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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

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On March 1, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL) advanced in southern Idlib with a direct support from the Turkish military.

According to several opposition sources, Turkish-backed militants captured the towns of Sufuhon, Fatterah, Kawkabeh, Hizareen, Fleifel, Kafr Mous, al-Dar al-Kabera from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

SAA troops showed fierce resistance. However, the intense strikes by the Turkish artillery and combat drones played in favor of the militants, who were also well-armed.

Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier today, Turkish support for Greater Idlib militants, including those affiliated with al-Qaeda factions, reached a new level when Ankara publicly announced the launch of Operation Spring Shield in the Syrian region.

The SAA’s newly-established positions in the southern Idlib countryside appear to be on the brink of complete collapse. The situation there will not likely improve due to the lack of any decisive action by Damascus and its allies.


Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Advance In Southern Idlib, Despite Fierce Resistance By Syrian Army (Photos)

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LOL…”Fierce resistance” and “Syrian army” are words that don’t belong in the same sentence.

God (now with coronavirus)

self upvoted?


The statement is such a superb truism that I felt it deserved the upvote, and if you’re knowledgeable on military affairs as well as honest, then you would have to upvote it too.

God (now with coronavirus)

SAA has fought multiple scenarios at once and resisted, more from what we can say about turkish backed terrorists


The SAA has put cowardice, poor organization, poor training, and total ineptitude on full display for 9 consecutive years now. They suck. I’ve seen some armies in Africa do a better job of warfighting than those clowns do.

God (now with coronavirus)

Go to SOHR and look for who has the highest casualties, you might be surprised of the ‘ineptitude’ of SAA


he upvotes not according to who wrote, but according to true information :)

God (now with coronavirus)

More like opinion, not information as he did not provide data


Data?? Had you followed the SAA on its journey of total ineptitude over the past 9 years, then you would realize how comical your post is.

God (now with coronavirus)

I did, they saved thousands from extremists


Upovoting your self = having a wank and then opening a champagne bottle to celebrate ! hahahaha dumbass !


Operation ‘Here kitty kitty ‘ is in full swing it seems.


saraqeb is fully liberated …now the turds in the south will get their deserved ass smacking for bad behaviour theses last couples of days

Icarus Tanović

Really? Thank you.


Everytime the SAA launches a large offensive and makes good advances, they suffer setbacks much like this one. Difference now is that they have been unable to inflict massive damage while losing ground and counter launch offensives. They need to bombard the entire southern Idlib into oblivion!

Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

Turkish people must be liberated by Russia! Russian shall annihilate Ankara and take over Constantinople!

Great CoB

Not likely, but they may fight a real proxy war in Syria.


no proxy direct hit of the motherland

Great CoB

That’s not in either of their interests


Greece will gladly lend a hand.

Jim Bim

Russian response lately is laughable, the SAA are on their own against all terrorist groups and Turkey. This mess is the result of all the agreements between Putin – Erdogan, where Putin has caved in to Erdogans demands.


Don´t trust Russia!


Russia is at the top of the list if we talk about trust. Bottom? UK, USA, Turkey, Germany, France, Belgium… pick yourself, any country from EU or from NATO, you will not go wrong. It is very easy, just flip through history and see where the wars went. The one who starts the war is lying to justify the war and you can’t change it, it’s in their blood. The rest can only be helped by the complete extermination of the idea.


I’m sure that Russia’s erstwhile allies, people like Saddam and Gaddafi, fully support your statement.


Saddam was CIA operative, and got shafted by them big time. Qaddafi did not expect that Russia was going to save them at that point in time, and again Q probably considered himself part of the West by then. And got shafted big time. It is only US that has the continuous war policy and protects its “allies” (read slaves) and an unlimited war chest.


