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MARCH 2025

Turkish Defense Ministry Turnis Into PR Department Of Idlib Militants

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Turkish Defense Ministry Turnis Into PR Department Of Idlib Militants

Image purportedly showing Turkish military hardware being moved to Idlib. Click to see full-size image

On February 11th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called a security council in order to discuss further steps in Idlib, in response to the attack that killed 5 Turkish troops and injured 5 more.

In the meeting, it was decided that the attack would be responded to as many times as possible.

The meeting was attended by Vice President Fuat Oktay, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, Chief of General Staff Gen. Yasar Guler, Head of National Intelligence Hakan Fidan, Communications Director Fahrettin Altun and President of Defense Industries Ismail Demir.

It was emphasized that no kind of attack can deter Turkey from its commitments in Idlib, including preventing any kind of conflict, providing border security and preventing a new wave of migration and human tragedy.

There are also images purportedly showing that Turkey is deploying even more hardware and equipment to Idlib in order to assist the “moderate opposition” in the fight against the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian troops, supporting it.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense also announces the gains by the al-Qaeda affiliated militants in Idlib, saying that the Syrian Arab Army is withdrawing from al-Nayrab, and that a helicopter had been downed.

The claims that al-Nayrab had been captured are yet to be substantiated by any evidence whatsoever.

A Syrian Arab Army Mil Mi-17 helicopter was downed over Idlib, by either militants or the Turkish troops in the region.

The Turkish defense ministry said that the Syrian Arab Army had left the northwestern town of al-Nayrab, after the helicopter was downed.

The town is located approximately 14 kilometers southeast of the city of Idlib.

In addition to the helicopter, Turkish state outlet Anadolu Agency reported that 2 SAA battle tanks were destroyed in al-Nayrab, and 1 battle tank and 1 23mm anti-aircraft gun were destroyed in the village of Afis.

Reportedly another helicopter came under fire, but was able to safely land.



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Zionism = EVIL

I know the Turkeys since the 1980’s and their military is totally third rate. I have seen them up close and found their officers moronic to say the least. In any case, the Turkeys are not in a position to wage a real war.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is on the verge of imposing full control over the strategic Aleppo-Damascus Highway (M-5) and has encircled eight Turkish observation posts.


Then there is nothing to be afraid of for SAA, Afghan and iranian peasentery. BTW have you ever considered a situation in which m4 and m5 are irrelevant ?

Zionism = EVIL

Time will tell me bucko!


The next cut off will be Sarmad-Idlib road. Then it will be irrelevant.

Ricky Miller

Your point of view is irrelevant. The M5 is valuable because Aleppo is critical to Syria’s long term recovery and the M5 connects Aleppo to the rest of the major cities in a more direct way than the back roads that are used now. It also enables faster military traffic and prevents the jihadi street gangs from utilizing the highway for their own force movements. They can use the back roads now. That’s a military advantage.


If things go like this and Assad orders murder of his own citizens to Russians , m4 and m5 will be completely irrelevant for the people of Idlib , because they wont be a part of Syrian Arab Republic anymore.

Ricky Miller

Umn, maybe you haven’t been keeping up with current events dumbass, but Idlib has been detached from the Syrian Arab Republic for some time now. It’s been that way because the United States, the UK, Israel, Qatar, KSA, and Turkey sponsored jihadi street gangs inside Syria in an effort to overthrow the Syrian government. It failed, with the help of Russia’s armed forces and Shia militia forces gathered together by Iran. This latest operation is regaining Syria’s territory inside Idlib, something that wouldn’t be happening without the force being applied. They’re winning.


Hmm ok. They are winning. 1/3 under Kurdish/Us invasion. Last time Assad / Putin tried there they were fried like pop corn at Deir Zor. Idlib under Opposition control , Afrin Tel Abyad range under Turkish invasion. But Assad is winning , because people you are following on twitter told you so. LOL. You are a loss of time , seriously.

