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Turkish-Backed Militants Are Looting Grain Depots In Northeast Syria (Photos)

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Turkish-backed militants are looting grain depots in northeast Syria under the eyes of the Turkish military, RusVesna.SU revealed on November 24.

According to the Russian outlet, the looting is being carried out by the Hamza Division and the Sultan Murad Division. Both groups are a part of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA).

3,800 tons of looted wheat were moved by the militants to al-Aliya, 7,500 tons of barley to al-Nasariah and 4,500 tons of barley to Alluk.

RusVesna.SU also released images, taken by a drone. The images show that Turkish forces have turned the Sharakrak silos into a large base. The silos, which was captured by Turkish-backed militants last week, appeared to be severely damaged.

Turkish-Backed Militants Are Looting Grain Depots In Northeast Syria (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Are Looting Grain Depots In Northeast Syria (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Are Looting Grain Depots In Northeast Syria (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Are Looting Grain Depots In Northeast Syria (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Are Looting Grain Depots In Northeast Syria (Photos)

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Turkish-backed militants have been accused of committing several war crimes in northeast Syria. Some of the crimes, include the execution of prisoners of war and even civilian and political figures.

Despite the strong evidence against some factions and commanders of the SNA, Turkey is yet to hold any of them accountable.

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Karen Bartlett

What low scum.


Loot has traditionally been the bonus for mercenaries employed by Turkey and NATO countries.

In effect its a form of ‘peacework’ payment.

To get loot, the Jihadi’s have to fight the legal owners for it. ISIS was exactly the same.


This silo depot sits along M4 shown in 4th picture. Makes a natural small base to control the highway. Liveuamap shows it has been retaken by the SDF. Perhaps SAA and Russia can set up a small base there to help keep the Turk NSA trash in check and secure the road. :)


From: 2013

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1M0na8wEYM https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/48c0f155311ae24e8cbd622c04f77c98c8092974fa2cedc38ce4ac2f0b210f43.png


Thank you for that revealing video. The Western media is still silent today, even whilst their now abandoned Kurds are now being looted.


Stealing, raping women goats and camels and committing Genocide … that’s the Turks for ya!




Is the Zakat you know 20% of all looting and sex slaves and other slaves are Allahs part? The rest is for the animals of “Turkish backed degenerative incestgangs”


If Russians would honour their given word they would bomb the military camp, but…… they became Erdogans lap dog.


SDF Kurds have all ready taken back Sharakrak and it’s silos from the Turk NSA trash. Not sure what agreement you are talking about??

Ricky Miller

Or maybe Russia is trying to help Syria as best they are able to while also battling the U.S. economic war against Russia. Russia has gas and gas transit deals with Turkey, an Atomic Energy station project worth billions, as well as both large scale weapons sales and tourist and agricultural trade. These economic contacts are valuable to the Russian economy and for Russia’s people involved in these activities. Russia can’t fly off the handle over any borderline infractions, however atrocious or irritating. And, even if the Kremlin wanted to pick a fight about some of it there would be problems of logistics. Russia is using the Bosphorus and Turkish airspace for reinforcements and supply. Perhaps you have some genius logistical plan or alternate line of communication for how Russia can fight Turkey inside Syria? Maybe long trips through the Atlantic and the Med with supplies and boxed aircraft?


No, no I understand. Everything is allowed and all honour vanish for the blackmailing and terror. Please bent over deeper so he can take your soul. Was it not Hitler you Russian made a peace contract with so he would not invade?

Ricky Miller

Well, I wasn’t lucky enough to be born Russian. But the 1939 pact to which you refer was made in self defense, yes. This came after all Soviet outreach to France and the UK in aim of a common alliance with the West against Germany was rejected in London and Paris. The Stalin led Kremlin tried to do the right thing first then did what they had to in order to protect the country.


Ok I understand, so the spineless bending of Russia here is that the “ right thing first” part or the part where Russia protect the “fatherland” you are refering to?

Ricky Miller

An alliance with France and Germany could have prevented the outbreak of war, or at least delayed it a long time. That was the right thing to try, and Moscow tried. The Western Allies wanted no part of it, probably because they hoped Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would bludgeon one another to death while they stayed out of it. And then, gasp…Western Europe fell to the Nazi’s first. Good Karma. The Stalin led Kremlinites concluded a non aggression treaty with the Reich because any idiot who’d read Mein Kampf in Russia knew they were on the menu. They figured that the Red Army wasn’t ready and any war with Germany would be long, devastating and cause millions of casualties. The non aggression pact, from the Soviet point of view, was a way to try and escape that coming devastation and have the capitalists bludgeon one another to death. The plan failed. And the war that followed was devastating, long and cost Russia tens of millions of deaths. It’s easy for me to see that the right thing to do for the Soviet people was to try and avoid it, at least until the Red Army was reformed and built up.


My question was referring to the situation in NE Syria not to WWII. When did ask: so the spineless bending of Russia here is that the “ right thing first” part or the part where Russia protect the “fatherland” you are refering to?

Ricky Miller

I’m sorry. I thought the situation in Northern Syria is obvious. Russia has to and wants to understand Turkey’s security issues in Syria, especially regarding the YPG/SDF/PKK. Because of geography, a conflict with Turkey would lengthen Russia’s supply line to Syria by some five or six distances. And Turkey is providing Russia with economic opportunities and vice versa. Syria and it’s restoration means a great deal to Russia, clearly, but within limits. Those limits include what’s best for Russia’s own people in a broader and strategic sense.


So money makes the world go round and you sell it to the Russian people by telling them that this only the case if they are the benefiters in a broader strategic sence. Good alt propaganda tricks never fail to mislead. By the way the Bosporus is a free waterway there is no risk for the Russians no to g allowed to pass.

Ricky Miller

No, it’s not. The Montreaux convention regulates both merchant and military traffic through the Bosphorus. Turkey, obviously has the right to restrict both military and merchant shipping with any party that they are engaged in armed conflict with. And the Russian people are restricting the activities of the Russian government in Syria, not the other way around. The Russian electorate have consistently voiced the opinion that they do not want escalation in Syria. At best, within the current parameters the deployment of Russian military forces to Syria earns a 50% approval rating.


So they are free to pass if not in war, they are not in war. But to summarize Russia at this way for the money and out of fear, and because of the blackmail and Erdogan terror, as I said in my primary reaction; “bent deeper”. Allt he rest is window dressing from your side to make it sellable.

Mehmet Aslanak

A good spot to prevent Kurdish communist guerilla use M4 highway to conduct their attacks on Turkish border which is too long to protect every inch.

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