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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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On February 29, the remaining militants in northwest Syria launched a new large-scale attack in the southern Idlib countryside with direct support from the Turkish military.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL) are reportedly leading the assault on the ground.

In the few first hours of the attack, the militants recaptured the key town of Kafar Aweed as well as the nearby town of Zaqqum.

Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The Turkish military is reportedly providing the militants with a direct fire support. Heavy artillery is pounding SAA positions in southern Idlib, while armed drones are targeting any troops or equipment that would move in the open.

According to several sources, the militants are still advancing in southern Idlib. The SAA’s newly-established positions in the region may be on the brink of collapse.

A similar Turkish-backed attack allowed the militants to recapture Saraqib city in southeast Idlib earlier this week. The SAA was pushed out of the city in a single day.

Turkey’s significant support for the militants has allowed them to gain momentum and inflicted catastrophic losses on the SAA and its allies. Facing this escalation by Ankara, Damascus and its allies will soon have to take decisive action to prevent a real defeat in Greater Idlib.


Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Turkish-Backed Militants Recapture Several Towns In Southern Idlib In New Large-Scale Attack (Photos)

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Syrian Army soldiers in the AL Zawiyah resort burn tires to block sight of Turkish Sikhs.Russia madam, kiss your hands


They should ask SDF if this helped them….

Rafik Chauhan

bcuz putin allowed Turks bastrd to use drone. Putin sold the SAA lives to Turkish terriost. SAA is not getting enough equipment . but it is just for time being . Russia allowed Turkey to save thier dirty face in the world . for time being . you will see from 1st March what will happen to this Turkish thugs


Or Russian aviation was a joke


The SAA is garbage without Russian air power.At least the Turkish soldier knows how to die fighting.SAA only knows how to run like a chicken.

Ilya Grushevskiy

All armies are garbage without air power, if air power is possible.. the question is why Russia condescends to this. Maybe it’s the reasonable fear of WWIII through a NATO Article 5 thingy, maybe it is a hope to peel Turkey away from NATO, even with all of its stropping (Turkey is in a position of power with respect to NATO/Russia – you’d expect someone in that position to make some sound for some extras).

In whatever way though – this is a stand by nations (Syria, Russia, Iran, China etc) against the right of aggression.. if they allow aggressive takeover of territory, then the last 100 years of law is lost. I can’t imagine this happening whilst Putin and Xi are around, sorry – Turks gonna get smashed to enforce the principle.

Rafik Chauhan

not Indian army they can fight without air power on the ground

Ilya Grushevskiy

They got that Brahmastra going? ;) But yeah, the fight is different in a jungle!


and lose




So SAA is loosing against these above???


nah, Syria is getting its occupied land back. Turks are useless.


That is hilarious!! Thank you. :)


Where are the syrian SAMs? Why are they unable to shoot down the drones? Buk, pantsir, s300, what happened to them?


May be you should ask if this is accurate or…not. I have noticed a tendency and it made me check other sources to verify info. Propaganda in action is all I could see here.


I am aware of the turkish propaganda, but what i understand russia needs some serious deployments in the region.


I have been checking different news outlets and only SF is reporting this ‘kind’ of news. This is interesting, not the propaganda or the trolls.


Losing couple of towns isn’t really a big deal. It happens in the battle. But what’s worrying is, it’s only the tiger force that gains grounds for SAA. Look at past 3/4 years, it’s the tiger force that captured all the territories for SAA. From aleppo to deir ezzor, from homes to palmyra, from damascus to dara and finally idlib. Other SAA units are uselss. I don’t know why that they are not able to conduct a meaningful offensive operation. They are poor even at defending.


The big picture is important. They have managed so far, they ‘ll do it, sooner or later.


You are missing the small picture.. Russian advisors are embedded with TF and have Russian CAS.. Its the only Syrian unit integrated like that. When TF needs to bomb something, in 5 minutes its bombed.. For SAA units to get something bombed it takes a week…


Strange consideing defenders need more grit and mental aptitude to defeat the offenders,put it this way 100% better far as life concerns,and history proven, only exception are sheer numbers but say turkey gave everything? My money’s even the most basic syrian fighter is way better than liars online!

Albert Pike

Most likely Putin did cut a deal with Erdogan. He lets him go on for a while – that he can safe his face. It looks more and more like a freemason war, where deals have been made. Otherwise how can Haftar shoot down Erdogans drones, and suddenly the Syrian Arab Army can’t any longer…


I hope you are true, but I expect Russia to be aggressive. Otherwise, this shit will happen again and again.


