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MARCH 2025

Turkish Drone Strikes Inflict Catastrophic Losses On Syrian Army (Videos)

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On February 28, the Turkish Ministry of National Defense released a 14-minute video of dozens of drone strikes on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops and equipment.

While the beginning of the video shows strikes which were carried out over the last few days, the last part includes footage of dozens of strikes which were conducted within the last 24 hours.

The Turkish strikes destroyed dozens of battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), rocket launchers, howitzers, pickup-mounted machine guns and trucks.

One of the Turkish strikes also destroyed what appears to be a Pantsir-S1 air-defense system of the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF). Ankara had claimed that a system of this type was destroyed along with a BUK medium-range air-defense system.

According to the Turkish Ministry of National Defense, 8 battle tanks, 4 IFVs, 5 howitzers and 2 rocket launchers of the SAA were destroyed in the last 24 hours.

The strikes were most likely carried out by Turkish-made ANKA-S and Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial combat vehicles (UCAVs).

The intense Turkish strikes begin after a series of Syrian airstrikes on southern Idlib which claimed the lives of 33 Turkish service members and injured dozens others.

The SAA’s catastrophic losses will likely allow Turkish-backed militants, including al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), to conduct more offensive operations in Greater Idlib.

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Joe Doe

Only fool will wait and do nothing, while the enemy destroying country and military, including hardware. SAA over the 8 years war has learn very little about military tactics. Most f the SAA is garbage, except Tiger force and maybe the Palestine and Hezbollah group.



destroyed and captured equipment:

30 – Tanks

20 – SPGs

15 – BMPs

7 – BM-21s

TOTAL: 72 pieces of heavy equipment

Ishyrion Av

You forgot about 1500 nuclear submarines, 223 spaceships and 27 carriers. Turks are messing the SAA very hard!


Noticed the Laser Beam on first video at 07:38 on vehicle? Just UAVs….. in a full war with Turkish Jets your numbers can be come true. But for incompetent SAA, armed UAVs seem sufficient enough.

Lavrenty Beria

Its a worn out bungling SAA that through 8 years of chaotic resistance has managed to destroy Erdogans Muslim brotherhood dream. The Erdogan dream has now drawn him into two failed wars and destroyed his own economy. These primitive UAVs destroying 1970 era Syrian vehicles, whilst backing al Qaeda, is all that’s left of his grand plan.

Arch Bungle

The thing about drones is that two can play at that game. The SAA are going to rely more on drone fleets start taking out Turkish (terrorist) forces now.

Ishyrion Av

Hmm, I wouldn’t be surprised if the movies would be computer generated… I mean, I think I could come up myself with such movies, if I would waste several days (sorry, is not my field of work).


Watch 07:27

It is shifting from Thermal to normal vision. Looks quite real for me! On 07:38 you can see the laser beam from UAVs FLIR on the vehicle.

Ishyrion Av

Have you ever played H.A.W.X.? I did. Their movies are much more realistic and definitely top class quality!


Havent seen such Photorealistic Graphics yet sorry! And i am a Gamer in my mid 30‘s!

Legis Legis Juscius

just watch then russian drone attacks from 2017, amazinggly detailed video, ualmost can see turkish jihadis faces

Legis Legis Juscius



Legis Legis Juscius

Russian special forces started hunting turkish troops


IF these attacks are true , its high time that the SAA troops dispersed more tactically in rear areas, tried to conceal and protect vehicles by using picks and shovels if necessary. Troops should also dig individual trenches with overhead cover if possible and munitions should be dispersed in pits if the ground is dry. That way a blast will direct the energy mostly upwards. Fuel also needs to be stored away from the vehicles and men in several dumps.

Having neat rows is a military thing, but in combat its ridiculous.


Agree Thea also must hide and protect better their tanks and other weaponry. Turkey has NATO satellite surveillance support.

SAA is in real war now against another army and not some rag tag terrorists.


You cant hide it better: Just saw it after it exploded….



You cant hide it better that you Turds and yours terrorist rats are losing the ground in Idlb. You have plenty of video and other MSM propaganda though.


To see infantry walking up farm tracks in a gaggle is also daft in a rear combat area, especially when drones etc are looking for targets.

NCO and junior officer training seems to be lacking. Staying alive is hard work.


This is becoming a real war. So they better pull their shit together soon before it is too late.

Ishyrion Av

I don’t think these movies are for real, but definitely SAA has loses. It’s a war, after all. If it would be for me, I would target all the Turkish columns which come and supply the invasion. But for real, not just warnings.

Rhodium 10

if it were real…SAF would have destroyed all Turkish post!…many of them are from Afrin, others from Iraq kurdish areas and attacks near Turkish border in Hasaka vs SDF/SAA others have recorder with small drones and are artillery hits during Nayrab and Saraqib offensive…Erdogan need to save his face!

Ricky Miller

Most of it is real. Turkish drones are roaming all over the area, including well behind the contact line. So far, no one is really doing anything about it. Russia had more than a year to plan this op and what, failed to anticipate that if the airspace was closed to Turkish primary aviation that they would resort to drone warfare? It’s crazy, and almost seems like the Russian government doesn’t really want to win this fight, or has some divergent definition of winning than most of us here at SF, and different from the Syrian government too. And Syrian Mig-29’s, where are they? Syria has 25-30 Mig-29’s, including 20 newer and revamped airframes gifted by Russia over the past four years. They would be ideal for flying over the region and spotting these drones on strong radar pulses, and shooting them down. Are the pilots busy, playing cards or something back at base? An entire group of SAA officers were killed and maimed yesterday at a conclave more than 10k behind the contact line. There was not a single Mig-29 available for air cover? It’s military malpractice and is getting entire groups of SAA soldiers killed.

