On January 25, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the villages of Abudene and Kurni around Bulbul district northeast of the city of Afrin, according to Syrian oppositions source.
TSK/ÖSO Bülbül kasabasının Kuzey doğusunda bulunan Kurna köyünü terör örgütü YPG/PKK’dan temizledi..
Buda videosu.. pic.twitter.com/XNUpTl4WXb— Son Kale Türkiye (@SonKaleTurkiye2) January 25, 2018
From its side, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced that its fighters repelled several attacks of the Turkish-backed FSA near Bulbul district. YPG fighters destroyed three battle tanks of the Turkish Army while rappelling the attacks according to Kurdish sources.
Meanwhile, Turkish Air Force (TAF) carried out more airstrikes on the YPG positions in Jandaris and Rajo districts northwest and north of Afrin. According to the YPG, over 30 civilians have been killed in the TAF bombardment on Afrin area so far.

Click to see the full-size image

Click to see the full-size image

Click to see the full-size image
In a related development, the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria in Afrin area released an official statement in which it called on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to counter the Turkish Army attack on Afrin and to defend the Syrian border. The Democratic Federation in Afrin also stressed that the YPG will continue its defensive operations against the Turkish Army.
“We call on the Syrian state to carry out its sovereign obligations towards Afrin and protect its borders with Turkey from attacks of the Turkish occupier… and deploy its Syrian armed forces to secure the borders of the Afrin area,” the Democratic Federation in Afrin said in its statement, according to the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA).
The new statement of the Democratic Federation in Afrin area contradicts to the early statement of Kurdish officials in Afrin released on January 24. The statement said that the YPG will not allow the SAA to enter the area. According to this, the new statement is likely aimed at holding the SAA the responsibility for the Turkish attack on Afrin.
These Kurds change their minds every day.If they had cooperated with the SAA in the beginning then the Turks would have no excuse to say there were terrorists in AFRIN and other parts controlled by them..They have only themselves to blame for their troubles,,as the SAA has enough to do at the moment fighting zionist ISIS terrorists.
Nice colorfull map. The Afrin Kurds simply have too much front line to defend. And have no answer for the Turkish arty.
More like Air Force. Those counter battery artillery units is as good as gone the moment it opens fire. Which is why there’s still no equivalent of having Air Force on your side.
“It ain’t over till it’s over!”
Kurds to SAA , stay away we have got this we don’t need or want you anywhere near us. AH , oh shit the Turks are beating us , SAA where are you you cowards come and protect us .. SAA to Kurds , We will be there as soon as we take over control East of the Euphrates. Why not ask your brothers to come and help or are the Yanks paying to much for them to care..
Cool image of General Ali Mayhoub, dude.
SAA should be still and wait for the end of battle between Turks and Kurds! Kurds betrayed Syria, they betrayed Assad, they betrayed SAA and now they want help from SAA? Whay they don’t ask USA for help? USA has hundreds of airplanes all over the region, they could bomb Turks in matter of hours, but they will not because they just used Kurds for their objections, weakening of Assad and SAA!
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To USA , Turkey in Nato or support Kurds but it will still be thrown out by Iranians… which is more important.
Now the Kurds know.
Assad is not that stupid
They have explicitly ordered the SDF not to go to Afrin to help their brother in any way. As far as they’re concerned Afrin can be just surrendered to Turkey. Then again there’s no way it stopped at this since the FSA hate the Kurds arrogance and vice versa.
I am well aware America has told the SDF not to go and help or they will lose their financial backing hence …are the yanks paying them more than it is worth to go and help their brothers. If they cared enough they would tell America stuff you we are going to help our brothers but obviously money talks louder than loyalty. Is America going to shoot back at Turkey which puts their airbase in Turkey at risk and the border closed to them which forces them to then go through Iraq and leave themselves locked into a quagmire of their making as a just reward.
That’s the best possible scenarios ???
The Kurds have a tendency to side with anyone who serves their objectives (enemies-enemy-is-my-friend). But they’ve put themselves in an invidious position by sucking up to the US and Israhell in Syria. A little grovelling to Assad – and returning all the SDF’s gains in E Syria – might fix it….
