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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance Further In Northern Aleppo, Capture Hilltop

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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance Further In Northern Aleppo, Capture Hilltop

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On March 4, Turkish-backed militants advanced further in northern Aleppo, capturing a hilltop from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies.

The militants imposed control of the hilltop, al-Rraqim, during the eve with direct support from Turkish Armed Forces. Turkish artillery, and allegedly combat drones, targeted Syrian positions near the hilltop.

The new Turkish attack in northern Aleppo was launched in the afternoon. Militants of the so-called National Front for Liberation (NFL) are leading the ground offensive. The militants’ very first gain was the town of al-Sheikh ‘Aqil, which overlooks large areas of Aleppo’s northern and northwestern countryside.

The SAA is expected to launch a counter-attack soon, possibly in the next 24 hours. The army is now pounding al-Raqim and al-Sheikh ‘Aqil.

The militants’ advance in northern Aleppo poses a serious threat to the governorate’s provincial center. In the last few years, city was the target of a vicious series of mortar and rocket attacks that claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians.

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bouncer dogsly

The SAA and Russians seem to let the take positions and the just bomb them to bits. The terrorists are being sucker punched.

I own u

Time to drop bombs on Turkey


Release the PKK into Turkey, they will do a better job.


I doubt that very much They are in (Syrian) oil smuggling business now. Fighting is not option for them any loneger

Al Balog

Well, all they got was a hilltop today and 1 town. They sure as hell didn’t get anything as big as Saraqib and the other towns the SAA got ?

Mack Dane

For almost 9 years now, the SAA has been the butt of jokes in professional military circles. Ever ask yourself why this is so?

Legis Legis Juscius

only turkish army have been joke, second largest NATO army getting humilliated, they cant beat syrians in saraqib and south idlib then thei turn on less defended areas:))))


What military professionals recognise is that the Syrian government coalition has gone from controlling 10% of the ground and none of the air to 65% of the ground and 70% of the air. And has spent a small faction to win the war of what the terrorist’s supporters have spent to lose it.

Islamic Power

More like Russia, saa was getting hammered


yet they are in Deir az Zur, in Hama in Homs, in Ghouta and Jobar and in Aleppo. All you got is Idlib city lmao


You live in fantasy world too! You turks are so dumb, really its a wonder how you still got a country … but soon that won’t be the case no more…


Did pass elementary school math?

Porc Halal

Islamic powder…shitty powder

Islamic Power

You’re sick

Porc Halal

Islamic power…So this is what islam is all about?!…power, conquering, dominating, waging war against infidels, etc?!…i thought that it is all about love and peace…?

Islamic Power


Xoli Xoli

It is true Richard terrorists supporters have lost billions.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Who calls the Jewhadis “professional”?

Raping children and keeping slaves is far from professional.

Gary Sellars

Because trolls like you are total cunts?


Maybe because saa alone was fighting against more than 100 armies for 5 years and other 4 more years with a light partecipation of other only 2 countries ? Almost 10 years long , the double of WW2….! The incredible is that they are still fighting !


an army with training and material from 1975 it’s actually stopping yours. How does this feel


Hey, just a reminder of what your beloved professionals do on their free time: https://twitter.com/007DoctorNo/status/1234925058352701440


“God loving people” a true example for humanity.

There should be no prisoners among that vermin. Yet the Europe is invaded by the same as we speak.

Laura Green

Vid. is not available. Zukerburger is controlling the truth you can see.


Ringside seats for The Grand National Assembly of Turkeys, punches galore as.Brawl between the Good Turks and the Bad Turks ends without either side landing a knockout blow… https://twitter.com/timand2…

posted this a couple of minutes ago and it was detected as spam

Tim Williams

this was false earlier today and it’s still false now


Putin could do the talk but right now he’s not doing the walk against Turkey. It’s nice to show the world that you acknowledge every nation interests or should I say concerns but when nation try to take younger week and violating al sort of agreement with you and take you for weak,I mean you must show them the iron fist and the world knows dont take wisdom and fairness for weakness.