Ricky Miller

Well, I don’t live on American fairy tales about Deir Ezzor. Whatever the incident was it didn’t include Russian forces under the Russian flag and Russians actually never engaged in combat there, not even the contract forces to whom you refer. The truth is that a Russian contract company was coming on to a scene where combat had taken place and also engaged in conversations, in Russian, on an open channel. They got lit up without firing a shot at anyone as they entered the combat area and after Russia replied to American questions regarding the area and confirmed that no protected Russian forces were operating there. Some people like to turn it into some WW3 battle with hundreds of dead but a German investigative report uncovered the truth. I can also see the map. Syria has won back most of the major cities, the population and the larger expanse of territories. Yes, the U.S. is helping the Kurdish territory remain apart and Russia and Syria don’t want to kick off a real world war, so for now that issue is static. It doesn’t change the fact that the U.S. wanted all of Syria and got the leftovers. The U.S. wanted to overthrow the Syrian government but failed. It’s a glass half full, or half empty. Take your half and go away.


How anyone can dare to act against those piece loving mighty Russians ? TR ministry of Defence would support barrel bomb yielding Syrians and civilian bombing Russians instead.

Zionism = EVIL

PEACE you Torki Khar IDIOT!


Of course my dear paranoid elder friend Because Russia has been synonym for peace and love all through out the history.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, I kid with you kids :) but the FACT is that the Turkeys and the moron Erdogan invaded a peaceful Arab neighbor and has been supporting Wahhabi terrorism. Russia and Iran had no choice but to support the legitimate government of Dr. Assad. In any case Turkey is fucked. Its position is Syria is untenable and it is time to get out.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Take in 4 million Syrian refugee neighbors, do not support pkk, prevent immigration in idlib, let’s be friends again.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, Assad senior handed over the faggot Abdullah Ocalan and instead the Turkey ingrates attacked Syria. Fuck me dead, what kind of neighborly behavior is that pal?

Maximus Decimus Meridius

America gave it, father is not Assad. Take back 4 million refugees. We spent $ 40 billion. We did not want oil, we are trying to help idlip just so that people do not die in vain. Nothing we want from the Shitty Syrian. I hope you fight the USA this way. The Syrian regime is not anything without the state of Turkey. there is tomorrow today. Keep in mind

Zionism = EVIL

$40 billion is a stretch Mustafa, perhaps $3 billion sponsoring Wahhabi terrorism. In any case Russia and Iran will never allow an inch of Syria to be under Turkeys control. The Salafist coward Erdogan is killing your poor kids for nothing. Most of the rich Turks don’t let their kids get conscripted.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Are only Turks dying? It’s a civil war, we didn’t start it. I say $ 40 billion !!!!! The total income of Syria is $ 100 billion !!! 4 million women and children refugees in Turkey. Do not try to justify your dirty war.We are not a nation that will be afraid of what you are talking about.

Zionism = EVIL

Talk is cheap arkadas. Turkey simply can not win this one. I don’t want young Turks to die for the pimp Erdogan’s ego. Syria is too big to swallow and has many powerful friends. The SAA has been fighting for 9 years non-stop and is hardly going to cave in. I was posted with your military as a liason officer once and it is not that good, especially after Erdogan has gutted it. Kardeşlere karşı savaş sadece Yahudi düşmanlarına yardım eder.


Not a civil war. A proxy war. The only Syrians fighting against other Syrians are the traitors who will do anything for a buck. Syria is one of the 7 countries the US wanted to topple in 5 years because they reject rothschild-zionist controlled central bank.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Come on, admit it, this foolish term is the war of Shia-Sunni. It is also the oil war of Russia and the USA.


Yes, I’m sure there is truth in what you say. But, call it what you will. It’s proxy forces that are fighting in Syria for various reasons. Oil, paycheck, land, Greater Israel project, toppling governments that rejects rothschild-zionist controlled central bank, etc. Old South African government were toppled for same reason. No Rothschild-Zionist controlled Central bank. Not “Apartheid”. Apartheid is what Israel does best.

