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Turkish Drones Pounding SDF Positions In Northern Syria For Third Day In Row

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Turkish Drones Pounding SDF Positions In Northern Syria For Third Day In Row

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On November 1, local sources reported that a Turkish drone had targeted an SDF military checkpoint in Syria’s Raqqa Governorate. If confirmed, this is the third Turkish drone attack over the past 3 days.

The strike reportedly hit the vicinity of the village of Bir Arab, west of the town of Tal Abyad, killing 4 SDF fighters and 2 soldiers the Syrian Arab Army.

Turkish Drones Pounding SDF Positions In Northern Syria For Third Day In Row

The SAA positions and a Russian observation post in Biar Arab

On October 30 afternoon, a Turkish combat drone, reportedly a Bayraktar TB2, carried out an airstrike on a checkpoint of the SDF near the town of Ain Issa in the northern countryside of Raqqa, according to Syrian opposition sources. No losses were reported.

On October 31, Syrian opposition sources reported an attack by a Turkish drone on a checkpoint near Tel Tamra in Syria’s al-Hasakah.

The drone attack are carried out amid the ongoing artillery shelling of the SDF positions in the outskirts of Ain Issa by the Turkish military and its proxies.

Meanwhile, Turkey deploys military reinforcements in northern Syria.

On November 1,Turkish military convoys passed through the al-Yabisa checkpoint to the Tell Abyad area in the north of Raqqa province. Earlier this week, the Turkish military deployed large reinforcements, including battle tanks and armored personnel carriers, in the northern Raqqa countryside as well as in the northern countryside of al-Hasakah.

According to several reports, Turkey is preparing to launch a new military operation against the SDF in northern and northeastern Syria. However, any Turkish-led operation against the SDF will likely be met with resistance from the SAA and its allies.

Turkish Drones Pounding SDF Positions In Northern Syria For Third Day In Row

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On November 1, the Turkish Ministry of Defense claimed the Turkish armed forces had neutralized more than 2 360 militants of various terrorist organizations in the region since the beginning of 2021.

“In October, 27 operations were carried out in Turkey and abroad, during which 279 terrorists were neutralized. The total number of neutralized militants since the beginning of the year has reached 2 360,” the representative of the press service of the Turkish Defense Ministry, Major Pinar Kara, reported.

Major Pinar Kara added that 169 terrorists had been neutralized in the zones of anti-terrorist operations in Syria in October.

The representative of the press service of the Turkish Defense Ministry also commented on the deployment of a Russian military aircraft in the Qamishli airport in Syria, claiming that the footage of the landing and takeoff of a Russian military aircraft had been circulating in social media. This was not a dislocation but a one-day event, according to Major Pinar Kara.

On October 31, Russian warplanes were spotted over different parts of Syria’s northeastern region where tensions between Turkish and Kurdish forces have been growing. This is an important signal to Ankara, as Russia is ready to deter Turkey in order to preserve security and stability in the region.


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Peter Wallace

That’s nice . No one can comment except for the garbage

Peter Wallace

Ah , so. comments are back.


Yes what the hell was going on?

Peter Wallace

I have no idea. Hacked ?? , RT had something similar a few weeks back where all comments were removed in a a minute or less. ?? Hours later everything was reinstated. ?? Now every comment I make is marked as spam instantly and deleted with the note that they have received my request for reconsideration which of course I haven’t even had the time or chance to do so. Effectively banned because ????

Michel LeBlanc

No turk bots gloating, how surprising.

Someone take out the trash finally?

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