nicolas s

he can’t take the risk to get NATO involved


They are already involved. via the US and coalition. What Putin is trying to do is avoid a major shooting war until Russia has what Putin’s latest statement that no one will attack Russia because they have the means to defend and destroy whoever attacks.


lol,get NATO invole. Ask who’s in NATO would love to see a war with Russia. NATO is only strong on paper and the nees to receive free weapons from the United states of America. last I checked Turkey is still occupying Greek lands, Britain is still occupying Spain lands,they both would love to have they lands back. The German people and business elites in Germany dam sure dont want a nuclear war with Russia,so tell how strong is that alliances…There is no NATO,It was only created to protect Europe from Soviet invasion and last I check iblib is not Turkey territory or in Europe. I bet you and guarantee you that the greek will not support article 5 in favor of the Turks and much of the European union. The Russian must steps a head and destroy the ottoman dreams


The Turk’s heavy weapons and aircraft providing fire support for their terrorists need to be destroyed. And the terrorist’s troop concentrations killed.


It looks like russians don’ t want to hit turkish , like a mother that try to stop the two small children from beating each other . The result is that terrorist are really supported by turkish army and saa are granted by russians to be killed ” not too much ” , let’ s say ” moderate deaths ” . Honor to SAA ! Ten years of war against nato and still fighting ! ??


I’m guessing that a lot more terrorists have died than Syrian government coalition forces.

I hear where you’re coming from. And there is truth to it. But the Turk onslaught only lasted a few days before a handle was gotten on it. And not over doing it goes two ways.

With 3 state of the art Russian missile frigates, which probably have nukes, in the eastern Mediterranean. And TU-22s only a few hours away. The Turks are mindfull of blow back.

There’s also the issue of Turkish participation in a regional coalition to clear the Jews out of the occupied territories. Which probably has a lot more public support than the Syrian or Libyan fiascoes. So there’s no need to beat up the Turkish military to badly when they can be allies rather than enemies.


One town and a hill top with no SAA in sight. How about those Tor or just carpet bomb the lot, that should dampen their enthusiasm and get them moving on to Erdo land.


“Jihadist forces have also suffered major losses. In the last three months, their contingent has shrunk by more than half to around 12-13,000 fighters. Not all of the losses were the result of deaths and injuries; most militants simply ran off. The crucial point is that there are no reinforcements and the numbers keep falling. The terrorists have also lost some of their most experienced fighters and well-trained units. …

As for the Syrian Army, it has managed to destroy 12 unmanned Anka aerial vehicles (UAVs) and seven Bayraktar UAVs in combat operations.

In the first stage of the offensive, the Syrian Armed Forces didn’t have any effective weapons to take out the Turkish UAVs. Almost all Syrian air and missile defense troops equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems were concentrated around Damascus. When the Pantsir and Buk artillery systems were moved to the combat zone, the situation changed.

The Turkish UAVs were now used during night only, and tried to stay out of reach of the Syrian anti-aircraft missile systems. Today, Turkish UAVs are mostly countered by Pantsir-S and Buk-M2E anti-aircraft systems. The Buk has proven to be a highly effective weapon, having the highest number of downed Turkish UAVs on its track record.”

– On the eve of Putin-Erdogan meeting in Moscow, where is the Idlib crisis at? –



erdogan in his weakest moments…putin should not give him any deal …securing the m4 and the m5 will now be saa responsibility …maybe give him somesort of adana agreement a 10 km safezone for couple of months and some saa/turkish/russian patrol over idlib city while removing heavy weapons from terrorists…


Putin will enforce another cease fire agreement which is the logical step. It should be up to Assad and his Government and they need to remove Turkey and their proxies from Syria asap before the Yanks become brave and start their fiasco.


Putin gave Erdogan a chance and he screwed it up. I’d be surprised if he gets little if anything this time around.




I posted that earlier too.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks Richard.Erdogan is in serious danger from his own people.If this Turkey people behave like this then the regime itself is uncontrollable.


This is great news. Is there anyone we should be cheering for? Or are they all imperialists like the USA’s Nancy Pelosi complaining that the soldiers don’t have enough body armor and equipment?

