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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Captures Center Of Sheikh al-Hadid District In Afrin, Secure Route To Idlib (Photos)

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On March 4, the Turkish Army and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the center of the Sheikh al-Hadid district and the villages of Mistekan and Araendi north of it, in the western part of the Afrin area, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency. Thus, Turkish forces fully secured a route from the Euphrates Shield-held area in northern Aleppo to Idlib governorate.

Sources linked to the FSA also reported that the Turkish Army and its proxies had captured the villages of Hajji Khalil, Hulilu and Hill 1102 in the Rajo district northwest of Afrin city.

Turkish Army Captures Center Of Sheikh al-Hadid District In Afrin, Secure Route To Idlib (Photos)

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Turkish Army Captures Center Of Sheikh al-Hadid District In Afrin, Secure Route To Idlib (Photos)

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Meanwhile, the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported that fighters of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) had clashed with special forces of the Turkish Police and Gendarmerie in the village of Maskah in the Rajo district. Nine serivcemembers of the Turkish Police and Gendarmerie were reportedly killed.

The YPG press also announced that YPG fighters had repelled two attacks by the Turkish Army and its proxies on their positions around the villages of Hemelke and Hecilere in the Jandaris district. YPG fighters killed twelve Turkish Army soldiers and FSA fighters and injured thirteen others, according to the source.

The center of Jandaris district west of Afrin city is likely the next target of the Turkish Army and its proxies. YPG fighters will not likely be able to hold their positions they as they have already failed to defend the centers of Bulbul, Rajo and Sheikh al-Hadid districts.

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Hulusi Akar

ypg pkk bunch of cowards, they are using human shields in afrin. They literally brought in people from afrin to jandaris. Mor ons thinking that it will stop the operation. This gives Turkey justification to continue the operations.


SAA must attack now YPG to recover lands.


I dont think it is a part of Astana deal.


The only thing that will stop this is state actor intervention, and right now they’re all letting it happen.



This is the beginning of the end of Israelistan and the balkanization of Turkey.



Not every state actor can do it, Russia ,USA or China only.


The Kurds in Syria have found themselves in the same condition of ANYONE that have allied with us(US), sold out and hanging in the wind. It seems no one ever learns from history. Selling out our allies is what we do every time.


The syrians in Syria have found themselves in the same condition of ANYONE that have allied with Russia(RUS), sold out and hanging in the wind. It seems no one ever learns from history. Selling out our allies is what we do every time.


Your lies and obvious ignoring of Syrian reclamation of land under government control, which you’ve been peddling for months are delusional.


You are so right… Before Russia joined this Syria had the situation totally under control. Another year and Syria would have won this war. Russia ruined Syria’s chance of success.


Hahahahahaah :D That sarcasm though :)))


Don’t you love how people try to blame Russia for the horrible things that have happened in Syria? If Syria had of just surrendered to the Greater Israel Project they could have spared themselves so much trouble… Don’t know where the Syrians could have lived, maybe they could have moved into Gaza.


you russians are be biggest betrayers of history. you helped to arm nazi germany. wehrmacht exercised in ussr. you gave them weapons, food. you betrayed the allied in the ww1, you betrayed all sites in ww2, you betrayed allied in warsaw pact, you betrayed cuba, vietnam. but this is not surprize, because in russia the life´s value is zero. if russians hate russians, what can we await from them?


Warsaw pact countries got their “freedom” to be in EU. So how is that a betrayal by Russia?


i not, but for commies this was betray. moscow sold out them. without asking them.


… and then came Putin. It’s a new Russia a beckon to the peace and health to the world. The beginning of the end to the Zionist NWO…. oh yeah BTW I am an American, not one of the Pavlov’s dog Americans either.


What are you smoking? The opposite is true.


of course


Yes, russia betrayed assad and did not helped. if would not be pussed on beacuse of ukraine, russia would not help. similar as in libya.


This is you moron:

“Section 8 is a category of discharge from the United States military, used for a service member judged mentally unfit for service. It also came to mean any service member given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge, as in the expression, “he’s a Section 8″.”



Russia is helping Syria achieve most of it’s military and political goals without having to fight an open hot war with the US. Russia and by extension Syria can’t afford a WW3 and honestly neither can the rest of the Globe because the way the Neocons run US politics – there wouldn’t be a Globe very soon. The Kurds picked the wrong side – again – against all logic and basic geopolitics – again – and serve as US and ZIo cannon fodder – again. Now why you think that Putin should pull Kurdish chestnuts from the fire – after they were repeatedly warned about the outcome of their separatist moves and refused several Russian sponsored political deals – is beyond me…


Russia helps itself and pisses on syrian interests. first they lat fight assad for five lomng years alone, later took sime aria and invited yanksm turkes. for russia is ok the division of syria. russians are the same animals as yanks. one of the nicest senztences in the world is: iwan poythi damoy!


