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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Reaches Outskirts Of Afrin, Pushes To Isolate City

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Turkish Army Reaches Outskirts Of Afrin, Pushes To Isolate City

By @leventkemaI, click to see the full-size map

On the March 11, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) reached the outskirts of the city of Afrin from the eastern direction after they had captured the village of Qibare, according to sources linked to the FSA.

The Turkish Army also continued its advance in the Jandaris district west of Afrin and captured the villages of Kawkabah, Ayn Darah and Kafr Batrah, less than 7km away from its positions south of Afrin. Separately, Turkish forces captured the villages of Jaqmaq Kabir, Jaqmaq Saghir, Almdar, Ali Bik, Cenceylan and Hajman in the districts of Bulbul and Rajo, north and northwest of Afrin.

Meanwhile, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) claimed that its fighters had killed 95 Turkish Army soldiers and FSA fighters during clashes in the districts of Jandaris and Bulbul and around Afrin. However, these numbers are likely nothing but propaganda as the Turkish Army continues its rapid advance.

Over the last few days, it has become clear the the YPG’s defense has collapsed in the Afrin area. Some sources speculate that YPG fighters just withdraw from some of their positions.

The poor strategic approach implemented by the YPG is likely the main reason behind this rapid collapse. So far, the group has failed to reach a wide-scale deal with the Damascus government which is its only way to save Afrin from Turkish forces.

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Kurds are really stupid, they will rather get killed than reconcile with government

Hell Sing

They will have to decide sooner than later.

Michał Hunicz

Kurds have all dumb dogs’ characteristics except loyalty. Their “defend every inch of border” plan reminded me our “heroic” 1939 defence of Poland with one little difference. They didn’t ask anyone for help, while we thought that Britain and France will save us. Just saying.

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

They defend their land? They defend the land they are currently trying to steal,it’s like a thief tries to protect the stuff he just stole.

Michał Hunicz

Where did I write this?

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

In the comment just above.

Hell Sing

Good this will force the YPG to pick a side and stay in that lane since now they know the U.S. will do nothing for them at this point against Turkey. This is perfect the YPG will be begging Damacus to help them now.

andy l

Exactly they should learn from this that the US is not their ally – they should hand over Manbij to the SAA before the Turks get there.

Hell Sing

It maybe too late for the SAA to act to get their first unless the Russians agree to participate both on the ground and in the air. That way Anakra will forbid any further encroachment into that particular area from happening, the situation will develop into a stalemate.


This is a very good plan, Unfortunately the US control their SDF stooges in Manbij

Hell Sing

They will be forced to choose whitch side is more important to them being the lap dogs to the U.S. government, or redeem themselves and fight under the banner of Syria.


of course this could be a clever way to get US/Turkey and all the Zionist stooges embedded in Syria… at the end of the day the US controlled YPG stands down and now US/Turkey/NATO is there. The Turkish FSA is one of the groups Syria is fighting. Turkey is as about as trustworthy as a cornered, rabid, hungry, cold, scared rat.


Turkey is a state actor, and any attempt at a long term occupation won’t be well received. Stabilizing their southern border to prevent the formation of another KRG that will be used against them is understandable.

Once the Syrian government is in a stronger position to perform that task themselves. The Turks won’t have a legitimate reason to maintain the occupation. Because the threat of Israelistan east of the river and a joint Syria Iraq KRG will be gone.

Hell Sing

With the Russians including in the mix they will blink first.

Michał Hunicz

What will happen after Afrin? First half will destroy that huge pocket and second will advance on Tel Rifaat?

Moshe Dummstein

I am not an expert but from the look of things I feel they will do tel rifat first.

Tomás Balaguer Lira

Only one thing is clear Russian government are traitors and now are supporting fascist Turkish tyrant and FSA terrorist. Long live to Rojava Revolution. Afrin is not alone.

Michał Hunicz

Shut up you moron.

andy l

Rubbish the Russians offered the Kurds a deal to hand over Afrin to the SAA but the silly Kurds rejected this believing the US would help them. The same will happen with Manbij. Kurds need to wise up & accept the US will betray them


Yep Afrin is not alone…Manbij along with the whole of eastern Syria will go down along with afrin …..thanks to the stupid decision taken by the motherfucker Kurds. Long live Bashar and Putin and hezbollah and iran

Man Dagang

Ypg soldiers shld defected and joint fsa Turkey to fight Assad as all their border supply lines parallel with Turkey not assad


May be they should have joint forces, Turkey, the Kurds and Assad and should have cleared the border east and south and west to Lebanon, including the Golan Highs.