Russia is negotiating truce with Turkey as we speak. Lavrov surrendered to terrorism in 3 days, not 20 years like murikans :)

Albert Pike

If it is, what I think it is, then that game will not just played in the levante, but globally. Its a global war which the globalists initiate, that nations which don’t like globalisation, wipe each other out in wars – made by their fake, pretending to be national leaders…


Hello Sephiroth. As 1691 just posted, it is propaganda coming from Turkey.

Stop and think about it for a minute. Turkey couldn’t get a drone into Syria and went crying the blues to Russia about it within the last couple of days. When they did send one the their ‘bad ass’ drones into Syria, it was blown out of the sky. Further, Turkey claimed that they had killed over 500 Syrian troops in retaliatory strikes and even the Pro MI6 mouth piece for Syria couldn’t come up with more than …… maybe …. 22 dead and no mention of equipment destroyed.

Turkey is getting it’s azz handed to it at the moment and it looks like to me, they are being lined up for another shot to the nuts. Stay tuned, keep watching the ball and take what comes out as ‘news’ right now with a truckload of salt. I wish well to you.

klove and light

THIS is from almasda News…..it is a SAA News site

Home Syria Turkish airstrike hits Syrian military, Hezbollah positions in Aleppo SyriaTurkey Turkish airstrike hits Syrian military, Hezbollah positions in Aleppo By News Desk – 2020-02-29 3

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:10 A.M.) – The Turkish Air Force targeted a meeting between Syrian military officers and Hezbollah personnel in the Aleppo countryside on Friday morning. According to a Syrian Army source, the meeting was held between the Syrian Republican Guard and Hezbollah personnel inside the town of Zerbeh, which was captured by the SAA earlier this month.

The source said several Syrian officers were killed at the meeting, along with some Hezbollah personnel. No further details were released regarding the strike. On Thursday evening and Friday morning, the Turkish military carried out dozens of attacks against the Syrian Armed Forces, targeting their positions from western Aleppo to eastern Idlib.




4 command level SAA and 9 Hezbollah and an IRGC officer and a dozen others.. livemap shows the location as being inside aleppo city limits..

klove and light

almasda News site SAA News site

Home Syria Turkish drone strike destroys Syrian Army’s air defense system: video Syria Turkish drone strike destroys Syrian Army’s air defense system: video By News Desk – 2020-02-29 3

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:10 A.M.) – The Turkish military carried out a large-scale attack on the Syrian Armed Forces’ positions in the Idlib, Latakia, and Aleppo governorates this weekend, causing significant damage to the army’s equipment and the death of a number of personnel. The Turkish military released footage Friday of their attack on the Syrian Army’s positions, showing their drones hitting armored and technical vehicles, along with installations and air defense equipment.

In one such video, the Turkish military’s drone can be seen striking the Syrian Army’s Pantsir S-1 air defense system (video below), which was supplied to Syria by the Russian Armed Forces.

Footage of a Turkish drone strike in #Syria shows it destroying a Syrian regime, Russia-made Pantsir S-1 air defence system.pic.twitter.com/TwEv3W1EZZ — Sara Firth (@Sara__Firth) February 29, 2020


I read Almasdar. A good site but this, I am not going with it.


SAA doesn’t have Pantsir on MAN truck, but on Kamaz truck. It’s UAE Pantsir in Libya.


The video was from Libya but SAA announced the death of an operator and the driver was injured.. The unit was on break.. ie told to stand down..

klove and light

u r either a donk sheep Zionist brainwashed IDIOT who denies reality or a fucking Zionist Propaganda motherfucker…….. take a pick moronic dude


Klove, I know who you are, I read your comments. You showed up here a year or two ago. I am just going to tell you, that I don’t pay attention to what you have to say. You are frequently way off the mark fella.


I don’t believe the turkish numbers, but it’s time for Russia to ramp up its capability in the country and show them who is the boss. If Russia had acted aggressively, trust me things would have been different in the ground.


Keep your eyes peeled, it’s coming.


The two RU navy ships!


Merely 2 ships.


Really only need one.


Not really, you will need 10s of them along with the submarines and other supporting ships.


Baloney, for what?

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Keep calm. Erdogan ultimatum expires tonight and SyADF will take action at the appropriate time


will see.


Putin ordered russian AD to stand down and there was a cease fire.. Turks did not respect that while SAA just watched the turkish drones shoot them.. Now SAA are told to hide from turkish drones and use cameo nets etc.. AD systems are down..

Assad must stay

i really hate putin what a fucking moron


Putin is great, but he is too diplomatic.


Why russia playing too soft on this matter? Goats don’t understand diplomacy. When will russia realize this?


Iran’s current ruling elite allowed the CIA to assassinate hero Soleimani, because they wanted to hold onto their power and feared the great success of the general. This is the extent & depth of Deep State influence nowadays.