Benjamin Facochere

If Turkey was ever interested in peace and the lives of Syrian refugees they could have opted for UN controlled refugee camps inside of Syria, i.e. Idlib and could have disarmed the jihadists. This way a political solution would have become much easier and we wouldn’t have this Jihadist zoo in Idlibistan we see today. But Turkey always had other goals.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

We talked to Obama many times. We wanted to create a secure line. Since this did not happen, there was no UN corridor. How can you install it in the fighting area ???? Please some logic.

Benjamin Facochere

You created this fighting area. You don’t need to phone Obama for that. First clear Idlib of the terrorists then install a UN mandated safe zone. But instead you opted for arming the terrorists in Idlib and securing them by installing “observation points”.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Also, Syrian terrorists do not concern us. If Assad cooperated with us, we would have preferred it. Our government has said it over and over again. We were attacked without attacking last week. States must remain loyal to agreements. There are Sochi and Adana agreements. Links are here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/adana_agreement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/second_northern_syria_buffer_zo to

Ricky Miller

Sochi and Astana required Turkey to clear the M5 and M4 highways for use, fifteen months ago. It wasn’t done. The agreements required Turkey to pry apart her own Turkish militants from HTS, also not done. Shelling of Aleppo and Hama was to stop, with Turkish forces enforcing the cease fire. Guess what? Also not done. Turkey wanted the benefits of the so called cease fire without meeting any of the responsibilities. So, the Russian Aerospace Forces and the SAA cleared the M5 themselves. Whine, or make War. It’s pitiful that Turkey is trying to do both.

Ricky Miller

Come on, admit it. Turkey allowed foreign fighters to traverse Turkey, along with weapons and supplies in order to invade Syria. Turkey was a full conspirator in a plan to overthrow a neighboring country, in a plot hatched up in Qatar, Washington D.C. and London. You played your part and now suddenly are all shocked when the other side fights back and begins reclaiming it’s own territory. That’s what countries have armies for. The aren’t potted plants. This is exactly why a national leadership decides to have them and put resources into them. Whine, or make war. Decline to shame yourself by doing both at the same time.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

There is no invasion, you are flying blind. Turkey has legally. Everything is lawful. -Syria Adana Turkey and Turkey-Russia agreement Sochi agreement. Your writings and accusations are always propaganda. Read

Ricky Miller

There is an invasion. Russia can’t stand the hypocrisy and lies any longer. Turkey hasn’t lived up to the agreements made in Astana and Sochi and has tried to play Russia for a fool. They did this because they thought that Syria couldn’t mount an offensive strong enough to reclaim this much territory inside Idlib. Now, Turkey is in a mess. They asked Russia for another ceasefire. Russia said no, including again yesterday. They asked Russia to make the SAA withdraw to the contact line from last summer! Russia said no. The idiocy. Like Russians and Syrians who have lost men in this operation are going to give back hard won gains to a sponsor and it’s proxies who can’t abide by the terms of previous ceasefires. See the reality here.

AM Hants

What I love about Russia, is she provides enough rope for her interiors to hang themselves. Making sure they expose their wrong doings to the world.

Going back to 2014, when Russia was enjoying the Winter Olympics.

Crimea – sorted, with no loss of blood, before the EU had time to arrange an emergency meeting.

Ukraine, not paying for gas. Russia patiently waited, then when the international community assumed Ukraine could have free gas, Russia refused to give Ukraine gas on credit.

President Putin, addressing UN, a couple of days before sending forces to Syria.

Despite Turkey taking out the Russian military jet and the horrors inflicted on the pilot, whilst still alive, Russia saved Erdogan from assassination, sold Turkey S-400s and set up South Stream. Erdogan, assumed Russia would be subservient to Turkey. Guess he is now finding out what happens when you cross Russia’s red line.

