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MARCH 2025

Turkish Army Starts Ground Phase Of Operation Peace Spring (Maps)

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The Turkish military and the so-called National Syrian Army (NSA) launched late on October 9 the ground phase of Operation Peace Spring in northeastern Syria.

“Our heroic Turkish Armed Forces and the Syrian National Army started a land operation to the east of the Euphrates within the framework of Operation Peace Spring,” the Turkish Ministry of National Defence said in a short press release.

Clashes are now reportedly ongoing near Tell Abyad.

Prescient Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of Operation Peace Spring a few hours earlier. Erdogan claimed that the operation will neutralize “terror threats,” establish a “safe zone,” and facilitate the return of Syrian refugees.

According to several sources, the Turkish “safe-zone” will be 30-40km deep inside Syria’s northeastern region.

Turkish Army Starts Ground Phase Of Operation Peace Spring (Maps)

Click to see full-size map

The first stage of the attack will likely target the northern Syrian towns of Tell Abyad, Ras al-Ayn and Kobane as well as the area east of the city of Qamishli.

Turkish warplanes have been attacking positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces along the border since the beginning of the operation. According to the France-Press Agency (AFP), the airstrikes and shelling killed at least eight civilians.

The SDF has limited its response to a single rocket attack on the southern Turkish city of Nusaybin, so far. The Kurdish dominated group will likely focus on ground battles, where its fighter could deal more damage to Turkish forces.

Turkish Army Starts Ground Phase Of Operation Peace Spring (Maps)

Click to see full-size map

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Will the Turk’s be using any Leopard tanks? :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88c753934608da8c67b16c89aec08497b98cf24ae7265b815a72972b923134eb.jpg

Icarus Tanović

Looks like they will…:D


Probably. I just hope for the sake of their tankers that they’ve finally given them some much needed upgrades and that trained them to actually use some tactics. I reckon the final part they did as they did manage to steamroller the Kurds in Afrin without witnessing those scenes of burning tank wrecks.

Zionism = EVIL

Most of the Turk armor in this operation is old Americunt M-48/60 as the Turkeys are pretty confident that the Kurd turds will not put up any resistance, and far the MIT (Turkish version of G2 field intel) reports that Kurds are fleeing rather than putting up any resistance. Only if the SAA and Kurds and all Arab groups resist will the Turkeys pause. So far SAA has remained on the sidlelines and Kurds are in full flight as I had predicted. Sadly, Syria has just lost a major chunk of its territory and the demographics will change as the Turks will settle 3-4 million headchopper Wahhabis in the occupied belt as Erdogan has openly said. They are already building a civic infrastructure like the Occupation of Palestine. Syria is finished as a unified state. Zionists, Americunts and Turkeys now control almost half of Syrian territory. Sad day indeed.

Kell McBanned

Jihadi Map reporting Kurds knocking out Turk tanks just over the border, looks like they are going to try and fight – look forward to an update from Southfront to see whats really going on

Zionism = EVIL

I am not sure. The terrain is flat and the Turkeys control the air and the SAA is too weak. The Russians in any case will not allow the SAA to use its limited AD systems. The Turks will get away with annexing a large chunk of Syria. The Kurds are backstabbers and not real fighters.


Well, they did put up a fight in this terrain against ISIS. And ISIS really gave both the Turks and the SAA a good clobbering. It netted a whole bevy of pictures of knocked out Turkish Leopard 2’s and the SAA’s victory over ISIS in East Syria came at a hard fought price.

I suspect that the Turks are allowed a zone along the border by both the US and Russia. Any advance further south would hamper the Americans setting up the Arab part of the SDF as their ‘protectorate’. And I doubt that Russia would want Turkey to be in control of Syria’s oil fields there. The Russians want to use the Turks to pressure the Kurds, not see the Turks supplant the Kurds.

Mehmet Karaca

Put up a good fight, really? All they did to designate targets to Americans. Without American planes, ISIS were ripping them apart. Kurds are nowhere near with ISIS in terms of combat capabilities


Still is a world class tank. Turks were just to stupid to upgrade and train the Islamist followers, that Erdogan installed in his army after the purge. Still funny when they tried to take Al.Bab from ISIS, and needed to buy them off to take the city. ;)

Zionism = EVIL

Daesh are fanatics and die fighting as the 72 virgins deal, the Kurds are corrupt and not really good fighters and in any case half of their “forces” are women who only pose for western reporters, most Kurdish “men” are selling kebabs and dope or pimping in Germany and Holland. I never had any doubts that the Turkeys will roll them over. Turkey has massive superiority in the air and armor. Only a determined force like Hezbollah or Ansarallah have the capability to inflict pain on their enemies, the Kurds will do fuckall as is quite evident. So far Turkeys have lost 3 soldiers and not a single tank and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. This was quite predictable.


