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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Clashes With Syrian Army And Kurdish Fighters South Of Afrin

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Turkish Army Clashes With Syrian Army And Kurdish Fighters South Of Afrin

By the Turkish Army, click to see the full-size image

On March 21, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the historical Christian town of Barad and the village of Kimar south of the city of Afrin, according to sources linked to the FSA.

The sources said that the Turkish Army artillery had backed the attack on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Barad and had shelled several positions of the SAA and the YPG in the town and south of it. However, the Turkish Air Force (TAF) was not involved in the offensive.

In a related development, local residents of the Afrin area handed over 21 fighters of the YPG to the Turkish Army, according to a report of the Turkish Anadolu Agency. Since capturing Afrin city on March 18, the Turkish Army and its proxies have been conducting security operations in the newly captured area in order to eliminate any remaining YPG fighters.

Turkish Army Clashes With Syrian Army And Kurdish Fighters South Of Afrin

By the Turkish Army, click to see the full-size image

Turkish Army Clashes With Syrian Army And Kurdish Fighters South Of Afrin

By the Turkish Army, click to see the full-size image

The Kurdish self-administration in the Afrin area warned on March 18 that its forces will shift its strategy against the Turkish Army and the FSA from a direct confrontation to a guerrilla warfare.

The Turkish Army will likely announce the end of its operation in the southern part of the Afrin area soon, as its forces are getting closer and closer to the main positions of the SAA, near the city of Aleppo.

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Michał Hunicz

“However, the Turkish Air Force (TAF) was not involved in the offensive.” Clearly shows a power of the secret Putin-Erdogan agreement over Afrin.

By the way, I hope that these Fake Syrian Army rats won’t destroy this ancient Christian town. Can anyone say what was happening in situation like this?

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

They destroy their own cities, so this town is nothing to them.

Michał Hunicz

Sounds bad.




You can thank Putin the Scumbag making deals with his new best friend Sultan MONKEY Erdogan. Russians have always been the whores of Ottoman PIGS.

Hulusi Akar

Go cry somewhere else


You are too retarded even for a troll. Go kill yourself.


“Security operations”… it’s all make-believe… no matter how much they terrorise the population, they won’t be able to stay forever.

Hulusi Akar

There is no SAA there, they are iranian thugs interfering with the Turkish operation.

Feudalism Victory

I admire turkish propoganda.

Hulusi Akar

This operation is agreed on between TR and RU. These thugs are interfering with the operation and are not under command of the SAA or RU. So they are suicidal and having a deathwish. Turkey warned them more than 5times. But they rather die for PKK. There is no propaganda in my comment.

Mr. Alwaysbanned

Yeah 180 000 Iranian soldiers in a foreign country, what a logic.

Hulusi Akar

Nobody ordered them to attack Turkish forces there. They are acting on their own. You understand now?


Huh? Are you claiming that there are 180,000 Iranian military members in Syria?

Mr. Alwaysbanned

No, I claiming that it’s impossible.

Samuel Boas

Interfering? Are you absolutely retarded. Turks interfered in Syria. They invaded Syria so how about they get the fuck back home.

Hulusi Akar

How about SAA fights the yellow areas? We have 4million refugees in our country and we are here as the guarantors of the Syrian people and the national army. We invoked UN chart article 51. So make us leave. “Retard”

Hanny Benny

you feeded this war with jihaShiters you are the real isis so get calipHell

Hulusi Akar

Yes we supported local people of Syria and defected soldiers from the SAA. You expect Turkey to support a government that kills its own citizens? The only person that can be blamed is Assad. He should have stepped down and not kill his own people. Turkey is the guarantor of the FSA. And dont forget about Turkmens and Syrians in Turkey that are refugees.


Turkistan caused this war together with other terrorists. So having so many refugees is one of the prices to pay

Moshe Dummstein

if they let them go, you might end up having some exotic neighbors soon. That s why EU keeps kissing turks’ ass non-stop.