Simplekindof Man

I have to agree with you unfortunately. I have the exact same opinion and Iran “pseudoretaliation” was BS to save face. its common knowledge the US was informed beforehand. In this case Iran rulling class polarizes the masses for internal reasons and guess what? They win election by a landslide,albeit with little participation because not all Iranians are dumb…. It just proves everything is about conflicts and interests of the world “elites”

Assad must stay

why would they fear his great success? what are you talking about?


If the Turks succeed in destroying 25th Special Forces Division and the 4th Armoured Division, Damascus will fall and Russia will be kicked out from Syria.


Turkish sources say that both had substantial losses. But they are of course intact.


SAA lost also many equipment like these lately to ATGM strikes. https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1233771221633978370

And SAA leaved supply for more shoots: https://publish.twitter.com/?query=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FQalaatAlMudiq%2Fstatus%2F1233798161149440001&widget=Tweet



and than from donbas, crimea, ussuri, sachalin, etc …

russians. a nation which does not learn from hist past.





Dont think so vatitian kweer EU https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4a3088271757e8bf965d382ffe6dd4fa60ef03fc3589ba8518feb4e950a9e047.jpg bot:


Supposedly 22 Syrian troops killed in the ‘massive retaliation’ is a nothing burger. These little moves here by Turkey and it’s girlfriends are not going anywhere in my opinion. Something else is on the burner and it will get dumped red hot on somebody’s head soon. For instance, two Russian warships loaded with cruise missiles just showed up in the Mediterranean. You think they are here on exotic shore leave? Hardly.

I watch the ball here everyday and one thing is crystal clear; none, not a single soul foresaw the extent to which the SAA and Co. just routed HTS and girlfriends. I doubt they are going see it coming when the next shoe drops.

All these noobs talking trash about the Syrian Army and Co., well fellas the trash talk was of a much higher caliber in 2014 when I first started to observe this war and the outcome was something everybody had already figured ….. that Syria was done. So, if you care about the value of what you splash around here, be careful with what you post. I wish well to all ……….. with not a single doubt in mind that the SAA and Co. will toss everybody out of Syria, probably sooner than later.


facts …there is a massive saa gathering in the coast they will be heading as reinforcements to the idlib front…the next days are going to be very hot…theses turk trolls don’t know that saa has 250K personnel and only a few of them were fighting against the 60k erdogangsters with a few turks helping them …your drone strikes won’t do sh*t …you don’t win war and change equasions by drone strikes

Bill Wilson

More like 50K SAA and 200K Iranian militiamen.


more like 6000 SAA and under 2000 palestinians less than 100 hezbollah and a dozen IRGC officers..


I don’t know about the others you mentioned but I’ve never read about substantial, identifiable Iranian units. Maybe I don’t read widely enough but I just don’t get the impression that Iranians are there in large numbers.

Israel is always screaming bloody murder about the Iranian threat and attacking supposed arms storage here and there but with that lot I’m convinced all they are good for is wildly exaggerated numbers and hyped up “threats.” The dreaded Shia “Land Bridge” don’t you know. Israel obsesses about it so, of course, the US is hysterical about it.


I’d much rather have Iran for a neighbour than Israel

Saquib raza

Can you give the exact number of troops gathering there? They look well armed and well geard in a single photo. Even better armed then tiger forces?:can u comment?

Saquib raza

Does Russia move a division of its forces in Syria?


Source , haven’t seen anything regarding said massive reinforcements


Yes, I feel it too Cactus. Something is brewing and it has been absolutely dead quiet over in Aleppo. Rule of thumb, if it is too quiet, it is because that is where the next move is coming from. What is visible, is that HTS and girlfriends have been made to react to whatever the SAA and Co. has been doing, not vice versa. It’s like they are being dragged around the battle filed by the nose. This is a dead giveaway and has ‘here kitty kitty ‘ written all over it. The examples of this happening during this war are volumous. Only the people not paying attention are not getting it. A good one to you Cactus.


Afrin, northern Aleppo and northern Hasaka provinces occupied by Turkey/ISIS/al-Qaeda; most of the rest of Hasaka and all of eastern Deir Ezzor province occupied by YPG/US, southern Homs (Tanf area) occupied by US/ISIS/al-Qaeda, and then there’s Idlib. Then there’s also the Golan Heights and the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine bombing Syria whenever they want.

The Syrian army guys are true blue warriors, but they simply won’t get their whole country back because they need the unrestricted support of a major world power to do it, and they don’t have that.

Russia is too busy trying to sell gas to Germany and Turkey and adjust a Russian brand of foreign policy to the Zioterrorist globalist system that’s already in place.

I hope to see they Syria will be sovereign over its airspace and lands but unless something major like Russia-Israel war happens that is not likely at all.


Hello Shy. I respect your take but, it is not what I have been observing for 6 years now. Stay tuned, this round is going be very interesting. I wish well to you.