And who was supplying Syria with everything – from bullets to grain – for five effing years – YOU? Don’t be ridiculous! In 2011 Turkey was at the fore front of aggression against Syria and every bullet SAA has fired had to past through Turkish waters – literally through the middle of Istanbul. Russia not only managed to keep SAA’s head above water and help it practically win the war by 2014 (before ISIL sprang out of nowhere and that’s according to western MSM – google it) – they managed to destroy the original anti-Syrian coalition to the point that Turkey and US are shooting each other’s proxies. Qataris are in a de-facto state of war with the rest of Gulf states and Israelis are getting their planes shot down – first time in decades…Even US army analysts recognize Russian achievements – albeit very reluctantly – so I don’t understand what’s your beef with Ivan…


nobody. russia gave nothing. also today gives nothing. russia sells each bullet, eah tank, everything. and syria must pa in advance. this told the almighty putin.

so, russia is terrible ally.


Syria pays???? Whit what – potatoes, peanuts, shiny beads??? With oil and gas in the hands of terrorists and Erdogan’s son making money on Syrian oil shipped through Turkish ports, for years untill RuAF blew up the convoys. And Iran giving bns of $ a year just for government salaries . And how much did they charge for Russian soldiers and officers that died in the last 3 years? You are beyond help….


with iranian money.


…so it’s not Syria paying after all – it’s Iran. Fine. I thought shiny beads don’t get you very far these days… And why do you think Russian military industrial complex should be giving staff away for free? US is charging the Saudis pretty penny for Bulgarian and Croatian weapons they are funneling to terrorists. Saudis will spend 300 bn $ for US weapons in next 10 years. Turks will pay for S 400s. Hell even Israelis pay for F-35 – although those flying shit-bricks are hardly worth the cash…Money makes the world go around – and that’s not much different in Russia.


Do you understand the difference between a client state and a formal ally?


Bob, you should know better than to ask such a complicated question to a fucking moron


Ah, the anti-Russian troll working with anti-logic, as ever. Russia saved Syria from the Orc hordes that NATO and Gulf States recruited, financed and trained. Their idea was to create a Libya 2.0 scenario in Syria, but due to both Russian diplomatic and military interventions the whole plan has failed. And doesn’t that failure to collapse the Syrian state just make you furious, velociraptor.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia hasn’t sold anyone out and they won’t. Putin can’t afford to lose any friends right now, and he’s likely at the moment trying to make some new one’s, the Kurds. Don’t be surprised if the Kurds suddenly get a shitload of COVERTLY supplied MANPADS that can’t possibly be traced back to Russia in any way. They’ll never get them from the treacherous US and they know it. I believe Putin’s speech about new his invincible nuclear weapons was directed at Erdogan as much as it was the US, and it was just a precursor for something that Putin intends to initiate in Syria in the very near future. Putin is letting Erdogan know his finger is on the button and he’s prepared to melt a few Turks if he has to.


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– NATO halts airstrikes as Russian S-400 Battery enforces no-fly zone in Syria –



3 years old info, which is obviously no longer in force along the Euphrates valley


“Russia’s defense ministry says it will treat U.S.-led coalition planes in Syria, west of the Euphrates River, as targets”

– Russia Vows to Target U.S.-Backed Aircraft in Western Syria –



Putin should be castrated for this.


You’ve been flagged to the moderator.


Putin should be castrated for this too.


You’ve been flagged too.


You are pulling it out of context

M.A. Lamett

Seems like Kurds will be again the ultimate losers, if they continue on their current track. US used them as sacrificial lamb and now they don’t have much of a use, at least in Afrin. We are going to see what will happen next in Manbij and east of Euphrates. I assume US will have to involve actively in those areas, as greater Israel project is at stake now. Kurds are just pawns used rather conveniently. Kurds shall realize that their best interest lies within the Syrian government. For their own survival they should drop their guns, quit the claims of an independent Kurdistan and opt for a limited Autonomy within Syria. Looks like this is the only option left for them, considering the victory of Assad, Russia and Iran in Syria. It would be better for them to act now than later, for their own good.

Ferhat Şah

Go heroes Go!!!


Time for the Kurds to wake the fcuk-up

US Offer Turkey to Expel Kurds, Split Manbij in Northeastern Syria http://fna.ir/a4g38f

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