Legis Legis Juscius

dont worry tomoorow will be diferent, russia allowed non combat drones to survey deesclation zone, instead turkey sent armed drones and this attacks were unenspected, attacks are over russia implying no fly zone now

Jens Holm

I dont believe Assads has 25 to 30 jets. They have had them but´several of them are used as spareparts.

And Assads could have beenn prepared. To me its like 2 tired boxers pretending they are the biggest and best. They dont use backup like that and missiles are fine. It seemes they did shoot at least something down from the Turkish sky.

Yopu expect too much.

I might agree some. People debating here mainly say that Turks are weak and denied they are number 11 in the world and a big corner of their soldiers are first class and well equipped.

People here even talk down their many F16s as they were and are second class wrecks. They are not.

Assads never has met the Turkish armed forces for real not even in “SDFs”.

Ricky Miller

Russia just gave them 20 newer model Mig-29’s in 2017. Russian aircraft are holding the Turks at bay so Mig-29’s could engage drones with minimal risk. Maybe Syria feels the need to save them for a rainy day.

Rhodium 10

Man…most of that images were recorder during past Afrin and norther Syria campaing!…Turkish armed drones cannot fly over Syria…other thing is small cuadracopters….Turkey asked for permision to fly Helicopters over Idlib to pick up dead and wounded soldiers!

Jens Holm

That shoul be routine every day. Take cover and keep.

But we dont know whats next. Fx we dont know if ´Turks are “something for something” or they will reagin terrain or make a big delay in the Russia/Assad offensive.

There are many other possibilities like hostages and retreat as well as Assads and Purin are planning for revenge.

I also see Turks might not like coffins comming home making a retreat or support for AKP for intensice warfare. Turks are well equipped and fx coukd knock out all Russian and Assad aircrafts – but the revenge will come from Russia.

Jens Holm

You can try “Syria takes Golan”:)


The shitty russian air defence systems. The same situation was in bekaa valley, when IAF wizhin 4h elimineted the complete syrian air defence sytem. Which was top levele soviet system. not export version.

I see, the S-300 is not able to lift under battle conditions.

Bye bey, russia, dwarf gas station!


stop wearing stilletos you demented kweer,seriously you have one complex sexual disorientation disorder! liberal bot!

Tim Williams

SAA has moved in short range air defense in the area and are now shooting the drones down




This should have been thought of weeks ago really.

Tim Williams

can’t argue with that

Arch Bungle

The SAA seems to have doubted the Turks would get involved as directly as they currently are. The reality is sinking in that they cannot avoid confronting the Turks directly on Syrian land.


This is what could have been done after the liberation of Dier Azzor, using T2 or T3. Cheap drones can save lives, as we now know.


You mean like this one here? https://twitter.com/notvladedivac/status/1233477522089705477

Rhodium 10

meanwhile Pantsir have shot down 4 Turkish drone today near tripoli in Libya!..phots can be seen in pro wetern syria live map web

Legis Legis Juscius

and 3 most expensive turkish drones over idlib, russian are preparing no fly zone, since turkish were allowed to thos point have drones over idlib, but unarmed ones, but as ve see they sent armed ones,btw, russian oficials said, not in public btw, putin never forget or forgive su-24 or ambasador, and high ranking russian diplomat said, if turkey try invade syria in full force, they will be anahilated, bad news for turks, experts from UK telling that turks have no chance against russain military machine, erdogan cornered himself, thats why he asking other for help and now will go to moscow quickly, because he knows that his conscript army will be devastated by russian military, tens of thousands turkish will be back in body bags, and populiation will overthrow erdogan, + kurdish insurgents should start operating soon…Imagine russians needed just one hit to kill 33 turks and wound another 40, thats amazing…JUST ONE AIRSTRIKE


Isn’t that the alleged Pantsir that Isreal claimed to have hit in Syria some time ago ?

The Turks are overextended big time. They will bleed out fighting the Libyan ,Syrian militaries and peoples.

If NATO gets involved then it would be world war, drawing in Iran , her global allies , bringing in the full weight of Russia , China etc

Christian S

pantsir in vid is UEA pantsir thats been hit in Libya, Turks did not hit pantsir in syria


Just fresh in: Two more Pansir being transported are destroyed!


Fresh just in – Erdogan is desperation as Turkish economy collapses, loses Idlib and many Turk casualties, Turkey on its own against the world :D


Just fresh in: Ayman has shit for brains……………….

Harry Smith

Look, there is picture which is painted for internal Turkey use and there is objective reality. If those are identical why then Erdogan blocked Twitter, Facebook and Instagram?

Christian S

Today confirmation pantsir in turk vid is UAE pantsir that been struck in Libya, nice try


Is there a link here?

Cant see it


Turkey is increasingly losing drones , troops and armor in both Syria and Libya. Turkey is walking into a monumental trap set up by Russia,Iran and Hezbollah.

These videos are fake. The Turks wouldn’t bomb SAA troops, especially given the fact that Russian Special Force troops are embedded with the SAA. Same goes for Iranian Special forces . Even Hezbollah and various Shia militia’s from Iraq and Afghanistan. Essentially , soon we will see Turkey bleed very badly. And if the forces of NATO are supposed to interfere on Turkey ‘s behalf , NATO doesn’t have the stomach for a big war.