Laura Green




Al Balog

I don’t know. Judging by reactions online, it still seems like that there are a lot of brainwashed Turks. Netanyahu winning in Israel shows this as well, who had very similar troll support.


the ones that support the cunt are very vocal on social media…but i think the majority of turks in turkey are afraid to talk, their voice will be heard in elections i think they’re going to vote against him because if you remember erdogan lost istanbul election to opposition and istanbul is a stronghold for erdogan’s party…but you never know erdogan is a full retard now he can rig the elections to his favor….also turks in europe hate him with passion


Tyrants like him don’t lose elections, they rig them by any means necessary. The only way Erdogan is leaving power is if he’s A) overthrown in coup B) pressured out by his own party or C) Assassinated.


Unbelievable that SAA allied defenses were left weaker due to a “peace deal” made with Erdoghan regarding cessation of military activity in that area …. when will the Russians learn that Erdoghan is as “non-agreement capable” as his zionist masters?

Lazy Gamer

Limited manpower is being felt now. SAA elite troops cant be everywhere. Where are the Iranian and Hebollah reinforcements?


pussy kurds claim they’re syrian nowhear to be seen …watching the turks fight the saa not knowing they’re going to be next turkish victim…


They are not “pussy” but back stabbing traitors pure and simple. There is the difference between two..

Legis Legis Juscius

they will be if neede, dont panic:) SAA have vast resources from all region if needed


The Russians are Doing everything they Can. They Need Iran.

Shia man

? don’t lie to yourself


The Russians are Bombing Turkish Troops. The Russians are Clearly Lacking in those Costly Airplains. and the turks are using the Weekness. the Lack of Airpower Those Airplanes are good but 33 isnt working. Not Enough

Shia man

If Russia wanted to end turkey 1 hypersonic nuke will do the trick


the 70 Nukes that the Americans Parked in Turkey are keeping the Russians at Bey. the Small But Quality Russian Airforce cant fight the 70 Nukes.

Shia man

1 Hypersonic nuke can hit that base sheltering those nukes in less than 5 mins


How old are you mr. hypersonic nuke?

You sound very young.

Shia man

Why you mad boy okay 50 Soviet RDS-202 hydrogen bomb will flatten turkey. Are you happy then people will write in history book about a evil country called turkey which got flattened by Russia in less then 30 mins the end they’ll even put it in children’s books so their parents could read it to them before they go to sleep. The END!!!


Why are you calling me “mad”?!? Learn to speak politely and not with insults!

I am not mad and I am not as ignorant as you. To talk about impossible nuke options. You know jack shit about military stuff and you talk about nuking countries as if it is children’s game?! Are you 10 years old?! Go away child! And verify your Iran who has lost 50 soldiers and officer WHY THEY DO NOT FIGHT TURKS , WHY ARE THEY NOT REVENGING DEATH of their soldiers? Instead of all the time badmouthing Russia

Shia man

? why you mad boy? I’m pretty sure there is a lot more dead Turks then turkey would like to admit that’s why they shut down social media websites and control the information their news agencies put out they even hide causalities while fighting the Kurds so calm yourself no need to write in all caps looks like your raging ? Iran and it’s allies joining the fight against turkey and its al Qaeda affiliates and killing scores of them and taking back strategic points in Syria is getting revenge on turkey And btw I was talking to SPIT but then you butted in if anything spit was badmouthing Russian AirPower but you didn’t say a word to him.


“Iran and it’s allies joining the fight against turkey”

WHERE exactly is Iran ” joining the fight”?? I say that they are not fighting at all any longer.

Because nobody is talking about Iranians fighting anywhere on the front any longer. Certain number of Hezballah fighters are fighting now but not Iran. So stop your manipulation and misinformation.

I need decent proof that Iranians are fighting in Syria now. So I would see a valid proof for that “boy”.(and not proof from some Turk Twiter account or similar crap)

Shia man

Child you have much to learn all because you don’t hear about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening btw who you think is suppling the Syrians with ammunition and why do the Iranians have bases in Syria and why do they have commanders their and why are Afghani and Pakistani fighter pro Iranian fighters still fighting in Syria all because they don’t have the same presence from a year ago doesn’t mean they aren’t still active in Syria. Child you have much to learn


I have “learned” that you up vote yourself all the time (since other don’t do that often) and I have learned that you have NO PROOF that Iranians are fighting at the moment. Which only confirms that they are now not fighting and not helping Assad

Good bye child !


