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MARCH 2025

Turkish Deceit? Ankara Denies Agreement With Russia On Greater Idlib Crossings

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Turkish Deceit? Ankara Denies Agreement With Russia On Greater Idlib Crossings

FILE IMAGE: Andrei Gryaznov/TASS

On March 25, ‘anonymous Turkish officials’ denied to Reuters that Turkey had agreed to reopen three humanitarian crossings in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib between opposition and government-held areas.

The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria announced the breakthrough agreement with Turkey a day earlier. Under the agreement, three crossings should be reopened; one in Saraqib in Idlib and two others in Abu Zindain and Mizanaz in Aleppo.

Syrian authorities reopened Saraqib and Abu Zindain crossings in on March 25. However, both remained blocked by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de facto ruler of Greater Idlib. Turkish forces did not move to facilitate the agreement.

The supposed Turkish officials told Reuters that Russia proposed to reopen the three crossings in the past, but no passage requests were received. The officials added that the crossings “were not used very effectively”.

The officials statement failed to mention the fact that these crossings are blocked with force by HTS and several other armed groups, some of which are backed by Turkey.

Such reports and statements are likely meant to undermine the agreement credibility and please militants in Greater Idlib, who violate the ceasefire in the region on a regular basis.

Prior to Reuters’ report, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar phoned his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu. The two reportedly agreed to take measures to ensure the prevention of ceasefire violations in Greater Idlib.

In the last three years, Ankara made multiple promises on the Greater Idlib dilemma. So far, almost none of these promises have been fulfilled.


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Putin first and foremost wants Gazprom gas to reach the southern EU market through Turkstream, it’s thanks to the Ziocorporate terrorists of EU/NATO and their Turkish attack dogs that ISIS/SDF/al-Qaeda had it easy to invade northern Syria so expecting them to commit to any “agreements” is sheer cretinism.

Turks will also keep taking in all the stolen Syrian oil SDF/ISIS/US can deliver.


Ok, more bombs then.

Band Itkoitko

What cannot be achieved with bombs, can be achieved with many bombs.


Russian Navy: Which Submarines Will Be Delivered This Year ? The Russian Navy will receive three new nuclear-powered submarines by the end of the year Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov told the Krasnaya Zvezda daily: One Borei-A-class SSBN (project 955A) and two Yasen-M-class SSGN (project 885M). In addition it will soon commission three more conventional submarines: One improved Kilo-class SSK (project 636.3) and two Lada-class SSK (project 677). https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/03/russian-navy-which-submarines-will-be-delivered-this-year/

Kenny Jones ™

https://twitter.com/PicassoRepublic/status/1374720247782125571?s=20 Coincidences don’t exist

Band Itkoitko

That’s very interesting. I understand that some powers are unhappy about that port and no one asks them or cares what they think. However, what would be the benefit of slowing that down by a few days? Moreover, this even more justifies the necessity of that port in Sudan. If anything, such shenanigans would strengthen the Russian standing there in the long run. If someone really did that on purpose, they did it out of spite rather than of smartness. Not to mention that an economic melt-down is so much more looming than the Russian port.

Fog of War

” what would be the benefit of slowing that down by a few days? ”

Depends if something is brewing.

” Not to mention that an economic melt-down is so much more looming than the Russian port. ”

Who says the events aren’t related ?

Band Itkoitko

You might be right. Something seems to be brewing. The thing is that they didn’t have Russian presence there for decades and now when the “brewers” are the weakest and messed up, they scramble to cook something in just few days. This smells like despair.

Fog of War

” . This smells like despair. ”

Or a high level of planning with multiple contingency preparations.

Band Itkoitko

Or a complete accident, which still seems like the most likely thing.

Fog of War

I doubt it, but time will tell.

Band Itkoitko

Me too. But it can be both. Some entity wanted to do a dirty thing (starting with a dirty drawing in the Red Sea) but it escalated more than their desires and blocked the passage for longer. For Russia that is like a big advertisement of the need for NS2 and their northern shipping routes incentives.

Ricky Miller

Again, I love it, as long as it comes true. Kazan was launched in 2017 and was rumored to be nearing the end of sea trials in Q4, 2018. She did not emerge. Then official MOD and RFN publications said she’d most likely commission by the end of 2019, yet no Kazan. In fact, they dragged her back up into the barn.

