should be treated by some ironhat.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You try to compare legal residents to illegal ones really is no comparison . Kurdish governor can’t issue national identity papers which he was doing , of which was illegal itself and a violation of the nation’s sovereign powers of the state.

Jens Holm

Its not allowed.

Jens Holm

Its well descriebet at the Internet by several sources, so Your “many” are very limited.

Kobane comes from Bahne, which mean railroad in german because its based on that and not some arabic beduin farmers drinking from some good well.

The socalled arabic name mainly are close to some transplantation of the Ottoman name for it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The many are just crying Turko-Kurds and not really legal residents then.


Stolen from whom?

From IS?

Bad boys and girls, after being abandoned by Assad abd SAA and liberating their own lands from IS ?

Bad, very bad.

You poor Assad, being robbed from the chance to plunder North Eastern Syria again.

Bad, very bad.

Jens Holm

Thats not stoien. You are in the middle age in those matters or a thief Yourself thinking everybodý are theives like Yurself.

Most people expect normal share according to the lines of electricity, drinking water as well as irrigation.

SDF`s did not make 2 mio refugees in Turkey as well as the 120.000 in Afrin and by the way took those important facilities back, because Damaskus could not.

The oil and gas is same think. But of course parts has to be changed. Before ISIS took control Damaskus stole all of it for themselves and friends. Now they have to share. Seemes You support those oilgrabbers of Damaskus.



You can call me Al

Thy are traitors that have sold their souls for a shekel or two……. unfortunately you will end up on your little lonesome, you traitorous vermin; 6 ft below.

PS I hope the Turks do as well.

Jens Holm

A part of the usual agenda there is, that everything is everybody elses fault.

10001 and arabic nightsof excuses for making no reforms for any possible progress. Very primitive the only solutions seemes to be kill others.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Without support? The CIA and Mossad and Mi6 and SAS and SBS and Navy Seals and Rangers are not considered support to you? Every Zionist service in the world is supporting the Kurdish-terrorist.


Coward heroes. Just google how many Kurds lived in Syria before Hafez accommodated millions of refugees. Now the beggars want half of Syria! If this is not backstabbing what is?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There were reports back to 2012 and earlier of involvement of US forces in the region, and MoD reports of western backing of the 2003 uprising. Let’s examine all the real facts and we see that they definitely are traitors based on that evidence. The Turks of which the YPG had conducted terrorist actions according to Gerila TV back then and acknowledged by PYKS , really everything gets worse and goes downhill for their actions.

Jens Holm

Hard to see that.


huge attack!!!! at 10 fronts at ones!!!! 2 dead =) lol

Jason Sixx

Without airforce and actual turkish troops, fsa wont do crap, ypg too tough for them


lool. FSA has been fighting superpowers inside syria nearly 8 years. YPG has no idea what FSA has been through last years. they are not even in the same league

Hanny Benny

clear first your mountains of your mountain-turks ;)

Jason Sixx

Lmao jewish troll much? Took them months to take al bab when isis was being battered on all fronts and they had HUGE losses. Just to take al bab, qabasin tadef and bzah was like 4 months with huge losses in ppl and turkish equipment and tanks …. with turkish sas, artillery and planes and thousands of mercenaries outnumbering isis who were besieged and cutoff. The only reason they took jarablus and the azaz and al rai plains so fast was cuz isis kept retreating …. then they were cornered in al bab and had to fight and the results for the fsa were embarassing to say the least. While tigers and saa in early 2017 at that point in time were racing through homs, hama, raqqa, deir hafer, khanassir and maskanah plains at the same time. Just stop it.

Jason Sixx

The reverse of that happened to the kurds in 2014 in kobani…. outnumbered outgunned besieged and cutoff with hostile turkish borders letting isis through, no airforce or special forces helping them and they resisted the initial onslaught, weathered the storm and then made it an isis graveyard. Fsa would have never done that. Hate the kurds and esp. this sdf bullshit but never compare fsa fighting skills, warrior spirit will desire and heart to the kurds.

Tudor Miron

YPG is paper tiger :) They did well against ISIS only because both are fed from the same palm. Turkey is not very much of real force but surely more than Kurds can handle in an open fight. But I agree that using only FSA trash Turks would not get much. YPG is good enough against FSA :D

Mahmoud Larfi

The Syrian government has to poor as much weapons as possible to the YPG units defending Afrin and point their SAM batteries toward Turkey’s border.


SDF would not allow SAA into Afrin to defend the border , foolish Kurds , about to become cannon fodder for the Americans .

Mahmoud Larfi

YPG in Afrin aren’t part of the SDF.


So why the SDF is sending reinforcements in Afrin?


Some of the more uninformed commenters here, mostly ass-adophyles, seem not to know that SDF is ONE alliance, dispersed over, at the moment, two separate areas. Were some southern FSA groups to join the SDF, there would even be three or more SDF held areas.

Those areas support oneanother. Afrin forces went to aid in the assault on Raqqah. Kobane and Cezire forces aid in the defense of Manbij and Afrin and Russia and SAA let those forces pass from Manbij to Afrin over SAA held lands, south of Al Bab.