Editor’s Note:

Given the sharp deterioration in U.S.-Turkish relations, the United States should withdraw its nuclear weapons from Incirlik, argues Brookings Nonresident Senior Fellow Steven Pifer. This post originally appeared in the National Interest.

U.S.-Turkish relations have plunged to a new nadir. In the past month, a senior Republican senator has suggested suspending Turkey’s membership in the NATO alliance, while the secretary of state implied a readiness to use military force against America’s wayward ally. In these circumstances, U.S. nuclear weapons have no business in Turkey. It is time to bring them home.

The signs of a strained and deteriorating relationship are hard to miss. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s increasingly autocratic leader, has turned away from both Europe and the United States. He instead is actively cultivating a close relationship with fellow authoritarian Vladimir Putin, as evidenced by their eight meetings just this year.


Those nukes can’t be used without “triggers” They represent danger to nobody the way they are now.


Nonsense. (I think you exaggerate number of nukes also)

Those are classic gravity bombs. They are not dangerous for Russia.

USA has removed “triggers” (can’t be used) after the dispute between Turds and USA over S-400 and F-35. Turks even thought to kick USA out of Incirlik (where those bombs are)

Even hypothetically… Who ever thinks that Turks can nuke Russian troops without being totally destroyed as country after that, has no clue.


No such thing as “hypersonic nuke” You mean “Avangard” hypersonic glider? That is strategic weapon used for WW3 situations and not for targeting Erdogans bathroom.

If Iran wanted to end Turks they could do the same with ( missiles) what they have. But they do not want to have bad relations with the Turks for sure. They have their arrangements with them and that is “secret” that everybody knows and nobody talks about. It is much easier to put the blame on Russia

Assad doesn’t have enough good quality troops now, and that is the core of the problem! No Russian air power can radically change that.

Turk presence among terrorists blocks Iran from committing to that war any longer. It was obvious after Turk drone attack on Iranians with 43 Iranians killed that they avoid to fight Turks! Why?!

Shia man

? 43 Iranians killed? It was 1 Iranian commander And 9 hezbollah fighters where you get your news plus Iran put hezbollah back at the frontlines and told turkey you better not attack them I don’t want to jinx it but I haven’t heard of any Hezbollah martyrs as of late or Iranians but there was 21 Pakistani/Afghani pro Iran fighters martyred in the operation to recapture Saraqib your right if Russia wanted to end turkey it would launch 50 nukes and whip turkey off the map and if Iran wanted to whip all the terrorist in idlib it would launch Volleys of ballistic missiles whipping idlib off the map but that’s not how politics work if turkey were to announce open war on Syria then everything would be fair game.


According to RT article 43 killed Here read it for yourself https://www.rt.com/news/482359-putin-erdogan-summit-idlib/

Yeah Iran “told” Turkey —in other words didn’t revenge inocent victims that were NOT KILLED ON THE FRONT !! So Turks had no reason to kill Iranians since they were not on the front at all !

Stop that “nuke” bullshit please! If Russia starts using nukes it will be seeen as declaration of the WW3 to NATO Anybody who understands minimum on military affairs will tell you that ! Nukes are not option for revenge! You must be patient Turks will LOSE the war in Syria at the end ! Otherwise if NATO gets involved it wil end up badly for Syria as well ! So be reasonable ! Tactics and strategy are necessary now.

Shia man

I’m talking about hypothetical situations and Russia didn’t use any of its advanced/modern aircraft tanks or missiles in this war yet and neither has Iran I don’t know why you think nato is a equation changer when US asked NATO to come join it against Iran they all said no how come explain that to me the US has been itching for war with Iran for more than 40 years now and everytime they attempted something they would get smacked so hard you should go read about the 2002 millennium challenge Also look at the houthis poorest army in the world all the west and US and Israel’s weapons can’t help the Saudi Arabian and Gulf states neither can all the money they have help stop the houthis explain this to me too


Well I guess We Wont back out. It would be Nice for Iran to help. But We dont need em

S Melanson

Yes, see my post below – Saraqib May be trap with true objective being Aleppo.


