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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Deploys Within Only 7km Of Afrin City (Map, Videos)

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Turkish Army Deploys Within Only 7km Of Afrin City (Map, Videos)

By TRT TV, click to see the full-size map

On March 7, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the town of Mash’alah of the Shara district, only 8km north of the city of Afrin, according to FSA-linked sourcces. Additionally, the Turkish Army reportedly captured the Maydanki Dam and the village of Hallubi Sagher northeast of Mash’alah.

Earlier, the Turkish Army and its proxies advanced in the southern part of the Shara district and captured the villages and towns of Kafr Janneh, Tall Hamu, Shirkan, Metinli and Qatma and Tel Hamu.

Kurdish and Turkish sources reported that the Turkish Air Force (TAF) had stepped up its aerial operations against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the center of the Jandaris district, west of Afrin. At least two women were injured in the TAF’s bombardment.

Meanwhile, the YPG press announced that YPG fighters had repelled several attacks by the Turkish Army and its proxies on their positions in the southern part of the Shara district. YPG fighters destroyed a tank and an armored vehicle belonging to the Turkish Army and killed 34 Turkish Army soldiers and FSA fighters, according to the YPG press.

The Turkish Army and its proxies will likely reach the outskirt of the city of Afrin and capture the Jandaris district center in the upcoming days. During the last week, most of the YPG’s defenses north of Afrin collapsed.

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Promitheas Apollonious

it looks the myth of the kurds been warriors, is fading away and reality setting in.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Well , you see, it’s one and a half month now, and Turkey have still not been able to capture Afrin district with its airforce, armor and manpower.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

its a tactic you dumb. Turkey tries to kill as much as possible terrorist here. Thats why Turkey waits ypg=pkk send more reinforces. Also tries minimum casulties. 2900 pkk terrorist already died. Operation is running sucessfully. Its win win situation for both Assad and Turkey


The killer satanists have their supporters and you are one of them.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

They are not killer satanists , they are heros and saviours of Syria. They kill Us backed terrorists.


You can say that an elephant is a bird but the real terrorist is the AKP Erdogan government and his baked FSA Ggangs. There are a lot of videos that reveals their terrorist actions, not only on freedom fighters but on civilians too.


don’t believe everything on the net


Funny man.

Can I place a request for intelligent jokes?

Lelouch Vi Britannia

If you have a brain why not

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Well, you’re the dumb if you believe the TSK’s numbers.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Not me you are the dumb. Ypg sent over 5k terrorist to reinforcement. Why do they do?

Hulusi Akar


900 dead pkk ra ts confirmed by pro pkk sources. The bodies that they hide, missing, burried by fsa are not included.


Please…Do not drinking too much camel urine, like your FSA brother


do not be afraid, Kurdish nation has a lot of stock.

Michael Tingirides

Most probably the Turkish demons will prevail in the end in the Afrin area but in the long term this Satanic nation (well known for its genocides & ethnic cleansings) will collapse because arrogance and terrorism never prevail in the end. The international community may tolerate for the time being Turkey’s current arrogance, viciousness and contempt of international law to protect their economic interests, but in the end their patience will run out. This international pirate (Turkey) will sooner or later pay for its arrogance and lawless behaviour.

Hulusi Akar

I thought Afrin was going to be vietnam for Turkey? Now your terrorist buddies are repeating the same meme about Turkey not capturing Afrin in a week. lol

TSK said it themselves it will take atleast 4 months. And Turkey uses afrin as pkk meatgrinder. They bait all the terrorists into Afrin and destroy them. After Afrin -> Manbij . Manbij will have less manpower. ;)

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Well, 68 Turkish soldiers died by now, soit’s a meatgrinder for them, not only for the “terrorists”.

Hulusi Akar

Where tf did you get that number? Out of your as s? 41 soldiers died. I dont know where u got that other imaginary 27 soldiers from.


Come on, abdull.. Airtrike is an action of bravery?? Close combat, will you?

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Didnt pkk do same against others? They used Us airpower. But Us cant attack Turkey. You all know that. Turkey is not crap assad


“They used US airpower” Really? then, what do they pay for it? I told you before, all of you, do not drinking too much camel urine, like your brother, FSA, AL NUSRA, AL QAIDA (They are real terrorist).