My country had close military cooperation with Libya. As a child of a military person, I lived in Libya for a while. I know who Gaddafi was, I know how well they lived, I know how high the standard of living they had. Now they are the bottom. Don’t talk about something you don’t know. Don’t tell me what CNN served you. Between Gaddafi and the president of any EU country / NATO – I always choose Gaddafi. I have not been brainwashed, I have felt the influence of Gaddafi and most of the European Presidents and Presidents of USA on my skin. What is your personal experience when it comes to Gaddafi? You went out in front of the embassy and lit a candle in support of the fight against Gaddafi, right?


Well, SAA command surely feels betrayed, as Elijah J. Magnier has reported and confirmed:



EJM hopefully got it wrong. While MoA hopefully has it right….. Since Erdogan’s threat to launch a full sized attack on the Syrian army on March 1,” occured and his threat “to push the SAA back to the old Sochi memorandum ceasefire lines” seems to have begun. “Russia with two frigates in the Mediterranean Sea armed with cruise missiles” and now a TU 154 M with all the buttons and bells inc. ew., are the extra muscle required to clip the Sultan’s wings. “They will be used if and when Turkey attempts to implement its idiotic plan.” Well, Erdogan’s idiotic plan has been launched. So, let’s keep our fingers crossed that MoA’s prediction and SAA air defence systems put an end to the Sultan’s wild gallop.


Magnier’s analysis rings true. Sure Russia likes to show off its toys, but actually using them and doing something decisive about the Turks–it’d have been out of character for Putin. So it’s very likely the strike on Turkish regulars never was intended, and the Kremlin rushed to make it up to their dear friend Erdogan.

I agree with others that Turkey need not worry about money and similar small matters, at least in the short term. If Erdogan is willing to go big, get his hands dirty, and once more send Putin hiding under the bed, then the US will see to it that he has what he needs for the job.

David Parker

Russia expressly does not wish to show off its toys. Israel, as well as the US is taking notes on Russian tactics and weaponry and effectiveness. I imagine the Chinese are as well, but at least on the Syrian side.


“Source of information” you recommended to me, like you recommended CNN to me – same shit.


Yeah, read the background here:https://ejmagnier.com/2020/03/01/erdogan-idlib-is-mine/

Jim Bim

Great article, i agree with his analysis. Grave and stupid mistakes have been made by the politicians at the Kremlin. i can´t imagine that the Russian defense minister agreed with Putins decision.

Ooga Booga

The turks are walking into a trap. Two Russian vessels with cruise missiles are arriving, and when the turks are drawn out of the densely populated areas they will be massacred with precision missile strikes.

Jim Bim

Russia will not use them towards the Turks, unless the Turks hit Russian troops, aircraft or their base.

Ooga Booga

They will if the Turks move with HTS units (so far they have). If the Turks move with HTS units they violate the Sochi agreement. According to the agreement Russia has the right to fight HTS. In addition they violate a bunch of other laws as well.


Bullshit, Turkey already shot down a Russia plane, and Putin only stop Russia turism to Turkey, WoW what an military answer like that. Of course, it touched Turkey economy……constructing TurkeyStream, selling S-400. For sure, that Hurt TOO MUCH Turkey.

Rhodium 10

Russia? or SAA army which sometimes is like saudi Army in Yemen!,,,,they have enough manpower and use to flee!…how terrorist can retake nayrab when you have T-90 and ATGM with thermal images?….look at saraqib…Hezbollah have retaken almost all saraqib today!


Or Syria is not that important for Putin so he lets Turkish drones bomb Syrian convoys


Russia launched 14 kalibre cruise missiles today…



NO OTHER SOURCE has reported this, including SAA sources. This is doubious at best..


Probably just fake news…


Yeah, it would have been too good to be true. :(


I post this again here, at it is crucial to understand this mess:

JUST IN: Another insightful report from Elijah J. Magnier, which gives more details and reliable info than any other source about what happend in the last days: As usual, the very best connected journalist on the side of Syria:


Jim Bim

Great article, i agree with his analysis. Grave and stupid mistakes have been made by the politicians at the Kremlin. i can´t imagine that the Russian defense minister agreed with Putins decision.