Mahmoud Larfi

SDF is a US force stretching from Manbij to the whole part of Syria north and east of the Euphrates, it encompass Kurdish YPG units and a patchwork of tribes and militiamen, ex ISIS and Arab FSA units put under US CENTECOM supervision. YPG units west of Aleppo are de facto not part of the SDF. US don’t really care if they get mowed by the Turks but their fellow YPG in SDF (read US) controled zones DO care actually about their fellow brothers in Afrin and are sending arms and reinforcement through government controled areas in Aleppo ; the government is thus providing them unhindered safe passage and even logistical support to help them defend against the Turkish/Terrorist attack.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Still they refused and that is saying much about them.


Seems to me these are socalled probing attacks. SDF has to smash those as soon as possible.

Shy Talk

this is all just a show, Turkish armed forces could overwhelm Afrin in a matter of days, but they don’t, they just lob a few shells, talk sh1te and throw in some of their cannon fodder (FSA) sooner or later it will become apparent whose tune they are dancing to, i wouldn’t trust Erdogan as far as i could throw him, imho, the only ones playing a straight game are Assad, Rouhani and Nasrallah

Hanny Benny

like they taken Albab in few days ?


It wasn’t even “Turkish army” in Al-Bab. And it was insanely cost-effective. What do you think they care about more? Time or casulties? I suppose commie terrorists like PKK care about time more.

Shy Talk

Al bab was the same, they could have IF they used the resources at their disposal effectively


I agree that it is a possibility that Erdogans stance is mere posturing and acting out a play directed by Israel and the US. I hope this is not the case though.We will know soon enough .


Very, very unlikely. There is a kurdish problem in Turkey. They were always financed by Israel and the US. That tells you how much they value Turkey. It is a common tactic they always has some opposition alive threatening to take action all the time if you don’t listen to the US. They do it in north africa regularly.

Astar Roth

Seem like Turkey have enough of dirty games imposed bu Israel, EU and America.

Nigel Maund

FG – I think he’s receiving a lot of good advice to “play it cool” by Russia and Iran. This whole excercise is a US – Zionist trap and a play to complicate matters at a critical juncture in the Syrian war.


I agree and we can only trust that the US is ensnared in her own net as often happens.

Toxicus Mechanicus

Keep calm and keep killing kerds.

The Latin Mass

Kurd means slave of the jew. The zionists are in the middle of a war on Muslims. And the Kurdish slaves of the jew want to create some pro-Israhell/pro-Washington Kurdish “state” for more division and bloodshed in the Mideast. Iraq won’t tolerate it. Iran won’t tolerate it. Turkey won’t tolerate it. The zionist west wants kurdish/zionist nationalism in Syria to get more wars for Israhell. And the Kurds are all too happy to please their jewish masters.

Astar Roth

Zionist War on Muslims. That’s so true. Thank you very much. I’m not the only one who thinks that way.


Erdogan is playing a dangerous game. He may just cause all the Kurdish regions in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran to unite. Talk is cheap. Once he lights a fire he may not be able to control its outcome. The Kurds are Syrians and they have repeated this on many occasions. They have legitimate issues with Damascus. If Assad continues to not defend Afrin the larger the hole he digs himself into. Afrin is just not populated by Kurds. All the Syrian ethnic minorities are watching how Assad handles the situation.


HAHAHAHAHAHAH… You are trying to talk sense into dracula himself.. telling him to not split blood. Some men just wanna kill their own people or others. Assad is the modern day dracula and anyone who talks sense to this guy needs a mental doctor

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Getting worked up about a show isn’t something you should do as that’s all this is, Erdogan could march in and take Afrin quite easily yet he hasn’t. Just remind yourself on that point and it is going too far to think this would unite the Kurds.


Yup, the hasbarah is in full attack modus, and Disquis is even removed, and from my Firefox, completely not there at all, huh, what is this Mozarella. And as before their expertise isnt truth, facts and shait like that, but to divert, disuse, and generally crash any debate with nonsense and historical peripheries that is from the stone age, aka before color TV, etc, give me an break.

What comes is more interesting, since we cant fully trust anyone except the Syrians, and their alies. What Turk wants, we will not know that before this is done, the Kurds have jammed them self into an corner, stupid people, short sighted and greedy, jumped once again on the wrong train, they never learn, strange isnt it. And on top of it, not even Syrians. Yeah. Dunka, dunka.

So far, again, despite the inflow in weapons etc, from the West, while Russia drools in their corner, I know that the last closing of this pockets, the focus can be moved to the North. So far, the Kurds have had it easy, the fights against ISIS is questionable at best, when one take into account what have been the case from other parts of the Syrian war theater. Thats why I dont even know their names, I dont care, because I know they are under central command, and that is by the Wankees and their whores, its never the less Syria that is the game, and non of this groups have any legal claim to anything, since they are an invasion army, not an rebel force, not even in the Syrian so called Kurdish lands, witch is equally true and factual as ISISrael claims are to their land, just ask Lavrov. But the lack of balls from the Russians is an problem, and their “understanding” when it comes to the terror state ISISrael. To me, its ankle grabbing in real time.


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