Still, it wont be the Turks vs Kurds. It is Turkish airforce (but castrated by NATO just cutting them of from intel and command center) and the Jihadi Erdogan proxys vs Kurds. I dont believe Kurds have a true chance really, but they can surely fight the loosers in the proxy force, and make the whole operation a quagmire for Turkey. Assads current tactic seems to bet that both sides with exhaust themselves, and he can deal with both sides then later, when they are much weaker. Plus Turkey has a voting public, which will make trouble for Erdogan if things go smoothly. We will see. I just hope this whole mess ends with both Kurds and Turks weak enough to end both sides occupation. Then the Adana agreement can come back into effect, and smooth sailing from there on.

Zionism = EVIL

That is sound mature analysis. The Kurds are good at agitating and not fighting. The Turkish military is not that competent but has massive superiority and they are advancing on flat terrain with very little natural cover and have good adequate air cover, both helo-gunships and ground attack fixed wing. The Kurds, if not had been morons, should have linked up with SAA and the Iranians. But it is a bit late now as Syria is truncated. The Turks even control Dohuk in Iraq and the Kurds have done fuckall. The Kurds are liked by no one as events have amply shown.


The Kurds are quite capable of getting help from the Syrian government coalition. They’re trying to see who they can get the best deal from. But they’re also becoming less relevant as the Kurdish majority areas are overrun and they’re disarmed. And unlike in Afrin where they have a Syrian backstop to wage a guerrilla war against the Turks. If they try the same thing in the NE, with the exception of near the river where they might get some help from the Syrians, the Turks are going to just keep rolling south and the US is likely to retreat in front of them leaving the Kurds to be overrun. The US doesn’t really care if the Kurds are their anti Isis justification for being in Syria or the Turks are their partners. As long as the partition solidifies.

The Syrians have a vote in what happens. Whether they have to get rid of state actor A, the US, or state actor B, the Turks. It doesn’t make a lot of difference. And judging from Idlib, the Turks, like the US, are disinclined to get in a national military to national military shooting war with the Syrian government coalition.

But it’s to early to start drawing conclusions as to how things are going to play out. There are to many variables that no single party to the conflict has complete control over. But judging from past performance. At this stage I’d have to give the Syrian government coalition the edge. With all of the turmoil in the NE. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the Syrian government coalition take advantage of it and resume expanding their footprint in that direction. Particularly if the US airstrike threat is neutralized.


any time now, the fat kurds will break into dance and sip tea..


lol you failed in all your points…first of all turkey has lost 5 tanks already 2nd kurds are the best fighters in the area…have you ever seen a kurd running? he is the fasted human being in the world.3rd turks are a bung of conscript army casuals that only care about kebab and tea…they cant even drink coffee..so soft they are.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, in an alternate universe that is very much the accepted truth :)


dude you need a doctor asap…spending all the day posting stupid posts wasting your life and never offering anything to society…i wonder when was the last time you left home?


Go ahead and show us the pic of a single tank destroyed in Peace Spring Ops instead of wanking with SDF tweets here. Second they were running like Usain Bolt from Afrin a few years ago , third there are no Turkish conscripts in Syria, professional soldiers only. And lastly , even Ekathimerini English edition confessed yesterday that Cyprus is under siege of 20 Turkish warships including submarines. Why dont you show us how ‘hard’ you are and do something about it instead of yelping EU for help ?

Zionism = EVIL

The fucking Greek freaks are as bad as the Kurd turds. Both cowards and backstabbers. The reality is that the Kurds have not put up a fight and have run like hell at the first sight of Turkish tanks. Even Arab media can not put a spin as so far it has been a cake walk as I had predicted based on experience. The Kurds had been hiding behind the Americunts and working for Jews and now they are totally exposed and no one will lift a finger to save them. The old faggot mullah Barzani ended up the same way after the Jews and Shah of Iran used the idiot.


ahahhahahaha a joke turk dreaming about empires! go collect the bags with the bodies of the poor little conscripts you send to their suicide…yes the ones that you buttraped in Constantinople some years ago.


