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Turkish-Backed Militants Ambush Army Unit In Southeast Idlib. Several Soldiers Killed & Captured

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The National Front for Liberation (NFL) announced on November 30 that its militants ambushed a unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) around the Greater Idlib region.

The unit was reportedly attempting to infiltrate the NFL’s defense near the town of Tell Dam in southeast Idlib, when it fell into an ambush set by the group’s militants.

Turkish-Backed Militants Ambush Army Unit In Southeast Idlib. Several Soldiers Killed & Captured

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), five Syrian service members were killed and a sixth was captured alive. Activists confirmed that an SAA soldier was captured, but the number of causalities is yet to be verified.

The NFL joined the Turkish-sponsored Syrian National Army (SNA) a few months ago. Now, the group is participating in the Turkish-led attack on Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria.

Despite its cooperation with Turkey, the NFL maintained a presence in Greater Idlib where its militants are working with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other terrorist groups.

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Chris Gr

The Syrian army isn’t able to finish them off. While other armies have completely destroyed MB and AQ/ISIS insurgents in their countries.

klove and light

how can they if Russia keeps backing them!!!!!!

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig!!!

Chris Gr

Putin is pro-Zionist but both Ba’athists and Islamists are against Israel.


Putin, in not pro-zionist, he is a very intelligent Politician, backed by an Intel machine that is the envy of the world. But he will not, nor can he afford to go to war on behalf of the Syrians or Palestinians in the name of billions of his country-folk. The Ba’athists and Islamists are only against Israel for its illegal presence and occupation……. at least that is what I have learned in my discussions with them. In real terms they could be compared to the resistance fighters who fought against German occupation in WW2. Their is the right to fight Israel with every tool at their disposal.

Chris Gr

You are right on that one. However, if you are, for example, Yemeni, Somali, Libyan, Tunisian, Iraqi, Kurd, etc … you don’t share any border with Israel so why would you fight it? If you are Jordanian then okay you share borders and you may have border clashes. But many other nations are so far away from Israel and they hate it because they are either socialists and see it as part of US imperialism or islamists and see it as non-Muslim invaders.


“However, if you are, for example, Yemeni, Somali, Libyan, Tunisian,Iraqi, Kurd, etc … you don’t share any border with Israel so why would you fight it?” ” Because if you are any one of the above, unemployed, desperate, you may choose to work as a merc. They get paid up to 400 dollars a month, and are brainwashed and trained. ” But many other nations are so far away from Israel and they hate it because they are either socialists and see it as part of US imperialism or islamists and see it as non-Muslim invaders.” FFS Chris, this is soooooooooooo irrelevant, what is going on in your head ????? Have you got a hang-up about communists and socialists???? Perhaps you should be on a different forum.

Chris Gr

I point out that the enmity towards Israel is ideological not territorial.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh really ? Oh well wrong again Chris, but WTF go and believe what you want, because you just do not want to learn from others,( who know better ).

Chris Gr

You don’t know better. You are just projecting your hatred.


Truth = hatred, well in your book anyway. Woweeeee

Chris Gr

You haven’t told one shred of truth.


…………………..said by the tranny who doesn’t have the eyes to see………………

Chris Gr

All I see are your personal insecurities.


…………………..said by the tranny who doesn’t have the eyes to see………………you see nothing.

Chris Gr

I am not blind. lol


Putin is no more treacherous than you are insightful……………….


They are. They just launched a limited operation for several small villages in SE Idlib. Just watch how they destroyed the terrorists during the Khan Shaykoun operation. The next offensive will be launched soon. The main goal will be to attack Maarat al-Numan from two axes.

Derek Johnson

Yes very very very small villages.

Chris Gr

The Syrian army is badly organized, that’s why. There is no unity. One is Alawite, the other Druze, the other Assyrian, the other a secular Sunni. They have different agendas. Idlib is a small place so there are no very big operations left. There is a secret called private military companies. They can use mercenaries with Russian money. There are many Algerians, Yemenis, Egyptians, Iraqis, Libyans, etc … who want to kill jihadists. Give them the incentive and here they are!


And where do you have your knowledge on the Syrian Army from? Syria doesn’t use PMC’s , it doesn’t need to, it has massive support from Al Quds brigades and Hezbollah, and who are there in depth and at the front. More over the Russians will only get involved as and when needed. America, Israel , Britain , Nato, and the the Saudis have financed, trained and provided every conceivable logistical help to the ISIS entity that between them all, they created.

