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MARCH 2025

Turkish-backed Forces Announce Advance On Manbij, Clash With Syrian Army

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Turkish-backed Forces Announce Advance On Manbij, Clash With Syrian Army

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On October 14 evening, Turkish-backed miltiant groups officially announced an advance on the town of Manbij, which was controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces. The advance started a few hours after units of the Syrian Army was deployed north of Manbij.

According to pro-Turkish sources, Turkey-led forces shelled several positions of the Syrian Army and even captured a battle tank.

The situation is developing.


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King Cliff

Well the russian need to deliver a few airstrike on the back Turkish militia and made them think twice.


Not way, Russia is pleasing Erdong in many many things, and it won’t put in risk a lot of $$$$ from Turkey to Russia, but I hope to be wrong on this.

Ceasar Polar

I trust Putin to satisfy all parties. Let’s see what they are not showing us. It will unfold in the coming days.


Turkey has Russia captive on at least two major issues: 1)providing them with unrestricted passage through Bosporus to Syria to supply its military contingent and Assad secular army, and secondly with Blue Stream gas pipe which provides Turkey with gas for much needed Dollars, with a possibility to branch further to Bulgaria and Serbia.

Erdogan knows how to leverage his position with each major player in the region. He knows the Russia would give anything to see Turkey leaving the NATO and not having to worry so much about is restive southern flank. Things are no so easy.

You may call me insane but I would not be surprised if Iranian and Israel would both covertly help the Kurds more than the Russian are prepared to do it, albeit each for its own reasons. The further the conflict moves east, the less the Persians are likely to look away and let thing be. On the other side, the Israeli only have the Kurds between them and the much hated mullahs in Tehran and the powerful Shiia militias in Irak. .

I do not think USA is leaving Syria. They have not yet abandoned southern left bank of Tigris river with all the oil fields, and have not yet abandoned Al Tanaf in southern Syria which has not strategic importance other then prevent the Iranian from moving freely equipment Syria and close the Israeli border. Until the leave Syria all together I would not hold my breath about the “US withdrawal” SAA is not match in itself for the combined forces of ISIS and Turkey, so unless they get some serious help from more powerful players, they will likely not be able to hold either Manbij or Kobani for more than a week. SAA does not have more than a brigade or two of quality soldiers; it is at risk of becoming stretched too thin between restive ISIS fighters in central Homs desert, the headchopers in Idlib and know trying to take on Turkey and other turkoman tribes further north.

Ceasar Polar

What did you smoke ? Iran with israel helping the Kurds against Russia and Syria ? That is an impossibility. Iran and Russia are allies, not partners, allies, it means a lot to Russia, and for Iran it goes to its own existence to honor an alliance with Russia. Turkey, Iran, and Syria have all a plan, that plan is unfolding now. In truth they are working in concert, even Russian planes are buzzing north of Syria (first time in months). This is the final push to bring back the East euphrates under Damascus again. Then only Al-Tanf will be left to be liberated from US presence (and proxy terrorists that the US is training, arming there).

Ceasar Polar

They are terrorists mercenaries anyways, i think even Turkey might have a plan for them to be coocked in the end of this adventure. Let’s heat the popcorn and see.

Ziønist šhill

They won’t have any air support so they’ll get wiped out quickly if they try it.


This map is looking good.



– Syria Live Map –


Prince Teutonic

or SAF…


Or both.


How do they know they are RuSAF ????????? Me thinks they are much more likely to be Turkish or US or even Israeli. The Russians have not indicated that they are setting up a no-fly zone…………

Ceasar Polar

Planes have tags. And observation posts have long visions.


It isn’t a no fly zone yet. But with the volume of Syrian government coalition forces moving east. There are probably Russians with them. So those aircraft are probably top cover and recon.

Ceasar Polar

Lol the kurds already shitting their pants. It is just to make them run faster into Assad’s welcoming arms.


Does this mean NSA trash around Al Bab can be shelled? Why not, I think that’s only fair. :)


Turkey must make it clear to any power it be that Northern Syria will not be under Turkish control. Do you think Turkey is interested in a desert wasteland in Northern Syria? They have to get rid of the terrorist groups operating in that area. I thought Putin was smarter than this. Is it worth it putting yourself in a position of conflicting with Turkey over a area that will serve you nothing. I guess Russia really is dumb afterall.


And Pres.Putin holds the Aces, but you do not have the eyes to see his strategy……………..


Erdogan told it 2 times since last 5 days.

Ceasar Polar

Contrary to MSM lies, Turkey said that since day 1. The goal is to liberate Syria’s borders of terrorists, and create a safe zone, and help Syria’s reconstruction. Never Turkey said it would annex any inch of Syria.

