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Turkish-Backed Militants Make New Gains Around Saraqib

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On February 27, Turkish-backed militants advanced further around Saraqib city in southern Idlib amid a collapse in the remaining Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions there.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL) imposed control of the towns of Dadikh, Jawbas and Kafr Battikh, northwest and west of Saraqib. As usual, the Turkish artillery provided the militants with fire support.

Turkish-Backed Militants Make New Gains Around Saraqib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

HTS, the NFL and several al-Qaeda factions captured Saraqib city in the early morning in a rapid attack that lasted for few hours only. The SAA didn’t show any real resistance.

The remaining SAA positions around Saraqib appear to be collapsing. The low morale of the troops and bad decisions by field commanders there were most likely the cause behind this situation. Forces in Saraqib were well-armed and provided with sufficient fire support by the Syrian artillery and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS).

Pro-government sources are now reporting that the army is preparing a large counter-attack to recapture Saraqib city and reopen the M5 highway.

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Rafik Chauhan

Russia should target artillery positon of turkey who is firing from the OP. why Russia nd Syria is avoiding that. Fighter jets or drone can do that works.


Turkey already has drones in Idlib, the footages presented by HTS are filmed from Turkish drones.

Xoli Xoli

If Syria airspace is close how does NATO Turkey manage to operate drones in Syria airspace.


In the same way that HTS was able to launch drones from Idlib towards Russian bases in Latakia every single month til they got tired of this bs


til they got run out of Israeli drones…. those dorks doesn’t know how to make drone, those drone kits come from Israel

klove and light

because Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig. wake the fuck up


There is a lot to sanction left actually, most sanctions targeted individuals, I live in EU and buy some times online from Russia, their goods are still allowed in EU




You can buy from Russia but EU countries do not import from Russia or export to Russia at all !


Hahahaha what? EU countries are russias largest exporter? Russia and France and Germany AND UK has trade exceeding 100 billion dollars. The EU sanctions do not target the energy sector, nor to they target products. They merely prohibit investors from investing in Russia. They have also sanctioned specific individuals which is nothing more than a PR stunt. What pushed the Russian economy in recession during 2014-2017 was oil price drops and corruption. Russia is used to operating with oil prices of 100+ dollars. It’s half now.


You are exaggerating and you know it. I was not talking about “energy sector,” Everybody knows that Russia exports gas! North Stream and through Ukraine. EU would NEVER accept US blockade-sanctions on Russian gas!! I was talking about everything else! Russia only exports lot in US in rocket engines RD-180 and titanium parts than Boeing needs And those they will not stop because US needs them

“They merely prohibit investors from investing in Russia.”???!! And that is not sufficient after blocking all other exports on top of it?! You are funny guy, talking nonsense.


no boy, russia lost also sensitive technologies and investments in the oil/gas industry. since that time russia have frozen the building of new oil/gas fields in northern siberia.

Alberto Garza

if not for putin saving syria it would be part of the “greater israel” today .


Smaller drones of that size can be loaded on trucks and brought to the front. They can take of from any road. S-400 are not used against them (missiles too expensive) but short range Pantsir or Tor systems or any 20-40 mm canon would do. If they fly around than that is fault of Syrian short range air defenses in that region.


Not necessarily Turk drones.

Any of the shelf Chinese (smaller drone) with go-pro camera can do the high resolution video

Rhodium 10

because that attack was launch with the same drone that later was shot down…


Good question.

klove and light

Putin orders otherwise u donk.. wake the fuck up

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Because then it would be considered an attack on NATO. And imagine the MSM hysteria.




As Turkey is acting on the offence rather than the defence, that does not hold, they are somewhat protected as “non-combatant observers”. The problem being those eager believers who become ‘engaged’.

Arbaches Glaukus

Shortening the front lines and narrowing the operation area is the good news. Not being able to hold in the liberated area it is a bad news. Turkey with a Total military personnel: 743,415, Total aircraft strength: 1,018, Fighter aircraft: 207, Combat tanks: 2,445,Total naval assets: 194, Defense budget: $8.2 billion is the number eight military power in the world. As long as Turkey army has invaded Syria, then they are able to crush the Syrian army at any time. Late on February 26, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out a large-scale missile and rocket strike on Turkish-backed militants advancing towards Saraqib city in southern Idlib. The SAA reportedly launched three OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles at militants’ equipment and gatherings around Saraqib. The army’s BM-30 Smerch heavy rocket launchers also targeted the city’s northern and northwestern outskirt. This didn’t help. On February 27, Turkish-backed militants advanced further around Saraqib city in southern Idlib, amid a collapse in the remaining Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions there. So everything depends on decisions taken behind the closed doors. Syria is a place where the geopolitical interests of many powers collide, and Syrians are paying the price. Syrians are tribal, heterogeneous, not patriotic, and I wonder if they would be able to hold the integrity of Syria for a long time.