Chris Gr

Only the Saudis helped ISIS. And not the government but the islamist opposition inside Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Arabs from Jordan, Yemen, Oman, Hejaz don’t like Wahhabism. Only Najdis like it.


Ach mensch, you really are an Israeli troll…………….. more crap…… crap upon crap !!!!!!!!!!! Take this to heart, because this is proven…………..” America, Israel , Britain , Nato, and the the Saudis have financed, trained and provided every conceivable logistical help to the ISIS entity that between them all, they CREATED.” EVERYBODY who knows about the Syrian war knows this EXCEPT you.

Chris Gr

Israel has supported FSA in the south, the same with Jordan. These Jordanian-backed groups have joined the Syrian army and are fighting against ISIS/HTS. Britain supports the Brotherhood. Saudi opposition not the government.


oh ……………never mind.


I am thinking of writing to the British Prime minister in order to recommend that he utilise the UK trained and Equipt White helmets that Britain rescued last year :)

There were few hundred of them re-located to Britain after the successful liberation of Syrian towns and villages in 2018, and they are fully trained in disaster management and ‘derring do’ action videos.

Now that the Chickens from ISIS are ‘Coming Home to Roost’ and committing atrocities within Britain , the White Helmets would be a great morale booster for the dumbed down British population.

The British and other NATO stooges have been singing the praises of the White Helmets for years. Its only fair that the White Helmets give the British people the same care that they have afforded to Syrians :)


News update Florian: There is a reported Chlorine attack in a laundromat in Coventry. White Helmets where on the scene in minutes, and where filmed dousing the people in water and yelling chemical attack. OPCW is now en route to check for evidence of Chlorine there. :D


I have heard that a per Assad Syrian school janitor has been arrested in possession of a drum of chlorine near Coventry.

He had the lame excuse that it was for cleaning the toilets and sports facilities at the school, PZIVJ.

We know better though :)

Chris Gr

The British support the MB. And Russia nowadays is soft against MB. I predict a British-Russian-French-Italian alliance against America at first and then China.


Fortunately your predictions are as likely as those of Mystic Meg :)


Ahhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahaha……………..oh man you’ve made howl with laughter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merci beaucoup !


There was no other suitable reply to such nonsense.

Laughter is essential to life and today ‘laughter’ against the state is on the cusp of being classed as a ‘Terrorism Crime ‘.


…………keep up the good work and prose, its good to read your posts as they bring levity to a very very earnest topic.

Chris Gr

Who is Mystic Meg?


…………… your mother ???????????????????

Chris Gr

Tranny answer


………… yes Christine, you should know…………………

Chris Gr

From what psych asylum did you break out of?


Its a UK newspaper mystic .


Chris Gr

I believe in Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce.


Really. The world will explode into many pieces next week or sometime after that, or it may become barren like the moon, or it might exist for millennia.

Frankly I do not give a shit what happens to our world, especially when I am dead.

The world is what it is and all humanity can do, is make it a hell hole or make it tolerable.

Chris Gr

There is reincarnation, dude.


With a bit of luck then , you will reincarnate into an Atheist :)


Its a UK daily newspaper mystic.



Ha Ha, good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humour Florian. And guess what, Bojo the Clown would probably take your suggestion seriously ! But on a serious vein, I would wish the white helmets on the poor British public………….. they are brow beaten, dumbed down, their eyes and ears are filled with poison 24/7, what do we, whose eyes have been opened, expect from them ? Pity them, enlighten those who have the time or inclination too listen and hope that they do the same for their follow countrymen.

“The British and other NATO stooges have been singing the praises of the White Helmets for years.”……….bear in mind that their media is fully controlled by the Yiddischers and their Satanic bedfellows…………..the “Volk” think differently……… I know some of them do.


There is a blanket UK propaganda ‘Parrot Speak ‘ on all of the UK media now that demonise’s middle aged white men, private school ( paid for) education, anti-semitism,climate change debate, LGBT debate, foreign affairs, and so much more marxist doctrine that has morphed into the EU since the demise of the Soviet Union.

All of the proponents of the EUSSR are Zionists and all too many are jews.


…………….During my early teens ,( that’s a loooooooooong time ago now ! ), I went school in the U.K. For my O-level in English Lit, I had to read Orwells, now classic, “1984”. At some point during that study, I felt as if society would gradually move towards the realms of a Totalitarian society………..I could “feel”an under current of something, and it wasn’t good………………and many years later ?????????? Well here we are…………….. scary, but the moment is not lost on us. We can and must push back from the precipice we found ourselves at.