Justice is a dessert best served cold.


Turkish leaders is also going to have a hard time in justifying their direct military support of UN designated Terrorists.

The UK and US will , as always ,spew out platitudes BUT the remainder of the UN whether they are controlled by the US /UK or not, will all recognise the truth of the matter.

That being the NATO cowardly use of proxy terror gangs for US/UK geopolitical gains.

AM Hants

Seems the UN have no problem whatsoever, of International law being violated. Well, if you are the right country doing it.

All countries are equal, just some more equal than others.


The US and UK have singlehandedly exposed the almost total control of the once revered , but now debased UN institutions and agencies such as the OPCW. OSCE, etc.

ALL have been suborned by the USA/UK and its Zionist globalist agenda. It is a global disgrace that the Syrian calamity has placed in plain sight of all the nations of the world. It is now time for the world to cast off the chains and mannilla’s of US/UK slavery and FIGHT for change.

1 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 3 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 4 International Labour Organization (ILO) 5 International Maritime Organization (IMO) 6 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 7 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 8 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 9 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 10 Universal Postal Union (UPU) 11 World Bank Group (WBG) 11.1 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 11.2 International Finance Corporation (IFC) 11.3 International Development Association (IDA) 12 World Health Organization (WHO) 13 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 14 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 15 World Tourism Organization (UNWTO or WTO) 16 Former specialized agencies 17 Related organizations 17.1 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Preparatory Commission 17.2 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 17.3 International Organization for Migration (IOM) 17.4 Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 17.5 World Trade Organization (WTO)

AM Hants

Talking of the UN and UK, do you remember the Disney female antagonist themed UK Ambassador? Sort of Cruella De Ville drag act, bred with the wicked step-mother, Ru Paul. The one that despite her Cambridge graduation and LSE Master’s, believed Mass founded Russia. Well anyway, Boris has only gone and promoted the mess to the UK Ambassador to the US. Hopefully Trump will not try the same trick, retire his mate Woody and get Nikki Haley to take over as the US Ambassador to the UK.

So Disney does Hammer Horror, that our political elite manage so well.


Cruella is an insult to Britain and an insult even to herself. The very expensive education that she has had is completely wasted.

A simple shoplifter could perform as well as Cruella in the UN.

AM Hants

On the blasted phone, mass = Marx.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Sorry, but not the facts, you just wrote the thoughts you believed. That’s all. This is a self-centered article.

Ricky Miller

Liar. Turkey helped to start it and refuses to help end it by failing to meet it’s Astana commitments.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Source??????????? please…

Ricky Miller

Geography lesson, please? Examine Turkey’s operation Olive Branch and Peace Spring to occupy parts of another country. Turkish aligned militants bearing Turkish weapons were the ground muscle for both. Don’t play dumb and pretend you don’t know. Areas of the rebellion and jihadi street gang rule were, during large periods of time in this conflict completely cut off from any land border except for Turkey’s. Yet they managed to recieve weapons and reinforcements. Did they use some alien beam transporter to get in there?

Maximus Decimus Meridius

You are stupid, all of them are present in the agreement of Adana and Sochi. Review deals and be respectful without calling someone stupid.

Ricky Miller

It’s stupid to expect another side in a conflict to adhere to a cease fire while your side fires at will. It’s stupid and duplicitous to pretend that Turkey doesn’t fund insurgent militia forces inside Syria. The media is full of stories, including some MSM even, about Turkish paid and supplied militants being transferred from Syria to Libya in the past month. Yet, you pretend that Turkey is in Northern Syria for peace and to protect people. Rubbish. Turkey is a participant in this conflict, despite the face you show to the world. You are one of the arsonists who set this fire, now you act all innocent and pretend to fight it.

