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Turkish-backed Militants Are Not Planning To Withdraw From Proposed Buffer Zone Along M4 Highay

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Turkish-backed Militants Are Not Planning To Withdraw From Proposed Buffer Zone Along M4 Highay

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The Turksitan Islamic Party (linked with al-Qaeda), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (linked with al-Qaeda) and the National Front for Liberation (cooperates with al-Qaeda-linked groups) announced that they are not planning to withdraw their forces from the area along the M4 highway in southern Idlib.

This particular area was set to be turned into a buffer zone without radical militants and heavy weapons by the recent Russian-Turkish ceasefire agreement.

If no real withdrawal of radicals from the buffer zone happen, the buffer zone agreemnt becomes a merely formality that will not help to stabilize the situation in Greater Idlib. Terrorist groups, which control over 80% of the area, will remain on its positions and continue attacks on Syrian government forces and civilian areas inside the government-controlled territory. This will inevitably lead to a new round of escalation.


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Mustafa Mehmet

Silly woman swolle Duracell battery I think she won’t shut up.. typical assad and gangs propaganda


We do not understand rats language.. Go to the headchoping rats forum..

Mustafa Mehmet

You do understand you just don’t want to understand… you support dictator assad the barrel bomber.. terrorists hazboloc. Molla terrorists.. and the rest mercenary terrorists ..children and women killer? assad the biggest rats in Syria


And you support dictator Erdogan who is actually hate by everybody even by 50% of the Turks and by every reasonable country, except one and a puppet state. Erdogan who should sit in a straitjacket but is still cappable off forcing his population in a straitjacket. Ok Assad is a dictator but he is intelligent, Erdogan is not. Assad will leave in time probable with a handshake, erdogan will leave in a bodybag and everybody, including diplomats will piss on him. So you see even among dictators there diference.

Bobo Voxar

let wait for next elections in Syria. ppl will tell who is dictator… previous time syrians said by 80% that he is doing well and support him…

Mustafa Mehmet

Listen I don’t support any dictator…fu.. Erdoğan. fu.. assad..fu.. putin.. . when you do your term you should step a side.. if you change the rules to carry on then you become a dictator.


Exemplary and totally correct, you may include the patricracy we are suffering under in Europe and the American dictature of a limited choice between two infantile and bad political ideologies.

Luke Hemmming

Yet you praise these idiots who are doing the dirty work of the Zionist bankers who pay these phucking idiots and use them as cannon forward to do the dirty work. Do you understand this? This war is funded and controlled by Zionists! Fake azz Jew kneegars. The rich elite. The ones who make billions of dollars from everyone else’s misery and death. They are the ones who enjoy luxurious mansions in Europe eating fine cuisine before been chaffuer driven in their rolls royce out to the opera dressed in the finest silk suits and dresses. They are the ones who travel by private jet anywhere in the world signing off on dotted lines acquiring more wealth and assets. These are the puppet masters of humankind. These are the pay masters of the fools you praise. These are the sworn enemy of mankind. Not what they tell you and I because they own the media that tells us all the lies. Wake up dude. The enemy is not those in the battlefields but those in the mansions and banks, The Rothschilds.


He said fu Erdogan, but didn’t say fu Nuttanyahoo, who has overstayed his welcome and has become a dictator, which probably means he is a zio masquerading as a turk.

Concrete Mike

You support jabhat al nusrah, way more evil than assad will ever be.

No to sharia law, k thx bye!

V. Mecki

???? What’s that? Klingon language?

Mustafa Mehmet

OK. reporter swallows Duracell battery.. she won’t stop making assad and gangs propaganda. she just f****** lying b**** … better micki the mosquitoes

Concrete Mike

Whatever, is that the best excuse you have to support goat fuckers?

Come on man, turkey is being used by the anglo zionists. Wtf is wrong with you.


Maybe Jacob Wohl’s nose could suck all of them from there.

Concrete Mike

LOL you could stuff all of turkey in there.


Gather intelligence, supplier the army with men and weapons, focus on more and better anti air and -missile weapons. And if Turkey does not eliminate within a fixed time destroy them. Erdogan will not be able, most probable he will use a storm off words to hide the terrorists. Europe should beter support the cleaning off Idlib from that lunatic and his terrorists and enforce an UN safe zone, but we have only coward worms as politicians. The European people hate that bully and show it the last years in every election, so finally we will have a change in approach, Trump will remain, pity but Bidden is no more as Clinton but even more corrupt and where she is a bitch he is senile.

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