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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Captured 4 More Points From YPG In Afrin (Map, Video, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captured 4 More Points From YPG In Afrin (Map, Video, Photos)

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On March 8, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the villages of Hallubi Kabir, Merasat al-Khatib, Shawarighat ak-Jawz and the Zaghur camp in the Shara district north of the city of Afrin, according to sources linked to the Turkish-backed FSA.

Turkish Army Captured 4 More Points From YPG In Afrin (Map, Video, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captured 4 More Points From YPG In Afrin (Map, Video, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captured 4 More Points From YPG In Afrin (Map, Video, Photos)

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Warplanes of the Turkish Air Force (TAF) supported the Turkish Army attack and carried out airstrikes on several positions of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the city of Afrin and the Shara district, according to Turkish sources. The Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported that three children had been killed in the TAF’s  bombardment.

Meanwhile, the YPG press announced that YPG fighters conducted “a special operation” against the Turkish Army in the village of Matinli of the Shara district. Seven servicemembers of the Turkish Army special forces were killed during the operation, according to the YGP press.

As the Turkish Army continued its advance towards Afrin city, the civilians in the city and the areas around it began fleeing to the southern part of the Afrin area, according to Kurdish sources.

Local observers believe that the Turkish Army and its proxies are seeking to besiege and than to capture the city of Afrin. Turksih forces have already begun to advance towards the YPG’s positions southeast of the city. However, the recent YPG actions show that its leadership may still doubt that Turkey would attack Afrin city itself. If true, this may be a fatal mistake.

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The map above reminds me of the international crisis situated around Czechoslovakia between March-September, 1939 and the resulting Munich Agreement.


Ken O’Keefe (took part in many interviews on RT, PressTV, and both the mainstream and alternative medias) brings up Germany’s failure to win the war against international banking interests; this war became inevitable after Germany broke away completely from the Judeo-Masonic NWO). WW2 was the conflict that assisted the international clique in furthering its agenda for mankind and human civilization as a whole.



Hitler is more likely an american agent.


I have heard about him allegedly being a controlled opposition figure in order to set the second world war in motion, though I have my doubts.


That’s what I think. Hitler have fooled germans. Also, I don’t understand the suprem stupidity of making a war to USSR when you have a front open in west.


If it wasn’t about preventing a pre-emptive attack planned by the Soviet Union for 1942, it was about obtaining oil and destroying the sole Communist state that existed at the time.

https://youtu.be/wYSy80WlmWY http://lebensraumyth.blogspot.ca http://www.renegadetribune.com/soviet-tanks-spearhead-stalins-plan-attack-conquer-europe/


It’s very suspicious for such tacticians to make such a stupid move by attacking USSR in winter whereas UK front was no defeated. The east front was not a priority.

Also, something very suspicious is why did France and UK make war agaisnt Germany but not against USSR while Germany and USSR invaded both Poland.


First of all, the US, UK, and various other countries did a lot of business with the Soviet Union. This significantly helped to not only modernize the USSR, but also allowed it to transition the Red Army from the state it was in during the course of the Russian Civil War, into a relatively modern force to be reckoned with.

Furthermore, the Soviet made Degtyaryov DP-28 LMG was an improved and reverse-engineered copy of the American made Lewis gun that saw extensive service with British Commonwealth forces during WW1 (or the ‘Great War’ as it was known, until the late 1940s). The T-26 light tank was an improved and reverse-engineered copy of the British 6-ton Vickers light tank, while the BT-5 and BT-7 were an improved and reverse-engineered copy of the American Christie tank that the Soviet Union purchased in limited numbers under the designation of BT-2.

The Soviet Union also extensively relied on the banks of the wealthiest nations of Europe and the United States throughout the course of its existence (especially from 1930 until the mid-1980s) in order to afford the exorbitant costs of developing and maintaining such a vast Communist country.


That answer no question.


They attacked on June 22, 1941. They were arguably delayed by the invasions of Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete; however the rain had a lot to do with why the full-scale military operation was delayed. Mass producing so many winter uniforms would have placed further strain on the German economy and war production capacity, it would also risk the chance of alerting Stalin to their plan of invading the USSR. Stalin was of course warned on multiple occasions, but never really took those warnings seriously.


They should have known that Russia is a very cold country in winter. XD.