Except for one thing that puts and end to such narrative,Putin is no zionazi muppet,but rather the orthodoxy fool,you know as the likes of cia/nwo bigots assume all to be?

Nor is any part of the incest spawn lgbtq/nwo which eventually will prove how invalid your speculative neo-liberal narratives are,considering sanctions and all only helped russia, I bet the christian hating bots were all so certain that would collapse russia too,like isis?


You Putinist pseudoidelogue idiots need to keep it down, you look ludicrously hilarious calling everyone a “CIA/NWO bigot” when it is Putin who’s trying to accomodate Russia into the “CIA/NWO” world order that’s already in place by, no less than, completely aligning the interests of the Russian state with those of Russian post-Soviet corporatism, even with those Russian Ziocorporatists living in Western Europe and the US. Actually, I don’t even think Putin “hates” the LGBTEAO/NWO lot as much as you deluded idiots do, there’s no evidence to that, and as leader of a Russia with over 10 million Muslims no one can expect him to turn the whole country into a shrine for the Orthodox church.

Reality is really more complex than you imbecilic political fanboyism lets you see.

Luke Hemmming

Hear hear nicely put.



Full video of a Russian military correspondent near Saraqeb Main points: * The Turks are not sparing money, carrying out precision strikes against even small gatherings of regime forces, “supply convoys, individual cars, pickups & even motorcycles.” * We’re forced to hide vehicles and movement along the frontlines has been minimized to only absolutely necessary. * The drones are working day and night. Everything has become harder.


If Putin was playing as aggressive as Turkey the situation in Syrian would’ve come to an end already. The Russians can’t expect anyone to believe they Turkey could provide more weapons to its proxies than the Russian can. The Russians should have lock down the syrian air defedef long time ago, those drones should have been shot down by hundreds..i respect the men political and his sense of taking thing with patience but some time you have to be all brutal and knock things out and hurt some when they expected it less.


There is more to this than what we hear. Syrian air force should be able to be used but like the Russian Air Force they are nowhere.

It either confirms there is no Syria air force and its all owned by Russia, or that there is another reason they are allowing this.

And why no air defences?

Rhodium 10

In Libya.. turkish drones are usually shot down and have useless utility.


Yeah but in Syria they reverse in 3 days everything Russia did in the past months.

Rhodium 10

SAA conscripts dont fight…now and during all Syrian war!..but meanwhile Russia task is to kill terrorist from above..and if you see the Syria map…it has been succesful!


They lose the southern Idlib faster than they gained it, it’s like they are retreating in panic. Check the next map updates.

Wayne Nicholson

Really? Everything the SAA (Russia) gained in the last month?

The SAA took the whole of western Aleppo and the entire M5 highway over the last month and now with Turkey’s help they counterattacked and have retaken Saraqib …. at the cost of losing about twice as much territory in southern Idlib than they gained back at Saraqib.

Losing Saraqib represents maybe 5-10% of their gains over the last month and who knows what that cost them …. besides all that territory in southern Idlib that is. I don’t know how many “rebel” fighters are in Idlib but unless they get serious reinforcements there are fewer today than there were 3 days ago.

They’ve closed the M5 …. which is a great symbolic victory …. looks good in the media, plays well to the Turkish electorate …. but strategically how much of a victory is this and what is this going to cost both Turkey and the “rebels”?

ISIL retook Palmyra a few years back and that causes panic and great joy in certain circles as well but in the end how important was that victory and what did it do for ISIL besides reduce headcount and hasten their demise?


Just look at the next map update

Wayne Nicholson

I’m looking at it ….. don’t look much different than yesterday except Saraqib is red again.

Rhodium 10

Its usual in Syrian war!..I have never seen SAA soldiers fighting..just only Tiger Forces and a few more!..but RUAF smash them…better all together in saraqib!


My guess is that the Syrians actually hit the Turks by coincidence the other day and are now avoiding open conflict.. on request of Russia. Can’t think of a different reason because even if there are no operational air defences they could still send a fighter jet to take out those nasty drones..

Joe Doe

I would say you are correct. Russia told SAA to sit quite and take the hit. If this is the case, this will only shows how poor and weak protector Russia is. This will be warning to other nations, about thinking twice before choosing Russia site or be Russia allies. As you nation will be exposed as weak and with no protection from Russia.


Given a choice between (a) Russia is a poor and weak protector and (b) Russian strategic sense and military expertise are what determine its own conduct and that of its allies, I’d take (b).

Two things I don’t understand are the apparent freedom of action of alleged Turkish drones and the lack of counter battery fire.