Mehmet Karaca

Actually they have more reason to fight against Assad than Turkey. Before civil war, Kurds in Syria didnt have any right in terms of citizenship, even they werent given id card. Alliance with Turkey would be their only salvation, but it is simply impossible. YPG is commanded by Qandil-PKK, as long as PKK and its leaders exist, hostility will continue between them and Turkey.


Why did the Kurds abandon and evacuate Jandeeris without a fight ? In fact if you look at tweets from Faylaq ash-Sham these show hastily abandoned YPG positions everywhere. Drone imagery (now deleted by Utube !!) shows Jandeeris complete ghost town. I can tell you that if Turkish forces take and secure the imperative heights 4 000 meters NE of Ifrin city (above al-Jameelah/Cumke) then YPG is finished as this feature controls direct fire onto city and blocks exits out. Meantime 214 Hwy and parallel roads out to Aleppo are cut. Turkey will offer Kurds a choice : Suitecase or coffin. You decide.

Moshe Dummstein

would you think that the turks may attack tel rifat first?


Well, our original appreciation was that Turks would mount dual offensives with battlegroups from Reyhanli salient to Jandeeris then NE up the Afrin river valley (axis R 217) simultaneously with Marea- Tel Rifaat assault to cut R 214 MSR. We were wrong. Turkish forces mounted multiple small-unit attacks from all around the frontier using well-trained, armed, and organized proxy FSA forces (Faylaq ash-Sham. Jaysh Sharqi etc..) and the Kurds could not defend evrywhere nor hold fixed defenses against regular Turkish precision artillery, An armored column drive NE from Jandeeris would have been a “Himmelsfahrt kommando ” similar to the Israeli thrust on the Litani via Wadi Saluki in 2006. In any case the Kurds have collapsed , their MSR from Aleppo is cut, so taking Tel Rifaat is maybe not so important. Op Olive Branch has, from a military perspective, been an outstanding success. I guess the Turkish Op Planners know their stuff

Moshe Dummstein

thanks for your answer.

Trustin Judeau

Efrin will be isolated in few days.YPG lost this canton thanks to their arrogance and refusal to accept the Russian proposal.


Pretty much isolated now – only escape route is southwards down R62 parallel with Afrin river and along 20 km base of sheer clifffaces until reach NW of Aleppo then Kurdish Sheikh Maqsood district. Seen this coming a year ago.


It’s their plans. Or more specifically USA plans. Now the SAA need to dislodge Turkish backed FSA with Turkish army embedded in it. Though so it all depending on how well the US coaxed Erdogan to overlook their Kurdish forces. That or this is Erdogan plans all along dividing up their gains.

You can call me Al

I used to think this, but Erdy has categorically stated he will finish the job and then take his boys home…… I have a feeling that Russia is working with them. My view only.


The threat of PKK linked YPG gaining power both in forces of arm and politics is real to Turkey. At least to the Turkey under his direction not of those EU centric designed anarchists. But then Erdogan has shown tendency to be inconsistences and remarkably greedy/stupid.

Ariel Cohen

Pretty darn good viewpoint buddy . .

You can call me Al



Erdogan does not want any new state of terrorists or US, NATO proxies close to Turkey with in 1000 kms.

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Ariel Cohen

How is the weather in Lagos Patricia?

Don Pagani

Putin has persuaded Assad to accept this plan — let Turkish troops defeat and clear out Kurdish territory. The US lost 0-1 since it threw its prestige an trust from Kurd away. This time losing trust and prestige is the biggest loss to the US, since as of now no one will put its trust on the US anymore. As a result the US influence on the Middle East looks grim than ever. While it’s not verified that what Putin will offer to Erdogan to have Turkish army withdraw from Syrian territory after the Kurdish nation collapses.

You can call me Al

Agreed – check this out https://www.rt.com/news/420956-turkey-nato-erdogan-syria/

Ariel Cohen

Well said..

You can call me Al

Exactly. I never thought I would say this, but get in their Turkey…..and then F. off home.