22,600 tanks existed across the entire Soviet Union by the time of Operation Barbarossa, they were also in possession of more than 10,000 aircraft by that time too. In other words, the USSR had more tanks and military aircraft than the entire world combined; not to mention between roughly 1,000-2,000 medium and heavy tanks with armament and armour protection surpassing any other analogue in the world.



That’s a really bad reminder as two events have little to none analogy.


I think that Hitler is surely an american agent that have fooled Germans just like Sunnis have been fooled by Ben Laden and Al Baghdadi.


After shaving the moustache and growing hair out with plastic surgery in America, he reappeared as Elvis Aaron Presley.


Also, Hitler had disappeared mysteriously just like Ben Laden and Al Baghdadi.


Along with Elvis???


Nobofy gives a fuck about Elvis.

Where is the grave of Hitler, Ben Laden and Al Baghdadi ? Where is the grave of Elvis.

Moshe Dummstein

that s a point.


Hitler’s grave you have to ask the Soviets. They buried his remains in an unmarked grave somewhere in East Germany, although rumor has a part of his jaw is being kept in Moscow. Bin Laden was buried at sea so he swims with the fishes. Where Al Baghdadi is, no one knows.

And plenty of people give a fuck about Elvis, probably more then about all of the three above combined.


Elvis is born in 1500 and nonbody knows a song of him. XD.


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So, do the people here support the turkish butchers or not? Our side should have a clear morality. With zionist Putin in charge, this proves to be impossible. And this is why the demons that rule over the Deep State know that we will lose.


Why supporting YPG ?

Brad Isherwood

With Rats in East Ghouta going down….it’s key to Empires game that some FSA somewhere actual win in conflicts US/Jordan have Al Tanf. …it’s a dagger pointed at Damascus and could be future trouble for SAA who face re armed/trained FSA and Takfiri kooks with Uncle Shlomo run opps with Airstrike,counter battery fire radar etc. …+ Javelins.

Syria needs a national military where Russia could/should invest to build. Some Syrian units are excellent in operations and draw sufficient strength vs losses to continue quality tempo. Other units are regional Tribal with poor coordination. … Damascus probably has to promise money and political gifts to them…possibly Russia brokers similar.

The SAA of first tears wars was epic fail Leadership lead, Garrisons,arsenals, Airbases overrun…. FSA and Takfiri acquired loads of equipment from SAA to supplement what was goin into Syria from foreign weapons crime spree. To often…SAA sat static and became easy prey to mortar, RPG/ATGM..

I’m concerned that Syria’s military units will be attrition over time…losing the last of the experienced to Uncle Shlomo. Syria should have taken Gen Issam Zahredinne out after seize of Der Ezzor was lifted. SAA achieved little East of the Euphrates afterwards. ..with SDF and Uncle Shlomo run the tables.

Where is the SAA military strength to take East Euphrates and that Tabqa Dam back? It’s getting attrited running around putting out Fires. Syria needs this conflict to end, Wish Iran and Russia would kick in…..and stop being such pussies in the face of Empire.


You never mention that YPG works with Israel and the US, though. There are reports of israeli war planes landing in kurdish territory. The kurds were chosen by the US to be their main proxy.

The way to fix this is to unleash the turks on the kurds. When they are sufficiently weakened, kurds will demand better relations with the syrian government. A deal will be made where the US leaves Rojava while the kurds agree to some form of autonomy within the Syrian state.


When two of your ennemies are making war, support both sides. When they have no problem, create fake troubles.

If you want to win, you must use your ennemy weapons.


Civilians are fleeing the area, not only according to “Kurdish sources”… . Nobody doubts Turkey and their allied gangs will attack Afrin… that’s not the point. Rather, the YPG will try to inflict maximum casualties. The Kurds best chance is to have Turkish public opinion on their side… meaning, that a sufficiently great part of the Turkish public would oppose the ongoing war of aggression. While militarily hardly winable, prolonging the capture of Afrin, resisting while desisting from attacks in Turkey herself in perhaps the Kurds best bet.


That’s BS. Turks support Turkey op and if Turkey wins, they will support it more.


Swaying Turkish public opinion? Excluding the fact that the Turkish government has gone all out convincing the YPG= PKK and thus more evil then ISIS, how are the Kurds going to accomplish this? The Turkish government has full control over the Turkish media and has no morals to block off the internet if need be.

The only way to sway the Turks against this war is if so many Turkish soldiers come back home in bodybags not even the Turkish government can conceal its losses. And even that is no guarantee.


Any person with a brain size of bean or larger can find out YPG is KCK’s Syria branch.

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