I am telling the little greek that there are no conscriptss but only professional soldiers in war zones , but moron still tells the same thing like a retarded parrot.

I have no dreams about an empire or whatsoever , you shallow greek fag.

Yesterday one of your MP s were telling that greece was ready to send military help to SDF if france to decide send soldiers to north syria. Why waiting France to do something ? why you cant you send them right now without hiding behind someone elses skirts ?

When you parasitic cowards quit being leeches , grow some balls and do something yourself ?


lol you are an idiot believeing everything they tell you…never any MP said that idiotic thing…and your army is just a bullshit load of conscripts at the age of 16 half gays


the kurd is the fastest runner running away from the battle which is why the woman have to stay and fight since they are not so great at running.


Both Turk’s and Saudi’s have used their tanks poorly in last years – both whilst invading their neighbors – leaving tanks isolated, and in exposed geography on contact fronts, with no infantry support dug in, or scouting to protect and suppress opposing ATGM teams.

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, the treacherous Kurds are no Hezbollah or Ansarallah and will be rolled quite easily as I had posted yesterday. The area of the main Turkish thrust is rather flat and Kurds are more Hollywood type “fighters” than real warriors and have been running from the antiquated M48/60 Pattons which are main staple of Turkish armor. The most unfortunate part is that the idiotic Kurds thought that they could care out a “country” out of North Eastern Syria, but now the Turkeys will annex almost 30% of Syria permanently. It is also an indictment of Russian appeasement of the megalomaniac Wahhabi pig Erdogan. Only Iran had enough wisdom to see through the devious Turkeys agenda, which is part of the Americunt and Zionist regional destructive game. Most of the Turkeys “allies” SNA are Daesh headchoppers. Even new branding SNA is like the Zionist created SLA in South Lebanon 1982, I guess history repeats itself.


It’s only day 1, I wouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Zionism = EVIL

Like I said before, the Turkeys will get away it as the stupid Kurds did not realize how vulnerable they were and thought that they could carve out a “state” within Syria, the world does not operate like that. The Turkeys are part and parcel of NATO and Zionist alliance. I never had much faith in the stupid Kurds as “fighters”. I saw them routed in Sanandaj 1979, even by the rag tag Sepah which was just forming after the revolution. About a company of young Iranian volunteers routed a whole Kurdish “pesh merga” brigade in about 2 days, albeit with Iranian airforce and Havanirooz (air cavalry AH-1J) support. The Kurds are used to running.


You’re a defeatist always taking the side of the bad guys saying that the good guys can never win. You’re also usually wrong. When you start getting it right I’ll take your doom and gloom seriously. So far that hasn’t happened. You’re ignoring that there’s a powerful Syrian government coalition in theater that’s been steam rolling the Zionist axis of terror miscreants for years since Russia stepped in and tipped the balance in Syria’s favor.

Turkey is the lesser of two evils compared to the US. Yinon plan A is history, Kurdish Israelistan a la Iraq isn’t going to happen. They’re now trying to co opt Turkey into supporting Yinon plan B partition by giving the Turks a piece of the pie. That’s a long way from happening. The Turks are barely across the border and there’s a lot of horse trading yet to be done. I’ll wait until the process is further along before I start drawing conclusions on whose agreed to what.


The kurds also ran off when ISIS was attacking and only stopped when they got heavy artillery to bomb ISIS from far away sitting on top of mountains while ISIS was coming at them. cowards just talk too much and does little anything for real..


Exactly….it`s also possible that Americans have armed Kurds to the teeth in the recent years and that they pulled their troops out already knowing the Turks will suffer heavy casualties this time…


Armed to the teeth means heavy weapons or air support. The Kurds have neither. And until the get some they’re no match for the Turks.


they do not need any armored tanks to successfully counter the enemy armor…all they really need is portable ATGMs which we all know they have plenty of…and we could see in Al-Bab and elsewhere that they are very effective against tanks, Turkish army was not able to win the town until Russian air force stepped in… this makes the effectiveness of Turkish Air Force at least questionable… also, at this point, we do not really know what equipment Kurds have, I would not be surprised to see the Kurds armed with MANPADS….and they for sure have some because years ago, I have seen a video of PKK shooting down two Turkish helicopters with MANPADS…


It’s all flat desert. That makes the ATGM teams much more vulnerable and considerably decreases the effectiveness of ATGMs. Manpads will have an effect, but there’s to much Turkish air power to be stopped by manpads alone. Yes they can wage a guerilla style war with IEDs like Iraq did. But it won’t stop the Turkish advance. Moving the SAA across the river and expanding it’s footprint into the NE as a backstop to a Turkish incursion like was done in Afrin and Aleppo will.