A commenter here on SF or perhaps some other site suggested that the video of numerous deadly accurate drone attacks or drone-directed attacks should not be taken at face value and that it was not clear that what was being seen in some cases even took place in Syria. Iraq was suggested as a possible site. SF is, however, treating the supposed Turkish drone action as real and very deadly. SF sources are not to be discounted.

Thus, it is odd, this apparent freedom of action of the drones. The Libyans seem well aware of the need to accord priority to getting rid of drones and I can’t believe at this late date that the Syrians and Russians are not similarly informed.

As far as counterbattery fire is concerned, I was under the impression that shoot and scoot is the new imperative for artillery, hence SP artillery. CB radar is nothing new. I remember such equipment being in a Vietnam camp back in 1970.


CB radar? What is that?


Sorry. I mean counter battery radar.


To take a hit or absorb an attack and quietly retire is one way to lure your opponent in, so you fall back again, and again. Your opponents front line is extended like a finger which can be bitten off, the finger is now a pocket containing concentrated forces. Now you use your smerch system and airpower to eliminate those forces… Apparently.

AM Hants

What medication are the newbie trolls on?


They hit them in an attempt to start a war between Turkey and Russia.Their planes took off at the same time as Russian planes to cover it.Now they have to fight their fight they picked on their own.

Gabriel Hollows

But they have been used. Both the Russian and Syrian air force were heavily used in the defense of Saraqib, but they still lost it. According to SouthFront due to incompetence of the ground forces. Keep in mind it is very difficult to hold any ground while being constantly bombarded with artillery. In a real war, counter-battery fire and bombing artillery positions with the air force would have mitigated or even solved this, but both Russia and Syria have refused to continue striking Turkish artillery batteries. Thus, they’ll keep losing ground until they deal with them.

Artillery is the king of the battlefield. The Russians know this better than anyone.


S 300 and s 400 means no air crafts allowed to fly. But if Turkey used drones then surely Russia can use Jammers or interception of signals to bring drones down


my years long old words …


Putin seems more interested in trying to get Zioterrorist globalism to change its ways a bit to accomodate a Russian-style corporate foreign policy that in actually changing the geopolitical reality for the Zìocorporate enablers of ISIS/al-Qaeda, Juan Guaidó and Erdowank’s neo-Ottomanism.

AM Hants

Lots of newbies to the site, all of a sudden, blaming President Putin for it all. Wonder why that is?


Fair weather fans. The hit on the Turkish Mech Battalion was a warning. Looks like Turkey is not listening. The next one will not catch them with pants down, it will catch them showering with soap in the eyes. How many times have we seen this happen Am? I wish well to you.

AM Hants

Wish you all the best, John. Must admit, munching on the popcorn. Syria has come so far. Placing the rabid animals in one location, whilst regaining their territory, elsewhere. Guess Idlib was a form of cauldron, now it is time to cleanse the area.

Big fan of the saying ‘It ain’ t over till the fat lady sings’.

Nought makes sense, outside Syria.

Boris Johnson, not yet divorced and on the wrong side of 50, is going for yet another sprog, with yet another mistress.

US ran out of money on 16th Feb.

More people have died from your standard strain of flu, but, the media is obsessed with Coronovirus. Despite the fact viruses, Peak and have their own life spans. Hasn’t it peaked in China. The Dems in the US, show how one does not run an election campaign.

Followed by #blame Russia.

Not sure what planet I have woken up on, but, SAA, Russia, Iran and Hezbullah appear to be the only sane players on the world stage.

Wish them luck.


* chuckling * Popcorn worthy indeed.

Truth is the hardest thing to find man. As it appears, they try to bury it. However, it always finds it’s way to the surface at the most inopportune of times.

I spoke with a family member recently. During a heated conversation with him in 2008, in sensed that they were somebody that was very frustrated and feeling very alone, I gave him my word I would find the truth and tell him about what I had discovered. We were both in the USMC so, it was understood what I needed to do. After 12 years of searching, I told him he was not crazy and yes, the whole thing is f’ed. He was very much in the ballpark and it was much larger, more complex than he had perceived. This is how I got involved in our sport of watching the world. Most important, I kept my word to him.

They are blind AM, they really are. Our leaders are way beyond smoking crack. It is heading to be a wreck. All of them and the ones they do love, will suffer. There is no escape. And, ……. it is they that don’t know what planet they are on. :P

I bid well to you.

AM Hants

Your relative must have been very isolated, back then. Days, when I still believed the media and politicians, not realising the extent of my media induced, zombie style coma. Then, Ukraine 2014 woke me up.

Ironically, most I know still believe the media and firmly believe politicians never lie and there are no such things as lobbyists. It is not worth arguing with them, just pity their stupidity, as they encourage the destruction of the planet.