How many times have I predicted that the United States would never prefer poor Kurdish devils with nothing more to offer than their cheap servitude, betraying their nation by selling themselves to vile American interests. Finding themselves alone without the slightest help from their American owners, until now they remember the existence of the legitimate Syrian government to ask for help
Kurds cannot have it both ways. They cannot call on the Syrian Arab Army to support them in repelling wholly illegal Turkish attack and in preserving Syria’s Sovereign Borders whilst factions insist that the Syrian Arab Army are not to come and support them against the Turks on the basis that these lands are of Kurdish sovereignty. Fact is that the Free Syrian Army Opposition Forces are now embedded with the Turkish Army and are therefore fighting a War against the sovereignty of Syria itself. Those FSA members are therefore committing treason against the Syrian State and its Peoples. Kurds must decide whether they wish to form a part of the new Syria, within its Internationally recognized borders or whether they wish to be caught in a vice between Turkey/FSA committing an Act of War against Syria and the Syrian Arab Army defending the borders of Syria. It appears that the Kurds have decided they wish to remain a part of Syria …… by far the most sensible choice.
wel wel wel , why do kudo ask now help from SAA and not USA ? pathetic people …. oh I know why , because US doesnt give a shit about them )))
Yes my friend, good point. Because normally everyone asks and hope for help from his allies instead from his opponents as the Kurds have made it very clear, choosing treacherously the side of the Americans, enemies par excellence of the Syrian government and all its allies, throughout the conflict.
good, that you are back! :)
How are you my friend? Nice to meet you here and ready to comment and exchange good opinions about all those events that concern and interest to all of us here, as always.
Thanks, this year is all right, until now. :) I am glad, you are back. With you is easy to discuss, because you also look at + and – of each problem.
Don’t you think this is a great opportunity to pacify the area, as long as they reconcile their differences with the central government and incorporate themselves into the SAA & Co. alliance. Flying Syrian and some local flags, except YPG/PKK. It’s true they have mostly tried to limit ISIS so far. I just don’t know how many groups are involved in SDF and who really makes the decisions there.
It is yes if the Kurds didn’t stab them in the back once the Turkish repelled. I’d say let them fight for themselves with SAA advisors embedded to direct them.
I also suspect a backdoor deal between Russia, Iran and Turkey. It could be that Russia and Iran are letting Erdogan squash the Kurdish militias in exchange for switching sides during the Qatar crisis. In a sense, Assad doesn’t really like the idea of the Turkish army entering Syria, but in a way he’s sacrificing the Kurds in order to get Turkey to cooperate with the government in Damascus. In such a scenario I don’t know what might happen to the Turkish backed rebels, I guess they will get some autonomy or language rights, or Turkey can try to pull another Northern Cyprus. Russia has also intervened in some republics in the Caucasus region in a similar fashion. In light of all the destruction I wonder if this is better than what Syria had before. I know they didn’t have a “democracy”, but their country had a secular and even somewhat socialist government, at least in theory.
The decisions are made by the Council for Foreign Relations which representatives are called “US Diplomats” means they are the dumbest people hired.The PYD is a State department and CIA construct now leaving us to believe Kurds are told by their US masters what to do.
The decisions are made by the Council for Foreign Relations which representatives are called “US Diplomats” means they are the dumbest people hired.The PYD is a State department and CIA construct now leaving us to believe Kurds are told by their US masters what to do.
The decisions are made by the Council for Foreign Relations which representatives are called “US Diplomats” means they are the dumbest people hired.The PYD is a State department and CIA construct now leaving us to believe Kurds are told by their US masters what to do.
You have repeated the same post 3 times, is this Terra Cotta spam :/ Does Disqus have a virus, or just another tomato worm? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8a0a4eeb60ef67cdfe1b7630bf49b274bc69ea27c295dd86a68fc5fbc323f74.jpg
They were doing maintenance wasn’t the only on this has happened to hate viruses .