At last, someone with the eyes to see……………


the videos are not fake. noone has said they were fake. if they were Syria would be laughing now and trust me they arent.


But the US would feed the Turks eye in the sky Intel, as they do for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.


Believe the Turkish dictatorship and you ll believe anything!

Al Balog

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. This should be Erdogan’s new motto.


yeah lol , lets have another ”Operation Olive Branch” and some ”Operation Peace Spring” and why not maybe an operation spread the turkish love ! https://media.giphy.com/media/koPTN1dhK1kpG/giphy.gif


He believes it:

Turkish Army Air Strike on Lebanese Hezbollah Headquarters in Idlib


Rhodium 10

Sure?..they die fighting in Aleppo many days ago vs HTS…but if a mosque die surely have been as a result of Turkish airstrike….by the way LNA in Libya has told that 4 Turkish drone have been shot down today and posted Photos!

Shia man

Ya that report doesn’t make sense how they die in Aleppo when nothing is happening their

Arch Bungle

In the meantime Erdogan is losing soldiers in Libya as the LNA bombs the crap out of them there. The Turks are going to get smashed on 2 fronts. Defeat is inevitable.

At some point Turkey will go into tail spin trying to figure out which field to give up first. That will lead to a series of stupid mistakes, the result of which will be Erdogan bowing to Putin again.

Rhodium 10

We have seen that Tukish drones (through Erdogan sources) are more powerful that the entire israeli air force!..but meanwhile LNA in Libya have shot down 4 Turkish drones today!



Luke Hemmming

Hahaha nice

The Saint

Southfront should refrain from regurgitating Turkish propaganda as if it was fact.


SF just now shows the real life!


LoooL Just let the guys their delusion. It is a part of Human Psychologic denial System, at begining….

Luke Hemmming

As delusional as you thinking that at the end of this Turkey will be victorious? Hahaha keep dreaming that same wet dream kike head or whatever the hell you are. Either way your still a cock head. Bwahahaha


Ayman is Turd

Pave Way IV

People should refrain from considering SouthFront news reports as if they are intended to be fact. SouthFront does not filter out ‘un-approved’ stories because they don’t support a pre-defined narrative. You still have to think – they don’t pretend to do that for you.

Rhodium 10

Fake images!..Erdogan need to save his face after 53 soldiers dead, the lose of Aleppo and the south of Idlib…only have benn able to retake Saraqib..but for few days…

Al Balog

Saraqib in 2020 is just like Battle of the Bulge in 1945. Hitler’s Nazis hid their losses and misreported them as well. Even in 1945, Hitler tried his hardest to make Germany look “strong” and “powerful” to the German public, when in fact it was losing to the Red Army in the East and the Allies in the West. Erdogan’s doing the exact same tactic of saving face and fooling people.

Rhodium 10

we have seen in Libia how easy is to shot down turkish drones…only one enter and was shot down last day!…small drones and F-16 airstrikes have recorder many images of Turkish attacks in Afrin, and Kurdish areas ( also in Irak)…beside artillery and ATGM attacks vs Syrian army in terrorist offensive!…Russia have allowed that Erdogan save his face posted fake drones attacks…but in few days Saraqib and Ariha will be under hands of SAA!

Assad must stay



Maybe soon Turkey will officially declare war on SAA?


„The level of Turkish regime strikes and military activity indicate a large ground operation is pending in Idlib“

Assad must stay

who cares if they declare war or not, for SAA they already are at war and are not afraid

Jens Holm

You can get Golan back if You take Westbankers as new forced spendables. It was Syria too. At that You treated most of them even worse then the Jews do.

Bad last name = OUT.

The Youngsters there even put our roadside bombs and expect to be treated as nice human beings.

Luke Hemmming

Huh? Did anyone else understand any of what Jens just typed? Cause I didn’t.

Jens Holm

Yes they do and many dont like it and make the worst kind of science fiction in stead.

You are like old USSR. All adventures there started with a: Once upon a time, there will come … And then Russia collapsed again.

Luke Hemmming

I don’t know about that jens seems like no one even bothers to reply to your jibberish anymore because they think ‘why bother.’


Every empire collapses Jens its only a matter of time, Neoliberalism (globalism) I would suggest is closer to collapse than Russia or Syria.

Jens Holm

USA did anything to avoid being in WW1 and was firced to. USA did the same before WW2 and was at the Chamberlein line. In 1938 they had 400.000 soldiers and the majority was the national guard not allowed to leave the country.

The rest was bad educated unless for looking good and show records for the olypics. They had no internal transportation mainly using busses and trains, and not even weapons for all apart from some few from WW1. They had no tanks, they have no mines, they hardly had artillery.

USA has no vessels for troops transportation as well as for equipment and food. They hardly had any modern airplanes and even had to take in the civile Catalina in to look for subs in the atalantic ocean.

So they added soldiers up to one million soldiers, but those were educated for Japanese fightings. Marines also today fight almost as the Japanese did.

USA was not enemy to the Nazis. Many actually admired them for creating jobs and dicipline.

USA before the Pearl Harbour there was no Empire at all. They had twice chosen not to be. They traded with the Nazis but also sold Britts for 27 billion dollars of equipment as well as the sold for 11 billion dollars to Russia.

The chjange came when they were attacked in Pearl Harbour and Nazis sank even passaangerships with a lot of Americans.

Here they took over the roles by Britts and French as well as they attcked the Italians and Japanese ones.

