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Turkish-Backed Militants Capture Eleven Villages Around Tell Abyad, Ras Al-Ayn (Photos)

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The Turkish military and the so-called National Syrian Army (NSA) continued their advance in the northern parts of al-Hasakah and Raqqa on October 16.

Turkish forces were able to capture thirteen villages from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), including al-Athamiyah, Haylah, Khirbat al-Nuaymah, Aluk Sharqi, Aluk Gharbi and al-Aliyah west of the town of Ras al-Ayn as well as Matqltah, Qandil, Tanwrah, Tanuzah, al-Dimu, al-A’bu and al-Ottmaniyah west of the town of Tell Abyad.

Turkish-Backed Militants Capture Eleven Villages Around Tell Abyad, Ras Al-Ayn (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Capture Eleven Villages Around Tell Abyad, Ras Al-Ayn (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Capture Eleven Villages Around Tell Abyad, Ras Al-Ayn (Photos)

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Despite their advance along the border line, Turkish forces have failed to get a full control of Ras al-Ayn, so far. Earlier today, SDF fighters ambushed and killed 49 militants of the NSA inside the town.

The SDF also launched a counter-attack near Tell Abyad, taking advantage of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployment in the region. The Kurdish-led group was reportedly able to recapture several positions.

The first phase of the ongoing Turkish offensive, dubbed Operation Peace Spring, is reportedly aimed at establishing a 120 km long, 30 km deep “safe-zone” in northeast Syria.

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Do the Turkish controlled zones such as Afrin have abortion rights as in Turkey? or are they under Islamist law of allied militias such as NSA??


A: Why are there abortion rights activists concerned about this part of the world and B: What do you think? All the areas under Turkish control are basically freehavens for headchoppers who are on the Turkish payroll to do whatever the fuck they want to do. Plunder, smuggle, drugs, you name it, its one giant hive of scum and villainy. You really think these guys give one single fuck about women’s rights, let alone abortion? And can you now please stop asking that question?


The entire world totally depends on abortion rights in every part of the world for peace, prosperity and the environment. without them, there will be territorial conflict and climate change. I know Turkey has them, but Iraq didn’t have them under US occupation even though the US has them, so not all rights extend to occupied territory, they need to annex for that. It’s hard to look up law applicable to occupied zones on the internet.


Oh, and I don’t give a fuck what they give a fuck about, my ONLY concern is ABORTION RIGHTS!


Abortion bans caused this, and all territorial conflicts; and ABORTION RIGHTS will finish them.




Carlin strongly defended ABORTION RIGHTS EVERYWHERE!

jim crowland

Mr putin, please instruct Gassad to do his gas magic with the jihaddist ottoman backed militias


ras el rayn encercled that turkirchs forces!!

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