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MARCH 2025

Turkish Captures More Area South Afrin, Reportedly Prepares To Announce End Of Military Operation There (Map)

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On March 23, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the villages of Fefitin, Berceke and Kushin in the southern part of the Afrin area in northwestern Syria, according to sources linked to the FSA.

Turkish Captures More Area South Afrin, Reportedly Prepares To Announce End Of Military Operation There (Map)

Click to see the full-size map

Currently, the Turkish Army is now deplyoed within only 6km away from separating the Kurdish-held areas south of the city of Afrin from Idlib governorate. Some Turkish sources reported that this is the last goal of the Turkish military operation in the Afrin area [started on January 20]. The sources added that Turkey is not planning to attack the city of Tell Rifaat, east of Afrin.

Syrian pro-government and Kurdish sources had reported that large forces of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) were deployed at Tell Rifaat and the Mingh airbase, north of it, under a Turkish-Russian agreement. This may also confirm that Turkey is not planning to attack Tell Rifaat.

In response to these reports, thousands of civilians took at the streets in the Euphrates Shield (ES) areas in the northern Aleppo countryside on March 22 to protest against the Turkish decision to stop the military operation without capturing Tell Rifaat.

Previously, Turkey promised civilians and FSA fighters in the ES areas that it will capture Tell Rifaat and many villages in the framework of its operation in Afrin. Many fighters of the Turkish-backed FSA are originally from Tell Rifaat. This may further complicate the situation for Turkey if it chooses to halt its military operation without capturing the city.

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Where is dutchnational, called also Sexton?



I heard he was captured. FSA wanted 20 dollars for release, but nobody was willing to pay. :)



Michał Hunicz

Dutchnational was captured and executed. :D


When was the last time DutchNational was seen on this site?

Ariel Cohen

He is now operating under a new name: Velociraptor




Where has gone the yellow part ? XD.




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If Turkey wants to keep moving, there will be no easy choices anymore.


Breaking news: in Afghanistan each day 22 Washington’s soldiers commit suicide. Washington badly failed in Afghanistan war. After 40 years of Washington war the Afghan freedom fighters are occupying 70% land.


USA didn’t fail. USA wanted to have a military base in Afghanistan. Of course, the stupid soldiers will suffer mental trauma, which is very damaging even more than physical trauma. The more honest soldiers will kill themselfs after seeing what they have done.


What Washington have done to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen etc is just for coming out from their own bankruptcy. Washington is in economic crises because their many weapons industries shutdown, debt and unemployment is sky high. Now many countries producing their own weapons and other defence products instead of buying from Washington.


American karma is not balanced. You can’t live good without good mental health. Mental is very important. That’s why american society has no futur.

These soldiers are paying their murdering by loosing their mental health and therefore their life, which is the most important thing for a human being.

Karma always balances thing. There is no way to escape. It’s like time.


That’s true.


Karmaa, dance with me….karmaa move your body…. https://youtu.be/Jzzd12we-fs


Taliban aint no freedom fighter’s but muslim extremist fucktards like Isis, Nusra etc etc. I agree with Serious for once. US objectieve is not peace or total occupation but devision and permanent stay in Afghanistan, Pakistan etc.And of course to sell weapons, traffic drugs and so on


Pakistan produces its own defence products and have stopped buying weapons from Washington. Pakistan produces Nuclear weapons, ICBMs, modern fighter jets, tanks etc itself. At this moment Pakistan has 400 thermonuclear weapons ready for strike anywhere in the world. Washington knows this. Pakistan has diversed Washington and have joined Russia and China.


Pakistan started to buoild their own jets with China because of west sanctions.

That’s why, sanctions are counter productive for the west and strenghten the targeted country when this country has enough scientific knowledge to build what they can’t buy from the west.

That’s why Russia doesn’t have to fear the west sanctions but must understand that it’s a great opportunity to build what they are not. And Russians have enough tehnical and fundamental knowledge to build whatever they want.


Yes you are right.


Reason the more 4 US to have strong militairy presence in the region.


Breaking news: in Afghanistan each day 22 Washington’s soldiers commit suicide. Washington badly failed in Afghanistan. After 40 years of Washington war the Afghani fighters are occupying 70% land. They attack on Afghan capital city Kabul each day.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Oops, copy paste? :D


Yes you were right. I deleted.


I don’t know if dutchnational was a real kurd or not. Maybe, he was just a zionist in charge of brainwashing your brains.

Now, he has dissapeared just like the leader of the libyan revolution, the syrian Basma Kodmani, Al baghdadi, ….Once the job is done, you see nobody. Just like the way that everybody want to sell something but once you got a problem with what you have bought, you find nobody.

Michał Hunicz

“under a Turkish-Russian agreement” It means that the YPG will probably retreat from Tell Rifaat.


Like I said, Astana deal is done, now Saa must take Tel Rıfat, from ypg rats. No kurdistan for terörist.

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