Meanwhile Erdogan has let out of prison all the criminals from Afganistan Pakistan and other banana-countries and is sending them over to Greece up north at the border and by plastic boats in the Aegean. The turkish coast guard is reported shooting at those boats to force them to move towards the Greek islands…

Are there still people in the European Union that want to see Turkey becoming a member ? Might as well have the Italian Mafia become a member or North Korea !


No EU state wants Turkey as member, that has and will not change. It is an open secret for years. Turkey had 21 points to do before, and has done exactly none. But EU has no balls to give Erdo a clear NO or speak up to him at any matter..


kind of like the spelling bee. Sue can you spell cat? that’s very good… Erdoogoon can you spell hyperparathyroidism?


No surprise.


Mathias Alexander

The mafia is already a member.


Whats wrong with people on this site? If you write one critical word vs whatever side you get attacked and insulted by trolls for days.Southfront really needs to clean up this forum of those morons.You cant even have a normal exchange of views here. Its all Death to Assad,Death to Erdogan,Death to Jews…wtf? Just proving how backward your all are.Hence why no one in the world likes you.




Did your dick get sucked by a rabbi when you were 8 days old?

Gary Sellars

Yup, and he still gets it sucked at least twice weekly.


It’s called truth.


Exactly. I was talking about the same issue few hours ago. This place is a basement of Low IQ bunch of people


“The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah are currently advancing at the Saraqib front in eastern Idlib, as their forces have reportedly captured several sites from the jihadists and Turkish-backed militants.

Backed by Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah managed to retake the towns of Kafr Bateekh, Dadikh, Tal Dadikh, Jawbas, and San, putting their forces at the outskirts of Nayrab in eastern Idlib.

Furthermore, the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah are currently advancing inside the city of Saraqib, as their forces have already captured several neighborhoods and building blocks from the jihadist rebels and Turkish-backed militants. …

The Syrian Army is hoping to clear Saraqib in the coming hours before they redeploy troops to the Jabal Al-Zawiya region in southern Idlib.”

– Syrian Army, Hezbollah crack militant lines to seize several towns in east Idlib –



“The two Black Sea Fleet frigates, Admiral Makarov and Admiral Grigorovich, “simultaneously began passing through the Turkish Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits towards the Mediterranean Sea,” the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday. Both vessels were described as being “equipped with high-precision weapons: the Kalibr-NK missile system,” …

Upon arrival, the ships were set to join their fellow Admiral Grigorovich-class Admiral Essen, which, like the Admiral Makarov and Admiral Grigorovich, can carry up to eight Kalibr-NK launchers capable of hitting targets more than 1,600 miles away. Russian surface ships and submarines have utilized Kalibr missiles to strike Islamic State militant group (ISIS) positions as part of Moscow’s campaign to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against a rebel and jihadi uprising.”




Hope they brought tugboats. Russian ships break down very easily.


They’re arguably the most advanced missile frigates on the planet. You only need one operating to design specification to lay down a lot of fire power. And they have coastal missile batteries for support as well.

Lone Ranger

Time to insert yiur Tampax Shlomo ;)


CNN supporting jihadi – turkish propaganda not only in Syria as it always has done but also now on the Greece – Turkey border , accusing the Greeks of taking immigrants phones ! But somehow those immigrants that are supposed to have had their phones nicked are ”being interviewed” inside Turkish territory ! …Cause that’s what the Greek border police was waiting all their life, this chance to nick illegal immigrant’s phones ! F*CKING CNN deep state TW@TIS !


These may be armed with nukes.

Admiral Grigorovich-class frigates http://www.navyrecognition.com/images/stories/news/2015/october/Admiral_Essen_Admiral_Grigorovich_Frigate_Pr11356_Russian_Navy.jpg



Dick Von Dast'Ard

The massacre of the Turk rat army gets a few hours closer.