NATO is a Defensive Alliance. Members are NOT required to support aggression by a member State. That’s why NATO did not assist the Ottoman invasion and occupation of Northern Cyprus. When Ottoman-Syria war erupts as a result of Sultan/Fuhrer ErrDawg’s Fascist Imperial warring, NATO has no obligation to assist or rearm the Ottoman aggressors.
nato is against turks
germany want to call session in uno
Germany doesn’tr call the shots, half of their gols is in the usa, many euro countries are complaining about the turks but they still also dont loose their hope to get rid of erdogan, turkey is a very convenient platform for US in that region, so yeah they can’t do shit, same with poland, US is paying them so they can station their military in Poland close to Russia, so poland can shit on Eu now and it does :) Eu is a toothless gay tiger, who would take something like that serious IMHO, it like my Grand grandma trying to scare me with stories about monsters if i wont behave
go to the hell, ruskie drunker!
for others. i correct my comment: germany called nato meeting
france want uno discussion.
it is beautiful, how perfect are synchronized macron and merkel. also in davos they prepared only cold showers for trump.
They can’t do shit, lots of bla bla and no action, they are occupied, their money is in US, trump doesn’t run the states, corporations do, so he’s just a talking head, States have many leverages on europe, frozen conflicts in europe that they can make go hot, lol, so much stuff, oh yeah, american troops, weapons and lobbies in europe, many other sponsored groups like those idiot fake nazis in ukraine, most of the press is on their payroll imho, they did a good number on europe last time, ww2 and all, they won’t let you lift your head that easily, wonder if most euros are prepared to endure pain to get their freedom. LOL.
this is not osetia, boy
Lets watch together and laugh, boy.
No it’s not, in Osetia, nato trained troops and their instructors got their teeth knocked out, never seen soldiers run so fast, i think they were the fastest people on earth back then :D. Regarding europe, they will bark a few angry words, cia will organize some rapes, explosions and they will shut up, shame really.
Hits blunt………Yeah, I remember when NATO put all those defensive moves on Iraq and Libya,……Syria too, (exhales smoke), faked left and went right, you feel me? Rammed some defensive cruise missiles right up their cracks….ha, ha, ha…..good memories……on another topic, this weed is good, it really makes me think some high thoughts
The Ottoman invasion & occupation of Northern Cyprus was done after a detailed and careful groundwork , laid out for the Turks by NATO strategists and Kissinger , ultimately for the benefit of Israel’s position in the area. Loss of their ancestral homes for 230.000 Cypriots , expelled as refugees, and several thousands murders and rapes by the pillaging NATO troops , were part of the sideshow. American flight controllers at Ottoman airbases were guiding the bombing raids of the Ottoman AF. The NATO bosses were committed to the rapid success of the Ottoman forces , so that American fliers of the 6th fleet sank a Turkish destroyer , mistaking it for Greek vessel coming to help the Cypriots resisting. Traitorous upper echelon Greek officers obeyed their NATO bosses and kept Greek airplanes and warships at bay in Greece, to the astonishment and anger of the officers and crews. These traitors were put in place and sworn to their treasonous acts beforehand , as part of the careful preparation of the invasion plan. The subsequent Greek governments were never allowed by the gangsters in NATO to prosecute these traitors , who became millionaires in private life, as a result of American hush money. Rothschild out-of-thin-air printed money. Greek submariners managed to evade detection and reach Cyprus , in a position of being able to sink Ottoman troop-carrying ships. They received orders to hold fire and return to base. That much was the reach of the meticulous planning of the NATO gangsters . NATO is not a defensive alliance , it’s a criminal war racket.
Why don’t you speak English, rather than mumbling all the time?
You’re such an liar and idiot. You must be a zionist troll here, and someone pays your ass for spreading this nonsense.
Can you disprove his comment?
Should I stay or should I go?
are you scared shitless?
He is so stupid, he doesn’t even knows what ‘The Clash’ is. Sharif don’t like it Rock the Casbah!
At any rate, dealing with Kurds is like that song…
That’s the question
Some commentors her are a little bit mad, claiming that SDF/YPG forces calling out for aid is a sign of SDF/YPG losing heart, being mad, or whatever.
In fact, almost any force being attacked by a better equipped army will be calling on potential allies to intervene. SDF is no exception.
As a matter of fact, SDF is doing very well and they likely will continue to do so. Much will depend on the effects of this resistance.
Will morale of the FSA or TSK break or not?
In any way one wants to discuss this, it is clear that SDF/YPG forces are much more capable of resistance all opponents or outsiders gave them credit for.
