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Idlib Militants Use Turkish-supplied MANPADs To Target Syrian Warplanes

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Idlib Militants Use Turkish-supplied MANPADs To Target Syrian Warplanes

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On February 26, Turkish-backed militants launched at least two missiles at Syrian warplanes flying over Greater Idlib. Opposition activists acknowledged that both missiles missed their targets.

The activists identified one of the targeted warplanes as a L-39, a training and light attack jet used by the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) in close air support missions.

Turkish-backed militants likely used U.S.-made Stinger man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs). The infrared guided missile has a range of 4,800 meters only.

Last week, two Stinger missiles were launched from a Turkish “observation post” in southern Idlib at a Russian Su-24. The warplane dodged both of them by maneuvering and releasing flares. Similar procedures are being carried out by every Syrian and Russian warplane flying over Greater Idlib.

The Stingers were reportedly supplied by Turkey, which manufactures this type of MANPADs. Ankara appears to have no regards what so ever to the threats such advanced weapons pose to civil aviation.

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Not a peep out the exceptional critter nation about giving their manpads to terrorists..

Mike Novak

Because there terror organizations are actually parts of turkish government


There will be when a few US passenger aircraft are shot down by Stingers. If mercenary criminals are donated stingers, it is only natural for a mercenary to sell or use these missiles for attacks world wide.


Weren’t there a couple of posters at southfront that constantly begged for manpads?


Send manpads to PKK!


Kurds deserve no weapons from anyone.

Striking the launch sites what needs done.

Lone Ranger

Use the Smerch and cruise missiles only, drone + sat intel, hit everything that has a weapon, keep it up for a month=Win


That would be my tactic as well , but to be effective a concentration of Turkish jihadi’s would need to be in a kill zone. A few small towns and villages would be suitable for Smerch attacks. :)

George King

Check out live map and notice the air and artillery strikes currently going on and you can make out the close of a cauldron over the entire south of Idlib from Marat Al Numan west. Also what is shaping up to be another encirclement cauldron from the city of Idlib eastward to Saraquib so I am not to concerned by this tactical move by the Syrian coalition. https://syria.liveuamap.com/


A cauldron of towns abandoned by civilians.


The plane in the video looks like a SU-27, does Syrian army have these?

Anduin Lothar

Nope, Mig 29, Su 24, L-39… Tho jet in video is Su 34, only Russia and Algeria operate those.

Lone Ranger

Shouldnt fly that low, its a bit bold.

Anduin Lothar

Not rly, most of the newer planes like the one in vid, have flares and DIRCM, which are very efective against old manpads like stinger.

Lone Ranger

Im aware but still, a bit bold. Only because you have body armor on you shouldnt risk to get shot. At least it should be high altitude precision bombings. But I would rather have drone strikes + smerch.

Anduin Lothar

Well manpads for the most part nowdays are used against drones and helichopters, and other slow moving aircrafts, like su 25, a 10, sometimes they are not very efective against those even, and Su 34 primary mission is interdiction of enemy air space, so I am positive that shooting it down with stinger, or any other manpad is extremly hard…

Lone Ranger

Hope you are right. Praying for the pilots and SAA. God Bless.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Su 34 carries missile jamming tech, and Stingers can’t reach out as far as Russian short range missiles do. By about 15kms ffs! These Stingers are made in Turkey, to make matters worse for the muppets given them. If they are anything like Beko electrical goods, then a ducking airship could fly by without danger. lol

Basic Guy

“Ankara appears to have no regards what so ever to the threats such advanced weapons pose to civil aviation.“

Yeah, while RuAF hits civillian targets constantly but magicaly never reported here

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Only in fake news sites like CNN.

Only nazi hunts say otherwise.


Proof,I thought not,n to ye throat(too easy)


So you say, but of course Al Qaeda and Turkey magically never, “hit civilian targets, constantly”. You see it goes both ways, in war many innocents die, that is why those who start wars are the real criminals. If you know anything about the Muslim Brotherhood, you would know that many more innocents will die in Europe and elsewhere because Erdogan supplied them.