Just read the DM, mainly for comments and to see which 3 stories it would focus on today. Peter Hitchin has provided a decent article, with regards lies, OPCW report, concerning CW false flag in Syria. Russia Insider has published an article on a Russian professor, living in the US, and how Campus ideology is exactly the same, from her days as a child growing up in the Soviet Union. Quite an interesting article.

Take care and all the best.


It seems that I have woken in same universe/planet!

AM Hants

Want to return to a planet ripe with common sense, sanity and where corrupt politicians, journalists and lobbyists, are nowhere to be found.

AM Hants

Wonder when our mother spacecraft will return to pick us up?


Fair weather fans? Putin’s soft spot for global Ziocorporatism was as evident when they were liberating Aleppo from the US/ISIS/al-Qaeda/Turkey and Co. in 2016 as it is today. As said, Russia is trying to get the established system to accept Russia’s way of foreign policy, not trying to create broader geopolitical realities.


Your take, don’t agree.


You don’t need to agree with facts.


You Putinism ideologues miss the forest for the trees like fools getting offended at hearing the names of Stalin o Hitler thrown around for any reason. Putin’s got his points in favor for things like Crimea and the 65% of Syrian land controlled by Damascus, because Syrian airspace is open to everybody, funnily closed for Syrian allies like Iran. The Zioterrorist-led world-system that Putin more or less wants to preserve in its current form has no merit to it, and in Syria that means the loss of a great deal of much-vaunted sovereignty.

AM Hants

The reason I like, trust and respect President Putin, is owing what he has done for his own, 11 time zone nation, Russia, which is not the sovereign nation of Syria, with their own sovereign Government and leader. So lazy, to blame the leader of another nation, for not doing the arm chair gossips version of war, in a sovereign nation you do not lead.

President Putin, who took control of a bankrupt nation, which had defaulted on it’s Paris Club Debt, back in 20p0. A nation run by oligarchs, where the US wrote the laws and taxes, on the back of their ‘3rd World Shared Partnership’ contracts, with Russia. The days Russia received 20 cents of the $US for their energy and defence sales. The US getting the other 80 cents.

Nuclear submarine industry was privatised and the oligarchs controlled everything. Just like how it is in Ukraine.

President Putin, who took back control of Russia’s natural resources, on 1 January 2004. Cleaned out the oligarchs, with the bad clans exiled from Russia. Who paid off the $45 billion SU debt and $16.5 billion Rf debt. Who kept free education, including University level and free health are a priority, for the people. Simple taxes, minimal debt and healthy gold and currency reserves.

Who returned Crimea to Russia. With no blood loss and before the EU could arrange an emergency meeting.

Who gave Ukraine many chances to pay their energy bills, then when nobody was expecting it, it was payment in advance.

Followed by US and EU sanctions, responding with closing down the Russian agricultural market, for those who sanctioned Russia. How they laughed, but, our EU farmers and Polish apple growers still laughing now?

Wish their was a clone of President Putin, just a mere human being and not Marvel character, together with his Government, in the insane Parliaments of the West and NATO member nations.


He’s responsible for everything bad in the world. Except for Iran, they’re badder than he is bad. Bad and Depraved. I read it in a newspaper.

AM Hants

Must be very, very, very bad, owing to no debt to a certain banking family. Just like Iran, North Korea and Cuba. Venezuela paid the debt, but, chipped back in. Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, before invasions, had no Central banks, controlled by a certain family. Post invasion, first thing to turn up.

Funny that, those who do not have debt with that family, how the nation and leaders are demonised.?

Very, very, bad.


Sounds like the Frankists again – bad is good

AM Hants

Why does this clip come to mind, when reading your comment? haha

Best Movie Scene – Young Frankenstein – Abnormal brain in a 7 foot tall, 54 inch wide GORILLA… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R01qeOYm6fw


There are idiots in every village.

Arbaches Glaukus

They are dealing with NATO now, so Russia has to decide to Bite the Bullet. or swallow the Bitter Pill.

Free man

I agree. The killing of the Turkish soldiers is an incident that Erdogan had to respond to. What is even worse is that this incident has given him the legitimation to severely strike the SAA. Syria’s response could make things worse .especially in light of the fact that the Turkish ultimatum is ending in another hour.


Seeing as how you know so much perhaps you should join Putin’s team? Remember, if you are old enough, Putin is the man who put an end to the same terrorists in Chechnya nearly twenty years ago. He pulled no punches then and the western MSM went apoplectic accusing Russia of all kinds of crap. So VVP is perfectly capable of very effective and timely action and I’m certain that despite the immense complexities involved in this northern Syria thing we will see an intelligent response from Russ.