The Russians Took Saraqib. Deal with it. Aleppo Took that from You Hajis to How about You Islamist bastards give back Syria to the People? We Beat Allepo out of Your Hands. Give it to the People Give it back You Islam Bastard

Shia man

I’m going to be honest Hezbollah and Iran can’t commit to syria like before Lebanon is going threw economic crisis where banks are not giving out peoples money they are only allowing withdraw of 200 dollars every 2 weeks Lebanon is having major problems right now and honestly if Hezbollah fighters aren’t going to get paid they won’t die or get wounded for another country they have families they need to take care of at the end of the day the ones that left to Syria are all young that are following their dream to be martyred and Iran has so much sanctions and this coronavirus they are dealing with Right now plus they don’t want things to escalate further they much rather have things slow down or come to a complete stop and have things solved diplomatically. You see how Turkish air strikes slowed down greatly now it’s SAA turn to do the heavy lifting they have over 120 thousand troops how much of those troops are actually loyal to the government I can’t answer that question


Ahh, that famous shia optimism.

Fact is none of us know Iran’s exact position and goal re. Syria currently, except that they tripled their manpower after the Turkish air frenzy. If they are actually less committed, the reason isnt sanctions or Covid but Soleimani’s death, since Syria was always his project and Rouhani was much less enthusiastic about getting involved (to the point that many hardliners criticized him heavily over his stance).

But facts are that Iran has increased, not decreased, it’s manpower in Syria lately.

And you should know that Hezbollah has it’s own economy largely parallel to that of the Lebanese state. Of course the crisis affects them, but not nearly as much as the rest of Lebanon. It’s not an exaggeration when analysts say that Hezbollah could probably break off from Lebanon if they wanted to (which they of course dont), and they would probably do a better job of running things than the current shitshow.

Shia man

I’m not going to speak too much in Iran’s position because they have always been the patient type. But You really don’t understand the situation in Lebanon I’m Lebanese I have family in Lebanon we talk to them on a weekly bases I know what’s going on in Lebanon I visit Lebanon every other year Lebanon is expensive majority of the families living in Lebanon can’t live without the support of their families and relatives outside the country and then you have the corrupt politicians which killed the country dry and ran off with the money and you have lots of corruption in Lebanon and you have sanction on Lebanon and peoples money being trapped in the banks isn’t helping its cause all because the Shia in the south aren’t out protesting doesn’t mean they are living a fairytale life style plus Hezbollah told their loyalists to stop protesting long time ago and head back to work before things get worse in the country and try to make the best out of what they have but to say they aren’t suffering is a lie my dude imagine you studied got your college degree but you can’t do anything with it imagine you can’t even build a house because you barely make your house bills and most of the year you don’t make it you wait till your son or father or daughter send you money from overseas to pay off the remaining of your bills imagine you wanting kids and wanting to get married but you can’t afford too my friend don’t try telling me my people aren’t suffering I know exactly what’s going on. and I know the situations they are facing.

Shia man

I’m not going to speak too much in Iran’s position because they have always been the patient type. But You really don’t understand the situation in Lebanon I’m Lebanese I have family in Lebanon we talk to them on a weekly bases I know what’s going on in Lebanon I visit Lebanon every other year Lebanon is expensive majority of the families living in Lebanon can’t live without the support of their families and relatives outside the country and then you have the corrupt politicians which milked the country dry and ran off with the money and you have lots of corruption in Lebanon and you have sanction on Lebanon and peoples money being trapped in the banks isn’t helping its cause all because the Shia in the south aren’t out protesting doesn’t mean they are living a fairytale life style plus Hezbollah told their loyalists to stop protesting long time ago and head back to work before things get worse in the country and try to make the best out of what they have but to say they aren’t suffering is a lie my dude imagine you studied got your college degree but you can’t do anything with it imagine you can’t even build a house because you barely make your house bills and most of the year you don’t make it you wait till your son or father or daughter send you money from overseas to pay off the remaining of your bills imagine you wanting kids and wanting to get married but you can’t afford too my friend don’t try telling me my people aren’t suffering I know exactly what’s going on. and I know the situations they are facing


All that you’ve written about Lebanon is true, and I didnt contest any of that.

