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Turkish-Backed Militants Attack Syrian Army Troops In Northern Raqqa

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Turkish-Backed Militants Attack Syrian Army Troops In Northern Raqqa

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On July 2, militants of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army attacked Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops in the northern Raqqa countryside.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the attack targeted an army position west of the Turkish-occupied town of Tell Abyad.

“The clashes were focused on the axis of Abdi village, west of Tal Abyad, which resulted in casualties among the regime forces,” the SOHR’s report reads.

The Hawar News Agency reported that a single Syrian service member was injured. He was identified as “Furat Mulheim.”

Turkish-backed militants in northeast Syria are increasing their attacks on the SAA and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). A day earlier, the militants shelled the northern countryside of Raqqa and al-Hasakah.

In what appears to be a response to these provocations, the SAA has been deploying reinforcements in northern al-Hasakah. In the recent few weeks, hundreds of troops arrived in the region. The SAA will likely support the SDF, if Turkish forces launch a new operation in northeast Syria.


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Τurkisis tank gets hit by Kurdish freedom fighters !

Glory to Kurdistan !

The HPG Press Office reports that guerrillas struck an armored vehicle of the Turkish army that had been deployed at the Xevk outpost, in the Dinemdinli (Şemzinan) area of Hakkari province, that is, inside Turkish territory, under the control of the Turkish Armed Forces.

The Turkish armored vehicle was completely destroyed, but the number of casualties among the Turkish military remains unknown.



How you doing today bastard? we haven’t finished our discussion.


I am good jewsnake, just letting your mom suck my balls while your sister sucks my cock. How is your water pistols and your other toys I sent ya ? Having fun killing all the imaginary badies ?

What a good little jewboy you are.


Why so much barking Greeko? I told you I don’t like to be threatened especially not by some putz Greeko like you. So, when do you come over here to show me how tough you are? I can’t wait.


You are a retarded jewkid thats keeps repeating the same bullcrap everyday on this blog and frankly you are boring me now.


I am just disappointed, I was already mentally prepared to go out and kill Islamists and now I am home because there was no annexation. Too bad, atleast I got your big mouth Greeko to keep me entertained. As I recall yesterday you barked alot about how much you wanna kill Jews, come and give your best shot buddy. I’m all yours.


Here watch this. Maybe that will shut you up for a while.



How cute? which one of them is you? C’mon Greeko, now it’s personal with you.


You are not paying attention, you need to concetrate to what I m telling you… Look I got something for you, its right here in my pocket :




Barbaric Greeko, say thanks you have enough money for a toliet paper.


Barbaric ?


The child murderer and rapist from a shithole thats been around for 75 years is calling the people that gave you Democracy olympic games philosophy and science, barbaric !!!




You gave us nothing, you forced Jews to convert to be Hellanic and tried to destroy our religion and culture back then. Till we’ve decided we had enough, and thought you a proper lesson that sent you back to Greece, you never came back to Israel after that.



Nice story, you should go to hollywood they like sci-fi there a lot!

Meanwhile :





You had double dead than us, enjoy.


yhahahaa lameass jewkid. You didnt even know of these events till i posted it yesterday :


Greek uprising and genocide in Kyrenaica.

The Jewish movement had begun in Cyrene, Libya, where insurgents massacred the Greek population, razed the city, demolished temples and even dug the road leading to the city’s port, Apollonia. Someone promised to lead the Jews of Cyrene on the road to Zion; and the Jews of Cyrene would lead their compatriots in Egypt. Mesopotamian Jews would meet them there.

Eventually, the revolt was suppressed in 118 AD. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the order was imposed by General Markios Turvon, while in Mesopotamia, Lucius Quietus had already succeeded after both had imposed the punishment of the legions, slaughtering tens of thousands of Jews, but certainly fewer than the Greeks they slaughtered.

As a reaction to their destruction, the Jews stopped teaching Greek to their children! For Cyprus, however, the catastrophe was complete. The rivalry between Jews and Cypriots began in the early years of Cyprus’ enslavement of the Romans. Katon occupied Cyprus in 56 BC and literally plundered it from all kinds of wealth, leading the Cypriots to complete misery.