They lost 350-400 men in 5 days. Even convoys from Manbij were striked by the jets. Your comment is ridicilious.
I don’t know if this guy was sleeping or just climbing down a mango tree. … “In fact, almost any force being attacked by a better equipped army will be calling on potential allies to intervene. SDF is no exception.”.. So, you are telling us that YPG just Ryan to its a new ally the SAA for help. And you say it’s normal.!!??? Of all factions involved here, after turning down Syrian and Russian proposal, relying on their US back up.
You know I’m still confused here, maybe I’m missing out on something. Why does the YPG not OPENLY callout the US for help, saying something like” isn’t it you said you will cover US from trouble, now that big trouble is raining on us you’re ain’t doing any sh$&_:;;t to help us”
I don’t know if this guy was sleeping or just climbing down a mango tree. … “In fact, almost any force being attacked by a better equipped army will be calling on potential allies to intervene. SDF is no exception.”.. So, you are telling us that YPG just ran to its a new ally the SAA for help. And you say it’s normal.!!??? Of all factions involved here, after turning down Syrian and Russian proposal, relying on their US back up.
You know I’m still confused here, maybe I’m missing out on something. Why does the YPG not OPENLY callout the US for help, saying something like” isn’t it you said you will cover US from trouble, now that big trouble is raining on us you’re ain’t doing any sh$&_:;;t to help us”
Kurdish Forces Call On Syrian Army To Counter Turkish Advance
go saa, expel turks and enlarge the government controlled territory.
kurds always tall, assad did not help them against isis. this is only half truth, but NOW bashar can show, he is statesman and send the army. what is also his duty, he is the highest commander of saa.
if he send army, expell turks and their jihadists, let them wider autonomy and allow the kurdish language as sacoind, THIS step will turn back the eastern kurds, too.
It’s only day 6! And now YPG spokesman will announce there is no agreement or official request. Maybe the Kurds want to wait until they have lost 25% of territory. NO PROBLEMO :D
It is too late!!! The stupid Kurds should have allowed the SAA to take over BEFORE the Turkish invasion!!! That would have kept Erdogan and his islamist dogs out of Afrin!!! Assad, the SAA are not suicidal to come to the Kurds’ rescue and confront the Turkish armed forces!!! It is a totally different level adversary than the proxy terrorist armies it has been dealing with. The might of the islamist Turkish armed forces, with NATO weaponry and NATO training is too much for the SAA!!! Only if Russia was willing to lose all the advances it has gained to draw Turkey away from NATO and impose a no-fly zone on the Turks over Syria, only then the SAA might have a chance to drive out the Turks!!!
Amazing, they gobble up Syrian land, side with an occupying army, draw lines in the sand telling the SAA not to cross the Euphrates, attack government troops in Hasakh, and then they want state protection. If i was Assad, I’d abandon their dumb @$$€$ to the wolves unless they handed over the territory in full and all the heavy arms in it. I would prefer trying to work things out with the Turks than the other occupying army
I am afraid that you are very, but very correct and I support your comment fully and without any doubt..
He is very what? (for the first “very”)
Verily I say to you, I wouldn’t screw with Terence, he looks like a lawyer. :)
Can’t come to terms with the Turks they are good lapdogs of the US , which seems the US is not getting the cooperation from the rest of the coalition.
So many keyboard warriors in here
What happens if SAA gets involved and attacks Turks, will US coalition get involved to protect a NATO ally ? maybe we start to see the plot unfold
US won’t do so but Russia said we won’t defend SAA either.
This is the point where assad tries to help and is either welcomed in and reasserts sovereignty or is rebuffed by unauthorized armed formations ans waits on the sidelines.
If he says go to hell he says afrin is no longer a part of syria. Must take high road. Given the casualty rates a few atgm and artillery and airstrikes on the isolated beach heads will work wonders.
Odds are fsa will break and run if theyre on the receiving end of long range fire and not just directing it.
Fortune favors the bold and will receive a blessing from the god of war.
Or, maybe, Assad should wait while all Kurds in Afrin will be exterminated by the FSA to have 1 part to negotiate with instead of 2. In place of the Kurds I will ask Damascus to make a secured avenue for Kurds from Afrin to Manbij in exchange of the surrender of their Afrin territories to SAA.