Ishyrion Av

The only government who’s killing it’s own citizens in that part of the world is erdo’s government. Presumably that kurds in Turkey are Turkish citizens. And I mean children and women too. Enjoy the show while it lasts.

Hulusi Akar

Source: ishyrioan avs ass

Ishyrion Av

Turks seem to forget genocide they rage very soon. Cizre rings any bell to you?

Moshe Dummstein

I was wondering when the stinky kikes are going to show up on this site. There you have one! After all his ilk is the real antagonist in this play…

Semper Prudens

“You expect Turkey to support a government that kills its own citizens?” Do n’ t you have a mirror? How many Turkish citizens were killed, arrested or kicked out from their jobs by Edrogan’s government after the fake attempt of the military coup, organized by himself in order to provide him dictatorial power?

Ishyrion Av

Don’t ask hulusi these things, is very impolite and he gets an headache when he gets nervous. He only knows that great erdogun kills the enemy of his country either they are inside or outside. Even they are only teachers who conspire to put him down in the classrooms. Or women and children he berried alive in Cizre for example, with his glorious turk army.

Moshe Dummstein

Are you on the payroll of the CIA front, whatever his freaking name was, who is currently abetted in Pennsylvania by the US?


One does not have to be on the payroll of the CIA to hate neoosmanism. We Serbs and other Christians from the Balkan Peninsulla (Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, even Hungarians) know very well the nature of the evil represented by Turkish imperialism. For that reason we support Kurds to take as much of the Turkish land as possibly (and if possibly Russia to liberate Constantinople some day). Because only a weak Turkey will not have strength to push it’s nose where it should not be and support Islamic separatists in our lands (Bosnia, Kosovo etc).

Jaime Galarza

You are one of those brainwashed people who believe everything your father Erdogan or CNN and other rubbish sources of propaganda feed you. Ok, let’s talk about killing wholesale. When are you going to recognize the Armenian holocaust? This “civil war” thing is an invention form the west aided by Turkey. Surely some Syrians took part in the initial protests but at this point the bulk of the “rebels” are terrorists supported by Turkey, the west and the GCC. By the way, it doesn’t show very well on Turkey as a “guarantor” when they enter a city -Aleppo- and take away the machinery and everything else they could as modern barbarians.

Moshe Dummstein

yadda yadda yadda…

Mo Richard

Well said


Turkey is guarantor of the integrity of Syria in first place, and not a guarantor of the FSA. I hope Turkey will not forget this, for its own sake. The Syrian state as the control of the most part of the population and of the territory, and the FSA don’t. The only thing that the FSA can take its YPG controled territory, if the USA will less, and if russians, iranians and syrians are not preparing something to come.

Mo Richard

Yes, don’t complain about the refugees. As you just said, it’s a direct product of Turkish intervention. Supporting and arming terrorists against the regime. You even had good business with ISIS. The world knows. But you never attacked them. It’s really hard to believe the sincerity of a Turk when he says he cares about you.

Hanny Benny

YOU kill your own kurdish citizens en mass!!! Assdad is holy against turkish aggression!!! come on go to calipHell you bring

Hanny Benny

you are the real isis

Hanny Benny

what you do to your “mountainturks”, destroying whole cities, supporting jihadists in Syria is .. good. what assad does is .. bad .. God give brain… you will never have peace you love killing and war abducting children(devsirme) this is your culture

Shuja Pasha

Hulusi stfu only communist Kurdish elements are their, some embedded within the Army. No Shia militias. The Shias in Turkey supported the operation.

Hulusi Akar

Did I say anything about shias?


They are Shias though Assad brought them to repopulate Sunni towns from Iran they cannot even speak Arabic.

Shuja Pasha


Shuja Pasha

LOL stfu you wimp. Speak for evidence or die.