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Are you blind? Cant you see the truth? All Syria war is prepared to seperate syria and create kurdish country. Us gives full eq and airpower support. They hit assad and Syria to defend pkk


“All Syria war is prepared to seperate syria and create kurdish country.” I think, you should try ice cream, it’s delicious, you know .. and once again, please… please… do not too much drinking camel urine…. What on earth USA would do that, create Kurdish Country?? First, Syria War came up with Arab Spring, The Dream of The Virginity Hunter The Golden Caliphate, Islamic State. In this terms, the situation and condition supported by Hussein Obama, your uncle, the big devil. Off course Erdogan the donkey from the turks, happy for that. Second, Assad the Leader of Syrian people not willing to be dictated by the european leader (French, UK, German), Hussein Obama and Erdogan the dog, Third, War started Fourth, Assad should be lost by the virginity hunter, but Allahu Akbarrrr, saved by the grace of Russian. So it has nothing to do with Kurdish. In this case, Kurdish is a victim of the circumstances of the Arab Spring Event, including other minorities. What you need to take note of in this case is Hussein Obama, does not represent the entire interest of the American Society. Americans know that ISIS and army right wing are formed by the permission of Husein Obama. That is why if Hillary Clinton was elected president, then she will continue the policy of Husein Obama. Especially the problem of Syria, there will be a very big war involving the USA directly and dealing with Russia. But thank God, Hillary Clinton lost the USA election. Trump supports the Kurds because it is more effective than Erdogan. Why? Erdogan himself hides ISIS. Can be proved when the siege of Kobani, ISIS hide in turkish border, that is why Trump no longer willing to cooperate with Turkey. Similar to Pakistan, that’s why all funding is stopped by Trump. How can we give funds to quell terrorists instead used to develop terrorists, this is called a double agent. Well, find another point of view, you will find the truth.


You are wrong. Why? Because the world is sucked by vampire imperialists including US and you are still believing their fake agenda and news. Imperialist are experts on creating public revolts like Arab Spring (ref. lawrence of arabia). US backs kurds in order to place a shiled for israel. Thats it.


When speaking of imperialism, Arab is the real imperialist. They invaded the entire peninsula of Africa, Spain and the Middle East, to the land now inhabited by the Turks. Where was it all then. If you want to be fair, return it to the real land owner. Syria to Asyrian, Armenia, Cyprus, Greeks, Kurds, Farsi (Persian), Coptic, African and Bynzantine. But they never learn from history. So do not blame and point the nose one country only. What Turkey has done is clear and definitely WRONG. How the story strikes on the grounds of terrorists to other countries. It’s the same as attacking the Malaysian state by Thailand because in Malaysia there are international terrorists known as Jemaaah Islamiyah. Or the Indonesian state attacked Malaysia because Jemaah Islamiyah members bombed Jakarta. Does that make any sense? There is International Diplomatic Law. The problem is, Erdogan the rotten dog, does not recognize the legitimacy of the legitimate Assad in Syria, that is why he simply, took the decision to attack through the borders of another country. Erdogan Bad Dog


Being an empire is different from imperialism or colonism. To judge if a historical organisation is an empire or a vampire, you can check the territories if they still have their native language and traditions are protected. Arabs and Turks didn’t convert people by force. All territories that were governed by Arabs and Turks are still speaking their native language. Now, look at the places that became colonies of england, france etc. They speak english and french while they are struggling poverty. You are calling the president dog because he is successful in issues that you disapprove. But if we swear all people that we do not like, then anger grows between groups of people. The real actors in Syria issue are US and Russia. Turkey and Iran are trying to defend their rights.


Really? today turkey almost bankrupt. Read it. http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/turkish-economy-heading-toward-crisis-under-erdogan-a-1141363.html



the second link is two year old. The first link starts with a name who is a suspect of the military coup so… It is very clear that Turkish economy can overcome cross-border military operations while affecting routines in the country. I know because i am here in Turkey.


It is becoming increasingly clear that Erdogan is trying to distract his people from the fact that he has no plans to deal with the whirlwinds that engulf the economy in his country by holding a battle with a group of Kurdish farmers.