Look at the map https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d0ff061b11f80e2d03ef31d0b6b83b117d05bf6ece0ccf2bdb30d16e983dd67.jpg


Syria should have declared YPG a terrorist organization and start recovering lands before Turkey takes everything. And, so, you make also SDF a terrorist organization. And, with Turkey support, USA can’t talk about self defense.


Do you really think that YPG have fought ISIS ?? XD. They were only swapping uniforms.


So there was no battle in Kobani? Manjib, Raqqa? All fake news right? And you call yourself serious???


USA controlled ISIS. USA told ISIS when to fight and when to withdraw.


No way they controlled them. They did support them with weapons and Toyota’s but control is another thing. They keep on using jihadis for their filthy geopolitrics, but it never works out fine and always backfires. That is why besides using the jihadis, they used the Kurds. Now they use the mad sultan, they always find some lunatic (jihadis) or desperate (kurds) or fascist (Erdogan) to do the dirty work for them. Lets see how Erdogan will backfire. I see educated Turks leaving the country in bigger numbers as we speak. We get a lot of aplications of turks that want a job…..


Of course, they control them. They control the leaders and so-called Al Baghdadi. They tell the leaders what to do, whjere to go, where to fight, where to withdraw, ….


In the first place, there is not even a they. Within the USA there are conflicting forces, the same counts for the leaders within ISIS and other jihadi groups. Why are most of the south front readers so stupid? Why do you believe in this simple fairytales that a handfull of people can pull ALL the strings on this planet??? If this was the case, things would go very different!


Always trying to please your american master . If you like so much dictatorship and propagenda, enjoy it yourself but don’t try to fool free people.


As i expected, a dumb reply…..


Enjoy your dictatorship.


I suspect its because its far more comforting to believe that everything is being orchestrated by nefarious cabals then to accept that sheer random chaos plays a major hand. Because many people do not like the idea that their lives are at risk of sheer random chaos. That we basically balance on the edge of a knife blade and that it could go either way. Or worse. Far more comforting to think that nefarious elites rule the world. At least you can fight elites. Can you fight an earthquake or hurricane?

In that sense conspiracy thinking is like religion, a means to make sense of the world, the eternal question of why are we here, what is our purpose? For many it is to find God, to live according to his plan. And for some it is to stick it to the Man! Even if you can never win it still gives purpose.




There are a small group (Zionists and their proxies) that do control ALL of the planet that uses IMF/USFED monies. They use the NATO block armies to force this debt script on the world. Sure there are a few that have rebelled, see Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and a few others. These are the very ones that Wesley Clark identified for destruction in his 2007 interview revealing the seven nation in five years on the US invasion agenda. The savior of the free world is Russia. To deny the Zionist NWO agenda is either delusional or the words of a Zionist troll.


I think you need to simplify the world in order to survive mentally…..


It is very simple.There are two groups, the Catholic church and the Khazarian Jews that have done more damage to the world than everyone else combined. The only confusing part is which one is master over the other, but they are on the same team Farva. They both spin out of Babylonian ancestry, the Zionists from ancient times the Catholics since Constantin. The most important tool of the Zionists is the mass media. Their oyster is the world banking cabal.


Please don’t bother me with your infant worldview, its really pathetic


Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We(US) vilify Iran and yet they haven’t had a war of aggression in 200 years. What the Catholic church did in south America is stunningly brutal. Bring the natives to God for the price of their gold, with millions of deaths. To call Catholicism Christian is about as perverse as one can get.


Religion is perverse and stupid no diference between them


This guy is reaching. Yes we america created and directly and indirectly supported isis as mean to topple assad n destroy syria but america does not control issi


Someone(anyone) would have to be batshit crazy to trust us(US). We have betrayed EVERYONE we have ever allied with. That is us, this is what we do. Turkey is just a smaller version of us.


The diference between you and me is that YOU still believe in honest governments. I do not


Are you serious? Did you read my post? … and somehow you think I believe in honest governments???


“the saviour of the world is russia” those are your words, so……..


Anyone that is helping to stop my government is some kind of hope to the world. This Russian response to the US/Israeli cabal’s Greater Israel Project is the first time in 80 years this plague has been challenged. I live under a ZOG here in the US.


