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Turkish-Backed Militants Attack Saraqib In Last Ditch Effort To Block M5 Highway

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In what appears to be a last ditch effort to block the M5 highway, Turkish-backed militants have launched a new large-scale attack on Saraqib city in southeast Idlib.

The attack, which was launched on March 5 afternoon, was reportedly led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL).

Militants advanced towards Saraqib’s city center as well as the nearby towns of Dadikh and Kafr Battikh. However, the fierce resistance of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and intese Syrian and Russian airstrikes prevented them from making any gains.

Turkish-Backed Militants Attack Saraqib In Last Ditch Effort To Block M5 Highway

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

According to pro-government sources, dozens of militants were killed and injured during the clashes near Saraqib. The city’s vicinity is witnessing partial calm now.

The new Turkish-backed attack on Saraqib coincided with a Russian-Turkish presidential summit in Moscow, where the escalation in Greater Idlib was discussed.

The attack was clearly an attempt to block the M5 highway, which runs through Saraqib, ahead of a ceasefire expected to be implemented after the Russian-Turkish summit. Turkey is eager to block the strategic highway, linking Damascus and Aleppo.

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I hope Russia air force respond with total strong force.

Lone Ranger

They do ;)

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats will cry and rage ;)


Why would Turkey negotiate a ceasefire on Syrian soil…

Lone Ranger

Glory to the SAA.


ceasefire will be applied at midnight….the saa should do whatever it takes to hold positions


turk rats will need to move soon by 03/15/2020 they need to clear the m4 by 6km from both sides …terrorists sites and social media are having a massive shock after the agreement https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8ebf1a303f5b1cf76d4540aa72add77406e515e340d3ef973f699e3d3027d2e7.jpg

Al Balog

I also heard in the agreement that Turkish and Russian troops will joint-patrol that area in the picture. Hope that the Russians will keep an eye on the Turks and prevent them from doing something stupid. In the meantime, the SAA should clean-up the rest of the terrorist areas. Rather have the SAA fight terrorists, rather than fighting the terrorists and Turkey 2-on-1. I think the joint-patrol will keep the Turkish soldiers distracted in the mean-time ?.

Shia man

It’s kinda hard to believe the deal will go through that’s like half of the land that is in control of the terrorists what is going to stop the SAA from taking control of that land as soon as the terrorist withdraw behind that line I don’t know it doesn’t look like it will happen.


i don’t believe in this agreement 1 bit …i think the retarded cunts will break the ceasefire and won’t retreat from the m4 and they’ll start killing eachother…the agreement is good for syria honestly not retreating to sochi lines and opening the m4 is huge …but the agreement is extremly hard to be respected by turkey since it has to control alnusra wich is very difficult

Al Balog

Yes, just looking at the M4 area gives the SAA a lot of land ?. And not going back to the Sochi line’s solidifies the sacrifices made by the brave Syrians who earned that land back.


do you know the details cuz i don’t know if the syrian army will participate in the m4 patrol ? i think they’ll clear the southern pocket cuz they’ll be surrounded …i need to check more details of the agreement the only think that’s clear is that the m4 will be cleared

Al Balog

I found a link discussing the details. I first read it in Russian media before it appeared in English.


It’s doesn’t appear that the SAA will take part in the joint patrols at the moment. But judging by Assad’s reaction, he seems confident in Russia’s decision. If Assad is happy, I’m happy. Assad said in this article towards the end “If you remove these three obstacles, there will be no problems for the restoration of Syria. We have great resources, human and material, and also we have devoted friends, like Russia and Iran, who will help us,”:


Putin will also go behind Erdogan’s back and tell Assad all the points of the meeting:


Graham Steinberg

The MAJOR issue is Tel Aviv Inc ; Russia does NOTHING about the REPEATED attacks by these murderous thugs. This is Lord Balfour’s “gift” to the mid-east ;

Blatant violations of country’s sovereignty.”Kill to thrill” with impunity.

Apartheid in occupied territories.


yes but this time the deadline is 10 days… not 10 mounth russia is out of patience


Look , turks will withdraw behind the line that they agreed of .. and Russian Warplanes + SAA will continue clearing the idlib province .. erdo went to Moscow to make some agreement to be able to withdraw his soldiers without losing his face any more ))) didnt u get that ?


Al Qaeda has already said they reject the agreement.

Al Balog

Who Erdogan wishes he was, but he isn’t ?. I have great respect for the true Altaic peoples, by the way.



i litteraly googled erdogans his age while watching the press conference…he seemed very retarded and old with his body language and speech…for a 66 years old he acts like he’s 80


terrorists are raging on social media…i don’t think this ceasefire will hold up for long…i say they’re going to start killing eachother soon in idlib and after that they’ll try to break the ceasefire…..but the good thing for syria 1- is oppening up the m5 the m4 it’s extremly benefitial for the economy and 2- not retracting back to sochi ligne wich is huge 3- meanwhile the hello kitty moderate sisters will retreat 6km from the m4 the other extremist groups (majority) will still be pounded by russia

Joe Doe

Erdogan will never comply with M4. Furthermore, there is nothing about free passage and allowed Syrians return to the government site, if they wish. there nothing about disarming militans nor eliminate Turkey post bihing SAA lines. Big lose to SYria

Legis Legis Juscius

he will, if he wants to live, its a win-win situation for syria now

Graham Steinberg

“Win win for Syria?” The country is in ruins…..Who will rebuild it ???? The Salvation Army ????


haha so you understand nothing if russia was giving 10 month to achieve this i will say they are stupid to trust erdogan and to loose time But 10 DAYS hahahaha in 10 days they are screw this agreement is a last call agreement


Exactly, 10 days is almost nothing. Erdo needs to move real quick if he wants to save his bacon.