So where are Your empires in that. USA was a replacement for that. Here You of course has forgotten, that USA gave USSR fornillion of dollars of help for free. They never asked a single airplaine, jeep, truck with fuel, food, clothe, nikkel and even some tanks back.


They even would give Russis Marshall help as they did with western Europe, South Korea and Taiwan.

So where do I see that Empire. I see it as a kind of replacer. But I see Tzars as Empire at WW1 as well as USSR all the way west of Berlin WW2. They even had to seperate Europe by a wall, so Easter Europe still could have inhabitants to plundre.

Thats how my version is. They became the police of most of the world, but they did not choose that.

I also remeber Stalin blaming USSR not to help USSR. Here Russsia already had the biggest armed and modern force in the whole world since 1930. Thats where the Empire was.

We saw Stalin hoimself almost destroy millions of lives and best troops for hardly nothing. If they were kept intact USA might only need to defeat the Japanese. ……………………………

Ricky Miller

The USA before Pearl Harbor was no Empire at all? That’s just idiotic. You do know that Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii, which was ruled by a Polynesian Queen until the 1890’s when the U.S. overthrew her, locked her up and stole her territory? The Spanish American War led the U.S. to smash Spain and establish U.S. colonies in the Philippines and Cuba. You do know about the U.S. waging war on Mexico in the mid nineteenth century and stealing by way of warfare Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona? Did you know that when Gold was discovered in the Navajo country the U.S. Army, led by Kit Carson, rounded up all the Navajo and marched them into a concentration camp called Basque Redondo for several years, leaving dead Indian babies and mothers in their wake? Your understanding of my country’s actual history is sorely lacking, which explains why you seemingly have no understanding as to why this current era of U.S. neo-imperialism is so evil on a global scale.


Yea pretty bad for everyone to white wash their own history and narrative. Our excuse should be we did not do it and we want to make amends and not do the same evil deeds ourselves. Other wise we are no better than the evil that was done.

Jens Holm

Ok, thats not completly wrong.

The colonies already was established, when USA took them from the Spanish Empire.

And yes, yes yes. Things were different at that time. Fx Americans of today were not even born as well as their Grandparents.

And I do know how USA grew and before that it was divided an, so blame britts, dutch, french, spaniens and even danes. Russia also sold Alaska to USA.

I can see it for me. Some Navajos on the moon being farmers with bow, arrow and golden teaths.

I have a very high level of knowledge about USA.

And dont forget to blame fx Turks for winning 1918 to 19 as well as Bolsjevick making many non revolusion fighters in USA.

I see it here almost every day. Turks are mongols and should go home. Yesterday Erdogan is a converted greek. Kurds go back to Iran. Arabs all should live in Yemen.

I think You should focus on today and the future and make some realistic modifications for the past.


Didnt the US christianise the heathen catholics of the philippines? killing almost a million of them in the conversion process??

Jens Holm

Not really. You might study geografy about it.

When USA demanded for indepensy after several uprises, which they had done against the Spaniols too, the facts were something like this.

In 1/3 of the country lived about 1/2 of the population. Those were the demanders of independency and USA agreed and prepared for it. Independence year would be 1948.

In the next third part americans and the catholic from Manilla could come and go as they wished and even have mining. But they should not even try to decide anything. Here there were some “half catholics but Gentiles”

In the last part Philipines and americans was met with all kinds of weapons. Here people mainly was gentiles, but there also was a strong muslim minority of the very vilont way agains Christians( and even today indonesians wont have them).

Thats the picture I was given and has been reading about. You had to integrate half of the population in culture as well as religion to be a nation.

I only know the sekular part well. Americans prepared the Phillipines for all kinds of afministration and educated soldiers, which actually was more like well armed police. USA had 20.000 to 30.000 administratives and soldiers.

They had a military base ´for soldiers as well as good places for the navuý as well as airplanes. It was old airplanes. Only the the hellcats were good ones in a bomber and a torpedo version. I remeber those, because they were inspiration for the german Stuka.

And thats it for me. USA has free religion. You can get anyone You preafre and even make one Yourself. And You pay for Yourself. Religion is a private matter according tó the american constitution.

So if many were killed and forced, as You write, it must be by private churches.

According to wikipedia 72 million of 327 million americans are catholics. Hard to believe any would try to make those in the philipines away from that religon.

Fx President kenedy was a carholic.

So it must be about the rest being no Christians or something like that. Some link would be nice.


didn’t the amerikans christianise the native americans as well? Or what was left of them after their concentration camp visit..


Jens, you are an uneducated wanker, without the eyes to see or the knowledge to know where to look for the answers.I’m going to print out the garbage you wrote and use it as toilet paper.

Jens Holm

Thansk You again. I am honered. No wonder pigs are not, where You are. Only 5 millions in the whole world love pigs.

They have complaints in UN about You, but Erdogan and Assad makes Vetos again.

Jens Holm

And the Neoliberalisme. As a Scandinavian with our systems I never has agreed in that way of doing things. Many parts of the world here partly follow parts of it.

But many parts of the world also see its very big limitations as well as harm. Its not out. Cormers makes sense.

But I do see Sanders as a representative for vital repairs and replacements of the its darkest corners. I do have hope for ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

I also hope the Trump opportunisme being neoliberal and protective might be reduced and replaced.

You hopes for Our collapse is highly overrated(I am Denmark and EU). Youi seemes to ignore we are in a high level and therefor are able to decline a lot before we reach the level of the rest of the world.

I dont see China taking over as well. I see they make the cake to share bigger. I like that having seen devatstaing times of Chaiman Mao and before that the Chinese Empire.