Then by the end of 2020, for sure. There were even NF ceremonies scheduled. Then, New Years Day came and Kazan headed back to the dockside. Now, EAD says that NF sources say “… Kazan needs another controlled exit to the sea.” Meaning yet another sea trial. Most troubling is the fact that four times Sevmash certified the ship, and even once the Navy commission team did too only for the Fleet auditors to determine that contractual standards remained unmet.

I do believe Kazan will commission in May. But I’ve thought similiar things before. But I think that the odds of Novisibirsk commissioning by the end of 2021 is remote. The Kazan younger sister would have a Sea Trial period only a third as long as her troubled sibling. It could happen, but I’d keep the wine bottle firmly in the cellar. 70/30 odds that Novisibirsk doesn’t raise the Saint Andrew’s flag this year. I have little doubt about Knayaz Oleg SSBN though. And no doubts about any of the diesel electrics, except Saint Petersburg. Her commissioning will be after a rebuild, after multiple disappointments in operation. Making a December 31 deadline isn’t in my view going to happen, but I do think we’ll see her in Q1, 2022.

Band Itkoitko

No worries. The “Iskander & co.” diplomacy will work out beautifully.


Its way past time to close down that so called center of reconciliation and liberate Idlib.

Diana Cornwell

Aren’t you one of the trolls who always said Putin is biding his time and playing 5D chess?

You got a different set of instructions from your handlers?



Admiral Gorshkov frigate to test-launch Tsirkon hypersonic missiles

In late 2020, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov participated in the trials of Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missiles. During the trials, the warship performed several successful missile firings. https://www.navyrecognition.com/images/stories/news/2021/march/Admiral_Gorshkov_frigate_to_test-launch_Tsirkon_hypersonic_missiles.jpg


They are going to have more firings at naval targets within a few days.

klove and light

well here we go again…….now either putin is the dumbest russian leader ever ever or he is a treacherous zionist pig….. i dont believe he is stupid for 1 second…on the contrary……he is a treacherous zionist pig!

this is becoming absolutely ridiculous to its core……..it cant get more obvious…..utterly insane bs.

and this brings me to the other big nuclear armed nation…biden and his first press conference… https://youtu.be/axiTYc8wXK0

the senile pric k is READING the answers from his pulk desk after he PICKS the reporters questions in the “correct” line up…….

again for the 99% zionist brainwashed dummies….

THEY are all playing a theatre play for u 99% dummies……they ALL have the same AGENDA

A one world government with jerusalem as its capital under satanic leadership. ALL nations that RECOGNIZE the illegal satanic criminal entity named israel are part of the agenda.Thids includes russia,china,usa,uk,eu, etc….

wake the XXXX up !!! and stop making ridiuclous excuses for either side, ……russia and usa are TWO SIDES of the same COIN u morons !!!! ( and for the real dummies, I mean the leadership not the average ivan or joe)….


Fog of War

One world government you say ?

” End of online anonymity? Russians may have to provide passport details when signing up to social media, under new government plans “


” Israel rolls out “vaccine passport” system “


” Covid passports: How do other countries do it? ” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/covid-passports-how-do-other-countries-do-it/ar-BB1eXooC

johnny rotten

‘anonymous Turkish officials’ denied to Reuters, it is equivalent to the seal of a lie.


article above is pure rubbish!! OFFICIAL TASS RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY:

Russia, Turkey agree to take steps to ensure ceasefire in Idlib, media reports say

On March 23, a source from the Turkish Foreign Ministry told TASS that a meeting had been held at the ministry with Russian Ambassador to Turkey Alexei Yerkhov in regard to shelling in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation area, and Ankara expressed concerns to the Russian diplomat over the situation in Idlib https://tass.com/world/1270369

Raptar Driver

The turks like they’re larger sponsors aren’t agreement capable. Keep making deals with them Putin the fool.

cechas vodobenikov

al-anglo-qaeda , not human Helen running to amerika limping dogs

Diana Cornwell

Who is the biggest liar in all this?


Putin ALWAYS does what the Turks want. Just like ATATURK didn’t have a chance to defeat the Greeks in 1922 without Bolshevik Russia’s help in gold, arms and supplies; ERDOGAN wouldn’t have been able to kill so many Syrians and Kurds, and invade so much Syrian territory.

NATO’s biggest foreign asset is Putin.

Thanks Putin.

Porc Halal

backstabbers … they always did this, they will always do … this is what they are good at!

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