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Turkish-based ‘Syrian Interim Government’ Threatens Damascus With Military Action As Army Advances On Maarat al-Numan

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Turkish-based 'Syrian Interim Government' Threatens Damascus With Military Action As Army Advances On Maarat al-Numan


Late on December 23, the Turkish-based “Syrian Interim Government” (an entity funded by Turkey in an attempt to legalize its actions in Syria) threatened the real Syrian government with military action.

In a released statement, the “defense ministry” of the Turkish puppets claimed that forces that participated in Turkey’s Olive Branch and Euphrates Shield operations are now moving to Greater Idlib in order to support their counterparts in repelling an attack by “regime forces, Russia and Iranian militias”.

It remains unclear what “forces” the barely existing “defense ministry” is planning to send to Idlib because Turkish-backed militant groups are already supporting al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the battle against the Syrian Army. The Turkish-backed coalition of militant groups, the National Front for Liberation, has never been able to really hide its ties and cooperation with the terrorists.

Turkish-based 'Syrian Interim Government' Threatens Damascus With Military Action As Army Advances On Maarat al-Numan

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Meanwhile, the Syrian Army and its allies liberated a number of villages and towns, including the key town of Jarjnaz, and preparing to advance on Maarat al-Numan.

Syrian Army troops are in Jarjnaz:

Militants and their supporters are already fleeing from the countrysdie of Maarat al-Numan:

Turkish-based 'Syrian Interim Government' Threatens Damascus With Military Action As Army Advances On Maarat al-Numan

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Let them run right back to Turkey!


Russia and Turkey have cut a deal, Turkey will leave Syria for Libyan intervention and that is fine with Iran as well.



Jimmy Jim

voice of Kikerstan maybe?


“Turkish-based ‘Syrian Interim Government’ Threatens Damascus With Military Action”

– LOL !!!

John Mason

Reminds one of the US nominating Guaido as President of Venezuela to justify a coup; Erdogan using similar tactics as trump.

Jimmy Jim

so says alKikerstan too….

John Wallace

Well they do have two pedal cars and a rocking horse armed with sling shots , ok two not working and no stones for the third , so be prepared for our shock and awe attack.

Jimmy Jim

No kiddin, what have these loser dickwads been doin so far, plantin daises?


Not planting but, they will be pushing daises up, as manure.

Hasbara Hunter

Exterminate every AngloZioNazi piece of Excrement in Idlibistan…turn’m into fertilizer…make’m dash for Turkey…Uncle Dönmeh Erdogan is in Deep Shit…his Dreams of an Ottoman Empire 2.0 come crashing down like a Tower of Babel….


If you missed it, Israel is not on good terms with Erdogan. Try to keep up.

Derek Johnson

If you missed it, Israel is not on good terms with Erdogan. Try to keep up.

They don’t care Jake, its just an echo chamber here.


Well, more like a circle-jerk…


again and again and again – fuck off idiot. your trolling smells of death and decay typical of the hymies.


What’s that has to do whit his comment? You translate every “Zio” in Jew? BTW jihad terrorists were backed both by Isreal and Turks in the same time. Some of them have more allegiance to Turks but they took weapons and support from anybody


Where did I say “Jew,” dodo? Hey, if you missed it, it seems everyone backed everyone at one time or another for some time or other in Syria. So? But throughout, Israel has been blowing up Islamist Iranians there continuously with impunity. Try to keep up.



Now I know that you can’t relate the two…dodo.


again and again – fuck off idiot, filthy hymie-loving pedo

Hasbara Hunter

Erdogan is playing Treacherous Games…just like it is to be expected from a Dönmeh Muslimbrotherhood-Brother…Erdogan is not welcome in Europe…Erdogan kicked NATO out….Erdogan needed new “Friends” & thus became friends with Mister Putin…Erdogan better follows Mister Putin’s advises….and he WILL…


Sounds like you need to tune your tinfoil hat.

Hasbara Hunter

Oh….didn’t you know? Erdogan is a Sabbatean Sephardic Dönmeh Crypto-Jew…You are a Khazarian AshkeZioNAZI Crypto-Jew…



And thanks for proving you are a tinfoil hat Looney Toon.

Hasbara Hunter

I can assure you…that is a lot better than bein’ a Psychopathic Khazarian AshkeZioNAZI Epstein Paedophile like you….