The Roman allies in this oppression were Jewish merchants, who, as a subcontractor, undertook to exploit, on behalf of the Romans, the rich copper mines and every other wealth-producing resource.

A second source, the famous English historian Edward Gibbon (known in Greek as the Gibbons) who lived from 1737 to 1794, during the period of enslaved Hellenism.

This text is found in his monumental work “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” and is also mentioned in the book “Trial” by Bill Grimstadt, publisher of “Aryan Pres Incorporation United”, 1973 edition. .

Here is the cut. “Mankind is amazed by the recital (in three acts) of the terrible crimes of the Jews against the unsuspecting, native Greeks, who considered them friends.

The Jews betrayed this friendship and slaughtered 220,000 Greeks in Cyrene and overthrew 240,000 Greeks in Cyprus, as well as a large part of the Greek population in Egypt.

Many of the Greek victims were judged by two of the Jews according to their tradition, that David ratified this manner of execution by his example. During these massacres of the Greeks, the Jews devoured the flesh of the dead, drank their blood and destroyed the entrails! ”

These, as unbelievable as they may seem, manipulative or exaggerated, are written by one of the greatest historical writers of the past who cannot be suspected of “anti-Semitism” (at least in his day), nor accused of lack of seriousness, since his works were , is and will be one of the most serious sources of Antiquity. (These from historical sources)


You helped the Romans against us, we taught both of you a good lesson. Jewish bravery at its best.


Worst Lamest chickenshits on the planet, you are in fact worse than the turkisis friends of yours.






Next time don’t try to destroy our histroy, religion, culture and identity. We are not like you, and we don’t want to be like you. We are proud Jewish Israelis, never forget that.


Learn some history you ungrateful piece of shit :

12,898 Greek Jews fought in the Greek army, one of the best-known amongst them being Colonel Mordechai Frizis, in a force which first successfully repelled the Italian Army, but was later overwhelmed by German forces.

Many Jews from Salonika were integrated into the Sonderkommandos. On 7 October 1944, they attacked German forces with other Greek Jews, in an uprising planned in advance, storming the crematoria and killing about twenty guards. A bomb was thrown into the furnace of the crematorium III, destroying the building. Before being massacred by the Germans, insurgents sang a song of the Greek partisan movement and the Greek National Anthem.

The 275 Jews of the island of Zakynthos, however, survived the Holocaust. When the island’s mayor, Carrer, was presented with the German order to hand over a list of Jews, Metropolitan Bishop Chrysostomos of Zakynthos returned to the Germans with a list of two names; his and the mayor’s. The island’s population hid every member of the Jewish community. In 1947, a large number of the Jews of Zakynthos made aliyah to Palestine (later Israel), while others moved to Athens. When the island was almost levelled by the great earthquake of 1953, the first relief came from Israel, with a message that read “The Jews of Zakynthos have never forgotten their Mayor or their beloved Bishop and what they did for us.”

By March 1944, more than 1,000 Jews lived in city of Volos. In September 1943, when the Nazis took over, head rabbi Pessah worked with Archbishop Ioakim and the EAM resistance movement to find sanctuary for the Jews in Pelion. Due to their efforts, 74% of the city’s Jews were saved.

The Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture writes “One cannot forget the repeated initiatives of the head of the Metropolitan See of Thessaloniki, Gennadios, against the deportations, and most of all, the official letter of protest signed in Athens on March 23, 1943, by Archbishop Damaskinos, along with 27 prominent leaders of cultural, academic and professional organizations. The document, written in a very sharp language, refers to unbreakable bonds between Christian Orthodox and Jews, identifying them jointly as Greeks, without differentiation. It is noteworthy that such a document is unique in the whole of occupied Europe, in character, content and purpose”.

Unfortunaltely for the stupid Greeks we did in fact protected your scumy kind from the nazis !

And that is the one bad thing the Greeks ever did.


Don’t act like all Greeks saved the Jews, some of them helped the Nazis too. Many Jewish Greeks were murdered in your country, so cut the BS. The only 2 countries that actively saved the Jews were Denmark and Serbia and not many Jews died there thanks to the population. Also today the situation is different, even your PM knows he needs Israel in the east Med sea.