Erdogan knows Putin would rather lose Russia’s only warm waters base, than suffer a new wave of economic sanctions, Crimea worth it, Latakia doesn’t


Why Putin has to care more than Syria or even Iran? What “economic sanctions”? There is nothing left to sanction. Russian’s doesn’t have sufficient troops in Syria.


Tough call, not sure. Sanctions are mutual, Turkey would lose too


fuck america, fuck russia!

klove and light

great Job Putin.,. you fucking treacvherouss Zionist pig…..

everything that si occurimnhg now, i predicted months ago.. u dion keys here and Zionist cock sucking Putin Lovers..-

Putin u fucking treacherous Zionist pig. one last Explanation for the Dummies and sheep here.

ONLY a madman who has lost all his senses or a treacherous Zionist pig, could have the idea and come to the conclusion, that a turkish Invasion of afrin and Idlib and North east syria would Benefit the legitimate gov. of assad.

Putin u fucking treacherous Zionist pig.

fucking sheep and donks here. totaly brainwashed by satanic zionism.. and I told u over and over again


Lone Ranger

Take a Xanax…


and plenty of it..

Xoli Xoli

No Putin have help Syria since 2015 to liberate Syria for the benefit of Erdogan terrorism and economic benefit.

Lone Ranger

Everything is Putins fault…. according you trools. You trolls are sheeps…


Any why do you attack Xoli who said the exact opposite? *facepalm*

Lone Ranger

You should read it again what he wrote…


He said not that everything is Putins fault, only that Putin had made a bad descision in his support and dealing of the Erdogan regime. And that surely is now a truth that is openly agnowledged. Russian military and Stavka had warned against the Idlib deal, and were rejected in their analysis. But they were right, and now Putin has reversed his previous course to correct that failure. Saying that has nothing to do with being a troll like some claim, but by analysing without an ideological view. Sure, there are some trolls here who claim everything is either Putins, US, Israels, Irans or Chinas fault. But that is the opposite of it. Especially when one wants to stay solidaric with Russia and Syria, one has to see both good and bad descision for what they are. I have been attacked for warning since 1 1/2 years that the idlib deal with end like this, and in the end now, nearly everyone admits i was right. And those who attacked me, now are looking like blind ideologists to everyone. Xoli may not be comprehensible all the time, but he is not a troll, but a person who stands solidaric with Syria and by extensions Russia. Seeing both good and bad sides does not change that, it even enhances it.


Russia has strategy and objectives. Turkey was part of Russian plans and now they are not any more. Things like that happen all the time in life and if you need to accuse anybody for that so be it. It was not Putin’s fault. It was risque one takes in life and shit happens. Putin should have sold Kurd interests in Syria to Turkey in exchange for compromise with them. Kurd’s are traitors of Assad anyways. If somebody has to be loser than Kurd’s are the best choice.


If you truly believe, that critizing one descision means accusing, they okay. Those who are unable to critize of take critique as a productive and good thing, will stay ignorant.

But if you believe this applies too to the Russian general staff, or that Russia is a monolithic system, then this another dimension of ignorance. As i said, the critique was not mine originally, but of Russian analysts and military staff. And the fact that Putin now has changed course completely in the last weeks, just proof how rightly and valuable that critique of those Russian experts was. And your harted to the kurds is your very own problem. Russian military AND Putin both cleverly have supported them, just as Assad and the SAA has supported them on many levels. And both sides know, that only with a deal between Assad and Kurds, Syria will have a future. Again, a very wise descision by Russia, and one that will pay off sooner or later.


I don’t “hate” Kurds. They are on the enemy side and stealing Syrian oil as we speak. They can’t care less that SAA fights Turks now.

And I am 1000% sure that they will not help SAA in that fight.

The rest of your comment I will not comment since you are starting to get personal. All I wanted to say is that it was in Russian strategic interest to try the arrangement with Turkey. But now they know almost for sure; That is not possible. At least they have tried


I still recommend to you to let go of a black and white thinking in this war. Kurds were never one the enemy side. They have different objectives in some parts, but are still the very best partner Assad can hope. Many if not most Sunnis in Syria still sympatize with the “Revolution” and have their fist in their pocket. But the Kurds have been and will be always against the sunni extremists. That is why Russia and Assad has helped them even beofre the US did. And both have kept contacts, coordinated and help each other. Its the middle east man. Its a total mess, there is not 2 side, but an ever changing mess. Kurds dreamed of their own state, and they now knnow it wont happen. And while there is no deal now, its still evolving behind the scenes. SAA and Kurds are now standing together in Aleppo, and North Syria, and will work together in some way for Afrin. Russia and Iran have always worked on this, and sooner or later, it will work out. Even according to the Kurds them selves. They now only haggle over the last benefits they can get. But the overall route towards a deal with Assad is sure, as they finally realized the US will pull out sooner or later.



will they help really (not only symbolically) Assad against Turks or not? Or will they stick with U.S.A.. promise of Kurdistan and stolen Syrian oil? My guess is still they will not help Assad. USA loves idea of Russo -Turk war and they’ll block Kurds from doing anything against NATO Turks.