Ricky Miller

No, what Turkey did was allow itself to be a conduit for jihadi fighters, American supplies and weapons, and Gulf State cash into Syria. The goal was to overthrow the Syrian government, because no one involved in the conspiracy thought that the Syrian government would be able to survive. Turkey’s goal in this is clear: ethnic Turks living in Northern Syria want to be adjoined to Turkey, like Northern Cyprus. End of story. When you destabilize another state and ship in insurgents it might be wise to expect that the neighboring state will fight back and that there will be both casualties and refugees.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Sorry, those who took refuge in us are those who escaped from the Assad regime. Which stupid takes refuge in the state who wants to destroy his own country.

Ricky Miller

There are millions of Syrians who stayed at home and who support the government. Millions have fled but that’s what millions always do in a conflict like this. They all want to go to the West to drive a luxury car and keep up with the Kardashians. What they end up doing is living on handouts, live in poverty and maybe clean toilets. The reason that Turkey has so many refugees is because Turkey helped to start a war in a neighboring country and then took a big payout from Europe to not allow the refugee flow to Europe to continue.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

How easy it is to reduce everything to money. I don’t have to look at something because you gave me money. Turkey does not see people for money. Maybe you could be surprised, but Turkey is the world’s most benevolent country. Can you find your own country on the list. All you do is impose your own nonsense on people. in https://tr.euronews.com/2018/06/21/turkiye-insani-yard-mda-zirve Syrian refugees in Turkey does not run as slaves in the mines. The disease that comes with so many refugees, there is cultural deformation. If it is about money, let us give you the money.

Concrete Mike

Right, and what about all the factories looted in Aleppo?

The thousands of trucks hauling ISIS oil to Turkey.

And you idiots spent 40 billion to boot. I got news for you, the refugees are fleeing from the terrorist gangs supplied by Turkey.

Your trying to help Idlib, what a fucking joke.

You are doing Israel’s work. Shame on you fucking coward!

Maximus Decimus Meridius

These are nonsense. We do not want the Syrians in Turkey already. But they don’t want to go. They receive salaries from the state every month, education is free, hospital is free. It is a Middle East dump, and Syrians are constantly giving birth. Also no one is a coward, no need for keyboard heroism, be decent.

Concrete Mike

What a stupid argument.

Answer the gentleman’s question snake!


Which gentleman , dotard ?


Thats was sad , mate. I am really offended..

Imagine a country that calls its 30% minority Torki Khar, but tries to control ME. Sooner or later it will see Southern Azarbaijan with in its borders, dont you think ?

Zionism = EVIL

Well, you guys should not be acting as Khars for the Zionists and Americunts then. Why attack a peaceful anti-Zionist neighbor, Syria had not killed any Turks to the best of my knowledge.


Get lost Turkish terrorist! Go supporting your bellowed terrorists from Al Nusra front!


Awww.. A Slowvack defending his civilian bombing , kid murdering Russian brother. How cute..

Ricky Miller

The kid murderers are in Washington. They invaded Iraq and killed a million people. They created ISIS. They supplied jihadi street gangs with weapons and shipped them to Syria to overthrow Syria’s government. When Syria, with Russia and Iran’s help fought back people like you crawl out from under your neo-colonial war pig rocks to vilify the resistors. How disgusting. No one here will fall for your lies.


Russia and Iran help Assad , spend billions and send their sons to death just because they love Assad dearly , is that it ? They have no interests in Syria like expansionism , completing the shia crescent , or making Syria a Russian Oblast for sure. They are just there for their high ethical values, LOL.

Russians are the most ruthless and savage people of white race , dear. They have no hesitation when it comes to bomb civilians , kill women and kids under aerial bombardments. After all , they did not blink to raze Grozni to the ground with vacum bombs. In Syrian civil war , they were the only bastards capable of implementing vicious plans of Qasım Sulemiani which consisted pushing innocent civilians ( 3 million of them , can you believe ? ) to the borders under Russian incidiary bombs ..

When it comes to savagery , nothing can compete with Russians and that peasants called Iranians who still hang people in the middle of Tehran on mobile cranes, so please dont bother telling me how dearly people they all are.