I also wellcome India making the cake bigger.

So I am not worried as much as You try to tell me, we should be. Danes invented big windturbines, which partly solve electricity production making no pollution and almost for free.

So far Denmark in Denmark is almost twice as much pr capita in dollars then Russia. We export advanced things and are not mainly exporters in corn and fuel. Russia do not produce a middle class for making the cake bigger or even better and are hardly dependent of the prices for a few main products.

I cant se Syria as any economy at all. UN and others are feeding millions. They hardly produce anything. Thay cant pay for their weapons and they fight insisting to keep control insteadof trust in the dirty and corrupt Assad part. The alternative are Johadists:) .

And none like the Kurds even they are the only ones having a kind of plan for the future. Hahaha – thats no collapse ? What is collapse???


Russia/cis now way,it will rather be eugeddon and when that happens more fkn well like it,maybe you too will neck yourself in that flashy soros apartment,to hell!

Ricky Miller

I hardly ever do. As a troll he fails to even be though provoking. He’s mostly here just to hijack the discussion and distract.

Luke Hemmming

Too true!

Jens Holm

Hijack might be correct but in a sober way.

Most of Yours are lies and as narrowminded as our smallest railroads in the mines in deep dark.

So Yes: Is it hijjacking talking for peace. Yes it is. So if I prefare You prefaring war kill Yourself and all others prefaring that solution, that hijacking too. The mainproblem is You hijacking and systematicly making any other solution possible.

And is it hijacking telling You aganda history books told by Your masters are systematic false creations made after WW1 as they wish and full of agressive lies only making enemies.

Did You really wish that kind od freedom having many small Osmans in stead of one. Well, You defend it hard.

Looking at Your history books comparing Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and Turkey are not at the same copuntry.

Syria= Sout America, Turkey is Greenland, Iraq is Siberia, Israel is zimbabve a.s.o..

Is it hijaking reading facts in printing for schoolbooks and try to tell all that cant be possible at the same time. Is it.

Shame is no word in Your vocabulary. Lies are as the Choran says You has to all the time. And the winner is the biggest liar. By that You all loose a lot.

So dont blame me for that.

Ricky Miller

Holy Fuck, that was a nightmare Jens. Please don’t tell us more about Danish small railroads in the mines of deep dark.

Harry Smith

To keep your nerves in good condition let me suggest you to imagine that you’re discussing with the Good Soldier Svejk and not with Jens.

Jens Holm

I am nice. We also have smaller ones as toys.

Jens Holm

Im honered having 4 minusses for that. Thank You very much. Its a a sign for, I do something right.

You are much like people not taking their shoes off, even in own homes.

Harry Smith

Don’t you consider a probability that it is the sign that you are autist? Maybe 1-2%, don’t you?

Jens Holm

Not at all. I know I am a normal western which unfortunantly dont have the memory as much autistics has.

I give You my language, spelling, knowledge level, culture and tell about what You dont understand about that.

Right here thats very visible many are no learners. I even has told many times, that if You should defeat an enemy one of the best ways are to know the enemy.

Not even that makes sense for Your friends. Even that makes me to spam, troll, infidel, zionist whatever.

So I write for those which might understand why we are as we are and with no stupid filters. You make stupid filters and worse then going blindfolded a hole life.

I dont understand. It was SO SO HARD not to understand. But my children are a great succes. They are clever exact the same way and in the tration girls of course are kept even more stupid then boys.

To keep them low, I also feed them after the boys and men. And I am proud to say many of the die, when they get their first child.

But many are not like You. They say hardly any can be as stuoid as him. But that world hardly exist in Your mind.

You are in internal closed mens circles. You hardly see anything even You shave Your behinds.

And what do we se and smell from those behinds – You.

Harry Smith

Jens, mon ami, what language you’re giving us? Nobody understands you even those who’s first language is English. I have strong suspicions that your “knowledge level and culture” are similar to your language.

Zionism = EVIL

Most of it in gibberish spam for attention seeking and have no value as comments. Replying to idiots like that only encourages them. Hasbara has the same spam methodology to deflect and ruin discussions.

Jens Holm

I dont support Israel like them. They are a fact.

And correct: I dont support things as they are and therefore try to show You other solutions.

You are like in Islam where ts told, that If Muhammed cant go to the Mountain, the Mountain has to go to him.

As You do none of that will never happen.

So correct. Ido propose several other solutions and tell how they works. I ask for You at least should try to implement our good parts. And You names it as spam even it is gold for free.

klove and light

look nat your fucking Zionist occupied Nation….your women are getting rape gangbanged by them Takfiri Islamist day in and day out in Germany…you Germans are the most pathetic People in the universe…no Backbone….

Jens Holm

Only uncivilized muslisms are like that. Most of them are not like that at all.

Even Sandniggers like You shluld know I also is no german at all. Try opium in stead of speed next time You are not allowed to take a beer.


As a German i must object.. Jens is a Danish citizen. Though your assement holds up for Germany, at least for 30% of our people. Those rich people living in their confined high level suburbs, who want no borders no nation, hate the remaining 70%, and have the power in media and politics. But dont confuse them with us 70%. Merkels days are now soon to end, and her importing of Jihadi loving Muslims too.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a senile mental patient and best be ignored.

Jens Holm

You cant. Free speacjh is not like that. I will comment any lie You come with. I will comment things with alternatives which work. Thats how things are.

I dont read for You even I comment You. I write so people can see there are second, their, forth oppinions for solutions an not only kill and black and white.