Actually they are helping right NOW! They man and defend positions together on many fronts in north Syria, on the contacts lines with Turkey. Some Syrian gov sources even reported of Kurdish units supporting the Aleppo offensive in the field. At least they together man the defence and contact points against the Turks all over in north Syria. And the next steps are evolving too.. This year has changed everything man..


OK I am really glad to hear that ! Than there is bright future for Syria in such unity. Thanks for the information ! I was really worried that they will stab SAA in the back ..


No problem.. ;) Kurds have made a failure to trust US, and they payed for it heavily. They did it not from an evil intention, but of their old dream of an own nation state. And with that i can sympatize. They woke up to reality, and know the US will be gone sooner or later, and that they and Assad both have the Turks as their biggest enemy. it wont be an easy path, but the Turkish threat will unite them sooner or later. As i said, no problem, all the best to you! :)


The same here…all the best.

Thanks for the nice news!



Lone Ranger

Putin.made the right choices. Except selling the S-400, but that can be corrected. SAA and Russia had no option, terrorists used civs as Human shields, if Russia had bombed them to Oblivion with a hundred thousend civilian casulty the whole World would blame Russia. It was a strategic decision. Lets not forget that idlib is the last stronghold, its not like Damascus is about to fall. Thanks to Russia.


For some reason people are convinced that Russia wants war with Turks. They don’t want the war. Russians in Syria are sufficient to exterminate terrorists but not enough to start the war with Turks. Putin has believed to be able to find compromise with Erdogan. Turks want lot and can lose everything at the end because too greedy.


So you do admit the S400 deal was an error. Okay.

As i have said some days ago, and as every long time commenter on SF knows of me, i have been constant on both my support for Syira, Russia, Iran. But for me support means also constructive criticism. Only with that we can evolve.

And while i have critized the Idlib deal since it inception just like the Russian military analysts and even top level staff, i have said also, that this mistake is now being corrected since some weeks, and that this is ALL that counts now. Since this course correction, IMHO everything works very well. Russia has stepped up intelligence, air support is amazing, and also important: Russia now has finally pushed back against Erdogan, instead of the appeasing or staying silent like before. Putin has personally called Erdogans bluff, and that is the reason the current campain is going so well. That Saraqib is now being taken by Turks is NOT the fault of Russia, or Iran, but soley of the bad morale of the regular drafted SAA troops there. But as you would certainly know as along time observer of this war, this is sadly normal. Those troops are no match to Jihadis. Again, not the fault of Russia or any outside actor. As i have explained to you before, no Russian air support can work magic for the reasons i mentioned before.

Lone Ranger

I agree. There are confusing reports coming from Saraqib, it seems SAA is gaining again.


I doubt they are sheep. They are pedaling their agenda. But in vain. Regular Syrian forces are not good at all. And that is Syrian – not Russian problem.

Without elite forces like Tigers and others, they can’t even hold the ground for while.

Xoli Xoli

Yes Syrian forces experienced problems that is why their call Russian help.The Russian military does not have a problem fulfilling their task.The commander in chief the former Lieutenant colonel of Soviet KGB Putin is the problem.As we are talking he Ordered full scale down on Turkey convoy attack to facilitate up coming meeting between him and Erdogan. Who stop the Russians forces from retaliating immediately against Israel targets when 15 Russian intelligence forces died during Israel reckless attack on Syrian military installations. Who stop the preamtive response on Turkey targets when Russian fighter jet was down by Turkey f16.Who Ordered Iran and Hizbollah withdrawal 40 kilometers away from Israel border.Who control Syrian S-300 defense systems.Why are USA,Israel,France and puppets inform Putin prior to attack on Iran,Hisbollah and Syria forces targets.


Syrian soldiers are fighting for 8 years on the ground, when they lose it’s their problem, when they win, is Putin’s merit.


It is so distorted (at the limit of plain stupid) I can’t believe you believe in your own comment. Nobody there fights for 8 years. Those who stayed in the army with 8 years are officers now others went home.