Ricky Miller

What Russia wants is for other states to abide by the United Nations Charter. And don’t tell me about Russians being evil. That’s racist and an argument beneath contempt. The Russians are on the defensive in this conflict with America’s Empire. The Americans violate the UN Charter and invade other countries.The U.S. overthrows governments it doesn’t like, also a UN Charter violation. The U.S. regularly violates treaties and agreements. Russia is helping Syria defend it’s rights as an independent country, in response to a proxy and hybrid war invasion.


Now I got it. Russia helps Syria because it simply wants UN charter to be abided. The only reason why Russia is Syria is because Russia wants UN charter to be fulfilled , and they want Syria to be an independent country

Becuase Syria is and was an ultimately independent country in which people are inherited from father to son like commercial merchandise.

How good , naive , frienly and angelic Russia is , and how Pollyanna of you , if you are not a Russian paid troll already.

Concrete Mike

Go hang out with the other fascists at the new york times, your out of your league here, espicially when the only points you have is cnn circle jerk shit.

Just remember , JABHAT AL NUSRAH runs the show in Idlib.

No matter how bad Assad was or is, he is still a million time better than Al Nusrah will ever be.

All yall are israeli bitches doing israel’s job that they are too cowardly to do themselves.

” We will bomb beirut to ruins with Gantz as pm” Loosely paraphrasing some zionist misguided fool.


Its “Slovak” you retard!

You are supporting internationally recognized terrorists group, that was killing, burning civilians, selling woman’s as a sex slaves and decapitating children you lowest scum!


My dear slowvack friend,

Your Russian brothers are famous with razing cities , bombing civilians , kids and women. First see what they really are , then we can further go ahead with that ‘who is more evil’ contest of yours.


You despicable terrorist scum and Turkish troll: Go support your terrorists friends from Al Nusra in the offensive and get lost!


This is a public thread , please dont tell me what to do or not. There is an ignore ( or block ) button in yr disquss , use it if you can not stand people who tell right into your face what your Russian friends are really are.

Ricky Miller

Fuck you. This site is a resistance oriented website and here you are calling the people who run it, Russian citizens, evil frankenstein like mass murderers by character. Run on, evil Imperial troll, back to BB or to your other bloodthirsty American war pig gazettes. You turds roll on to this and other sites whenever the people of resistance begin to win in a big way. I must admit, that does bring some satisfaction.


LOL another triggered Russophile.

If this is a resistance oriented website , pls write mail to the developers ask them to block me. You can also tell them that ‘there is a bad bad Turk somewhere in threads who does not share you resistance based values aka russian bootlicking.

Till then , you can take your own advice and go fuck yourswelf, how about that ?

Concrete Mike

Ill do my.best newfinese.

Kiss me arse ya ugly nazi!


Why should I kiss yr arse, can you elloborate ? Because I have just puked on my keyboard after I read that.

Concrete Mike

And that is certainly not your lying ass telling the truth. Btw, we know who ran the guns from bulgaria to isis for years ;)

Ricky Miller

You are a war pig scumbag and supporter of America’s forever neo-colonial war. Your attacks on Russians as a people are revealing though. They are having success at putting in check many of the US misadventures and aggressions, so people like you are paid to show up online and demonize them. Yet, millions of people around the world, a majority in fact, see the truth and identify the real threat now: the United States. Iraq’s chief of staff is today in a meeting with the Russian Ambassador about weapons purchases and defense cooperation. Something about air defense weapons and assistance because a third party country is violating Iraqi airspace and murdering Iraq’s guests and it’s own citizens without permission. And Manila is kicking the U.S. military presence to the curb today, too. Something about the U.S. violating the sovereignty of the Philippines. People are wising up everyday, or so it seems. And access to Russian weapons and assistance are a big part of their ability to reclaim and keep their independence. So slander away, no one cares. No one who matters.