MANPADS work also as an area denial weapon. After some hits are scored against aircraft, they are forced to fly higher and can not perform very accurate bombing missions anymore. You are right that the area is flat, but if they decide to fight inside the towns, we might be able to see the turkish advance stopped…and I think that USA really wants to humiliate Turkey.


You can bomb accurately from altitude. The Turks have the manpower to surround towns and the firepower to level them.


and yet, with all their might, they could not achieve anything in Al-Bab against the terrorists…it took a combined effort to bring the town down. If the Kurds won`t just run this time as they did in Afrin, I believe they will be able to inflict some embarrassing casualties.


The casualties will be manageable on the advance. Over time they may become a problem.


Imagine if US armed terrorists kill Turkish nato troops..

Where do you see this going? What would Nato do? Turkey is the most important Nato member and not even the US.. Without Turkey nato is like a hillbilly without wheels..


well although Turkey`s military is strong, please don`t embarrass yourself exaggerating on the internet…

Kell McBanned


Zionism = EVIL

The bear sold out the Syrians to the Turkeys, not a surprise either. It is worth mentioning that the treacherous Kurds are even shunned by their Jew masters who have rejected them and not even a word of support by the Zionists or any western government.


If Russia sold out Syria to Turkey they wouldn’t be clearing the terrorists out of Idlib.


Only when the weather gets colder and the head choppers need to warm their hands by a fire, PZIVJ.

Their NATO trainers taught them all about wild camping and 1st aid and the need to keep warm and dry in a Safe Place.

Its the NATO version of the ‘Tommy Cooker’ Sherman tank.


Boycott Turkey: for Europe all products barcodes who start with 868 or 869 DO NOT BUY THEM!

Wolfgang Wolf


Zionism = EVIL

Just excited kids who do not know how REALPOLITIK works. This Turkish operation is part and parcel of western/NATO strategic plan in coordination with Zionists. Erdogan is going to Washington DC on the 14th of November to get a seal of approval for annexation of Syria.


Invasion and next planned Turkish genocide of the Kurds, both illegal by international law and regarded as war crimes. Remember 868 and 869 skip them.


and what the kurds are doing are not illegal by any law? No kurds in syria 100 years ago.. Like the jews they are all recent immigrants that do not pay any taxes.

Zionism = EVIL

Wishful thinking at best. The Turkeys are the second largest NATO cannon fodder and this part of the overall Americunt and Zionist plan. The moron Kurds were mere patsies for a few years PERIOD!


Stinking Turks


Whom are always better than treachorus Kurds.

Both killing each other; I have tears of joy.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the treacherous Kurd turds have not put up any fight and running like hell. I knew based on the dumbass Kurds history of cowardice and being pawns for anyone. The Turkeys are surprised at the speed of their advance and in most places they have already achieved their objectives and may now go beyond due to no resistance. The Greeks were as cowardly in Cyprus. Only the Daesh headchoppers ever defeated the Turkeys at al-Bab but now they are part of the proxy “Syrian National Army”.

Peter Jennings

Does Erdogan intend on replacing thousands of SDF and ISIS terrorists with less severe terrorists from the NSA?

The name suggests that they are a national Syrian group but most if not all hail from southern Turkey. Once called the Free Syrian Army, they have now reorganised into something much more improbable.



Who Supports ISIS ? Who is the real terrorist ?



The Kurds want their independence from Turkey (20 million living in Turkey). The Turks hate the Kurds… but somebody else has to do the dirty job (Hense ISIS — Daesh is created). Turkey provided Daesh with NATO weapons, military equipment and chemical weapons such as sarin. Turkey Supported Daesh Financially Through Purchase Of Stolen Oil and assists Daesh recruitment. Turkey Offered Medical Care To Daesh, Daesh militants go to Turkey frequently to rest and take a break from fighting. Turkey Provided Transport And Logistical Assistance To Daesh. Turkish special forces have fought alongside Daesh and helped Daesh In the battle for Kobani. Turkey And Daesh Share A Worldview.