And how did it start: My first real job was in a very international hotel and was learned that all nations has good, bad and people in the middle as inhabitants whatever country they were comming from.

I also was learned rich and poor mainly has exact the same worries accoeding to their family with children and like that.

I do respect that start from I was 18 years old very much. Its confirmed here. I see the bad guys well. Most of You start with my nationality, because all danes of course are only allowed to be like me.

And when I tell You how we do here and even prove we mainly are doing well, then You assume as a facts its because I only are promoting my own carrot below.

Thats not my point. My point is, You dont know how we are that powerfull and even say we steal from You. The I say: Steal from You. Thats nothing. And we do pay for the oil.

But who takes the opilmoney. Well Your corrupt regimes supported by You take the mainparts. Not even the Shiits in Iraq get theur share …

Here Denmark is number one in NO CORRUPTION. We do have some, but we are able to keep it low. And You: Thats a lie, You are spam, You are an infidel haram western jewish zionist and probatly related to Putin being a deep state khazar himself.

So I see no reasons to ignore You. I cannot change fanatics like You, but I hope some body else are for needed progress by vital changes in stead of Your way of treating Muhammed and Mount Arafat whatever…

Jens Holm

You make me offended – only two minusses… Someone died ???

Harry Smith

Try to offer him some old yellow shoes for a reasonable price. It will calm him for awhile.


lgbtq talk all drr,no moral ethics,incest is a curse obliging the diseased mentally:


Why don’t you just fuck off and die, you shit encrusted yiddischer troll. Go fiddle with a few kiddies cos’ we all know what you really are shit for brains.

klove and light

stop taking drugs or drink booze

both are controlled by zionists. ps. not good for your brain. and time to look to your own Country Germany idiot…you are still occupied 70+years later!!!

Jens Holm

Zionist dont control my backyard.


Syria hasn’t invaded anyone,unless you clarify eus meddling opening turkish borders,drr


Outrage confirmed by SAA. Turkish Air Force needs to be taken OUT. Where oh where are the S 300s they need to engage these vipers…

AMN News (11:10 A.M.) – “The Turkish Air Force targeted a meeting between Syrian military officers and Hezbollah personnel in the Aleppo countryside on Friday morning. According to a Syrian Army source, the meeting was held between the Syrian Republican Guard and Hezbollah personnel inside the town of Zerbeh, which was captured by the SAA earlier this month. The source said several Syrian officers were killed at the meeting, along with some Hezbollah personnel. No further details were released regarding the strike. On Thursday evening and Friday morning, the Turkish military carried out dozens of attacks against the Syrian Armed Forces, targeting their positions from western Aleppo to eastern Idlib” https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/turkish-airstrike-hits-syrian-military-hezbollah-positions-in-aleppo/?utm_medium=ppc&utm_source=push&utm_campaign=push%notificationss&utm_content=varie

Jens Holm

Most Syrian are used to vomen. It will take time for that change:)


Whereas Jens prefers male children, the danish kiddie fiddler……………

Almaqdisi Brigade

Go to hell SAA syiah Laknatullah

Jens Holm

And I hope God will recycle You soon :)


Go to hell Satan worshiping wahhabi.

Tim Williams

Turkey vs Syria war has finally made the USA network news ….



Surprisingly , Tim, the US news failed to identify the Turkish backed ‘rebels’ as being members of Al Qaida with some wearing ISIS patches. :)

Tim Williams

did not mention a word about Al Qaida or Isis … just that Syria killed Turkey forces, did not mention where they were or what they were doing … extremely biased


Yes Only to be expected though.

Yanks are avoiding Corona beer now. :) They really is a rather stupid majority of beer drinkers in the USA.

Tim Williams

I never cared for Corona …. Heineken and Blue Moon for me


If Turkey has opened the boarder they have now lost the last barganing chip they had with Europe, talk about backing yourself into a corner with this stupid move in Idlib – Europeans cant wait to get rid of the Turks. Erdogan has demonstrated his and Turkeys weakness by these desperate moves.

Shia man

Why is Russia letting turkey operate its drones

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

if the drones are operating in turkish air space there is a lot of legal stuff going on

Tim Williams

Libyan army shoots down 7 Turkey drones in 1 hour today in Tripoli … they were shooting them down as soon as they took off.


Shia man

That’s what I’m saying Russia is letting turkey operate their drones over Syria.

Tim Williams

Russia can’t take out the drone bases … they are in Turkey … drones are coming from the far east part of Syria … then flying at tree top level until 15 or 20 miles from Saraqib … extremely hard to pick up until they get above 1500 feet


Then only the jamming seems to be effective.


shooting them down is much better option and can be done from much longer range than EW jamming

Shia man

Sounds like Russia system is shitty where is the Iranian Bavar-373 need to dispatch some to syria




Shia man

Go Kick rocks I still didn’t see the S-400 or S-300 drop anything special even the houthis are dropping advanced America drones

Tim Williams

possible … all I know is Syria has brought in short range air defenses and they have engaged 2 targets in the last 90 minutes .. what engaged them … I do not know


IF the Yanks were being attacked by drones from a neighbouring country, they would bomb the airbases. It would be legal as well.

Shia man

Sounds about right looks like Russia has already been bought by turkey S-400 system turkstream And the S-500 which turkey promised Russia it will help build and whatever promises under the table Putin and the gangster mafia Erdogan family agreed too.

Tim Williams

yanks bomb everyone … it’s what were good at … unfortunately


Reports are Syria is not permitted to engage Turkish drones – id suggest they rapidly change this policy if they are to survive!