Which one are you? A Zionist rat screeching on the net? Or a homosexual sexually impotent fat Saudi shitting on cyberspace? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/abea104b455781af4f622ef1575bb71c10db1c867db6036d7c145af1769eb109.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c74f1990c7347b1438a34f096d4accd3077911e0e5f33f1bcdd06e0114ef976.jpg

Feudalism Victory

Aleppo is the target. They may try all of syria and split it with israel a real hitler stalin type agreement.

Are the jews nazis now? Nah erdogan is the hitler echo.


Aleppo can be the target only in dreams. More, in Syria there’s nothing to be targeted neither by the USA nor by Turkey in the territory controled by the syrian government. Detail question: the jews are a religion and/or, if you want, “jews” can be also a synonim to Hebreo people. The fascists or nazis, as you wish, are the zionists. Go read about Nazi and Zionist cooperation before the WWII, there are many books. One can be a Hebreo and a Jew not being a zionist, but if he is a zionist, he is a fascist or nazi.

Feudalism Victory

Nothing about erdogan suggests hes ever content with what he has.I would bet he doesnt view assads government as off limits. After all he did let all those isis terrorists pass through his territory.


Gee, I can see Dutchnational wearing blue jeans and bowing the head on the two bottom pics : good luck Dutchnational and congrats, I am impressed at what you and your Israeli backers achieved with your Zio-Kurdistan, as these pics evidence well.

Samuel Boas

Dutchnational is a pathetic and disgusting little troll here on this website.


Who is this Dutchnational you speak of? Has he been on the site lately?

Samuel Boas

Some die hard kurd/isis lover. Pathetic guy.


One of them must be Dutchnational himself :O

Icarus Tanović

Hes an idiot, and youre naive. Dont you see, already, that TAF is doing all things agreed in Astana?


Why do you call me naive??

Icarus Tanović

Take everithing with Cum Grano Salis. Peace.

Gabriel Hollows

What are the sources for these ‘reports’? I doubt Turks will have the audacity to attack the SAA openly, unless they want their planes to get shot out of the sky.


AMN repeatedly informed. Also TAF 2x attacked SAA within 48 hours.


Putin welcomes this. Instead of sex he sits before monitor every evening and is enjoying the war scenes.


You are wrong as usual; Every evening The President goes to the local comedy club, where the comedians read out the incoherent babblings of people like yourself and Mountains of Shite. The patrons including the President are often seen rolling around the floor of the theatre in hysterical laughter. To be honest I don’t think ye are funny, I just think ye’re fuckin stupid Morons


Turkish tactics are so inefficient, they’re using Leopard 2s as self propelled artillery.


Related; If the Turks procede any farther south then they are at high risk of war with the SAA.


Turkey has T-155 Firtina Howitzers(self-propelled) with a range of 40km~. Why would they use Leopards for long-range shelling? You are just embrassing yourself.


It’s in the video, I don’t know why but more often than not Turkish tanks are providing close fire support and rear security/reserve rather than their intended role in armored charges.


İf Ndf want villages then they must remove all ypg rats or they will be target…

Richard M

Ottoman Barbarossa has reached its’ High Water Mark. Now they will be pushed back all the way to Berlin!…I mean Istanbul!

Ishyrion Av

You mean Constantinople.

Richard M

Then Green Buses to Uzbekistan!

Ishyrion Av

Or green camels. Anything for the great nation of turks. Or what will be left of it.


Not sure where the agreement line is here? NDF goes in and gets hit. The German line was very spread out in the N caucasus, and then got hit in operation Ur anus :)

Richard M

In Turkish it will be called Operation Ah Noose!

John Brown

Now Turkey will move on to Kobani al-Hasakah etc. expect them to all to fall within a month.

Richard M

Maybe, and maybe they will get a nasty surprise when they try!


From who ? Do you want support your terorrist so bad, what a shame xD

Richard M

That’s to find out. When you invade sovereign countries and loot and pillage all sorts of unexpected things can happen!