What are you suggesting that the Russians do? Get into a head-on collision with NATO? Russia is facing a very delicate situation in Syria. I don’t believe that the Russians and Syrians deliberately targeted Turkish forces in the deadly air raid. I think they were trapped into killing Turkish soldiers in order to bolster domestic support for a NATO intervention in Syria. Remember that the Russians have said that the immediately ordered a halt to the attacks when they learned that Turkish troops might have been harmed.

This is what NATO has been looking for and they aren’t going to pass up such an opportunity. They want a direct role in the Syrian war. Russia is no match for them in the Middle East. The U.S alone has more than enough to overwhelm Russian defenses in Syria. If Syria engages Turkey over this battle in Idlib, you can bet your last dollar that a NATO intervention will begin.


The Syrian war started on the Ides of March in 2011. Putin has a statue depicting himself as a Roman emperor and Assad’s birthday is 9/11, that is the sacrifice code. Jews hate Rome with a passion because the Romans destroyed the second temple in JerUSAlem. Both Jewish temples were destroyed on the Hebrew date of 9th of Av which is the 9th day of the 11th month on the jewish calendar. It is the saddest day for the Jews and that day is called Tisha Bav. Syria is going down. I don’t like to say it but its the truth.

The Babylonian Talmud says that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans. It also claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

The name “Syrians” was employed by the Romans to denote the inhabitants of Syria. Pompey created the province of Syria, which included modern-day Lebanon and Syria west of the Euphrates, framing the province as a regional social category with civic implications. Syria Palaestina was a Roman province between 135 AD and about 390. It was established by the merger of Roman Syria and Roman Judaea, following the defeat of the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 AD.

Damascus will be in rubble as the bible says. The international Jewish-Masonic bastards will be successful. This masonic script is all all about fulfilling the man made prophecy of biblical Israel and the coming of the third temple and the jewish messiah.

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” (Isaiah 17:1)

This prophecy has never yet been fulfilled.

Masonry is based in Kabbalah and Kabbalist’s operate by the code of letters and numbers as stated in the Sefer Yetzirah.






You’re dreaming if you think Syria is going to be around in ten years time. Its rigged against them. Now the real war is just getting started. Most of the Syrian’s are running away to Europe. They obvious don’t care about their nation. The people have no fighting spirit. You wouldnt see Turkish citizens running away from their nation during a war, they would fight to the death.


OMG !!!


With the terrorists now having air superiority, the SAA is in big trouble. Very disappointing from Russia allowing Turkey to operate in the air space. Hope the SAA has some sort of contingency plan otherwise they are bound to be pushed back behind the Turkish occupation zones..


But what has changed in two days to give them this?

Even if the Russians dont want to get involved, where is the Syria Airforce?



klove and light

treacherous Zionist Putin cock suckers here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Whatever you say master your master oh master of lgbtq fantasia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


shit arab army continued.


[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/CHDnuVf.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/OySVPjF.png)

Rhodium 10

Turkish are using artillery ( rockets launcher to support terrorist offensive) but not are using drones..thats the propaganda war to hit SAA morale!…nobody believe that while RUAF and SAF aircraft are flying over idlib…Turkish drones fly with them!..images posted are from Libya and others are from Afrin and Hasaka province during past turkish offensive!


I think this is correct. The artillery is in the observation posts and across the border. It is being allowed to fire and not being taken out. This is because Russia cannot attack the observation posts and cannot cross the border.


I think those artillery pieces would be hit hard, don’t they?

Daniel Miller

Welp it seems that the SAA can take these attacks but i am not supprised since they are even less trained then the turkroaches…and that is saying smth


HTS will launch more drones from Idlib to Russian airbases from Latakia, wanna bet?

Lone Ranger

Will fail, same as usual…


Maybe yes, maybe no

Lone Ranger

It will ;)

Daniel Miller

and what relevance dose that have with my comment?


The SAA tactics were formulated according to having Russian and Syrian air support and also protection from Turk air attacks. These tactics were extremely successful.

Russia has now suddenly withdrawn both these key elements, without any period of time for the SAA to adjust tactics, in what could be the biggest military betrayal in living memory.

This is a fatal move from Putin, not just for the security of Syria but for Russia itself. The geopolitical fallout from this for Russia, and Putin personally, will be immense and will be felt for decades..

The only way out of this ignominy is for Russia to restore full air cover for the SAA and support their advance at least beyond the M4 highway and to fully restore control over the M5.

Oh Lord

Putin is so cruel!!!!!! what he has done to Syrian soldiers God will never fogive…..He has gathered poor Syrian soldiers in Idlib and called HTS to come masacre the poor guys with their hands tied behind. Putin is a member of both Israeli Air force and HTS. He must be carefull because his military and senior members of his government are now planning to topple him

Lone Ranger

+25 Shekels…


I agree

Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

Iskander, Kalibr and X101 against the islamic scum of turkey. If NATO defends the islamic pigs, then go nuclear – Russia has the best and the most nukes. FUCK NATO, FUCK ALL NATO COUNTRIES – GARABGE


LOL how about the NATO drones and precise missiles vs Russian FOAB bombs?

