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MARCH 2025

Turkish-backed Forces Captured Pantis-S1 Air Defense System, Mi-35 Helicopter At Libya’s Watiya Airbase (Map, Video, Photos)

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Turkish-backed Forces Captured Pantis-S1 Air Defense System, Mi-35 Helicopter At Libya's Watiya Airbase (Map, Video, Photos)

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On May 18, the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord and Turkish-backed Syrian militants with a direct support from the Turkish military captured the Watiya Airbase from the Libyan National Army. Turkish-backed forces seized a Pantisr-S1 air defense system and a Mi-35 helicopter on the site.

Pro-Turkish sources also claimed that a Pantisr-S1 air defense system was destroyed by a Turkish drone strike near Sirte.

Turkish-backed Forces Captured Pantis-S1 Air Defense System, Mi-35 Helicopter At Libya's Watiya Airbase (Map, Video, Photos)

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Turkish-backed Forces Captured Pantis-S1 Air Defense System, Mi-35 Helicopter At Libya's Watiya Airbase (Map, Video, Photos)

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Turkish-backed Forces Captured Pantis-S1 Air Defense System, Mi-35 Helicopter At Libya's Watiya Airbase (Map, Video, Photos)

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A Mi-35 helicopter:

Turkish-backed Forces Captured Pantis-S1 Air Defense System, Mi-35 Helicopter At Libya's Watiya Airbase (Map, Video, Photos)

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They wont be able to use it as muzzies have a low iq :D


Not all of them pp, Palis and Pakis are both the same terroristic shit.


Tbh I don’t trust any muzlim coz they cause a lot of trouble to us hindus.I hope that every single one of these muzlim bastards are destroyed.ill suggest the same for you.The ones whom u consider ur friends(sunni Arabs and turks) trust me they’ll attack u once iran is defeated.


I get you man, they kill innocents Israelis too like Indians. Use whatever force you need to crush t hem, we support you. Stay safe.

klove and light

innocent Israelis……………………………..lolololololololol

only a satanic motherfucker talks like that…….

so have a nice day satanic motherfucker

Mustafa Mehmet

99p girl talking pay attention eveyone


We thought the same so we gave shelter to muslims but now they are killing us everyday.I don’t want that to happen for israel.Jews lived with Hindus peacefully in India.Muslims can’t live in peace amongst themselves let alone with non muzlims.Please tell your government officials not to help any muzlim.


Only jews make troubles with each other, there are in middle east 60 years and made bloody wars with all the neighborhood and continue actually

Assad must stay

Hopefully these idiots kill themselves trying to operate them, they look pretty retarded to me


It will not be used at all, it will be send to Turkey.

Assad must stay

Why would they send them to turkey?


So that Turkey can figure out how exactly it operates? What kind of question is that?

Assad must stay

Because I’m sure GNA would rather have them and try to use them, for them its probably like finding alien technology

Porc Halal

Yep, they will try….

Porc Halal

PS… will be the subject of a Spetsnaz or Wagner military operation…;)


LOL gypsy, you watched too much movies. Your beloved Pantsir (or Pantshit like i call it) is currently paraded, underway to Tripoli, from there probably shipped somewhere else to dissect.

Porc Halal

hahaha … I don’t understand why you keep imitating me so much repeating what I say?! … as if you were my echo … I repeat to you once again, like in front of an audience full of idiots … you can’t do anything in as for the condition in which you were born … a turk can’t be anything but a gypsy … capiche, gupsy boy?…now going back to the real stuf…if the pantsir is shitty, why you gypsy are so desperate to risk so many patethic gypsy lives in shipping the parts to shithole turkey?!… what do you expect to find in this air defense system?..I imagine already a bunch of filthy gypsies standing around the component parts of the pantsir, looking like nonsense without understanding anything, waiting to miraculously find the principle of operation of the pantsir … well, good luck gypsies, but I do not think that you will succeed …


Hahaaha, gypsyboy calling others gypsy is huge oxymoron…the only filthy gypsy sheet coming from the whoreland called romania is you. Now, i know you don’t have a brain in there but listen. The system itself might not be that great, but what’s inside it like the missiles could be quite useful if reverse engineered.

Alberto Garza

the uae has very close military and diplomatic ties with the u.s i doubt there is anything there of interest that the u.s. did not know .


First of all, Turkey will try to re-engineer/examine to system to improve AD technology. Secondly, I am quite sure that there are no one who can succesfully operate that in GNA side. Actually, I suspect there are no one either in LNA except Wagner. And lastly, even if they can operate that system it is pretty much useless. As far as I know, they work with a web system. More of them needed to be sufficent.