There was need only to hold the ground for 1 week nothing else. They had artillery and air support and perfect “HTS” deep tranches and underground shelters for protection from artillery…yet nothing

Xoli Xoli

Yes he is the commander in chief of Russian arm forces. The army staff is only following instructions their dont give orders.Dont sleep my China.

Lone Ranger

Its not Russia that is doing a bad job…


True, they aren’t doing anything actually :)

Lone Ranger

Except bombing the bad guys and killing them on the ground with Spetznaz…


How is your commander in chief doing? Still ripping off your country?


Ignore the trolls. I don’t think this article is accurate. Awhile ago I watched a video on my phone with turkish tanks and machines being escorted back to the turkish border at Saraqip. The guy commenting said “Saraqip is ours now”. I’ll try to get the link.

Xoli Xoli

I am so sorry for Russian army who always wanted to avenged their co colleaques death and blood.Unfortunately Putin is the Russians militaries embarrassment for his fake friends prosperity on the so call allies death and suffering from USA NATO and puppets.

Gabriel Hollows

The 25th Division is the only competent part of the SAA infantry forces.



although their names is quite another

Lone Ranger



Read the article man. SF wrote they got it. And that Morale of the troops is the reason, just as it has been so often in this war for the regular SAA troops. Until the elite units take over, this will only get worse.

Lone Ranger

Maybe so. But airstrikes alone should wipe out most the terrorists.


yes, benchgeneralissimus!

Lone Ranger

Slow clap….


They are not dumb. They live with the air attacks for many years. They have spotters, including intelligence from the Turks, who warn them beforehand and monitor the Russian and Syrian planes. And when the regular SAA troops just run away, its worth nothing. Boots on the ground can not be replaced by air power, a lesson the US had to learn the hard way too.


There is also something called “radar” and “radio”

So they let them know in advance if Russians are coming even if there are no ” spotters” or similar..


Everybody knows already that elite SAA units liberate while “regular” SAA lose the ground.


yep. Just as i wrote. Tell that to the Lone Ranger dude, that comes here as a new poster on southfront, acts so clever, and does not know shit.


Of course just “Just as you wrote” ! I have up-voted your comment “dude” ! So how the hell do I lecture you if I agreed with your comment already? Why are you so jumpy? I just wanted to underline YOUR own observation. I wanted to give you a credit by confirming your observation and adding accent on that repetitive process.


I have up-voted your comment “dude”. So how the hell do I lecture you if I agreed with your comment already?! Why are you so jumpy? I just wanted to underline YOUR observation. I wanted to give you a credit by confirming your observation


Alemost, only Russian airsupport. No clue where the Syrian’s are. Check the map (and verify every bomb symbol) When you put cursor on the bomb, there is pop up explanation whose bombing is that.

70% is Russian bombings all over Idlib. the rest was not specified.



Lone Ranger

Interesing. Thanks. Maybe a few dozen cruise missiles should be sent as well.


Since the site belongs to the opponents of Russia, it’s normal to put everything on Russian bombing.


So they love Assad and hate Putin? Are they from Ukraine?

OK if you say so..but I don’t buy that.


If you think that Russia is going to destroy Turkey artillery, ……maybe you are dreaming. Turkey artillery is the main factor why terrorists are able to have such advance, of course, SAA behavior also must be taken into account (very very poor preparation and spirit).

Lone Ranger

News just in, Russia destroyed a bunch of artillery positions.

klove and light

united nations security council today 27.02.2020 LISTEN LEARN THINK u Putin Zionist lovers syrian Ambassador ” Turkey is and has been working together with the Zionist Regime in Israel against the Government of the syrian arab republic.” “i ask all security members here , why dont you discuss a ceasefire with alqaida, with bin laden, with al jolani, with al bagdadi?”

listen to what the offcial Ambassador of syria speaks at UNSC today u donks here…… all security members includes PUTIN… why the fuck does Putin not make ceasefire with the terrorists in Chechnya??no ceasefires with Islamist fucks in chechnya, not in africa not any where….but fucking treacherous Zionist pig has made DOZENS of ceasefires with the Islamist bastards…. deescaltion Agreements……Invasion Agreements named “safe zones”… how About safe zones in chechnya? or new York???

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig.

again… Putin not the russian Military or the russian People.. same as with trump or with b.johnson or Merkel etc…

dont ever ever underestimate the wickedness and evilness of satanic zionism.


i’ve been following the war since it started and i’ve always supported the saa and allies no matter what, even if sometimes all hope was lost and the road seemed closed but they always percevered and made gains, i’ve never once doubet the capabilities and the courage of the syrian arab troops…. but what i saw yesterday and today was extremely weak the saa showed a low level of competence and very bad moral for no reason, yes the southern pocket advance is good but not that good “m4 still open” …i just can’t get how an army with an advantage of land, manpower and airsupport can lose a strategic town like saraqib to a bunch of jihadi gangsters and they still couldn’t stop their advance even with heavy bombardemnt … there is something here that doesn’t add up it doesn’t make any sence ! at this point i just hope that by tomorrow maarat alnuman will still be in hands of saa ….


they showed always low level of competency. remember palmyra, remember how many generals lost without rhyme or reason, etc.