Erdogan’s bank accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere are made of Kurdish and Yazidi blood, stolen Iraqi and Syrian oil and the money made by human traffickers smuggling illegal immigrants to the EU through the Greek islands of the Aegean Sea.

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise these dirty Turkish tricks … they are the ones that committed genocide against the Armenians, the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Bulgarians and against the Kurds in the past :

Armenian Genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide

The Greek genocide, including the Pontic genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_genocide

Bulgarian genocide – Batak massacre. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batak_massacre

Assyrian genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyrian_genocide

Kurdish – Anfal genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anfal_genocide#The_campaign


Anful was Iraq, not Turkey.


You are right, its been corrected.


The Kurdish genocide , The Dersim massacre took place in 1937 and 1938 in Dersim Province (now known as Tunceli Province), Turkey. It was the outcome of a Turkish military campaign against the Dersim Rebellion by local ethnic minority groups against Turkey’s Resettlement Law of 1934. Thousands of Alevi Kurds and Zazas died and many others were internally displaced due to the conflict.


i can’t figure out sucks shit more the kurds or tukey

Jens Holm

The ones, which did that in 1934 mainly are 106 years old:) It was in 1937-38, som the old ones might only be 104.

Jens Holm

There we go again. At least You could put in mainly Kurds killed about 400.000 Christians, Jews and Yasedis in 1924.

Jens Holm

Kurds dont want independensy from Turkey, You moron. Even PKK dont say that aprt froma few ones of them.

But thats how so many of You from that Region are. You lie about each other all the time, and of course the others gets barking mad and hostile about it.

Even the Radical parts being PKK and YPG(+J) dont have that in Your programs. Thr only excuse for writing that crap is, that You are not even allowed to read their well written intensions and programs for it.

The rest of the world know, because UN also has declared, that the Turks by AKP and Erdopedia also keep the rest of its inhabitants down, sao they can be kept down only having news from goverment controlled sources.

Parts of Your pamflet is very very biased as well even some parts are nasty as well. Fx I hardky see PKKs do any harm to Kurds as well as others as some kind of counterweight.

Rüdiger Preiss

Let’s not forget? Seems it was the Kurds themselves who have forgotten…. turning against Syria instead of standing with their only 2 allies in the region, Syria and Iran.


You should consider that Kurds where fighting against ISIS in NE Syria. There was no SAA presence in that area to help them.


The Kurds were part of the Hegelian Isis sock puppet scam from the beginning. In the hopes of seceding in Syria like they did in Iraq. They could of sided with the Syrian government to fight Isis rather than siding with the Zionist axis of terror who created and controlled them.


Do you remember the maps when Deir Ezzor was still surrounded ? How was SAA in a position to help out in the NE !


Who would the US, who were attacking the SAA in Dier Ezzor, have partnered with to fight their Isis Frankenstein in Syria if the Kurds were fighting with the Syrian government rather than the US? Moderate rebels? There was no such thing. They were all terrorist mercenaries who either reconciled with the Syrian government or took green bus rides out of the conflict zones. How did that work out for the ones who didn’t go to Idlib and went east instead? Not very well if you were a terrorist.

Do you think that Isis was fighting in a vacuum without any support? The Zionist axis of terror was supporting both the Kurds and Isis in Syria simultaneously to fight each other to give the US an excuse to be in Syria.

The Russians and Iranians would have provided weapons and air support to the Kurds just like they were to the SAA. There wouldn’t have been any partition and rather than the Kurds dragging their feet on defeating Isis. Isis would have been defeated faster and Syria would now be unified and the war would essentially be over with some final mopping up to do in Idlib.

Instead the Kurds are now fighting the Turks to keep them out of Kurdish majority areas on the border. If they’d chosen the other path they’d have Russians and Iranians embedded with them who wouldn’t abandon them to the Turks and would prevent the Turks from attacking them as is currently happening.

Rüdiger Preiss

That’s right and don’t forget ISIS wouldn’t have rolled their stolen oil freely between Mosul and Turkey


Your analysis is very cogent, i take back whatever i had said before in regards to you or what you say.