Warning has been sent to Ankara.


I saw a video how turkish soldiers beat up saa captives. I thought they were muslims and have at least the knowlodge how to handle war captives, but clearly they have not, what a discgrace for me to call them muslims.

David Parker

Islam is an invented religion, created by Muhammed to awe his band of murders, rapists, and thieves into believing there was an “Allah” who approved of their demonic atrocities. It’s a fake religion spread among hundreds of millions of illiterate people. Islam, with its embrace of death and destruction, has conveniently been harnessed by MOSSAD to promote wars among the goyim.




Russia got sucked in by Erdogan and Syria has inherited further suffering. Putin needs to pull the pin on Erdogan, stop delivery of the S400 that was purchased on credit and shut down the gas line. Russia with their piss poor attitude of trying to look good for the West to be accepted, transporting terrorists to Idlib. Russian actions have allowed Turkey to set up bases and the US to occupy Eastern Syria, it does seem like Russia is a hindrance instead of an asset. The only reason Russia is in Syria is to forestall, stop terrorists from getting any closer to the Russian southern border. Russia has had 18 months to rectify Turkey’s non compliance with the Sochi agreement and has failed to act.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I have a feeling the main reason Russia is in Syria is economic.


yea and they don’t want war against the axis of goodness, i think russia really did pull out the rug from under the syrians , what a mess

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia putting Russian interests first is kind of what individual European nations did for themselves before being Pax America vassal states post WW2.

Russia is the last truly independent European state.






Putin hasn’t received permission for Erdogan’s Turk-Qaeda and the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine to use the RuAF in any of the places where Turks and Ziojews are attacking Syria.

Russia is in Syria to keep military base open without bothering Turkey and ISISrael after all.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think your tune will be changing over the course of the next 24 – 48 hrs.


It won’t. Putin’s soft-spot for globalist Zioterroism, into which he wants to accommodate a “made in Russia” brand of foreign policy, will be as evident if/when the Idlib campaign recovers to its previous pace. Either way, Syria already lost hundreds of irreplaceable soldiers and tons of equipment while Russian warplanes were basking in the sun of Latakia by Kremlin orders.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not Russia’s responsibility to fight Syria’s war for it, is it?


I don’t get your logic there. Syria gives Russia a permanent foothold in the Middle East, Syria also gives Russia a major advantage in the global energy markets, preventing a Saudi-Turkey-EU pipeline from ever coming to be a reality.

Meanwhile, the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine could any day bomb the presidential palace in Damascus and kill Assad and his family and Russia would at most close its embassy in Tel Aviv for 2 days of mourning because Russia won’t do anything else even as NATO keeps brining more troops and missiles to eastern Europe.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

As long as Russia remains in Syria, it guarantees Syrian sovereignty.

Why would Russia want a foothold in the ME? (the main energy markets for Russia are Europe and Asia)

The less competition that Russia has, the better for Russia.


No it doesn’t. Look at a map of Syria, there’s much more than Idlib that isn’t under Damascus government, actually Idlib is the smallest part of Syria that isn’t under sovereign Syrian control.

And let’s not talk about the “sovereignty” of Syria airspace, because the Rothschild neocolony just taught Turkey that they can launch attack from ISISrael/Lebanon in the Ziojew case and from Turkey for the Turks, and nothing will happen.

Of course, you shouldn’t miss the point and say “Russia isn’t there to fihgt Syria’s wars”, Syria is in no position to do war against NATO’s 2nd most powerful armed forces or the US military in IDF uniforms.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The EEZ is controlled by Russia, the Syrian coast.

Russia doesn’t need to do anything to win the game, other than have presence and guarantee the sovereignty of Damascus.


Why? Is the system gonna implode or what?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I guess you don’t really understand Syria at all…


Guess you seeing everything in the light of Putin fanboyism makes it to hard for you understand anything at all.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not at all, I’m just seeing Syria for what it is… A resource war, (and just as importantly) a resource transit war.