Wolfgang Wolf

video looks like a SU-34….


I have tried to get a good screenshot to enlarge which should disclose a red star. Doubt very much that it is Syrian but the canards are evident so it really has to be Russian.


Syria and Russia are paying the price for not treating Turks as an enemy. Observation posts, convoys of heavy armour and other arms, lot of empty talks and now you have what you deserved. Turks are in Idlib to kill syrian soldiers and take the syrian land. So wake up!


Its a balancing acts. Turkey is 2nd largest army in Nato, its full scale invasion is great trouble for SAA, as RuAF can’t pound up Ankara bases. It will quickly turn to full scale war with USNato backing. This is Erdog bargain chip.


Jihadis may have MANPADS, however they are losing the battle for Southern Idlib as SAA swarm across the Ai Ghaab Plain. Latest update from AMN News…. “BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:10 P.M.) – The situation in southern Idlib has become disastrous for the jihadist rebels, as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) now find themselves reaching new areas in this northwestern governorate.

According to a field report from the Idlib Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army captured two towns located at the northern slope of the Jabal Shashabo area, resulting in the military’s advance to the eastern part of the Al-Ghaab Plain.” https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-reaches-eastern-part-of-al-ghaab-plain-region-with-new-advance/?utm_medium=ppc&utm_source=push&utm_campaign=push%notificationss&utm_content=varies


it’s official the hts scum cut the m5 from the other side as they captured alduwaiir village i think saraqib will fall shortly… wtf is going i’ve never criticized the syrian arab army since the begining of the war but what we are seiing here is some amateurish sh*t… on the bright side saa capured 10 more villages in the southern pocket after hts fled the entire region…. saraqib is ten times more important all focus should be there


Calm down ffs. SAA know what they are doing. We only see consequences of strategic battle field maneuvers. Southern Idlib is going exceptionally well. Headchoppers being encircled as we type. Saraqib being reinforced, the M5 will not remain cut off for very long… Allah Akbar.

Luke Hemmming

I have read many reports over the last few weeks of the SAA gaining territory, then losing it, then regaining it again within hours if not days. This will be no different. The jihad jokers days are numbered. They should have stayed home with their wifey/s and kids.


Its hard to guard all new territory gain when firepower thin out along whole stretch, while terrorists can attack anytime in guerilla warfare. Impt is to sustain, minimize soldiers & civilians loss, and achieve overall goal.

The strategy here is to continue drive the herds into desire area and round up since day one. If you block off exit, they will resist causing large casualties. Some will also disperse among civilians fighting guerilla warfare which is hard to filter out.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hand out MANPADS to the Mexican cartels.

Why should only EuropeanME citizens have to worry about civilian airliners being targeted with US supplied MANPADS?


Bloody good idea. Start on the US private jets first. Few Americans would really care about them. :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US believes itself to be exceptional.

They need to be brought back to reality, where they lived before Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

King Cliff

The Russian need to scare the shit out the Turks by warning them is such manpads being down they warplanes they will go out there and kick they observation post out of iblib and else where along with they best friend there.


Russia and Syria are reckless and impatient. Instead of fortifying Sareqeb they are launching a new offensive in the south while the mujahideeen are on the way to Sareqeb and Russian warplanes cant even come to close. I expect Putin to beg Erdogan to stop otherwise expect to see some Russian warplanes downed.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They have been fighting since 2015, bussed every head chopper to Idlib, that’s patience.

Syria and Russia are not Americans, who would just carpet bomb the whole area for months before sending in LA, Brooklyn gang members to clear out what’s left.

The head choppers have their backs to Turkey and NATO walls, able to receive new weapons and troops at any time. Turkish SF no doubt will don ISIS uniforms to make up the numbers, so the battle front can be widened without it being a fault of Syrian or Russian military strategists.