Those “farmers” you say have thousands of weapons from US including heavy equipment. They also hold civilians for live shields. Otherwise, they would starve to death in the city while the Turkish army surrounded the city. But now, Turish forces will force through the city to save civilians. A similar event was occured in the last years in Turkey (Diyarbakir Sur). The battle is not for the distraction. It is for the border safety and it is very clear. The Turkish Government have asked its US ally not to feed YPG with weapons form more than a year but couldn’t succeeded. The operation was indispensable.


Those “FSA, AL NUSRA, ISIS, etc” you say have thousands of weapons from turkish including heavy equipment. They also hold civilians for live shields in eastern GHOUTA. Otherwise, they would starve to death in the city while the Syrian army surrounded the city. But now, Syrian forces will force through the city to save civilians. The battle is not for the distraction but to endorse Assad’s presidency and the legitimacy of his power “It is for the border safety and it is very clear.” —–>> You already invaded other country, do not drinking too much camel urine, abdul… Why don’t your response the statement I’ve given to you about It’s the same as attacking the Malaysian state by Thailand because in Malaysia there are international terrorists known as Jemaaah Islamiyah. Or the Indonesian state attacking Malaysia because Jemaah Islamiyah members bombed Jakarta? Does that make any sense?? “The Turkish Government have asked its US ally not to feed YPG with weapons form more than a year but couldn’t succeeded” They use it to kill ISIS, abdullll….. But your government, the turks, feed Al Nusra, ISIS, FSA, etc to dethrone the legitimacy of the people of Syria….


You should first ask yourself what is ISIS and how it emerged in that territory with that power. My answer is US. Think about the war between Afghanistan and Russia. US fed some groups with weapons against Russia. Then US invaded there and killed dozens who once fed by US. It is very similar for Iraq and Syria. Those groups you say; “AL NUSRA, ISIS, etc”; are all puppets of US such as in Afghanistan. YPG is another puppet. How can you believe that YPG cleaned ISIS? Us drawn a puppet and replaced another one. But the problem is YPG enters to Turkey to aid PKK which attacks civilians and does what terrorists do.

If you look to my responses, I never defend al nusra or ISIS. FSA is an exception. But you have prejudice and you think that Turkey supported al nusra and ISIS. Thats what US wants you to think. Thats how they work.

I understand that you want me to make emphaty, but you miss that Syrian army does not surround the city, they jut bombard it and demolish it. You can compare the sattelite photos of Afrin and Ghouta. The skill of the Turkish army is this; the civilian casualties are the minimum. You should check it from neutral sources.

The war against Assad is not originating from Turkey but from US. That is your enemy not Turkey.

Turkey is not invading another country. Otherwise it would stay there and asked for war indemnity. But Turkey will leave the territory. So the military move is against YPG, not against Syria. And it is for border safety. Why do you think Russia is cooperating with Turkey?

About camel urine, I want you to know that every substance in this universe can be used for medical treatment. For instance snake venom. With proper amount it can cure a desease. For instance: https://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/08/health/snake-venom-antiplatelet-drug-study/index.html . Urine was being used for cleaning clothes for centuries in all around the world. ıt contains amonia and other substances. Different amounts can be used for different occasions in the absence of proper medical equipment. Again an instance for you; if a bee stings you and you are away from medical treatment, you can use your urine or a friend of yours to cure the wound thanks to the amonia in the urine. About the camel urine; yes there is a certain dose that you can drink for health: [1] Camel urine inhibits the cytochrome P450 1a1 gene expression through an AhR-dependent mechanism in Hepa 1c1c7 cell line Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabi Abdulqader A.Alhaidera. Mohamed A.M.El Gendyb. Hesham M.Korashyc. Ayman O.S.El-Kadib. [2] The Growth Inhibitory Potential and Antimetastatic Effect of Camel Urine on Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. Romli F., Abu N., Khorshid FA., Syed Najmuddin SU., Keong YS., Mohamad NE., Hamid M., Alitheen NB., Nik Abd Rahman NM. [4] David F. Putnam, Composition and Concentrative Properties of Human Urine, NASA Contractor Report, Temmuz 1971. Rapor için bakınız; https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19710023044.pdf [5] Harald W. Tietze, Urine The Holy Water, Harald W. Tietze Publishing: 2003, 3rd edition

Again, Turkey is not attacking Syria. It is cleaning PKK/YPG terrorists from Syria and i think it is best for the Syria too.