You are talking about Usa rigt ?

Richard M

Sure, but Ottoman Empire too!


Untill my army fight agains pkk I will not agree whit you, when they will get red area I will agree…


already did

kill the turkish invaders! all of them!


Shut up freedum kurds, beg for us air force….

John Brown

Yes a surprise at how fast the Kurds collapse!


LOL for the WW2 reference that most of the people here will not understand. Boy was that a mistake by Hitler or what? I also do not think that he knew that the USA would start arming the Soviet Union. Then again, Hitler started out making good decision for about a year and then made a ton of terrible choices (idiot). Like why on earth did he support the Italians in Africa? He stretched himself way too thin. Also he didn’t think much of America because America was just trying to be left alone. Attacking any nation with huge industrial power and millions upon millions of men for combat is never a good idea. He attacked the three main nations that fit that category, and he lost. Sorry for WW2 rant!

Richard M

Very nice analysis. Hitler might have done more to arm and train his Iranian and Iraqi allies who fell to UK and USSR invasion with minimal difficulty. He might have done more to encourage Indian nationalism in the six years between 1933 and WW2’s outbreak. His FM, Ribbentrop also failed to bring Franco’s Spain and Ataturk’s Turkey into the Axis Pact. He might have ended support for China against his ally Japan sooner than he did. But that is the nature of history, and indeed of life itself. ‘Would haves’ and ‘might have beens’. But as you point out, Barbarossa was the ‘Star atop the tree’ of badly executed plans….Sorry for the rant!

Hugo Lusitano Viriato

What the fuck this fucking pigs turkish are doing in Syria!!!!

Icarus Tanović

Roles are superb performed, just like in reheresal. Turkish forces eliminate YPG, and etc, while “shelling” positions of SAA. Just as agreed in Astana.

John Whitehot

some western medias are publishing lists of casualties of westerners who died in Afrin fighting against Turkey and FSA, together with photos and some of their stories.

Honestly, it’s very sad.


I think Turkey did a wonderful thing some revenge for the massive bloodshed in Raqqa the SDF did to the civilians more dead commies on the way they got Ottoman slapped


They were called Shabiha until they changed their name to NDF kind of like YPG now are called SDF they are responsible for a lot of massacres of Sunni’s in Syria Erdogan is just giving some long overdue justice.

John Mason

US gets east of the Euphrates, Turkey gets north west of the Euphrates, Russia will share the military bases with Syria who gets what is left over. That is how it is starting to look otherwise Syria, Russia and Iran would have taken up the matter of US/Turkey illegal occupation of Syria with the UNSC or the UNO.

Moshe Dummstein

but that was not the idea; the east was the buffer zone, the west the goal. If the goal is at risk, then why bother about the buffer zone?


John, US and Turkey will not get a inch of syrian territory, as in the end you will see. If you want, we can make a bet: the looser will donate $100 to south front.

John Mason

I never take money and impose hardship on another individual, have to decline over moral issues; gambling is a drug.

Moshe Dummstein

Damn! Dr. Faustus and Wagner are also here amongst us! They are masturbating tete a tete and voting up each other…


Assad better finish off ghouta this week once and for all.. or if they cannot…they should halt it and reenergize defend around Aleppo. its all about Aleppo…. Erdog+US accomplice.


Seems a bit hard to tell what’s going on through the smoke. I don’t think the SAA and turks will engage each other except by accident at this point

Mustafa Mehmet


Wahid Algiers

Once the ops in the Eastern Ghouta are finished the elite units of the SAA will show the invading Turks and their fucken proxies how to find the way back to Turkeystan.


You mean what is left of them. They are dying like flies in Ghouta. I don’t see much being left at this point. They send in everything they had into Ghouta to the point where other areas are weak defended now. All tanks and equipment went into Ghouta


You don’t see anything, because your head is up your arse. You know as much to what is going on in Ghouta as the Syrian Observatory do.

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