Totalitarian society’s are arguably a fact of all human society, past and present, and it is only the scale of oppression by those in control that ebbs and flows.

Control of ‘thought’ is always the greatest threat to humanity, and the various religious and quasi cults throughout history have been expertly crafted for their subjects to willingly chain and enslave their own minds. These are the hardest chains to cut and such cults are more durable than a tyranny built on violence alone. The fear of being alone draws the majority to a cult, in my opinion.

Today we have international communication as never before , and although the old style cults are still powerful, the new cults of the Western world are now predominantly those of ‘Climate Change’ (previously global warming !), LGBT issues and Feminism. I suppose the cult of Celebrity could also be added to the list.

Cults have always been designed to set one group cult against another, as that is where the great riches are for the cult elite, and even in internecine conflicts as well. Catholic V Protestant and Sunni V Shia for example.

So called ‘heretics’ have always had a rough time, yet many have had the foresight to foretell future events that those with enslaved minds are blind to.

The cycle then repeats itself :)


Excellent summation, can’t add a single word, all good.


You are really rather simplistic. Are you a Libtarded American ?

For your information the SAA units are non secular and the largest group within the SAA are Sunni patriots.

The Local Defence forces will tend to be secular and the clue for the reason is the word ‘LOCAL’.

Chris Gr

Neither American nor liberal. Most Sunnis defected from SAA early. SAA is relying on Lebanese, Iraqi, Kurdish and Iranian militias to survive. Except for the Kurds, the others are Shia. Also, Palestinian, Armenian, Aramean and Assyrian militias but they are few. That’s why the other Sunni powers don’t want to ally with Assad. Assad should bring fighters from Sunni countries like Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and others in order to bring legitimacy to his regime and have a strong hand against SNA/HTS firstly and then Turkey.

Derek Johnson

Spot on Chris, Assad even with Iran and Hezbollah cant finish it after 8 years? Only thing that saves his Bacon is Russian air force.

Where are the Alawite SS with their immaculate trimmed beards – The Tiger forces? Sorry forgot they are renamed 25th Special Mission Forces Division.

Chris Gr

Alawites are peaceful. SS? Assad government is full of liberals and communists. The fascists are on the other side. Iran is an ally of Turkey and Hezbollah is an ally of Hamas and Hamas is an ally of Turkey. Since Saudi Arabia abandoned Syria, Iran’s militias will not harm any Turkish-backed opposition. Also, the government of Syria has US, Israel and Turkey as enemies, while for example, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, etc … don’t have other enemies so they focus on the jihadi threat completely. Turkey hates Egypt but they are far away and they cannot help Egyptian islamists.


…………….” The fascists are on the other side. Iran is an ally of Turkey and Hezbollah is an ally of Hamas and Hamas is an ally of Turkey.”……………..Theonly fascists are Israel and the U.S…………. Man , you talk absolute unfounded shite, you fucking moron !

Chris Gr

Very mature of you. Hamas are fascists just like Rabbi Kahane.


Hamas are fighting for their very existence , as are the other ethnic groups of Palestinians incarcerated in the Gaza strip, so when you find your back to the wall and the world looks dispassionately on, as you do, and you call them Fascists , I can only deduce that there is something very very wrong with you.

Chris Gr

Hamas is an Islamic fundamentalist group.


So what ?

Chris Gr

You dislike Islamic fundamentalism in Syria but you support it in Palestine. Hypocrisy.


You are trying to words into my mouth…………………….and you are lieing !

Chris Gr

Do you support Hamas and Assad at the same time? Fatah was socialist and pro-Assad and fought against Hamas.


“while for example, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, etc … don’t have other enemies”…………REALLY,your info can only come from the likes of Israeli or Yankee websites……………jeeeezzz what fucking nonesense.

Chris Gr

I don’t like USA but I read every resource.


Nah, no you don’t, your replies show that evidently.

Chris Gr

You haven’t seen all my replies. I am critical of USA.


Really ??????????????


Yeah Derek, its so easy for you to operate your mouth without thinking …………….shocking, disgraceful, that somebody like you is unable to see or understand the root causes to this conflict……………. instead you regurgitate verbal diarrhoea !!!!!!!!!! Moron ! Fuck off to another website where you may have better luck fawning of the soccer results dickwad.

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