I was specifically talking about Hezbollah’s ability to wage war and pay its fighters, in the context of the Syria campaign, which is what you wrote about in your comment that I responded to. And that ability, I maintain, is not significantly harmed by Lebanon’s current situation, because Hezbollah’s “war chest” isn’t financed by the Lebanese state or by it’s banking sector.

Yes, a small part of the Shia’s taxes in Lebanon go to Hezb, but that amount is trivial and symbolic compared to the donations from African diamond mining, Latin American Diaspora donations etc. etc., to name just a few examples.

Lebanon’s situation is very comparable to that of Greece around the time of the financial crisis, and the reasons are pretty much the same also; it’s liberal capitalism working as intended, generating a tiny class of ultra rich dual citizens and expats at the expense of everyone else. It’s the fate of every country that decides to “open the marketplace”, “pursue global opportunities” and other euphemisms for financial colonialism, from Haiti to India to Lebanon and so on.


You forgot to include massive military spending/war spending in the case of Greece and Lebanon.

I hear Lebanon is rejecting marijuana legalization too.

Mustafa Mehmet

Mollas hiding from the Israeli air force


The Russians Found themselves Fighting for Syria. That is all I have to say.

S Melanson

The art of war includes deception and false appearances. D-Day landings June 6, 1944 followed a massive and successful psyop that convinced Hitler the landings would be Calais.

Let us convince our enemies the supreme objective continues to be Saraqib given its strategic importance as junction of M4 and M5 highways. All the while secret preparations are well underway to seize the true prize which is Aleppo.

Then, with all eyes on heavy engagements around Saraqib, the trap is sprung and the drive to take Aleppo begins. Like Stalingrad, forces heavily engaged will face tough choice to stay engaged in Saraqib or try to extricate from active engagement with enemy – a difficult and risky maneuver that also risks the loss of Saraqeb, but to not do so may risk Aleppo. If enemy successfully advances into city proper, Assad and allies would be very reluctant to use air power and artillery bombardment – do not want a repeat of Raqqa US style.


A bit of a confusing post… You mean to say, the head choppers were creating a diversionary attack on saraqib and are now aiming for Aleppo? Is that what you mean? I normally full heartedly agree with you, but this time i can’t. I get the impression their forces are spend, especially to go after a high profile target as Aleppo. If they would go to Aleppo, they would come out in the open plains and so become RuAF food. Correct me if i’m wrong, but that’s my take on the situation.

Regards Jakke.

S Melanson

I reread what I posted and it is confusing to me. I will delete.

You are correct, I was postulating the Turkish thug army may have changed axis of attack secretly since Saraqib was proving so difficult to take and hold, which is not surprising given the SAA also anticipate counter-attack so are prepared with artillery and air support. To make sure SAA was kept engaged the counterattack to retake Saraqib went ahead, but as a feint for the assault on Aleppo. I referenced D-Day as a classic historical example of this kind of deception.

I thought this scenario plausible if the SAA were stretched thin and weakened by Turkish drones and artillery. If this scenario was wrong, I do not understand the point of a push into Aleppo by taking a village and a hilltop then run out of steam as well as failure to retake Saraqib. Obviously it turned out it was some pointless advance by the headchoppers with only transient success until routed by SAA and Hezbollah.

I guess the fruits of Erdogan Stalinesque purges of the army ranks is proving to be something rotten.


Where’s the turkisis kebaps tonight ? Kebap19 this is also for you. Best pilots in NATO (2018) HELLENIC AIR FORCE !



And guess what , 2019 too !


Mustafa Mehmet

By whom? Greek newspaper


Mustafa boudala malaka karagiozi its not the Greek newspaper.

Why is it there is not a single turk with brains in their head?

Why every single one of you is got sh1te in their heads ?

ITS THE NATO pilots who voted, u dumbf*ck! Its how it works.

Face it , your pilots suck ass ! Thats why turkey hires pakistanis to fly its planes!