Rüdiger Preiss

Ah yes Deir Ezzor was surrounded and General Issam Zahreddine (a Druze btw.) despite all the efforts by coalition air forces (mainly US) to give advantage to ISIS via ‘accidentally’ hitting Syrian troops on numerous occasions held out there for over 3 years.. If he was a treacherous Kurd he would have created his own little Anti-Assad corner in As-Suweidah, but he hasn’t, because the Druze are decent people and not sold out as muppets dancing for the Zionists or their Wahhabi brothers


Is Deir Izzor still an SAA held pocket (I’m not up to date)?

Rüdiger Preiss

Deir Ezzor has long been liberated – even some parts on the North side of the Euphrates. Only the northern outskirts and villages are still held by SDF


No, it’s fully controlled by the SAA on both sides of the river. Though beyond that the SDF is in control, at least for the time being. But that may change with all of the turmoil caused by the Turkish incursion in the north.

Rüdiger Preiss

Yeah whatever.. nice show fight. The Druze in the South (Suweidah, Bosra etc) could have done the same and taken the opportunity to create their own little corner – why haven’t they?


Perhaps you have forgotten the times when the kurds and isis were swapping uniforms?

Wolfgang Wolf

as long as the kurds do not stop pretending something “better” and the same way “choosen” like the holy ppl of USrael, there will be no peace. kurdish leaders are corrupt family gangs, who sell their asses to the nation who pays them most money to keep this conflict alive…


can you tell the number of kurds in ISIS?


ZERO (0)


Well it’s game on.

I’m sure that the Kurds are being offered an axis of terror partition deal. If they don’t turn to Damascus for help. It means that they’re accepting it. And that the Syrian government coalition is going to have to deal with another actor to be removed in the NE.

The Turkish talk about resettling displaced persons in the NE, which is going to consist extensively of Syrians with an anti government disposition. Is an obvious partition gambit. And the case can be made that it’s also a violation of Geneva Convention refugee articles and relevant international law.


“Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released an outline of potential sanctions against Turkey on Wednesday, following the news of a Turkish military offensive against Kurdish forces in northern Syria. …

The state of play: The senators say their sanctions will go into effect upon enactment unless the Trump administration confirms that “Turkey is not operating unilaterally” in Syria and has withdrawn its armed forces from areas it occupied as of Wednesday.

Graham told Axios’ Jonathan Swan that he predicts he will have more than enough votes to override a presidential veto of the sanctions, saying: “Who the hell supports Erdogan over the Kurds?””

– Senators draft bipartisan sanctions bill over Turkey’s assault on Kurds –



“Graham told Axios’ Jonathan Swan that he predicts he will have more than enough votes to override a presidential veto of the sanctions, saying: “Who the hell supports Erdogan over the Kurds?”” LOL Next to take action may be Europe. Is there a crack forming in NATO? Good I also hope Erdogan gets a bloody nose, hope to see videos of Kurd ATGM launches soon. :)

Jens Holm

Therei is no crack. Very few has supported americans being in Syria at all. Many has supported we help Bagdad Iraq.

Erdogan already has minus on our account.

Mehmet Karaca

I am sorry but who cares even if it become the full of minus. Turkey has always choices. If Turkey become hostile to America and join Russian and Chinese club, in short term it may suffer a lot but in long term US will have to double its defense budget (just look at a world map) and Turkey will be OK.


The crack in NATO started with the Turkish coup. And if it’s true that Russia intervened on Erdogan’s behalf. The Turks figured out who their friends are and who is laying the ground work for the Yinon plan balkanization of Turkey and Iran after they finish with with Syria for perpetual regional turmoil.

It’s a fluid situation and where exactly the Turks are at has yet to play out. If they push the Kurds into Damascus’s arms that’s great. If they partner with them on Israelistan plan b partition it’s an obvious problem.


After Trump’s about face on the last withdrawal, and the US legislature swamp traitors moving quickly to sanction Turkey and roll back the withdrawal. It’s unlikely that the Kurds will move quickly to seek help from Damascus. A lot depends on how quickly the Turks advance and what type of partition deal that the Kurds were offered to partner with the Turks. And whether the Turks uphold any partition terms that the Kurds may have agreed to.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Saa and russia need to stop this!!!

Jens Holm

What a joke.Those are nothig in those matters.