Assad must stay

LNA needs to blow them up before turkey gets them


They are not able to conduct an airstrikte easily as before because of the AD systems provided by Turkey. Almost all the strikes on Tripoli are shelling or mortar.

Assad must stay

They need some like anti radiation HARM type missiles

Porc Halal

This was the first thought it crossed my mind when I red the article…the second one, was that Russia will not allow that to happen…one way or another…


There is no “one way or another…” as I can see, it will be shipped back via Tripoli port. What can they do?

Porc Halal

Not sure if they can ship any shit to turkey…unless Russia will consider that this is what the turkish retards will get in return to what they had already ordered from Russia and they will never get…do you feel me?…


Are you talking about S-400 systems? If so, more than half of the shipment is done as far as I know. And btw… I am Turk. Well…. “what the turkish retards will get ” -_-

Porc Halal

If you are turk dont take it personal and even seriously when it comes to general characterisation I did about turks (even though you have to admit that a large part of the turkish population are actualy endorsing islamism and ottomanism which in many people’s minds is pure evil) and that they (a large part of turkish population) are living and thinking like people 1400 year ago….many nations including the one I am part of were directly affected throughout the history by these evil ideologies…also you have to understand the context and what your conationals wrote about me or my people…you look prety smart and I m sure you understand things…

Porc Halal

PS…UAE bought this technology from Russia therefore Russia is confident that this technology is not going to be used against his interests by UAE…this is different when it comes to Turkey…


Yes of course they would want that, but what I am trying to say this situation is out of control of Russia now.


I don’t have to admit because it is a fact that some people are endorsing islamism and ottomanism. I don’t know what you ment by “large part”, but I can say that portion is about 40 %. of population. It wasn’t like that before, after masses immigrated to big cities in 80s 90s and after, illiteracy helped these ideologies to spread. I agree what you said about Islamism, but not with Ottomanism. Ottomanism is not pure evil. It is rather stupit, impossible and outdated ideology. In fact it is not an ideology at all. That’s what you guys (non Turks) call who praises Ottoman era and longing for it. So called “Ottomanism” has no systematics at all, Ottoman Empire was just… an empire like others.

And may I ask where are you from? Since you told that your nation is affected. I don’t know if you heard this before but one of the most affected nations from Ottoman Empire is Turks. Turks in Anatolia left poor, unfed, uneducated and behaved like 2nd class citizens. The obedience is imposed so strongly that people can’t get rid of it still in today. Those people need a Sultan because they have to be herd.

Porc Halal

Well, I do not know what you understand by ‘large part’, even say 40% (which is your claim and I don’t belive is true…the situation on the ground looks totaly different, the MB fascist-islamist party AKP and fascist nationalists still playing a huge role in the day by day lives of turks, not mentioning here the islamic religious authority) is huge enough by all standards which describes what the meaning of ‘large part’ is…presently, since long time ago, my country is not affected by islamism and ottomanism and I hope it will remain like this… ottomanism and islamism was a problem just for a part of it, a small province, which was occupied and was under the ottoman rule for a period of time…during this time the local people was subjugated by the ottoman administration and the turkish colonialists, very tiny in numbers, who were practicing abductions and rapes among local population, sclavagism (which is a custom islamic behavior towards other cultures and religions as per the islamic book called coran), also the locals experienced their second class citizen condition under ottoman rule, local religion practicing ( ie christianism) was under continuing siege, etc…


…Israel via Turkey



Porc Halal

Hey, they ARE retarded!…

Assad must stay


Toni Liu

With that some burn damage around it, it needs some check and fix by trained operator to be usable and just reading those manuals cant make them suddenly to be professional operator


I am surprised they took it but, how long will the advance last and what did it cost them?


If we are talking about the cost of today… pretty much nothing. LNA forced to withdraw and GNA entered without resistance. After this, I am sure that GNA will capture west of Gharyan completely. And after this, they will also get the outskirts of Tripoli and Tarhuna. Because once the west of Gharyan cleared all the units will be deployed towards Tripoli and LNA’s supply lines are very short. After that… we can’t know yet.

Rhodium 10

GNA cannot do nothing!…they are unable to break the siege of Tripoli and have lost around 60 Turkish drones!…they just retake an isolated base with few troops and no operational Pantsir inside!

Mustafa Mehmet

61 drones. you jelly brain


“GNA will capture west of Gharyan completely. ” This is happening right now, half of that area already fallen in this morning. Stop being a fanatic and just think, you will see what I am saying is not a secret or a hard thing to understand.


Hello Kohlaas. Yeah, the Pantsir has that abandoned look. I doubt the GNA has much in terms of legs but, we shall see.


