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Turkish-Backed Militants Attack Kurdish Forces In Northern Raqqa

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Late on March 29, Turkish-backed militants attacked several positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern Raqqa countryside.

The attack was carried out by the 20th Division of the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA). SDF positions in the vicinity of the town of Sayda, on the strategic M4 highway, were the main target of the attack.

Turkish-Backed Militants Attack Kurdish Forces In Northern Raqqa

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter

Suhib Jabber, a spokesman for the 20th Division, told the Nedaa Syria outlet that many fighters of the SDF were killed or injured in the attack. A truck-mounted 23 mm machine gun and other vehicles were also destroyed, according to the spokesman’s claims.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed that heavy clashes took place near Sayda, revealing that the Turkish military also shelled SDF positions in the area. However, the monitoring group didn’t report any losses.

Sayda is located near the town of Ain Issa which hosts a coordination center between the SDF and the Russian Military Police. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) also maintains many positions around the town. Earlier this month, the army reinforced its positions there.


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Liberal guy

Fight is on

Xoli Xoli

Putin strategy does not work in Syria.Bloody KGB agent is on Rothschilds payroll. He does allow the Assad enemies to do to as their please.

Xoli Xoli

Ukraine Donbas and Luhansk Putin ceasefire while rebels dies from NATO and proxies.Syria Putin ceasefire SAA dies from Erdogan terrorists and soldiers.If their enter oilfields SDF whom their protect under Putin reconciliation centre command attacks them.When Russian forces try to enter USA block them.Erdogan terrorist patrol whole Idlip like their want.When Russian forces joint patrols Erdogan terrorists forces them only to patrol small time waisting piece.Putin Ceasefire in Libya Erdogan terrorists commits hit and run tactic and prolong war.Yemen no Putin ceasefire and Huthis under Iran support and on their own succeeds against mighty USANATO.

Mustafa Mehmet


klove and light

News / Syria Turkish forces, allied militants cut off drinking water to Syria’s Hasakah, environs Sunday, 29 March 2020 3:15 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 29 March 2020 3:15 PM ]

This file picture shows Allouk water station near the border town of Ra’s al-Ayn in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah. (Photo by SANA) Turkish forces and allied Takfiri militants have once again cut off drinking water supply to people in Syria’s northeastern city of Hasakah and surrounding areas, only a few days after the Damascus government complained to the United Nations and the Security Council over the issue. Director General of Hasakah Water Company, Mahmoud al-Ukla, told Syria’s official news agency SANA in a statement on Sunday that the Turkish troops and their allies stopped the pumping of water from the Allouk water station at 10 p.m. local time (1900 GMT) last night, and have refused to reverse their decision.

He emphasized that the measure has deprived approximately a million people in the Hasakah region of the essential resource. Ukla then described the cut in water supply to the Hasakah region as a blatant violation of human rights, an appalling crime against the population of Hasakah, and an act in a way that increases the sufferings of the locals. Allouk water station is located near the border town of Ra’s al-Ayn, which the Turkish troops and their allied militants seized in October 2019 during the so-called Peace Spring Operation. “Turkish occupation forces and affiliated terrorists cut off drinking water from Allouk water station and feeding wells deliberately and systematically, depriving more than 600,000 Syrian citizens, mostly women and children, from drinking water,” the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said in identical letters sent to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres and the rotating President of the UN Security Council Zhang Jun on Thursday.

Turkey, allied militants using water as weapon against civilians in Syria’s Hasakah: Foreign Ministry The Syrian Foreign Ministry says Turkish forces and their allied militants are using water as a weapon against civilians in the Arab country’s northeastern province of Hasakah. The Syrian ministry noted that the Turkish forces shelled the water station during their cross-border military operation last October, putting it out of service. Syrian officials, accordingly, briefed the UN Security Council on February 27, informing the international body of a water outage in Hasakah. “But unfortunately the Security Council, its General Secretariat or relevant international organizations failed to condemn the Turkish forces’ bombing of such a critical civilian facility and their use of water as a weapon against civilians,” the letters pointed out.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But the article should also mention the SAA and the rebels made a deal concerning the water and power, the SAA provide power for the rebels and the rebels in return supply the water, this latest dispute concerns the rebels demands for the SAA to supply more power to them, the rebels have cut off water supply to blackmail the SAA into giving them more power, but since the SAA don’t have any spare power capacity to give them, God only knows what’s going to happen now, people can live without electricity but they can’t without water.

klove and light

thanks to treacherous Zionist pig Putin—..< IT was a Agreement between erdogan and Putin for the Invasion and occupation of North east syria…OPERATION PEACE SPRING …..now PUTINS Partner is on full Purpose with Evil intent Blocking ALL water to the City of Hasakah and it´s surroundings…..witha friend such as Putin, who Needs an enemy..this Phrase seriously gets a whole new meaning with treacherous Zionist pig PUTIN.


Yes, I think we can blame Russia somehow about this since Russia has not stopped to please Turkey with such a stu… cease fire agreements.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It was a threeway agreement remember, Putin, Erdogan and Trump all agreed to this, though Trump did backpedal and eventually placed sanctions on Turkey when Erdogan began overstepping the mark.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So that’s what the Turks and their proxies think about the SDF ceasefire proposal. It seems the Kurds won’t be getting the break they asked for, they’ll just have to deal with the coronavirus and the ongoing war at the same time, the Turks don’t want a ceasefire deal just yet. Hopefully the Turks and their proxies live to regret this decision, they may fare way worse when it comes to coronavirus. The Kurds at least have access to reasonable health care so they’ll probably do ok, but the Turkish proxies won’t have the same access to their Turkish masters facilities as the Turkish regulars do, they’re already looking after all the Turks that have come down with the virus already and won’t be able to help the proxies as well. And on top of that the Turkish proxies mostly live in filthy disease ridden dens, so they’re going to be way more susceptible to catching the virus than they Kurds will be, so I think their numbers are about to half soon [death and incapacity], so maybe the SDF should consider launching their own assault when the time is right.

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