And the real question is what does the Russians are saying about all this? What are the words of President Putin. I mean Turkey cannot attack anywhere without approval of Russian president Vladimir Putin in Syria of course.

Jens Holm

Well, its the american zone. Both can do almost anything they want. And more or less etween there is a zone where SDFs and Assads can do anything, they want – But are not supported by USA or Russia.


That territory is not the Russian jurisdiction of Syria. More US approval

alejandro casalegno

The kurds have only a option………….call the russians and the SAA……………BUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Jens Holm

Thats not correct they only have that choise.


And how many choices do they have? Do you understand, that US coalition has abandoned the SDF, after allowing Turks to fly and bomb in NE Syria?


I wouldn’t say that they’ve abandoned them. The US is still in the NE. It may be just an effort to get the Kurds to be more pliable to accepting partition terms that the Turks will agree to.

John Wallace

That is exactly what I thought. Let the Turks give them a bloody nose then go back and ask are you ready to talk now. Anyway assumptions are just that until time corrects all.

Jens Holm

Trump dont care. Its about votes. He does things, which makes him internal USA votes for the next election no matter what.

True USA is still there, but Trump at his election campaign promised USA would retreat from Syria.

In the other hand SDFs are promised that USA would protect them until Assads and they would have some peacefull agreement(and of course ISIS no danger there and everywhere for everybody).


Sad for kurds. As they are not voters, Trump does not give a damm. As IS is mostly danger to EU. They are not voters either.

Zionism = EVIL

You kids are naive to the extreme. The Kurds are just stupid pawns in the bigger regional game and they got carried away and are now history. Did anyone in their right mind think that the Turkeys acted without their Americunt and Zionist masters approval? let me sell you some swamp land in Florida or the Brooklyn bridge.


For someone who’s been wrong as much as you’ve been. I suggest waiting a few days before concluding what’s been agreed to and how it’s going to play out.


Sad that they followed your advice and are now paying the price for it.


Sure. Hey guys, we had so much fun, killing your civilians, driving them out of houses, out of lands, raping and whoring etc etc, all in Afrin. Let us come in and do some more.

Share with us.


The Kurds could have not joined the regime change failure and the war would be over and they’d be living in peace without a Turkish invasion.

Jens Holm

They can fight. They can not fight. They can go direct into guerilla warfare. They can leave into Iraq.

Thats 4 more.


thats because SDF didn’t leave the border as promised.


That ship has sailed.


Its Springtime for Turkey and Erdogan!

Xoli Xoli

Mixing civilians with terrorists are the main goal of Erdogan to impose terrorists safe zone.If SAA and Russia try to attack then he calls USA and NATO warmongers to declare it as national disaster.Just protect terrorists.


Well this is one way to reinvigorate the Yinon plan Isis bogyman to keep the Syria war cooking. The CIA and Mossad will probably be waiting for them with open arms, fresh uniforms, money and weapons to give the Turks additional incentive to stay in Syria for the partition to keep the forever war going:

“Fears are growing that thousands of Daesh terrorists may escape from Syrian jails, as Kurdish prison guards are reportedly leaving their posts to gear up for fighting back the Turkish military that has started an operation against Kurds in northern Syria.

US officials on Wednesday confirmed to CNN that some militants from the US-allied Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had already left their posts at various jails holding Daesh prisoners and headed north before the Turkish offensive began.

The US Defense Department Inspector General had also warned in June that Daesh had established “resurgent cells” in Syria.

Hundreds of Daesh prisoners continue to be held in makeshift prisons close to the Turkish border, according to US defense officials.

The CNN report says officials have long warned of the vulnerability of the “pop-up prisons” housing some 11,000 to 12,000 Daesh militants captured on the battlefield, 2,000 of whom are foreigners not from Iraq or Syria.”

– Thousands of terrorists may escape from jail as Turkey attacks northern Syria –


Mustafa Mehmet

God bless great Turkish Army.. go on get the bastards


Erdogan is acting like an idiot again. I am not surprised by that. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3c247df98e526004828fa6d0aae76d77aeea60825c602e1bd0eea0364e5623a.jpg


There are better ways to handle it, that’s for sure. But if the Kurds run to Damascus that works to.