US didn’t fed YPG for cleaning ISIS, it wants a kurdish state in the northern part of Syria and Iraq to aid israel.


You should first ask yourself what is ISIS and how it emerged in that territory with that power. My answer is US. Think about the war between Afghanistan and Russia. US fed some groups with weapons against Russia. Then US invaded there and killed dozens who once fed by US. It is very similar for Iraq and Syria. Those groups you say; “AL NUSRA, ISIS, etc”; are all puppets of US such as in Afghanistan. YPG is another puppet. How can you believe that YPG cleaned ISIS? Us drawn a puppet and replaced another one. But the problem is YPG enters to Turkey to aid PKK which attacks civilians and does what terrorists do.

If you look to my responses, I never defend al nusra or ISIS. FSA is an exception. But you have prejudice and you think that Turkey supported al nusra and ISIS. Thats what US wants you to think. Thats how they work.

I understand that you want me to make emphaty, but you miss that Syrian army does not surround the city, they jut bombard it and demolish it. You can compare the sattelite photos of Afrin and Ghouta. The skill of the Turkish army is this; the civilian casualties are the minimum. You should check it from neutral sources.

The war against Assad is not originating from Turkey but from US. That is your enemy not Turkey.

Turkey is not invading another country. Otherwise it would stay there and asked for war indemnity. But Turkey will leave the territory. So the military move is against YPG, not against Syria. And it is for border safety. Why do you think Russia is cooperating with Turkey?

About camel urine, I want you to know that every substance in this universe can be used for medical treatment. For instance snake venom. With properamount it can cure a desease. I coppied a link here but the message was marked as spam; so you can search it from the net. Urine was being used for cleaning clothes for centuries in all around the world. ıt contains amonia and other substances. Different amounts can be used for different occasions in the absence of proper medical equipment. Again an instance for you; if a bee stings you and you are away from medical treatment, you can use your urine or a friend of yours to cure the wound thanks to the amonia in the urine. About the camel urine; yes there is a certain dose that you can drink for health: [1] Camel urine inhibits the cytochrome P450 1a1 gene expression through an AhR-dependent mechanism in Hepa 1c1c7 cell line Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabi Abdulqader A.Alhaidera. Mohamed A.M.El Gendyb. Hesham M.Korashyc. Ayman O.S.El-Kadib. [2] The Growth Inhibitory Potential and Antimetastatic Effect of Camel Urine on Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. Romli F., Abu N., Khorshid FA., Syed Najmuddin SU., Keong YS., Mohamad NE., Hamid M., Alitheen NB., Nik Abd Rahman NM. [4] David F. Putnam, Composition and Concentrative Properties of Human Urine, NASA Contractor Report, Temmuz 1971. [5] Harald W. Tietze, Urine The Holy Water, Harald W. Tietze Publishing: 2003, 3rd edition

Again, Turkey is not attacking Syria. It is cleaning PKK/YPG terrorists from Syria and i think it is best for the Syria too.

US didn’t fed YPG for cleaning ISIS, it wants a kurdish state in the northern part of Syria and Iraq to aid israel.

achiles Greeko

Simple because turks were always playing the role of “Bitch” for zionist. Most of Bitches in US-american spy-agencies are turks. Majority of Bitches in Europe are turkish-Cunts.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Crap greek what u know about diplomacy. You never had a real country in history. You are us spy zionist bitch


what are you, a kindergarden child? When you swear about a community on a public web page, there is a big probability that your name and community would be involved in various swearword


You are correct. Turkey is just crap, period.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Dont cry from your little country you poor idiot

Hulusi Akar

My name is not Abdul, fukin crackhead kike.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

I got it from SOHR. It’s kinda reliable source.

Hulusi Akar

LOL SOHR. PRO PKK SOURCE. Its 1 guy living in London. So you believe a fkin 1 dude living in london over the Turkish armed forces? What a clown you are.

I just provided you proof and you still believe in sohr that claim only 300 pkk died. What a joke. He claims that 60 Turkish soldiers died while Turkish armed forces say 41. Yeah really reliable, buddy.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

So for you everything that is not Turkish, and says other things than the Turkish Armed Forces (which is on one of the sides in the conflict, so not reliable) is pro-PKK. I’m sorry, but then don’t say I’m a clown, because you are.