Yeah, I get what you mean. Honestly, I don’t think they are a capable army either, they have 0 chance against a real army. But LNA is worse than them, all this time they had superior equipment and funds. Turkey’s intervention just balanced this situation or maybe even placed in a higher position.


I am waiting to see how long the GNA keeps going after the next round in Syria kicks off. Turkey is burning up a lot of it’s mercs and they don’t have a happy crew on their ship from what I am observing. They are also losing drones faster than they can make them. I bid a good week to you Kohlaas.


Syria is “stable” right now, who knows how long that will last. About those drones, in my opinion Turkey lost maximum 10 drones in Libya others are just propaganda of LNA, there were no visual evidences for them. Thanks, I wish you a good week too.


Hello again John, maybe you forgot about our conversation, I don’t know that, but the recent events reminded me our conversation. Today siege of Tripoli lifted (as I said in my comment to you). I also expect GNA to capture Tarhuna in 2 weeks or little more. But as I wrote I am not sure about what is coming after that. I suspect there will be political negotiations after these events.


I remember and thank you. You called it, the offensive had more legs. With Hafter going to Egypt for more help, this is a troubling sign for him. A good day to you.


Yeah you are right, even some people expect that he will be removed from power and some other guy will be installed. Good day to you too.


I expected a city fight, but it seems that LNA abandoned the city to GNA. So not 2 weeks as I said, but one day :)


If serious military hardware is left behind, at time of any base evacuation, it is generally not currently operationally viable – and without access to spare parts/resupply chain and technical support it’s equally not going to be operational in near future.

chris chuba

It looks like the GNA has turned the tide or at the very least reestablished a stalemate. No matter how you spin it without these air bases the LNA isn’t going to be able to threaten Tripoli. How many decades must Libya lose because of our ‘humanitarian’ intervention.

Rhodium 10

LNA are attacking Tripoli everyday..Pantsir system use to destroy Turkish drones in Tarhuna…GNA only have retake a isolated base west of Libya…nothing special!…LNA have sent Pansir system with the purpose to deploy troops there!..but have made an umprofesional movement because they didnt have Pantsir operative and few troops protecting that base!


Same ole story – Serbia, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya.

Toni Liu

The pantsir in that pic look burned, with some of its missile cove got burn, seems it got some missile explode near it. Thats might be damage some of its equipment that render it unoperational unless got checked and fixed

And somehow lately that pansir got attacked by uav mostly not in battle mode, what the hell with those airbase operator, do they think those pantsir in off mode can suddenly move without operator and shoot that uav, seems UAE just give pantsir and manuals to this untrained operator and let them figure it out how to operate that pantsir by themselves, what a waste of good systems in incompetent operator

Cronos Sin Apellidos

How did Pantsir s1 get to Libya? When?


UAE sent those.

Cronos Sin Apellidos



World oligarchs trying to manipulate all sides, as usual, I guess…


Well, UAE is the biggest supporter of Haftar that is no secret.


Agreed, yet if this were not acceptable to the oligarchs, the UAE would be getting hit with high-explosive “democracy.”


Hmm, actually I am not sure about this. US and UK seem to be neural so far, but they are closer to GNA because of the Russian influence on LNA.


For now, maybe, but the US and UK were definitely not neutral when they blew up Libya. If the UAE were seriously trying to improve Libya, would the neutrality remain…?


“when they blew up Libya” are you talking about 1st Civil War? If so, you are right, but I was talking about the 2nd and as you know situation is not same now. I think it is rather related with who will have the greatest chance of winning the war. Ah.. and we have Russia on the LNA side that creates more reason for US to take GNA’s side


If the LNA and GNA had effectively the same policies for the country, then yes, “greatest chance of winning” might be the biggest concern. But as I said, policies actually trying to improve Libya are what matter to the the US, UK, and other bankster countries.

Did you forget that under Gaddafi, Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa? Or how the gold dinar, a currency not controlled by banksters was about to be promoted? Whichever side actually wants to do any of that, Federal Reserve America will be against.


Glory to God , we kicked out the injusts. Now it’s Tarhouna

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Great Job, Turkey is changing the game again.

Rhodium 10

Thats thing happen when you give sofisticate weapons to an Arab army or militia!…they dont Know how to use it and even worst they use to abandon it!..we have seen what happened with T-90 in Syria or 2 Pantsir destroyed by Israel when were parked in Damascus airport and crew were outside smoking cigarrets and talking while Israel was attacking…

Alberto Garza

and the saudis how they abandoned the abrams and bradleys in the desert .

Stinky Man

Combat Sandals?? TEVA’s?

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