Josiah Isaboke

I think the Syria low morale can be attributed to the fact that they have in like 10 occasions besieged the Turkish Outposts and have been given an order not to engage AS THE TURKS DON’T SHY AWAY FROM ENGAGING WITH THEIR EFFECTIVE ARTILLERY AND DRONES! Did you watch the video as the jihadis attacked Nayreb the first day and took out the SAA by surprise as they ran around like blind miCe…All the time i was screaming/; WHAT WAS THAT? I bet as the Syrian soldiers retreat they are being pummeled from all sides from the Turkish posts they left behind…The fact that aRussian drone filmed the Turkish artillery in action and didn’t take them out would be a morale killer. I believe the SAA want to finish this job once and for all but Politics won’t let it!!! The “Russian/Turkish friendship” is on the line here. That really sucks. I do feel for the SAA!!!

klove and light

spot on:::::


Russia action is the main problem here. Everybody is watching how Russia does not want to touch Turkey artillery. Putin pleasing again Erdogan.

Luke Hemmming

You mean Russian ‘inaction’. Yes this is a politically induced setback from a classic case of not wanting to tread on toes. Dissapointing that this has come to this. What a WOFTAM!


Putin pleasing again Erdogan..how?! By bombing Turks and their terrorists also?! Turks have radars and plenty of time to hide artillery Just send them the coordinates of that “artillery” and you will see if they survive. Russians need special ops on the ground to designate (GLONASS-GPS) the targets for the bombers in the real time.

Do not troll or if you are just ignorant ask explanation from people who have clue on military subjects.


Your excuse are not acceptable my friend because eve Russia drons have filmed Turkey motion and location.


You don’t know what has happened to those howitzers that are on the video

Russians doesn’t have many “drones” in Syria. They have problem to have enough targets for their bombers

You are just jumping on conclusions the way you prefer to interpret them Facts on the ground are against you Russians bomb Idlib all the time


The problem is, there is no SAA.

There are a gazillion of units, all with very different level of training, material and coordination.

And the biggest difference: Morale.

Many Syrians dont want to die for Assad, many are still Sunni sympatizing for Whahabbi extremism, many just dont give a shit, or at least prefer not to fight and die against Jiahdis.

That is way the NDF militias are always deployed directly in their own living areas, so they defend their own villages, and keep morale high. The only forces who are able to fight the Jihadis are the elite units Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have trained and armed. The fact alone speaks volumes about the quality of normal draftees. Like everywhere in the middle east, there is no integrated nation state, no feeling of unity of solidarity, and patriotism. Fighting for your Clan or village, or sunni belief? Yes, that would motivate most. But fighting for a secular state without the sectarian and tribal hate? That is nothing most would motivate to go and fight against battle hardend, and willing to die Jihadis. Only now when most see Assad winning, and most tired of the war, there is some change, that pushed morale higher. But to be a good fighter, one needs to belief firmly in the cause. And that still is not the case for regular, drafted soldiers, opposed to the eilite units. Syria too can not escape the problems the mentality of the middle east creates. Which will make uniting this country very hard, as one sees in Iraq, where the sectarian and tribal mentality creates the same problems, or in every other country in MENA.


Best comment of all!


All great and I agree…except maybe “there is no SAA.” sounds like exaggeration….There is SAA.

It is just transition period for SAA and with the core of elite forces like Tigers Syria will be able to re-build even much better army in the future then they ever had in their past!


those who dont want to die for assad left for europe long ago.. every single one whos left would glady die for unkle assad.. so come lets get some..


Not quite true. Sure, there are many loyalties, but there is also solidarity with their country. That’s why most people fight. Not because of loyalty to Asad, why even most Alawites don’t like him, but because of their feeling for the country. It’s a strong motivator.

klove and light

if u dont understandf u have never been in a war Zone as combatant. I predicted this would happen sooner or later. WHY low morale???

well just imagine u are part of SAA, and for years now…… your biggest enemy, TURKEY, gets a free pass by your so called allied frined Putin to invade and occupy your Country, plus you are told not to attack the Intruders, that you know full well, is the biggest supporter of the Islamist terrorits.day after day , your Brothers in arms die, and you are not ALLOWED TO FIGHT BACK:


Luke Hemmming

I have always been the optimist but sadly I have to agree with you. I hope that the SAA has a new plan to deal with this setback thanks to Putin. What a sell out.