Hulusi Akar

I believe statements with proof. If you have proof about your claims back it up and show it to me. I gave you alot of proof. I would definitely take the word of the Turkish armed forces rather than some rag militia terrorist. Its known that SOHR is unreliable. I follow this war since 2012. I am not going to discuss with a dumb kid that just claimed that Sohr is reliable.

You should follow this subreddit if you want to learn about this conflict. https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Well, I think a Reddit is not nough reliable for me, but it seems like “reliable means different to you than to me. No problem. :)

Hulusi Akar

I never said reddit is reliable. can you read nigga? I said if you want to learn about this conflict.

Reliable twitter accounts: https://twitter.com/acemal71 https://twitter.com/op_shield

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Why do you think I1m a nigga? And I said that Reddit is not reliable, beacuse you said I need to read it to learn about this conflict. Well, I don’t want to learn fro an unreliable source.


Turkey has all the time. They advance carefully but surely. No need to hurry up.


Right. Just having lost some 400 really dead people and some 100 tanks and APC’s is just fun for them.


For Turkey, it’s better to have lost 400 dead and then stop “rojava” than to lost 1 million when kurds wioll invade Turkey USA in 20 years.


Fact is we see Turkey invading other countries. Not the other way around. You are talking “fears” while I am talking facts.

Hulusi Akar

Afrin is the proof that this is the beginning of the end of ypg/pkk/sdf. After Afrin the other yellow areas will be targeted + Iraq joint operation in qandil.


more than 30 000 civilians lost their lives due to PKK terrorism in Turkey.

Hulusi Akar

There is no 400 death on Turkish side. And no way near 100 tanks got destroyed. Fukin liar that you are. 2 tanks got destroyed and 1 apc.

Joe Dokes

You are correct, it is 374 Turkish forces dead, 6 tanks, 23 APC and 65 Toyotas destroyed as well as two T-A129 attack helicopters.

Hulusi Akar

Delusional mor on. Feel sad for you. Believing those imaginary numbers so you feel better about losing afrin. You know what I allow you to believe in it. But you should not fool people on the internet.

Joe Dokes

I am still waiting for that Ottoman slap your president promised me.


it is really simple, throw your head on a wall; you’ll feel same as you would slapped

Moshe Dummstein

Did you count in person or are you chief of staff of some country or peddler of some terrorist organization?

Joe Dokes

Human rights watch keeps the casualty count, there are video confirmations on material losses.

Moshe Dummstein

that s a kike organization; I have a particular distrust and abhorrence that s associated or allied with the kike, including the kike ITSELF.

Moshe Dummstein

he is a delusional, desperate dirty-ass kurd. How can you expect any truth from a 3rd class Marxist-Leninist human garbage. Just give them what they need: Kill more!


Another troll.

Both lying, posturing, wordchanging and namecalling does not change the facts.

Turkey lost some 100 tanks, APC’s etc already, most even visible on internet at the moment they are struck – youtubes all over internet. The number of tanks is reported at around 30 to 40. (think of Al Bab where Turkey lost some 30 tank in a few days early 2017)

As we all know you cannot rely on Turkish media that are not allowed to publish negative news.

As for Turkish loss reports, those are not reliable either. Kurds report some 2 to 300 of their fighters killed, some 200 civillians killed and lossess sustained by TSK and TFSA now some 400, as reported by SOHR. SDF estimates the lossess of turks and mercenaries at over 2000, is propaganda just like the estimates of Erdogan, claiming some 3.000.

Hulusi Akar

The troll is you here, the people here are mislead by you. I just came here on this website the other day I got shocked by the comments. If you really think that Turkey lost 100 tanks apc. You must be really dumb.

And nowhere near 200 civilians died. Max 30 The rest are terrrorists disguised as civilians. Btw jinderes got fully captured. No go cry, bitch.


Too much alcohol I think. You have become a flying dutchman.


what is your source for the news? could you kindly share with us?