You have the historical comments of an Israeli hasbarat.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s not really an offensive, there are no terrorists left there, the terrorists have consolidated along the M4 which is the new Turkish front line.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Only moderates is it?

You head choppers are so Goebbells.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Only pro Assad civilians left there now faggot, didn’t you know that, I’ve been saying it for the last few weeks in my comments, they must’ve been the only ones you missed so far [you’ve commented on all the others I’ve made, 30 or more lol]. So if you’d read them you’d know that most of the the civilians that are left in southern Idlib and Hama have nearly all had reconciliation agreements in place with the Syrian government since May 2018, ignorant dumb fag, there’s only nice people left there now, well apart from a few fags left on the mountain, they’re probably reading the same LGBTQI magazines you do.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hey Willing Wife2, how’s the thighs after last night?

Your ISIS buddies are taking a bigger pounding than I gave your very Willing Wife last night.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

v 5 32 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Nah, it’s your wife I was banging, got her number from the USMC, who call often to her.

You mention a lot of weird sex, bend over bitch!

Squeal like a pig, boy, is more your line. According to your willing wife.

And her customers in the USMC.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

My God, it’s over 45 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, so bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

45 times you brought it up.

Squeal like a pig, boy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 55 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. Your insane.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

55 times, ISIS are doomed I say, doomed.

Like your marriage.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No terrorists in Idlib!

Just your heroes ISIS, who in your opinion are moderate rebels.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What a simpleton, you can’t even read a simple sentence properly, read it again Mr LGBTQI.

“It’s not really an offensive, there are no terrorists left there, the terrorists have consolidated along the M4 which is the new Turkish front line.”

“Only pro Assad civilians left there now faggot, didn’t you know that, I’ve been saying it for the last few weeks in my comments, they must’ve been the only ones you missed so far [you’ve commented on all the others I’ve made, 30 or more lol]. So if you’d read them you’d know that most of the the civilians that are left in southern Idlib and Hama have nearly all had reconciliation agreements in place with the Syrian government since May 2018, ignorant dumb fag, there’s only nice people left there now, well apart from a few fags left on the mountain, they’re probably reading the same LGBTQI magazines you do.”

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Shut up you jihadi loving as shole, ffs.

You are putting me off my stroke, and your wife isn’t happy about that.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Then you’d better bend over and let your boyfriend give it to you for a while.

More than 62 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. you’re mad, obsessive and delusional.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

MANPADS are about to become the secondary concern for Russian and Syrian aviation, Patriots are about to become more than a possibility.

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Feb. 26 said that Ankara will “hopefully” find a solution soon to use the last rebel bastion of Idlib’s airspace. Addressing ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lawmakers in a parliamentary group meeting, Erdoğan said that Turkey’s “biggest problem” in Idlib is that it is unable to use the airspace. The region’s airspace is currently being controlled by Russia and it has been supporting the regime’s offensive against the Syrian opposition forces, which Turkey backs in the conflict. “The biggest problem we have is that we cannot use the airspace [in Idlib]. Hopefully, we will soon find a solution to this too,” Erdoğan said in the capital Ankara. The president also ruled out Ankara taking any step back in Idlib and recalled the end-of-February deadline he set for the Syrian regime’s withdrawal from the region. “We will not take the smallest step back in Idlib and we will certainly push the regime outside the borders. We determined,” he said. Erdoğan also said that Ankara is taking these steps across its borders in Idlib “so that this will not happen in our own lands and cause tens or hundreds of times more losses” in the future.”



Bullshit. Patriots need to be shipped first. Then Turkish crews to be trained for them. All that needs at least 6 months (except if the Americans operate them directly) and if only things keep on going like now, before that period the battle in Idlib will be finished with a Syrian victory and Turkish defeat.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You need to read some Turkish and American news, they’ve been talking about it for over a week already, the patriots and operators might even be in Turkey as we speak. Syria can’t possibly beat Turkey in a war, could Syria beat England, or France or even Germany in a war if they were enemies, the Turks possibly could. Face reality, David and Goliath is just a fable, no matter how good the 15 y/o kid is at boxing he can’t take on a fully grown man, so unless Russia directly intervenes, Syria will lose. Sadly the Turks and US will never leave Syria now, we can’t kick them out, and we never really could, that’s the miserable reality that we must all learn to face now.