Harry Smith

Keep calm and drink tea. https://media3.giphy.com/media/alhEEvfcoCM92/giphy.gif

Josiah Isaboke

…And the saddest thing now is that the SAA vs the Jihadis are fighting in very close quarters it would be impossible for Airstrikes or artillery to differentiate who is who…That is going to be bloody battle and i said to everyone the other day those who have a soft heart for SAA you better avoid watching the News for a couple of days now….REALITY!!!


As I said before, Syria made the decision to fully retreat from Saraqib as soon as the jihadis announced a offensive. After that, the SAA pushed to capture southern Idlib and hoped to be able to capture it before the jihadis reach Saraqib but without any troops to defend the key city, it was just march on for HTS. Now, Syria has the entire southern Idlib under control and will launch massive air strikes and artiillery onto the city to inflict massive damage. After that a major offensive to recapture it. The problem here isn’t the SAA losing the town because as we saw, the town will be easy to capture as soon as Tiger forces are on the offensive but the very fact that this will be considered a moral victory for the jihadis.


ice try, but it is not so.


Syria needs to counter attack on a different front, not Idlib.


Go around encircle them.


hey desperate times require desperate mesures lol but we will be having nato troops in damascus by the end of the week…..but seriously the way to go is from aleppo to bab alhawa cut the route to idlib it’s only a 20km advance


In order to win a war you got to do the unexpected.


Agreed but that attack on Turkish ground would bring in NATO, no need for that.


NATO and its ‘powers’ are overestimated. Nobody is willing to follow the US on anything. Not even the UK.


If they were following your plan SAA was in Ankara by now

Paul O' Sullivan

That’s Turkey in the white so you thinking invading a NATO member country would be a good thing?? Article 5 would be inacted and NATO would invade Syria Idlib is the only front left for know that needs to be taking out. Lucky you are not the general ahaha jokes but they need to stop HTS advance and then contain them if HTS advances to far they will get themselfs cut off and get cut off only this time no green buses. This advance needs to be stopped and contained not attack from a different direction it’s what caused this collapse in the first place


Nah , NATO is useless. Nobody in NATO gives a shit about NATO anymore. Its a failing organisation and its days are numbered. The European Union is creating its own army now. Nobody likes the yanks.


If your cowardly country (Greece), lets Turkey and Libya ridicule your people, without raising a finger, then why should Syria invade turkish territory? How smart you think you are? Instead of being a keyboard warrior put your ass to work and help your miserable country.


Cowardly country ? Really ? How is Greece getting ridiculed by Libya and / or Turkey ? And were are you from mr ”citizen of a brave country ? ” I think I am most definitely smarter than you dickhead! And I guess you are not a keyboard warrior you must be typing this utter bull shit using your kalashnikov right ? Yeah dickhead , you are smart and i m dumb ! Dickhead!


The Greeks will love the people of Turkey or they will regret it.


Go eat a banana you stupid mongolobaboon! https://media.giphy.com/media/ECtLJKdGj8jfy/giphy.gif


Why are you irritated so easily?


Why are you a banana sucking mongoloid baboon?


The correct form is “…banana-sucking mongoloid…” Watch your syntax!


Hey, I m not the one to tell you how to suck your banana. Its a free world.


Yes, free, unless someone lives in your miserable, corrupt, imbecilic country, Greece. Have you thought of moving to Turkey?




You need to concetrate and come back to reality shitkebapboy…



Well if I m ever gona be a football player I will definitely give it some serious thinking ! hahahahahaha



What is “football”?


Ooooh, antis appear as the SAA does one banana peel slip, lol. Either way, direction of travel still the same – let them all safe face, so long as Syria is returned.

klove and light

press tv Breaking news Turkish military forces are using shoulder-fired missiles to shoot down Russian and Syrian military aircraft in Syria’s embattled northwestern province of Idlib as heavy fighting continues in the area, a military source says. “Syrian and Russian planes are stopping militants again and again. But the sky above Idlib is also dangerous. The militants and Turkish specialists are actively using portable air defense systems,” Russia’s state-owned Rossiya 24 television news network reported on Thursday. The report noted that Russian and Syrian planes are therefore being forced to take countermeasures after they carry out a string of airstrikes against militant positions in the region. Syria’s SANA news agency also quoted a military source as corroborating the Russian source’s report, saying in a tweet on Thursday that “#Terrorists use #US-made shoulder-fired #missiles with Turkish support to target #Syrian and #Russian warplanes.”

The military source added that “#Turkish regime provides artillery and shoulder-fired missiles’ #support to #terrorists in battles being carried out in direction of #Saraqib.”

