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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Captures More Villages North And Northwest Of Afrin City (Map, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captures More Villages North And Northwest Of Afrin City (Map, Photos)

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On March 3, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) continued their advance in the district of Shara north of Afrin and captured the villages of Umranli, Shamanli, Karakinli and Ali Bazan, according to sources linked to the FSA. The sources added that the Turkish Army had captured the village of Ba’dinli in the Rajo district northwest of Afrin.

Kurdish sources reported that the Turkish Air Force (TAF) had stepped up its bombardment campaign against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the northern and northwestern parts of the Afrin area during the last few hours. Eight civilians were killed and twelve others were injured in the TAF bombardment, according to reports.

Meanwhile, a YPG official told the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV that clashes are still ongoing between the YPG and the Turkish Army in the center of the Rajo district, which was captured by the Turkish Army earlier.

The YPG press announced that YPG fighters had killed eight servicemen of the Turkish Army Special Forces during a “special operation” in the village of Maskah south of the Rajo district center.

Turkish sources claimed that the Turkish Army had deployed more armored vehicles and artillery pieces to its positions east of the city of Afrin. These reports allow to suggest that the Turkish Army is planning to open a new froont agiainst the YPG southeast of the Shara district.

The Turkish-backed FSA in the Shara district:

Turkish Army Captures More Villages North And Northwest Of Afrin City (Map, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captures More Villages North And Northwest Of Afrin City (Map, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captures More Villages North And Northwest Of Afrin City (Map, Photos)

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Turkish Army Captures More Villages North And Northwest Of Afrin City (Map, Photos)

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Ferhat Şah

it was such a good morning :’)

Michał Hunicz

Kurds are doomed right now. Hope they will send their reserves from troll units, maybe dutchnational will not be able to post dumb comments or in the best scenario will be taken prisoner/die.

Ferhat Şah

36SAA soldiers died while while pkk terorists running away from their positions, I feel sorry for them cuz they died for puppets of united snakes

Michał Hunicz

NDF, not SAA.

You can call me Al

No you are both right, it was a mixture.


They wouldn’t do that. Kurds units while effective it’s fewer in numbers and each of their headcount is the administrators, enforcers and protectors of the planned Kurdistan which is exactly the Turkish aiming to thinning out.


Jandaris is next to fall. Now dutchboy is at the pub weeping. :D


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You can call me Al

The pub — whahahaha, I doubt that as you need to be over 18 and a non-Muslim.


The traitor Allies have betrayed the Kurds again like they did after WW1. Once we destroy the Ottoman dogs, Europeans and Americans will be next.

Hulusi Akar

Ottomans are destroying you at the moment, in which fantasy world are you living?


You’ll know when Istanbul and Ankara are wiped out.

Hulusi Akar

And then you woke up


Many delusional fantasists can be found on the internet.


Go ask USA, USA will give you California or go ask France, France will give you some part of their country. You can also ask israel to give you north israel.


We are not Jews who will depend on the Europeans whether our country will be in Africa or Europe or Middle East. We want entire Kurdistan. What is wrong in that?


The problem is that you want kurdistan in other people land. Go build kurdistan in Iran and Turkey.

You have been fooled by USA to destroy Syria. USA, don’t need you no more.


What other people’s land? Kurds have been living here for more than a millenium, not Turks or Assyrians or Levantine or Arabs. Even the Persian historian Al-Tabari records us.

Hulusi Akar

majority of the kurds are brought in by the Ottomans. The kurds you talk about were persians. Kurds didnt exist back then.

Hulusi Akar

O really? Is that why you used the flags of USA, Russia and SAA? Just because Turks wouldnt attack you. This di ck sucking tactic doesnt work anymore. Lowest form of cowardness. No one can stop Turkish army anymore. You have seen what happened to the NDF thugs when they tried to collaborate with the PKK. This is the beginning of PKK s end in Syria.


Many Arab rebels are with the Kurds. Unfortunately, many Arab rebels instead also chose Turkic occupiers.

Hulusi Akar

They are not. SDF is ruled by Kurds its just another rebranded PKK

George King

You forgot the display of the Israeli flag in separatist marches and referendum in Iraq and Syria by Kurds.