Semper Prudens

OK. You are obviously a Turkish or pro-turkish bot.

I understand that you have to promote your side and it’s interests, just like I did in 1999, while NATO was bombing my country (Serbia) to steal Kosovo from us.

But fuck the story that Turkey cannot be beaten. I know that it can, as we did it several times in our history (the last time in 1912).? And fuck the story that the weaker one cannot resist the stronger one and win. He can if he is braver and more intelligent which I think that Syrians and Russians are in comparison with the dumb Turks. All those among Turks who had some intelligence, knowledge and personal integrity were arrested by Erdogan. Only the servants (or slaves) have remained and servants and slaves do not win wars when they are faced with free people ready to defend their country. We know that since Greco-Persian wars (Thermopilles) and the Roman destruction of Carthagine.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He is, probably Israeli. Those cockroaches are always on this site.


Afghan Taliban has given USNato middle finger. If Kosovo didn’t surrender, USNato will be worst. Iran will be the cemetery for USNato.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not pro Turkish or anti Turkish, but I do despise Erdogan and his Ak party and their interventions in Syria, Iraq, and now Libya. So what makes you think I’m pro Erdogan, was it just because I stated what Turkish and American news is telling us their leaders Trump and Erdogan are talking about, and they’re talking about sending patriot missile systems to Turkey, so does relaying bad new make me pro or anti anything? Or was it the fact I said there was no way Syria could beat Turkey if Russia didn’t help them directly, that’s also another undeniable fact. I suspect it was the last part of my comment you took offense to, this part,

“Sadly the Turks and US will never leave Syria now, we can’t kick them out, and we never really could, that’s the miserable reality that we must all learn to face now.”

The sad truth is no one’s going to start WW3 to save Assad, but sadly Erdogan would definitely start WW3 to save himself, that’s the miserable reality Assad’s [my] side is facing, so what would you do if you had the power to save Assad, would you start WW3 to save Syria. Too many people are thinking with their hearts, you seem to think anyone who dares to state a negative assessment, bears bad news, or even considers compromise, must be the enemy, that’s not very fair. I feel like I’ve walked into a room of stoned hippies whos are staring at a blank wall and laughing uncontrollably, and when I ask them what are you all laughing at, they tell me it’s the ant’s on the wall, they’re dancing for the hippies and that’s why they’re laughing, but when I point out there aren’t really ants dancing on the walls at all, they all get angry and tell me I’m bringing them down, but I’m not high, I can’t see any ants, just stoned hippies.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You support the Jihadists you ducking nazi p rick.

Go duck off to your moderate rebels in Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve been posting in SF since the war began, and anyone following my posts knows I’m only pro Assad and totally anti Erdogan, I’m pro Russia but think Putin’s a disloyal turd to Assad, and also think the Iranians are arseholes for carving up Deir ez Zor for themselves, feel free to go back through the SF archives and find out for yourself.

32 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You support the moderate rebels of Idlib, and accuse Syria and Russia of bombing innocent civilians instead of terrorists, you jihadi scumbag loser.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t support anyone but Assad you stupid fag, but I do accuse Russia and Syria of bombing way too many innocent civilians, way way too many, aleppo was a big mistake, sadly we haven’t learnt yet either, we’re still bombing way way too many. And if you’re one of those dickheads that’ll try and say ‘but they don’t kill as many as the US does’ I don’t care, I don’t want them to kill any innocent civilians, or at the very least try to kill less than they have been.

More than 50 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You support moderate rebels, aka ISIS, HTS, AQ.