How does it feel to be a complete loser boy?


Thanks for even more proof of your need for meds or a padded cell.

Hasbara Hunter

Have you got any interesting things to mention, Arguments or links to discuss Cunt…because you are a pretty annoying Brainless piece of Paedophile ZioNazi HasbaRat Excrement up till now…you are nothing…I’m amazed that they are prepared to pay $hekels for your complete bullshit…doin’ a good job boy


Yet another of your erudite comments, I see. Oh, if you would like some links and arguments, you’re welcome to review my extensive postings. Yours seem to come right out of the Nut House or maybe a bottle of Vodka or two or three.

Hasbara Hunter

It is good that Filthy HasbaRats like you are around…you Folks paint a good picture of what Goyims are up against…I had only expected that you Khazarian Paedophile ZioNazis would be smarter…so that is a bit of a disappointment…

Here a small selection of your Superior literacy: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/72c6d63a19762d7f5f656c38181ce98e8547866357ef6418ba446ca0e8d76d0e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b154026662ff2a2450b38cd8c5ccc781ea06e2f1552b33ef6733415fba5a510.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/901a30dabaea65d8e7d613d9b27b15b996d8ed00ef496bef4d08910e76776f37.jpg


I could smell FILTHY RAT in that a**hole. Good job HH !

Hasbara Hunter

Hehehe….that little pathetic fecker….


You make a habit of going around smelling others azzholes?


The problem with you filthy ba$tard is that you are just incarnation of one huge azzhole. And nothing else. So stench accompanies you all the time. Off you go now you are blocked.


apparently you have your ass where your nose is supposed to be idiot so fuck off


And? Now take your meds or tune or tinfoil hat, Adolf or Igor as the case may be.

Hasbara Hunter

And you are ZioNazi Kidkilling & Childraping Paedophile Faggot….Raped or Killed any kids lately boy…


Med time, Adolf. Or cut back in on your Vodka ration, Igor.

Hasbara Hunter

You did not answer my Question:

Did you Filthy Khazarian ZioNazi Kidkilling & Childraping Paedophile Faggot rape & Kill any kids lately?


fuck off idiot


repeat again – fuck off idiot


and again – fuck off idiot


again -fuck off idiot


repeat – fuck off idiot


fuck off idiot


true, erdogan hates the israelis and netanyahu and would indeed prefer to see them drowned in the Med. there is a solid reason why turkey ceded the diplomatic ties with israel and has no intentions of opening up any kind of contacts. the fake news bit couple of days ago about a turkish/israeli gas pipeline to europe is just the usual tosh from tel aviv.


If you missed it, Israel announced negotiations with Greece and Cyprus for that pipeline explicitly excluding Turkey. And Erdogan sh*t his pants. Try to keep up.


and you think that will work – the dismal situation is that it will have to be transferred to egypt for liquifaction and shipped on keels – an infinite worse option than piping it to the end user. and to get to cyprus they would have to cross lebanon’s seabed and that is already turned down (by hezbollah hehehe) and it would also have to cross turkey’s economic zone and that is a nonono. and moreover the gas isn’t the squatters to sell but they are up to their usual thievery which is an integral part of the hymies’ dna! thievery and murder is the most prominent traits of the hymies. rest assured. anything else to enlighten a donkey’s thinking?


Nahhhhhhhh…you’re wrong as usual. It is a planned pipeline from Israel’s EEZ to the adjoining Cyprus EEZ to its adjoining Greek EEZ. The Turkey-Libya claim cutting across not only the Greek EEZ but actual sovereign Greek areas is not recognized by anyone but Turkey and a temporary government in soon to fall Tripoli. Try to keep up.


dream on stupid in your delusional reality – long before the squatters have managed to bring the stolen gas to the market they will be wet stains in the desert in palestine. that is the day to behold for all the world.


Israel is already selling gas in the market to Egypt. And all that gas in Israel’s EEZ is theirs to market under international law backed by their top military with a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles. Anyone who forcibly tries to stop them, will get their Darwin Award to the betterment of all humanity.


idiot,how can they sell gas to egypt if there is no pipeline and no liquifaction installation built – egypt is the option the thieves in tel aviv are working hard to avoid since it’s the worst deal for the gas the are plannng to steal. anyway, a pipeline across the bottom of the Med to cyprus and greece and onwards is a pipedream, can’t be done and won’t be done. turkey will never agree to a pipeline from palestine over land, they will rather agree to Iran/Qatar south pars pipeline which will be approved by Iraq and Syria and the squatters ´will be wet stains in the sand by that time or fed as pigs swill to pigs!