Joe Doe

This agreement big win for Turkey and militans and big lose for Syria. The buffer zone on M4 will never be comply by Turkey and militans. Erdogan is buying time to move more military hardware and rearm militants and fortify frontline. Once again Erdogan play Putin at the Syria expence and SAA will pay once again big price


false it’s a win for syria no matter what happens …if the deal is respected it’s good for syria as the terrorists will lose half the idlib area and need to retreat 6km from the m4 and the m4 will be opened via joint patrol wich good for economy…also the deal is having it s affect right now as we speak massive panik among terrorists social media ….in the other hand to what you said if the deal is not respected it’s also good for syria just like the sochi agreement turkey didn’t respect it so military action started …so eitherway it’s a W for russia and syria

Al Balog

Whenever the terrorist-minded people panic on social media, you know that you’ve done something right.




Al Balog

I’d expect more people to be in the comments section today. It’s awfully quiet here today. Unless they are busy watching the Putin vs. Erdogan meeting and studying the deal.

Legis Legis Juscius

it would be a ceasfire in the comments section also:)

Al Balog

Hehe, guess so ?

Tudor Miron

Another rats failure. Good.


rats like V.P.


Both sides will be claiming victory for now. But I think the deal is in SAA’s. favor. The scope of the operation was not to capture the whole idlib, they wanted to secure the road and snatch of the province, which apparently what they got. I think from here things can be solved through negotiations, but that would depend on Turkey because they are supposed to dissolve HTS. Time will tell, but a military operation at this point is months away if not years.

Al Balog

I agree with you, but I’m uncertain about your point regarding the military operation (I’ll wait and see though as always). In negotiations, the terrorists in the leftover Idlib can still act like assholes, and try to provoke the SAA. It could lead to a small-scale military operation, since the terrorists will have much less land after the deal. Easy mop-up on the terrorists by the SAA is the worst-case scenario, which would still benefit the SAA regardless.


Whatever happens on the ground, things will eventually align with the interests of Syria. Just need some time.

Legis Legis Juscius

if turkey eliminates all al-nusra and ISIS afiliated groups, they have the chance to gain some influence in the region, but region should be under assads control, then coridor for refugees could be made in to idlib(but just for syrian refuges, because must ”refuges” in turkey are not syrians, mostly pakistanis and afgans, who wants to go to europe


I just don’t understand the turks. A stable syria should be in their interest, and that can only be achieved through negotiations with Assad. They know this very well that they cannot achieve a military victory over Assad at this moment or in the foreseeable future. They should work actively with syria to end the sufferings of the people, and bring terrorists to the justice. It’s the best thing they can do. But instead, they are just behaving like uneducated thugs.

Legis Legis Juscius

i think maybe erdogan wanted to make Idlib and afrin his protectorate or even annex those lands, thats why, or because in idlib lives a turkoman minorities and he simpatyzes for them


Well, I think that would never happen. It’s 21st century and turkey is no us, russia or china.

Legis Legis Juscius

maybe because they are NATO members and feels to do whatever they like, or overstimating their influence or military power(could be both i guess)


Yes, that’s correct. They are in the illusion. And, I think nato would not exist in couple of decades. Europe will eventually adopt its own policy.

Pablo Rivera

By now every member should know that they are there to support the USA and not the other way around


10 days … because turkey Will never respect agreement and russia give a short time in purpose

Al Balog

Just like how Russia gave Zelensky only 4 months to fix the situation in Donbass starting December 9th at the Norman Format. He’s got until April, or no new Norman meeting. Now, Ze is drowning in his own shit, defeated and humiliated in the international arena. By the end of the year, I can see Russia recognizing the Donbass republics, and protecting them if the Ukrops make a big assault.

Julio Cesar Perez

A ceasefire in Idlib for 24 hours, means that everything remains the same and the Turkish terrorists, ISIS, ALQAEDA can continue killing the Syrian people. With this shameful agreement, Turkish terrorists remain in Syria and can continue to move military equipment within Syria.

Legis Legis Juscius

Think again and read the agreement please, its best deal syria could have got, because erdogan also saved his face in turkey politics and syria gained valuable highways and towns

Al Balog

That’s the same conclusion I drew after reading everything. Assad seems satisfied with Russia’s actions as well.

Al Balog

I still can’t believe that people believe Türkışh Pröpağanda. Just reading their regular news media and their newspapers feel like the National Enquirer. I’ve tried really hard to digest it, but all I can say is that it is pathetic. Not just the false info, but even the look and style. Only gullible people fall for it.



Icarus Tanović

Well that second picture is a lot of bull.


This thing is not possible. I am not sure how they’re gonna make it work. HTS will never accept that.

Legis Legis Juscius

Turkey will have to make accept them, or kill HTS by themselfs, but HTS manpower is shrinking, in last month and these fights, they have lost maybe even thousands of their memebers, they cant even leave to guard villages with more then 100 men(thats including other rebel groups)….and with less cities controlled they are gaining less new recruits


HTS hires from the refugees in Hatay province. They have resources. They are very hard to control and some members threatened to do terror bombing in Turkey. They are in touch with the Americans, Israeli and Saudi. They absorbed the opposition. And no matter what they say in the media, They are 100% of the armed forces there. All other smaller groups have been submitted to their will through assasinations and bribes.

They have to be eliminated. There is just no other way.


Turk, go home, or you be killed!


SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)

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