Jim Martin

I think that Erdogan and his brown shirts were counting rabbits, chickens and goats stolen from the local Afrin Populace. Every time they had a meal and “declared victory” You would think they gave their own forces some Turkish MREs? Or ins the money for the MREs in some AKP members house in Ankara, stuffed in a shoe box in their own residence?


fake news

Promitheas Apollonious

so the turks went slow and safe or more safe. I would have expected the kurds to have more defense against air force but obviously the turks catch them with their pants down. That is how ti looks to me. because I also remember what the kurds was saying is going to happen.


Because they are not savages and criminals look at the eastern ghouta what assad and russia do they erase all by massive destruction. But turkish and opposition go slowly , limiting civilian casualities.


nice point

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Limiting civilian casualties? Did you see that Turkish warplanes are bombing civilian areas? By now, here are over 170 civilian casualties, and more than 5000 people fled from the area.


Yes limiting civilian casualities, you can compare between both situations. You said 170 i don’t know ,may be, but this in one month and half , assad and russia kill them in 2 or 3 days .that’s the reality turkish and opposition fight to the regular

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Yes, but Eastern Ghouta is a more populated area.


Turkey is advancing slowly because they are destroying all the hard points, caves and tunnels the YPG thought would protect them, and they are doing it without major civilian casualties.

They could have taken out the terrorists in Afrin by destroying every village, town and city like the USA and Russia & Syria have done

Hulusi Akar

Everyone can be warriors against ISIS with US airsupport. Before the US intervened, ISIS would literally destroy them.

Promitheas Apollonious

from what we been allowed to see, I kind of agree with you, on this part.

s Slippy

What is “kind of?” Please explain to me


“kimd of” means “somewhat”


Against the the vile airstrikes there isn’t more to do.


Slowly turkish invaders are inching forward and one has been hearing, more likes hopes of the reporters, that SDF/YPG forces are collapsing. Nothing like the sort has happened and is happening.

Somewhere, if matters develop like they do at the moment, there will a moment that the city limits of Afrin will be reached. The largest numbers of casualties, on all sides, will be from that time on.

It will be “interesting” to see how the “special police forces” as they call their specialised youngster killers, will fare against a larger number of better trained, armed adult fighters in a fortified city.

Hulusi Akar

Keep the morale high. LOL


The turkish dogs and the FSA rats could also conquere Afrin, but the people whose children, women and men were slaughtered by the aggressors will hate them for the eternity having a spirit of revenge, So what did kerdogan solve?

Hulusi Akar

Operation olive branch is the operation with the least civilian casualties in the whole syrian war since 2011. Go make propaganda somewhere elso kurdo.


I know that turkish soldiers and fsa gangs are good fighters and repect the prisoners and the civilians but only in the turkish press that after the purge is worst than toilet paper.

Hulusi Akar

Turkish press was always sht, but it doesnt mean everything out of TR media is fake.

Joe Dirt

War is hell.

Moshe Dummstein

the order in human nature: rage, frustration, acquiescence. you are currently in second stage…


But you are in the psicotic stage with the brain completely devasted and the heart as a stone: the maximum for a Kerdogan sheep and a member of grey wolves, however uneusefull rubbish.

Joe Dokes

There are 1,700 YPG reinforcements on the way, they will make taking the city of Afrin a bloody affair.

Moshe Dummstein

plus the two of you; now that s some real reinforcement!

Joe Dokes

Think about it, there are 50,000 YPG with more being recruited every day. They can turn an occupation into Turkey’s Vietnam and there is nothing Turkey can do about it because they are protected by the Turkey Master. Kurds from Iraq, Iran and even Turkey itself are joining up. Taking it is the easy part, and so far Turkey’s incompetent leadership hasn’t even been able to do that in 48 days when General Akar said it could be done in 3 days.

Moshe Dummstein

I guess you are referring to the Turkish chief of staff. I will be grateful if you can please provide a link to this statement of his. Remember on such matters the only reliable information source is the website of that relevant department of state. you should have realized by now only the face value of the so-called news on ANY news website can be taken with caution.

As for the Vietnam thing, I am not a sorcerer; I cannot tell. But there are some nations in this world such as germans, Russians, turks, of which the US is NOT one, whose militaries function on the true sense of patriotism, commitment, and sacrifice. They either win or loose; they don’t get stuck like the US did in many instances in history. The reason is their troops don’t get conscripted with financial prospects like the US mercenaries, who enlist dreaming of a brand new F150 and a house in the affluent neighborhood as opposed to the shack they grew up with their redneck relatives.