Now, is there in here anyone who can make sense out of this or interpret this situation ?! What just happened?! Consequences on the SAA offensive capabilities? Any prediction about the following few days to come?

Tim Williams

SAA needs to kill all the drones … how much damage has been done .. unknown .. regardless it is a setback


I’m feeling like the damage is huge! I could have not imagined Russia would have ever permitted so much free hand to Turkey to lunch such a large scale artillery and drone attack at least on important and strategic Syrian military installations.

I just can’t understand what’s Russia is planning next, let’s say for the next two to three days… immediate Russian political or at least strong military indirect intervention is urgently needed

Arch Bungle

Drones are cheap so the SAA should beef up it’s own fleet and start counter-droning the Turks. Begun, the drone wars have …

Angry Guy

I have been observing this war for years now and I cannot remain silent any more. The anger inside me is boiling when I see what is happening in these last days in Syria. What I see is a final and crystal clear picture of what kind of a man Putin really is. As I am writing this Turkey is attacking Syrian soldiers en masse without any reaction from the Russian side, because Putin wont allow it! They are using combat drones in closed?!! syrian airspace freely – no air defense is firing, no russian fighters are intercepting, the poor soldiers are getting slaughtered, long range missiles are coming from Turkey and S300/400 is silent!!!! Where is the ballistic defense, where is air cover what the fuck is happening?

This open turkish aggression is happening for more than 2 weeks now and no fucking response from the weak and pathetic Putin Zio pig! I am sorry, even if he helped save Syria from destruction before this permissive behavior toward Turkey terrorist regime now and no military response speaks volumes of his cowardliness and disgusting backstabbing to the ally in dire need!!!


Imagine the morale of Syrian troops where they are openly attacked by Turkeybut there is no response from Russia, not even a close air support (bombing from 8kms with dumb bombs is not CAS but just plain dumb and inefficient and with no regards to civilian life)

Where are the ka-50/52 helicopters with antitank missiles and cannons which would have a field day with attacking terrorists? Where are the Su-25 CAS missions? (dont give me a MANPADS excuse) What has happened with ATGM missile jammers which we have been seeing on some Syrian tanks years back and were advertised to defeat incoming missiles? No tanks are equipped with it anymore?

How many more syrians have to die because of Putin soft policy toward Turkey? When will Russia start bringing fighters, SAMs and other equipment to confront the turkish terrorist aggressor?! Because now they are hopelessly outnumbered. I am getting sick of this shit. Such cowardice, such low regard to human life for an ally is something that is deeply disturbing, he is willingly letting them die! If that is the case Russia should get the fuck out and let Erdogan have Idlib and his terrorist budies since Syria cannot defend themself. Be honest and tell them you wont defend them, not letting them into a meat grinder!

Putin is morally bankrupt and is destroying reputation of the russian army. I once had Putin in high regard but now I see what he really is – a weak, pathetic, disgusting thug who just so happens to be good friend with Netanyahu and saudi King and wants to be a friend of Erdogan too, the guy who wassupporting ISIS before.



I am sickened by this traitorous bastard which supposed to be an ally of Syria but he is cosying up to the war criminal Erdogan. Russian army under Putin is like a Lion from The Chronicles of Narnia. Bound and neutralized. I hope they remove him and put in place some true Russian nationalist.


There was a reaction they bombed and killed 40 Turks, many more injured – prevented medivac flights and made them drive them out.

Shia man

Who did dude it wasn’t Russian jet that carried out the attack yesterday it was Syrian jet

Angry Guy


Al Balog

What’s happening?


Angry Guy




Angry Guy

Ofcourse I am a troll. But it is not true to what I say? Did russians attack ANY of the turkish attackers??

Shia man

I didn’t see them attack turkey one time

good american

What is the deal between Russia and Syria?


This is a good explanation why the morale is low. Russia allowed the Turks to use air power to kill its allies. This is what it looks like.

Angry Guy

I am not even a Syrian and I can feel sickness right now. I feel sorry for them being betrayed like that but I sorta suspected what is gonna happen. Notice the silence from the russians?

Islamic Power

7:32 The group of soldiers on the left, his grenade explodes on his chest


I have to say that image quality is amazing. Difficult to miss a shot. Hopefully the SAA adjusts.

Tim Williams

almost too good


Hmm…It makes one wonder.


More bad news:

Reports that Quweires airport (East of Aleppo) is out of service after being targeted by Turkish missiles


Al Balog

God, how many times do I have to repeat it to people? My comments made about it are everywhere here on SouthFront. LiveUaMap is a Western propaganda site. They’ve BADLY mishandled reports of the Donbass war, and keep saying that Syria is “bombing civilians”. They make the Ukrop Nazis look like the “good guys”, when in fact they are committing genocide against the Donbass people. Just like how the Western media portrays Kosovo in 1998-1999.

Tim Williams



I understand people here are a bit over defensive in trying to counter Turkish propaganda, but several trusted, Syiran and Hezbollah sources have confirmed the deaths of Syrian officers, as well as of Hezbollah fighters:




There also seem to be orders not to retaliate against Turkish drone strikes:




All this while the terrorists are back to posting propaganda vids of them abusing recent SAA captives:


So while I agree that we shouldnt get carried away by Turkish drone strike compilation propaganda vids, it seems to me clear beyond reasonable doubt that while Turkey is escalalting the conflict substantially, a shift in ROE has occurred to the massive detriment of SAA+allies, for which I have not found a reasonable explanation.


Its war, people die in war.