As there is a major sunni population in Syria, the real solution would be, if Turkey would get the green territories. The main problem was with this war, that nobody was enough strong to beat others quickly.

I’m not happy with Turkey, but the majority of the population in Syria is not kurd, it’s sunni muslim, and now everywhere there are foreign shia fighters.

Kurds deserve a state, but I think Afrin will fall, and if it falls, i would push to Turkey as a long term solution. Hopefully at some point Erdogan also will be dropped out from power.


Kurds do not deserve a state. If EU and US/Israel are so eager for Kurds to have a state they can carve a good chunk of their own land for Kurds.

You can call me Al

California ?

George King

Maybe “disarmed Kurds” and migrate to Armenia for just rewards?

Moshe Dummstein

Pete, I don’t believe you are a jew; therefore I also believe you are misinformed. This whole charade is not about kurds or any other ethnicity. It is all about the Greater Israel. the territory between the Nile and the eupharates, including Jordan and southern Turkey. Any people other than jews are just pawns in this game. Please read the Yinon plan. This “thing” has started with Herzl in the ideological phase. Two world wars were fought for this sinister goal of the jew. you can add all the “war on terror” hoaxes to this atrocious, relentless endeavor. But they will loose. The end is near.

George King

The Syrian alliance has already declared “there will be no new Israel in the ME”. The pawns have reached the other side of the chess board and are returning as newly crowned pieces in this match. As you stated “they will loose. The end is near”.

John Brown

Turkey is doing Syria a big favor by destroying the YPG / ISIS terrorists in Afrin. I bet there is a secret agreement between Russia, Turkey and Syria to drive racist supremacist Jews and their terrorist puppets out of Syria. Once Turkey attacks the ISIS / Kurds capital in the Eastern part of Syria the SAA will get all it oil fields back easily. Dutch National is a racist supremacist Israeli national.

You can call me Al

My guess is Dutch National is Kurdish, OK same same.

But I was believing the same thing until the Turks hit the Syrians killing between 10 and 30, now I am a wee bit concerned.

John Brown

Can you provide proof of that please? And proof that it is Turkish soldiers not FSA doing the killing and non kurds being killed not kurds as well.

You can call me Al

As far as I know the FSA do not have an air force !!.

As for Dutch National being Kurdish – that was because he was animated when the Turks came into play and I said / asked numerous times and I just got that impression, if not agreement.

John Brown

You said the Turks hit the Syrians killing between 10 and 30, now I am a wee bit concerned. When, where and who killed the Syrians you are talking about and exactly which Syrians? Were they Syrians? Were they Syrian Kurds etc who exactly got killed ????

You can call me Al

The Turks hit a bunch of pro-Assad …..

This is a shocking link, I apologise – https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-turkey/turkish-warplanes-hit-pro-syrian-government-forces-in-afrin-kill-36-monitor-idUSKCN1GF0EB

But I have just changed off Yandex back to Google and I cannot find the story on here or AMH…..you can though.

I apologise that I cannot post it, but it was only a couple of days ago.

John Brown

Its a big nothing burger. They were not SAA. There is no agreement between the Kurds and Asssad. I bet the kurds told the USSA and Israhell where the militia were betraying them and this why there is no kurd Assad deal! Most probably an Israhell mole in the Turkish armed forces bombed the militia convoy to try to create an Assad – Turkey war, divide and conquer so Israhell would win, like they tried to start a Russia – Turkey war, when one of those coup plotters shot down the Russian plane last year and again when they killed the Russian ambassador to Turkey.

You can call me Al

Rev 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk0NMNLhDdc

George King

Those killed were volunteers NDF not SAA troops. There were 3 gang controlled (Kurd) areas in Aleppo and 2 of them were turned over to SAA/Syrian administration and those Kurds are the units that went to Afrin defense and were killed by Turkey’s movement on Afrin as promised. Syria still has many areas under tribal or gang administration that will be cleared up in due time. Read between the official lines what exactly is happening inside the Syrian alliance. Not to worry……….

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