Ceasar Polar

When they say “turkish backed militia” they mean ex-daesh, al qaida, chechen, serb, afghani, pakistani paid terrorist-mercenaries. SU29, and Su25 should make a couple of sorties, then the S300 should show the world how fast it can shoot down Turkish F16’s. Then but just flashing power you get what you need, not actually shooting, just scaring the shit of of them!


Do not say “Serb” because that is an insult for us. No true Serb (of Slavic blood and orthodox Christian religion) would fight on the Turkish side. Only the citizens of Serbia whose grandfathers converted to Islam during the centuries of the Ottoman occupation and who call themselves “Bosniaks” since 1995. We call them simply “converts” (in Serbian: Потурице), because that is what they are: grandchildren of traitors who adopted the religion and identity of Turkish occupiers, although they do not even speak Turkish language, but the same language as Serbs or Croats. And Albanians form Kosovo too. Anyway, our enemies whom we used to beat from 1992 to 1995 in Bosnia and from 1998 to 1999 in Kosovo. In both cases NATO came to rescue them by bombing us and accusing us for genocide which was a lie.

Ceasar Polar

Thanks for the details. I will make sure not to use “Serb” again for these takfiri jihadi terrorist mercenaries. Of course the west bombed because the creation of proxy militias to wage 5th generation warfare was their idea and they seem to like to foster those terrorists, treat them, pay them, train them, arm them and resupply them with ammunition. While the controlled media will repeat the same lies that they are waging wars on Terror, where in fact they are using “terror management” methods to wage 5th generation warfare (proxy war) on poor countries under protected countries. Typical of the west.

Semper Prudens

I agree with you. They tested on us the system which they later tried to implement in Syria and Lybia. It would be very interesting to perform a comparative study of wars in Bosnia or the entire former Yugoslavia and Syria, as many similarities would be discovered. In both cases the west supported the rebels who attacked the regular army first and proclaimed them “freedom fighters” while the legal right of the army to respond and defend itself was declared an “aggression” and a “war crime”. In Aleppo they tried to repeat the trick from Sarajevo (with fake films about atrocities of the army against the civilian population), but fortunately Russians were there to spoil their plan. So they lost that city, just as they would have lost Sarajevo too had not we (the Serbs) stood alone against the entire NATO and the European Union. Unfortunately at that time there was no leader like Putin in Russia, but drunk and corrupt Yeltsin who was a toy in American hands.


Thanks. But a note, in the Middle Ages, Serb vassals were used against EASTERN opponents of Osman, in fact at Angora (Ankara) against Timur the Great (1402), Serb mounted knights were last to be overwhelmed by Timburlane. They fought better than most of Bayizid’s troops.


That is true. We do not hide it. But the full story goes like this: On June 28th 1389 we resisted to the advancing Ottoman Turks in the decisive battle for our future on field of Kosovo in which Sultan Murad I was killed, but unfortunately our ruler who was commanding Serbian army Prince Lazar was captured by the Turks and decapitated by Murad’ s son Bayezid I. In that moment, Lazar’ s eldest son Stefan was only 12 years old which was not enough to take the throne. So, his mother (Lazar’s widow – princess Milica) was fighting strongly to keep the throne untill he becomes of legal age (which happened in 1395). She was exposed to terrible pressure, both from Serbian feudal masters who wanted to impose themselves as “tutors” of her son and “guardians” of the throne (which, as we know from history, in many cases would be just a first step for elimination of the legal heir and usurpation of a new ruler) and external powers like Hungary. Both sides were attacking and grabbing peaces of territory. In that heavy moment of history, she made several hard but vise decisions which bought us time and provides the Serbian state to survive for another 70 years, after which it was finally destroyed by the Turks (in 1459) not to be restored by 1804. First, she decided to give a monastic oath. As a nun she was formally considered to be “married to Jesus Christ” which meаnt that no Serbian feudal master could force her to become his wife. In that way she became the key adviser to her son, but protected by the church. Second, she decided to sign a peace agreement with Turks (which made her safe from Hungarian invasion). She accepted vassal relationship and paid the terrible price for peace. She had to sacriffice her youngest daughter Olivera, who became wife of Bayazid 1. And yes, prince Stefan did command Serbian cavalry in the Angara battle 1402. His behavior was appreciated even by the enemy Timur who captured Bayazid the I, but gave sultana Olivera back to her brother, so she returned to Serbia to spend the rest of her life in freedom. Ater that battle, prince Stefan got the titlle of despot from the Byzantine emperor, broke up the alliance with the Turks and allied with Hungarians who gave him Belgrade for a new capital (since 1403). Hungarian king Sigismund of Luxemburg gave him an honorable title, by making him the firs at the list of his knights of the newly established Order of Dragon. Stefan governed Serbia by 1427, and as he had no children was succeeded by his nephew (his sister’s son) Djuradj Brankovic.