LOL. What we have here a wannabe Don quichotte fighting for the needy , replying for the incompotent.

I dont remember telling that Americans are angels without wings , in fact when itcomes to imperialism Americans nd Russians are not so far from each other . Thats the reason why small Baltic states and even Poland lives under a constant Russian invasion threat.

Now that we also have learned from your side that Russia produces and sells weapons to world just because world needs them in order to break US hegemony.

Please spare yr BS to yourself and quit trying to be a Don quichotte , because with this narrow world view and amount of mindwashing you faced, you can only be a Rosinante indeed.

AM Hants

Lost in translation

Samuel Vanguard



really??? wanting to start a war when your economy is going down the drain to protect terrorists?????

Samuel Vanguard



That a hoax. If an improvished chiathole like Iran can wage a war , practically everyone can .

Concrete Mike

When war is braught upon you, you fight, dumbass.

Your just used to running to mama usa!!

Muh muh anti semitism :(((( waaa waaaa.

Fucken baby.


Yes Mike sure. Because war was brought to Iran in Yemen , Iraq and Syria. So they fought.

If I would run to some mama, that would be definitely yours mike , not mine.

About yr comments on antisemitism and shit , I think that ‘concerete’ part of your nick describes what is in yr skull, but not yr chracter.

Finally , statements like ‘fucken baby’ are not so nice, dotard. You may find yrself in jail any second , where you will drop the soap bar 7/24 gladly.

Concrete Mike

FuckEN is an adjective you illiterrate morron.

Im obviously laughing at your ignorance. Its a little mean ill stop.

Good night.


Thanks man .

Yr comment was a print screen material and took its deserved place in my computer file named ”Gems”

Next time may be you can try to pronounce ‘illiteRRate’ correctly before you accuse me to be illiterate and ignorant.

You can always edit , but your screenshot will live with me till eternity. Thanks for the laughs , old man.


Erdogan is in the sh*t domestically and so he tries foreign adventures… same old. And he’ll fail miserably at that too. Turks are nationalistic but they will wake up, once they’re presented with the bill. There is also huge opposition to those jingoistic ‘adventures’ in Turkey.

Ingo Adam

Should that little campfire has been an helicopter? Hard to believe. Do you?


One thing to note: Yesterday some sane turk wrote what confirms my suspicion: Before the SAA retaliated and hit the Turkish convoy, the turkish public and opposition was opposed to Erdogan interveneing in Idlib. But now, he said the top trend on turkish twitter was something along the lines “Burn them into the ground, anniliate them”. So Erdogan played this well. Within one day, he managed to turn the whole opposition into supporting his attacks in Idlib!! Even in a wide war he would likely have the backing of nearly all of Turkey public and opposition. Not to speak of his loyal brain dead followers.

AM Hants

Does Turkey understand Idlib is in the sovereign nation of Syria and nought to do with Turkey?

Assad must stay

they do but erdogan wants to recreate the ottoman empire and doesnt care, unfortunately for him he will soon have to care :))))

AM Hants

The man is either seriously confused or playing to the domestic audience. The moderates are not even Turkish, just mercenaries with Turkish support. So is it in his interests to have them erased rather than turn up in Turkey, causing mischief?

Assad must stay

Probably lol

Black Waters

Take Constantinople enough of tolerance for those turkish orcs, if the U.S gestapo does something stupid nuke them, problem solve.


Easier said than done, Mr Waters.

May be it is time for you to wake up and understand that such Youtube BS will not save yr day anymore as Istanbul is already a 19 mio city whichis more populated than all Greece and Bulgaria combined.

Any other brilliand ideas you want to share ?

Black Waters

The U.S gestapo funding a rogue nation like Turkey, it wasn’t a surprise, knowing how many terrorist groups they have been funding over the last 30 years.


How many , please list.


“Another footage showing opposition groups’ members praying”… have these people no sense? They’re celebrating, not praying.

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