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Turkish-Backed Militants Deploy Additional ATGM Launchers In Southeast Idlib – Report

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Turkish-backed militants have deployed additional anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) launchers in the southeastern Idlib countryside, the Eldorar al-Shamiyah outlet reported on December 12.

The outlet’s reporter said that step was taken to improve the militants’ “offensive capabilities” against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Earlier, the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) announced that its militants had destroyed a 14,5 mm machine gun of the SAA in southeast Idlib with an ATGM.

Turkish-Backed Militants Deploy Additional ATGM Launchers In Southeast Idlib - Report

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

A day ago, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) captured a key position in southeast Idlib from the SAA in a surprise attack. The army launched several counter-attacks afterword, attempting to recapture the position. However, it failed.

The deployment of additional ATGMs launchers in southeast Idlib and the attack by HTS indicate that the militants are preparing to further escalate the situation in the region.

Several Syrian service members were killed or injured earlier after a coalition of HTS, al-Qaeda groups and Turkish-backed factions launched a large-scale attack in southeast Idlib.

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klove and light

i wonder what excuses the Zionist Putin Lovers have now??????

to refresh the Memory of all Folks here…

DESESCALATION Agreement between Russia and turkey

-Turkey will fight terrorists in Idlib……..

way to go……

klove and light

and here some “eyes opener” for the Zionist Putin Lovers…….from Dr. Bashar Al-Ja’afari, Long time syrain arab republic Diplomat and Chief negotiator at astana Peace process for the syrian arab republic

from almasdar News 12.12.2019

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:40 P.M.) – The leader negotiator for the Syrian at the Astana Peace Conference, Dr. Bashar Al-Ja’afari, stated at the final session of the meeting on Wednesday that Turkey was transporting terrorists from Idlib to Libya. “Turkey is transporting terrorists from Libya to Idlib and from Idlib to Libya,” noting that “the Idlib future is linked to the future of all of Syria.”

This is not the first time that Dr. Ja’afari has accused Turkey of transferring jihadists from Idlib to Libya, he previously accused Ankara of moving moving these terrorists to the aforementioned North African country to fight the Benghazi-based government. Dr. Ja’afari continued by saying that the Syria does not have a Kurdish issue, pointing out that Syrian Kurds are an integral part of the country. “There is no Kurdish issue in Syria and the Syrian Kurdish component is part of our history.” In regards to the U.S. forces in Syria, Dr. Ja’afari accused them of looting Syrian oil and selling it to the Turkish authorities. “The American occupation is looting Syrian oil and selling it to the Turkish regime.” On Wednesday, the 14th round of the Astana Peace Conference concluded with no agreement between any of the participants

klove and light

so who is the fucking USA selling the stolen oil to???????????????????????????????????????????

TURKEY !!!!!!!!!!

which in strategic Terms equals, that Turkey is very very happy with the current occupation by USA of east syria!!!!!!!

and treachrous Zionist Putin makes one Agreement after the other for the Invasion and occupation by Turkey of syrian soil..afrin..Idlib..North syria…..

again to all treachrous Zionist Putin Lovers…..go to hell you Dummies and donkeys

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