Joe Dokes

If any country is full of flag waving, Quran thumping homophobic red necks it is Turkey. The real kicker is they actually have red necks. Erdogan wants to recreate the Ottoman Empire 100 years too late. The world order won’t tolerate it and if he keeps pushing it he will lose what little is left from the last time they tried it.

Moshe Dummstein

what you are saying is in no way sequel to your previous response. I intend to conduct a discussion based on Socrates’ method of reasoning. I don’t see any coherency in your responses. No use carrying on with this discussion…

Joe Dokes

I don’t recall the Socratic method using racial slurs to confer a sense of racial superiority so indeed, there is no point.


Imo Erdogan will have a great chance of ending like Hitler. He acts like it too, incl racist policies.


Erdogan claimed several hours, max of three days too.

As for your ignorant remarks on US military :

Most US military live in camps with on camp housing depending on their ranks.

Most of those joining do this out of either a sense of adventure or a sense of patriottism. In that they are hardly different than all non conscripts in all armies all over the world.


you have watched too much hollywood movies.

Moshe Dummstein

I don’t correspond with kurds!!!


You label one side as “killers” and the other side “fighters”. From what i understand by looking to your comments during the past month, you want YPG/PKK to win the battle against Turkey. And most probably you are trying your best to support YPG/PKK by spreading bad news about Turkish Military (most of them are not true). So why is your nick name is dutchnational? Do you have anything to do with being a dutch? What you are supporting is fighting people for a goal while they don’t really know what they are serving for. They are tools of a small group of elite living in thousands of km away.


SDF = Swapping Daesh Force.


Syrian NDF should leave AFRIN and abandon Kurds to the consequences of their felony.

El' kerym

tempting, true at that. but that will be a bad move in long perspective. it’s better to negotiate with kurds then with erdogan, but I agree that NDF should not waste too much effort until kurds fully agree to cooperate with Damascus govt.


This is about to get really interesting….and probably really bloody. The Kurds are not going to give up Afrin with a fight. They will not win. But, the urban fighting will not be easy and will be bloody…for both sides. Airstrikes are easier to accomplish when the enemy is out in the wide open. It gets harder to sue air power in urban combat, with civilians close.

I would do one of the following tow things if I were the Kurds. I would negotiate a peace deal and give up all of Afrin, hoping that the Turks are satisfied enough to eave manjib alone. I might even give the region up to the Syrian government, so that the turks either have to withdraw or fight Assad. The second option would be to pull all of the Kurdish fighters back around Afrin, prepare for a siege, and hold the line. The siege option will result in a Kurdish loss.

If I were the Turks I would keep doing what I am doing, strangling the Kurdish forces slowly. The Turks only worry now is what will Russia do? If Assad leaves the turks to take Afrin, then Turkey has no worries. If Assad starts to fight the turks a lot, well that could be an issue in the future.

Either way, its gonna be real interesting to watch over the next few weeks.

(I have no side that I support or hate in this. I am neutral).


it make sense for a neutral one. What i want to stress is, there wouldn’t be a war that Turkey involve if there wouldn’t be PKK and terrorists. The kurds in Afrin are mercenaries of the imperialists. So there is no option of peace for them. I am sure that Turkey is ready for all kinds of peace.


faaaling rain, faaaling kuuurds….


You really think the kurds are terrorists? The turks are the terrorists wake up. THE KURDS ARE WARRIORS its been 2 months of fighting and the turks only now they managed to capture a town with all their tanks and planes and proxies . THINK ABOUT THAT.


I think the loss of Jandairis has pushed some of our Kurdish friends over the edge, based on the comments here.

Anyone have the suicide watch hotline number for the netherlands?

Michael Tingirides

Most probably the Turkish demons will prevail in the end in the Afrin area but in the long term this Satanic nation (well known for its genocides & ethnic cleansings) will collapse because arrogance and terrorism never prevail in the end. The international community may tolerate for the time being Turkey’s current arrogance, viciousness and contempt of international law to protect their economic interests, but in the end their patience will run out. This international pirate (Turkey) will sooner or later pay for its arrogance and lawless behaviour.

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