Earlier in the day, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech aired on the private Turkish-language NTV television news network that three Turkish troops had been killed in Idlib. “The developments in Idlib are now in favor [of Turkey],” he added at the opening ceremony of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AK Party) Politics Academy conference.

Turkey says 2 soldiers killed in Syrian airstrike in Idlib Turkey says two of its soldiers have been killed in a Syrian army airstrike in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, the last militant bastion in a nine-year war. The fighting in Idlib is still ongoing, Erdogan said, adding that Turkey and Russia continue negotiations in the meanwhile. Erdogan went on to claim that Turkey’s involvement in Syria is completely legal under the scope of the Adana agreement signed between Ankara and Damascus decades ago. The Adana Interstate Agreement on Combating Terrorism was signed between Turkey and Syria on October 20, 1998. It clearly stated that the Damascus government would not allow any activities of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militant group on Syrian soil, and would block any terror activities that could threaten Turkey’s sovereignty.


Breaking news : Russian Tupolev Tu-160 are bombing Ankara’s airport and military installations… Will be the news very soon…

Tim Williams

not going to happen


Russia can do what the USA did to Japan in ww2 … Nobody asked any question then, nobody will ask questions now.



No need to fly over Turkey In the case of war Turks in Ankara would see only long range missiles like Kalbr, Kh-101,102, Kinzhal and similar. If they kill Russian soldiers or shoot down Russian jets in Syria, than it can “happen”

klove and light

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig. the day he allowed Turkey to invade and occupy afrin i knew it….and i told u Folks.. but you are brainwashed sheep..brainwashed by them satanic zionists. and after afrin……. what happend??? correct, Putin gives erdogan the green light to invade and occupy Idlib. and then what happend? correct, Putin gave Turkey the green light to invade and occupy North east syria.

again for the donk and sheep here

Just a madman who has lost all his senses or a treacherous Zionist pig, could have the idea and come to the conclusion, that a turkish Invasion of syrian soil would Benefit the legitimate gov. of assad.

Putin u fucking treacherous Zionist pig

klove and light

dont ever underestimate the wickedness and evilness of satanic zionism. here is some Breaking News from Jemen…if you do some thinking to this News you will come to the conclusion of truth and treachery, wickedness and evilness…..that the war by Saudi,UAE and Co against jemen/houthis was planned Long time ago………just as the turkish incursion into syria by them gates that Putin opened.

US behind annihilation of Yemeni air defense missiles during Saleh’s reign: Report Thursday, 27 February 2020 6:03 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 27 February 2020 6:03 PM ]

A Yemeni security source says the United States destroyed the country’s air defense missiles during the reign of slain Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh over allegations that the weapons would fall into al-Qaeda hands in case the then Yemeni administration was toppled. The unnamed source told Yemen’s official Saba news agency on Thursday that an American delegation consisting of Program Manager in the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) with the Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Dennis F. Hadrick, liaison officer Santo Polizzi, technical expert Niels Talbot, Deputy Director of Programs in the Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism at the US Department of State, Laurie Freeman, and the military attaché at the US embassy in Sana’a held meetings with Yemeni Ministry of Defense officials at the time to pressure them to hand over the missiles in preparation for their complete destruction. Their demands were initially turned down though. The source added that Brigadier Ammar Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, a nephew of President Saleh and then deputy director of the National Security Bureau, was then tasked with persuading Yemeni military officials to agree with the surrender and annihilation of the air defense missiles in exchange for hefty sums of money.

catch the drift now!!!!


Calm down people. This is classic Russian tactics. They will cede land to the advance and try to slow it, but at the same time will flank them and cut off supply lines from the south.

Tim Williams

nothing has changed since ZHUKOV’S time


Its how he took Stalingrad back. Attacked the weak flank of Romanian conscripts and cut off supplies to the 6th Army group.

John Wallace

Was it the Hungarians on the other flank with one side being attacked then a few days later the other flank forming the pincer that enveloped Paulus was it . One of the few that survived to return to Germany years later.

John Wallace

So Kananda what is wrong with that comment or is it you just don’t like it. Was it not true that the Germans had Romanians on one flank and I think it was Hungarians on the other , I am willing to be corrected as to who it was , The Russians attacked one flank then days later attacked the other joining up behind the German army trapping them and blocking any attempts to break through to them. Weren’t all the Germans that survived the battle including Paulus taken prisoner , nearly 100,000 by memory ot thereabouts and after years of captivity around 5000 returned too Germany , Field Marchall Paulus being one of them. So out of that Kananda what is wrong , in your eyes that you had to downvote my answer and the answer of BaPH. What is it that upset you to claim this is wrong. You see your credibility is on the line here where henceforth anything you say maybe taken as just your typical bullshit.