So if the battle is happening within the agreed buffer zone, it means SDF didn’t live up to the promise to leave?

klove and light

great intelligent comments here…lol


“Speaking with journalists on Wednesday, US President Donald Trump said that he does “agree on sanctions, but I actually think much tougher than sanctions”, referring to possible consequences for Turkey after Ankara kicked off a military offensive in Syria’s north.”

– Trump Agrees on Need For Sanctions Against Turkey, Wants Something ‘Tougher Than Sanctions’ –



Time for SAA to occupy the oilfields, Assad, don’t let this opportunity scape


with fucking what?


With the same troops that occupied souther Idlib a couple months ago


And who will be left to defend it??


I don’t have this data, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to assume that they just don’t exist. Take into consideration 2 years of soft campaigns have passed and many conscripts came to be over 18yo


Yeah And we have no clue how much people they lost just on idlib front.. People don’t rush in to join to military especially in war time..


They are not volunteerly joining, this should be our basic premise. Anyway I think many of them will be supported by YPG, also take into consideration the Euphrates frontier forces will be liberated from that front

Free man

Süleyman Soylu, Turkish minister of Interior : “Europeans piss on themselves when they hear the name ISIS. We will make a deal with ISIS as ISIS fighters have no other option and must come to an agreement with us.” They will contact Erdogan’s son’s ISIS oil suppliers (as Putin said).


RIP SDF. Now Assad can take back the southeast with just talks with the local Arab leaders. Simply patch the local Arab SDF as an SAA affiliated group.

Kell McBanned

The SAA should quickly move to Tabqah with the dam and if possible Manbij. The stupid Kurds should usher them through quickly and not resist if they had any brains at all

Zionism = EVIL

The SAA will do jack shit and neither will the Kurd turds. They are in full flight.


US and French troops are in Manjib, unlikely for SAA to risk it.


Some people just seems to not understand..SAA is fckn weak and that part of syria will be turdish now>. I dont like it buzt that’s the facts..Hell maybe turds decided to hand over idlib to SAA but take that sdf part its full of oil…And Sadly< Russia is chasing their own interest


Syria is much smaller country that Turkey. So likewise, many people do not know, or understand, that decades ago, by threat of military force, Turkey forced an agreement onto late Haziz al-Assad of Syria, that Turkish military could enter, unopposed, a 40km northern border zone when in pursuit of PKK militia factions, that had sought sanctuary in border zone since 1980’s. The border zone Turkey is now invading conforms to the same distance as the previously forced agreement – so this is not necessarily an entirely new situation – it’s just that Turkey is now formalizing its military presence across north east Syria, and may formally occupy that zone for an indefinite period, whereas in the past they had engaged in limited and temporary incursions. That said, the obvious new variable is that in past decades, the US wasn’t heavily arming the Kurdish YPG militia inside of Syria across that very border corridor.

klove and light

A Venezuelan reporter has revealed the US has been meddling in favor of Argentina’s contender to become the next chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog. On Thursday, Endo Andri, Venezuelan national radio correspondent, raised concerns that Argentina’s ambassador to the IAEA Rafael Grossi, who is competing with three other candidates to take over the IAEA, may have direct links to the US State Department. The IAEA’s 35-nation Board of Governors expects to appoint its new leader this month after the death of its previous director general, Yukiya Amano, in July. The person appointed will assume office by January 1, 2020.

PressTV-UN nuclear agency chief Yukiya Amano passes away The International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano has passed away at the age of 72. Andri said that an alliance had already been formed in support of Grossi before the IAEA’s vote. He also accused Argentina’s IAEA hopeful of transmitting secret information in telephone conversations with diplomatic representatives of certain member states of the nuclear watchdog. Those who received the information are currently supporting Grossi’s candidacy, he added. The Venezuelan reporter further noted that Grossi has been approved by Argentinian President, Mauricio Macri, who enjoys close ties with the Israeli regime. In September, US Energy Secretary, Rick Perry, stressed that Grossi “sounds like a perfect candidate” to run the IAEA. “Sounds like someone who understands all the different complexities of this world we live in,” he pointed out. Diplomats say Grossi’s main rival is Cornel Feruta of Romania, who has taken over as interim IAEA chief. The new IAEA director general is facing challenges such as the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, whose fate remains in doubt after the unilateral US withdrawal from the multilateral accord and Europe’s failure to fulfill its end of the bargain.


What gives the Sultan the right to seize the Sudetenland?

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