HARD EVIDENCE OF YPG USING THEIR CAPTURED ISIS FIGHTERS IN AFRIN! A british investigative journalist who went to afrin and was escorted by YPG through their territory reports: “..I was thus a little shaken in one small village to see a pick-up load of BLACK-UNIFORMED GENTLEMEN, all holding automatic weapons and with BLACK BANDANAS around their faces – the words “no photos” were uttered immediately – driving at speed towards the Kurdish-Turkish front line. It wasn’t as if they didn’t have the right to fight Turkish aggression. They just weren’t the kind of chaps you are used to seeing in friendly television reports. So, too, the “wallpaper”, if that is how we must call the graffiti of war.” The author basicly states that YPG terrorists prohibited him from taking any pictures of their ISIS comrades and that western media doent report about such things for obvious reasons -“wallpape”r of wasr- Here is the article: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-kurds-turkey-afrin-erdogan-pkk-ypg-what-they-stand-for-a8184056.html YPG didnt allow the journalist to film their ISIS buddies, they freed. But TFSA did.. when they captured some of them: https://youtube.com/watch?t=2s&v=YehrRBeTI3U

Jihadist Devshirme ErdoBot

Your controlled stupid narrative makes me throw. Let people draw their conclusions on their own you biased propaganda clowns.


The Kurds have had their ass beaten lol. I hate to say this because it’s the Turkoids doing it but it’s obvious. I’d wish they’d at least put up a decent fight for Afrin town but looking at how it’s currently unfolding they will probably just run away like cockroaches when you turn on the light…


If i would be a YPG fighter i would make the same tactis , its obvious that the kurds have no chance on an open battelfield , because TAF uses artellery and airstrikes aiganst kurdish positions, they kurds did some needle prints to TAF , they distreoyd some armored vehicels and tanks , i think that ypg is waiting for house battles were they will fight toe to toe, and there ypg will have an advantage, anyway afrin will fall but this will make turkey pay the most highest price , but i could be wrong here this are my thougts. The next thing is that i belive that turkey intervention plays direct in the hands of the USA , because months ago everybody was talking that isis was defeated and why the us is still remaining in syria , now you see isis is gaining new strenght would be no surprise if somebody would arm then and help them to gain strenght, sp the us can still stay longer , futhermore us is building new millitary bases in syria a red this here on southfront. The interesting thing will be manbij there it will be shown what will happen in the long term this here are my thoughts except the fact that us is building millitary bases in northern syria.


you mean like they lost in the strategic important cities of jinderes and racu ?


thats a good point tho , but ypg has limieted options and resources, what is more stratigic important than afrin for ypg? They allready started house wars ypg places mines and waits for ambushes, thats basicly what you do aigainst an enemy which is that mouch supirior to you, i think this operation will gon for at least two more months and there will be more and more casulties on both sides.


HARD EVIDENCE OF YPG USING TEHRI CAPTURED ISIS FIGHTERS IN AFRIN! A british investigative journalist who went to afrin and was escorted by YPG through their territory reports: “..I was thus a little shaken in one small village to see a pick-up load of BLACK-UNIFORMED GENTLEMEN, all holding automatic weapons and with BLACK BANDANAS around their faces – the words “no photos” were uttered immediately – driving at speed towards the Kurdish-Turkish front line. It wasn’t as if they didn’t have the right to fight Turkish aggression. They just weren’t the kind of chaps you are used to seeing in friendly television reports. So, too, the “wallpaper”, if that is how we must call the graffiti of war.” http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-kurds-turkey-afrin-erdogan-pkk-ypg-what-they-stand-for-a8184056.html YPG didnt allow the journalist to film there ISIS buddies, they freed. But TFSA did.. when they captured some of them: https://youtube.com/watch?t=2s&v=YehrRBeTI3U

Richard M

Ottomans and their puppet Free Salafist Army Orcs are rampaging through northern Syria!


There is no way Turkey is going to leave Syria at least for 15 years, she settled lots of long term bases in the territories It freed from IS and YPG. Although, she has organised all police and security forces itself as well as other public bodies in freed territories. Turkey has appointed a Turkish mayor for those areas officially. Turkey has long term plans to extend her control over the Syria and I doubt neither Russia nor Syrian government won’t oppose it militarily on ground. I believe there is no chance for Russia to claim victory in Syria other than co-operating with Turkey. Turkey has a great effect over rebels and now chance to deliver arms to opposition with their new gained territories up to outskirts of Aleppo. I believe Putin smart enough to not suicide a future victory just because protect bunch of terrorists whom clearly has no much local support on the territories It illegally occupies Menbij and the east of Menbij.

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