John Wallace

So Kananda what is wrong with that comment or is it you just don’t like it. Was it not true that the Germans had Romanians on one flank and I think it was Hungarians on the other , I am willing to be corrected as to who it was , The Russians attacked one flank then days later attacked the other joining up behind the German army trapping them and blocking any attempts to break through to them. Weren’t all the Germans that survived the battle including Paulus taken prisoner , nearly 100,000 by memory ot thereabouts and after years of captivity around 5000 returned too Germany , Field Marchall Paulus being one of them. So out of that Kananda what is wrong , in your eyes that you had to downvote my answer and the answer of BaPH. What is it that upset you to claim this is wrong. You see your credibility is on the line here where henceforth anything you say maybe taken as just your typical bullshit.

John Wallace

It is a tactic that has been used since before Christ. Alexander the Great and Hannibal used it. Shaka Zulu used it calling it the horns of the bull or something where the horns came around from the side and the back then the head smashed from the front.

John Brown

Yes Russian battle strategy is to cede land to the advance to slow it, but at the same time to flank them and cut off supply lines from the south. and most importantly to kill as many of the enemy as possible as the enemy can’t hold any territory once they have been destroyed. Ask the Germans about this.

This is what Turkey wants as well as the rebels are a threat to Turkey as well and Turkey needs Russia and Syria to destroy them so it does not look like Turkey did it.


Oh, a Kesselschlacht? The thing the Germans did in Russia until Russian military finally adapted, Sure, only there, Russians had overwhelming superiority in numbers (both men and machine). As for Zhukov… let’s hope Putin won’t have his generals killed, as Stalin did.

Tim Williams

In 48 hours, you’ll all be talking about how the counter attack took back the city



They won’t stay there for long. Terrorists went for broke. They sent women to the front. The SAA collected their IDs. It was disturbing. Min 3:21



wow they say that they’ve recaptured saraqib….they also say that there is going to be a big big surprise tonight

Tim Williams

reading that right now as well


Tim Williams

children … they sent everyone … last gasp … funnel all the rats into a 100 sq mile area and annihilate them


Jew-jihad pussy attack? Terrible :)


We saw these small gains during Aleppo’s libration.

Tim Williams

RAT artillery being snuffed out


Lone Ranger

Good good :)

Tudor Miron

My prediction. Saraqib will be liberated from terrorist rats within 10 days.

Tim Williams

48 hours


i say 48h in 1 week they will be in ariha or jisr alshughur

Tim Williams

SAA forces are shelling jisr alshugur right now …on the verge of capturing a foot hold on the M 4 highway to the west



in 1 hour


No, it’s happening now. Check RT news bar please! Great news! Don’t fall for the propaganda.

Tudor Miron

I said 10 days because I prefer to be a bit conservative in my predictions (timewise) and I know that this is a real war and not a game. But I would not be surprised at all if this happens much faster. I know who’s at command and planning of this entire SAA operation and I know that they know what they’re doing.

Tim Williams

when an army is down to using woman and children .. it’s over


Yep rolling up Sth Idlib and cutting off Jisr Shugur and the M4 is more important strategicly than getting Sarqib back – its a shame the Syrians left those tanks behind I wonder what the story is there?

Tudor Miron

Yes, but at the same time rats “success” in Nayrab and Saraqib will prove extremely costly for them. Just wait and see what happens.

John Wallace

But RT is saying the SAA never lost Sarqib , just made up Turkish propaganda,

Reports by some Turkish media outlets asserting that Syrian “moderate opposition” units have captured the city of Saraqib in Idlib province are out of sync with reality, TASS reported a military source as saying on Thursday.


God bless them! I know! I wanted to pour cold water on the trolls! Meanwhile the Russians are escorting the turks with their big guns and toys back to turkey.


The new mantra in town:” the morale is low”. Ha ha ha!

Tim Williams

SAA inside the city now ?


Lone Ranger

Most excellent :)



Lone Ranger


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Now all of the Wahabist, Zionist, NATO trolls can shut the f*ck up for a while. Approaching from the south and now regaining ground from the east…. The terrorists and Turks may soon be in a very, very tough position around Idlib City.

Icarus Tanović

Very well said, very well.


7th Fridge-collectors-division leading the attack. :)


Yet they kick Turkey any time they want, with or without “fridge”

Luke Hemmming

And damn good fridges they are too!!


Huge reinfocements heading toword saraqib mostly 25th division …it will be fully liberated in hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKeSymmI8Sk


The Tigers smell fresh turkey feast !

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

Reminds me wermachts attack (operation luttich if i remember correctly) after the invasion of france

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