Actually you’re contradicting yourself because you were talking about “sovereignty” and whatnot.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well the sovereignty question allows (or prevents) the transit of resources surely?


It was I who brought up the evident energy aspect of the Syrian war. If you use your brain to think, it will be easier not to get blinded by the glitter of Putin speaking of “sovereignty” every time he can.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well of course there is a sovereignty question. If Syria were to fall into the hands of an anti-Russian consortium, (Ukraine, Turkey and Qatar for example) then it is bad news for Russian energy market capture. Which is why I said previously that as long as Russia has presence, it wins the Syrian game…. By guaranteeing Syrian sovereignty through the Damascus govt.


I agree, Syria’s sovereignty is for sale, that’s Russia’s sovereign brand of foreign policy.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well it’s like it or lump it, but make no mistake about it, the Russians will destroy the Turkish army, air force and navy if need be.

But it isn’t required as of yet.


What you said is precisely why all the talk about “soverignty” sounds so silly when Putin fanboys start calling everyone a “CIA/NWO hasbara troll” for pointing out the obvius.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well I’m a GRU/Old World Order fan. Syria is obviously going to be better as a Russian protectorate than Turkish Emirate/Caliphate.


There are more Iranians than Russians in Syria, and if push comes to shove, Iran won’t shy away from war with Turkey.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Iran could be described as a Chinese proxy in my view.


Iran needs China to buy their oil, but since they created Hezbollah in the midst of the civil war in Lebanon, Iran has maintained a mostly Iranian foreign policy in the region. Which didn’t keep Iran from joining the Ziojews in the 1980s when the Rothschild neocolony attacked Saddam a few times. It’s all a royal mess, in this case made worse by Russian inaction in Idlib.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well again, Russia has interests in maintaining relations with the Turks. Complicated world. But I think it’s a little early to say Russia isn’t going to do anything about Idlib. The SAA made dramatic gains through Russian airstrikes.


you dont want

syria lost water resources, tabqa damm, oil fields. syria has no future due ti rusky bastardisms

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Syria has a circa $450 billion reconstruction offer from Russia’s strategic partner… China.


of minisyria




All weaponry destroyed by the turk rats as a consequence of Putins mistakes must be replaced in an upgraded manner immediatetely by the Russians. Hezbollah should take its revenge too.


LoL… as if Russia owns you anything! Without Russia Damascus had probably already fallen.

How fast some forget the Situation, before Russia stepped in and saved Assads A**!


They stepped in to defend their naval base, when they got Latakia surrounded.


Looking back to when the Russians first made their appearances in Syria one can see a pattern and that pattern has been detrimental to Syria. It all started off OK, terrorists and their equipment and funding got destroyed then the BS started. Lavrov and Kerry with their ‘moderate rebels’, cease fires, Astana/Sochi which the Iranians honoured, delivering ‘moderate rebels’ to Idlib, allowing Turkey to set up observation posts, US destroying Raqqa and setting up their bases and confiscating the oil fields, Turkey violating Sochi that the Russians were aware of for 18 months and done nothing to enforce it and now Turkey trying to annex with the US Syrian territory. To add poison to the wound Russia goes along with the israeli incursions. Now, how has Russian “assistance” benefited the Syrians? Assad would have been better off handing Syrian territory over to the US and saved a lot of lives, refugees and Syria would still have their infrastructure! I am not anti-Russian but one has to seriously question if the current Putin is the same Putin of a few years ago.


Hasbara misinformation has gone hyper!


Those villages were originally taken by SAA with virtually no resistance, and appear to have been abandoned likewise. So not much real loss.

It seems as though the SAA have pulled back until they can get control of the Turkish drone and artillery problem.


Define please “FIERCE RESISTANCE”…like Palmyra, Nayrab, and Saraqib ?

Alex Cabrera


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