Ducking p rick, you think I give a toss about what a paid troll thinks! Go duck yourself, as your wife is not giving you anything.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 55 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. You’re a weirdo.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

55 msgs from you, but I’m not as dumb as you to be filling up the page.

Say hi to your very accommodating, and willing wife, for the boys at @USMC.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 62 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 55 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. You’re getting psychotic now.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

55 msgs from you, I keep it short, so you’ll understand.

Keep on filling up space, and keep cheerleading for your fellow losers the jihadis.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 62 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. you’re mad, obsessive and delusional.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why would he need to read Turkish and US news when he has a paid shyte troll like you to give the views for them? Go duck off to your heroes, the moderate rebels of Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He night want to because he may want to know all the fact available, you don’t want to know because you want to remain you’re ignorant and uninformed. My hero is Assad and the Syrian people, no one else.

now it’s 37 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, so bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You asked for Russia and Syria to target terrorists instead of civilians in Idlib.

You are a jihadi troll, who claims to be a US soldier operating a Patriot battery system.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re turning into a gibbering idiot, are you certifiably insane, what the hell are you talking about, US soldier? wtf.

More than 53 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

More than 53 replies to me, and still you go on.

Just because I ducked your wife. Why don’t you hate the USMC as much, they do her a lot more often than I do.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 55 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. you’re mad

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your heroes suffered another big loss to SAA, good to see your heroes burn.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 50 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re really starting to frighten me, LOL.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More than 63 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL. you’re mad

Willing Conscience (The Truths

My heroes are the SAA dicklicker,

More than 64 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re really starting to frighten me, LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’s a troll, a ducking stupid one at that.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I am stupid that’s true, I just thank God I wasn’t born gay like you, being stupid isn’t the worst thing you can be. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your Very Willing Wife wouldn’t say that you muppet.

The worst thing you can be, is unaware what your wife is up too while you do a shift ffs.

No need to tell us you are stupid, that was obvious from the gitgo.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

v 4 32 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Do you st st st stutter as well?

rightiswrong rightiswrong


You muppet, ask the Saudis how many refineries have the Patriots successfully defended!

How many US troops were not protected by US air defence systems when Iran bombed US troops!

Listen to Erdogan, the man who owes his life to Russia.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You pick out the best plane you can find, Russian, American, or Chinese, then fly within 70 km of the patriots I’ll operate, and then we’ll find out for sure whether they’re good enough to take you out. The may not be as good as the Russian s-400’s, and not even as good as the Israeli Iron Dome system, but they present a way higher threat level than any known MANPAD does, and look at what the MANPADS have already done recently, 2 choppers, 2 drones, 2 near misses on fighters, MANPADS only reach 4 to 6 km altitude, patriots 24 km. Like all gay people you just live in a fantasy world of your own making, yeah sure, Russian and Syrian aircraft are totally immune to the patriots, they pose no threat at all, you dumb fag.

“Listen to Erdogan, the man who owes his life to Russia.”

You dumb fag, he’s the one who continually stabs Putin in the back, and now he’s about to stab Putin in the front too, he’s kissing Trump and NATO’s butt right now, but also politely telling Putin exactly what he wants, which are all great signals that everything’s all going well for Assad, NOT, you dumb fag, Syria’s world is caving in around them and you’re laughing with joy, but I know just how bad things really are, I’m not laughing with joy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


What about protecting US troops in Iraq from missiles they had a weeks warning were coming?

You ducking shyte troll.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You do realize that missiles have way way smaller radar signatures and travel way way faster than even the best fighter jets have and do, and some of them are even capable of avoiding incoming missiles with their own avoidance and maneuvering systems, especially like the ballistic missiles the Iranians used. You certainly are one dumb faggot.

32 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :]

And you call me a troll. LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hey dumbo, it’s you who claims you can shoot down anything with your Patriot battery!

You stupid retard, read back your other stupid post about how brilliant the Patriot is.

Do you think that they would fire a ducking truck instead of a missile to help you and the dopey Patriot system then.