Umm sure. Genocide and ethnic cleansing. And people get so mad at the kurds for going out on their own. They simply dont get better offers than maybe support from israel and the US. Try a little empathy itll work wonders.
Should I remind you how Kurds genocided Christian population in late Ottoman Empire?
Certainly. Its a tragic thing no doubt the armenian genocide will forever be a black mark upon turkey and its inhabitants.
The use of a marginalized and persecuted group to carry out some of the genocide of another persecuted group is simply another layer of perverse hatred by the turks. One can only hope modern day kurds can use thay shameful chapter as a lesson to treat their neighbours with empathy and compassion in the future.
Kurds had many chances to show the empathy and compassion to the Syrian population, but they failed them all. Please name me just one logical reason why anybody of their neighbors should care about Kurd’s feature?
I thought the Turks would go after al Rifaat. Instead they are going straight into the hills of Kurdish afrin.
The city of Rifaat is in the plains, it is an Arab town. The hills of afrin is traditional Kurdish home, they will never stop fighting there against Turkish occupations.
Turkey is choosing its battles poorly. A costly occupation of afrin is not something they can afford. They would be better off attacking manbij.
Shhh, not so loud. It’s a political decision to go after the border area first. And a good way to cut down on the FSA rat numbers :D
Or, maybe, they want to destroy the military infrastructure and kill as much Kurds, as they can. Quite logical decision if you fight with the forces you call terrorists.
I love the smell of irony in the morning…
Here we have the US using the Kurds aka “SDF” forces to dismember Syria, and yet we had President Assad months ago offer the Kurds a REAL future within the Syrian nation…The Kurds of course rejected the Syrian “olive branch” as they were led to believe that making a “deal with the devil” aka the US-Israel evil satanic “alliance” would ensure themselves a “nation”…
And now of course that satanic alliance has thrown the Kurds to the wolves with no help coming… So now they are pleading with the same Syrian government, that they rejected, for help? I honestly do not know whether to laugh or to cry at the sheer ignorance and arrogance of these idiots!
If you want protection and peaceful and fair living in Syria, hand all of your lands over to the legetimate Syrian government, especially since your project is a failing one for sure.
The Turks will probably be methodical to minimise Turkish troop and civilian casualties. But the Kurd pocket is surrounded and out gunned. The Turkish advance may take some time. But the only thing that can stop it is the restoration of government administration in these areas.
The Turks will probably be methodical to minimise Turkish troop and civilian casualties. But the Kurd pocket is surrounded and out gunned. The Turkish advance may take some time. But the only thing that can stop it is the restoration of government administration in these areas.
That’s a good post. I find it very amusing that Turkey is on the offensive, going into the Sochi peace talks in 5 days.
There wouldn’t be a war if your evil cult was outlawed to create a Jew free planet.
This where the evil Jew pedophile rape cultists that you shill for every day belong:
YPG are a non state militia that have no diplomatic or negotiation skills whatsoever. They refused recent Syrian and Russian advances regarding negotiating return of Afin under Syrian state authority – the YPG just point blank refused the issue. They failed to take the opportunity to negotiate with leverage for beneficial concessions from the Syrian state they exist within, and vastly over estimated the level of their power, bordering on the delusional. Now they may end up in far worse position – degraded and weakened – with little capacity to leverage anything. To grasp how inept and delusional the YPG and SDF are vis-a-vis necessary future negotiations with Damascus – consider that in 2017 the SDF announce it was willing to work with Saudi Arabia in Syria!
How do you solve a problem like the Kurds?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a word that means the Kurds?
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A clown!
Erdogan and Hemmerstein The Sounds of Müzik
Kurds are idiots, plain and simple.
Kurds (USA-puppets) must call for their master, USA, for help. Turkey and USA are invaders in Syria land. Kurds are just terrorists supported by USA-Israel-NATO.
SAA should give last chance to kurds in afrin and help them from this teriiost . . and if later kurds betrays them again. then turkey is not far from the border. . it has said enemy of my enemy is my friend . but just for time being. but before that whole afrin should be hand over to SAA and all the fighter s of kurds in afrin should be sifted towards another battle field with fsa in jarabalus and al bab area