Simplekindof Man

It all comes down to personal beliefs although truth be told anti-Semitism is rife in Greece. On a national level cooperation would be beneficial.


Traditionally in GR far – left and far – right had been rather anti – jewish however far – right, due to their extreme anti – islamism have lately shifted to remarkable pro – israel views. This is not odd since poIitcians the likes of bibi, orban and trump are considered role models by those people. I would not be surprised if in the future the far – left due to their inherited stance against religions turns pro – israeli as well. But for this to occur palestinian arabs must be radicalized and israel to become more secular by marginalizing orthodox jews.

The greek clown with the cigaretto is a boomer runaway from a mental unit and off his meds.


Τhe Greek is in fact genX, and makes a lot more sense than the utter rubbish you just posted.


early genX with boomer perception, a neglected case of mental disorder, perhaps holed somewhere in western europe rather than in greece, keen to believe every conspiracy theory out there and goes jew bashing b/c he also suffers from ID crisis

ψεκασμένε κλόουν LMAO


Tις μαμας σου το μουνι ειναι ψεκασμενο τουρκοσπορε. ROFL

Fog of War

Jews in Hitler’s Armies.


Fog of War

” The German concentration camps depended on the cooperation of trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners. Known as Kapos, these trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as their SS counterparts.Most of these Kapos were Jewish, and even they inflicted harsh treatment on their fellow prisoners. For many, failure to perform their duties would have resulted in severe punishment and even death, but many historians view their actions as a form of complicity. After the war, the prosecution of Kapos as war criminals, particularly those who were Jewish, created an ethical dilemma which continues to this day. “

Fog of War

The Jewish Ghetto Police or Jewish Police Service (German: Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei or Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst), also called the Jewish Police by Jews, were auxiliary police units organized within the Nazi ghettos by local Judenrat (Jewish councils).[1]


Fog of War

– Stalin’s Jews –

We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish.


Simplekindof Man

When and who are you referring to?


The Old greeks who ruled Israel, they forced Jews to become Hellanic or die.

Simplekindof Man

Hellenistic period or Byzantine? Anyway,man,personally I just cant do that,I mean no one of us was there back then,fuck it learn from the past and move forward, preferably in peace.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your history is that of a beggar asking the next nation to let you in, and you provide the women for the brothels.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Romans did a right job on the Judean Peoples Front, I saw it in The Life of Brian.

Crazy Yids, comical patriots, fighting in Khazaria.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You ran for 2000 years.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

About that annexation that you boringly told us was taking place, what happened?

It couldn’t have been due to concerns about civilian deaths, as your troops are number one for killing children. It must be fear of the Persians. lol

Fog of War



God bless Russia!


Hey, greek boy, did you find out who AmericanEagle is yet? Ask him if he misses getting into arguments with Michael L. Brown. How is your job status? Are you helping your country pay back their debts?




Γαμω το μουνι της μανας σου, so I guess its not that bad, thanks for asking. How is the turkish and jew πουτσες you v been sucking? Still enjoying it?

Your μανα says she wont be back till tomorrow, θα γαμιεται ολη νυχτα με ενα γκρουπακι λαθρο μαυρους απο την Νιγηρια. Τσιμπα ενα αρχιδι τωρα, Καραγκιοζακο!


Wow! You responed prety fast. I guess this proves that you are still not working. Why aren’t you working, boy? Why are you letting your country remain poor? Since you have so much free time can you guess which one is AmericanEagle in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0qzQmxD-pI


I respond quick cause your πουτανα η μανα η Τουρκο-Κυπρια finished sucking me off, she is a pro, I must say! That is my job by the way, since you care so much, to give it to your πουτανα ΤουρκοΚυπρια μανα ρε πουτανας γιε Τουρκοσπορε γαμω την Λαρνακα ολη!

Τold you before I dont give a flying σκατο για τον American Eagle (aka κοτομπουκιτσα-chicken nugget). Aντε σαλτα και γαμησου τωρα.

Lone Ranger

Aka Turkisis…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turkish definition of ceasefire – Turks can shoot anyone they like whenever they like but no one else can – so why would anyone in their right minds ever make a ceasefire deal with Turkey.

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