Mustafa Mehmet

You talking about your dönme mama

Hasbara Hunter

Dönmeh Rule the Middle East…You are a Muslim right? Or a Muslimbrother? Don’t you think Muslims should make the decisions in the Middle East? Instead of a bunch of Sabbatean Sephardic Imposters…Who were expelled by Queen Isabella in 1492…and fled to Turkey…

Mustafa Mehmet

I’m not religious person..

Hasbara Hunter

I’m with’m Peoples…not with leadership….most leaders suck big time…

Mustafa Mehmet

100% agree with you


In the meantime, Israeli, or maybe US, cruise missiles leveled yet another Islamist Iranian military base in Syria with impunity. This time, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Air Force headquarters there near Damascus…while the head of the Guard’s Air Force was there as a warning.


No, the attack failed. No explosions on the ground and no target was hit. Israel usually does these kind of attacks to test the defenses of Syria in order to implement a strategy that does not involve their fighters getting shot down.


Well, the Islamist Iranian body bags yet again on their way back to Iran say otherwise. If you missed it, they didn’t use fighters. They used cruise missiles from off the coast. Try to keep up.

Wayne Nicholson

What a coincidence. The Syrians say they repelled such an attack just the other day.


The Syrians say a lit of things. If you believe any, I have a nice bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

Wayne Nicholson

LOL ….. too funny. You MUST be American.



How astute of you. When have I indicated otherwise? I’m not like you making believe you’re not a Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll, Igor.


FUCK YOU ZioJewish PIG !


You’re showing your true intellectual self and Holiday Cheer, Igor.


everything for friend like you


Why “releasing statement”, when soon they will meet them face in face in Idlib itself . So they can tell to SAA all what is bothering them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, did they say Turkish backed interim government, LOL, they’ve been refusing to sit down and negotiate matters concerning the new Syrian constitution then spat the dummy and went home, LOL, and now they’re threatening the legitimate Syrian government with military action, double LOL, that’s just too insane for even the moderate opposition. And what the hell has the FSA/Free Syrian army, the SNA/Syrian National Army, the NFL/ National Front for liberation, and the SLF/ Syrian Liberation Front, all been doing up until now, playing tiddlywinks with the SAA, no they haven’t, they’ve ALL been fighting the SAA and helping the terrorists [HTS and Al Nusra Front] at every opportunity they can, so threatening military action now is meaningless. And since the SAA have been easily kicking their butts senseless for the last 5 days, it’s just an empty threat with no real punch behind it anyway, LOL, what dickheads. If they’d threatened Turkish military action it’d be a different story, that would’ve had some punch behind it and definitely made things more difficult, but they didn’t, so I wonder why not, has Erdogan already warned the rebels he won’t be able to support them, mmm maybe, hopefully, :]


It would not surprise me if the Turkish gave Syrian Interim Government uniforms to Turkish soldiers and sent them against the Syrians. Erdogan is that type of leader: a criminal psychopath that doubles down when he should withdraw. So far so good, but there is always a straw that will eventually break the camel’s back.


Syrian “opposition” terrorist gangsters “Syrian National Army/Coalition” (and other aka’s) really have no country; these terrorist gangsters should be in jail for all the crimes they committed, and should not be on the committee for Syria’s New Constitution. They should return to Turkey, and take up residences and get real jobs there.


and all these small ineffectual groups peddle their threats while russian-backed syria moves forward, in idlib and in the northeast, slowly but efficiently liberating the country from the filth the squatters in tel aviv are backing and meanwhile, Iran is arming hezbollah, and syria, and iraq’s pmu:s and the houthis, that spells the end of the squatters, their iron doom soon to be the big iron dooooom kabooooooom and they will be swimming in the Med or be wet stains in the palestine which isn’t wasn’t theirs from day one.

given the long line of crimes committed by the squatters the obliteration of them is a foregone conclusion and today when the world is made aware of the fact that the squatters have taken every step out of hitler’s agenda, they won’t be missed, except by guys iike hared kushner and so on.

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