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Turkish Artillery Strike Injures Two Syrian Officers In Northern Aleppo

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Turkish Artillery Strike Injures Two Syrian Officers In Northern Aleppo

Image: aa.com.tr

Late on April 2, the Turkish military shelled Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops in Aleppo’s northern countryside for no obvious reason.

“Turkish forces stationed at the Yashli base shelled, this evening, gatherings of regime forces in the town of Arab Hassan, west of Manbij,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said in a report.

According to the London-based monitoring group, the artillery strike injured two officers of the SAA, both holding the rank of Lieutenant.

The SAA deployed several units around Manbij in the last few years under agreements with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the city’s military council. This deployment helped prevent a Turkish-led attack on the Arab-majority city.

Unjustified Turkish attacks on SAA units in SDF-held areas are becoming more frequent. On April 2 morning, Turkish forces shelled a checkpoint of the army in northern al-Hasakah. As a result, two service members were killed and at least five others were injured.

The SAA is not responding to these strikes. This will likely encourage the Turkish military and its proxies to carry on with their hostile acts.


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When will SAA start its offensive again ? Russia must give SAA green light to do that and to stop pleasing Erdogan.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin is pimp for the Jews and will not not do a thing. The Russian military in Syria is as frustrated as the SAA was on a winning streak and doing serious damage to the cowardly Turkeys then Putin worked out another ceasefire and defacto annexation of Syria. Now it is up to the local Arab and Kurdish population to unite and kill the Turkeys and they will. The Turkeys have suffered over 200 dead and 600 wounded and if that tempo of casualties had been maintained, it would have all been over by now.

Pave Way IV

Doesn’t Russia have any of those spare self-propelled 203mm 27S howitzers to send to Syria?

“Each shot fired by the Malka systems is so powerful that it stuns the crew and people around it. It’s a very powerful system yet pretty unpleasant for people to operate,”

I would think even more unpleasant for the recipient of the 110 kg HE projectile 37 km downrange. Granted, it can’t toss many of these back at the head-choppers (and cronies), but it sends a clear message: “We know where you are and if you keep firing at us, we’ll keep raining 203mm shells on your position until your brains run out of your ears.”


Question: Does the gunner really sit on the rear end of that thing when it’s firing? FFS, that’s just not safe!

opet ja

A guided version for 203mm shell would be quite interesting to have. Any Krasnopol version for 203mm?


guided shell?! I think this would fit better into missile category


Great stuff,i would recommend TOS-i flame thrower thermobaric hell,and Smerch rockets,incinerate those bastards.

Zionism = EVIL

Well ranting kiddies, as I wrote a few weeks ago, the SAA and Hezbollah was really whupping the Turkeys in Idlib and were causing serious casualties and there were rumblings of an coup against the goat fucker Erdogan, but then the Jew shill midget Putin threw him a lifeline. Now the Turkeys are well dug in and have over 20,000 men in Syria along with newly rearmed 60,000 terrorists, so the SAA is pretty much in limbo as Russian air support has stopped. Putin is only looking after Jew interests and not Russian strategic interests.

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