Even the dity pakis are better than turks ! Thats how sh1te you are !

hahah Mustafako you are so dumb …its just beyeond scientific comprehension.


Turkisis pilot getting destroyed by the Greek defending the Aegean Sea (aka Greek lake). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EaMy9REvP8

Lazy Gamer

That was intense. lol


That happens almost every day since some time in the mid 80s … Greeks have ”trained” this way – for free- 100s of turks and now apparently pakis in turkish planes too!

Shia man

I said this before I will say it again this war will last a lot longer then people think I give it another 9 years


There wont be turkey no more in 9 years. There will only be these kind of turkies :


Mustafa Mehmet

Souflaki girl boy dreaming dreams again wake up you dreaming your Turkish nightmare again


Gotta wonder if Southfront is trolling us today. Also you guys need to chill the fuck out, this is the actual situation at days end:

SAA gained: Afes, Maarat al-Aliya, Al-Salihiya, Wadi al-Aqib, Sufuhon Contested: Sheikh Aqil (was bombed by both sides today at various points, currently by RuAF) Enemies gained: A fucking hilltop lol

And no, even if the terrorists should manage to secure Aqil, it is not exactly Stalingrad. I swear some people are hysterical…


Southfront are reporting on the current hostilities within Syria. The article isn’t in anyway sensationalised. Yes there are those who are worried about the situation in Syria, and rightly so. Turkey is directly attacking the SAA and we’re all hoping Russia doesn’t let them down. There is no need to have a go at Southfront. They do an excellent job. You calm down man. ?


I do find it curious that the enemy taking a hilltop warrants an article, but not the taking of Afes or the advance towards the outskirts of Sarmin, that’s all. It’s a bit atypial of them, since they are usually very well balanced in their reporting.

Legis Legis Juscius

any latest news?


Not for the next 3-4 hours probably, most people are asleep right now, and those that arent are involved in military stuff they obv. cant talk about since it’s ongoing.


Mmm, fair enough.


I have the exact same sentiment, it hurts seeing good SAA troops killed by the foreign invader. Before Turkeys intervention the Syrians were storming ahead and now it is a success to hold ground and senseless losses are mounting. Hope Terks dont get away with this.


Agreed on the losses. They’ve come down in the last few days, but they are still too high to be sustainable without compromising the SAA’s ability. Not because of quantity, but quality. There are enough reservists, but they cant afford to lose their troops with extensive battlefield experience.

Things do seem to be getting better though, even the anti Assad SOHR shows decreasing casualties. A lot will depend on what the outcome of tomorrow’s meeting is.


People do get killed in war. This is open war situation without war declaration. The situation is unsustainable and Putin has to clear that with Erdogan today. How to stop all this before gets out of hand completely.

Turks just wanted to gain advantage for terrorists to get better negotiating position. They can’t afford the war, specially because they would lose at the end.


What can Russia do “not let them down” ? This from start is ambiguous situation in playing mouse and cat between USA and Russia where Turds play role of mouse. Russia is for preserving low key conflict and I don’t know how they can pull that situation much longer. Because this is open Turk war on Syria. I hope Putin with his judo will brake Erdogan’s leg in Moscow today.

Are they maybe hysterically “worried” or just “worried”? I should have to ask “angry citizen” about that.

Since vergv is calming you and you are calming him I will go and take nap…


Well depends…. How many hilltops was in Stalingrad? If only one than there is “similarity” between two situations….

Tim Williams

COUP in Turkey starts tomorrow when the maniac is in Moscow with Putin … Erdogan’s plane will be shot down on approach to landing at Ankara … by a TURKEY drone


Time to drop some ammo on Erdogan, need to go soon

Xoli Xoli

Turkey is a USA,France and Britain fighter jet landing stage.It is not a member with a broken country led by a broken President Erdogan. He has destroyed good relationships with both NATO and Russia .Erdogan needs to be removed forcefully.

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan locked up military members and are know killing the remaining military members.Just by sending them to Syria to secure oilfields and territory to steal Syrian oil.

Constellation 2023

Russian policy in Idlib is totally evil, as its main focus is attacking and terrorizing civilians. Period.

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