Lone Ranger

Russia has them too…


They didn’t use them too often, look how fast Turkey use them

Lone Ranger

Russia used hundreds of cruise missiles in Syria. Drones too. Turkey fired a couple, and posted CGI videos and old vids from Lbya. Very ?



liberal kweer lies again

Angry Guy

I have a very bad feeling about this. If Russia doesn’t intervene decisively all the effort from this last months maybe even years will be lost. They should be flying CAP destroying any turkish objects in air while Latakia air defenses and 2 frigates with SAM missile provide cover. If Turks dare to launch blitzkrieg tank assault then there is no other option but TU-160 armed with TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS to destroy invading armor – If Assad agrees of course. Turkey can cry but it still cant bring up article 5 because it is aggressor. If the Turks launch retaliation at Russian base then all bets are off and Turkey itself will become a target. There is no other way to stop them but with nukes. It sounds extreme but it is perfectly allowed for Russia to do this.


The Russians don’t need nucs to stop the lame-ass turks.


Yeah, they need someone with balls in the place of Putin


Nothing wrong with Putin. He is the planet’s boss right now and he knows exactly what he is doing.


Like giving up Idlib to Erdogan, well well well…


I dont know what Idlib you are talking about, but the one in Syria is getting liberated.

Angry Guy

Check the Syria livemap. The are loosing territory fast.


Check ”wars” … Only the greatest Greek of them all Alexander the Great never lost a battle. Everybody else will lose some and then gain some back and so on…

Angry Guy

Wishful thinking my friend. The situation has deteriorated rapidly since yesterday. In fact yesterday was the worst day maybe of the entire war for Syria. This is no some back and forth situation but a critical moment of all the 10 years of the war


Lavrov is negotiating truce with the Turks right now

Lone Ranger

Erdogollum will fly to Moscow… Not vice versa, let that sink in ;)


Do you really believe that the Russians will let the scummy lame ass turks gain back the grounds they (the Russians) helped Assad take back just like that ? Have some faith … Remember what everyone used to say when the mongoloid cowards shoot down the Russian bomber …? Now 33 dead turks in one day by a single (most likely) Russian bomb, nvm what the Russians claim that it wasn’t theirs but it was the Syrians… we all know who killed those turkies…


You mean Alexander Macedonian? Greece was a Macedonian province at that point.Lol!


Clearly your cave doesnt have a school.

Bill Wilson

I don’t know why everyone is so worked up since this is how modern militaries conduct warfare.


It is a long front and they have lost key personnel and equipment. Strategy will need to change. I think many of the best troops have gone back to Saraqib


Time to make turkey minced meat again…


Why are the Turks allowed to fly drones and support the head choppers with artillery as well as fight alongside them. This is going to end badly unless the Turks get back in their hole.



It took 3 days for Lavrov to fight terrorism

Lone Ranger

Dont let your matzo ball soup get cold…


Lavrov fought terrorism for 3 days, fastest capitulation ever, even Mosul resisted more in front of ISIS

Lone Ranger

Cool story…


i think it’s some sort of a deal between putin and erdogan to give him a few days to try to save his face cuz today there was no russian/syrian jets in idlib i bet they are in talks for how they’re going to proceed next…they are preparing the big final smack on erdogan’s ass



Assad must stay

i wouldnt give that rodent a second to “save face” what a weirdo putin has become for erdogan


The strategy in Syria is not for Christian Russia or Christian NATO to give victory to any muslim group. It is to entrench them in a long and brutal war. The key player in a decisive victory would be Iran. How to stop the Turkish drones? Using no violence, Jammers can easily accomplish this. Russia is the most advanced country in the world for electronic warfare. Turkey is hoping that if it hits hard enough that a strong response against it will look so brutal that it will gain support from the USA or NATO equipment assistance. Like a boxer fighting all his got in the first round, turkey is all show and little go. They have supported Islamic state since 2012 further backed by Israeli forces. When the Turkish lines are spread and the convoys get bigger, Hezbollah forces will reck havoc on enemy troops and positions. Turkey needs to be baited to come to Syria, its better to destroy them on home soil there is an advantage. No one will leave Turkey alive and come back alive from Syria, the fight now is concentrated and easier for SAA then it was in 2012,2013,2014.


The weather is bad in Syria. Ergo, no air support. These are the best conditions for HTS and Co to maneouvre (notice how the Houthis also take advantage of any rain / cloud / dust storm). I think the SAA need to learn how to build entrenchments and defensive structures – haven’t seen any in a while. If they don’t the losses will continue

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