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Turkish-Backed Militants Resolve Recent Conflict In Al-Bab

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Turkish-Backed Militants Resolve Recent Conflict In Al-Bab

Meet the former US-supported FSA, now Turkish-backed FSA, who are committing the same war crimes in Syria they’ve been for years.

Ahrar al-Sharqiyah and the local authorities in the Turkish-occupied city of al-Bab have reached an agreement to resolve their recent conflict, several sources reported on April 1.

The conflict erupted four days ago when Security Chief of Ahrar al-Sharqiyah was killed in clashes with the Free Syrian Police, a law enforcement body backed by Turkey. The death of the commander, known as Abu Rasul, provoked a large attack by Ahrar al-Sharqiyah, a part of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA), on al-Bab city.

Enab Baladi, a pro-opposition outlet, reported that an agreement to resolve the conflict has been brokered by the SNA. A source in the group told the outlet that work to resolve the conflict have been ongoing for several days.

“During the last few days, we reached the final phase of resolving the conflict,” the SNA source said.

Under the agreement, Ahrar al-Sharqiyah will hand back all the checkpoints in al-Bab city to the local authorities. Those responsible for the killing of Abu Rasul will be held accountable, while everyone else will be released.

Abu Rasul was not the only casualty of the recent conflict. A militant of Ahrar al-Sharqiyah and a local policeman were also killed. Many other militants were injured in the clashes, which lasted for several days.

Al-Bab’s recent conflict is an example of how chaos is prevailing in the Turkish-occupied parts of north and northeast Syria.


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Hanny Benny

Welcome to turkish calipHell !!


Turds and their tyrant ISIS- and Al Qaeda supporting Erdoğan regime show their insidious face again, lying stealing is your typical Turkish behaviour.

Md Abdullah Al Mahmud

Get out of our land disbelieving kafir dogs, our swords will reach you even in Moscow ??


Sure Jihadist bearded ape.

Mustafa Mehmet

Saa sad propaganda as always

Md Abdullah Al Mahmud

Turkish forces vaporized russian military equipment in the hand of the disbelievers ?? Baqiya Bi Idnillah https://youtu.be/dITiQ8cnSC4

Md Abdullah Al Mahmud

Soon soon ??https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b0c9efb760fa7851fc20e05d7f48bccd4dd886db1c613e5a7954901d84a66a87.png https://youtu.be/nC2KL0o6058 ☝☝ ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?️‍♀️??

Md Abdullah Al Mahmud

By the law of God they have arisen and triumphed. It is the truth that has made darkness die, and thus has the exposed disbelief run away in its disgrace. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/de5c54c10a3744931a17a30987b30e1bb374bfab7ae683c9515c024e297fb69d.jpg The principles of religion flourish after dryness, for justice has arisen and the field of life has been organized.

Md Abdullah Al Mahmud

lSIS said, they will implement lslamic law which is clear and fair… they might have harsh punishments for people who resist them or helped outsiders or commited serious crimes against Muslims… but most people were punishedfairly with small fees and given 20 or 30 lashes and they even stopped people from laughing or shaming the punished… They were then given hugs and told they are now free of any blame or guild from now on…

Finally, lslamic State used OWERWHELING majority of its funds on social welfare services…

lslamic State was a REAL state… it took taxes and gave receipts for it. They used the money to pay for hospital workers and supplies… Paid salary for 80,000 government employees fired by USA and Shia after fall of Saddam, to run their government… They gave all poor women and children a specific amount of money and meat, rice, oil, etc… Established price controls to stop greedy corrupt business men form profiting from the suffering and hunger of the poor Muslims… They paid for elderly poor people to get medical treatment in Turkey if it was serious disease… They paid money to widows of dead fighters and paid money to citizens property harmed by lSIS during battles…

lSIS removed checkpoints and ended corruption and citizens finally had some law and order and rules and security… Becufe thet were only used to chaos and criminal gangs… Now they had lslamic courts and knew if they followed rules they would be safe and had diginity…

Md Abdullah Al Mahmud


Md Abdullah Al Mahmud

Islamic state are heroes who defend the weak and hopeless…. lslamic state treats those who were abused by the apostates, like they’re a rare flower, held gently in the hands of a warrior they’re valued and adored Pearls and sisters forever loved and defended until the bloody end against anyone who might dare humiliate or degrade those Queens of lslam. And the kids are treated as cubs and taught manhood and brotherhood and honor…. Treated like young men taught how to be strong and powerful and courageous… Taught how to abandon fear and emotions for the enemy and instead taught love for only mjslims and how to protect their mothers and sisters from enemies of lslam? Islam dewleti Baqyia

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