So you find nothing strange about a Turkish drone being able to strike SAA positions unhindered while it is visible on civilian trackers like flightradar24?


Yes! that’s what we all are missing. A reasonable explanation! I just can’t figure one out to explain in reasonable terms this aggressive unresponded Turkish military aggression

Shia man

I knew it this is bs they are literally letting them attack SAD

klove and light

Putin you treacherous Zionist cock sucking pig,.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you’re thinking of Trump

Al Balog

That’s exactly what came to my mind. People who criticise Putin of being a “Zionist puppet” never criticize Trump of that. I think they might be part of the Alt-Right culture or something. I myself prefer a real statesman like Putin, Assad, or Orban over Trump any day of the week, and I get called a “Democrat” or “SJW” for saying that. I’m far from it.



Then there will be cold water poured on the heads of people, when SAA resumes its advance. Almost like none of these “catastrophic” Turkish strikes happened.

Al Balog

Just like any good fighter. You need to take small breaks in order to rest-up for the big win.


Hey SF, why post Turkish BS with all these fake videos of supposed Turkish drones striking Syrian positions when Russia has a no fly zone over Idlib, that’s very capable of enforcing it? A lot of people seem to have itchy ears for Erdo’s lying propaganda.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

the drones could have been in Turkish airspace

Al Balog

I’ve noticed that too. Too many people take SouthFront’s word as if it were Gospel. This indirectly leads people into believing Türkışh Pröpağanda.

Ricky Miller

I hate it, but the probable reason that SF is covering it is because it’s true. Our ire should be directed at the Russian government. Pantsirs are being destroyed in Syria because they were not in place properly before the Turkish push back began, and not in place in density enough to provide acceptable coverage margins from multiple attack angles. These systems are not area defense weapons, they are designed to protect a specific location and/or equipment. Because of Syria’s situation and attrition the Pantsir systems have been drafted into area wide air defense. It’s not going to work. They’ll claim some drones and shoot down some missiles but without a better integrated air defense and more TEL’s and especially multiple spread out radar vehicles they’ll continue to be destroyed. Air supremacy was Russia’s job in this fight and although mainline Turkish aviation is kept out the failure to prepare for widespread drone assaults has been costly for the SAA. What was needed, clearly, was better radar coverage and TorM2’s. Failing that, a proper aircraft umbrella. BTW, It’s not just SF. It’s multiple sources reporting just devastating SAA losses. Most of these losses are from drone and guided artillery strikes. There are multiple images from Saraqib and the surrounding towns of jihadi street gangs celebrating inside the city(s) near recognizable buildings, and even a sequence of them laughing while stomping on the Russian flag.


My question was how do drones fly in a no fly zone? Have Russian integrated air defenses not seen them? The Pantsir has its own radar to track targets, a slow moving drone should give it plenty of time to lock the target. Integrated air defenses uses Pantsir in conjunction with other weapons.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

amazing how people are blaming Russia because russia really does not need a war with NATO. SAA will be victorious, there was always going to be a lot of losses in liberating idlib. the terrorist cunts have held it for yrs, all terrorists got shipped there.

People are asking why Russia doesnt shoot down turkish drones?

because with NATO, you attack one you attack them all

Angry Guy

You are stupid.

Shia man

That’s not true nato gave Erdogan the finger they said they won’t join him Putin is letting him have his strikes to save face the SAA is not allowed to strike the drones

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

SAA took down a drone the other day. they need more SAM’s in the area.


nah…not exactly like that. NATO gets involved only when a member is attacked on its own ground. Turkish aggression and occupation of another country, NATO only talks. It does not act. It will Not act.

Al Balog

Agreed. But still, a direct war between Russia and Turkey would be very bad, and the Western powers would use it as a phony excuse against Russia. This could make things even more complicated to an already-complicated situation. Just like with Crimea.


The west can NOT face Russia and they know it. And they don’t want to face Russia. The west wants to do business with Russia. Especially the E.U.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

NATO still wants regime change in Syria. They will back Turkey.

Tim Williams

verbally is all

Shia man

Yup they are only cheerleading for turkey

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

USA has 50k terrorist fighters under the SDF brand within syrian territory still. NATO will happily give the green light to them to attack syria. countries will not go to war, their proxies will.


Backing with words yes. Not with firing a single bullet.

Josiah Isaboke

So Syrians should just surrender because…Turkey can match all the way to Damascus tomorrow and there is nothing SAA and Russia can do because “IF MOSCOW LAYS ONE FINGER ON ANKARA…NATO GONNA WRECK THIS MOFO” 9 Years of SAA wasted for nothing. They should have just let ISIS roll over all the gains because Russia is a pussy(Excuse my French)

klove and light


this is how Putins buddies treat SAA soldiers……. Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig…and all foklks here, that cherish Putin and his Actions are sons of dirty stinking whores. FUCK YOU PUTIN LOVERS u BUNCH of Zionist COCK SUCKERS:

iam pissed at you Putin cock suckers HERE.. I wish you would be tortured by them FRIENDS OF PUTIN.

IT WAS PUTIN that gave the green light for Turkey to invade and occupy AFRIN. iT WAS Putin who gaver the green light for Turkey to invade and occupy Idlib. It was PUTIN that mad the Agreement with Turkey to invade and occupy North east syria latest.


fuck you brainwashed Zionist motherfuckerrs sons of whores.

Al Balog

Does this trigger you? ?


Shia man

I think the resistance axis needs to stop saving and stockpiling the millions of ballistic missiles its saving for Israel and America and use it on turkey

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