If Patriots cannot shoot down a missile, then why call it an anti missile system?

You ducking retarded, prize p rick.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And where did you read that you dumb fag, not in any of my posts, copy and paste and link, LOL, you’ll be searching until the day you die, LOL. I actually said this dumb fag,

“You pick out the best plane you can find, Russian, American, or Chinese, then fly within 70 km of the patriots I’ll operate, and then we’ll find out for sure whether they’re good enough to take you out. The may not be as good as the Russian s-400’s, and not even as good as the Israeli Iron Dome system, but they present a way higher threat level than any known MANPAD does, and look at what the MANPADS have already done recently, 2 choppers, 2 drones, 2 near misses on fighters, MANPADS only reach 4 to 6 km altitude, patriots 24 km. Like all gay people you just live in a fantasy world of your own making, yeah sure, Russian and Syrian aircraft are totally immune to the patriots, they pose no threat at all, you dumb fag.”

More than 50 messages and heaps of dislikes over the last few day, you certainly have a lot of spare time on your hands don’t you, and all of them saying you slept with my wife, LOL, I didn’t think homosexual men slept with women at all, that means you must be a lesbian, bend over bitch. :] And get some help for your weird compulsive disorder, you’re starting to frighten me, LOL.


RT: Erdog admit US will not supply Patriot. But he said Turkey is a host in Idlib, i.e. its a Turkey official territory to defend like own border.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

From what I’ve been reading Trumps more than willing to give Erdogan the patriots and his full support, and NATO’s saying exactly the same thing too, even France and Germany are now taking Erdogan’s side, so Erdogan can choose to go straight back crying to mommy and get his scraped knee bandaged, and then also get mommy to keep that nasty bully Putin away. So it’s worse than what you said, “But he said Turkey is a host in Idlib, i.e. its a Turkey official territory to defend like own border.” All of them are saying Turkey has a right to defend the territory Turkey now occupy in Syria, not just Turkey, which is way worse than just Turkey saying it. You all seem confident that Assad’s about to liberate all of Syria, but I’m scared witless he’s about to lose most of what he just liberated, I hope I’m wrong and you’re are all right.


Erdog is playing brinkmanship, Turkey economy & people may not able to tolerate a prolong bloody war with many casualties. Russia will know how to handle him.

If USNato can’t win Afgh & Iraq war, can they win in Syria? Except Turkey with their ISIS are willing to be their foot soldiers, so many deaths will be resulted by prolong wars. Russia can’t afford to lose Syria, so it won’t retreat after investing so much in last 5yrs. China will help to ensure ME oil supply does not all fall into USNato claws.

Izreal is making Muslims to fight among themselves weakening whole ME for more land stealing. Under USNato sanction, Iran can’t support Syria & Yemen wars for long.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia only needs to keep the areas it has now, if it can get the Turkish backed forces to stop sending rockets and drones to attack Russian bases, they would still be happy enough, they really need a seaport, that’s what they really don’t want to lose. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to help Assad liberate the rest of Syria, they just might not be able to. I’m copying and pasting this for everyone because I think it’s a simple but honest way of really appraising the situation as it stands. Russia won’t start WW3 to save Assad, but Erdogan will start WW3 to save himself. It’s scary but true, Erdogan’s desperate and has no other options, he’s placing all he owns on himself, a win the lot or lose the lot type of bet, he has nothing to lose now. And yes, between the 65 to 90,000 terrorists, the 370,000 Turks and their new equipment, they will wreak havoc on the SAA without Russia’s direct intervention. Keep your fingers and toes crossed, Assad needs all the help he can get now.

Luke Hemmming

They may be good at shooting them off but no good at actually hitting anything.


More training for operations in a contested air space


Just a few bloody manpads will make bombers a hard life. Now they can’t bomb accurately at low altitude, civilians will suffer.

Erdog & USNato have up the game. Its double sided sword, Turkey-USNato has more enemies world wide.

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