Yes Panragruel, Serbs are good for nothing, just like Kurds, as soon as real army shows, start screaming for help. Only good for ethnic cleansing and genocide. This reminds me of Oluja, when brave Bosnians and Croations wiped off “tough” serbian army in less than a week.

Semper Prudens

Look who is talking. A little Croat. Son of a nation which used to kiss Austro-Hungarian ass in the World War 1, just like Hitler’s and Musolini’s ass in the World War 2. Did you miss the lesson at the school how the Serbs preserved the coast of Adriatic Coast (Dalmatia) for you in 1918, instead of letting Italia take it?, Shameless bastards. You paid us back well in 1941, shouting in our back while we were resisting Germany and Italy. Why don’t you tell the World that your nickname Oluja (Storm) derives from a code name of ethnic cleansing of local Serbs which you performed with American planning and support? Slobodan Milošević was warned not to defend them, or otherwise Belgrade would be bombed by NATO. So he left them alone, as If Putin would abandone local Russians in Donetsk and Lugansk. That is famous Croatian courage. There is no difference between you and Ukrainean followers of Stepan Bandera.


Advance of islamists north of manbij stopped.YPG regaining parts of Tel Abyad and Serekaniye. Several cities now reinforced with SAA and proxy militia. Even cities along the border.

Turkey can forget its aims. Russians are flying over the region, covering SAA and partly SDF. SAA might not start clashes with Turks, but will clash with islamists. The first clashes already reported.

US reputation in tatters. Every ally of the US can forget US support if Trump can make a buck. Who will trust US now?

Turkish led IS formations now entering the region. Who will trust Turkey.


Source DN??


“YPG regaining parts of Tel Abyad” That would be nice, but Liveuamap has not said a word. Is this twitter news? :)


The US reputation is in tatters for not going to war with the second largest army in NATO, how does that work? You’re starting to sound like the Zionist anti American traitors that the US legislature is filled to the brim with.


Earlier, the SAA entered the empty 93rd Brigade base outside Ain Issa. This should be a very strong position to secure that section of highway M4 from any advance from the east. Hopefully the coalition left some supplies there, or did some improvements to the base for the SAA. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/547223ad3084ca38a879c871fd31a7f39927fe480c2eb2278c67e1940789cfc3.jpg


“City of Raqqa: Raising the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic at the clock roundabout in downtown Raqqa”

– Syria Live Map –








Ceasar Polar

Back to the SAA. Now Kobani and Manjib.


“160 US Troops Leave North-eastern Syria for Iraq According to a Sputnik correspondent, citing sources in the region, US troops have left the city of Hasek in northern Syria. The withdrawal process reportedly began in the evening, with about 160 US troops pulling back to the Iraqi territory.

Syrian state television announced that an estimated 260 US and coalition troops left north-eastern Syria for Iraq on 10 October and 14 October.”


Ceasar Polar

And finally Trump is getting what he asked. 10 months ago he announced the US will pull out from Syria it didnt happen. Now thanks to Erdogan and Putin, it happens.


He’s facing defeat in 2020 if he doesn’t change course and start delivering what he won the election on. This was a good opportunity to do that. But he vetoed the stop support for the Yemen war bill and has a lot of other instances where he did the exact opposite of what America First was supposed to be about.

Given his long history of prevarication and double speak. Whether this is to little to late or is followed up with additional action to shore up his antiwar rhetoric as a genuine change remains to be seen.

Ceasar Polar

If he was really an America First type of President, he wont have Bolton sitting a National security advisors for months next to him. So now he is fired, but he is costing a lot to Trump. I pointing my finger at the trade war with China, that had an effect on the global economy now everyone is feeling the effect of that trade war. Americans first of course feel the pain. Soybean farmers are pissed off. The wall isnt built. Trump have kidnapped children of illegal immigrants (that looked bad), and much more really bad things that Trump did. But his only chance is the Dems have no one to face Trump. For that alone i think he has all his chances. Cant believe we see Hilary again, they should burry that old crooked hoe already and the dem party should make a public apology to the American public for endorsing such being. But that also will never happen, so unfortunately for the whole planet, trump has his chances of 2nd turn. Unless impeached of course.


– Pentagon planning to pull all US troops from Syria in coming days, officials say –


Xoli Xoli

Syrian government should allow Turkey to sit up a observation post in Golan heights. Attack all USA,France ,Britain and Israel remnants in Ol Omar oilfields.s. SDF must be dissolved to avoid departioning of Syria on ethnic lines.Because if every ethnic group requests own portion in Syria. Then rebellion and Clashes wont stop.

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